The following talks were unfortunately lost in this room. We do have slides feeds, but no camera or audio.
If any speakers want to re-voice their missing audio, they are welcome to contact the video team for this (

No audio/cam feeds available for these Saturday talks:

Why develop eco-conscious Libre Hardware? (@13:00)
Running PostgreSQL on a VAX: On the Value of Necrocomputing and the Dangers of Monoculture (@13:20)
How to develop eco-conscious Libre Hardware: How to make products that save people money and respect Software Freedom at the same time (@13:40) Open source argument mapping platform (@14:00)
Open-Source Neuroheadset Brain-Duino: High-Quality Brain-Computer Interface (@14:20)
Crazyflie 2.0: A flying development platform (@14:40)
Programming a Board Game (@15:00)
Java with syslog-ng: Integrating Java into a legacy C progam (@15:20)
C Code Refactoring: Working with CScout, the C Refactoring Browser (@15:40)
Converting LiquidThreads to Flow: Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the batch (@16:00)
Measure Twice, Code Once: Understanding Network Benchmarks (@16:20)

Furthermore, the following talk on Sunday is missing the slides feed, but does have cam/audio:
A New Patchwork (@10:00)
(tip: has a slides download link so you can follow along)