%% 12 MAY 93: compiled all ``New Publications'' columns from TTN
%%            issues, to make one large list. Added margin notes on
%%            reviews which have appeared in TUGboat. Also added list
%%            of books reviewed in TUGboat, which predate TTN.
%%  6 JUN 93: added books from TUGboat 14, #1 (Ch.)an
%% 21 OCT 93: updated list to include entries from TTN 2,4 (Ch.)
%% 14 APR 94: added entries from TTN 3,1 and 3,2 (Ch.)
%% 31 MAY 94: added books from TUGboat 15, #1 (Ch.)
%%  6 OCT 94: added entries from TTN 3,3 (Ch.)
%%  6 FEB 95: added entries from TTN 3,4 (including Russian books on
%%            TeX); also added books from TUGboat 15, #2 (Ch.)


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  macros taken from TTN's .sty files:


\overfullrule=0pt  \hfuzz=5pt

\font\Sectionfont=cmbxsl10 scaled \magstep2    %% \Large = 14.40pt

                                   \hrule\hrule \vskip.5pc
                                    {\Sectionfont #1}
                                   \vskip.5pc \hrule\hrule

\def\AmSLaTeX{{\the\textfont2 A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox
        {\the\textfont2 M}\kern-.125em{\the\textfont2 S}-\LaTeX}
\def\AmSTeX{{\the\textfont2 A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox
        {\the\textfont2 M}\kern-.125em{\the\textfont2 S}-\TeX}
\font\manual=manfnt   %%  logo10
\def\MF{{\manual META}\-{\manual FONT}}
\newcommand{\nfss}{{\small NFSS}}   %% added 30 SEP 92 (Ch.)
\newcommand{\PS}{{\sc Post\-Script}}
\newcommand{\PiC}{P\kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}\kern-.075em C}

\def\TeXline{{\TeX\kern-0.1em line}}
\newcommand{\ttn}{{\small TTN}}     %% added 30 SEP 92 (Ch.)
\def\TUB{{\sl TUGboat\/}}

\def\isbn{{\small ISBN}} 
\def\issn{{\small ISSN}} 
\def\tug{{\small TUG}}   
\def\uk{{\small UK}}     




\Section{About this document}

The following pages are duplications of the section ``New
Publications'', found in each issue of {\sl \TeX\ and TUG NEWS\/}, the
quarterly newsletter of the \TeX\ Users Group. 

The listings are augmented by margin notes indicating reviews which
have subsequently appeared in {\sl TUGboat\/}, TUG's quarterly

At the end are two pages listing books which had been reviewed in {\sl
TUGboat\/} before {\small TTN} began, as well as a listing of books on
\TeX\ in Russian (which originally appeared in {\small TTN} 3,4:5.

Updates of this file (\verb|ttnpubs|) are posted to {\small CTAN} on a
regular basis:



   Christina Thiele \\
   Editor, TTN


\Section{New Publications (TTN 1,1)}

   \item [Claudio Beccari.] 
          {\sl{\it \LaTeX} --- Guida a un sistema di editoria
          elettronica\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 2.} Milano: Editore
          Ulrico Hoepli Milano, 1991. Pp.\ ix + 399. \isbn\
          The book is the first and only one in Italian at this
          moment. Although it contains an introductory chapter for the
          beginner, its main purpose is to give the reader advanced
          information on \LaTeX\ (and partially on \TeX) in order to
          prepare sophisticated macros, style files, and to make
          clever use of fonts.
   \item [Arvind Borde.] 
          {\sl \TeX\ by Example\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 4.} New York:
          Academic Press, 1991. Pp.\ 169 (paper), US\$19.95.
          \isbn\ 0-12-117650-9.\nl
          This book teaches entirely by example. Input and output are
          shown side-by-side, allowing users to spot quickly how to
          get symbols, how to obtain italics, how to use bold type,
          how to start new paragraphs, and so on. The alphabetic
          appendix is both an index and a glossary, which
          systematically lists all commonly used features of \TeX.
   \item [Victor Eijkhout.] 
          {\sl \TeX\ by Topic: A \TeX nician's
          Reference\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 2.} Wokingham, \uk:
          Addison-Wes\-ley, 1992. Pp.\ viii + 307 (paper),
          US\$30.00.  \isbn\ 0-201-56882-9.\nl
          {\sl \TeX\ by Topic\/} is a systematic reference manual
          designed as a companion to tutorial guides about \TeX.

          Not for the novice, it is meant for users with a basic
          understanding of \TeX\ who have specific questions, or who
          are keen to explore the full potential of this unique
          computer typesetting system.
   \item [Jane Hahn.] 
          {\sl{\it \LaTeX} for Everyone\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 2.}
          Mill Valley: Personal \TeX\ Inc., 1991. Pp.\ xi + 346
          (paper), US\$19.95.  \isbn\ 0-9631044-0-3.\nl
          {\sl{\it \LaTeX} for Everyone\/} is a tutorial as well as a
          reference guide. Written with the beginning user in mind, it
          is designed to be easy to read and understand, and contains
          examples of all the basic commands. The experienced \LaTeX\
          user, however, will also find this book to be a valuable
          reference tool.
   \item [Raymond Seroul and Silvio Levy.] 
          {\sl A Beginner's Book of \TeX\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 1.}
          New York: Springer Verlag, 1991. Pp.\ 283 (paper),
          US\$29.95, DM58,--\ts.  \isbn\ 0-387-97562-4.\nl
          Seroul and Levy's book is an excellent beginner's text.  It
          is meant for careful reading, in which case it gives a
          surprising amount of detail. The book also has a reference
          section.  This is an expanded translation of Seroul's book,
          {\sl Le petit Livre de \TeX\/} (Paris: InterEditions, 1989).

\Section{New Publications (TTN 1,2)}

   \item [Andr\'e Heck, ed.] 
          {\sl Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space
          Sciences\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 4.}  Sing\-apore: World
          Scientific Publishing Co.\ Pte.\ Ltd., 1992. Pp.\ xi + 240
          \isbn\ 981-02-0915-0.

          The volume gathers together the communcations presented at
          the colloquium on {\sl Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and
          Space Sciences\/}, held in Strasbourg, France, 1--3 October
          1991, at the Louis Pasteur University.

   \item [Wynter Snow.] 
          {\sl \TeX\ for the Beginner\/}.  \marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 4.}
          Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wes\-ley, 1992. Pp.\ xii + 377 + 23
          (index) (paper), US\$29.25.  \isbn\ 0-201-54799-6.

