diff --git a/CREDITS b/CREDITS
index 1f9f0f078b4a..53d11a46fd69 100644
@@ -2515,11 +2515,9 @@ D: SLS distribution
 D: Initial implementation of VC's, pty's and select()
 N: Pavel Machek
-E: pavel@ucw.cz
+E: pavel@kernel.org
 P: 4096R/92DFCE96 4FA7 9EEF FCD4 C44F C585  B8C7 C060 2241 92DF CE96
-D: Softcursor for vga, hypertech cdrom support, vcsa bugfix, nbd,
-D: sun4/330 port, capabilities for elf, speedup for rm on ext2, USB,
-D: work on suspend-to-ram/disk, killing duplicates from ioctl32,
+D: NBD, Sun4/330 port, USB, work on suspend-to-ram/disk,
 D: Altera SoCFPGA and Nokia N900 support.
 S: Czech Republic
diff --git a/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-driver-ufs b/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-driver-ufs
index 5fa6655aee84..ae0191295d29 100644
--- a/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-driver-ufs
+++ b/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-driver-ufs
@@ -1559,3 +1559,48 @@ Description:
 		Symbol - HCMID. This file shows the UFSHCD manufacturer id.
 		The Manufacturer ID is defined by JEDEC in JEDEC-JEP106.
 		The file is read only.
+What:		/sys/bus/platform/drivers/ufshcd/*/critical_health
+What:		/sys/bus/platform/devices/*.ufs/critical_health
+Date:		February 2025
+Contact:	Avri Altman <avri.altman@wdc.com>
+Description:	Report the number of times a critical health event has been
+		reported by a UFS device. Further insight into the specific
+		issue can be gained by reading one of: bPreEOLInfo,
+		bDeviceLifeTimeEstA, bDeviceLifeTimeEstB,
+		bWriteBoosterBufferLifeTimeEst, and bRPMBLifeTimeEst.
+		The file is read only.
+What:		/sys/bus/platform/drivers/ufshcd/*/clkscale_enable
+What:		/sys/bus/platform/devices/*.ufs/clkscale_enable
+Date:		January 2025
+Contact:	Ziqi Chen <quic_ziqichen@quicinc.com>
+		This attribute shows whether the UFS clock scaling is enabled or not.
+		And it can be used to enable/disable the clock scaling by writing
+		1 or 0 to this attribute.
+		The attribute is read/write.
+What:		/sys/bus/platform/drivers/ufshcd/*/clkgate_enable
+What:		/sys/bus/platform/devices/*.ufs/clkgate_enable
+Date:		January 2025
+Contact:	Ziqi Chen <quic_ziqichen@quicinc.com>
+		This attribute shows whether the UFS clock gating is enabled or not.
+		And it can be used to enable/disable the clock gating by writing
+		1 or 0 to this attribute.
+		The attribute is read/write.
+What:		/sys/bus/platform/drivers/ufshcd/*/clkgate_delay_ms
+What:		/sys/bus/platform/devices/*.ufs/clkgate_delay_ms
+Date:		January 2025
+Contact:	Ziqi Chen <quic_ziqichen@quicinc.com>
+		This attribute shows and sets the number of milliseconds of idle time
+		before the UFS driver starts to perform clock gating. This can
+		prevent the UFS from frequently performing clock gating/ungating.
+		The attribute is read/write.
diff --git a/Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst b/Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index e8f488acfa41..000000000000
--- a/Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-Coherent Accelerator (CXL) Flash
-    The IBM Power architecture provides support for CAPI (Coherent
-    Accelerator Power Interface), which is available to certain PCIe slots
-    on Power 8 systems. CAPI can be thought of as a special tunneling
-    protocol through PCIe that allow PCIe adapters to look like special
-    purpose co-processors which can read or write an application's
-    memory and generate page faults. As a result, the host interface to
-    an adapter running in CAPI mode does not require the data buffers to
-    be mapped to the device's memory (IOMMU bypass) nor does it require
-    memory to be pinned.
-    On Linux, Coherent Accelerator (CXL) kernel services present CAPI
-    devices as a PCI device by implementing a virtual PCI host bridge.
-    This abstraction simplifies the infrastructure and programming
-    model, allowing for drivers to look similar to other native PCI
-    device drivers.
-    CXL provides a mechanism by which user space applications can
-    directly talk to a device (network or storage) bypassing the typical
-    kernel/device driver stack. The CXL Flash Adapter Driver enables a
-    user space application direct access to Flash storage.
-    The CXL Flash Adapter Driver is a kernel module that sits in the
-    SCSI stack as a low level device driver (below the SCSI disk and
-    protocol drivers) for the IBM CXL Flash Adapter. This driver is
-    responsible for the initialization of the adapter, setting up the
-    special path for user space access, and performing error recovery. It
-    communicates directly the Flash Accelerator Functional Unit (AFU)
-    as described in Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxl.rst.
-    The cxlflash driver supports two, mutually exclusive, modes of
-    operation at the device (LUN) level:
-        - Any flash device (LUN) can be configured to be accessed as a
-          regular disk device (i.e.: /dev/sdc). This is the default mode.
-        - Any flash device (LUN) can be configured to be accessed from
-          user space with a special block library. This mode further
-          specifies the means of accessing the device and provides for
-          either raw access to the entire LUN (referred to as direct
-          or physical LUN access) or access to a kernel/AFU-mediated
-          partition of the LUN (referred to as virtual LUN access). The
-          segmentation of a disk device into virtual LUNs is assisted
-          by special translation services provided by the Flash AFU.
-    The Coherent Accelerator Interface Architecture (CAIA) introduces a
-    concept of a master context. A master typically has special privileges
-    granted to it by the kernel or hypervisor allowing it to perform AFU
-    wide management and control. The master may or may not be involved
-    directly in each user I/O, but at the minimum is involved in the
-    initial setup before the user application is allowed to send requests
-    directly to the AFU.
-    The CXL Flash Adapter Driver establishes a master context with the
-    AFU. It uses memory mapped I/O (MMIO) for this control and setup. The
-    Adapter Problem Space Memory Map looks like this::
-                     +-------------------------------+
-                     |    512 * 64 KB User MMIO      |
-                     |        (per context)          |
-                     |       User Accessible         |
-                     +-------------------------------+
-                     |    512 * 128 B per context    |
-                     |    Provisioning and Control   |
-                     |   Trusted Process accessible  |
-                     +-------------------------------+
-                     |         64 KB Global          |
-                     |   Trusted Process accessible  |
-                     +-------------------------------+
-    This driver configures itself into the SCSI software stack as an
-    adapter driver. The driver is the only entity that is considered a
-    Trusted Process to program the Provisioning and Control and Global
-    areas in the MMIO Space shown above.  The master context driver
-    discovers all LUNs attached to the CXL Flash adapter and instantiates
-    scsi block devices (/dev/sdb, /dev/sdc etc.) for each unique LUN
-    seen from each path.
-    Once these scsi block devices are instantiated, an application
-    written to a specification provided by the block library may get
-    access to the Flash from user space (without requiring a system call).
-    This master context driver also provides a series of ioctls for this
-    block library to enable this user space access.  The driver supports
-    two modes for accessing the block device.
-    The first mode is called a virtual mode. In this mode a single scsi
-    block device (/dev/sdb) may be carved up into any number of distinct
-    virtual LUNs. The virtual LUNs may be resized as long as the sum of
-    the sizes of all the virtual LUNs, along with the meta-data associated
-    with it does not exceed the physical capacity.
-    The second mode is called the physical mode. In this mode a single
-    block device (/dev/sdb) may be opened directly by the block library
-    and the entire space for the LUN is available to the application.
-    Only the physical mode provides persistence of the data.  i.e. The
-    data written to the block device will survive application exit and
-    restart and also reboot. The virtual LUNs do not persist (i.e. do
-    not survive after the application terminates or the system reboots).
-Block library API
-    Applications intending to get access to the CXL Flash from user
-    space should use the block library, as it abstracts the details of
-    interfacing directly with the cxlflash driver that are necessary for
-    performing administrative actions (i.e.: setup, tear down, resize).
-    The block library can be thought of as a 'user' of services,
-    implemented as IOCTLs, that are provided by the cxlflash driver
-    specifically for devices (LUNs) operating in user space access
-    mode. While it is not a requirement that applications understand
-    the interface between the block library and the cxlflash driver,
-    a high-level overview of each supported service (IOCTL) is provided
-    below.
-    The block library can be found on GitHub:
-    http://github.com/open-power/capiflash
-CXL Flash Driver LUN IOCTLs
-    Users, such as the block library, that wish to interface with a flash
-    device (LUN) via user space access need to use the services provided
-    by the cxlflash driver. As these services are implemented as ioctls,
-    a file descriptor handle must first be obtained in order to establish
-    the communication channel between a user and the kernel.  This file
-    descriptor is obtained by opening the device special file associated
-    with the scsi disk device (/dev/sdb) that was created during LUN
-    discovery. As per the location of the cxlflash driver within the
-    SCSI protocol stack, this open is actually not seen by the cxlflash
-    driver. Upon successful open, the user receives a file descriptor
-    (herein referred to as fd1) that should be used for issuing the
-    subsequent ioctls listed below.
-    The structure definitions for these IOCTLs are available in:
-    uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
-    This ioctl obtains, initializes, and starts a context using the CXL
-    kernel services. These services specify a context id (u16) by which
-    to uniquely identify the context and its allocated resources. The
-    services additionally provide a second file descriptor (herein
-    referred to as fd2) that is used by the block library to initiate
-    memory mapped I/O (via mmap()) to the CXL flash device and poll for
-    completion events. This file descriptor is intentionally installed by
-    this driver and not the CXL kernel services to allow for intermediary
-    notification and access in the event of a non-user-initiated close(),
-    such as a killed process. This design point is described in further
-    detail in the description for the DK_CXLFLASH_DETACH ioctl.
-    There are a few important aspects regarding the "tokens" (context id
-    and fd2) that are provided back to the user:
-        - These tokens are only valid for the process under which they
-          were created. The child of a forked process cannot continue
-          to use the context id or file descriptor created by its parent
-          (see DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_CLONE for further details).
-        - These tokens are only valid for the lifetime of the context and
-          the process under which they were created. Once either is
-          destroyed, the tokens are to be considered stale and subsequent
-          usage will result in errors.
-	- A valid adapter file descriptor (fd2 >= 0) is only returned on
-	  the initial attach for a context. Subsequent attaches to an
-	  existing context (DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH_REUSE_CONTEXT flag present)
-	  do not provide the adapter file descriptor as it was previously
-	  made known to the application.
-        - When a context is no longer needed, the user shall detach from
-          the context via the DK_CXLFLASH_DETACH ioctl. When this ioctl
-	  returns with a valid adapter file descriptor and the return flag
-	  DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD is present, the application _must_
-	  close the adapter file descriptor following a successful detach.
-	- When this ioctl returns with a valid fd2 and the return flag
-	  DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD is present, the application _must_
-	  close fd2 in the following circumstances:
-		+ Following a successful detach of the last user of the context
-		+ Following a successful recovery on the context's original fd2
-		+ In the child process of a fork(), following a clone ioctl,
-		  on the fd2 associated with the source context
-        - At any time, a close on fd2 will invalidate the tokens. Applications
-	  should exercise caution to only close fd2 when appropriate (outlined
-	  in the previous bullet) to avoid premature loss of I/O.
-    This ioctl is responsible for transitioning the LUN to direct
-    (physical) mode access and configuring the AFU for direct access from
-    user space on a per-context basis. Additionally, the block size and
-    last logical block address (LBA) are returned to the user.
-    As mentioned previously, when operating in user space access mode,
-    LUNs may be accessed in whole or in part. Only one mode is allowed
-    at a time and if one mode is active (outstanding references exist),
-    requests to use the LUN in a different mode are denied.
-    The AFU is configured for direct access from user space by adding an
-    entry to the AFU's resource handle table. The index of the entry is
-    treated as a resource handle that is returned to the user. The user
-    is then able to use the handle to reference the LUN during I/O.
-    This ioctl is responsible for transitioning the LUN to virtual mode
-    of access and configuring the AFU for virtual access from user space
-    on a per-context basis. Additionally, the block size and last logical
-    block address (LBA) are returned to the user.
-    As mentioned previously, when operating in user space access mode,
-    LUNs may be accessed in whole or in part. Only one mode is allowed
-    at a time and if one mode is active (outstanding references exist),
-    requests to use the LUN in a different mode are denied.
-    The AFU is configured for virtual access from user space by adding
-    an entry to the AFU's resource handle table. The index of the entry
-    is treated as a resource handle that is returned to the user. The
-    user is then able to use the handle to reference the LUN during I/O.
-    By default, the virtual LUN is created with a size of 0. The user
-    would need to use the DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_RESIZE ioctl to adjust the grow
-    the virtual LUN to a desired size. To avoid having to perform this
-    resize for the initial creation of the virtual LUN, the user has the
-    option of specifying a size as part of the DK_CXLFLASH_USER_VIRTUAL
-    ioctl, such that when success is returned to the user, the
-    resource handle that is provided is already referencing provisioned
-    storage. This is reflected by the last LBA being a non-zero value.
-    When a LUN is accessible from more than one port, this ioctl will
-    return with the DK_CXLFLASH_ALL_PORTS_ACTIVE return flag set. This
-    provides the user with a hint that I/O can be retried in the event
-    of an I/O error as the LUN can be reached over multiple paths.
-    This ioctl is responsible for resizing a previously created virtual
-    LUN and will fail if invoked upon a LUN that is not in virtual
-    mode. Upon success, an updated last LBA is returned to the user
-    indicating the new size of the virtual LUN associated with the
-    resource handle.
