#!/usr/bin/perl # # See COPYRIGHT # # Script to generate a pod file from an html source (the same one as for text files too) # and later this pod file it passed through pod2man # # Use: # html2man [ <man-dir> [<version-dir>] ] <file.html # # <Man-dir> is the directory where the man pages will be created # (current directory by default). If a file name is given instead of # directory then the directory of that file is used. # <Version-dir> is the directory containing the ttf2pt1 files version.h # and CHANGES.html which are used to generate the release name and date # for the man page (by default looks in current directory and then in up to # 5 ancestor directories). # If the version files can not be found then the release defaults to # "current" and the date defaults to today. # # Special formatting in the html file is: # All controls are hidden within HTML comments that must occupy a whole separate line # Such a line looks like: # <!-- =<html2man_directive> <arguments> > # <!-- ==<pod_directive> <arguments> > # Any sort of directive must be followed by a space. The pod directives are # automatically surrounded by empty lines in the output file. # The html2man directives are: # # <!-- =defdoc <docid> <file> <section> > # Define a man page. Multiple man pages can be defined in the same HTML # file. <Docid> is a short name by which this man page will be referred in the # other directives. <File> is the name of the man page, and <section> is the # section of the manual (do not confuse with sections within a man page). # # <!-- =section <docid> <page_section_name> > # All the text following this directive is copied (with translation) # into the specified section of the specified man page. The sections # may appear in arbitrary order, they will be rearranged to the standard # order before output. Only standard section names are permitted (see @stdsect # below). The pod directives which occur outside of man sections are ignored, # just like the common text. The translation of HTML tags is: # # <br> - to paragraph break # <b> - to B<> # <i> - to I<> # <tt> - to C<> # <a href> - to F<> # <ul>, <li>, </ul> - to =over 2, =item *, =back # , &, <, > - to their symbols, appropriately encoded # # The rest of HTML tags is removed # # If the same section is started more than once, the text from the # second appearance will be added to the first, etc. # # <!-- =stop > # Stop copying text to the man page. # # <!-- =cont > # Continue copying text to the man page, same section as before. # # <!-- =text <text> > # Insert this <text> into the man page (works only when copying is enabled). # Characters <, >, & are converted as usual. @mons = qw(January February March April May June July August September October November December); $dir = $ARGV[0]; $maindir = $ARGV[1]; if($dir eq "") { $dir = "."; } elsif( ! -d $dir ) { if( ! ($dir =~ s|\/[^/]*$||) ) { $dir = "."; } } if($maindir eq "") { $maindir = "."; for($i=0; $i<5; $i++) { if(-f "$maindir/version.h") { last; } $maindir = "../$maindir"; } } if( open(VERFILE, "<$maindir/version.h") ) { while(<VERFILE>) { if( /^\s*\#define\s+TTF2PT1_VERSION\s+\"(.*)\"/ ) { $release = "version $1"; } } close(VERFILE); if( $release =~ /SNAP-([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])/ ) { $date = sprintf("%s %d, 20%02d", $mons[$2-1], $3, $1); } elsif( open(CFILE, "<$maindir/CHANGES.html") ) { while(<CFILE>) { if( /\<H4\>/) { last; } } $_ = <CFILE>; chomp; if( $_ =~ s/^.*?-- // ) { $date = $_; } close(CFILE); } } if($release eq "") { $release = "current"; } if($date eq "") { @lt = localtime(time); $date = sprintf("%s %d, %d", $mons[$lt[4]], $lt[3], 1900+$lt[5]); } #printf(STDERR "date=%s release=%s\n", $date, $release); $writemode = 0; while(<STDIN>) { if( s/^\<\!\-\- \=(\S+)\s+//) { $cmd = $1; s/\s*\>\s*$//; #printf(STDERR "cmd=%s args=%s\n", $cmd, $_); if($cmd =~ /^=/) { if($writemode) { $text{$tosect} .= "\n\n$cmd $_\n\n"; } } elsif($cmd eq "defdoc") { @sl = split; push(@allids, $sl[0]); $file{$sl[0]} = $sl[1]; $mansect{$sl[0]} = $sl[2]; } elsif($cmd eq "section") { # tosect includes the file id $tosect = $_; $text{$tosect} .= "\n\n"; $writemode = 1; } elsif($cmd eq "stop") { $writemode = 0; $text{$tosect} .= "\n"; } elsif($cmd eq "cont") { $writemode = 1; } elsif($cmd eq "text") { if($writemode) { s/\<\;/</gi; s/\>\;/>/gi; s/\&\;/\&/gi; $text{$tosect} .= "$_\n"; } } } elsif($writemode) { s/^\s+//; s/\{/\&lbr;/g; s/\}/\&rbr;/g; s/\<br\>/\n\n/gi; #s/\<blockquote\>/\n\n=over 4\n\n/gi; #s/\<\/blockquote\>/\n\n=back\n\n/gi; s/\<ul\>/\n\n=over 4\n\n/gi; s/\<\/ul\>/\n\n=back\n\n/gi; s/\<li\>\s*/\n\n=item \*\n\n/gi; s/\<i\>(.*?)\<\/i\>/I\{\1\}/gi; s/\<b\>(.*?)\<\/b\>/B\{\1\}/gi; s/\<tt\>(.*?)\<\/tt\>/C\{\1\}/gi; s/\<a href\=\.*?\>(.*?)\<\/a\>/F\{\1\}/gi; s/\<.*?\>//g; s/\{/\</g; s/\}/\>/g; s/\ \;/S< >/gi; s/\&\;/\&/gi; s/\<\;/E<lt>/gi; s/\>\;/E<gt>/gi; #s/\|/E<verbar>/g; #s/\//E<sol>/g; s/\&lbr\;/\{/g; s/\&rbr\;/\}/g; #printf(STDERR "section=%s add=%s", $tosect, $_); $text{$tosect} .= $_; } } @stdsect = ( "NAME", "SYNOPSIS", "DESCRIPTION", "OPTIONS", "RETURN VALUE", "ERRORS", "EXAMPLES", "ENVIRONMENT", "FILES", "SEE ALSO", "NOTES", "CAVEATS", "DIAGNOSTICS", "BUGS", "RESTRICTIONS", "AUTHOR", "HISTORY" ); #printf(STDERR "allids= @allids\n"); for $id (@allids) { #print(STDERR "creating man page $id $file{$id} $mansect{$id}\n\n"); die "Unable to create pod file $dir/$file{$id}.pod" unless open(PODF, ">$dir/$file{$id}.pod"); print(PODF "=pod\n\n"); for $sect (@stdsect) { $sid = "$id $sect"; #printf(STDERR "trying %s\n", $sid); if(defined $text{$sid}) { print(PODF "=head1 $sect\n\n$text{$sid}\n\n"); } } print(PODF "=cut\n"); close(PODF); die "Unable to generate the man page $dir/$file{$id}.1" if system("pod2man --section=\"$mansect{$id}\" --release=\"$release\" " . "--center=\"TTF2PT1 Font Converter\" --date=\"$date\" " . "$dir/$file{$id}.pod >$dir/$file{$id}.1"); unlink("$dir/$file{$id}.pod"); }