          This book is a carefully paced, tutorial introduction for
          people first learning the [\TeX] system. Special emphasis is
          given to what can go wrong, and how to fix it when it
          does. \LaTeX{} notes are provided for use with a set of

\subsection*{Latest issues of other \TeX\ newsletters}

   \item [{\sl Les Cahiers GUTenberg\/}:] 
          no.\ 12, d\'ecembre 1991, 85pp. \issn\ 1140-9304. Official
          publication of GUTenberg, Groupe francophone des
          Utilisateurs de \TeX.

   \item [{\sl MAPS\/}:] 
          Issue 92.1, May 1992, 162pp. Official publication of {\small
          NTG}, Nederlandstalige \TeX\ Gebruikersgroep (MAPS =
          ``Minutes and APendiceS'').  Two issues per year. Contact:
          {\tt ntg@hearn.bitnet}.

   \item [{\sl \TeX bulletin\/}:] 
          no.\ 1, 1992, 48pp. Official newsletter (in Czech and
          Slovak) of CsTUG. Previous 4 issues in 1991 appeared without
          numbering. Four issues per year. Contacts: Karel Horak {\tt
          horakk@csearn.bitnet}, Ji\v r\'\i\ Vesel\'y {\tt
          jvesely@cspguk11.bitnet}, or Ji\v r\'\i\ Zlatuska {\tt

   \item [{\sl \TeXline\/}:] 
          issue 14, February 1992, 28pp. Contact Malcolm Clark for
          details {\tt malcolmc@sun.pcl.ac.uk}.

   \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:] 
          vol.\ 4, no.\ 1, mai 1992, 68pp. Official newsletter of
          {\small DANTE}, Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\
          e.V. Four issues per year. Contact: {\tt
          dante@dhdurz1.bitnet} or {\tt dante@vm.urz.uni-\nl

\noindent {\bf Note:} For more information on the various user
          groups, consult pp.\ 119--125 in TUG's {\sl 1991
          Resource Directory\/}.


\Section{New Publications (TTN 1,3)}

   \item [Ji\v r\'\i\ Zlatu\v ska, ed.] 
          {\sl Euro\TeX\ 92, Proceedings of the 7th European \TeX\
          Conference\/}. Brno: Masaryk University and Prague:
          Czechoslovak \TeX\ Users Group (Cs\tug), 1992. \isbn\

          Copies can be ordered directly from Cs\tug\ for the price of
          DM 30.-- plus postage (or the equivalent in some other
          currency) at the following address: \v Ceskoslovensk\'e
          sdru\v zen\'\i\ uZivatel\accent'27u \TeX u (Cs\tug),
          Matematick\'y \'ustav UK, Sokolovsk\'a 83, CS-186 00 Praha
          8, Czechoslovakia.  They may also be available through your
          local \TeX\ users group.\footnote[1]{The Table of Contents
          of the {\sl Proceedings\/} appears on p.\ 28 of this issue,
          and a short report on the conference by Alan Hoenig appears
          on pp.\ 22--23.}

   \item [Stephan von Bechtolsheim.] 
          {\sl \TeX\ in Practice}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 15, 1;\nl 15, 2.} New
          York: Springer Verlag, Oct.\ 1992. 4-volume set (hardcover),
          US\$169.00. \isbn\ 0-387-97296-X. Volumes also available
          individually, US\$49.00 each:\\
          \mbox{\hskip1pc} Vol.\ 1: {\sl Basics\/}. Pp.\ 359, 9 illus.
                \isbn\ 0-387-97595-0.\\
          \mbox{\hskip1pc} Vol.\ 2: {\sl Paragraphs, Math, and
                Fonts\/}. Pp.\ 384. \isbn\ 0-387-97596-9.\\
          \mbox{\hskip1pc} Vol.\ 3: {\sl Tokens, Macros\/}. Pp.\ 544, 22 
                illus. \isbn\ 0-387-97597-7.\\
          \mbox{\hskip1pc} Vol.\ 4: {\sl Output Routines, Tables\/}.
                Pp.\ 300. \isbn\ 0-387-97598-5.

           ``A recent surge of good \TeX\ implementations for PCs has
           put \TeX\ on the disks of many people including writers,
           designers, desktop publishers, and engineers. With such
           increased interest in \TeX, there is a need for good \TeX\
           books. {\sl \TeX\ in Practice\/} is the ideal reference and
           guide for the \TeX\ community. The four-volume set is
           written by an acknowledged expert in the field and
           addresses the needs of the \TeX\ novice to the more
           experienced `\TeX pert.'  The book provides step-by-step
           introduction to the various functions of \TeX\ with many
           relevant examples.''

   \item [Stefan Schwartz and Rudolf Potu\v cek.] 
          {\sl \LaTeX\ --- Satzkunst statt {\small DTP}}.\nl
          [``\LaTeX\ --- The Art of Typography rather than {\small
          DTP}'']. (Special issue in the series {\sl
          CHIP-Anwender-Praxis}.) 1992. DM 34,--\ts.  \isbn\

          Can be obtained from: Vogel Verlag, Postfach 67 40, D-8700
          W\"urzburg, Germany.

\subsection*{Latest issues of other \TeX\ newsletters}

   \item [{\sl Les Cahiers GUTenberg\/}:] 
          no.\ 13 juin 1992, 90pp. \issn\ 1140-9304. 


\Section{New Publications (TTN 1,4)}

\begin{description} \itemsep=-2pt
   \item [Rames Abdelhamid.]
          {\sl Das Vieweg \LaTeX-Buch: Eine praxisorientierte
          Ein\-f\"uhrung\/}.  Braunschweig: Vieweg-Verlag, 1992.
          About 200pp.\ \isbn\ 3-528-05145-0.

          This book provides a well-structured and readable
          introduction to \LaTeX\ in combination with the {\tt
          german.sty} option.

   \item [George Gratzer.]
          {\sl Math into \TeX}.  New York: Springer
          Verlag.\marginpar{\TUB\ 15, 1.}  Pp.\ 187 (paper).\
          Approx.\ \$34.00 US.\ \isbn\ 0-8176-3637-4. [Avail.\ Dec.\

          ``This book is for the mathematician, engineer, or scientist
          who wants to write and typeset articles with mathematical
          formulas but who does not want to spend a great deal of time
          learning how to do it. It assumes little familiarity with
          \TeX\ or \LaTeX.'' [From promotional material]

   \item [Piotr Wyrostek, trans.]
          {\sl \LaTeX: System przygotowywania dokument\"ow. Przewodnik
          \"urytkownika i prodr\"ecznik}.  Polish translation of
          Lamport's \LaTeX\ manual.  Krakow: Ariel.  Price: 91000 zl.\
          \isbn\ 83-900460-1-6.