-    The partitioning of virtual LUNs is jointly mediated by the cxlflash
-    driver and the AFU. An allocation table is kept for each LUN that is
-    operating in the virtual mode and used to program a LUN translation
-    table that the AFU references when provided with a resource handle.
-    This ioctl can return -EAGAIN if an AFU sync operation takes too long.
-    In addition to returning a failure to user, cxlflash will also schedule
-    an asynchronous AFU reset. Should the user choose to retry the operation,
-    it is expected to succeed. If this ioctl fails with -EAGAIN, the user
-    can either retry the operation or treat it as a failure.
-    This ioctl is responsible for releasing a previously obtained
-    reference to either a physical or virtual LUN. This can be
-    thought of as the inverse of the DK_CXLFLASH_USER_DIRECT or
-    DK_CXLFLASH_USER_VIRTUAL ioctls. Upon success, the resource handle
-    is no longer valid and the entry in the resource handle table is
-    made available to be used again.
-    As part of the release process for virtual LUNs, the virtual LUN
-    is first resized to 0 to clear out and free the translation tables
-    associated with the virtual LUN reference.
-    This ioctl is responsible for unregistering a context with the
-    cxlflash driver and release outstanding resources that were
-    not explicitly released via the DK_CXLFLASH_RELEASE ioctl. Upon
-    success, all "tokens" which had been provided to the user from the
-    DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH onward are no longer valid.
-    When the DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD flag was returned on a successful
-    attach, the application _must_ close the fd2 associated with the context
-    following the detach of the final user of the context.
-    This ioctl is responsible for cloning a previously created
-    context to a more recently created context. It exists solely to
-    support maintaining user space access to storage after a process
-    forks. Upon success, the child process (which invoked the ioctl)
-    will have access to the same LUNs via the same resource handle(s)
-    as the parent, but under a different context.
-    Context sharing across processes is not supported with CXL and
-    therefore each fork must be met with establishing a new context
-    for the child process. This ioctl simplifies the state management
-    and playback required by a user in such a scenario. When a process
-    forks, child process can clone the parents context by first creating
-    a context (via DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH) and then using this ioctl to
-    perform the clone from the parent to the child.
-    The clone itself is fairly simple. The resource handle and lun
-    translation tables are copied from the parent context to the child's
-    and then synced with the AFU.
-    When the DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD flag was returned on a successful
-    attach, the application _must_ close the fd2 associated with the source
-    context (still resident/accessible in the parent process) following the
-    clone. This is to avoid a stale entry in the file descriptor table of the
-    child process.
-    This ioctl can return -EAGAIN if an AFU sync operation takes too long.
-    In addition to returning a failure to user, cxlflash will also schedule
-    an asynchronous AFU reset. Should the user choose to retry the operation,
-    it is expected to succeed. If this ioctl fails with -EAGAIN, the user
-    can either retry the operation or treat it as a failure.
-    This ioctl is used to detect various changes such as the capacity of
-    the disk changing, the number of LUNs visible changing, etc. In cases
-    where the changes affect the application (such as a LUN resize), the
-    cxlflash driver will report the changed state to the application.
-    The user calls in when they want to validate that a LUN hasn't been
-    changed in response to a check condition. As the user is operating out
-    of band from the kernel, they will see these types of events without
-    the kernel's knowledge. When encountered, the user's architected
-    behavior is to call in to this ioctl, indicating what they want to
-    verify and passing along any appropriate information. For now, only
-    verifying a LUN change (ie: size different) with sense data is
-    supported.
-    This ioctl is used to drive recovery (if such an action is warranted)
-    of a specified user context. Any state associated with the user context
-    is re-established upon successful recovery.
-    User contexts are put into an error condition when the device needs to
-    be reset or is terminating. Users are notified of this error condition
-    by seeing all 0xF's on an MMIO read. Upon encountering this, the
-    architected behavior for a user is to call into this ioctl to recover
-    their context. A user may also call into this ioctl at any time to
-    check if the device is operating normally. If a failure is returned
-    from this ioctl, the user is expected to gracefully clean up their
-    context via release/detach ioctls. Until they do, the context they
-    hold is not relinquished. The user may also optionally exit the process
-    at which time the context/resources they held will be freed as part of
-    the release fop.
-    When the DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD flag was returned on a successful
-    attach, the application _must_ unmap and close the fd2 associated with the
-    original context following this ioctl returning success and indicating that
-    the context was recovered (DK_CXLFLASH_RECOVER_AFU_CONTEXT_RESET).
-    This ioctl is used to switch a LUN from a mode where it is available
-    for file-system access (legacy), to a mode where it is set aside for
-    exclusive user space access (superpipe). In case a LUN is visible
-    across multiple ports and adapters, this ioctl is used to uniquely
-    identify each LUN by its World Wide Node Name (WWNN).
-CXL Flash Driver Host IOCTLs
-    Each host adapter instance that is supported by the cxlflash driver
-    has a special character device associated with it to enable a set of
-    host management function. These character devices are hosted in a
-    class dedicated for cxlflash and can be accessed via `/dev/cxlflash/*`.
-    Applications can be written to perform various functions using the
-    host ioctl APIs below.
-    The structure definitions for these IOCTLs are available in:
-    uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
-    This ioctl is used to create and delete persistent LUNs on cxlflash
-    devices that lack an external LUN management interface. It is only
-    valid when used with AFUs that support the LUN provision capability.
-    When sufficient space is available, LUNs can be created by specifying
-    the target port to host the LUN and a desired size in 4K blocks. Upon
-    success, the LUN ID and WWID of the created LUN will be returned and
-    the SCSI bus can be scanned to detect the change in LUN topology. Note
-    that partial allocations are not supported. Should a creation fail due
-    to a space issue, the target port can be queried for its current LUN
-    geometry.
-    To remove a LUN, the device must first be disassociated from the Linux
-    SCSI subsystem. The LUN deletion can then be initiated by specifying a
-    target port and LUN ID. Upon success, the LUN geometry associated with
-    the port will be updated to reflect new number of provisioned LUNs and
-    available capacity.
-    To query the LUN geometry of a port, the target port is specified and
-    upon success, the following information is presented:
-        - Maximum number of provisioned LUNs allowed for the port
-        - Current number of provisioned LUNs for the port
-        - Maximum total capacity of provisioned LUNs for the port (4K blocks)
-        - Current total capacity of provisioned LUNs for the port (4K blocks)
-    With this information, the number of available LUNs and capacity can be
-    can be calculated.
-    This ioctl is used to debug AFUs by supporting a command pass-through
-    interface. It is only valid when used with AFUs that support the AFU
-    debug capability.
-    With exception of buffer management, AFU debug commands are opaque to
-    cxlflash and treated as pass-through. For debug commands that do require
-    data transfer, the user supplies an adequately sized data buffer and must
-    specify the data transfer direction with respect to the host. There is a
-    maximum transfer size of 256K imposed. Note that partial read completions
-    are not supported - when errors are experienced with a host read data
-    transfer, the data buffer is not copied back to the user.
diff --git a/Documentation/arch/powerpc/index.rst b/Documentation/arch/powerpc/index.rst
index 9749f6dc258f..995268530f21 100644
--- a/Documentation/arch/powerpc/index.rst
+++ b/Documentation/arch/powerpc/index.rst
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ powerpc
-    cxlflash
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/interrupt-controller/microchip,lan966x-oic.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/interrupt-controller/microchip,lan966x-oic.yaml
index b2adc7174177..dca16e202da9 100644
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/interrupt-controller/microchip,lan966x-oic.yaml
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/interrupt-controller/microchip,lan966x-oic.yaml
@@ -14,9 +14,8 @@ allOf:
 description: |
   The Microchip LAN966x outband interrupt controller (OIC) maps the internal
-  interrupt sources of the LAN966x device to an external interrupt.
-  When the LAN966x device is used as a PCI device, the external interrupt is
-  routed to the PCI interrupt.
+  interrupt sources of the LAN966x device to a PCI interrupt when the LAN966x
+  device is used as a PCI device.
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/ufs/rockchip,rk3576-ufshc.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/ufs/rockchip,rk3576-ufshc.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c7d17cf4dc42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/ufs/rockchip,rk3576-ufshc.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause)
+%YAML 1.2
+$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/ufs/rockchip,rk3576-ufshc.yaml#
+$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#
+title: Rockchip UFS Host Controller
+  - Shawn Lin <shawn.lin@rock-chips.com>
+  - $ref: ufs-common.yaml
+  compatible:
+    const: rockchip,rk3576-ufshc
+  reg:
+    maxItems: 5
+  reg-names:
+    items:
+      - const: hci
+      - const: mphy
+      - const: hci_grf
+      - const: mphy_grf
+      - const: hci_apb
+  clocks:
+    maxItems: 4
+  clock-names:
+    items:
+      - const: core
+      - const: pclk
+      - const: pclk_mphy
+      - const: ref_out
+  power-domains:
+    maxItems: 1
+  resets:
+    maxItems: 4
+  reset-names:
+    items:
+      - const: biu
+      - const: sys
+      - const: ufs
+      - const: grf
+  reset-gpios:
+    maxItems: 1
+    description: |
+      GPIO specifiers for host to reset the whole UFS device including PHY and
+      memory. This gpio is active low and should choose the one whose high output
+      voltage is lower than 1.5V based on the UFS spec.
+  - compatible
+  - reg
+  - reg-names
+  - clocks
+  - clock-names
+  - interrupts
+  - power-domains
+  - resets
+  - reset-names
+  - reset-gpios
+unevaluatedProperties: false
+  - |
+    #include <dt-bindings/clock/rockchip,rk3576-cru.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/reset/rockchip,rk3576-cru.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/power/rockchip,rk3576-power.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/pinctrl/rockchip.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
+    soc {
+        #address-cells = <2>;
+        #size-cells = <2>;
+        ufshc: ufshc@2a2d0000 {
+            compatible = "rockchip,rk3576-ufshc";
+            reg = <0x0 0x2a2d0000 0x0 0x10000>,
+                  <0x0 0x2b040000 0x0 0x10000>,
+                  <0x0 0x2601f000 0x0 0x1000>,
+                  <0x0 0x2603c000 0x0 0x1000>,
+                  <0x0 0x2a2e0000 0x0 0x10000>;
+            reg-names = "hci", "mphy", "hci_grf", "mphy_grf", "hci_apb";
+            clocks = <&cru ACLK_UFS_SYS>, <&cru PCLK_USB_ROOT>, <&cru PCLK_MPHY>,
+                     <&cru CLK_REF_UFS_CLKOUT>;
+            clock-names = "core", "pclk", "pclk_mphy", "ref_out";
+            interrupts = <GIC_SPI 361 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+            power-domains = <&power RK3576_PD_USB>;
+            resets = <&cru SRST_A_UFS_BIU>, <&cru SRST_A_UFS_SYS>, <&cru SRST_A_UFS>,
+                     <&cru SRST_P_UFS_GRF>;
+            reset-names = "biu", "sys", "ufs", "grf";
+            reset-gpios = <&gpio4 RK_PD0 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+        };
+    };
diff --git a/Documentation/filesystems/bcachefs/SubmittingPatches.rst b/Documentation/filesystems/bcachefs/SubmittingPatches.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..026b12ae0d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/filesystems/bcachefs/SubmittingPatches.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+Submitting patches to bcachefs:
+Patches must be tested before being submitted, either with the xfstests suite
+[0], or the full bcachefs test suite in ktest [1], depending on what's being
+touched. Note that ktest wraps xfstests and will be an easier method to running
+it for most users; it includes single-command wrappers for all the mainstream
+in-kernel local filesystems.
+Patches will undergo more testing after being merged (including
+lockdep/kasan/preempt/etc. variants), these are not generally required to be
+run by the submitter - but do put some thought into what you're changing and
+which tests might be relevant, e.g. are you dealing with tricky memory layout
+work? kasan, are you doing locking work? then lockdep; and ktest includes
+single-command variants for the debug build types you'll most likely need.
+The exception to this rule is incomplete WIP/RFC patches: if you're working on
+something nontrivial, it's encouraged to send out a WIP patch to let people
+know what you're doing and make sure you're on the right track. Just make sure
+it includes a brief note as to what's done and what's incomplete, to avoid
+Rigorous checkpatch.pl adherence is not required (many of its warnings are
+considered out of date), but try not to deviate too much without reason.
+Focus on writing code that reads well and is organized well; code should be
+aesthetically pleasing.
+Instead of running your tests locally, when running the full test suite it's
+prefereable to let a server farm do it in parallel, and then have the results
+in a nice test dashboard (which can tell you which failures are new, and
+presents results in a git log view, avoiding the need for most bisecting).
+That exists [2], and community members may request an account. If you work for
+a big tech company, you'll need to help out with server costs to get access -
+but the CI is not restricted to running bcachefs tests: it runs any ktest test
+(which generally makes it easy to wrap other tests that can run in qemu).
+Other things to think about:
+- How will we debug this code? Is there sufficient introspection to diagnose
+  when something starts acting wonky on a user machine?
+  We don't necessarily need every single field of every data structure visible
+  with introspection, but having the important fields of all the core data
+  types wired up makes debugging drastically easier - a bit of thoughtful
+  foresight greatly reduces the need to have people build custom kernels with
+  debug patches.
+  More broadly, think about all the debug tooling that might be needed.
+- Does it make the codebase more or less of a mess? Can we also try to do some
+  organizing, too?
+- Do new tests need to be written? New assertions? How do we know and verify
+  that the code is correct, and what happens if something goes wrong?
+  We don't yet have automated code coverage analysis or easy fault injection -
+  but for now, pretend we did and ask what they might tell us.
+  Assertions are hugely important, given that we don't yet have a systems
+  language that can do ergonomic embedded correctness proofs. Hitting an assert
+  in testing is much better than wandering off into undefined behaviour la-la
+  land - use them. Use them judiciously, and not as a replacement for proper
+  error handling, but use them.
