sTeX: An Infrastructure for Semantic Preloading of LaTeX Documents
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This repository contains the sTeX package collection, a version of TeX/LaTeX that allows
to markup TeX/LaTeX documents semantically without leaving the document format. 

Running `pdflatex` over sTeX-annotated documents formats them into normal-looking PDF. But
sTeX also comes with a [conversion pipeline]( into 
semantically annotated HTML5, which can host semantic added-value services that make the
documents active (i.e. interactive and user-adaptive) and essentially turning LaTeX into a
document format for (mathematical) knowledge management (MKM).

## Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2022 Michael Kohlhase
The package is distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)

## Maintainers
[Michael Kohlhase](, [Dennis Müller](, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. 

## Documentation
The [sTeX manual ]( gives a
general introduction and motivation. The 
[sTeX package documentation](
gives the details of the implementation. A complete list of sTeX-related publications can
be found [here]( 

## sTeX Corpus & Best Practices

sTeX comes with a large corpus of pre-annotated materials that act as evaluation grounds
and regression tests for the sTeX functionality and best practices that are publicly
* [HelloWorld]( a collection of simple hello world
  examples the show off the best practices of sTeX annotation. 
* [SMGLoM](, the Semantic, Multilingual Glossary of
  Mathematics (and similar disciplines). SMGloM provides a large set of definitions and
  well-designed semantic macros for core mathematical (and computation) concepts and
  objects. This resource greatly facilitates "getting off the ground" in semantic
* [MiKoMH]( a set of semantically annotated courses in
  computer science and (symbolic) AI (ca. 5000 pages of slides and notes). Ca. 3000
  problem/solutions exist are only available upon request. 
* [sTeX3 Labs]( a set of experimental re-formalizations of
  (mostly) [SMGLoM]( material to fully take advantage of
  the sTeX3 functionality and the
  [rusTeX]([MMT]( pipeline
  and knowledge managemen facilities. 

All of these are hosted on [MathHub](, an experimental portal for the
management of active mathematical documents and flexiformal mathematics. The organization
of the material into "mathematical archives" (GIT repositories with a particular
standardized structure on [a GitLab repository management server](
greatly enhances modularization and the provision of added value services.

## Setup

The GIT version can just be cloned in a directory `<sTeXDIR>` of your choosing. 
cd <sTeXDIR>
git clone
Then update your  `TEXINPUTS` environment variable, e.g. by placing the following line in your `.bashrc`:

Similarly, set your `MATHHUB` environment variable to where you intend to keep your sTeX
archives. For details, see the documentation linked above. For a LaTeX IDE, update the directory path where `pdflatex` looks for paths. 

For larger documents it may (rarely) be necessary to enlarge the internal memory allocation of the TEX/LATEX executables. This can be done by adding the following configurations in `texmf.cnf` (or changing them, if they already exist). 
param_size = 20000      % simultaneous macro parameters, also applies to MP
nest_size = 1000        % simultaneous semantic levels (e.g., groups)
stack_size = 10000      % simultaneous input sources
main_memory = 12000000
Note that you will probably need `sudo` to do this. After that, you have to run the command 
sudo fmtutil-sys --all

## Manifest
The sTeX distribution contains the following directories (conformant with the CTAN organization
* `source`: The [Documented LaTeX sources (dtx files)](
* `tex`: packages and classes of the sTeX distribution
* `lib`: bibTeX bibliography
* `doc`: the sTeX manual  and further documentation