#!/usr/local/bin/perl # $Id: linkcheck,v 1.12 2007/06/21 15:29:57 swmcd Exp $ use 5; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTML::Parser; use Pod::Usage; use Term::ReadKey; use URI; $main::VERSION = 1.06; package HTML::Parser::Links; use base qw(HTML::Parser); sub new { my($class, $base) = @_; my $parser = new HTML::Parser; $parser->{base } = $base; $parser->{links} = []; $parser->{fragment} = {}; bless $parser, $class } sub start { my($parser, $tag, $attr, $attrseq, $origtext) = @_; $tag eq 'base' and defined $attr->{href} and $parser->{base} = $attr->{href}; $tag eq 'form' and $attr->{action} and do { my $base = $parser->{base}; my $action = $attr->{action}; my $uri = new_abs URI $action, $base; push @{$parser->{links}}, $uri; }; $tag eq 'a' and $attr->{href} and do { my $base = $parser->{base}; my $href = $attr->{href}; my $uri = new_abs URI $href, $base; push @{$parser->{links}}, $uri; }; $tag eq 'a' and $attr->{name} and do { my $name = $attr->{name}; my $uri = new URI $name; $parser->{fragment}{$uri} = 1; }; ($tag eq 'img' or $tag eq 'frame' or $tag eq 'link' or $tag eq 'script' ) and $attr->{src} and do { my $base = $parser->{base}; my $src = $attr->{src}; my $uri = new_abs URI $src, $base; push @{$parser->{links}}, $uri; }; } sub links { my $parser = shift; $parser->{links} } sub check_fragment { my($parser, $fragment) = @_; $parser->{fragment}{$fragment} } package HTTP::A11N; # We hoist these into a base class, # because we need them in both Page and Link sub get_authorized { my($self, $ua, $request, $response) = @_; my $challenge = $response->www_authenticate; my($scheme, $realm) = $self->parse_challenge($challenge); $scheme eq 'basic' or return $response; my $a11n = $self->{a11n}; my $credentials = $a11n->credentials($request->uri, $realm); $credentials or return $response; $request->authorization_basic(@$credentials); $ua->request($request) } sub parse_challenge { my($self, $challenge) = @_; my($scheme, $realm) = $challenge =~ m[ (\w +) # scheme \s+ realm="([^"]+)" # realm " ]ix; $scheme = lc $scheme; ($scheme, $realm) } package Page; use base qw(HTTP::A11N); sub new { my($package, $uri, $a11n, $options) = @_; my $uri_fold = "$uri"; $uri_fold =~ s/\?.*// if $options->{'cgi-folding'}; $Page::Cache{$uri_fold} and return $Page::Cache{$uri_fold}; my $page = { uri => $uri, base => $uri, a11n => $a11n, options => $options }; bless $page, $package; $Page::Cache{$uri_fold} = $page if $options->{'page-cache'}; $page } sub uri { shift->{uri} } sub base { shift->{response}->request->uri } sub content_type { shift->{response}->content_type } sub get { my $page = shift; defined $page->{response} and return $page->{response}; my $uri = $page->{uri}; my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; my $proxy = $page->{options}{proxy}; $ua->proxy(['http'], $proxy) if $proxy; $ua->timeout($page->{options}{timeout}); my $request = new HTTP::Request GET => $uri; my $response = $ua->request($request); $response->code == 401 and $response = $page->get_authorized($ua, $request, $response); $page->{response} = $response } sub parse { my $page = shift; $page->{parser} and return $page->{parser}; my $response = $page->get; $response->is_success or return undef; my $parser = new HTML::Parser::Links $page->base; $parser->parse($response->content); $parser->eof; $page->{parser} = $parser } sub links { my $page = shift; my $parser = $page->parse; defined $parser or return undef; $parser->links } package Link; use base qw(HTTP::A11N); sub new { my($package, $uri, $a11n, $options) = @_; my $uri_fold = "$uri"; $uri_fold =~ s/\?.*// if $options->{'cgi-folding'}; $Link::Cache{$uri_fold} and return $Link::Cache{$uri_fold}; my $base = $uri ->clone; my $fragment = $base->fragment(undef); my $link = { uri => $uri, a11n => $a11n, options => $options, base => $base, fragment => $fragment }; bless $link, $package; $Link::Cache{$uri_fold} = $link if $options->{'link-cache'}; $link } sub check { my $link = shift; defined $link->{ok} and return $link->{ok}; my $fragment = $link->{fragment}; my $no_nulls = not $link->{options}{'null-frags'}; my $check = (length $fragment or defined $fragment and $no_nulls) ? 