[](https://travis-ci.org/gugod/JSON-Feed) [](https://codecov.io/github/gugod/JSON-Feed?branch=master) [](https://metacpan.org/release/JSON-Feed) # NAME JSON::Feed - Syndication with JSON. # SYNOPSIS Parsing: JSON::Feed->from_string( $json_text ); Generating: # Initialize, with some content. my $feed = JSON::Feed->new( title => "An example of JSON feed", feed_url => "https://example.com/feed.json", items => [ +{ id => 42, url => 'https://example.com/item/42', summary => 'An item with some summary', date_published: "2019-03-06T09:24:03+09:00" }, +{ id => 623, url => 'https://example.com/item/623', summary => 'An item with some summary', date_published: "2019-03-07T06:22:51+09:00" }, ] ); # Mutate $feed->set( description => 'Some description here.' ); $feed->add_item( id => 789, title => "Another URL-less item here", summary => "Another item here. Lorem ipsum yatta yatta yatta.", ); # Output print $fh $feed->to_string; # DESCRIPTION [JSON Feed](https://jsonfeed.org/) is a simple format for website syndication with JSON, instead of XML. This module implements minimal amout of API for parsing and/or generating such feeds. The users of this module should glance over the jsonfeed spec in order to correctly generate a JSON::Feed. Here's a short but yet comprehensive Type mapping between jsonfeed spec and perl. | jsonfeed | perl | |----------+----------------------------| | object | HashRef | | boolean | JSON::true, or JSON::false | | string | Str | | array | ArrayRef | # METHODS - set( $attr, $value ) The `$attr` here must be a name from one top-level attribute from [v1 spec](https://jsonfeed.org/version/1). The passed `$value` thus must be the corresponding value. Most of the values from spec are strings and that maps to a perl scalar veraible. The term \`object\` in the spec is mapped to a perl HashRef. Be aware that the spec allows feed extensions by prefixng attributes with underscore character. Thus, all strings begin with `'_'` are valid. Whatever those extented attributes mapped to are left as-is. - get( $attr ) Retrieve the value of the given top-level varible. - add\_item( JSONFeedItem $item ) Apend the given `$item` to the `items` attribute. The type of input `$item` is described in the "Items" section of [the spec](https://jsonfeed.org/version/1). - to\_string() Stringify this JSON Feed. At this moment, the feed structure is checked and if it is invalid, an exception is thrown. - from\_string( $json\_text ) Take a reference to a string that is assumed to be a valid json feed and produce an object from it. Exception will be thrown if the input is not a valid JSON feed. This method is supposed to be consume the output of `to_string` method without throwing exceptions. # References JSON Feed spec v1 [https://jsonfeed.org/version/1](https://jsonfeed.org/version/1) # AUTHOR Kang-min Liu <gugod@gugod.org> # LICENSE CC0