\ifx\QUIRE\relax\endinput\else\let\QUIRE=\relax\fi % \input only once
% quire.tex: Macros for making booklets, printing double pages, and
%	     printing outlines and crop marks.
% version: 1.0  release: 19 January 1991
% copyright (c) 1991 Marcel R. van der Goot
%	You can use these macros to typeset documents. You may
%	distribute this file freely, provided that you also distribute
%	the accompanying documentation.
%	    You may make changes to this file, or extract portions
%	of it for inclusion in other files, provided that
%	    (1) you change the name of the file;
%	    (2) you give proper credit and include copyright
%		information where applicable;
%	    (3) explain how an unchanged version can be obtained; and
%	    (4) document the usage of your macros/changes (if usage
%		of your macros is not worth documenting, they must not
%		be worth using).
%	You are not allowed to use the name ``Midnight Macros'' for
%	any changed files.
%	    The above rules for making changes do not apply where it
%	is explicitly noted in this file that something can be changed
%	to conform to your local installation.
%   See the file quire.doc
% original: csvax.cs.caltech.edu [] in pub/tex
%	    (use anonymous ftp). Also in various archives.
% Caltech, Pasadena  ---  Marcel van der Goot
%			  marcel@cs.caltech.edu
%			    Caltech 256--80
%			    Pasadena, CA 91125
%			    USA
%			    (818) 356--4603

% update history:
% version 1.0: This one.
%	release 19 Jan 1991: This one.

%%%%%% CODE: (you don't need to read this to use the macros)

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% registers accessible by the user

% dimens related to pages:
% also used: dimens \voffset, \hoffset

% dimens related to sheets

% token register related to sheets

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the implementation

% Private identifiers are prefixed with `q_'; in the comments below,
% this prefix is omitted for readability.

\shoutline=\catcode`_ sp % minor trick to remember the original catcode
\catcode`_=11 % letter

%%%%% The stack
% A stack of boxes is needed to store pages that cannot be printed yet.
% The stack is formed by \stackbox, an hbox storing the stacked boxes,
% and \stacktop, the top box on the stack. The stack top can be accessed
% by \copy\stacktop or \box\stacktop, but the latter should only be
% used if the next stack operation is \pop. There is no stackcounter
% implemented, because we don't need it here.

\newbox\q_stackbox % an hbox keeping the stacked boxes but one
\newbox\q_stacktop % the topmost box

\def\q_push#1% #1 = a box
      \hbox{\unhbox\q_stackbox \box\q_stacktop}%

      \hbox{\unhbox\q_stackbox \global\setbox\q_stacktop=\lastbox}%

%%%%% Handling pages
% \makepage takes a box representing the printed material (this box is the
% argument of \shipout), and makes it into a page. A page is represented
% by an hbox with height \vtotal, width \htotal, and depth 0.

\def\q_makepage#1% #1 = textpage, return = an hbox (\vtotal+0)*\htotal
   {\hbox to\htotal
    	  \advance\vorigin by\voffset
    	  \advance\horigin by\hoffset
          \vbox to\vtotal

% \doublepage takes two pages produced by \makepage, and puts them next
% to each other in a vbox. Between the two pages there is two times the
% space specified by \thickoffset. \doublepage draws lines around the
% produced vbox, and draws `staples' in the center.


\def\q_doublepage#1#2% #1 and #2 are page boxes,
     % return = vbox ((\vtotal+2\shoutline)+0)*
     %               (2(\htotal+\thickoffset+\shoutline))
   {\vbox{\vbox to0pt{\vss\q_vcrop\kern3mm}%
	  \hrule height\shoutline depth0pt
          \hbox{\hbox to0pt{\hss\q_hcrop\kern3mm}%
		\vrule width\shoutline
		\vrule width\shoutline
		\hbox to0pt{\kern3mm\q_hcrop\hss}%
	  \hrule height\shoutline depth0pt
	  \vbox to0pt{\kern3mm\q_vcrop\vss}%

% \fold returns an hbox containing the two `staples'. The hbox has
% width 0 so that it does not interfere with the separation between
% double pages.

\def\q_fold % return = an hbox (\vtotal+0)*0
   {\hbox to0pt
         {\divide\vtotal by 4
          \advance\vtotal by-0.5\shstaplelength
	        \hrule width\shstaplewidth height\shstaplelength depth0pt
		\kern 2\vtotal
		\hrule width\shstaplewidth height\shstaplelength depth0pt

% \vcrop returns an hbox containing the three vertical crop marks,
% \hcrop a vbox with the two horizontal marks.