+- Does it need to be performance tested? Should we add new peformance counters?
+  bcachefs has a set of persistent runtime counters which can be viewed with
+  the 'bcachefs fs top' command; this should give users a basic idea of what
+  their filesystem is currently doing. If you're doing a new feature or looking
+  at old code, think if anything should be added.
+- If it's a new on disk format feature - have upgrades and downgrades been
+  tested? (Automated tests exists but aren't in the CI, due to the hassle of
+  disk image management; coordinate to have them run.)
+Mailing list, IRC:
+Patches should hit the list [3], but much discussion and code review happens on
+IRC as well [4]; many people appreciate the more conversational approach and
+quicker feedback.
+Additionally, we have a lively user community doing excellent QA work, which
+exists primarily on IRC. Please make use of that resource; user feedback is
+important for any nontrivial feature, and documenting it in commit messages
+would be a good idea.
+[0]: git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/fs/xfs/xfstests-dev.git
+[1]: https://evilpiepirate.org/git/ktest.git/
+[2]: https://evilpiepirate.org/~testdashboard/ci/
+[3]: linux-bcachefs@vger.kernel.org
+[4]: irc.oftc.net#bcache, #bcachefs-dev
diff --git a/Documentation/filesystems/bcachefs/index.rst b/Documentation/filesystems/bcachefs/index.rst
index 95fc4b90739e..7db4d7ceab58 100644
--- a/Documentation/filesystems/bcachefs/index.rst
+++ b/Documentation/filesystems/bcachefs/index.rst
@@ -9,4 +9,5 @@ bcachefs Documentation
+   SubmittingPatches
diff --git a/Documentation/scsi/st.rst b/Documentation/scsi/st.rst
index d3b28c28d74c..b4a092faa9c8 100644
--- a/Documentation/scsi/st.rst
+++ b/Documentation/scsi/st.rst
@@ -157,6 +157,11 @@ enabled driver and mode options. The value in the file is a bit mask where the
 bit definitions are the same as those used with MTSETDRVBUFFER in setting the
+Each directory contains the entry 'position_lost_in_reset'. If this value is
+one, reading and writing to the device is blocked after device reset. Most
+devices rewind the tape after reset and the writes/read don't access the
+tape position the user expects.
 A link named 'tape' is made from the SCSI device directory to the class
 directory corresponding to the mode 0 auto-rewind device (e.g., st0).
diff --git a/Documentation/userspace-api/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst b/Documentation/userspace-api/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst
index 6d1465315df3..efe133c50615 100644
--- a/Documentation/userspace-api/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst
+++ b/Documentation/userspace-api/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ Code  Seq#    Include File                                           Comments
 0xC0  00-0F  linux/usb/iowarrior.h
 0xCA  00-0F  uapi/misc/cxl.h
 0xCA  10-2F  uapi/misc/ocxl.h
-0xCA  80-BF  uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
+0xCA  80-BF  uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h                              Dead since 6.14
 0xCB  00-1F                                                          CBM serial IEC bus in development:
 0xCC  00-0F  drivers/misc/ibmvmc.h                                   pseries VMC driver
diff --git a/Documentation/virt/kvm/api.rst b/Documentation/virt/kvm/api.rst
index 0d1c3a820ce6..2b52eb77e29c 100644
--- a/Documentation/virt/kvm/api.rst
+++ b/Documentation/virt/kvm/api.rst
@@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ fetch) is injected in the guest.
-Returns -EINVAL if the VM has the KVM_VM_S390_UCONTROL flag set.
+Returns -EINVAL or -EEXIST if the VM has the KVM_VM_S390_UCONTROL flag set.
 Returns -EINVAL if called on a protected VM.
index 896a307fa065..ac8b15cec513 100644
@@ -2209,7 +2209,6 @@ F:	sound/soc/codecs/cs42l84.*
 F:	sound/soc/codecs/ssm3515.c
-M:	Hector Martin <marcan@marcan.st>
 M:	Sven Peter <sven@svenpeter.dev>
 R:	Alyssa Rosenzweig <alyssa@rosenzweig.io>
 L:	asahi@lists.linux.dev
@@ -3955,6 +3954,7 @@ M:	Kent Overstreet <kent.overstreet@linux.dev>
 L:	linux-bcachefs@vger.kernel.org
 S:	Supported
 C:	irc://irc.oftc.net/bcache
+P:      Documentation/filesystems/bcachefs/SubmittingPatches.rst
 T:	git https://evilpiepirate.org/git/bcachefs.git
 F:	fs/bcachefs/
 F:	Documentation/filesystems/bcachefs/
@@ -6318,15 +6318,6 @@ F:	drivers/misc/cxl/
 F:	include/misc/cxl*
 F:	include/uapi/misc/cxl.h
-CXLFLASH (IBM Coherent Accelerator Processor Interface CAPI Flash) SCSI DRIVER
-M:	Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.ibm.com>
-M:	Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.ibm.com>
-L:	linux-scsi@vger.kernel.org
-S:	Obsolete
-F:	Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst
-F:	drivers/scsi/cxlflash/
-F:	include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
 M:	Russell King <linux@armlinux.org.uk>
 L:	linux-arm-kernel@lists.infradead.org (moderated for non-subscribers)
@@ -9418,7 +9409,7 @@ F:	fs/freevxfs/
 M:	"Rafael J. Wysocki" <rafael@kernel.org>
-M:	Pavel Machek <pavel@ucw.cz>
+M:	Pavel Machek <pavel@kernel.org>
 L:	linux-pm@vger.kernel.org
 S:	Supported
 F:	Documentation/power/freezing-of-tasks.rst
@@ -9878,7 +9869,7 @@ S:	Maintained
 F:	drivers/staging/gpib/
-M:	Mika Westerberg <mika.westerberg@linux.intel.com>
+M:	Mika Westerberg <westeri@kernel.org>
 M:	Andy Shevchenko <andriy.shevchenko@linux.intel.com>
 L:	linux-gpio@vger.kernel.org
 L:	linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org
@@ -10253,7 +10244,7 @@ F:	drivers/video/fbdev/hgafb.c
 HIBERNATION (aka Software Suspend, aka swsusp)
 M:	"Rafael J. Wysocki" <rafael@kernel.org>
-M:	Pavel Machek <pavel@ucw.cz>
+M:	Pavel Machek <pavel@kernel.org>
 L:	linux-pm@vger.kernel.org
 S:	Supported
 B:	https://bugzilla.kernel.org
@@ -13124,8 +13115,8 @@ T:	git git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/kees/linux.git for-next/har
 F:	scripts/leaking_addresses.pl
-M:	Pavel Machek <pavel@ucw.cz>
 M:	Lee Jones <lee@kernel.org>
+M:	Pavel Machek <pavel@kernel.org>
 L:	linux-leds@vger.kernel.org
 S:	Maintained
 T:	git git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/lee/leds.git
@@ -16462,6 +16453,22 @@ F:	include/net/dsa.h
 F:	net/dsa/
 F:	tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/dsa/
+M:	Andrew Lunn <andrew@lunn.ch>
+M:	Jakub Kicinski <kuba@kernel.org>
+F:	Documentation/netlink/specs/ethtool.yaml
+F:	Documentation/networking/ethtool-netlink.rst
+F:	include/linux/ethtool*
+F:	include/uapi/linux/ethtool*
+F:	net/ethtool/
+F:	tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/*/ethtool*
+M:	Andrew Lunn <andrew@lunn.ch>
+F:	net/ethtool/cabletest.c
+F:	tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/*/ethtool*
+K:	cable_test
 M:	"David S. Miller" <davem@davemloft.net>
 M:	Eric Dumazet <edumazet@google.com>
@@ -16621,6 +16628,7 @@ F:	tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/
 M:	Eric Dumazet <edumazet@google.com>
 M:	Neal Cardwell <ncardwell@google.com>
+R:	Kuniyuki Iwashima <kuniyu@amazon.com>
 L:	netdev@vger.kernel.org
 S:	Maintained
 F:	Documentation/networking/net_cachelines/tcp_sock.rst
@@ -16648,6 +16656,31 @@ F:	include/net/tls.h
 F:	include/uapi/linux/tls.h
 F:	net/tls/*
+M:	Eric Dumazet <edumazet@google.com>
+M:	Kuniyuki Iwashima <kuniyu@amazon.com>
+M:	Paolo Abeni <pabeni@redhat.com>
+M:	Willem de Bruijn <willemb@google.com>
+S:	Maintained
+F:	include/linux/sock_diag.h
+F:	include/linux/socket.h
+F:	include/linux/sockptr.h
+F:	include/net/sock.h
+F:	include/net/sock_reuseport.h
+F:	include/uapi/linux/socket.h
+F:	net/core/*sock*
+F:	net/core/scm.c
+F:	net/socket.c
+M:	Kuniyuki Iwashima <kuniyu@amazon.com>
+S:	Maintained
+F:	include/net/af_unix.h
+F:	include/net/netns/unix.h
+F:	include/uapi/linux/unix_diag.h
+F:	net/unix/
+F:	tools/testing/selftests/net/af_unix/
 M:	Manish Chopra <manishc@marvell.com>
 M:	Rahul Verma <rahulv@marvell.com>
@@ -16781,7 +16814,7 @@ F:	include/linux/tick.h
 F:	kernel/time/tick*.*
-M:	Pavel Machek <pavel@ucw.cz>
+M:	Pavel Machek <pavel@kernel.org>
 M:	Sakari Ailus <sakari.ailus@iki.fi>
 L:	linux-media@vger.kernel.org
 S:	Maintained
@@ -17713,6 +17746,7 @@ L:	netdev@vger.kernel.org
 L:	dev@openvswitch.org
 S:	Maintained
 W:	http://openvswitch.org
+F:	Documentation/networking/openvswitch.rst
 F:	include/uapi/linux/openvswitch.h
 F:	net/openvswitch/
 F:	tools/testing/selftests/net/openvswitch/
@@ -22806,7 +22840,7 @@ F:	drivers/sh/
 M:	"Rafael J. Wysocki" <rafael@kernel.org>
 M:	Len Brown <len.brown@intel.com>
-M:	Pavel Machek <pavel@ucw.cz>
+M:	Pavel Machek <pavel@kernel.org>
 L:	linux-pm@vger.kernel.org
 S:	Supported
 B:	https://bugzilla.kernel.org
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 9e0d63d9d94b..89628e354ca7 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 NAME = Baby Opossum Posse
diff --git a/arch/alpha/include/asm/elf.h b/arch/alpha/include/asm/elf.h
index 4d7c46f50382..50c82187e60e 100644
--- a/arch/alpha/include/asm/elf.h
+++ b/arch/alpha/include/asm/elf.h
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ typedef elf_fpreg_t elf_fpregset_t[ELF_NFPREG];
  * This is used to ensure we don't load something for the wrong architecture.
-#define elf_check_arch(x) ((x)->e_machine == EM_ALPHA)
+#define elf_check_arch(x) (((x)->e_machine == EM_ALPHA) && !((x)->e_flags & EF_ALPHA_32BIT))
  * These are used to set parameters in the core dumps.
@@ -137,10 +137,6 @@ extern int dump_elf_task(elf_greg_t *dest, struct task_struct *task);
 	: amask (AMASK_CIX) ? "ev6" : "ev67");	\
-#define SET_PERSONALITY(EX)					\
-	set_personality(((EX).e_flags & EF_ALPHA_32BIT)		\
 extern int alpha_l1i_cacheshape;
 extern int alpha_l1d_cacheshape;
 extern int alpha_l2_cacheshape;
diff --git a/arch/alpha/include/asm/pgtable.h b/arch/alpha/include/asm/pgtable.h
index 635f0a5f5bbd..02e8817a8921 100644
--- a/arch/alpha/include/asm/pgtable.h
+++ b/arch/alpha/include/asm/pgtable.h
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ static inline pte_t pte_swp_clear_exclusive(pte_t pte)
 extern void paging_init(void);
-/* We have our own get_unmapped_area to cope with ADDR_LIMIT_32BIT.  */
+/* We have our own get_unmapped_area */
 #endif /* _ALPHA_PGTABLE_H */
diff --git a/arch/alpha/include/asm/processor.h b/arch/alpha/include/asm/processor.h
index 55bb1c09fd39..5dce5518a211 100644
--- a/arch/alpha/include/asm/processor.h
+++ b/arch/alpha/include/asm/processor.h
@@ -8,23 +8,19 @@
-#include <linux/personality.h>	/* for ADDR_LIMIT_32BIT */
  * We have a 42-bit user address space: 4TB user VM...
 #define TASK_SIZE (0x40000000000UL)
-#define STACK_TOP \
-  (current->personality & ADDR_LIMIT_32BIT ? 0x80000000 : 0x00120000000UL)
+#define STACK_TOP (0x00120000000UL)
 #define STACK_TOP_MAX	0x00120000000UL
 /* This decides where the kernel will search for a free chunk of vm
  * space during mmap's.
