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\input dotnot
\def\title{A Short Program Whose Construction Isn't}
\def\out{{\it out:\/}}
\centerline{\bf \title}

\beginsection Introduction

This is a construction of a {\it Simple Program Whose Proof Isn't},
as D.~E.~Knuth titled his contribution to {\it Beauty Is Our
Business, A Birthday Salute to Edsger W. Dijkstra}.  Knuth's program
is module 103 from \TeX. Given integer $n$ it prints a decimal
fraction that approximates $n/2^{16}$ using just enough digits such
that the fraction determines $n$ uniquely.  Both David Gries (in
{\it Binary to Decimal, One More Time}) and Knuth presented proofs
in the same volume that use unique properties of $2^{16}$. But this
program provides a nontrivial generalization, it complies to the
requirements for any $q > n \ge 0$.  We call it ``\out''.

\beginsection Notation

For program construction, that is developing the program {\it and\/} its
proof hand in hand, Dijkstra proposed both a notation (see EWD
1300) and a programming language (see {\it A Discipline Of
Programming}) that we are going to use here---however, slightly
modified, blocks are deliminated by $[$ and $]$.
A dot denotes function application, like ``$f.x$'' for ``$f(x)$''.
Dot and colon have the same precedence and are left associative;
e.g., ``$d:hiext.i$'' means ``$(d:hiext).i$''.  The precedence is
higher than that of any other operator, e.g., ``$\neg(d \:= a).R0$''
means ``$\neg\bigl((d \:= a).R0\bigr)$''.

For expressions $E$, $F$, and $G$ we notate substitution of $E$ by
$F$ in $G$ as ``$(E \:= F).G$'', e.g.,
\f (x \:= x+y).(x > 0) \meq x+y > 0\qquad,\hbox{or}\\
\f \bigl((10+5) \:= 7\bigr).\bigl((10+5) * 2\bigr)\qquad=\qquad 14\qquad.\\
The last example shows that we don't constraint the
substituion function to predicates but apply it to any expression,
in this case to an integer expression, and that we allow any
expression left of $\:=$, not only program variables.

We denote a conventionally written set $\{t.x \mid r.x\}$ as $\<x :
r.x : t.x\>$. The three colon separated fields denote the dummy
variable ($x$), the range of the dummy ($r.x$) and the terms ($t.x$),
that is the elements of the set.  Quantified operators applied to
a set are written just after the $\langle$, e. g., $\<\mx i : i <
10 : i\>$ is the maximum integer exceeded by ten, and $\<\nbr i :
0 \le i < 10 : i\>$ is the number of naturals exceeded by 10.

Throughout this paper, the type of $m$, $n$, $i$, $j$, and $p$ is
integer and of $q$ positive integer and of $r$ rational. The
variables $d$ and $a$ are of type integer array with the lower
bound of its domain being one.

\beginsection Integer Artithmetic

This construction of \out\ is based on
\proclaim Theorem 0.
A half open interval of length $j$ contains exactly $j$ integers.

As programmers we all know this theorem for intervals with integral
end points but its extension to arbitray end points might come as
a surprise. We'll use the following corollaries in this paper.

\proclaim Corollary 0.
$m = \< \mx i : i \le p/q : i\>\meq p/q-1 < m \le p/q$

\proclaim Corollary 1.
$m = \< \mx i : i < p/q : i\>\meq p/q-1 \le m < p/q$

\proclaim Corollary 2.
$ p\div q = \< \mx i : i*q \le p : i\>$

\proclaim Corollary 3.
$(p-1)\div q = \< \mx i : i*q < p : i\>$

\beginsection Specification of \out

Given integers $n$, $q$ with $0 \le n < q$, \out\ computes a decimal
representation of $n/q$. It stores the digits in an array $d$ with
$d.lob = 1$. For any integer array $a$ with $a.lob=1$ let $a.s$
be the sum
\f a.s = \< \su i : a.lob \le i \le a.hib : a.i/10^i\>\\

{\it d.s is close enough to $n/q$\/}:
\nf R0:   (n-1/2)/q \le d.s < (n+1/2)/q\\

{\it The length of $d$ is minimal\/}:
\nf R1:   \< \fa a : a.hib < d.hib : \neg(d \:= a).R0 \>\\ 

