/* $Header: fontnode.h,v 1.1 88/01/15 13:04:00 simpson Rel $ */
$Log:	fontnode.h,v $
 * Revision 1.1  88/01/15  13:04:00  simpson
 * initial release
 * Revision 0.1  87/12/11  18:30:54  simpson
 * beta test
#include <local/standard.h>
/* The following are flag masks */
#define PORT	    1		/* Portrait mode */
#define RAM	    2		/* This is a ram font */
#define LOADED	    4		/* Font is currently loaded in memory */
#define PRELOADED   8           /* Font was in ram memory on startup */

/* All fonts may have the following information stored about them, regardless
 * of whether we are using troff, TeX, etc.
struct FontNode {
    Bits	flags;
    int		blocksize;	/* in printer */
    int		qmsnumber;	
    char	*localinfo;	/* Info local to typesetting program */
    struct FontNode *next;	/* Store fonts as singly linked list */