-  ((current->personality & ADDR_LIMIT_32BIT) ? 0x40000000 : TASK_SIZE / 2)
 /* This is dead.  Everything has been moved to thread_info.  */
 struct thread_struct { };
diff --git a/arch/alpha/kernel/osf_sys.c b/arch/alpha/kernel/osf_sys.c
index 86185021f75a..a08e8edef1a4 100644
--- a/arch/alpha/kernel/osf_sys.c
+++ b/arch/alpha/kernel/osf_sys.c
@@ -1210,8 +1210,7 @@ SYSCALL_DEFINE1(old_adjtimex, struct timex32 __user *, txc_p)
 	return ret;
-/* Get an address range which is currently unmapped.  Similar to the
-   generic version except that we know how to honor ADDR_LIMIT_32BIT.  */
+/* Get an address range which is currently unmapped. */
 static unsigned long
 arch_get_unmapped_area_1(unsigned long addr, unsigned long len,
@@ -1230,13 +1229,7 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area(struct file *filp, unsigned long addr,
 		       unsigned long len, unsigned long pgoff,
 		       unsigned long flags, vm_flags_t vm_flags)
-	unsigned long limit;
-	/* "32 bit" actually means 31 bit, since pointers sign extend.  */
-	if (current->personality & ADDR_LIMIT_32BIT)
-		limit = 0x80000000;
-	else
-		limit = TASK_SIZE;
+	unsigned long limit = TASK_SIZE;
 	if (len > limit)
 		return -ENOMEM;
diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3576.dtsi b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3576.dtsi
index 4dde954043ef..bd55bd8a67cb 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3576.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3576.dtsi
@@ -1221,6 +1221,30 @@ gmac1_mtl_tx_setup: tx-queues-config {
+		ufshc: ufshc@2a2d0000 {
+			compatible = "rockchip,rk3576-ufshc";
+			reg = <0x0 0x2a2d0000 0x0 0x10000>,
+			      <0x0 0x2b040000 0x0 0x10000>,
+			      <0x0 0x2601f000 0x0 0x1000>,
+			      <0x0 0x2603c000 0x0 0x1000>,
+			      <0x0 0x2a2e0000 0x0 0x10000>;
+			reg-names = "hci", "mphy", "hci_grf", "mphy_grf", "hci_apb";
+			clocks = <&cru ACLK_UFS_SYS>, <&cru PCLK_USB_ROOT>, <&cru PCLK_MPHY>,
+				 <&cru CLK_REF_UFS_CLKOUT>;
+			clock-names = "core", "pclk", "pclk_mphy", "ref_out";
+			assigned-clocks = <&cru CLK_REF_OSC_MPHY>;
+			assigned-clock-parents = <&cru CLK_REF_MPHY_26M>;
+			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 361 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+			power-domains = <&power RK3576_PD_USB>;
+			pinctrl-0 = <&ufs_refclk>;
+			pinctrl-names = "default";
+			resets = <&cru SRST_A_UFS_BIU>, <&cru SRST_A_UFS_SYS>,
+				 <&cru SRST_A_UFS>, <&cru SRST_P_UFS_GRF>;
+			reset-names = "biu", "sys", "ufs", "grf";
+			reset-gpios = <&gpio4 RK_PD0 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+			status = "disabled";
+		};
 		sdmmc: mmc@2a310000 {
 			compatible = "rockchip,rk3576-dw-mshc";
 			reg = <0x0 0x2a310000 0x0 0x4000>;
diff --git a/arch/arm64/kvm/arch_timer.c b/arch/arm64/kvm/arch_timer.c
index d3d243366536..231c0cd9c7b4 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/kvm/arch_timer.c
+++ b/arch/arm64/kvm/arch_timer.c
@@ -471,10 +471,8 @@ static void timer_emulate(struct arch_timer_context *ctx)
 	trace_kvm_timer_emulate(ctx, should_fire);
-	if (should_fire != ctx->irq.level) {
+	if (should_fire != ctx->irq.level)
 		kvm_timer_update_irq(ctx->vcpu, should_fire, ctx);
-		return;
-	}
 	kvm_timer_update_status(ctx, should_fire);
@@ -761,21 +759,6 @@ static void kvm_timer_vcpu_load_nested_switch(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
-		/*
-		 * The virtual offset behaviour is "interesting", as it
-		 * always applies when HCR_EL2.E2H==0, but only when
-		 * accessed from EL1 when HCR_EL2.E2H==1. So make sure we
-		 * track E2H when putting the HV timer in "direct" mode.
-		 */
-		if (map->direct_vtimer == vcpu_hvtimer(vcpu)) {
-			struct arch_timer_offset *offs = &map->direct_vtimer->offset;
-			if (vcpu_el2_e2h_is_set(vcpu))
-				offs->vcpu_offset = NULL;
-			else
-				offs->vcpu_offset = &__vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, CNTVOFF_EL2);
-		}
@@ -976,31 +959,21 @@ void kvm_timer_sync_nested(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
 	 * which allows trapping of the timer registers even with NV2.
 	 * Still, this is still worse than FEAT_NV on its own. Meh.
-	if (!vcpu_el2_e2h_is_set(vcpu)) {
-		if (cpus_have_final_cap(ARM64_HAS_ECV))
-			return;
-		/*
-		 * A non-VHE guest hypervisor doesn't have any direct access
-		 * to its timers: the EL2 registers trap (and the HW is
-		 * fully emulated), while the EL0 registers access memory
-		 * despite the access being notionally direct. Boo.
-		 *
-		 * We update the hardware timer registers with the
-		 * latest value written by the guest to the VNCR page
-		 * and let the hardware take care of the rest.
-		 */
-		write_sysreg_el0(__vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, CNTV_CTL_EL0),  SYS_CNTV_CTL);
-		write_sysreg_el0(__vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, CNTV_CVAL_EL0), SYS_CNTV_CVAL);
-		write_sysreg_el0(__vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, CNTP_CTL_EL0),  SYS_CNTP_CTL);
-		write_sysreg_el0(__vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, CNTP_CVAL_EL0), SYS_CNTP_CVAL);
-	} else {
+	if (!cpus_have_final_cap(ARM64_HAS_ECV)) {
 		 * For a VHE guest hypervisor, the EL2 state is directly
-		 * stored in the host EL1 timers, while the emulated EL0
+		 * stored in the host EL1 timers, while the emulated EL1
 		 * state is stored in the VNCR page. The latter could have
 		 * been updated behind our back, and we must reset the
 		 * emulation of the timers.
+		 *
+		 * A non-VHE guest hypervisor doesn't have any direct access
+		 * to its timers: the EL2 registers trap despite being
+		 * notionally direct (we use the EL1 HW, as for VHE), while
+		 * the EL1 registers access memory.
+		 *
+		 * In both cases, process the emulated timers on each guest
+		 * exit. Boo.
 		struct timer_map map;
 		get_timer_map(vcpu, &map);
diff --git a/arch/arm64/kvm/arm.c b/arch/arm64/kvm/arm.c
index 646e806c6ca6..071a7d75be68 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/kvm/arm.c
+++ b/arch/arm64/kvm/arm.c
@@ -2290,6 +2290,19 @@ static int __init init_subsystems(void)
 	case -ENODEV:
 	case -ENXIO:
+		/*
+		 * No VGIC? No pKVM for you.
+		 *
+		 * Protected mode assumes that VGICv3 is present, so no point
+		 * in trying to hobble along if vgic initialization fails.
+		 */
+		if (is_protected_kvm_enabled())
+			goto out;
+		/*
+		 * Otherwise, userspace could choose to implement a GIC for its
+		 * guest on non-cooperative hardware.
+		 */
 		vgic_present = false;
 		err = 0;
@@ -2400,6 +2413,13 @@ static void kvm_hyp_init_symbols(void)
 	kvm_nvhe_sym(id_aa64smfr0_el1_sys_val) = read_sanitised_ftr_reg(SYS_ID_AA64SMFR0_EL1);
 	kvm_nvhe_sym(__icache_flags) = __icache_flags;
 	kvm_nvhe_sym(kvm_arm_vmid_bits) = kvm_arm_vmid_bits;
+	/*
+	 * Flush entire BSS since part of its data containing init symbols is read
+	 * while the MMU is off.
+	 */
+	kvm_flush_dcache_to_poc(kvm_ksym_ref(__hyp_bss_start),
+				kvm_ksym_ref(__hyp_bss_end) - kvm_ksym_ref(__hyp_bss_start));
 static int __init kvm_hyp_init_protection(u32 hyp_va_bits)
diff --git a/arch/arm64/kvm/hyp/nvhe/hyp-main.c b/arch/arm64/kvm/hyp/nvhe/hyp-main.c
index 5c134520e180..6e12c070832f 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/kvm/hyp/nvhe/hyp-main.c
+++ b/arch/arm64/kvm/hyp/nvhe/hyp-main.c
@@ -91,11 +91,34 @@ static void fpsimd_sve_sync(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
 	*host_data_ptr(fp_owner) = FP_STATE_HOST_OWNED;
+static void flush_debug_state(struct pkvm_hyp_vcpu *hyp_vcpu)
+	struct kvm_vcpu *host_vcpu = hyp_vcpu->host_vcpu;
+	hyp_vcpu->vcpu.arch.debug_owner = host_vcpu->arch.debug_owner;
+	if (kvm_guest_owns_debug_regs(&hyp_vcpu->vcpu))
+		hyp_vcpu->vcpu.arch.vcpu_debug_state = host_vcpu->arch.vcpu_debug_state;
+	else if (kvm_host_owns_debug_regs(&hyp_vcpu->vcpu))
+		hyp_vcpu->vcpu.arch.external_debug_state = host_vcpu->arch.external_debug_state;
+static void sync_debug_state(struct pkvm_hyp_vcpu *hyp_vcpu)
+	struct kvm_vcpu *host_vcpu = hyp_vcpu->host_vcpu;
+	if (kvm_guest_owns_debug_regs(&hyp_vcpu->vcpu))
+		host_vcpu->arch.vcpu_debug_state = hyp_vcpu->vcpu.arch.vcpu_debug_state;
+	else if (kvm_host_owns_debug_regs(&hyp_vcpu->vcpu))
+		host_vcpu->arch.external_debug_state = hyp_vcpu->vcpu.arch.external_debug_state;
 static void flush_hyp_vcpu(struct pkvm_hyp_vcpu *hyp_vcpu)
 	struct kvm_vcpu *host_vcpu = hyp_vcpu->host_vcpu;
+	flush_debug_state(hyp_vcpu);
 	hyp_vcpu->vcpu.arch.ctxt	= host_vcpu->arch.ctxt;
@@ -123,6 +146,7 @@ static void sync_hyp_vcpu(struct pkvm_hyp_vcpu *hyp_vcpu)
 	unsigned int i;
+	sync_debug_state(hyp_vcpu);
 	host_vcpu->arch.ctxt		= hyp_vcpu->vcpu.arch.ctxt;
diff --git a/arch/arm64/kvm/nested.c b/arch/arm64/kvm/nested.c
index 33d2ace68665..0c9387d2f507 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/kvm/nested.c
+++ b/arch/arm64/kvm/nested.c
@@ -67,26 +67,27 @@ int kvm_vcpu_init_nested(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
 	if (!tmp)
 		return -ENOMEM;
+	swap(kvm->arch.nested_mmus, tmp);
 	 * If we went through a realocation, adjust the MMU back-pointers in
 	 * the previously initialised kvm_pgtable structures.