If there is more than one approximation that is close enough to
$n/q$ and yielded by an array of minimal length, $d.s$ is the closest one\/}:
\nf R2: \<\nbr a : (d \:= a).R0 \mand a.hib = d.hib : a.s \> > 1
\mimpl |n/q - d.s| \le | n/q - a.s|\\

{\it d contains decimal digits\/}:
\nf R3:   \< \fa i : d.lob \le i \le d.hib : 0 \le d.i < 10\>\\

\beginsection Construction of \out

For brevity, we define expressions that depend implicitly on $d$, the only
variable in the state space of \out.
\dnf L: d.hib\\Q: 10^L\!/q\\
\dnf N: 10^L*d.s\\J: \<r : (n-1/2)*Q \le r < (n+1/2)*Q : r\>\\

We introduced $N$ because it is an integer and $J$ because it is
a half open interval of length $Q$. They are related to $R0$ by
\nrf0 R0 \meq N \in J\qquad.\\

For the proof of (0) we observe
\f R0 \\
\heq {multiply by $10^L$, definition of $N$ and $Q$}
\f (n-1/2)*Q \le N < (n+1/2)*Q\\
\heq {Def. of $J$}
\f N \in J\\

We construct a loop that starts with an empty array $d$, appends an
integer to $d$ in each iteration and terminates
with $R0 \mand R1$.

Applying the Linear Search Theorem to find the minimal length
we introduce the loop guard
\nf G0: \< \fa a : a.hib = L : \neg(d \:= a).R0 \>\qquad.\\

Since $N$ is an integer and $J$ depends on $L$ only, not on the entries
of $d$, (0) lets us conclude
\f G0 \mff \<\nbr i : i \in J : i\> = 0\qquad.\\
To test for $\<\nbr i : i \in J : i\> > 0$, we use a wittness $N$
that is in $J$ whenever $J$ contains an integer at all. Two candidates for
$N$ come to mind:
\df N = \< \mx i : i < (n+1/2)*Q : i\>\\  N = \< \mn i : (n-1/2)*Q\le i : i\>\\ 
\df \;\mand\\                               \;\mand \\
\df \<\nbr i : i \in J : i\> = 0\\         \<\nbr i : i \in J : i\> = 0\\
\dh\eq {arithmetic}                     \eq {arithmetic}
\df   N < (n-1/2)*Q                 \\    (n+1/2)*Q \le N        \\
We decide for the left alternative. It leads to a nondecreasing
sequence of the intermediate sums $d.s$, and that is equivalent to
the entries in $d$ being naturals. We take

\nf P0:  N = \< \mx i : i < (n+1/2)*Q : i \> \\
as a loop invariant and replace $G0$ by the loop guard
\nf G1:  N < (n-1/2)*Q\qquad.\\
The program reads---with $E$ chosen such that $wp.``d:hiext.E".P0$ holds:
   d \vir int \array \:= (1) \co{R1; P0}
   ;\do G1 \-> d:hiext.E \co{R1; P0} \od
   \cofl{\neg G1; R1; P0}
We are going to prove that $P0$ and $R1$ are loop invariants.
\dnf P0 \hbox{ is established by the initialization}:\\
     P0 \hbox{ is maintained}:\\
\df  wp.``d \:= (1)".P0\\
\dh\eq   {$N, L \:= 0,0$}
   \eq   {choice of $E$}
\df  0 = \<\mx i : i < (n+1/2)/q : i\>\\
\heq   {Corollary 1}
\f  (n+1/2)/q - 1 \le 0 < (n + 1/2)/q\\
\heq   {$0 \le n$ implies the right $<$}
\f  n+1/2 \le q\\
\heq   {$n$, $q$ are integers}
\f  n < q\\
\heq   {precondition of \out}
\f  true\\
\dnf R1\hbox{ is established by the initialization}:\\
     R1\hbox{ is maintained}:\\
\df  wp.``d \:= (1)".R1\\
\dh\eq   {$L \:= 0$}
   \eq   {$L \:= L+1$}
\df  \<\fa i : 0 \le i < 0 : \neg(L \:= i).R0 \>\\
     \< \fa i : 0 \le i < L+1 : \neg(L \:= i).R0 \>\\
\dh\eq   {predicate calculus: empty range of $\fa$}
   \eq   {predicate calculus: split range}
\df  true\\
     \< \fa  i : 0 \le i < L : \neg(L \:= i).R0 \> \mand \neg(L \:= L).R0\\
\dh {} {} \eq   {Def. of $R1$}
\df \\ R1 \mand  \neg R0\\
\dh{} {} \eq   {$R1$ is precondition}
\df \\ \neg R0\\
\dh {} {} \ff  {construction of $G1$}
\df \\ G1\\
\dh {} {} \eq   {$G1$ is precondition}
\df \\ true\\