   \item [Michaela Lich\'a and Old\v rich Ulrych.]
          {\sl \AmSTeX\ verze 2.1\/}.  Prague: Czecho\-slovak \TeX\
          Users Group, 1992.\ Pp.\ 80 [In Czech]

          ``This publication provides a short (but complete) tour
          through \AmSTeX\ 2.1 together with {\tt amsppt.sty}
          2.1. Almost all features are demonstrated with a lot of
          examples. The book is organized in such a way that it is
          useful for novices (basic textbook), and for advanced users
          (quick reference quide) as well. Contains a table of all
          symbols.'' [Info.\ from authors]

\subsection*{Latest issues of other \TeX\ newsletters}

\begin{description} \itemsep=-2pt
   \item [{\sl Baskerville\/}:] 
          vol.\ 2, no.\ 1, March 1992, 12pp.
          Official newsletter of the UK \TeX\ Users' Group.
%        2 issues per year.
%        Contact: {\tt ??}.

   \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:] 
          vol.\ 4, no.\ 2, August 1992, 64pp.
         Official newsletter of {\small DANTE},
            Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V.
%        Four issues per year.
%        Contact: {\tt dante@vm.urz.uni-\nl heidelberg.de}.

   \item [{\sl MAPS\/}:] 
          Issue 92.2, 1992, 176pp.
          Official publication of {\small NTG}, Nederlandstalige \TeX\ 
          Gebruikersgroep ({\small MAPS} = ``Minutes and APendiceS'').
%        Two issues per year.
%        Contact: {\tt ntg@hearn.bitnet}.

   \item [{\sl \TeX bulletin\/}:] 
          no.\ 2, 1992, 48pp; no.\ 3, 1992, 64pp.
         Official newsletter of CsTUG.\footnote[2]{Re: TTN 1,3 notice
             on the Prague Proceedings: Ji\v r\'\i\ Zlatuska of CsTUG
             asks that orders for the publication include a shipping
             and handling charge: \$5 for surface mail, \$10 for
             airmail in addition to the 30,-- DM cost. --Ed.}
%        Four issues per year.
%        Contacts: Karel Horak {\tt horakk@csearn.bitnet},
%                  Ji\v r\'\i\  Vesel\'y {\tt jvesely@cspguk11.bitnet}, or
%                  Ji\v r\'\i\  Zlatuska {\tt zlatuska@cspuni12.bitnet}.

   \item [{\TUB}:] 
          13, no.\ 3, 1992, 162pp.
          Proceedings of \tug'92 meeting in Portland, Oregon.
%        Four issues per year.
%        Contact: tugboat@tug.ams.org


\Section{New Publications (TTN 2,1)}

   \item [Donald E.\ Knuth.]
          {\sl Literate Programming\/}. ({\small CSLI} Lecture Notes
          27.)  Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and
          Information, 1992.\ Pp.\ xiii + 368 \pounds 19.95 (\uk).
          \isbn\ 0-937073-80-6 (paper), \isbn\ 0-937073-81-4 (cloth).

          `Literate Programming' (using the {\tt WEB} system) was
          developed by Knuth and used to write \TeX\ and its
          documentation. This book is a collection of previously
          published articles and extracts from books, together with
          additional references and some other new material. In
          particular, it contains the papers ``The Errors of \TeX''
          and the ``Error Log for \TeX, 1978--91''.

   \item [Michael Vulis.]
          {\sl Modern \TeX\ and Its Applications\/}.  Boca
          Raton:\marginpar{\TUB\ 14, 1.} {\small CRC} Publishers,
          1992.  Pp.\ 275, includes diskette. US\$32.95 (\$39.95
          outside the US).  \isbn\ 0-8493-4431-X (paper).
          % address: 2000 Corporate Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA

          ``A guide to plain \TeX\ (and V\TeX), intended for
          scientists, etc., and support staff who prepare technical
          texts and documents. It covers all basic topics for
          understanding the \TeX\ user environment, including fonts
          and characters, formatting, math mode, macros, terminal and
          file operations, tables, foreign language capabilities
          (including Cyrillic), indices, references, tables of
          contents, scalable typefaces, and graphics. A PC-compatible
          disk containing examples, extra typefaces, and a
          ready-to-run restricted [!] version of \TeX\ is included.''
          [adapted from promotional material]

   \item [Antoni Diller.]
          {\sl \LaTeX\ Line by Line:\marginpar{\TUB\ 14, 2.} Tips and
          Techniques for Document Processing\/}. (Software
          Engineering.)  Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 1992. Pp.\
          200 (paper). US\$29.95.  \isbn\ 0-471-93471-2.

          ``A handbook to the \LaTeX\ text processing system, this
          easy-to-follow guide teaches all users how to produce a wide
          variety of documents --- from business letters to technical
          reports. The book offers ready-to-use templates for
          producing articles, reports, letters and more; explains how
          to quickly generate tables of contents, indices and
          bibliographies; and includes many practical examples, an
          appendix of mathematical symbols and a complete glossary of
          typesetting terms.''  [adapted from promotional material]

   \item [G.\ Gr\"atzer.]
          {\sl Math into \TeX: A Simplified Introduction Using
          \AmSLaTeX\/}.  Basel: Birkh\"auser, 1992.  SFr~52.--,
          DM~57.--.\ \isbn\ 3-7643-3637-4.

          {\bf Note}: {\it This item was already listed in the last
          issue. This entry adds the bibliographic data of the

\subsection*{Latest issues of other \TeX\ newsletters}

   \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:] 
          vol.\ 4, no.\ 3, November 1992, 56pp ({\small DANTE}).
%        Official newsletter of {\small DANTE},
%            Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V.
%        Four issues per year.
%        Contact: {\tt dante@vm.urz.uni-\nl heidelberg.de}.


\Section{New Publications (TTN 2,2)}

   \item [Malcolm Clark.] 
          {\sl A {\tt plain} \TeX\ Primer\/}.  Oxford: Oxford
          University Press, 1992.  Pp.\ 481. \isbn\ 0-19-853784-0
          (cloth), \isbn\ 0-19-853724-7 (paper).