\def\q_vcrop % return = an hbox (15mm+0)*(2(\htotal+\thickoffset+\shoutline))
	  \hbox to0pt{\vrule height15mm depth0pt width\shcrop\hss}%
	  \kern\htotal \kern\q_thickoffset
	  \hbox to0pt{\hss\vrule height15mm depth0pt width\shcrop\hss}%
	  \kern\q_thickoffset \kern\htotal
	  \hbox to0pt{\hss\vrule height15mm depth0pt width\shcrop}%

\def\q_hcrop % return = a vbox (vtotal+0)*15mm
   {\vbox{\vbox to0pt{\hrule width15mm height\shcrop depth0pt\vss}%
	  \vbox to0pt{\vss\hrule width15mm height\shcrop depth0pt}%

%%%%% Shipout routines
% Suppose Q is the number of pages per quire (rounded upwards to the
% nearest multiple of 4), then there are Q/2 sheets per quire. The first
% Q/2 pages have to be stacked, which is done by the shipout routine
% \collect. The next Q/2 pages have to be combined with the stacked ones
% into double pages, which are then printed. This is done by the shipout
% routine \combine. \goal is the number Q/2, \sheetnr is used to count the
% sheets of the current quire, \qnr counts sheets in completed quires
% (\count0 is set to the actual sheet number when a sheet is shipped out).
% The current shipout routine is held in \ship, \shipbox is the box
% that must be shipped out. \oldship is the original \shipout.
% In order to print partial quires if there is not enough memory to
% store Q/2 pages, the user can specify a range of sheets that should
% be printed. This range is tested with \ifrange; sheets that fall
% outside the range are counted, but otherwise ignored.
% Normally, \shipout resets \deadcycles to 0 and a call of the output
% routine (by TeX's page-breaking mechanism) increments it. We do not
% want to reset \deadcycles until enough pages for a quire have been
% collected, because as long as \deadcycles is not 0, TeX will produce
% more pages. We cannot allow it to be continuously incremented either,
% since TeX gives an error message if it becomes too high. Therefore,
% we set it to 1 if we need more pages. (Actually, the algorithm below
% always requires a full quire, even if only a partial one is printed.)
% In \shfootline we want to be able to print the page number of the
% actual pages. To save the page number, we use a ``dirty trick''
% (the only one in these macros, as far as I can tell): we push a box
% with the pagenumber as width on the stack. We recover the pagenumber by
% using that width as a count, which replaces the dimen (\wd) by its
% value in sp. The pagenumbers are also shipped out as \count1 and 2.




    \global\advance\q_sheetnr by1 \q_checkrange
	 \q_push{\hbox to\count0 sp{}}% dirty trick

	  \count1=\wd\q_stacktop \q_pop % \firstpageno
	  \count2=\count0 % \secondpageno
          \ifodd\q_sheetnr % stacktop is an odd page
     \ifodd\q_sheetnr\global\advance\q_thickoffset by\shthickness\fi
     \global\advance\q_sheetnr by-1 \q_checkrange
	  \global\advance\q_qnr by\q_goal

\def\q_print#1#2% two page boxes
   {{\count0=\q_qnr \advance\count0 by\q_sheetnr
     \setbox0=\hbox to\shhtotal
			       \hbox to 2\htotal{\the\shfootline}%
     \hoffset=-1truein % defeat the annoying 1 inch offset
	  \advance\hoffset by\shhcorrection
	  \advance\voffset by\shvcorrection

%%%%% shipout
% This is perhaps the most obscure part, although it actually has little
% to do with the problem at hand.
% What I would have liked to do is define the above \collect and \combine
% as taking a parameter #1 and then use #1 instead of \shipbox. Then
% we could just say \let\shipout=\collect etc. Unfortunately, that doesn't
% work: The actual \shipout is not a macro but a built-in command that
% must be followed by a <box>. As a result, \shipout\box0 works
% fine, but \shipout{\box0} generates an error (because the first `{' is
% not the start of a <box>). On the other hand, \collect\box0 would make
% #1 -> \box instead of \box0, and therefore wouldn't work; only
% \collect{\box0} would work. It really seemed highly preferrable to make
% the shipout replacements work in the same way as the original. Therefore,
% \boat will read a box and put it in \shipbox, and then call \ship.
% This has the additional advantage that the box is actually constructed
% before the shipout replacement does anything (if you do
% \collect{\hbox {...}} the box is only constructed when #1 is used).
% The routine \boat must be followed by a <box> because of the \setbox.
% Again, I would have liked to do
%  \def\boat{\afterassignment\ship\setbox\shipbox=}
% but \afterassignment behaves different for a <box> of the form
% \hbox {...} than for one of the form \box0. \tstship tests whether
% the assignment has actually taken place, or whether we are at the
% beginning of an \hbox {<here> ...} etc. This way of testing
% is not perfect, it doesn't work if you try to ship out a void box. However,
% that is a strange thing to do, and this is by far the easiest solution
% I could come up with.

