Tk/JComboBox version 1.13

CHANGES OVERVIEW: (details below)

  Maintenance release to correct memory leak, and minor documentation

JComboBox is a Combo Box implementation that combines several features of the various Combo Box implementations available for Perl/Tk and attempts to provide a solution that should cover the majority of your Combo Box needs. The implementation tends to skew somewhat towards the Java and Win32 implementation of a Combo Box more than the Motif one.

 Thanks to everyone who has contributed suggestions, code, and any other feedback. I'm not always able to incorporate that feedback, but I've always found it to be helpful. I hope this widget continues to be useful.

CHANGES for 1.13 RELEASE: (Full Change history in Changes file)

1.13 Maintenance/Bug Fixes:

  There are no new features in this release. It contains some
minor changes to documentation, and test code. In addition it
contains one a fix for memory leaks due to the 8.4 version of

   - Issue: JComboBox has exhibted memory leaks due to its use
     of Tk::Listbox since the 804 (Tk8.4) release.

     -- Any megawidget or application that uses Listbox 
        potentially has this issue, unless a workaround is 
        used. The workaround regards the new -listvariable
        option and is less than intuitive, since as the docs
        for Listbox state, -listvariable is not completely
        implemented. Suffice to say, there are gotchas. The
        real solution is to patch the C code so that it no
        longer leaks. The fix I have in place will do for now.
        Thanks to Zentara for his posts on and 
        Perlmonks that got me headed in the right direction.
   - Issue: The new test for Pod has a minor typo, that will
     result in a test failure instead of a skipped tests for
     those system that do not have Test::Pod installed. This
     problem was reported by bdz on 5 Oct 06.

     -- Resolution: Fixed typo.

   - Issue: JComboBox docs need updating for binding/event
     handling. Also pointed out by bdz on

     -- Resolution: Revised docs and example.

   - Misc: Removed a few tabs from code, along with Line feeds,
     that have found their way in again.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires these other modules and libraries:


Optional dependencies (for testing):



Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Rob Seegel (RobSeegel[at]

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.