          ``This primer introduces plain \TeX, and aims to help the
          reader get started. It explains why \TeX\ approaches its
          subject in the way it does, and provides the context into
          which it fits. Another thread is the emphasis placed on
          document structure. Stress is also laid on practical
          work. The book is aimed at scientists and researchers
          preparing their own books and papers, or technical typists
          used to the conventions and jargon of their field.''
          [adapted from the publisher's description]

   \item [Stanley A. Sawyer \& Steven Krantz.]
          {\sl A \TeX\ Primer for Scientists\/}.  Boca Raton: CRC
          Publishers, 1993.  Pp.\ 175. US\$29.95 (\$36.00 outside
          USA).  \isbn\ 0-8493-7159-7.
          % address: 2000 Corporate Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA
          % To appear March 1993.

          ``This concise, straightforward text covers all basic topics
          of equation typesetting, and some advanced topics: how to
          automatically generate a table of contents, and indices; how
          to make text flow around a graphic; how to add more fonts;
          how to change fonts in math mode (for titles, etc.). In an
          appendix differences between \TeX, \LaTeX\ and \AmSTeX\ are
          discussed.''  [adapted from promotional material]

   \item [Hans Ibrus.] 
          {\sl V\"aike Eesti {\TeX}iraamat\/}. [\ts The Small Estonia
          \TeX book\ts].  Tartumaa, Estonia: a/S ``KompuT'' kirjastus,
          1992.  Pp.\ 144.

          Preface by Enn Saar. [Further description on p.\ 18.]
          Appendix A is a translation into Estonian of {\sl First
          Grade \TeX\/}, by Arthur Samuel.

   \item [Gordon M\"ullejans.]
          {\sl METAFONT. Eine Referenz\/}.  Bonn: Addison-Wes\-ley,
          1992.  Pp.\ 176. DM~39,90. \isbn\ 3-89319-363-4.

          This is neither a tutorial nor a textbook on \MF\@. It is a
          reference tool, and consists mainly of listings with short
          descriptions, in particular of the basic \MF\ commands, the
          macros of cmbase, and the parameters used to define the CM


\subsection*{Latest issues of other \TeX\ newsletters}

   \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:] 
          vol.\ 4, no.\ 4, Dezember 1992, 56pp.

%     This issue completes volume 4.
%     Official newsletter of "DANTE e.V.".
%     Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V.
%        Four issues per year.
%        Contact: |dante@vm.urz.uni-heidelberg.de|.

   \item [{\sl La Lettre GUTenberg\/}:]
          num\'ero 0, f\'evrier 1993, 16pp.

%   This is the new official GUTenberg newsletter, to appear every two 
%   months. Contact: |gut@irisa.fr|.


\Section{New Publications (TTN 2,3)}

   \item [Helmut Kopka and Patrick W.\ Daly.]
          {\sl A Guide to \LaTeX:\marginpar{\TUB\ 14, 2.} Document
          Preparation for Beginners and Advanced Users\/}.
          Addison-Wes\-ley (UK) Ltd., 1993.  Pp.\ 448. US\$34.50. \isbn\

         This book is based on two well-known German books by Helmut
         Kopka: {\sl \LaTeX\ --- Eine Einf\"uhrung\/}, and {\sl
         \LaTeX\ --- Erweiterungsm\"og\-lich\-keiten\/}.

   \item [Francesc Rossell\'o Llompart.]
          {\sl L'ABC del \TeX\/}.  Palma de Mallorca: {\small
          UIB-DMI}.  Departament de Ci\`encies Matem\`atiques i
          Inform\`atica, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 1991.

   \item [Reinhard Wonneberger.]
          {\sl \LaTeX. 3., durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage\/}.
          (Addison-Wes\-ley Kompaktf\"uhrer).  Bonn, etc.:
          Addison-Wes\-ley, 1993.  Pp.\ xvi + 166. DM~29,80. \isbn\

          This is the third (expanded) edition of a concise German
          \LaTeX\ reference (previous editions 1987 and 1988). The
          main addition is a section on {\tt german.sty}, which is
          widely used in German-speaking countries.

\subsection*{Electronic Publications}

  \item [Hubert Partl,\ts Elis.\ Schlegl\ts and Irene Hyna.]
         {\sl Una Descripci\'on de \LaTeX\/}.

          Spanish translation by Tomas Bautista of well-known German
          introduction to \LaTeX, {\sl
          \LaTeX-Kurz\-be\-schrei\-bung\/}. Includes material on the
          {\tt spanish} style option. Available in Spain from {\tt
          ftp.eunet.es} (also known as {\tt goya.} {\tt uu.es}) in the
          directory \verb+info/unix/text/TeX\spanish/tutorial/+, as
          well as from the main \TeX\ archives.

\subsection*{Latest issues of other \TeX\ newsletters}

   \item [{\sl Les Cahiers GUTenberg\/}:]
         No.\ 14: {\sl Euro\TeX'92: Proceedings of the 7th European
            \TeX\ Conference\/}. Prague, Sept.\ 14--18, 1992. Pp.\ vi
            + 330.\nl
         No.\ 15, avril 1993, 61pp. \issn\ 1140-9304.

   \item [{\sl GUST\/}:] 
         Zyszyt 1 (1993). [March issue 35 + 7; A4 format.]

          First issue of the newsletter {\small GUST} from the Polish
          user group Grupa U\.zytkownik\'ow Systemu \TeX. Editors are:
          W\l odek Bzyl and Tomasz Przechlewski. Address is: Instytut
          Matematyki UG, Wita Stwosza 56, 80-952 Gda\'nsk.  E-mail:
          {\tt matwb@halina.univ.gda.pl}.

   \item [{\sl MAPs\/}:] 
          Issue 93.1, 1993, 233pp. [Dutch-speaking user group, {\small
          NTG} publication]. 


\Section{New Publications (TTN 2,4)}

   \item [Arvind Borde and Tomas Rokicki:]
          {\sl A User's Guide for \TeX Help; The On-Line \TeX\
          Handbook\/}.  Academic Press, 1993. Pp.\ v + 28. \isbn\

          This small booklet documents the \TeX Help program for
          {\small IBM PC} and compatible microcomputers.

   \item [Arvind Borde:]
          {\sl Mathematical \TeX\ by Example\/}.  Academic Press,
          1993. Pp.\ 356. US\$19.95. \isbn\ 0-12-117645-2.

          As the title suggests, this book is an introduction to \TeX\
          by means of examples. They almost entirely consist of pairs
          of pages: one contains some piece of \TeX\ code (with
          explanations and comments added via footnotes), while the
          other shows the output produced by this code.