   {{\setbox255=\box\q_shipbox}% makes \shipbox void
    \global\setbox\q_shipbox= % \boat must be followed by a <box>


%%%%% Public routines for making quires
% The routine that sets up printing quires is \makequire. It takes 3
% arguments, the number of pages per quire (Q before rounding), the
% number of the first sheet in the printing range, and the extend
% (in sheet numbers) of the printing range. It uses these numbers to
% define \checkrange, used by the output routines.
% If there is sufficient memory to print a full quire, then \quire
% can be used instead of \makequire. \quire only takes the number of
% pages.


\def\makequire#1#2#3% #1 = nr of pages, #2 = first sheet, #3 = size of range
     \advance\count0 by3 \divide\count0 by4 \multiply\count0 by2
     \count1=#3\advance\count1 by\count0 \advance\count1 by-1
	 {\nox\ifnum \q_sheetnr < \the\count0
          \nox\else\nox\ifnum \the\count1 < \q_sheetnr
	  \nox\else \nox\global\nox\q_rangetrue

\def\quire#1% #1 = nr of pages

% \endquire can be used to finish the quire before the end of the
% input is reached. It ships out the current page, then ships out empty
% boxes until the quire is finished.

\let\endquire=\relax % if \endquire is used when \quire is not

     \ifnum\q_sheetnr>0 \shipout\vbox{}%

% Normally both even and odd sheets are printed. However, one can surpress
% one class by using \shonly#1. If #1 = 0, both are printed. Otherwise
% only sheets with the same parity as #1 are printed.

\def\shonly#1% a number
   {\ifnum #1=0

% In LaTeX, \end is redefined to set \deadcycles to 0 before it does the
% actual \end. This means that the quire is not actually finished if the
% text doesn't have enough pages (see the earlier discussion about
% \deadcycles). You cannot solve this by using \endquire, because then
% not all output is actually finished (also because of various LaTeX
% definitions). Therefore, in \latexquire, we redefine \@@end, which is
% what LaTeX thinks is the original \end, to do an \endquire just before
% the actual \end.


%%%%% Some extras
% Quires are not so easy to preview. Therefore we also define
% \qtwopages for printing double pages (without reordening them) and
% \qonepage for printing single pages (with outlines etc.). Most of
% the needed routines were already there anyway.
% \two is the shipout routine used for \qtwopages. It uses \qnr to
% count pages, \sheetnr to distinguish between the first and the second
% page of a pair. (We count with \qnr because \endquire wants \sheetnr
% to be 0 at the end. But note that \parity looks at \sheetnr to determine
% whether the page must be printed.

   {{\ifodd\q_sheetnr % second page
	       \count1=\wd\q_stacktop \q_pop % \firstpageno
	       \count2=\count0 % \secondpageno
     \else % first page
	  \global\advance\q_qnr by1
	  \global\q_rangetrue \q_parity
	       \q_push{\hbox to\count0 sp{}}% that same dirty trick again


% \one is the output routine for \qonepage. \qnr is used to count
% the pages (again because of \endquire).

   {{\global\advance\q_qnr by1
     \global\q_rangetrue \q_parity
	  \count1=\count0 \count2=0
	  \divide\htotal by2


% restore \catcode`_ to whatever it was



\shonly0 % to make sure that \parity is defined

%%%%% Initial values for user parameters

\shfootline={\tenrm\qquad\jobname\qquad\number\count0{} (\number\count1,





%%%%% Local definitions
% The above is the standard file quire.tex.
% CHANGE: What follows are local definitions; you should replace them with
% appropriate values for your own installation.

   {\shhtotal=220.02true mm
    \shthickness=0.21true mm
    \message{maser: flip paper so that short sides remain in place, %
	     align closest right-hand corner in tray.}%

   {\shhtotal=281true mm
    \shthickness=0.21true mm
    \message{maser landscape: flip paper so that long sides remain in place, %
	     align closest right-hand corner in tray.}%

    \message{haser: rotate (but do not flip) pages 180 degrees, and reorder.}

    \message{haser landscape: do not flip or rotate pages, but reorder them.}