 	if (kvm->arch.nested_mmus != tmp)
 		for (int i = 0; i < kvm->arch.nested_mmus_size; i++)
-			tmp[i].pgt->mmu = &tmp[i];
+			kvm->arch.nested_mmus[i].pgt->mmu = &kvm->arch.nested_mmus[i];
 	for (int i = kvm->arch.nested_mmus_size; !ret && i < num_mmus; i++)
-		ret = init_nested_s2_mmu(kvm, &tmp[i]);
+		ret = init_nested_s2_mmu(kvm, &kvm->arch.nested_mmus[i]);
 	if (ret) {
 		for (int i = kvm->arch.nested_mmus_size; i < num_mmus; i++)
-			kvm_free_stage2_pgd(&tmp[i]);
+			kvm_free_stage2_pgd(&kvm->arch.nested_mmus[i]);
 		return ret;
 	kvm->arch.nested_mmus_size = num_mmus;
-	kvm->arch.nested_mmus = tmp;
 	return 0;
diff --git a/arch/arm64/kvm/sys_regs.c b/arch/arm64/kvm/sys_regs.c
index f6cd1ea7fb55..82430c1e1dd0 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/kvm/sys_regs.c
+++ b/arch/arm64/kvm/sys_regs.c
@@ -1452,6 +1452,16 @@ static bool access_arch_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
 	return true;
+static bool access_hv_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu,
+			    struct sys_reg_params *p,
+			    const struct sys_reg_desc *r)
+	if (!vcpu_el2_e2h_is_set(vcpu))
+		return undef_access(vcpu, p, r);
+	return access_arch_timer(vcpu, p, r);
 static s64 kvm_arm64_ftr_safe_value(u32 id, const struct arm64_ftr_bits *ftrp,
 				    s64 new, s64 cur)
@@ -3103,9 +3113,9 @@ static const struct sys_reg_desc sys_reg_descs[] = {
 	EL2_REG(CNTHP_CTL_EL2, access_arch_timer, reset_val, 0),
 	EL2_REG(CNTHP_CVAL_EL2, access_arch_timer, reset_val, 0),
-	{ SYS_DESC(SYS_CNTHV_TVAL_EL2), access_arch_timer },
-	EL2_REG(CNTHV_CTL_EL2, access_arch_timer, reset_val, 0),
-	EL2_REG(CNTHV_CVAL_EL2, access_arch_timer, reset_val, 0),
+	{ SYS_DESC(SYS_CNTHV_TVAL_EL2), access_hv_timer },
+	EL2_REG(CNTHV_CTL_EL2, access_hv_timer, reset_val, 0),
+	EL2_REG(CNTHV_CVAL_EL2, access_hv_timer, reset_val, 0),
 	{ SYS_DESC(SYS_CNTKCTL_EL12), access_cntkctl_el12 },
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/sysdev/fsl_msi.c b/arch/powerpc/sysdev/fsl_msi.c
index 1aa0cb097c9c..7b9a5ea9cad9 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/sysdev/fsl_msi.c
+++ b/arch/powerpc/sysdev/fsl_msi.c
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ static void fsl_msi_print_chip(struct irq_data *irqd, struct seq_file *p)
 	srs = (hwirq >> msi_data->srs_shift) & MSI_SRS_MASK;
 	cascade_virq = msi_data->cascade_array[srs]->virq;
-	seq_printf(p, " fsl-msi-%d", cascade_virq);
+	seq_printf(p, "fsl-msi-%d", cascade_virq);
diff --git a/arch/s390/include/asm/gmap.h b/arch/s390/include/asm/gmap.h
index 13f51a6a5bb1..4e73ef46d4b2 100644
--- a/arch/s390/include/asm/gmap.h
+++ b/arch/s390/include/asm/gmap.h
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
  * struct gmap_struct - guest address space
  * @list: list head for the mm->context gmap list
- * @crst_list: list of all crst tables used in the guest address space
  * @mm: pointer to the parent mm_struct
  * @guest_to_host: radix tree with guest to host address translation
  * @host_to_guest: radix tree with pointer to segment table entries
@@ -35,7 +34,6 @@
  * @guest_handle: protected virtual machine handle for the ultravisor
  * @host_to_rmap: radix tree with gmap_rmap lists
  * @children: list of shadow gmap structures
- * @pt_list: list of all page tables used in the shadow guest address space
  * @shadow_lock: spinlock to protect the shadow gmap list
  * @parent: pointer to the parent gmap for shadow guest address spaces
  * @orig_asce: ASCE for which the shadow page table has been created
@@ -45,7 +43,6 @@
 struct gmap {
 	struct list_head list;
-	struct list_head crst_list;
 	struct mm_struct *mm;
 	struct radix_tree_root guest_to_host;
 	struct radix_tree_root host_to_guest;
@@ -61,7 +58,6 @@ struct gmap {
 	/* Additional data for shadow guest address spaces */
 	struct radix_tree_root host_to_rmap;
 	struct list_head children;
-	struct list_head pt_list;
 	spinlock_t shadow_lock;
 	struct gmap *parent;
 	unsigned long orig_asce;
@@ -106,23 +102,21 @@ struct gmap *gmap_create(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long limit);
 void gmap_remove(struct gmap *gmap);
 struct gmap *gmap_get(struct gmap *gmap);
 void gmap_put(struct gmap *gmap);
+void gmap_free(struct gmap *gmap);
+struct gmap *gmap_alloc(unsigned long limit);
 int gmap_map_segment(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long from,
 		     unsigned long to, unsigned long len);
 int gmap_unmap_segment(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long to, unsigned long len);
 unsigned long __gmap_translate(struct gmap *, unsigned long gaddr);
-unsigned long gmap_translate(struct gmap *, unsigned long gaddr);
 int __gmap_link(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr, unsigned long vmaddr);
-int gmap_fault(struct gmap *, unsigned long gaddr, unsigned int fault_flags);
 void gmap_discard(struct gmap *, unsigned long from, unsigned long to);
 void __gmap_zap(struct gmap *, unsigned long gaddr);
 void gmap_unlink(struct mm_struct *, unsigned long *table, unsigned long vmaddr);
 int gmap_read_table(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr, unsigned long *val);
-struct gmap *gmap_shadow(struct gmap *parent, unsigned long asce,
-			 int edat_level);
-int gmap_shadow_valid(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long asce, int edat_level);
+void gmap_unshadow(struct gmap *sg);
 int gmap_shadow_r2t(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, unsigned long r2t,
 		    int fake);
 int gmap_shadow_r3t(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, unsigned long r3t,
@@ -131,24 +125,22 @@ int gmap_shadow_sgt(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, unsigned long sgt,
 		    int fake);
 int gmap_shadow_pgt(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, unsigned long pgt,
 		    int fake);
-int gmap_shadow_pgt_lookup(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr,
-			   unsigned long *pgt, int *dat_protection, int *fake);
 int gmap_shadow_page(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, pte_t pte);
 void gmap_register_pte_notifier(struct gmap_notifier *);
 void gmap_unregister_pte_notifier(struct gmap_notifier *);
-int gmap_mprotect_notify(struct gmap *, unsigned long start,
-			 unsigned long len, int prot);
+int gmap_protect_one(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr, int prot, unsigned long bits);
 void gmap_sync_dirty_log_pmd(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long dirty_bitmap[4],
 			     unsigned long gaddr, unsigned long vmaddr);
 int s390_disable_cow_sharing(void);
-void s390_unlist_old_asce(struct gmap *gmap);
 int s390_replace_asce(struct gmap *gmap);
 void s390_uv_destroy_pfns(unsigned long count, unsigned long *pfns);
 int __s390_uv_destroy_range(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long start,
 			    unsigned long end, bool interruptible);
+int kvm_s390_wiggle_split_folio(struct mm_struct *mm, struct folio *folio, bool split);
+unsigned long *gmap_table_walk(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr, int level);
  * s390_uv_destroy_range - Destroy a range of pages in the given mm.
diff --git a/arch/s390/include/asm/kvm_host.h b/arch/s390/include/asm/kvm_host.h
index 97c7c8127543..9a367866cab0 100644
--- a/arch/s390/include/asm/kvm_host.h
+++ b/arch/s390/include/asm/kvm_host.h
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
 #define KVM_S390_ESCA_CPU_SLOTS 248
 #define KVM_MAX_VCPUS 255
  * These seem to be used for allocating ->chip in the routing table, which we
  * don't use. 1 is as small as we can get to reduce the needed memory. If we
@@ -931,12 +933,14 @@ struct sie_page2 {
 	u8 reserved928[0x1000 - 0x928];			/* 0x0928 */
+struct vsie_page;
 struct kvm_s390_vsie {
 	struct mutex mutex;
 	struct radix_tree_root addr_to_page;
 	int page_count;
 	int next;
-	struct page *pages[KVM_MAX_VCPUS];
+	struct vsie_page *pages[KVM_MAX_VCPUS];
 struct kvm_s390_gisa_iam {
diff --git a/arch/s390/include/asm/pgtable.h b/arch/s390/include/asm/pgtable.h
index a3b51056a177..3ca5af4cfe43 100644
--- a/arch/s390/include/asm/pgtable.h
+++ b/arch/s390/include/asm/pgtable.h
@@ -420,9 +420,10 @@ void setup_protection_map(void);
 #define PGSTE_HC_BIT	0x0020000000000000UL
 #define PGSTE_GR_BIT	0x0004000000000000UL
 #define PGSTE_GC_BIT	0x0002000000000000UL
-#define PGSTE_UC_BIT	0x0000800000000000UL	/* user dirty (migration) */
-#define PGSTE_IN_BIT	0x0000400000000000UL	/* IPTE notify bit */
-#define PGSTE_VSIE_BIT	0x0000200000000000UL	/* ref'd in a shadow table */
+#define PGSTE_ST2_MASK	0x0000ffff00000000UL
+#define PGSTE_UC_BIT	0x0000000000008000UL	/* user dirty (migration) */
+#define PGSTE_IN_BIT	0x0000000000004000UL	/* IPTE notify bit */
+#define PGSTE_VSIE_BIT	0x0000000000002000UL	/* ref'd in a shadow table */
 /* Guest Page State used for virtualization */
 #define _PGSTE_GPS_ZERO			0x0000000080000000UL
@@ -2007,4 +2008,18 @@ extern void s390_reset_cmma(struct mm_struct *mm);
 #define pmd_pgtable(pmd) \
 	((pgtable_t)__va(pmd_val(pmd) & -sizeof(pte_t)*PTRS_PER_PTE))
+static inline unsigned long gmap_pgste_get_pgt_addr(unsigned long *pgt)
+	unsigned long *pgstes, res;
+	pgstes = pgt + _PAGE_ENTRIES;
+	res = (pgstes[0] & PGSTE_ST2_MASK) << 16;
+	res |= pgstes[1] & PGSTE_ST2_MASK;
+	res |= (pgstes[2] & PGSTE_ST2_MASK) >> 16;
+	res |= (pgstes[3] & PGSTE_ST2_MASK) >> 32;
+	return res;
 #endif /* _S390_PAGE_H */
diff --git a/arch/s390/include/asm/uv.h b/arch/s390/include/asm/uv.h
index dc332609f2c3..b11f5b6d0bd1 100644
--- a/arch/s390/include/asm/uv.h
+++ b/arch/s390/include/asm/uv.h
@@ -628,12 +628,12 @@ static inline int is_prot_virt_host(void)
 int uv_pin_shared(unsigned long paddr);
-int gmap_make_secure(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr, void *uvcb);
-int gmap_destroy_page(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr);
 int uv_destroy_folio(struct folio *folio);
 int uv_destroy_pte(pte_t pte);
 int uv_convert_from_secure_pte(pte_t pte);
-int gmap_convert_to_secure(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr);
+int make_folio_secure(struct folio *folio, struct uv_cb_header *uvcb);
+int uv_convert_from_secure(unsigned long paddr);
+int uv_convert_from_secure_folio(struct folio *folio);
 void setup_uv(void);
diff --git a/arch/s390/kernel/uv.c b/arch/s390/kernel/uv.c
index 6f9654a191ad..9f05df2da2f7 100644
--- a/arch/s390/kernel/uv.c
+++ b/arch/s390/kernel/uv.c
@@ -19,19 +19,6 @@
 #include <asm/sections.h>
 #include <asm/uv.h>
-unsigned long __gmap_translate(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr)
-	return 0;
-int gmap_fault(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr,
-	       unsigned int fault_flags)
-	return 0;
 /* the bootdata_preserved fields come from ones in arch/s390/boot/uv.c */
 int __bootdata_preserved(prot_virt_guest);
@@ -159,6 +146,7 @@ int uv_destroy_folio(struct folio *folio)
 	return rc;
  * The present PTE still indirectly holds a folio reference through the mapping.
@@ -175,7 +163,7 @@ int uv_destroy_pte(pte_t pte)
  * @paddr: Absolute host address of page to be exported
-static int uv_convert_from_secure(unsigned long paddr)
+int uv_convert_from_secure(unsigned long paddr)
 	struct uv_cb_cfs uvcb = {
 		.header.cmd = UVC_CMD_CONV_FROM_SEC_STOR,
@@ -187,11 +175,12 @@ static int uv_convert_from_secure(unsigned long paddr)
 		return -EINVAL;
 	return 0;
  * The caller must already hold a reference to the folio.
-static int uv_convert_from_secure_folio(struct folio *folio)
+int uv_convert_from_secure_folio(struct folio *folio)
 	int rc;
@@ -206,6 +195,7 @@ static int uv_convert_from_secure_folio(struct folio *folio)
 	return rc;
  * The present PTE still indirectly holds a folio reference through the mapping.
@@ -237,13 +227,33 @@ static int expected_folio_refs(struct folio *folio)
 	return res;
-static int make_folio_secure(struct folio *folio, struct uv_cb_header *uvcb)
+ * make_folio_secure() - make a folio secure
+ * @folio: the folio to make secure
+ * @uvcb: the uvcb that describes the UVC to be used
+ *
+ * The folio @folio will be made secure if possible, @uvcb will be passed
+ * as-is to the UVC.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success;
+ *         -EBUSY if the folio is in writeback or has too many references;
+ *         -E2BIG if the folio is large;
+ *         -EAGAIN if the UVC needs to be attempted again;
+ *         -ENXIO if the address is not mapped;
+ *         -EINVAL if the UVC failed for other reasons.
+ *
+ * Context: The caller must hold exactly one extra reference on the folio
+ *          (it's the same logic as split_folio())
+ */
+int make_folio_secure(struct folio *folio, struct uv_cb_header *uvcb)
 	int expected, cc = 0;
+	if (folio_test_large(folio))
+		return -E2BIG;
 	if (folio_test_writeback(folio))
-		return -EAGAIN;
-	expected = expected_folio_refs(folio);
+		return -EBUSY;
+	expected = expected_folio_refs(folio) + 1;
 	if (!folio_ref_freeze(folio, expected))
 		return -EBUSY;
 	set_bit(PG_arch_1, &folio->flags);
@@ -267,251 +277,7 @@ static int make_folio_secure(struct folio *folio, struct uv_cb_header *uvcb)
 		return -EAGAIN;
 	return uvcb->rc == 0x10a ? -ENXIO : -EINVAL;
- * should_export_before_import - Determine whether an export is needed
- * before an import-like operation
- * @uvcb: the Ultravisor control block of the UVC to be performed
- * @mm: the mm of the process
- *
- * Returns whether an export is needed before every import-like operation.
- * This is needed for shared pages, which don't trigger a secure storage
- * exception when accessed from a different guest.
- *
- * Although considered as one, the Unpin Page UVC is not an actual import,
- * so it is not affected.
- *
- * No export is needed also when there is only one protected VM, because the
- * page cannot belong to the wrong VM in that case (there is no "other VM"
- * it can belong to).
- *
- * Return: true if an export is needed before every import, otherwise false.
- */
-static bool should_export_before_import(struct uv_cb_header *uvcb, struct mm_struct *mm)
-	/*
-	 * The misc feature indicates, among other things, that importing a
-	 * shared page from a different protected VM will automatically also
-	 * transfer its ownership.
-	 */
-	if (uv_has_feature(BIT_UV_FEAT_MISC))
-		return false;
-	if (uvcb->cmd == UVC_CMD_UNPIN_PAGE_SHARED)
-		return false;
-	return atomic_read(&mm->context.protected_count) > 1;
- * Drain LRU caches: the local one on first invocation and the ones of all
- * CPUs on successive invocations. Returns "true" on the first invocation.
- */
-static bool drain_lru(bool *drain_lru_called)
-	/*
-	 * If we have tried a local drain and the folio refcount
-	 * still does not match our expected safe value, try with a
-	 * system wide drain. This is needed if the pagevecs holding
-	 * the page are on a different CPU.
