%Basically the page 10 is divided in 3 horizontal
%zones and 3 columns.
%The first horizontal zone is spread over the two first columns (merged together)
%and the third columnd.
%The second horizontal zone is  spread over the first column and
%the two last columns (merged together)
%The third horizontal zone is spread over the three columns (without any merging
%of the columns)

%A new toggle is defined. When it is true, the image
%of the Escher's Knot (the same image as in the original TeX
%Document) is used otherwise the impossible brick of
%Escher is draw dynamically with TIKZ.

%Fix the dimentions of the 3 columns of this page
\deflength{\ColThree}{\TableWidth - \ColOne - \ColTwo -4\tabcolsep}

%Every files containing the text of the different part of the page
%is imported. Generally in each file a command is defined to 
%typeset properly the text located in a specific part of the page
\input{series2.tex} %The command produced: is \TTenSerieTwo 
\input{EscherPage10.tex} %TeX command produced: \TTenDisplayImage 
\input{series4.tex} %TeX command produced: \TTenSerieFour
\input{stieltjes.tex} %TeX command produced: \TTenStieltjes
\input{cramers.tex} %TeX command produced: \TTenCramer
\input{quote5.tex} %TeX command produced: \TTenQuote
\input{fib1.tex} %TeX command produced: \TTenFibonacci
\input{magic.tex} %TeX command produced: \TTenMagic

%This command is to create Intertitle
%The command has two parameters:
%   1) Anything which expand to someting to avoid to put spacing
%      command before the title. This parameter is optionnal.
%   2) The text of the title
    \noindent \IntertitleShape{#2}%

%This command defines a blank line for the tabular
%used as the base of the page 10.