Version 0.7.0 (2025-03-16) ----- The main part of ClutTeX is now written in Standard ML, and compiled to Lua by LunarML. Changes: * Some behavior of ClutTeX can now be customized with a configuration file: `temporary-directory` and `color` keys are available. * The default value for `--max-iterations` is now 4 (previous: 3). * Add `--source-date-epoch` option and support `--package-support=pdfx`. Version 0.6 (2023-11-18) ----- Changes: * Fix "arg" table in luatexinit to support luamplib * Handle the combination of `--output-directory` and `--change-directory` properly ([Issue #7](, thanks to @atticus-sullivan) * Change `LUAINPUTS` environment variable to find Lua files if `--change-directory` is used ([PR #11](, thanks to @atticus-sullivan) * Watch engine can be selected via an optional argument to `--watch` ([PR #10](, thanks to @atticus-sullivan) * Decrease `max_print_line` to avoid issue with BibTeX from TeX Live 2023. * Rerun biber if bib files are updated ([PR #12](, thanks to @atticus-sullivan) Version 0.5.1 (2021-11-04) ----- Changes: * Support terminal detection on more platforms (especially on Apple Silicon) * Support newer l3backend ([Issue #5](, thanks to @gksato) Version 0.5 (2020-02-06) ----- Changes: * New option: `--check-driver` * Driver options for some packages are always checked when the output format is PDF. * The color for EXEC messages are now cyan ([Issue #2]( * Some bug-fixes. Version 0.4 (2019-08-21) ----- Changes: * New options: `--print-output-directory`, `--package-support`, and `--engine-executable` * Spaces and special characters in the input file name are now appropriately escaped. For example, `cluttex -e pdflatex file%1.tex` now typesets the file `file%1.tex`. * Watch new input files in watch mode. Version 0.3 (2019-04-30) ----- Changes: * Support other methods for watching file system: `inotifywait` for Linux and a built-in one for Windows. * Fix `--no-*` options. Version 0.2 (2019-02-22) ----- Changes: * Added manual. * Added `--make-depends` option. * Better support for older Windows; don't emit ANSI escape sequences on older Command Prompts. Version 0.1 (2018-10-10) ----- Initial release. Basic features: * Does not clutter your working directory with `.aux`, `.log`, etc. files. * Does not prompt for input when there is a (La)TeX error. * With pTeX-like engines, automatically run dvipdfmx to produce PDF file. * Automatically re-run (La)TeX to resolve cross-references and other things. * Watch input files for change (requires an external program). [`--watch` option] * Support for MakeIndex, BibTeX, Biber, makeglossaries commands. [`--makeindex`, `--bibtex`, `--biber`, `--makeglossaries` options]