-	 */
-	if (*drain_lru_called) {
-		lru_add_drain_all();
-		/* We give up here, don't retry immediately. */
-		return false;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * We are here if the folio refcount does not match the
-	 * expected safe value. The main culprits are usually
-	 * pagevecs. With lru_add_drain() we drain the pagevecs
-	 * on the local CPU so that hopefully the refcount will
-	 * reach the expected safe value.
-	 */
-	lru_add_drain();
-	*drain_lru_called = true;
-	/* The caller should try again immediately */
-	return true;
- * Requests the Ultravisor to make a page accessible to a guest.
- * If it's brought in the first time, it will be cleared. If
- * it has been exported before, it will be decrypted and integrity
- * checked.
- */
-int gmap_make_secure(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr, void *uvcb)
-	struct vm_area_struct *vma;
-	bool drain_lru_called = false;
-	spinlock_t *ptelock;
-	unsigned long uaddr;
-	struct folio *folio;
-	pte_t *ptep;
-	int rc;
-	rc = -EFAULT;
-	mmap_read_lock(gmap->mm);
-	uaddr = __gmap_translate(gmap, gaddr);
-	if (IS_ERR_VALUE(uaddr))
-		goto out;
-	vma = vma_lookup(gmap->mm, uaddr);
-	if (!vma)
-		goto out;
-	/*
-	 * Secure pages cannot be huge and userspace should not combine both.
-	 * In case userspace does it anyway this will result in an -EFAULT for
-	 * the unpack. The guest is thus never reaching secure mode. If
-	 * userspace is playing dirty tricky with mapping huge pages later
-	 * on this will result in a segmentation fault.
-	 */
-	if (is_vm_hugetlb_page(vma))
-		goto out;
-	rc = -ENXIO;
-	ptep = get_locked_pte(gmap->mm, uaddr, &ptelock);
-	if (!ptep)
-		goto out;
-	if (pte_present(*ptep) && !(pte_val(*ptep) & _PAGE_INVALID) && pte_write(*ptep)) {
-		folio = page_folio(pte_page(*ptep));
-		rc = -EAGAIN;
-		if (folio_test_large(folio)) {
-			rc = -E2BIG;
-		} else if (folio_trylock(folio)) {
-			if (should_export_before_import(uvcb, gmap->mm))
-				uv_convert_from_secure(PFN_PHYS(folio_pfn(folio)));
-			rc = make_folio_secure(folio, uvcb);
-			folio_unlock(folio);
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Once we drop the PTL, the folio may get unmapped and
-		 * freed immediately. We need a temporary reference.
-		 */
-		if (rc == -EAGAIN || rc == -E2BIG)
-			folio_get(folio);
-	}
-	pte_unmap_unlock(ptep, ptelock);
-	mmap_read_unlock(gmap->mm);
-	switch (rc) {
-	case -E2BIG:
-		folio_lock(folio);
-		rc = split_folio(folio);
-		folio_unlock(folio);
-		folio_put(folio);
-		switch (rc) {
-		case 0:
-			/* Splitting succeeded, try again immediately. */
-			goto again;
-		case -EAGAIN:
-			/* Additional folio references. */
-			if (drain_lru(&drain_lru_called))
-				goto again;
-			return -EAGAIN;
-		case -EBUSY:
-			/* Unexpected race. */
-			return -EAGAIN;
-		}
-		return -ENXIO;
-	case -EAGAIN:
-		/*
-		 * If we are here because the UVC returned busy or partial
-		 * completion, this is just a useless check, but it is safe.
-		 */
-		folio_wait_writeback(folio);
-		folio_put(folio);
-		return -EAGAIN;
-	case -EBUSY:
-		/* Additional folio references. */
-		if (drain_lru(&drain_lru_called))
-			goto again;
-		return -EAGAIN;
-	case -ENXIO:
-		if (gmap_fault(gmap, gaddr, FAULT_FLAG_WRITE))
-			return -EFAULT;
-		return -EAGAIN;
-	}
-	return rc;
-int gmap_convert_to_secure(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr)
-	struct uv_cb_cts uvcb = {
-		.header.cmd = UVC_CMD_CONV_TO_SEC_STOR,
-		.header.len = sizeof(uvcb),
-		.guest_handle = gmap->guest_handle,
-		.gaddr = gaddr,
-	};
-	return gmap_make_secure(gmap, gaddr, &uvcb);
- * gmap_destroy_page - Destroy a guest page.
- * @gmap: the gmap of the guest
- * @gaddr: the guest address to destroy
- *
- * An attempt will be made to destroy the given guest page. If the attempt
- * fails, an attempt is made to export the page. If both attempts fail, an
- * appropriate error is returned.
- */
-int gmap_destroy_page(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr)
-	struct vm_area_struct *vma;
-	struct folio_walk fw;
-	unsigned long uaddr;
-	struct folio *folio;
-	int rc;
-	rc = -EFAULT;
-	mmap_read_lock(gmap->mm);
-	uaddr = __gmap_translate(gmap, gaddr);
-	if (IS_ERR_VALUE(uaddr))
-		goto out;
-	vma = vma_lookup(gmap->mm, uaddr);
-	if (!vma)
-		goto out;
-	/*
-	 * Huge pages should not be able to become secure
-	 */
-	if (is_vm_hugetlb_page(vma))
-		goto out;
-	rc = 0;
-	folio = folio_walk_start(&fw, vma, uaddr, 0);
-	if (!folio)
-		goto out;
-	/*
-	 * See gmap_make_secure(): large folios cannot be secure. Small
-	 * folio implies FW_LEVEL_PTE.
-	 */
-	if (folio_test_large(folio) || !pte_write(fw.pte))
-		goto out_walk_end;
-	rc = uv_destroy_folio(folio);
-	/*
-	 * Fault handlers can race; it is possible that two CPUs will fault
-	 * on the same secure page. One CPU can destroy the page, reboot,
-	 * re-enter secure mode and import it, while the second CPU was
-	 * stuck at the beginning of the handler. At some point the second
-	 * CPU will be able to progress, and it will not be able to destroy
-	 * the page. In that case we do not want to terminate the process,
-	 * we instead try to export the page.
-	 */
-	if (rc)
-		rc = uv_convert_from_secure_folio(folio);
-	folio_walk_end(&fw, vma);
-	mmap_read_unlock(gmap->mm);
-	return rc;
  * To be called with the folio locked or with an extra reference! This will
diff --git a/arch/s390/kvm/Makefile b/arch/s390/kvm/Makefile
index 02217fb4ae10..f0ffe874adc2 100644
--- a/arch/s390/kvm/Makefile
+++ b/arch/s390/kvm/Makefile
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ include $(srctree)/virt/kvm/Makefile.kvm
 ccflags-y := -Ivirt/kvm -Iarch/s390/kvm
 kvm-y += kvm-s390.o intercept.o interrupt.o priv.o sigp.o
-kvm-y += diag.o gaccess.o guestdbg.o vsie.o pv.o
+kvm-y += diag.o gaccess.o guestdbg.o vsie.o pv.o gmap.o gmap-vsie.o
 kvm-$(CONFIG_VFIO_PCI_ZDEV_KVM) += pci.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_KVM) += kvm.o
diff --git a/arch/s390/kvm/gaccess.c b/arch/s390/kvm/gaccess.c
index 9816b0060fbe..f6fded15633a 100644
--- a/arch/s390/kvm/gaccess.c
+++ b/arch/s390/kvm/gaccess.c
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include <asm/gmap.h>
 #include <asm/dat-bits.h>
 #include "kvm-s390.h"
+#include "gmap.h"
 #include "gaccess.h"
@@ -1392,6 +1393,44 @@ static int kvm_s390_shadow_tables(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr,
 	return 0;
+ * shadow_pgt_lookup() - find a shadow page table
+ * @sg: pointer to the shadow guest address space structure
+ * @saddr: the address in the shadow aguest address space
+ * @pgt: parent gmap address of the page table to get shadowed
+ * @dat_protection: if the pgtable is marked as protected by dat
+ * @fake: pgt references contiguous guest memory block, not a pgtable
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the shadow page table was found and -EAGAIN if the page
+ * table was not found.
+ *
+ * Called with sg->mm->mmap_lock in read.
+ */
+static int shadow_pgt_lookup(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, unsigned long *pgt,
+			     int *dat_protection, int *fake)
+	unsigned long pt_index;
+	unsigned long *table;
+	struct page *page;
+	int rc;
+	spin_lock(&sg->guest_table_lock);
+	table = gmap_table_walk(sg, saddr, 1); /* get segment pointer */
+	if (table && !(*table & _SEGMENT_ENTRY_INVALID)) {
+		/* Shadow page tables are full pages (pte+pgste) */
+		page = pfn_to_page(*table >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+		pt_index = gmap_pgste_get_pgt_addr(page_to_virt(page));
+		*pgt = pt_index & ~GMAP_SHADOW_FAKE_TABLE;
+		*dat_protection = !!(*table & _SEGMENT_ENTRY_PROTECT);
+		*fake = !!(pt_index & GMAP_SHADOW_FAKE_TABLE);
+		rc = 0;
+	} else  {
+		rc = -EAGAIN;
+	}
+	spin_unlock(&sg->guest_table_lock);
+	return rc;
  * kvm_s390_shadow_fault - handle fault on a shadow page table
  * @vcpu: virtual cpu
@@ -1415,6 +1454,9 @@ int kvm_s390_shadow_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct gmap *sg,
 	int dat_protection, fake;
 	int rc;
+	if (KVM_BUG_ON(!gmap_is_shadow(sg), vcpu->kvm))
+		return -EFAULT;
 	 * We don't want any guest-2 tables to change - so the parent
@@ -1423,7 +1465,7 @@ int kvm_s390_shadow_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct gmap *sg,
-	rc = gmap_shadow_pgt_lookup(sg, saddr, &pgt, &dat_protection, &fake);
+	rc = shadow_pgt_lookup(sg, saddr, &pgt, &dat_protection, &fake);
 	if (rc)
 		rc = kvm_s390_shadow_tables(sg, saddr, &pgt, &dat_protection,
diff --git a/arch/s390/kvm/gmap-vsie.c b/arch/s390/kvm/gmap-vsie.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a6d1dbb04c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/s390/kvm/gmap-vsie.c
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ * Guest memory management for KVM/s390 nested VMs.
+ *
+ * Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 2020, 2024
+ *
+ *    Author(s): Claudio Imbrenda <imbrenda@linux.ibm.com>
+ *               Martin Schwidefsky <schwidefsky@de.ibm.com>
+ *               David Hildenbrand <david@redhat.com>
+ *               Janosch Frank <frankja@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
+ */
+#include <linux/compiler.h>
+#include <linux/kvm.h>
+#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
+#include <linux/pgtable.h>
+#include <linux/pagemap.h>
+#include <linux/mman.h>
+#include <asm/lowcore.h>
+#include <asm/gmap.h>
+#include <asm/uv.h>
+#include "kvm-s390.h"
+#include "gmap.h"
+ * gmap_find_shadow - find a specific asce in the list of shadow tables
+ * @parent: pointer to the parent gmap
+ * @asce: ASCE for which the shadow table is created
+ * @edat_level: edat level to be used for the shadow translation
+ *
+ * Returns the pointer to a gmap if a shadow table with the given asce is
+ * already available, ERR_PTR(-EAGAIN) if another one is just being created,
+ * otherwise NULL
+ *
+ * Context: Called with parent->shadow_lock held
+ */
+static struct gmap *gmap_find_shadow(struct gmap *parent, unsigned long asce, int edat_level)
+	struct gmap *sg;
+	lockdep_assert_held(&parent->shadow_lock);
+	list_for_each_entry(sg, &parent->children, list) {
+		if (!gmap_shadow_valid(sg, asce, edat_level))
+			continue;
+		if (!sg->initialized)
+			return ERR_PTR(-EAGAIN);
+		refcount_inc(&sg->ref_count);
+		return sg;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+ * gmap_shadow - create/find a shadow guest address space
+ * @parent: pointer to the parent gmap
+ * @asce: ASCE for which the shadow table is created
+ * @edat_level: edat level to be used for the shadow translation
+ *
+ * The pages of the top level page table referred by the asce parameter
+ * will be set to read-only and marked in the PGSTEs of the kvm process.
+ * The shadow table will be removed automatically on any change to the
+ * PTE mapping for the source table.
+ *
+ * Returns a guest address space structure, ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM) if out of memory,
+ * ERR_PTR(-EAGAIN) if the caller has to retry and ERR_PTR(-EFAULT) if the
+ * parent gmap table could not be protected.
