%This command provides the text about matrix in the first part
%of the column 2 of the page 4.
%The macro has one parameter
%      1) The width allowed for the text
      %The column is narrow, text looks better ragged right

       \begin{DisplayFormulae}{1}{0pt}{3ex plus 1ex minus .5ex}{\SmallChar}{\StyleWithoutNumber}
          \Fm{C = A \cdot B}, 
          \Fm{c_{i,j} = \sum_{k=1}^n a_{i,k} b_{k,j}}.

      $\det A \neq 0$ iff $A$ is non-singular.
      \begin{DisplayFormulae}{1}{0pt}{3ex plus 1ex minus .5ex}{\SmallChar}{\StyleWithoutNumber}
         \Fm{\det A \cdot B = \det A \cdot \det B},
         \Fm{\det A = \sum_\pi \prod_{i=1}^n \sign(\pi) a_{i,\pi(i)}}.

      \TFourTitle{$2 \times 2$ and $3 \times 3$ determinant:}
       \AdjustSpace{1ex plus .5ex minus .2ex}
       \begin{DisplayFormulae}{1}{0pt}{5ex plus 1ex minus 1ex}{\SmallChar}{\StyleWithoutNumber}
                a &b \\
                c &d \\
         \end{bmatrix} = a d - b c}
         %Second Equation, matrix 3x3
                a &b &c \\
                d &e &f \\
                g &h &i \\
         \FmPartA{\FirstPart =
                     b &c \\
                     e &f \\
                     -h \begin{bmatrix}%
                           a &c \\
                           d &f \\
          \FmPartB{\FirstPart =}{\enspace i \begin{bmatrix}%
                                       a &b \\
                                       d &e \\
          \Fm{\det A=a e i + b f g + c d h -c e g - f h a - i b d} 

       \begin{DisplayFormulae}{1}{0pt}{3ex plus 1ex minus .5ex}{\SmallChar}{\StyleWithoutNumber}
           \Fm{\perm A = \sum_\pi \prod_{i=1}^n a_{i,\pi(i)}}.