version 1.0.1    2002/03/05
New major version
version 1.0.43    2002/03/05
changes to pdf links, suggested by Andreas Scherer
  * use Blue instead of Red
  * fith instead of fitbh
  * raise and smash, to get it neatly in view
new major version for release today
version 1.0.42    2002/03/05
  Notes on running weave
version 1.0.41    2001/11/21
input pdfcolor.tex when pdftex macros are used
version 1.0.40    2001/02/09
bug fix: redefined *all* reference macros \Us, \Us ... to prevent
weird references in the last section or complaints about undefined
macros when reflist is off
version 1.0.39    1999/05/26
for compatibility, define \xweb_ModTitle in \N for cweb
version 1.0.38    1999/05/26
added a hook
version 1.0.37    1998/10/02
set default \xweb_cancel true; this prevents strange newpages
(seen in MapLab srclib.tex)
version 1.0.36    1998/10/01
take care of noindex and noreflist options in spidery webs
version 1.0.35    1998/10/01
take care of xwebSecNoEject in spidery webs
version 1.0.34    1998/05/26
fixes for twocolumn documents.
version 1.0.33    1998/05/26
fixed typo.
version 1.0.32    1997/12/30
* added "nofiles" option (and opposite: "writefiles")
* use counter xwebOutlineDepth to decide what goes into
  the PDF Outline
version 1.0.31    1997/12/30
put all layout macros from cwebdoc.sty, webdoc.sty, progltx.sty, and
logos.sty in xwebdoc.sty.
version 1.0.30    1997/12/30
tagged all macro definitions with macro/macros environment
version 1.0.29    1997/12/27
debugged; added \xwebInputIndex and \xwebInputReflist as a user
interface to \xwebIdIndex and \xwebRefList.
version 1.0.28    1997/12/27
gave \xwebIdIndex and \xwebRefList a filename argument.
version 1.0.27    1997/12/27
cleaned up and improved documentation
version 1.0.26    1997/12/18
improved documentation.
save control sequence "foo" in "\xweb_s_foo" instead of "\xwebfoo".
version 1.0.25    1997/12/18
fixed a space that slipped in
version 1.0.24    1997/12/17
\xwebVerbString is \vb in cweb, but \= in spider; fixed Spider's
version 1.0.23    1997/12/16
moved the opening code for the .con file to the same place as the
typesetting of the table of contents, to get it after the TOC is set.
version 1.0.22    1997/12/16
commented out the vbox-unvbox trick; it forbits floats in the current
version 1.0.21    1997/12/16
use #1 instead of global \xwebJobname in pdf outline code in
version 1.0.20    1997/12/15
Do \xwebContents when the first module starts, that is, after the
limbo section instead of before inputting the webfiles. This way, the
user can set \xwebContentsTop and \xwebContentsBot, or redefine
\xwebContents, in the limbo section, without having to do
\xwebContents{...} explicitly in combination with [nocon].
version 1.0.19    1997/12/15
Allow filename extensions in the argument of \webfile; strip them
to create \xwebJobname.
version 1.0.18    1997/12/15
don't set underlined index entries in math mode
version 1.0.17    1997/12/14
fixed some errors in the documentation; added a summary of options.
version 1.0.16    1997/11/28
added support for PDF outlines
version 1.0.15    1997/11/25
* small fixes.
* handle module numbers in the index by \xwebSetModNrList too.
  (I believe everything that needs to be hyperlinked is hyperlinked
   now; only need to implement a `contents' for pdftex)
version 1.0.14    1997/11/25
Reorganized hyperlink code.
Added "hyperref", "pdftex" and "nohype" options.
Support for hyperref package works, direct pdftex support not yet
version 1.0.13    1997/11/24
All cross-referencing macros now typeset number lists correctly.
Hyperlinks are created by \xwebSetModuleNumber.
The target for these links is the module number, that is typeset by
version 1.0.12    1997/11/24
Used macros from pdfcwebmac to scan lists of references, and add pdf
links on the fly (works only with pdftex of course, and only the
beginpoints of links are implemented now, so no jumping yet). It works
for typesetting lists of ref. numbers, and the links look good in
Acrobat, but the code must be made more readable, must be put in xweb
namespace, must be tested better, and hyperlinks should be implemented
through hyperref.sty, to make them useful with other TeX's
version 1.0.11    1997/11/23
\xwebRefNumber and \xweb_contentsline use \xwebSetModuleNumber to
typeset the module number. Custom formatted module numbers
(i.e. \thexwebModule != \arabic{xwebModule}) are now set correctly in
the per-web contents and in refinement names in the code. It was already
correct in the number of the documentation parts, and in the List of
Programs. Only (?) problem is in the List of Refinements, where a
refinement can have multiple numbers if it was defined in more than one
version 1.0.10    1997/11/23
cleaned up
version 1.0.9    1997/11/22
improved documentation;
added "hideformats" and "showformats" options;
fixed the changeflag (see \xwebStar)
version 1.0.8    1997/11/22
Typeset every module in a \vbox, that is \unvboxed at the end, to
prevent name clashes with the output routine if it fires while the
weave bindings are in effect. Thanks to Hans Hagen for this idea.
version 1.0.7    1997/11/22
removed all \changes; changes are now logged with RCS
version 1.0.6    1997/11/22
improved version-setting code in <driver> and <main>
version 1.0.5    1997/11/22
fixed some occurences of "cweb" that slipped through
version 1.0.4    1997/11/22
Moved all cseqs to xweb namespace. Use no underscore in catcode names.
No underscore in \xweb_GroupLevel, this cseq occurs also in the lop
version 1.0.3    1997/11/21
Major version number is now set manually in webfiles.dtx, minor
version number is taken from the RCS revision number, and the complete
version number is exported to version.tex, for use in Makefile.  First
part of RCS date is used in \date{}.
version 1.0.2    1997/11/19
fiddled with rcs keywords
version 1.0.1    1997/11/19
Initial revision