+ */
+struct gmap *gmap_shadow(struct gmap *parent, unsigned long asce, int edat_level)
+	struct gmap *sg, *new;
+	unsigned long limit;
+	int rc;
+	if (KVM_BUG_ON(parent->mm->context.allow_gmap_hpage_1m, (struct kvm *)parent->private) ||
+	    KVM_BUG_ON(gmap_is_shadow(parent), (struct kvm *)parent->private))
+		return ERR_PTR(-EFAULT);
+	spin_lock(&parent->shadow_lock);
+	sg = gmap_find_shadow(parent, asce, edat_level);
+	spin_unlock(&parent->shadow_lock);
+	if (sg)
+		return sg;
+	/* Create a new shadow gmap */
+	limit = -1UL >> (33 - (((asce & _ASCE_TYPE_MASK) >> 2) * 11));
+	if (asce & _ASCE_REAL_SPACE)
+		limit = -1UL;
+	new = gmap_alloc(limit);
+	if (!new)
+		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+	new->mm = parent->mm;
+	new->parent = gmap_get(parent);
+	new->private = parent->private;
+	new->orig_asce = asce;
+	new->edat_level = edat_level;
+	new->initialized = false;
+	spin_lock(&parent->shadow_lock);
+	/* Recheck if another CPU created the same shadow */
+	sg = gmap_find_shadow(parent, asce, edat_level);
+	if (sg) {
+		spin_unlock(&parent->shadow_lock);
+		gmap_free(new);
+		return sg;
+	}
+	if (asce & _ASCE_REAL_SPACE) {
+		/* only allow one real-space gmap shadow */
+		list_for_each_entry(sg, &parent->children, list) {
+			if (sg->orig_asce & _ASCE_REAL_SPACE) {
+				spin_lock(&sg->guest_table_lock);
+				gmap_unshadow(sg);
+				spin_unlock(&sg->guest_table_lock);
+				list_del(&sg->list);
+				gmap_put(sg);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	refcount_set(&new->ref_count, 2);
+	list_add(&new->list, &parent->children);
+	if (asce & _ASCE_REAL_SPACE) {
+		/* nothing to protect, return right away */
+		new->initialized = true;
+		spin_unlock(&parent->shadow_lock);
+		return new;
+	}
+	spin_unlock(&parent->shadow_lock);
+	/* protect after insertion, so it will get properly invalidated */
+	mmap_read_lock(parent->mm);
+	rc = __kvm_s390_mprotect_many(parent, asce & _ASCE_ORIGIN,
+				      ((asce & _ASCE_TABLE_LENGTH) + 1),
+	mmap_read_unlock(parent->mm);
+	spin_lock(&parent->shadow_lock);
+	new->initialized = true;
+	if (rc) {
+		list_del(&new->list);
+		gmap_free(new);
+		new = ERR_PTR(rc);
+	}
+	spin_unlock(&parent->shadow_lock);
+	return new;
diff --git a/arch/s390/kvm/gmap.c b/arch/s390/kvm/gmap.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..02adf151d4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/s390/kvm/gmap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ * Guest memory management for KVM/s390
+ *
+ * Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 2020, 2024
+ *
+ *    Author(s): Claudio Imbrenda <imbrenda@linux.ibm.com>
+ *               Martin Schwidefsky <schwidefsky@de.ibm.com>
+ *               David Hildenbrand <david@redhat.com>
+ *               Janosch Frank <frankja@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
+ */
+#include <linux/compiler.h>
+#include <linux/kvm.h>
+#include <linux/kvm_host.h>
+#include <linux/pgtable.h>
+#include <linux/pagemap.h>
+#include <asm/lowcore.h>
+#include <asm/gmap.h>
+#include <asm/uv.h>
+#include "gmap.h"
+ * should_export_before_import - Determine whether an export is needed
+ * before an import-like operation
+ * @uvcb: the Ultravisor control block of the UVC to be performed
+ * @mm: the mm of the process
+ *
+ * Returns whether an export is needed before every import-like operation.
+ * This is needed for shared pages, which don't trigger a secure storage
+ * exception when accessed from a different guest.
+ *
+ * Although considered as one, the Unpin Page UVC is not an actual import,
+ * so it is not affected.
+ *
+ * No export is needed also when there is only one protected VM, because the
+ * page cannot belong to the wrong VM in that case (there is no "other VM"
+ * it can belong to).
+ *
+ * Return: true if an export is needed before every import, otherwise false.
+ */
+static bool should_export_before_import(struct uv_cb_header *uvcb, struct mm_struct *mm)
+	/*
+	 * The misc feature indicates, among other things, that importing a
+	 * shared page from a different protected VM will automatically also
+	 * transfer its ownership.
+	 */
+	if (uv_has_feature(BIT_UV_FEAT_MISC))
+		return false;
+	if (uvcb->cmd == UVC_CMD_UNPIN_PAGE_SHARED)
+		return false;
+	return atomic_read(&mm->context.protected_count) > 1;
+static int __gmap_make_secure(struct gmap *gmap, struct page *page, void *uvcb)
+	struct folio *folio = page_folio(page);
+	int rc;
+	/*
+	 * Secure pages cannot be huge and userspace should not combine both.
+	 * In case userspace does it anyway this will result in an -EFAULT for
+	 * the unpack. The guest is thus never reaching secure mode.
+	 * If userspace plays dirty tricks and decides to map huge pages at a
+	 * later point in time, it will receive a segmentation fault or
+	 * KVM_RUN will return -EFAULT.
+	 */
+	if (folio_test_hugetlb(folio))
+		return -EFAULT;
+	if (folio_test_large(folio)) {
+		mmap_read_unlock(gmap->mm);
+		rc = kvm_s390_wiggle_split_folio(gmap->mm, folio, true);
+		mmap_read_lock(gmap->mm);
+		if (rc)
+			return rc;
+		folio = page_folio(page);
+	}
+	if (!folio_trylock(folio))
+		return -EAGAIN;
+	if (should_export_before_import(uvcb, gmap->mm))
+		uv_convert_from_secure(folio_to_phys(folio));
+	rc = make_folio_secure(folio, uvcb);
+	folio_unlock(folio);
+	/*
+	 * In theory a race is possible and the folio might have become
+	 * large again before the folio_trylock() above. In that case, no
+	 * action is performed and -EAGAIN is returned; the callers will
+	 * have to try again later.
+	 * In most cases this implies running the VM again, getting the same
+	 * exception again, and make another attempt in this function.
+	 * This is expected to happen extremely rarely.
+	 */
+	if (rc == -E2BIG)
+		return -EAGAIN;
+	/* The folio has too many references, try to shake some off */
+	if (rc == -EBUSY) {
+		mmap_read_unlock(gmap->mm);
+		kvm_s390_wiggle_split_folio(gmap->mm, folio, false);
+		mmap_read_lock(gmap->mm);
+		return -EAGAIN;
+	}
+	return rc;
+ * gmap_make_secure() - make one guest page secure
+ * @gmap: the guest gmap
+ * @gaddr: the guest address that needs to be made secure
+ * @uvcb: the UVCB specifying which operation needs to be performed
+ *
+ * Context: needs to be called with kvm->srcu held.
+ * Return: 0 on success, < 0 in case of error (see __gmap_make_secure()).
+ */
+int gmap_make_secure(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr, void *uvcb)
+	struct kvm *kvm = gmap->private;
+	struct page *page;
+	int rc = 0;
+	lockdep_assert_held(&kvm->srcu);
+	page = gfn_to_page(kvm, gpa_to_gfn(gaddr));
+	mmap_read_lock(gmap->mm);
+	if (page)
+		rc = __gmap_make_secure(gmap, page, uvcb);
+	kvm_release_page_clean(page);
+	mmap_read_unlock(gmap->mm);
+	return rc;
+int gmap_convert_to_secure(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr)
+	struct uv_cb_cts uvcb = {
+		.header.cmd = UVC_CMD_CONV_TO_SEC_STOR,
+		.header.len = sizeof(uvcb),
+		.guest_handle = gmap->guest_handle,
+		.gaddr = gaddr,
+	};
+	return gmap_make_secure(gmap, gaddr, &uvcb);
+ * __gmap_destroy_page() - Destroy a guest page.
+ * @gmap: the gmap of the guest
+ * @page: the page to destroy
+ *
+ * An attempt will be made to destroy the given guest page. If the attempt
+ * fails, an attempt is made to export the page. If both attempts fail, an
+ * appropriate error is returned.
+ *
+ * Context: must be called holding the mm lock for gmap->mm
+ */
+static int __gmap_destroy_page(struct gmap *gmap, struct page *page)
+	struct folio *folio = page_folio(page);
+	int rc;
+	/*
+	 * See gmap_make_secure(): large folios cannot be secure. Small
+	 * folio implies FW_LEVEL_PTE.
+	 */
+	if (folio_test_large(folio))
+		return -EFAULT;
+	rc = uv_destroy_folio(folio);
+	/*
+	 * Fault handlers can race; it is possible that two CPUs will fault
+	 * on the same secure page. One CPU can destroy the page, reboot,
+	 * re-enter secure mode and import it, while the second CPU was
+	 * stuck at the beginning of the handler. At some point the second
+	 * CPU will be able to progress, and it will not be able to destroy
+	 * the page. In that case we do not want to terminate the process,
+	 * we instead try to export the page.
+	 */
+	if (rc)
+		rc = uv_convert_from_secure_folio(folio);
+	return rc;
+ * gmap_destroy_page() - Destroy a guest page.
+ * @gmap: the gmap of the guest
+ * @gaddr: the guest address to destroy
+ *
+ * An attempt will be made to destroy the given guest page. If the attempt
+ * fails, an attempt is made to export the page. If both attempts fail, an
+ * appropriate error is returned.
+ *
+ * Context: may sleep.
+ */
+int gmap_destroy_page(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr)
+	struct page *page;
+	int rc = 0;
+	mmap_read_lock(gmap->mm);
+	page = gfn_to_page(gmap->private, gpa_to_gfn(gaddr));
+	if (page)
+		rc = __gmap_destroy_page(gmap, page);
+	kvm_release_page_clean(page);
+	mmap_read_unlock(gmap->mm);
+	return rc;
diff --git a/arch/s390/kvm/gmap.h b/arch/s390/kvm/gmap.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c8f031c9ea5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/s390/kvm/gmap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ *  KVM guest address space mapping code
+ *
+ *    Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2016, 2025
+ *    Author(s): Martin Schwidefsky <schwidefsky@de.ibm.com>
+ *               Claudio Imbrenda <imbrenda@linux.ibm.com>
+ */
+#ifndef ARCH_KVM_S390_GMAP_H
+#define ARCH_KVM_S390_GMAP_H
+int gmap_make_secure(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr, void *uvcb);
+int gmap_convert_to_secure(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr);
+int gmap_destroy_page(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr);
+struct gmap *gmap_shadow(struct gmap *parent, unsigned long asce, int edat_level);
+ * gmap_shadow_valid - check if a shadow guest address space matches the
+ *                     given properties and is still valid
+ * @sg: pointer to the shadow guest address space structure
+ * @asce: ASCE for which the shadow table is requested
+ * @edat_level: edat level to be used for the shadow translation
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if the gmap shadow is still valid and matches the given
+ * properties, the caller can continue using it. Returns 0 otherwise, the
+ * caller has to request a new shadow gmap in this case.
+ *
+ */
+static inline int gmap_shadow_valid(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long asce, int edat_level)
+	if (sg->removed)
+		return 0;
+	return sg->orig_asce == asce && sg->edat_level == edat_level;
diff --git a/arch/s390/kvm/intercept.c b/arch/s390/kvm/intercept.c
index 5bbaadf75dc6..610dd44a948b 100644
--- a/arch/s390/kvm/intercept.c
+++ b/arch/s390/kvm/intercept.c
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include "gaccess.h"
 #include "trace.h"
 #include "trace-s390.h"
+#include "gmap.h"
 u8 kvm_s390_get_ilen(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -367,7 +368,7 @@ static int handle_mvpg_pei(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
 					      reg2, &srcaddr, GACC_FETCH, 0);
 	if (rc)
 		return kvm_s390_inject_prog_cond(vcpu, rc);
-	rc = gmap_fault(vcpu->arch.gmap, srcaddr, 0);
+	rc = kvm_s390_handle_dat_fault(vcpu, srcaddr, 0);
 	if (rc != 0)
 		return rc;
@@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ static int handle_mvpg_pei(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
 					      reg1, &dstaddr, GACC_STORE, 0);
 	if (rc)
 		return kvm_s390_inject_prog_cond(vcpu, rc);
-	rc = gmap_fault(vcpu->arch.gmap, dstaddr, FAULT_FLAG_WRITE);
+	rc = kvm_s390_handle_dat_fault(vcpu, dstaddr, FOLL_WRITE);
 	if (rc != 0)
 		return rc;
@@ -549,7 +550,7 @@ static int handle_pv_uvc(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
 	 * If the unpin did not succeed, the guest will exit again for the UVC
 	 * and we will retry the unpin.