   \item [Nicholas J.\ Higham:]
          {\sl Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences\/}.
          {\small SIAM} --- Society for Industrial and Applied
          Mathematics, Philadelphia, 1992. Pp.\ xii + 241.
          US\$21.50. \isbn\ 0-89871-314-5.

          This book is intended for all authors of technical papers
          (and books) or talks, and covers virtually all relevant
          issues. The author discusses questions of style as well as
          practical matters. The use of computers in the publishing
          process --- including \TeX, of course --- is discussed in
          detail. An appendix contains a list of \TeX\ and \LaTeX\
          symbols. Among the various useful materials are hints for
          Internet use and an extensive bibliography.

   \item [Christian Rolland:]
          {\sl \LaTeX\ guide pratique\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 15,2}
          Addison-Wes\-ley France, July 1993. Pp.\ 280. approx.\
          190~FF. \isbn\ 2-87908-025-0.  (Distributed by Bordas,
          Bordas code 009808.)


   \item [{\sl GUST\/}:] 
          Zeszyt 2 (1993), 42pp. 
          Official newsletter of the Polish User Group, Grupa
             U\.zytkownik\'ow Systemu \TeX. 

   \item [{\sl La Lettre GUTenberg\/}:]
          no.\ 1, juillet 1993, 16pp. 
%        Official newsletter of \GUTenberg.

   \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:]
          5.\ Jahrgang, Heft~1, Mai~1993, 72pp; 
                        Heft~2, Sep.\ 1993.

   \item [\TUB:] %% The Communications of the \TeX\ Users Group:
          vol.\ 14, no.\ 1, April 1993, 92pp; 
          vol.\ 14, no.\ 2, July 1993, 64pp.


\Section{New Publications (TTN 3,1)}

   \item [Michael Doob.]
          {\sl \TeX: Starting from\enspace \fbox{1}}\quad [``square
          one''].  Springer Verlag, 1993. Pp.\ viii + 122
          (paper). US\$25.00
\isbn\ 0-387-56441-1, \isbn\ 3-540-56441-1.

          ``A book designed for the complete newcomer to \TeX. [It]
          begins with simple exercises on typesetting text and slowly
          advances into more complex problems such as different types
          of mathematical constructions and tables. The book presents
          a comprehensive overview of \TeX\ with various tables
          included for quick reference. Readers will learn how to
          write standard papers of modest complexity with \TeX\ and
          obtain the fundamental basis for learning more complex
          typesetting functions.'' \quad [from promotion material]

   \item [Francisco Orteg\'on Gallego.]
          {\sl \LaTeX, primeros pasos\/} [{\sl \LaTeX, First
          Steps\/}].\break Barcelona: Manuales de Inform\'atica
          Masson, Masson, S.A., 1992. Pp.\ xix + 168. 2,450 pesetas
          (approx.\ US\$19). \isbn\ 84-311-0649-2.

         This book describes the main features of the \LaTeX\
         format. It is intended for beginners, but it can be
         interesting for initiated users, too. The book is divided
         into six chapters (here called lessons) and three
         appendices. Lesson one introduces many topics by discussing a
         complete example of a source file. [There exists an erratum
         file at |ftp.math.utah.edu| in |pub/tex/errata| named
         |p-ortegon-gallego.ltx|.]\quad [from a description by the

   \item [Eitan M. Gurari.]
          {\sl Writing with \TeX\/}.  New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994.
          Pp.\ xiv + 249. US\$29.95. \isbn\ 0-07-025207-6.

   \item [Eitan M. Gurari.]
          {\sl \TeX\ and \LaTeX: Drawing and Literate Programming\/}.
          New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. Pp.\ xiv + 310. US\$34.95.
          \isbn\ 0-07-025208-4 (book), \isbn\ 0-07-911616-7 (book +

   \item [Peter Scherber, ed.]
          {\sl Offizin. Schriftenreihe zu \TeX, \LaTeX, und \MF, Band
          1\/}.  Published by {\small DANTE} e.{\small V}.
          Addison-Wes\-ley Deutschland, 1994. ca.~190pp (hardcover).
          DM~49,90. \isbn\ 3-89319-396-0.

          This is intended as the first volume in a series of
          yearbooks published by {\small DANTE} e.{\small V}, the
          German-speaking \TeX\ users group. It has been announced for
          a long time and is available now.

   \item [Lothar Schumann.]
          {\sl Professioneller Buchsatz mit \TeX: Lehrbuch f\"ur
          Anwender\/} [{\sl Professional Book Typesetting with \TeX: A
          Textbook for Users\/}].  (Weiterbildung Informatik).
          M\"unchen-Wien: R.\ Oldenbourg Verlag, 1989 and 1991.
          ca.~DM~40. \isbn\ 3-486-21736-4 (1989: \isbn\

          As a special feature this book contains its own (verbatim)
          source code as an appendix.

   \item [C.\ Vanoirbeek and G.\ Coray, eds.]
          {\sl EP92. Proceedings of Electronic Publishing, 1992\/}.
          (The Cambridge Series on Electronic Publishing).  Cambridge
          University Press, 1992. Pp.\ x + 316 (hardcover). \pounds
          35. \isbn\ 0-521-43277-4.

          This is the proceedings volume on {\sl EP92. Electronic
          Publishing '92. International Conference on Electronic
          Publishing, Document Manipulation, and Typography\/} (Swiss
          Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland,
          April 7--10, 1992).  Five of the twenty-one papers deal with
          topics closely connected with \TeX\ (see Articles section,


   \item [Angelika Binding.]
          ``Einsatz von \TeX\ beim Springer-Verlag.''  {\it
          Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung\/} 4
          (1993), 19--22.

          This article (by a member of the German Springer branch)
          describes the use of \TeX\ in the publishing process at

   \item [George Gr\"atzer.]
          ``AMS-\LaTeX.''  {\it Notices of the American Mathematical
          Society\/} vol.\ 40, no.\ 2 (February 1993), 148--150.

   \item [George Gr\"atzer.]
          Advances in \TeX\ Implementations. I.\ \PS\ Fonts.''  {\it
          Notices of the American Mathematical Society\/}: vol.\ 40,
          no.\ 7 (Sepember 1993), 834--838.

   \item [Suzanne M.\ Molnar.]
          ``A Tour of Graphical Typesetting on the Macintosh.''  {\it
          The UMAP Journal\/} vol.\ 14, no.\ 2 (Summer 1993), 97--112.