'check_fragment' : 'check_base'; my $ok = $link->$check(); $link->{ok} = $ok; $ok } sub check_fragment { my $link = shift; my $base = $link->{base}; my $fragment = $link->{fragment}; my $page = new Page $base, $link->{a11n}, $link->{options}; my $parser = $page->parse; defined $parser or return ''; $link->{content_type} = $page->content_type; $parser->check_fragment($fragment) } sub check_base { my $link = shift; my $base = $link->{base}; my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; my $proxy = $link->{options}{proxy}; $ua->proxy(['http'], $proxy) if $proxy; $ua->timeout($link->{options}{timeout}); my $request = new HTTP::Request HEAD => $base; my $response = $ua->request($request); $response->code == 401 and $response = $link->get_authorized($ua, $request, $response); # Some servers don't like HEAD requests $response->is_success or do { $request = new HTTP::Request GET => $base; $response = $ua->request($request); $response->code == 401 and $response = $link->get_authorized($ua, $request, $response); }; $link->{content_type} = $response->content_type; $response->is_success; } sub content_type { return shift->{content_type} } sub below_or_equal { my($link, $page) = @_; my $checked = $link->{uri}->path; my $orig = $page->{uri}->path; $checked =~ s|/[^/]*$||; # remove last component $orig =~ s|/[^/]*$||; substr($checked, 0, length $orig) eq $orig } package A11N; # A-uthorizatio-N sub new { my($package, $spaces) = @_; my $a11n = { spaces => $spaces }; bless $a11n, $package; for my $space (keys %$spaces) { $space eq '-' and do { $a11n->{deferred} = 1; next; }; my $creds = $spaces->{$space}; $space eq '*' and do { $a11n->{global} = $a11n->get_creds($space, $creds); next; }; my($scheme, $authority, $realm) = $a11n->parse_space($space); $authority or next; $a11n->{credentials}{$scheme}{$authority}{$realm} = $a11n->get_creds($space, $creds); } $a11n } sub get_creds { my($a11n, $space, $creds) = @_; my($uid, $pass) = $creds =~ m[^ ([^:]+) # UID : (.+) # password $ ]x; $pass ? [$uid, $pass] : $a11n->prompt($space) } sub parse_space { my($a11n, $space) = @_; my($scheme, $authority, $realm) = $space =~ m[^ (?: (\w +):// )? # scheme ([^:]+) # authority (?: :(. *) )? # realm $ ]x; $authority or return (); $scheme or $scheme = 'http'; ($scheme, $authority, $realm) } sub credentials { my($a11n, $url, $realm) = @_; my($scheme, $authority) = $url =~ m[^ (\w +):// #scheme ([^/]+) #authority ]x; $a11n->{credentials}{$scheme}{$authority}{$realm} || $a11n->{credentials}{$scheme}{$authority}{'' } || $a11n->{global} || $a11n->deferred($scheme, $authority, $realm) } sub deferred { my($a11n, $scheme, $authority, $realm) = @_; $a11n->{deferred} or return undef; my $credentials = $a11n->prompt("$scheme://$authority:$realm"); $a11n->{credentials}{$scheme}{$authority}{$realm} = $credentials; $credentials } sub prompt { my($a11n, $space) = @_; print "Enter credentials for $space\n"; print "user ID: "; my $userID = <STDIN>; chomp $userID; Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('noecho'); print "password: "; my $password = Term::ReadKey::ReadLine(0); print "\n"; Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('normal'); [ $userID, $password ] } package Spinner; use vars qw($N @Spin); @Spin = ('|', '/', '-', '\\'); sub Spin { print STDERR $Spin[$N++], "\r"; $N==4 and $N=0; } package main; my %CGI = map { $_ => 1 } qw(pl plx asp); my %Checked; my($Scheme, $Authority, $Path); my($Pages, $Links, $Broken) = (0, 0, 0); my %Options = ( cgi => 1, 'link-cache' => 1, 'page-cache' => 1, parent => 1, scheme => 1, timeout => 10); my $ok = GetOptions(\%Options, qw(Help Man authorization=s% cgi! cgi-folding! link-cache! null-frags offsite page-cache! parent! proxy=s recurse scheme! timeout=i twiddle=i verbosity=i)); my @URLs = $ARGV[0] eq '-' ? <STDIN> : @ARGV; Help($ok); my $A11N = new A11N $Options{authorization}; CheckPages(@URLs); Summary(); sub Help { my $ok = shift; $ok or pod2usage(); $Options{Help} and pod2usage(VERBOSE=>1); $Options{Man} and pod2usage(VERBOSE=>2); @URLs or pod2usage(); } sub CheckPages { my @pages = @_; for my $page (@pages) { my $uri = new URI $page; $Scheme = $uri->scheme; $Authority = $uri->authority; $Path = $uri->path; $Path =~ s(\w+\.html$)()i; CheckPage(undef, $uri); } } sub CheckPage { my($parent, $uri) = @_; my $uri_fold = "$uri"; $uri_fold =~ s/\?.