# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit bash-completion-r1 toolchain-funcs DESCRIPTION="Online backups for the truly paranoid" HOMEPAGE="https://www.tarsnap.com/" SRC_URI="https://www.tarsnap.com/download/${PN}-autoconf-${PV}.tgz" S="${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-autoconf-${PV} LICENSE="tarsnap BSD BSD-2 MIT" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 x86" IUSE="acl bzip2 lzma xattr" # The tarsnap license allows redistribution only without modification. # Commented out because patches apply only to files with a free license. #RESTRICT="bindist" RDEPEND=" app-arch/bzip2 dev-libs/openssl:= sys-fs/e2fsprogs sys-libs/zlib acl? ( sys-apps/acl ) lzma? ( app-arch/xz-utils ) xattr? ( sys-apps/attr ) " # Required for "magic.h" DEPEND=" ${RDEPEND} virtual/os-headers " PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.0.39-respect-AR.patch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-strict-aliasing-fix.patch ) QA_CONFIG_IMPL_DECL_SKIP=( # false positive due to outdated autoconf, bug #900124 # release tarballs don't contain configure.ac!!! makedev ) src_configure() { local myeconfargs=( $(use_enable xattr) $(use_enable acl) # The bundled libarchive (ancient copy) always builds # the bzip2 bits. --with-bz2lib --without-lzmadec $(use_with lzma) ) econf "${myeconfargs[@]}" } src_compile() { emake AR="$(tc-getAR)" } src_install() { default dobashcomp misc/bash_completion.d/* }