LOST: 'Automating your Analysis with SAGA GIS'
LOST: 'FOSS TCAD/EDA tools for semiconductor device modeling'
LOST: 'Gnucap and related work'
LOST: 'Qucs: overview, status and roadmap'
OK: (100M) 'Building a geo-aware OS'
OK: (138M) 'Promoting friendship and collaboration between open-source EDA projects'
OK: (184M) 'A Free and Open Source Verilog-to-Bitstream Flow for iCE40 FPGAs'
OK: (49M) 'NPLN'
OK: (55M) 'Results of Google Summer of Code 2015 at OSGeo'
OK: (56M) 'Geocoding the World with openaddresses.io'
OK: (56M) 'OSM + SRTM + WebGL = Flight Simulator'
OK: (58M) 'Digital mixed-language simulators'
OK: (59M) 'Mapbender3 '
OK: (61M) 'KiCad Project Status'
OK: (71M) 'GHDL whats new'
OK: (74M) 'PCBmodE, a PCB design tool with a twist '
OK: (76M) 'A proposal for data interchange between EDA tools'
OK: (78M) '100% open journey planning '
OK: (78M) 'Introduction to MySQL GIS'
OK: (78M) 'The future of what we call EDA may not be so bleak'
OK: (78M) 'Trajectory: A novel geospatial data model of Pivotal GPDB'
OK: (81M) 'Designing with KiCAD of OSHW 64-bit ARM board'
OK: (86M) 'iTowns, an opensource web framework for 3D visualization'
OK: (88M) 'Geospatial and Me'
OK: (91M) 'Managing Spatio-Temporal Big Data through Scalable OGC Web Services'
OK: (92M) 'OL3-Cesium, 3D for OpenLayers'
OK: (94M) 'Tempus - a framework for multimodal trip planning'
OK: (95M) 'Mapping with a phone'
PARTIAL: (116M) 'Building system-on-chips with Migen and MiSoC'