%% %% This is file `tram.mf', %% %% __________________________________ %% Copyright © 2011–2013 Persian TeX Group %% %% License information appended. %% %% font_identifier:="tram"; mode_setup; em#:=10pt#; fctrs [1] = 0.25; fctrs [2] = 0.30; fctrs [3] = 0.35; fctrs [4] = 0.40; fctrs [5] = 0.45; fctrs [6] = 0.50; fctrs [7] = 0.60; fctrs [8] = 0.75; bwd = 0.1; for i = 1 step 1 until 16: penwd [i] = bwd; bwd := bwd * 1.2; endfor; picture bpic,cpic; boolean badpen; ch:=0; cnt:=10; for peni = 1 step 1 until 16: pen_x#:=penwd [peni] * pt#; for fctri = 1 step 1 until 8: wd#:=(1.5*1/(fctrs [fctri]))*pen_x#; define_pixels(pen_x, wd); badpen := false; if pen_x < 1.0 : pen_x := 1.0; badpen := true; fi cpic:=nullpicture; fw := 5pt# / wd#; fw := round (fw + 0.5); if fw < 1 : fw := 1; fi; fw := 2fw; % showvariable pen_x; showvariable fw; showvariable wd; beginchar(ch,fw*wd#,fw*wd#,0); x1:=0; x2:=x1; x3:=(1+.5wd); x4:=x3; y1:=.5wd; y2:=(y1+wd); y3:=(y1-.5wd); y4:=(y3+wd); if badpen or (wd < 2.99) : x1 := x2 := 0.wd; y1 := y2 := 0.5wd; fi; fill fullcircle scaled pen_x shifted(z1); fill fullcircle scaled pen_x shifted(z2); if not badpen or (wd > 3) : fill fullcircle scaled pen_x shifted(z3); fill fullcircle scaled pen_x shifted(z4); fi; bpic:=currentpicture; for i = 1 step 1 until fw - 1: currentpicture:=currentpicture + bpic shifted (i*wd, 0); endfor; bpic:=currentpicture; for i = 2 step 2 until fw - 1: currentpicture:=currentpicture + bpic shifted (0, i*wd); endfor; endchar; ch := ch + 1; endfor; %%% fctri endfor; %%% peni end; %% %% Copyright © 2011–2013 by Persian TeX Group <persian-tex@tug.org> %% %% Distributable under the LaTeX Project Public License, %% version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of %% this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status) %% by Persian TeX Group. %% %% %% %% %% %% End of file `tram.mf'.