For the termination proof, we note that $L$ is incremented in each iteration
and bounded from above:
\f   10^L < q\\
\heq   {Def. of $Q$, $q > 0$}
\f   Q < 1\\
\h\ff  {$J$ is an half open interval of length $Q$; Theorem 0}
\f   \<\nbr i : i \in J : i\> = 0\\
\heq   {$G1 \mand P0$}
\f   true\\

That finishes the proof of the above program and we are ready to turn to
\nf R2: \<\nbr a : (d \:= a).R0 \mand a.hib = L : a.s \> > 1
\mimpl |n/q - d.s| \le | n/q - a.s|\qquad.\\

$R2$'s antecedent reduces to $\<\nbr i : i \in J : i\> > 1$, since
for any $a$ with $a.hib = L$ the number $a.s*10^L$ is an integer,
which is contained in $J$ precisely when $(d \:= a).R0$ holds.

$R2$'s consequence is equivalent to
\f n*Q - 1/2 \le N \le n*Q+1/2\qquad.\\
Since this condition does not always determine a unique solution
for $N$, we impose the slightly stronger one constraining $N$ to
a half open interval of length 1.

\nf R2C: n*Q - 1/2 < N \le n*Q+1/2\qquad.\\
$R2C$ looks quite different from $P0$. To avoid appending a "wrong"
digit according to $P0$, we take a further loop invariant that
implies the negation of $R2$'s antecedent.

\f \<\nbr i : i \in J : i\> \le 1\\
\h\ff {$J$ is an half open interval of length $Q$; Theorem 0}
\nf P1: Q \le 1\\

$P1$ is established by initialization:
\f   wp.``d \:= (1)".P1 \\
\heq   {$Q \:= 1/q$}
\f   1 \le q\\
\heq   {$0 \le n < q$}
\f   true\\

We calculate guard $G2$ such that $P1$ is maintained:
\f   wp.``d:hiext.E".P1\\
\heq   {$Q \:= 10*Q$}
\nf G2: 10*Q \le 1\\

With $G2$, the loop might terminate while $G1$ is still true, that is without
reaching $R0$. In that case, we compute the last digit according to $R2C$.

The program now reads---with $E$ chosen such that $wp.``d:hiext.E".P0$ holds
and $F$ chosen such that $wp.``d:hiext.F".R2C$ holds:

   d \vir int \array \:= (1) \co{P0\and R1\and P1}
 ; \do G1 \mand G2 \-> d:hiext.E \co{P0\and R1\and P1} \od
   \cofl{\neg (G1 \and  G2) \and P0 \and R1 \and P1}
 ; \IF G1 \-> d:hiext.F \co{R2C} \| \neg G1 \-> skip\FI
   \cofl{R0\and R1\and R2}
We will prove that the if-statement establishes the postconditions.
We already have proven that the loop terminates and establishes
its postconditions. According to the guards of the if-statement,
our proof takes two cases:

Case zero: The loop terminates with $\neg G1$: 

Here the if-statement selects the skip statement. Its predicate
transformer, $wp.skip$, is the identity function.

$R0$ is reached:
\df   (n-1/2)*Q \le N \\      N < (n+1/2)*Q \\
\dh\eq {$\neg G1$}        \eq  {$P0$}
\df   true	\\	      true \\

$R1$ is reached: $R1$ is a precondition of the if-statement.

