Release 0.1.3

  * Simple viewer based on ArvCamera API (requires gtk and gstreamer)
  * Add a "new-buffer" signal to ArvStream
  * Fix stream IP address setting for JAI Pulnix cameras (Tom Cobb)
  * Fix use or Aravis from a C++ application (Tom Cobb)
  * Fix division of integers in ArvEvaluator when asked for float result (Tom Cobb)
  * Add an API for retrieving the genicam data (Tom Cobb)
  * Fix minimum offset of ROI (Tom Cobb)
  * Fake camera can now simulate gain and exposure setting

Release 0.1.2

  * Add exposure and gain settings to the gstreamer source element
  * fix exposure setting in ArvCamera for Basler cameras
  * gather running statistics for the GV devices
  * fix GV stream fixed buffer size
  * add a new arv-show-devices utility
  * make API more consistent with the Genicam standard