\vfill% \subsection{Control overall width of table} \tikz{\node[text width=\linewidth-6mm,draw=green!70,rounded corners=2pt,fill=black!10!green!10,inner sep=3mm] {% Is there a simple way to set the periodic table to text width, column width, etc.? };}% \\ [6pt]Yes, there is. It can be done using the \textsf{\large\textbackslash resizebox} command provided by the graphicx package (and also by the graphics package). For example: \\ [2pt]\tikz{\node[text width=\linewidth-8pt,inner xsep=4pt,align=left,fill=black!10,rounded corners=2pt] % {\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}% \begin{verbatim} \resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{\pgfPT} \end{verbatim} \end{minipage}};}% \\ or \\ [2pt]\tikz{\node[text width=\linewidth-8pt,inner xsep=4pt,align=left,fill=black!10,rounded corners=2pt] % {\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}% \begin{verbatim} \resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{\pgfPT[show title=false]} \end{verbatim} \end{minipage}};}% \\ [2pt]will produce a Periodic Table with the width of the current \textsf{\large\textbackslash linewidth}, whatever is its value (the text width, the column width, the width of a minipage,\ldots), and with the proper scaling of its height. \\ There is no need of loading the graphicx package since pgf-PeriodicTable loads the tikz package, which in turn loads the graphicx package. \\ [2pt]\tikz{\path[draw=green!70,rounded corners=2pt,fill=black!10!green!10,rounded corners=2pt] (0,0) rectangle ++(\textwidth,-4.5pt);}% \subsection{Compact Periodic Table} \tikz{\node[text width=\linewidth-6mm,draw=green!70,rounded corners=2pt,fill=black!10!green!10,inner sep=3mm] {% Is there a way to put groups 1 and 2 really next to group 13 to 18? That would make the whole thing more compact. I sometimes need just the representative elements for teaching purposes. };}% \\ [6pt]Although it is not common usage, it can be done: \\ [2pt]\tikz{\node[text width=\linewidth-8pt,inner xsep=4pt,align=left,fill=black!10,rounded corners=2pt] % {\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}% \begin{verbatim} \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{pgf-PeriodicTable} \usepgfPTlibrary{colorschemes} \pgfPTGroupColors{example}{G1=blue!50!white,G2=green!90!white} \pgfPTsetLanguage{de} \begin{document} % \pgfPTstyle[show title=false, back color scheme=example,show legend=false] % \pgfPT[Z list = G1]\foreach \n in {2,13,14,15,16,17,18} {% % \pgfPT[show period numbers=false,Z list = G\n]% % }% make sure there are no spaces between \pgfPT % or % \pgfPTstyle[show title=false,show period numbers=false,back color scheme=example, % show legend=false] % \pgfPT[show period numbers,Z list = G1]\pgfPT[Z list = G2]\pgfPT[Z list = p]% make % sure there are no spaces between \pgfPT % or \pgfPTstyle[show title=false,show period numbers=false,back color scheme=example, show legend=false] \pgfPT[show period numbers,Z list = s]\pgfPT[Z list = p] \end{document} \end{verbatim} \end{minipage}};}% \newpage% \begin{center} \scalebox{.6}{\includegraphics{manualfiles/pgfPT_user_compactPT.pdf}} \end{center} \tikz{\path[draw=green!70,rounded corners=2pt,fill=black!10!green!10,rounded corners=2pt] (0,0) rectangle ++(\textwidth,-4.5pt);}% \endinput