%       %%%%%%%    %%%%%        %%%%%%    %%%%%   %     %
%       %      %  %             %     %  %     %   %   %
%       %      %  %             %     %  %     %    % %
%       %%%%%%%    %%%%%        %%%%%%   %     %     %
%       %               %       %     %  %     %    % %
%       %               %       %     %  %     %   %   %
%       %         %%%%%%        %%%%%%    %%%%%   %     %
%       By Jean Orloff
%       Comments & suggestions by e-mail: ORLOFF@surya11.cern.ch
%       No modification of this file allowed if not e-sent to me.
% psbox is a set of machine-independent TeX macros to
% 1) allow (Encapsulated) PostScript figure inclusion in all versions
%    of TeX (Plain, LaTeX) on all machines using a PostScript printer
% 2) facilitate the communication (e-mail, ftp, ...) of all the files
%    (text, macros, figs) needed to reproduce a TeX document by grouping
%    them together into a single, TeXable file.
% For more info, get the file pub/TeX/psbox/PSBOXALL.TEX by anonymous
%     ftp from cs.nyu.edu(=
% History:
%  1.34  \readfilename=final fix for all filename scans; try \psforptips
%  1.33: corrects \psnewinput for LaTeX (still fails if fname=a{b}c)
%  1.32: corrects \psfordvialw and adds .TEX to PSBOXALL(!)
%  1.31: adds \psfordvialw(?)
%  1.30: adds \splitfile & \joinfiles for multi-file management
%  1.24: fix error handling & add \psonlyboxes
%  1.22: makes \drawingBox \global for use in Phyzzx
%  1.21: accepts %%BoundingBox: (atend)
%  1.20: tries to add \psfordvitps for the TeXPS package.
%  1.10: adds \psforoztex, error handling...
%2345678 1 2345678 2 2345678 3 2345678 4 2345678 5 2345678 6 2345678 7 23456789
% Checking version no to avoid multiple loadings
\expandafter\ifx\csname psboxversion\endcsname\relax
  \message{PSBOX(\temp) loading}%
    \ifdim\temp cm>\psboxversion cm
      \message{PSBOX(\temp) loading}%
      \message{PSBOX(\psboxversion) is already loaded: I won't load
% Every macro likes a little privacy...
%Trying to tame the variety of \special commands for Postscript: the
%  universal internal command \PSspeci@l##1##2 takes ##1 to be the
%  filename and ##2 to be the integer scale factor*1000 (as for usual
%   TeX \scale commands)
\def\psfortextures{%     For TeXtures on the Macintosh
\special{illustration ##1\space scaled ##2}%
\def\psfordvitops{%      For the DVItoPS converter on IBM mainframes
\special{dvitops: import ##1\space \the\drawingwd \the\drawinght}%
\def\psfordvips{%      For DVIPS converter on VAX, UNIX and PC's
%    \special{/@scaleunit 1000 def}% never read dox without trying!