          The topics discussed in this article include \PiCTeX\ and

   \item [Richard Morin.]
          ``Tangled up in \TeX.''  {\it SunExpert Magazine\/} vol.\ 4,
          no.\ 10 (October 1993), 42--46.

          A brief review of \TeX\ support, including the Comprehensive
          \TeX\ Archive Network ({\small CTAN}), the \TeX\ Users
          Group, and several books on \TeX.

   \item [Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley.]
          ``The Pursuit of Quality: How Can Automated Typesetting
          Achieve the Highest Standards of Craft Typo\-graphy?''  {\it
          EP92. Proceedings of Electronic Publishing 1992\/},

   \item [Makoto Murata and Koichi Hayashi.]
          ``Formatter Hierarchy for Structured Documents.''  {\it
          EP92. Proceedings of Electronic Publishing 1992\/}, 77--94.

   \item [Gilbert B.\ Porter {\small\bf III} and Emil V.\ Rainero.]
          ``Document Reconstruction:\nl A System for Recovering
          Document Structure from Layout.''  {\it EP92. Proceedings of
          Electronic Publishing 1992\/}, 127--141.

   \item [Luigi Semenzato and Edward Wang.]\
          ``Aleph: A Language for Typeset\-ting.''  {\it EP92.
          Proceedings of Electronic Publishing 1992\/}: 65--75.

   \item [Richard Southall.]
          ``Presentation Rules and Rules of Composition in the
          Formatting of Complex Text.''  {\it EP92. Proceedings of
          Electronic Publishing 1992\/}, 275--290.


   \item [{\sl Baskerville\/}:] vol.\ 3, no.\ 2, December 1993, 24pp.

          The editor, Sebastian Rahtz, announces that {\sl
          Baskerville} will appear six times a year.

   \item [{\sl MAPs\/}:] 
          Issue 93.2, 1993, 242pp.

   \item [{\sl TUGboat\/}:]
          vol.\ 14, no.\ 3, October 1993, 212pp.

          This issue contains the proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual
          Meeting, Aston University, Birmingham, England, July 26--30,

   \item [{\sl TUGboat\/}:]
          vol.\ 14, no.\ 4, December 1993, 84pp.

\noindent [{\bf Note:} There was a misprint in the last digit of the
   \isbn\ for Christian Rolland's book, listed in \ttn\ 2,4:3. The
   correct number is {\small ISBN} 2-87908-025-{\bf 8}.  --PS]


\Section{New Publications (TTN 3,2)}

   \item [P.W.\ Abrahams, K.\ Berry and K.\ Hargreaves.]  
          {\sl \TeX\ per l'impaziente\/}\nl [{\sl \TeX\ for the
          Impatient\/}].\marginpar{\TUB\ 14,4} Milano:
          Addison-Wes\-ley, 1991. Pp.\ 396. \isbn\ 88-7192-022-8.

          This is a translation (by Gaia and Guido Franchi) of the
          well-known introduction, amplified by material relevant to
          the Italian language.

   \item [Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach and Alexander
          Samarin.]\mbox{} \nl
          {\sl The \LaTeX\ Companion\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 15,2}
          Addison-Wes\-ley, 1993.  Pp.\ 480 (paper). US\$41.25. \isbn\

          This book is based on \LaTeX2e, the new version of \LaTeX\
          which is currently available in its betatest release.  It
          explains tools and techniques that enhance the use of
          \LaTeX\ and help format documents more quickly and more
          efficiently.  Topics treated include customizing commands
          and enviroments, changing page layout, preparing indices and
          bibliographies, and the New Font Selection Scheme (\nfss),
          as well as using PostScript fonts and PostScript images.
          [adapted from promotional material]

   \item [Helmut Kopka.]  
          {\sl \LaTeX\ --- Einf\"uhrung\/} [{\sl \LaTeX\ ---
          Introduction\/}].  Addison-Wes\-ley, 1994.

          The new edition of Kopka's well-know (German) books on
          \LaTeX\ (also available in a partial English translation)
          includes \LaTeX2e and will comprise three (instead of two)
          volumes.  The first volume is already available.

   \item [Norman Walsh.]
          {\sl Making \TeX\ Work\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 15,2} O'Reilly
          and Associates, April 1994.  (approx.) 500pp. US\$29.95.
          \isbn\ 1-56592-051-1.

          There are many books on \TeX\ and \LaTeX, but so far (it
          seems) no book has been devoted to the \TeX\ system as a
          whole, i.e., all the software, tools, and macros that are
          available and can be used when working with \TeX. This book
          tries to fill the gap and provides a comprehensive guide to
          the world of \TeX.  It discusses the various implementations
          of \TeX\ on all common platforms and how to obtain them,
          presents the major macro packages, discusses the
          installation and the use of fonts (including PostScript and
          TrueType fonts), and the inclusion of graphics as well as
          the prepara-\break tion of indices and bibliographies.  It
          will certainly be a valuable source of information, in
          particular, for all those \TeX\ users who lack net access.


   \item [George Gr\"atzer.]
          ``Advances in \TeX\ Implementations. II.\ Integrated
          Environments.''  {\it Notices of the American Mathematical
          Society\/}, vol.\ 41, no.\ 2 (February 1994), 106--111

          ``In this article I will review two integrated \TeX\
          implementations. Textures, the classical implementation on
          the Macintosh (in its modern variant, Lightning Textures),
          and the brand new PC\TeX\ for Windows for IBM compatible
          computers. I shall also review Scientific Word, a \TeX\
          preprocessor.'' [from the introduction]

   \item [Allyn Jackson.]
          ``{\it What's Happening\/}: New Publication Takes the AMS in
          New Directions.''  {\it Notices of the AMS\/}, vol.\ 41,
          no.\ 6 (July/August 1994), 626--627

          This article presents the concepts of a new publication.
          The following is an excerpt from the production remarks:
          ``Though the design is certainly more complex than the
          Society's other \TeX\ documents, \TeX\ was chosen over a
          what-you-see-is-what-you-get desktop publishing program for
          its superior typographic quality.  (A few small sections of
          the book were produced using a desktop publishing program
          but the output was manipulated and massaged by hand to make
          it look as good as the \TeX\ output.)''

