## This is the file lu.par, part of the MathInst package
## (version 1.0, August, 1998) for math font 
## generation.  (Author: Alan Hoenig, ajhjj@cunyvm.cuny.edu)

## A MathInst Lucida parameter file.

## Some places...

## traditional...
$texroot_       = "/usr/lib/tex";
$psfonts_       = "/psfonts";
$afm_           = $psfonts_ . "/afm";
$vf_            = $texroot_ . "/fonts/vf";
$tfm_           = "$texroot_/fonts/tfm";
$inputs_        = "$texroot_/inputs";
$map_           = "$texroot_/ps";

## TDS implementations...
$texmf_ = "e:/texmf"; # or wherever
$installer_ = "vfinst"; # or psnfss; what has installed the fonts?

$encoding_      = "OT1"; # only OT1, ot1 are valid entries here

## Some things...

## These values for script and scriptscript sizes make
## tiny math a bit more readable for scalable fonts.

$ssize_         = 7.3;# for scalable fonts (for CMR, change to 7.0)
$sssize_        = 5.5;# for scalable fonts (for CMR, change to 5.0)

$tt_            = "cmtt10";
$sansserif_     = "hlsr7t";
$cal_           = "lbms"; # Lucida calligraphic
$fraktur_       = "eufm10"; # fraktur font for math
$bbold_         = "pmp6"; # b'board bold 

# No greek bold is appropriate for Lucida...

## For TDS...

$masup_ = "bh";               $matyp_     = "lumath"; # math fonts
$ttsup_	= "public";           $tttyp_     = "cm";     # tt
$sssup_	= "bh";               $sstyp_     = "lucsans"; # sans serif
$casup_	= "bh";               $catyp_     = "lumath"; # Lucida
$frsup_	= "ams";              $frtyp_     = "euler";  # fraktur
$bbsup_	= "adobe";            $bbtyp_     = "pmp6";  # b'board bold
$gbsup_	= "ams";              $gbtyp_     = "euler";  # Greek bold

## Scale factors.  Normally, MathInst calculates the scale factors
## for itself, under the assumption that the roman ($fontfam_) types
## should be at their natural size so that all other fonts are scaled to 
## fit.  Form most fonts, `scaling to fit' means making sure that the
## x-heights match.  For the calligrpahic fonts, the capheights shall match.
## However, in case any of the following scale factors (SF) are defined,
## then MathInst will use the user defined value.  In case the SF's are
## defined and set to zero, then the font is used at the natural size. 

## $mathSF_ = # for Math fonts
## $ttSF_ = # for typewriter font
## $saSF_ = 00; # for sans serif fonts
$caSF_ = 900; # for calligraphic font
## $frSF_ = # for fraktur font
$bbSF_ = 1000; # for blackboard bold
## $gbSF_ # for uppercase Greek bold letters


## Uncomment one group as appropriate...

## For UNIX and Unix-like systems...

$sep = "/";			# Path separator for Unix
$mv = "mv";			# Unix move command
$cp="cp";                       # Unix copy command

## For DOS, WIN-NT, and so on...

#$sep = "\\";                   # Path separator for DOS
#$mv = "call domove";		# DOS move command
#$cp="copy";                    # DOS copy command