$R2$ is reached: $P1$ implies the negation of $R2$'s antecedent
and is a precondition of the if-statement.
This ends the proof for case zero.
Case one: The loop terminates with $G1$:

$R0$ is reached: We show that $R0$ holds in the state after
\nf R0: (n-1/2)*Q \le N < (n+1/2)*Q\\
\heq {towards $R2C$}
\f n*Q -(1/2)*Q \le N < n*Q + (1/2)*Q\\
\h \ff {$1<Q$, see (**) below; transitiviy of $<$ and $=$}
\f n*Q -1/2 \le N \le  n*Q + 1/2\\
\heq {$F$ chosen sucht that $R2C$ holds}
\f true\\

(**)$1<Q$ holds because
\f wp.``d:hiext.F".(1<Q)\\
\heq {$Q \:= 10*Q$}
\f 1 < 10*Q\\
\heq {Definition of $G2$}
\f \neg G2\\
\heq {$G1 \mand (\neg G1 \mor \neg G2)$}
\f true\\

$R1$ is reached: The proof for the invariance of $R1$ can be taken
verbatim, since here we have the same preconditions ($G1; R1; P0$).

$R2$ is reached: Its consequence $R2C$ is established by the choice of $F$.

That finishes the proof for $R0$, $R1$, and $R2$.  So far, we
ignored $R3$.  In fact, the final value of $d.s$ and $L$ is uniquely
defined by the other three conditions.  But the intermediate values
of $d.s$ and---equivalently the entries of $d$---are not. We can
only hope that \out\ delivers decimal digits.

We show $0 \le E < 10$ in the state before
``$d:hiext.E$'', where $wp.``d:hiext.E".P0$ holds.
\f    wp.``d:hiext.E".P0\\
\heq     {$N, Q \:= 10*N+E, 10*Q$}
\f    10*N + E = \<\mx i : i < (n+1/2)*10*Q : i \>\\
\heq     {simplify}
\f    E = \<\mx i : i < \bigl((n+1/2)*Q - N\bigr)*10 : i \>\\
\heq    {Corollary 1}
\f   \bigl((n+1/2)*Q - N\bigr)*10 - 1 \le E < \bigl((n+1/2)*Q-N\bigr)*10 \\

We observe:
\f     0 \le E \\
\heq      {trick, 0 and $E$ are integers}
\df    -1  < E \\
       E < 10 \\
\dh\ff   {above, left end}
   \ff   {above, right end}
\df   -1 < \bigl((n+1/2)*Q - N\bigr)*10 - 1 \\
      \bigl((n+1/2)*Q - N\bigr)*10 \le 10 \\
\dh \eq  {simplify}
    \eq  {simplify}
\df   N < (n+1/2)*Q\\
      (n+1/2)*Q \le N + 1\\
\dh \eq  {$P0$, right end}
    \eq  {$P0$, left end}
\df  true\\
So far so good! Now $F$.
We show $0 \le F < 10$ in the state before
``$d:hiext.F$'', where $wp.``d:hiext.F".R2C$ holds.
\f   wp.``d:hiext.F".R2C \\
\heq   {$N, Q \:= 10*N+F, 10*Q$}
\f   (n*Q-N)*10 - 1/2 < F \le (n*Q-N)*10 + 1/2\\
We observe:
\df  0 \le F \\
     F < 10 \\
\dh \eq  {trick, 0 and $F$ are integers}
    \ff  {see above, right end}
\df  -1 < F\\
    (n*Q-N)*10 + 1/2 < 10\\
\dh \ff   {see above, left end}
    \eq   {heading for $P0$, left end}
\df  -1 \le (n*Q-N)*10 - 1/2\\
    (n*Q-1)*10 + 1/2 < N*10\\
\dh \eq  {simplify}
    \ff  {$P0$, left end}
\df  -1/2 \le (n*Q-N)*10\\
  (n*Q-1)*10 + 1/2 < (n+1/2)*Q*10-10\\
\dh \ff  {arithmetic}
    \eq  {simplify}
\df  N < n*Q\\
     1/2 < (1/2)*Q*10\\
\dh\eq   {$G1$}
   \eq   {$\neg G2$}
\df true\\

Now that \out\ is proved correct---lucky as we are, $R3$ holds---,
we reduce the expressions to integer arithmetics. We start with 
\nf G2: 10*Q \le 1\\
\heq {$Q=10^L\!/q$}
\f 10^{L+1} \le q\\
\heq {new variable $u$ with invariant $u = 10^{L+1}$}
\f u \le q\\