\d@my=0.1bp \d@mx=\drawingwd \divide\d@mx by\d@my% BUG! for large \drawingwd
\special{PSfile=##1\space llx=\psllx\space lly=\pslly\space%
urx=\psurx\space ury=\psury\space rwi=\number\d@mx
\def\psforoztex{%        For the OzTeX shareware on the Macintosh
\special{##1 \space
      ##2 1000 div dup scale
      \number-\psllx\space \number-\pslly\space translate
\def\psfordvitps{%       From the UNIX TeXPS package, vers.>3.12
% Convert a dimension into the number \psn@sp (in scaled points)
% psfig.psr contains the def of "startTexFig": if you can locate it
% and include the correct pathname, it should work
\special{dvitps: Include0 "psfig.psr"}% contains def of "startTexFig"
\special{dvitps: Literal "\psn@sp\space"}
\special{dvitps: Literal "\psn@sp\space"}
\psdimt@n@sp{\psllx bp}
\special{dvitps: Literal "\psn@sp\space"}
\psdimt@n@sp{\pslly bp}
\special{dvitps: Literal "\psn@sp\space"}
\psdimt@n@sp{\psurx bp}
\special{dvitps: Literal "\psn@sp\space"}
\psdimt@n@sp{\psury bp}
\special{dvitps: Literal "\psn@sp\space startTexFig\space"}
\special{dvitps: Include1 "##1"}
\special{dvitps: Literal "endTexFig\space"}
\def\psfordvialw{%   Try for dvialw, a UNIX public domain
\special{language "PostScript",
position = "bottom left",
literal "  \psllx\space \pslly\space translate
  ##2 1000 div dup scale
  -\psllx\space -\pslly\space translate",
include "##1"}
\def\psforptips{%   For MS-DOS; LUOMA@brandeis.bitnet
\d@mx=\psurx bp
\advance \d@mx by -\psllx bp
\divide \d@mx by 1000\multiply\d@mx by \xscale
\d@my=\psury bp
\advance \d@my by -\pslly bp
\divide \d@my by 1000\multiply\d@my by \xscale
\d@mx=-\psllx bp
\divide \d@mx by 1000\multiply\d@mx by \xscale
\d@my=-\pslly bp
\divide \d@my by 1000\multiply\d@my by \xscale
\at(\d@mx;\d@my){\special{ps:##1 x=\tmpx, y=\tmpy}}
\def\psonlyboxes{%     Draft-like behaviour if none of the others works
\at(0cm;0cm){\boxit{\vbox to\drawinght
  {\vss\hbox to\drawingwd{\at(0cm;0cm){\hbox{({\tt##1})}}\hss}}}}
\at(0cm;0cm){\boxit{\vbox to\drawinght
  {\vss\hbox to\drawingwd{\at(0cm;0cm){\hbox{({\tt##1}) #1}}\hss}}}}
\let\PSspeci@l=\savedPSspeci@l% restore normal output for other figs!
%\def\psfor...  add your own!
% Some common defs
\newcount\xscale \newcount\yscale \newdimen\pscm\pscm=1cm
\newdimen\d@mx \newdimen\d@my
\newdimen\pswdincr \newdimen\pshtincr
{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=12 |catcode`|%=12 |catcode`~=12
|catcode`#=12 |catcode`*=14
% useful to display special chars in \tt; fails for \,#,%
\def\execute#1{#1}% NOT stupid: cs in #1 are then identified BEFORE execution
\def\psm@keother#1{\catcode`#112\relax}% borrowed from latex
% \if\matchin#1#2<=> \iftrue if #1 contains #2, <=>\iffalse otherwise:
% \if\matchexpin: idem, but #1 & #2 are first fully expanded (no \if
% inside!)
% \tmpa & \tmpb contain what's before and after the occurence of #2
% converts any dimen in cm, with 1E-4 cm precision
  \divide\d@mx by \psxoffset
  \advance\d@my by -\number\d@mx cm
  \multiply\d@my by 100
  \divide\d@mx by \psxoffset
  \advance\d@my by -\number\d@mx cm
  \multiply\d@my by 100
  \divide\d@mx by \psxoffset
%  \ReadPSize{PSfilename} reads the dimensions of a PostScript drawing
%      and stores it in \drawinght(wd)
\newhelp\PShelp{Proceed: you'll have a 5cm square blank box instead of
your graphics (Jean Orloff).}%
\def\s@tsize#1 #2 #3 #4\@ndsize{
  \def\psurx{#3}\def\psury{#4}%  needed by a crazyness of dvips!
  \ifx\psurx\@mpty\NotB@undingBoxtrue% this is not a valid one!
    \drawinght=#4bp\advance\drawinght by-#2bp
    \drawingwd=#3bp\advance\drawingwd by-#1bp
%  !Units related by crazy factors as bp/pt=72.27/72 should be BANNED!
\def\g@bblefirstblank#1#2:{\ifx#1 \else#1\fi#2}%
%% is not a true comment in PostScript, even if % is!
