%This document is a port to LaTeX of the document
%"https://www.tug.org/texshowcase/cheat.pdf" produced and written in plain TeX.
%The original TeX document was written by Steve Seiden.
%The only copyright notice found about the original document was this one:
%                I grant permission for you to reproduce this cheat sheet, and redistribute 
%                it for educational purposes only. You may not reproduce it for profit. 
%                If you reproduce it, you must not alter or delete my copyright. 
%For the code specific to the LaTeX port, the licence is LPPL or BSD licence (at your choice).
%The goal of the port to LaTeX is to be able to use the document to test
%some Unicode math fonts and unicode TeX more easily. This seems to be difficult
%with Plain TeX
%To use an other font as the one already configured in this document, one has to pass one parameter
%to this document for specifying the font and to modify two packages:
%              1) "ChoixPolice.sty" which define the fonts to use
%                 when a specific parameter describing the font is specified
%              2) "SpecificDimentions.sty" which define and specify
%                 some dimentions related to the fonts for each 
%                 page of the document. This style is the more tricky
%                 to modify since it contains a lot of parameters specifying
%                 many dimentions everywhere in the document.
%                 The easiest way to adapt the document to a new font is
%                 probably to use the definition of a font with similar 
%                 characteristics and adapt few dimentions corresponding
%                 to the places where the use of the new font causes problems
%                 with the typesseting.
%The already defined parameters for specifying the font to use in
%the document are:
%                lmodern (or nothing) to choose the default font "lmmodern".
%                cmunicode              to use the "cmunicode" fonts. This fonts
%                                       has been created with all the CM fonts for 8bits TeX
%                                       and it is quite nice. The characters are similar to lmmodern
%                                       with more glyphs (greek, cyrillic IPA) and no math font.
%                                       The font Latin Modern is used for math.
%                                       Some of the characters from CMUnicode are based 
%                                       on the good PS fonts from BlueSky.
%                didot                  to use GFS Didot with Asana Math for mathematic.
%                                       When 8bits TeX is used, the package "gfsdidot" is loaded.
%                lucida                 to use lucida (mathematic and standard)
%                stix                   to use STIX2 fonts (Mathematic and Standard)
%                cambria                to use Cambria with Cambria Math
%                                       Calibri is used for the sans serif font.
%                dejavu                 to use DejaVu (serif) and the math fonts from GUST foundry.
%                dejavusans             to use DejaVu Sans for text and Math. To complement
%                                       the LucidaBrightOT is used. When 8bits TeX is used,
%                                       the package "arev" is loaded.
%                neohellenic            to use GFS Neo Hellenic with GFSNeoHellenicMath.
%Few more parameters are available to draw some of the illustrations contained in the document.
%                tikz                   to draw all the illustrations with TikZ (default).
%                inclusion              to use the inclusion of external images files
%                                       to draw some of the illustrations.

%Here are several definitions for the "documentclass" command. Since only one
%command "documentclass" is allowed in a TeX document, this is used
%to be able to automate the the production of all the examples in all
%the fonts (with an external script like "cheat.pl"). 
%The idea is to use the first "documentclass" command immediately
%following the line(s) containing the string "automatic typesetting" and to comment
%or ignore all other "documentclass" command. This allow an easy way to switch between
%automatic and manual typesetting.

%For automatic typesetting. The string "FONT_TO_BE_REPLACED" should be replaced by
%by the appropriate font name. The string "SUPPLEMENTARY_PARMS" will
%be replaced by the other parameters necessary for the correct typesetting.
%To produce a manual typesetting with the font "NeoHellenic", one has to use
%the following declaration:


%A lot of command to simplify coding by using
%the e-tex extension.
%Useful to manage the diffenerent TeX engines.
%This package simplifies greatly the management of complex
%to very complex tables.
%Better spacing between the cells inside array and tabular environment.
\NiceMatrixOptions{cell-space-limits = 1pt}
%If "mathtools" is called after the package "ChoixPolice"
%which define the fonts (and the mathematical fonts) 
%to be used, some errors (macros redefinitions arise)
%except when the font Latin Modern is used.
\usepackage{unit}  %To draw trigonometric circle and rectangular triangle 
                       %at page 4
\usepackage{angle} %To draw the angle at page 5
%This package allow easily to have multi columnns in a text.
%This style manages the differents fonts in which this document
%can be typeseted.
%This style contains all the different dimentions which should
%be adjusted when different fonts are used.
%This package is used to check the document parameters
%describing the method of drawing some figure.
%This style contains all the specific macros used to typeset
%more or less automatically the differents formulae of the document

%For changing the size of rule the following URL could be useful.