PostScript (Type 1) Fonts for MusiXTeX
			       Ver 2.00


	      Takanori Uchiyama,
              edited by Bob Tennent,


This package provides PostScript (type 1) fonts (PFB
format), and a dvips map file for MusiXTeX. The fonts are
based on the original METAFONT sources, such as,
which are distributed with MusiXTeX. The fonts provided here
may be used to produce printer-independent Postscript files.
PDF files generated using type 1 fonts are well displayed by
the Adobe Reader and other PDF viwers.

Most of the fonts were generated from the METAFONT sources
in TeX Live 2016 using mftrace 1.2.19.

Here is a list of the 79 generated fonts.

musix11.pfb     xgreg13.pfb     xsld29.pfb      xslhu11.pfb     xslu13.pfb
musix13.pfb     xgreg16.pfb     xsld29d.pfb     xslhu11d.pfb    xslu13d.pfb
musix16.pfb     xgreg20.pfb     xsldd20.pfb     xslhu13.pfb     xslu16.pfb
musix20.pfb     xgreg24.pfb     xsldu20.pfb     xslhu13d.pfb    xslu16d.pfb
musix24.pfb     xgreg29.pfb     xslhd11.pfb     xslhu16.pfb     xslu20.pfb
musix29.pfb     xppff10.pfb     xslhd11d.pfb    xslhu16d.pfb    xslu20d.pfb
musixsps.pfb    xsld11.pfb      xslhd13.pfb     xslhu20.pfb     xslu24.pfb
musixspx.pfb    xsld11d.pfb     xslhd13d.pfb    xslhu20d.pfb    xslu24d.pfb
mxsk.pfb        xsld13.pfb      xslhd16.pfb     xslhu24.pfb     xslu29.pfb
xadf11.pfb      xsld13d.pfb     xslhd16d.pfb    xslhu24d.pfb    xslu29d.pfb
xadf13.pfb      xsld16.pfb      xslhd20.pfb     xslhu29.pfb     xslud20.pfb
xadf16.pfb      xsld16d.pfb     xslhd20d.pfb    xslhu29d.pfb    xslup20.pfb
xadf20.pfb      xsld20.pfb      xslhd24.pfb     xslhz20.pfb     xslz20.pfb
xadf24.pfb      xsld20d.pfb     xslhd24d.pfb    xslhz20d.pfb    xslz20d.pfb
xadf29.pfb      xsld24.pfb      xslhd29.pfb     xslu11.pfb      xtie20.pfb
xgreg11.pfb     xsld24d.pfb     xslhd29d.pfb    xslu11d.pfb


The fonts were generated using mftrace 1.2.19 running on
CentOS 7. Resolution of some fonts was reduced using the
"--magnification" option because METAFONT supports only
limited values of real numbers.


  1) Make a directory such as $TEXMF/fonts/type1/musixtex,
     for PFBs. 
  2) Copy all PFBs to the above directory; they
     should be readable by all users. 
  3) Copy the map file
     ./dvips/ to the appropriate directory, such as
  4) Add a line


     to a suitable file or, in a tetex-based
     distribution, add to the list of map files
     for Type1 fonts with Metafont equivalents in the
     updmap script, which should then be executed by doing
     "./updmap-sys" or "updmap-user". 
  5) Do mktexlsr or texhash
     or whatever is necessary on your system to re-generate the
     TeX filename database.

Note: dvipdfm does not need a map file for these fonts
because the names of the PFBs are identical to those of the

When these fonts are used, type 1 fonts should also be used
for non-music text; for example, type 1 versions of the
Computer Modern fonts are available.


  + Hinting 
  + Modifying METAFONT sources to get high resolution outputs


  The license of this package is LPPL.


Thanks to Dr. Daniel Taupin, Ross Mitchell and Andreas Egler
for their MusiXTeX package, to Dr. Han-Wen Nienhuys for
his smart mftrace tool. And thanks to Dr. Bob Tennent for
his helpful comments, and to Mr. David Fritzsche for his

[End of README]