   \item [Tom Scavo, Yannis Haralambous, and Werenfried Spit.]
          ``\TeX\ on the\nl Macintosh.''  {\it Notices of the
          AMS\/}, vol.\ 40, no.\ 10 (December 1993), 1353--1360

          ``There are currently four implementations of \TeX\
          available for the Macintosh family of computers: CMac\TeX,
          Direct\TeX, Oz\TeX, and Textures.  The latter is a
          well-known commercial product which won't be reviewed here;
          the others are either freeware or shareware and are the
          focus of this report.'' [from the introduction]


   \item [Baskerville:]
         vol.\ 4, no.\ 1, Feb.\ 1994, 24pp; 
         vol.\ 4, no.\ 2, Apr.\ 1994, 24pp.

   \item [{\sl GUST\/}:]
         Zeszyt 3 (1994), 50pp. 
         Official newsletter of the Polish \TeX\ User Group.
%        Grupa U\.zytkownik\'ow Systemu \TeX. 

   \item [{\sl La Lettre GUTenberg\/}:]
         no.\ 2, f\'evrier 1994, 24pp [using Lucida-Bright]
%        Official newsletter of \GUTenberg.

   \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:]
         5.\ Jahrgang, Heft~3, Dezember~1993, 68pp.
%        vol. 5, no. 3, Dec. 1993, 68pp.
%        Official newsletter of DANTE e.V.


\Section{New Publications (TTN 3,3)}

   \item [Abass Alamnehe.] 
          {\sl e\LaTeX: Document Preparation Guide\/} [in Amharic].
          EthiO Systems, 1993. Pp.\ xvi + 230.

          This is a manual to e\LaTeX, an Ethiopian-based version of

   \item [Jonathan Grosvenor, Kay Morrison \& Alexander Pim.]
          {\sl The PostScript Font Handbook: A Directory of Type 1
          Fonts\/}.  Revised edition. Wokingham: Addison-Wes\-ley, 1992.
          Pp.\ ix + 425. US\$41.50. \isbn\ 0-201-56893-4 (paper).

          For all those interested (or forced) to use PostScript fonts
          this directory provides a comprehensive collection of font
          samples from the font libraries of Adobe, Monotype,
          Linotype, and Agfa. Each font is represented by a full-page
          profile including the character set, a brief history, and
          hints for recommended usage. It includes an introduction on
          PostScript fonts.

   \item [Leslie Lamport.] 
          {\sl \LaTeX: A Document Preparation System\/}. 2nd edition.
          Addi\-son-Wes\-ley, 1994. Pp.\ 180. US\$41.50. \isbn\
          0-201-52983-1 (paper).

          This new edition of the official \LaTeX\ manual describes
          \LaTeX2e. It is announced to be available soon.


   \item [Marvin S.\ Margolis.]
         ``MG Mathematical Graphics System.''  {\it Notices of the
         American Mathematical Society\/}, vol.\ 41, no.\ 3 (March
         1994), 200--201.

          ``The MG Mathematical Graphics System creates and displays
          two- and three-dimensional mathematical graphics on an
          {\small MS-DOS}-based personal computer and produces
          high-quality PostScript output. The developers, R.B.~Israel
          and R.A.~Adams, [\dots] primarily designed the relatively
          small program to assist authors to create graphs to include
          in \TeX-typeset documents.  It is available from MG
          Software, 4223 West Ninth Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
          V6R 2C6.''  [from the introduction of this review]

   \item [Heinz Werntges.]
          ``Grafik-Import in \LaTeX'' [Importing graphics under
          \LaTeX]. {\it c't\/} 12/92, 252--258.

          This survey article (in the German computer magazine, {\it
          c't\/}) discusses the various possibilities for including
          graphics into \LaTeX\ documents. It has since been reprinted
          (slightly updated) in {\sl Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/},
          vol.~5, no.~2 (1993), 38--53.


    \item [{\sl Baskerville\/}:]
           Vol.\ 4, no.\ 3, June 1994, 24pp.
%      Official newsletter of the UK \TeX\ Users' Group.
%      Contact: uktug-enquiries@ftp.tex.ac.uk

   \item [{\sl Les Cahiers GUTenberg\/}:] 
          No.\ 16, f\'evrier 1994, 82pp. \issn\ 1140-9304. [Thematic
          issue: {\sl PSTricks et Seminar\/}.]

          No.\ 17, mai 1994, 66pp.
%      Occasional publication of the French-speaking user group,
%      GUTenberg. Contact: gut@irisa.fr

   \item [{\sl La Lettre GUTenberg\/}:]
          No.\ 3, juin 1994, 24pp. [using Palatino].
%      Official newsletter of \GUTenberg. Contact: gut@irisa.fr

   \item [{\sl MAPs\/}:]
          Issue 94.1, 1994, 178pp. [Dutch-speaking user group, NTG
%      Official publication of the NTG. Contact: ntg@nic.surfnet.nl 

   \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:]
         5.\ Jahrgang, Heft~4/1993, April~1994, 60pp.
%        = vol. 5 (1993), no. 4, Apr. 1994, 60pp.
         Official newsletter of DANTE e.{\small V}.
%    Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V.
%        Four issues per year.
%        Contact: |dante@dante.de|.


\Section{New Publications (TTN 3,4)}

   \item [Luzia Dietsche and Joachim Lammarsch.]  
         {\sl \LaTeX\ zum Loslegen --- Ein Soforthelfer f\"ur den
         Alltag\/} [{\sl \LaTeX, ready to start --- Instant help for
         every day\/}].

         Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 1994.
         DM~39.00. \isbn 3-540-56545-0.

           This is an introduction to \LaTeX\ (2.09) based on
             courses which are held regularly by the authors.

   \item [Friedhelm Sowa.]
         {\sl \TeX, \LaTeX\ und Graphik --- ein \"Uberblick \"uber die
         Verfahren\/} [{\sl \TeX, \LaTeX\ and graphics --- a survey of
         the methods\/}].

         Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 1994.
         DM~39.00. \isbn 3-540-56468-3.

           This book (by the author of {\tt BM2FONT}) is probably
             the first book (in any language) devoted to the inclusion
             of graphics into \TeX\ documents. It treats macro
             packages producing pictures, the inclusion of bitmap
             graphics ({\tt BM2FONT}) and vector graphics ({\tt
             hp2xx}), and the inclusion of graphics by dvi drivers (in
             particular, PostScript by {\tt dvips}).


   \item [George Gr\"atzer.]
          ``Advances in \TeX\ Implementations. III.\ A New Version of
          \LaTeX, Finally.''  {\it Notices of the American
          Mathematical Society\/}, vol.\ 41, no.\ 6 (July/August
          1994), 611--615.