The invariant of $u$ is established by $u \:= 10$ and maintained
by $u \:= 10*u$.
Next, we reduce
\nf G1:  N < (n-1/2)*Q \\
\heq   {expand with $q$, reuse $u$}
\f   N*q*10 < (n-1/2)*u\\
\heq   {think positive}
\f   u/2 < n*u - N*q*10\\
\heq   {$u = 10^{L+1}$ is even}
\f   u \div 2 < n*u - N*q*10\\
\heq   {new variable $v$ with invariant $v=n*u-N*q*10$}
\f   u \div 2 < v\\
The expressions $n*u$ and $N*q*10$ might take large values. To avoid integer
overflow, we store their difference in $v$. The invariant of $v$ is established
by $v \:= 10*n$.
We calculate $V$ such that $v$'s invariant is maintained by $v \:= V$.
\f   wp.``d:hiext.E; u, v \:= 10*u, V".(v = n*u - N*q*10)\\
\heq   {semantics of the semicolon}
\f   wp.``d:hiext.E".\bigl(wp.``u, v \:= 10*u, V".(v = n*u - N*q*10)\bigr)\\
\heq   {semantics of the assignment}
\f   wp.``d:hiext.E".(V = n*10*u - N*q*10)\\
\heq   {array semantics: $N \:= 10*N+E$}
\f   V = n*10*u - (10*N+E)*q*10\\
\heq {simplify}
\f   V = (n*u - 10*N*q-E*q)*10\\
\heq     {invariant for $v$}
\f   V = (v-E*q)*10\\
Reducing $E$ and $F$ to $\div$ is straight forward by the well
known Corollary 2 and the slightly less well known Corollary 3.

\dnf E: \<\mx i : i < \bigl((n+1/2)*Q - N\bigr)*10 : i \>\\
     F: \<\mx i : i \le (n*Q - N)*10 + 1/2 : i \>\\
\dh=   {expand with $q$}
   =    {expand with $q$, reuse $u$}
\df   \<\mx i : i*q < (n+1/2)*10^{L+1} - N*q*10 : i \>\\
      \<\mx i : i*q \le n*u - N*q*10 + q/2 : i \>\\
\dh=    {reuse $u$}
   =    {reuse $v$}
\df  \<\mx i : i*q < n*u+ u/2 - N*q*10 : i \>\\
     \<\mx i : i*q \le v + q/2 : i \>\\
\dh=    {reuse $v$ , $u$ is even}
   =    {see (*)}
\df  \<\mx i : i*q < v + u \div 2 : i \>\\
     \<\mx i : i*q \le v + q \div 2 : i \>\\
\dh=    {Corollary 3}
   =    {Corollary 2}
\df   (v + u \div 2 - 1) \div q\\
      (v + q \div 2) \div q\\
The equation at (*) holds when $q$ is even, since then $q/2 = q \div 2$.
And when $q$ is odd, we have $q/2 = q \div 2 + 1/2$ and we observe
\f    i*q \le v + q/2\\
\heq     {$q$ is odd}
\f    i*q \le v + q \div 2 + 1/2\\
\heq     {$i*q$ and $v + q \div 2$ are integers}
\f    i*q \le v + q \div 2\\
This ends the reduction of \out\ to integer arithmetic and the construction
of our program.
 \out\; \[\glocon n, q; \virvar d \co {0 \le n < q}
; \privar u, v
; d \vir int \array, u \vir int, v \vir int \:= (1), 10, n*10
; \do u \div 2 < v  \mand  u \le q \->\&%
     d:hiext.\bigl((v + u \div 2 - 1) \div q\bigr)
       ; u, v \:= 10*u, (v - d.high*q)*10 \decind
; \IF u \div 2 < v \-> d:hiext.\bigl((v + q \div 2) \div q\bigr)
  \| u \div 2 \ge v \-> skip
\] \co {R0 \mand R1 \mand R2 \mand R3}
That's it. The program is only proved correct, not tested.  The
proof and/or the program might contain errors. Please don't hesitate
to contact me if you found one, or if you know a better way to
apply Dijkstra's technique to a problem that turned out to be
surprisingly hard.
Wolfgang Helbig\hfill {\tt helbig@lehre.ba-stuttgart.de}\qquad\bi
Stauferstr. 22\hfill {\tt wwwlehre.ba-stuttgart.de/\~{}helbig/}\qquad\bi
71334 Waiblingen\hfill October 2008\qquad\hfill