%% This is the file testmath.mk, part of the MathKit package
%% (version 0.7, January , 1998) for math font 
%% generation.  (Author: Alan Hoenig, ajhjj@cunyvm.cuny.edu)




\title{A \LaTeX\ math test document} 
\author{for fonts installed by MathKit}


\font\TTT=cmr7 \newcount\cno
   \ifdim\ht0>0pt \box0\lower4pt\hbox{\TTT\the\cno}\fi\fi
   \global\advance\cno by1
\def\showfont#1{\font\T=#1 at 10pt\global\cno=0
 \tabskip1pt plus2pt minus1pt\halign to\textwidth{&\hss\TT ##\hss\cr
 \multispan{16}\hfil \tt Font #1\hfil\cr\noalign{\smallskip}
   #1 \texttt{\string#1}: \(a_{c_e}, b_{d_f}, C_{E_G}, 0_{1_2}, 
      a_{0_a}, 0_{a_0}, 
      \sum_{i=0}^\infty\) \\ 



\newcommand{\sidebearings}[1]{ \(|#1|\) } 
\newcommand{\subscripts}[1]{ \(#1_\circ\) } 
\newcommand{\supscripts}[1]{ \(#1^\circ\) } 
\newcommand{\scripts}[1]{ \(#1^\circ_\circ\) } 
\newcommand{\vecaccents}[1]{ \(\vec#1\) } 
\newcommand{\tildeaccents}[1]{ \(\tilde#1\) } 





This document tests the math capabilities of a math package, and is 
strongly modelled after a similar document by Alan Jeffrey.  
This test exercises the {\tt <mock>} math fonts combined with the
{\tt <fam>} text fonts.



Math italic: 
Text italic: 
[b]	 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz} 
[b]	 \Gamma\Delta\Theta\Lambda\Xi\Pi\Sigma
[b]	 \Upsilon\Phi\Psi\Omega
[tt]	  abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz} 
[fr]   a\mathfr{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}z 
[bb]Blackboard Bold: 
Do these line up appropriately? 
   \forall \mathcal{B} \Gamma 
   G \mathcal{H} \Im 
   \mathsf{K} \Lambda 
   M \aleph \emptyset \Pi \mathit{Q} \Re \Sigma 
   \Upsilon \mathcal{V} 
   \Xi \mathsf{Y} Z 
   \nu o \varpi \mathsf{r} 
   s \tau \mathit{u} v \mathsf{w} z 
   j \mathsf{q} \chi y 
   b \delta 
   k \mathsf{l} \phi 


   \'o \`o \^o \"o \~o \=o \.o \u o \v o 
   \H o \t oo \c o \d o \b o \t oo}
   \hat o \check o \tilde o \acute o \grave o \dot o 
   \ddot o 
   \breve o \bar o \vec o \vec h \hbar 

\subsection*{Glyph dimensions} 

These glyphs should be optically centered: 
These subscripts should be correctly placed: 
These superscripts should be correctly placed: 
These subscripts and superscripts should be correctly placed: 
These accents should be centered: 
As should these: 


These arrows should join up properly: 
   a \hookrightarrow b \hookleftarrow c \longrightarrow d 
   \longleftarrow e \Longrightarrow f \Longleftarrow g 
   \longleftrightarrow h \Longleftrightarrow i 
   \mapsto j 
    g^\circ \mapsto g^\bullet\quad x\equiv y\not\equiv z
These symbols should be of similar weights: 
   \pm + - \mp = / \backslash ( \langle [ \{ \} ] \rangle ) < \leq >  \geq 
Are these the same size? 
   \oint \int \quad 
   \bigodot \bigoplus \bigotimes \sum \prod 
   \bigcup \bigcap \biguplus \bigwedge \bigvee \coprod 
Are these? 
   \oint \int \quad 
   \bigodot \bigoplus \bigotimes \sum \prod 
   \bigcup \bigcap \biguplus \bigwedge \bigvee \coprod 


    abcde + x^{abcde} + 2^{x^{abcde}}

The subscripts should be appropriately sized: 


Each row should be a different size, but within each row the delimiters 
should be the same size.  First with \verb|\big|, etc: 
Then with \verb|\left| and \verb|\right|: 
   \testdelims\left\right{\begin{array}{c} a \end{array}} 
   \testdelims\left\right{\begin{array}{c} a\\a \end{array}} 
   \testdelims\left\right{\begin{array}{c} a\\a\\a \end{array}} 
   \testdelims\left\right{\begin{array}{c} a\\a\\a\\a \end{array}}  