*// if $Options{'cgi-folding'}; $Checked{$uri_fold} and return; $Checked{$uri_fold} = 1; $Pages++; Twiddle(); print "PAGE $uri\n" if $Options{verbosity} > 1; my $page = new Page $uri, $A11N, \%Options; my $links = $page->links; if (defined $links) { CheckLinks($page, $links); } else { Report(undef, $uri); } } sub CheckLinks { my($page, $uris) = @_; my @uris; for my $uri (@$uris) { $uri->scheme eq 'http' or next; $Options{cgi} or not IsCGI($uri) or next; my $on_site = $uri->authority eq $Authority; $on_site or $Options{offsite} or next; $Links++; Twiddle(); print "LINK $uri\n" if $Options{verbosity} > 2; my $link = new Link $uri, $A11N, \%Options; $link->check or do { Report($page, $uri); next; }; $on_site or next; $Options{parent} or $link->below_or_equal($page) or next; $link->{content_type} eq 'text/html' or next; $uri->fragment(undef); push @uris, $uri; } $Options{recurse} or return; for my $uri (@uris) { CheckPage($page, $uri); } } sub IsCGI { my $uri = shift; my $path = $uri->path; my $ext = (split m(\.), $path)[-1]; $CGI{lc $ext} } sub Report { my($page, $link) = @_; my $uri = $page ? $page->uri->as_string : ""; $link = $link->as_string; $Options{scheme} or do { $uri =~ s($Scheme://$Authority)(); $link =~ s($Scheme://$Authority)(); }; $Broken++; print "BROKEN $uri -> $link\n" if $Options{verbosity} > 0; } sub Twiddle { $Options{twiddle}==1 and Spinner::Spin(); $Options{twiddle}==2 and Progress(); } sub Progress { print STDERR "$Pages pages, $Links links, $Broken broken\r"; } sub Summary { print STDERR "Checked $Pages pages, $Links links \n"; print STDERR "Found $Broken broken links\n"; } __END__ =head1 NAME B<linkcheck> - check the links on an HTML page =head1 SYNOPSIS B<linkcheck> [B<--Help>] [B<--Man>] [B<--authorization> B<-> | B<*>[B<=>I<UID>B<:>I<password>] | [I<scheme>B<://>]I<authority>[B<:>I<realm>][B<=>I<UID>B<:>I<password>] ]... [B<-->[B<no>]B<cgi>] [B<-->[B<no>]B<cgi-folding>] [B<-->[B<no>]B<link-cache>] [B<--null-frags>] [B<--offsite>] [B<-->[B<no>]B<page-cache>] [B<-->[B<no>]B<parent>] [B<--proxy> I<url>] [B<--recurse>] [B<-->[B<no>]B<scheme>] [B<--timeout> I<seconds>] [B<--twiddle> I<level>] [B<--verbosity> I<level>] I<URL> ... | B<-> =head1 DESCRIPTION B<linkcheck> reads the web pages at I<URL> ..., and checks the existence of any links that it finds there. If a single dash (-) is given for I<URL>, B<linkcheck> reads a list of URLs from standard input. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<--Help> Print command line options and exit. =item B<--Man> Print man page and exit. =item B<--authorization> B<-> | B<*>[B<=>I<UID>B<:>I<password>] | [I<scheme>B<://>]I<authority>[B<:>I<realm>][B<=>I<UID>B<:>I<password>] ... Specify credentials for sites that require authorization. Without B<--authorization>, links to pages that require authorization are reported as broken. If B<--authorization -> is specified, then B<linkcheck> prompts for user ID and password after receiving a 401 (Unauthorized) response from a web server. If B<--authorization *>[B<=>I<UID>B<:>I<password>] is specified, then B<linkcheck> uses I<UID> and I<password> as credentials on all realms on all authorities. If B<--authorization> [I<scheme>B<://>]I<authority>[B<:>I<realm>][B<=>I<UID>B<:>I<password>] is specified, then B<linkcheck> uses I<UID> and I<password> as credentials on I<scheme>B<://>I<authority>B<:>I<realm> If I<scheme> is omitted, C<http> is assumed. If I<realm> is omitted, then I<UID> and I<password> will be used for all realms on that authority. If I<UID>B<:>I<password> is omitted, then B<linkcheck> prompts for them immediately. Multiple B<--authorization> options may be specified; B<linkcheck> accepts a separate user ID and password for each. =item B<-->[B<no>]B<cgi> Check links to C<.pl>, C<.plx>, and C<.asp> pages. Enabled by default. If B<--nocgi> is specified, links to such pages are ignored. =item B<-->[B<no>]B<cgi-folding> URLs that differ only in CGI parameters are regarded as identical when checking the page and link caches. Has no effect caches that are disabled with B<--nopage-cache> or B<--nolink-cache>. Disabled by default. =item B<-->[B<no>]B<link-cache> Maintain a cache of checked links. Enabled by default. if B<--nolink-cache> is specified, then no cache is maintained, and links are