/* * see COPYRIGHT */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "t1lib.h" /* * Dump a rasterizarion of the font at small size */ #define PROGNAME "dmpf" #include "bmpfont.h" main(ac, av) int ac; char **av; { int fontid1, fontid2; GLYPH *g1, *g2; int chr, size, diff, offset; if(ac!=2) { fprintf(stderr,"Use: %s font\n", PROGNAME); exit(1); } chkneg(T1_SetBitmapPad(MYPAD)); chkneg(T1_InitLib(NO_LOGFILE|IGNORE_CONFIGFILE|IGNORE_FONTDATABASE)); chkneg(fontid1=T1_AddFont(av[1])); resetmap(); for(chr=0; chr<256; chr++) { for(size=MAXSIZE; size>=MINSIZE; size--) { chknull( g1=T1_CopyGlyph(T1_SetChar( fontid1, chr, (float)size, NULL)) ); drawglyf(size, g1); chkneg(T1_FreeGlyph(g1)); } printf("*** Glyph %d==0x%x %c\n", chr, chr, isprint(chr) ? chr : ' '); printmap(stdout); resetmap(); } printf("All done!\n"); }