          This is a short introduction to, and a first review of,


    \item [{\sl Baskerville\/}:]
           Vol.\ 4, no.\ 4, Sept.\ 1994, 24pp.
%      Official newsletter of the UK \TeX\ Users' Group.
%      Six issues per year.
%      Contact: uktug-enquiries@ftp.tex.ac.uk

   \item [{\sl MAPs\/}:]
          Issue 94.2, 1994, 232pp. [Dutch-speaking user group, NTG
%      Official publication of the NTG. Contact: ntg@nic.surfnet.nl 

   \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:]
          6.\ Jahrgang: Heft~1/1994 (Juli~1994), 68pp; and
                        Heft~2/ 1994 (Sept.\ 1994), 60pp.
%        = vol. 6 (1994), no. 1 (July), 68pp; no. 2 (Sept.), 60pp.
%        Official newsletter of DANTE e.{\small V} (Deutschsprachige
%           Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V).
%        Four issues per year.
%        Contact: |dante@dante.de|.

   \item [{\sl Zpravodaj\/} {\rm[}``Bulletin''{\rm]}:]
          vol.\ 1, 1994. [Official publication of the Czech/Slovak
          {\small CSTUG}.]
%        Four issues per year. 


\Section{Other books}

   \item [Paul Abrahams.] 
          {\sl \TeX\ for the Impatient\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 11, 4.}
          Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wes\-ley, 1990. 357 pp

          ``{\sl \TeX\ for the Impatient\/} addresses the practical
          demands of busy people who have discovered the unmatched
          benefits of \TeX, but whose time and interest in mastering
          all its intricacies may be limited \dots\ anyone \dots\ who
          needs a quick reference guide to \TeX.''

          {\bf Update:} An Italian edition, {\sl \TeX\ per
          l'impaziente\/}, was published in 1991.\marginpar{\TUB\ 14,

   \item [Wolfgang Appelt.] 
          {\sl \TeX\ f\"ur Fortgeschrittene\/}.  [{\sl \TeX\ for the
          Advanced\/}].\marginpar{\TUB\ 11, 2.}  Bonn:
          Addison-Wes\-ley, 1988. \isbn\ 3-89319-115-1.

   \item [Arvind Borde.] 
          {\sl Mathematical \TeX\ by Example\/}.  Academic Press,
          1993.\marginpar{\TUB\ 14, 1.}  \isbn\ 0-12-117645-2. Pp.\

   \item [David J.\ Buerger.] 
          {\sl \LaTeX\ for Engineers and
          Scientists\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 12, 2.} McGraw-Hill, 1990.
          \isbn\ 0-07-008845-4. Pp.\ 198 (paper).

   \item [Gianni Gilardi.] 
          {\sl Il TeX --- Introduzione al linguaggio e complementi
          avanzati\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 15, 1.}  Zanichelli/Decibel,
          Bologna, 1993. \isbn\ 88-08-10860-0.  Pp.\ 226 (cloth).

   \item [Helmut Kopka.] 
          {\sl \LaTeX\ --- Eine Einf\"uhrung\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13,
          1.}  3rd rev.\ ed. Bonn: Addison-Wes\-ley, 1991. 375pp

   \item [Helmut Kopka.] 
          {\sl \LaTeX\ --- Erweiterungsm\"oglichkeiten mit einter
          Ein\-f\"uhr\-ung in \MF\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 1.}  2nd
          rev.\ ed.\ Bonn: Addison-Wes\-ley, 1991. 552pp.

   \item [Norbert Schwartz.] 
          {\sl Einf\"uhrung in \TeX\/}.  Bonn, Addison-Wes\-ley,
          1988. \isbn\ 3-925118-97-7.

   \item [Norbert Schwartz.] 
          {\sl Inleiding \TeX\/}. Addison-Wes\-ley Europe, Amsterdam,
          1990. \isbn\ 90-6789-151-7.

   \item [Norbert Schwartz.] 
          {\sl Introduction to \TeX\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 11, 2.}
          Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wes\-ley, 1990. 278 pp
          (paper). [Based on 2nd ed.\ of German original {\sl
          Einf\"uhrung in \TeX\/}.]

   \item [Michael Urban.] 
          {\sl Premiers pas en \LaTeX\/}. Adaptation fran\c caise de
          \'Eric Cornelis. GUTenberg, 1991. 87pp (paper).


\Section{Russian books about \TeX\footnote{NOTE: These books were
         listed in TTN 3,3:5.}}

\begin{enumerate} \itemsep=0pt
   \item Michael Spivak, {\sl Voskhititel'nii \TeX}. Moscow: Mir
         Publishers, 1993, 285pp. [Russian translation of {\sl The
         Joy of \TeX\/} by M.~Spivak.]

         The translator is Irina Makhovaya, the editor of the Russian
         version is Andrei Khodulev. This is the first book about
         \TeX\ in Russian (7,000 copies).

   \item Donald Knuth, {\sl Vsio pro \TeX}. Protvino: AO Rd\TeX, 1993,
         575pp. [Russian translation of {\sl The \TeX book\/} by
         Donald E.~Knuth.]

         The translator is Marina Lisina; the editors of the Russian
         version are Stanislav Klimenko and Sergei Sokolov. This book
         was published almost simultaneously with the Spivak book.
         The translation was very hard work and successful (10,000

   \item Marat Evgrafov, Leonid Evgrafov, {\sl \TeX: Rukovodstvo po
         naboru i redaktirovaniiu mathematicheskikh tekstov}. Moscow:
         Phismathlit, 1993, 80pp.

         The first Russian book about \TeX\ that was written by
         Russians (7,000 copies).

   \item Boris Shirokov, {\sl PC\TeX. Prostoi sposob iziaschnogo
         oformleniia mathematicheskikh tekstov: uchebnoe posobie}.
         Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University, 1994, 80pp.

         This small manual talks about working with \TeX\ on IBM PC
         compatible computers (not about PC\TeX!) (300 copies).

   \item Renat Zagretdinov et al., {\sl Izdatel'skaiia systema \LaTeX.
         Kratkoe rukovodstvo}. Kazan: Kazan State University, 1994,

         This manual is a short introduction to \LaTeX\ 2.09, with
         some material added about the Russian version {\it
         CyrTUG}-em\TeX; it also contains a glossary of \LaTeX\
         control sequences, etc. (1,000 copies).

   \item Sergei L'vovskii, {\sl Nabor i verstka v pakete \LaTeX}.
         Moscow: Kosmosinform, 1994, 328pp.

         The first complete description of \LaTeX\ 2.09 in Russian
         (5,000 copies).