checked each time they appear on any page. This trades speed for space. =item B<--null-frags> Allow empty fragments in URLs, e.g. C<http://foo.com/bar/baz#> =item B<--offsite> Check off-site links. =item B<-->[B<no>]B<page-cache> Maintain a cache of web pages. Enabled by default. if B<--nopage-cache> is specified, then no cache is maintained, and pages may be read repeatedly. This trades speed for space. =item B<-->[B<no>]B<parent> Follow links upward in the directory tree. Enabled by default. if B<--noparent> is specified, recursion is restricted to a directory tree within a web site. =item B<--proxy> I<url> Send all HTTP requests to the proxy server at I<url>. =item B<--recurse> Recursively check pages that I<URL> links to. Doesn't recurse to off-site pages. =item B<-->[B<no>]B<scheme> Include the scheme://authority part when reporting broken links. Enabled by default. =item B<--timeout> I<seconds> Timeout for requesting pages from web servers. Default is 10 seconds. =item B<--twiddle> I<level> Indicate activity with a twiddle =over 4 =item Z<>0 None (default) =item Z<>1 Spinner =item Z<>2 Running count of pages/links checked and broken links found =back =item B<--verbosity> I<level> Verbosity level: 0, 1, 2, 3 =over 4 =item Z<>0 Print final count of pages/links checked and broken links (default) =item Z<>1 Also list broken links =item Z<>2 Also list checked pages =item Z<>3 Also list checked links =back =back =head1 NOTES =over 4 =item * Arguments to the B<--authorization> option may need quotes to protect them from the shell --authorization \* --authorization 'http://www.mozilla.com:System Administrator' =back =head1 BUGS =over 4 =item * There is no way to ignore pages that require authorization. =item * Specifying I<UID>B<:>I<password> on the command line (or worse, in script files) is poor security. =back =head1 CHANGES =head2 1.06 =over 4 =item * Added B<-->[B<no>]B<cgi-folding> option =back =head2 1.05 =over 4 =item * Check form actions (<form action="">) =item * Check link and script HTML tags =item * Changed B<--authorization> to accept I<UID>B<:>I<password> on the command line. =item * Added B<-->[B<no>]B<cgi> option =item * Added B<-->[B<no>]B<link-cache> and B<-->[B<no>]B<page-cache> options =item * Added B<--proxy> I<url> option =item * Added B<--timeout> option =item * Added B<-> to read URLs on standard input. =item * Report broken URLs in I<URL> ... instead of C<die>ing. =item * Escape name (<a name="">) anchors according to RFC 2396. =back =head2 1.04 =over 4 =item * Added B<--authorization> option =back =head2 1.03 =over 4 =item * Handle BASE elements with no href attribute, e.g. <base target="PerlDoc"> =back =head2 1.02 =over 4 =item * Added B<-->[B<no>]B<parent> option =back =head2 1.01 =over 4 =item * Fixed the B<--null-frags> option =back =head2 1.00 =over 4 =item * Changed from C<Getopt::Std> to C<Getopt::Long> =item * Added B<--null-frags> option =item * Checks embedded images =item * Checks frames =back =head1 SEE ALSO Checking your links with C<linkcheck> at http://world.std.com/~swmcd/steven/perl/pm/lc/linkcheck.html =head1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS =over 4 =item * Vlado Bahyl, <vlado@uni-c.dk> =item * Roberto Garcia Collado, <galletas@cibercafe.com> =item * Marcus Freeman, <MarcusF@ActiveState.com> =item * Paul Hoffman, <phoffman@proper.com> =item * Edward J. Huff, <ejhuff@bellatlantic.net> =item * <JADelinck@uss.com> =item * Ludovic Maitre, <Ludovic.Maitre@sophia.inria.fr> =item * Leon Mayne, <l.mayne@uea.ac.uk> =item * Venkataramana Mokkapati, <mvr707@hotmail.com> =item * Mark Nielsen, <python@kepnet.com> =item * Philippe Queinnec, <Philippe.Queinnec@enseeiht.fr> =item * John Raff, <jraff@home.com> =item * Juergen Vollmer, <Juergen.Vollmer@informatik-vollmer.de> =item * Geoffrey Young, <gyoung@laserlink.net> =back =head1 AUTHOR Steven McDougall, <swmcd@world.std.com> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2000-2007 by Steven McDougall. This program is free (libre) software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl. =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES Web =head1 PREREQUISITES Getopt::Long LWP::UserAgent HTML::Parser Pod::Usage Term::ReadKey URI =head1 README Find broken links in a web site.