This paragraph should appear to be a monotone grey texture.  Suppose
\(f \in \mathcal{S}_n\) and \(g(x) = (-1)^{|\alpha|}x^\alpha
f(x)\).  Then \(g \in \mathcal{S}_n\); now (\emph{c}) implies
that \(\hat g = D_\alpha \hat f\) and \(P \cdot D_\alpha\hat
f = P \cdot \hat g = (P(D)g)\hat{}\), which is a bounded function,
since \(P(D)g \in L^1(R^n)\).  This proves that \(\hat f \in
\mathcal S_n\).  If \(f_i \rightarrow f\) in \(\mathcal S_n\),
then \(f_i \rightarrow f\) in \(L^1(R^n)\).  Therefore \(\hat
f_i(t) \rightarrow \hat f(t)\) for all \(t \in R^n\).  That \(f
\rightarrow \hat f\) is a \emph{continuous} mapping of
\(\mathcal S_n\) into \(\mathcal S_n\) follows now from the
closed graph theorem.  And thus for \(x_1\) through \(x_i\). 
\emph{Functional Analysis}, W.~Rudin,
McGraw--Hill, 1973. 

[b]This paragraph should appear to be a monotone dark texture.  Suppose
[b]\(f \in \mathcal{S}_n\) and \(g(x) = (-1)^{|\alpha|}x^\alpha
[b]f(x)\).  Then \(g \in \mathcal{S}_n\); now (\emph{c}) implies
[b]that \(\hat g = D_\alpha \hat f\) and \(P \cdot D_\alpha\hat
[b]f = P \cdot \hat g = (P(D)g)\hat{}\), which is a bounded function,
[b]since \(P(D)g \in L^1(R^n)\).  This proves that \(\hat f \in
[b]\mathcal S_n\).  If \(f_i \rightarrow f\) in \(\mathcal S_n\),
[b]then \(f_i \rightarrow f\) in \(L^1(R^n)\).  Therefore \(\hat
[b]f_i(t) \rightarrow \hat f(t)\) for all \(t \in R^n\).  That \(f
[b]\rightarrow \hat f\) is a \emph{continuous} mapping of
[b]\(\mathcal S_n\) into \(\mathcal S_n\) follows now from the
[b]closed graph theorem.  And thus for \(x_1\) through \(x_i\).
[b]\emph{Functional Analysis}, W.~Rudin, McGraw--Hill, 1973. 

{\itshape This paragraph should appear to be a monotone grey texture.
Suppose \(f \in \mathcal{S}_n\) and \(g(x) =
(-1)^{|\alpha|}x^\alpha f(x)\).  Then \(g \in \mathcal{S}_n\);
now (\emph{c}) implies that \(\hat g = D_\alpha \hat f\) and
\(P \cdot D_\alpha\hat f = P \cdot \hat g = (P(D)g)\hat{}\),
which is a bounded function, since \(P(D)g \in L^1(R^n)\).  This
proves that \(\hat f \in \mathcal S_n\).  If \(f_i \rightarrow
f\) in \(\mathcal S_n\), then \(f_i \rightarrow f\) in
\(L^1(R^n)\).  Therefore \(\hat f_i(t) \rightarrow \hat f(t)\)
for all \(t \in R^n\).  That \(f \rightarrow \hat f\) is a
\emph{continuous} mapping of \(\mathcal S_n\) into \(\mathcal
S_n\) follows now from the closed graph theorem.  \emph{Functional
Analysis}, W.~Rudin, McGraw--Hill, 1973.}

The text in these boxes should spread out as much as the math does: 
   \framebox[.95\width][s]{For example \(x+y = \min\{x,y\} 
      + \max\{x,y\}\) is a formula.} \\ 
   \framebox[.975\width][s]{For example \(x+y = \min\{x,y\} 
      + \max\{x,y\}\) is a formula.} \\ 
   \framebox[\width][s]{For example \(x+y = \min\{x,y\} 
      + \max\{x,y\}\) is a formula.} \\ 
   \framebox[1.025\width][s]{For example \(x+y = \min\{x,y\} 
      + \max\{x,y\}\) is a formula.} \\ 
   \framebox[1.05\width][s]{For example \(x+y = \min\{x,y\} 
      + \max\{x,y\}\) is a formula.} \\ 
   \framebox[1.075\width][s]{For example \(x+y = \min\{x,y\} 
      + \max\{x,y\}\) is a formula.} \\ 
   \framebox[1.1\width][s]{For example \(x+y = \min\{x,y\} 
      + \max\{x,y\}\) is a formula.} \\ 
   \framebox[1.125\width][s]{For example \(x+y = \min\{x,y\} 
      + \max\{x,y\}\) is a formula.} \\ 