 \ifeof\pst@mpin \errhelp=\PShelp
   \errmessage{I haven't found your postscript file (\PSfilename)}%
   \psloc@lerr{was not found}%
   \s@tsize 0 0 142 142\@ndsize
% each entry in \GlobalInputList should be unique
   \if\matchexpin{\GlobalInputList}{, \lastreadfilename}%
   \else\xdef\GlobalInputList{\GlobalInputList, \lastreadfilename}%
     \executeinspecs{\catcode`\ =10\global\read\pst@mpin to\n@xtline}%
       \errmessage{(\PSfilename) is not an Encapsulated PostScript File:
           I could not find any \B@undingBox: line.}%
       \edef\v@lue{0 0 142 142:}%
       \psloc@lerr{is not an EPSFile}%
% \psboxto(xdim;ydim){psfilename}: you specify the dimensions and
%    TeX uniformly scales to fit the largest one. If xdim=0pt, the
%    scale is fully determined by ydim and vice versa.
%    Notice: psboxes are a real vboxes; couldn't take hbox otherwise all
%    indentation and all cr's would be interpreted as spaces (hugh!).
   \advance\pswdincr by \drawingwd
   \advance\pshtincr by \drawinght
   \divide\pswdincr by 1000
   \divide\pshtincr by 1000
         \else \xscale=\d@mx \divide \xscale by \pswdincr\fi
         \else \yscale=\d@my \divide \yscale by \pshtincr\fi
   \divide\drawingwd by1000 \multiply\drawingwd by\xscale
   \divide\drawinght by1000 \multiply\drawinght by\xscale
   \divide\psxoffset by1000 \multiply\psxoffset by\xscale
   \divide\psyoffset by1000 \multiply\psyoffset by\xscale
   \global\divide\pscm by 1000
   \global\multiply\pscm by\xscale
   \multiply\pswdincr by\xscale \multiply\pshtincr by\xscale
   \message{scaled \the\xscale}%
 \hbox to\d@mx{\hss\vbox to\d@my{\vss
   \global\setbox\drawingBox=\hbox to 0pt{\kern\psxoffset\vbox to 0pt{%
  \global\pshtincr=0pt % These are local to one figure
  \global\pscm=1cm %should not be necessary
% \psboxscaled{scalefactor*1000}{PSfilename} allows to bypass the
%   rounding errors of TeX integer divisions for situations where the
%   TeX box should fit the original BoundingBox with a precision
%   better
%   than 1/1000.
  \message{scaled \the\xscale}%
  \divide\pswdincr by 1000 \multiply\pswdincr by \xscale
  \divide\pshtincr by 1000 \multiply\pshtincr by \xscale
  \divide\psxoffset by1000 \multiply\psxoffset by\xscale
  \divide\psyoffset by1000 \multiply\psyoffset by\xscale
  \divide\drawingwd by1000 \multiply\drawingwd by\xscale
  \divide\drawinght by1000 \multiply\drawinght by\xscale
  \global\divide\pscm by 1000
  \global\multiply\pscm by\xscale
  \global\setbox\drawingBox=\hbox to 0pt{\kern\psxoffset\vbox to 0pt{%
  \advance\pswdincr by \drawingwd
  \advance\pshtincr by \drawinght
  \global\pshtincr=0pt % These are local to one figure
%  \psbox{PSfilename} makes a TeX box having the minimal size to
%      enclose the picture
%  \joinfiles file1, file2, ...n \into joinedfilename .
%     makes one file out of many
%  \splitfile joinedfilename
%     the opposite
% works if #1 is a single character
\def\toother@ux#1 #2#3\endtoother@ux{\def\tmp{#3}%
% \readfilename defs:
\def\re@d{\expandafter\re@daux}% spares typing 10 \expandafter's...
