%        Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala

% rotext.mf     Roman Text character set

font_coding_scheme:="TeX text";

inv_exclamation:=oct"074"; inv_question_mark:=oct"076";   

font_slant oblique;                 % TeX fontdimen 1 slant
font_normal_space mono#+.3width#;   % TeX fontdimen 2 normal word space
font_normal_stretch .15width#;      % TeX fontdimen 3 interword stretch
font_normal_shrink .1width#;        % TeX fontdimen 4 interword shrink
font_x_height xheight#;             % Tex fontdinem 5 for accents
font_quad width#;                   % TeX fontdimen 6 quad width
font_extra_space .1width#;          % TeX fontdimen 7 extra space(period)

 input widths                       % reference width and fitting information
 input panlowers                    % (26) lowercase roman alphabet
 input caps                         % (26) uppercase roman alphabet
 input number                       % (10) numerals
 input pangreeku                    % (11) uppercase greek
 input panaccent                    % (19) accents and ligatures common in sets
 input panpunct                     % (21) punctuation: common in all char sets
 input punctr                       % ( 8) punctuation: for roman text set
 input puncts                       % ( 2) punctuation: Spanish inverted ?!
 input fligs                        % ( 5) ligatures with "f"

 input ligs                         % ligtable designations and kerning info
ligtable "?": "`"=:inv_question_mark;
ligtable "!": "`"=:inv_exclamation;
