NAME Plack::Middleware::Debug::Profiler::NYTProf - Runs NYTProf on your app SYNOPSIS use Plack::Builder; my $app = ...; ## Build your Plack App builder { enable 'Debug', panels =>['Profiler::NYTProf']; $app; }; DESCRIPTION Adds a debug panel that runs and displays Devel::NYTProf on your perl source code. OPTIONS This debug panel defines the following options. root Where to store nytprof.out and nytprofhtml output (default: '/tmp'). exclude List of excluded paths (default: [qw(.*\.css .*\.png .*\.ico .*\.js)]). SEE ALSO Plack::Middleware::Debug Devel::NYTProf AUTHOR Sebastian de Castelberg, "<>" COPYRIGHT & LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.