  \let\\=\backslashother \let\%=\percentother \let\~=\tildeother
  \let\#=\sharpother \xdef\lastreadfilename{}%
% redefines \input using \readfilename
  \def\readfilenamehook{% each entry in \GlobalInputList should be unique
    \if\matchexpin{\GlobalInputList}{, \lastreadfilename}%
    \else\xdef\GlobalInputList{\GlobalInputList, \lastreadfilename}%
\expandafter\ifx\csname @@input\endcsname\relax    % then Plain
     \errhelp{If the content of this file is so precious to you, abort (ie
press x or e) and rename it before retrying.}%
     \errmessage{I'm just about to replace your file named \lastreadfilename}%
% % will have an unusual catcode below; use * instead
   \message{! I couldn't find and split \lastreadfilename!}*
   \message{< Splitting \lastreadfilename\space into}*
       \executeinspecs{\global\read\j@insplitin to\spl@tinline\expandafter
 \message{< Joining following files into}*
\w@{% This collection of files was produced with CERN psbox package}*
\w@{% To decompose and tex it:}*
\w@{%-save this with a filename CONTAINING ONLY LETTERS and a .TEX}*
\w@{% extension (say, JOINTFIL.TEX), in some uncrowded directory;}*
\w@{%-make sure you can \string\input\space psbox.tex (version>=1.3);}*
\w@{%  (else ftp cs.nyu.edu(=, then get}*
\w@{%  and tex the file psboxall.tex; more info in psbREAD.ME)}*
\w@{%-tex JOINTFIL.TEX using Plain, or LaTeX, or whatever is needed by}*
\w@{%  the first file in the joining (after splitting JOINTFIL.TEX into}*
\w@{%  it's constituents, TeX will try to process it as it stands).}*
\w@{\string\input\space psbox.tex}*
 \expandafter\tre@tfilelist#1, \endtre@t
\gdef\tre@tfilelist#1, #2\endtre@t{*
     \errmessage{I couldn't find file \lastreadfilename}*
     \executeinspecs{\global\read\j@insplitin to\oldj@ininline}*
         \executeinspecs{\global\read\j@insplitin to\j@ininline}*
   \tre@tfilelist#2, \endtre@t
% To be put at the end of a file, for making a tar-like file containing
%   everything it used.
%  Annotations & Captions etc...
% \centinsert{anybox} is just a centered \midinsert, but is included as
%    people barely use the original inserts from TeX.
% for compatibility with older versions, but \psfig is a bad name!
% \at(#1;#2)#3 puts #3 at #1-higher and #2-right of the current
%    position without moving it (to be used in annotations).
  \rlap{\kern#1\vbox to0pt{\kern-#2\box0\vss}}}%
% \gridfill(ht;wd) makes a 1cm*1cm grid of ht by wd whose lower-left
%   corner is the current point
\newdimen\gridht \newdimen\gridwd
  \setbox0=\hbox to 1\pscm
  {\vrule height1\pscm width.4pt\leaders\hrule\hfill}%
  \divide\gridht by \ht0
  \multiply\gridht by \ht0
  \divide\gridwd by \wd0
  \multiply\gridwd by \wd0
  \advance \gridwd by \wd0
  \vbox to \gridht{\leaders\hbox to\gridwd{\leaders\box0\hfill}\vfill}}%
% Useful to measure where to put annotations
% \textleftof\anybox: Sample text\endtext
%   inserts "Sample text" on the left of \anybox ie \vbox, \psbox.
%   \textrightof is the symmetric (not documented, too uggly)
% Welcome any suggestion about clean wraparound macros from
%   TeXhackers reading this
    \advance\hsize by -\wd1 \advance\hsize by -2em}%
    \advance\hsize by -\wd0 \advance\hsize by -2em}%
  \hbox to \hsize{\valign{\vfil##\vfil\cr%
% \frameit{\thick}{\skip}{\anybox}
%    draws with thickness \thick a box around \anybox, leaving \skip of
%    blank around it. eg \frameit{0.5pt}{1pt}{\hbox{hello}}
% \boxit{\anybox} is a shortcut.
\def\frameit#1#2#3{\hbox{\vrule width#1\vbox{%
  \hrule height#1\vskip#2\hbox{\hskip#2\vbox{#3}\hskip#2}%
        \vskip#2\hrule height#1}\vrule width#1}}%
\catcode`\@=12 % cs containing @ are unreachable
%    Uncomment the line corresponding to your TeX system:
%\psfortextures%     For TeXtures on the Macintosh
%\psforoztex   %     For OzTeX shareware on the Macintosh
%\psfordvitops %     For the DVItoPS converter for TeX on IBM mainframes
 \psfordvips   %     For DVIPS converter on VAX and UNIX
%\psfordvitps  %     For dvitps from TeXPS package under UNIX
%\psfordvialw  %     For dvialw, UNIX public domain
%\psonlyboxes  %     Blank Boxes (when all else fails).