-	if (rc == -EINVAL)
+	if (rc == -EINVAL || rc == -ENXIO)
 		return 0;
 	 * If we got -EAGAIN here, we simply return it. It will eventually
diff --git a/arch/s390/kvm/interrupt.c b/arch/s390/kvm/interrupt.c
index d4f031e086fc..07ff0e10cb7f 100644
--- a/arch/s390/kvm/interrupt.c
+++ b/arch/s390/kvm/interrupt.c
@@ -2893,7 +2893,8 @@ int kvm_set_routing_entry(struct kvm *kvm,
 			  struct kvm_kernel_irq_routing_entry *e,
 			  const struct kvm_irq_routing_entry *ue)
-	u64 uaddr;
+	u64 uaddr_s, uaddr_i;
+	int idx;
 	switch (ue->type) {
 	/* we store the userspace addresses instead of the guest addresses */
@@ -2901,14 +2902,16 @@ int kvm_set_routing_entry(struct kvm *kvm,
 		if (kvm_is_ucontrol(kvm))
 			return -EINVAL;
 		e->set = set_adapter_int;
-		uaddr =  gmap_translate(kvm->arch.gmap, ue->u.adapter.summary_addr);
-		if (uaddr == -EFAULT)
-			return -EFAULT;
-		e->adapter.summary_addr = uaddr;
-		uaddr =  gmap_translate(kvm->arch.gmap, ue->u.adapter.ind_addr);
-		if (uaddr == -EFAULT)
+		idx = srcu_read_lock(&kvm->srcu);
+		uaddr_s = gpa_to_hva(kvm, ue->u.adapter.summary_addr);
+		uaddr_i = gpa_to_hva(kvm, ue->u.adapter.ind_addr);
+		srcu_read_unlock(&kvm->srcu, idx);
+		if (kvm_is_error_hva(uaddr_s) || kvm_is_error_hva(uaddr_i))
 			return -EFAULT;
-		e->adapter.ind_addr = uaddr;
+		e->adapter.summary_addr = uaddr_s;
+		e->adapter.ind_addr = uaddr_i;
 		e->adapter.summary_offset = ue->u.adapter.summary_offset;
 		e->adapter.ind_offset = ue->u.adapter.ind_offset;
 		e->adapter.adapter_id = ue->u.adapter.adapter_id;
diff --git a/arch/s390/kvm/kvm-s390.c b/arch/s390/kvm/kvm-s390.c
index d8080c27d45b..ebecb96bacce 100644
--- a/arch/s390/kvm/kvm-s390.c
+++ b/arch/s390/kvm/kvm-s390.c
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 #include "kvm-s390.h"
 #include "gaccess.h"
 #include "pci.h"
+#include "gmap.h"
 #include "trace.h"
@@ -3428,8 +3429,20 @@ int kvm_arch_init_vm(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long type)
 	VM_EVENT(kvm, 3, "vm created with type %lu", type);
 	if (type & KVM_VM_S390_UCONTROL) {
+		struct kvm_userspace_memory_region2 fake_memslot = {
+			.slot = KVM_S390_UCONTROL_MEMSLOT,
+			.guest_phys_addr = 0,
+			.userspace_addr = 0,
+			.memory_size = ALIGN_DOWN(TASK_SIZE, _SEGMENT_SIZE),
+			.flags = 0,
+		};
 		kvm->arch.gmap = NULL;
 		kvm->arch.mem_limit = KVM_S390_NO_MEM_LIMIT;
+		/* one flat fake memslot covering the whole address-space */
+		mutex_lock(&kvm->slots_lock);
+		KVM_BUG_ON(kvm_set_internal_memslot(kvm, &fake_memslot), kvm);
+		mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock);
 	} else {
 		if (sclp.hamax == U64_MAX)
 			kvm->arch.mem_limit = TASK_SIZE_MAX;
@@ -4498,6 +4511,75 @@ static bool ibs_enabled(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
 	return kvm_s390_test_cpuflags(vcpu, CPUSTAT_IBS);
+static int __kvm_s390_fixup_fault_sync(struct gmap *gmap, gpa_t gaddr, unsigned int flags)
+	struct kvm *kvm = gmap->private;
+	gfn_t gfn = gpa_to_gfn(gaddr);
+	bool unlocked;
+	hva_t vmaddr;
+	gpa_t tmp;
+	int rc;
+	if (kvm_is_ucontrol(kvm)) {
+		tmp = __gmap_translate(gmap, gaddr);
+		gfn = gpa_to_gfn(tmp);
+	}
+	vmaddr = gfn_to_hva(kvm, gfn);
+	rc = fixup_user_fault(gmap->mm, vmaddr, FAULT_FLAG_WRITE, &unlocked);
+	if (!rc)
+		rc = __gmap_link(gmap, gaddr, vmaddr);
+	return rc;
+ * __kvm_s390_mprotect_many() - Apply specified protection to guest pages
+ * @gmap: the gmap of the guest
+ * @gpa: the starting guest address
+ * @npages: how many pages to protect
+ * @prot: indicates access rights: PROT_NONE, PROT_READ or PROT_WRITE
+ * @bits: pgste notification bits to set
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 in case of success, < 0 in case of error - see gmap_protect_one()
+ *
+ * Context: kvm->srcu and gmap->mm need to be held in read mode
+ */
+int __kvm_s390_mprotect_many(struct gmap *gmap, gpa_t gpa, u8 npages, unsigned int prot,
+			     unsigned long bits)
+	unsigned int fault_flag = (prot & PROT_WRITE) ? FAULT_FLAG_WRITE : 0;
+	gpa_t end = gpa + npages * PAGE_SIZE;
+	int rc;
+	for (; gpa < end; gpa = ALIGN(gpa + 1, rc)) {
+		rc = gmap_protect_one(gmap, gpa, prot, bits);
+		if (rc == -EAGAIN) {
+			__kvm_s390_fixup_fault_sync(gmap, gpa, fault_flag);
+			rc = gmap_protect_one(gmap, gpa, prot, bits);
+		}
+		if (rc < 0)
+			return rc;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int kvm_s390_mprotect_notify_prefix(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+	gpa_t gaddr = kvm_s390_get_prefix(vcpu);
+	int idx, rc;
+	idx = srcu_read_lock(&vcpu->kvm->srcu);
+	mmap_read_lock(vcpu->arch.gmap->mm);
+	rc = __kvm_s390_mprotect_many(vcpu->arch.gmap, gaddr, 2, PROT_WRITE, GMAP_NOTIFY_MPROT);
+	mmap_read_unlock(vcpu->arch.gmap->mm);
+	srcu_read_unlock(&vcpu->kvm->srcu, idx);
+	return rc;
 static int kvm_s390_handle_requests(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
@@ -4513,9 +4595,8 @@ static int kvm_s390_handle_requests(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
 	if (kvm_check_request(KVM_REQ_REFRESH_GUEST_PREFIX, vcpu)) {
 		int rc;
-		rc = gmap_mprotect_notify(vcpu->arch.gmap,
-					  kvm_s390_get_prefix(vcpu),
-					  PAGE_SIZE * 2, PROT_WRITE);
+		rc = kvm_s390_mprotect_notify_prefix(vcpu);
 		if (rc) {
 			kvm_make_request(KVM_REQ_REFRESH_GUEST_PREFIX, vcpu);
 			return rc;
@@ -4766,11 +4847,111 @@ static int vcpu_post_run_addressing_exception(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
 	return kvm_s390_inject_prog_irq(vcpu, &pgm_info);
+static void kvm_s390_assert_primary_as(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
+	KVM_BUG(current->thread.gmap_teid.as != PSW_BITS_AS_PRIMARY, vcpu->kvm,
+		"Unexpected program interrupt 0x%x, TEID 0x%016lx",
+		current->thread.gmap_int_code, current->thread.gmap_teid.val);
+ * __kvm_s390_handle_dat_fault() - handle a dat fault for the gmap of a vcpu
+ * @vcpu: the vCPU whose gmap is to be fixed up
+ * @gfn: the guest frame number used for memslots (including fake memslots)
+ * @gaddr: the gmap address, does not have to match @gfn for ucontrol gmaps
+ * @flags: FOLL_* flags
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success, < 0 in case of error.
+ * Context: The mm lock must not be held before calling. May sleep.
+ */
+int __kvm_s390_handle_dat_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, gpa_t gaddr, unsigned int flags)
+	struct kvm_memory_slot *slot;
+	unsigned int fault_flags;
+	bool writable, unlocked;
+	unsigned long vmaddr;
+	struct page *page;
+	kvm_pfn_t pfn;
+	int rc;
+	slot = kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_memslot(vcpu, gfn);
+	if (!slot || slot->flags & KVM_MEMSLOT_INVALID)
+		return vcpu_post_run_addressing_exception(vcpu);
+	fault_flags = flags & FOLL_WRITE ? FAULT_FLAG_WRITE : 0;
+	if (vcpu->arch.gmap->pfault_enabled)
+		flags |= FOLL_NOWAIT;
+	vmaddr = __gfn_to_hva_memslot(slot, gfn);
+	pfn = __kvm_faultin_pfn(slot, gfn, flags, &writable, &page);
+	/* Access outside memory, inject addressing exception */
+	if (is_noslot_pfn(pfn))
+		return vcpu_post_run_addressing_exception(vcpu);
+	/* Signal pending: try again */
+		return -EAGAIN;
+	/* Needs I/O, try to setup async pfault (only possible with FOLL_NOWAIT) */
+	if (pfn == KVM_PFN_ERR_NEEDS_IO) {
+		trace_kvm_s390_major_guest_pfault(vcpu);
+		if (kvm_arch_setup_async_pf(vcpu))
+			return 0;
+		vcpu->stat.pfault_sync++;
+		/* Could not setup async pfault, try again synchronously */
+		flags &= ~FOLL_NOWAIT;
+		goto try_again;
+	}
+	/* Any other error */
+	if (is_error_pfn(pfn))
+		return -EFAULT;
+	/* Success */
+	mmap_read_lock(vcpu->arch.gmap->mm);
+	/* Mark the userspace PTEs as young and/or dirty, to avoid page fault loops */
+	rc = fixup_user_fault(vcpu->arch.gmap->mm, vmaddr, fault_flags, &unlocked);
+	if (!rc)
+		rc = __gmap_link(vcpu->arch.gmap, gaddr, vmaddr);
+	scoped_guard(spinlock, &vcpu->kvm->mmu_lock) {
+		kvm_release_faultin_page(vcpu->kvm, page, false, writable);
+	}
+	mmap_read_unlock(vcpu->arch.gmap->mm);
+	return rc;
+static int vcpu_dat_fault_handler(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long gaddr, unsigned int flags)
+	unsigned long gaddr_tmp;
+	gfn_t gfn;
+	gfn = gpa_to_gfn(gaddr);
+	if (kvm_is_ucontrol(vcpu->kvm)) {
+		/*
+		 * This translates the per-vCPU guest address into a
+		 * fake guest address, which can then be used with the
+		 * fake memslots that are identity mapping userspace.
+		 * This allows ucontrol VMs to use the normal fault
+		 * resolution path, like normal VMs.
+		 */
+		mmap_read_lock(vcpu->arch.gmap->mm);
+		gaddr_tmp = __gmap_translate(vcpu->arch.gmap, gaddr);
+		mmap_read_unlock(vcpu->arch.gmap->mm);
+		if (gaddr_tmp == -EFAULT) {
+			vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_S390_UCONTROL;
+			vcpu->run->s390_ucontrol.trans_exc_code = gaddr;
+			vcpu->run->s390_ucontrol.pgm_code = PGM_SEGMENT_TRANSLATION;
+			return -EREMOTE;
+		}
+		gfn = gpa_to_gfn(gaddr_tmp);
+	}
+	return __kvm_s390_handle_dat_fault(vcpu, gfn, gaddr, flags);
 static int vcpu_post_run_handle_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
 	unsigned int flags = 0;
 	unsigned long gaddr;
-	int rc = 0;
 	gaddr = current->thread.gmap_teid.addr * PAGE_SIZE;
 	if (kvm_s390_cur_gmap_fault_is_write())
@@ -4781,9 +4962,7 @@ static int vcpu_post_run_handle_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
-		KVM_BUG(current->thread.gmap_teid.as != PSW_BITS_AS_PRIMARY, vcpu->kvm,
-			"Unexpected program interrupt 0x%x, TEID 0x%016lx",
-			current->thread.gmap_int_code, current->thread.gmap_teid.val);
+		kvm_s390_assert_primary_as(vcpu);
 		 * This is normal operation; a page belonging to a protected
 		 * guest has not been imported yet. Try to import the page into
@@ -4794,9 +4973,7 @@ static int vcpu_post_run_handle_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
-		KVM_BUG(current->thread.gmap_teid.as != PSW_BITS_AS_PRIMARY, vcpu->kvm,
-			"Unexpected program interrupt 0x%x, TEID 0x%016lx",
-			current->thread.gmap_int_code, current->thread.gmap_teid.val);
+		kvm_s390_assert_primary_as(vcpu);
 		 * This can happen after a reboot with asynchronous teardown;
 		 * the new guest (normal or protected) will run on top of the
@@ -4825,40 +5002,15 @@ static int vcpu_post_run_handle_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
-		KVM_BUG(current->thread.gmap_teid.as != PSW_BITS_AS_PRIMARY, vcpu->kvm,
-			"Unexpected program interrupt 0x%x, TEID 0x%016lx",
-			current->thread.gmap_int_code, current->thread.gmap_teid.val);
-		if (vcpu->arch.gmap->pfault_enabled) {
-			rc = gmap_fault(vcpu->arch.gmap, gaddr, flags | FAULT_FLAG_RETRY_NOWAIT);
-			if (rc == -EFAULT)
-				return vcpu_post_run_addressing_exception(vcpu);
-			if (rc == -EAGAIN) {
-				trace_kvm_s390_major_guest_pfault(vcpu);
-				if (kvm_arch_setup_async_pf(vcpu))
-					return 0;
-				vcpu->stat.pfault_sync++;
-			} else {
-				return rc;
-			}
-		}
-		rc = gmap_fault(vcpu->arch.gmap, gaddr, flags);
-		if (rc == -EFAULT) {
-			if (kvm_is_ucontrol(vcpu->kvm)) {
-				vcpu->run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_S390_UCONTROL;
-				vcpu->run->s390_ucontrol.trans_exc_code = gaddr;
-				vcpu->run->s390_ucontrol.pgm_code = 0x10;
-				return -EREMOTE;
-			}
-			return vcpu_post_run_addressing_exception(vcpu);
-		}
-		break;
+		kvm_s390_assert_primary_as(vcpu);
+		return vcpu_dat_fault_handler(vcpu, gaddr, flags);
 		KVM_BUG(1, vcpu->kvm, "Unexpected program interrupt 0x%x, TEID 0x%016lx",
 			current->thread.gmap_int_code, current->thread.gmap_teid.val);
 		send_sig(SIGSEGV, current, 0);
-	return rc;
+	return 0;
 static int vcpu_post_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, int exit_reason)
@@ -5737,7 +5889,9 @@ long kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl(struct file *filp,
 	case KVM_S390_VCPU_FAULT: {
-		r = gmap_fault(vcpu->arch.gmap, arg, 0);
+		idx = srcu_read_lock(&vcpu->kvm->srcu);
+		r = vcpu_dat_fault_handler(vcpu, arg, 0);
+		srcu_read_unlock(&vcpu->kvm->srcu, idx);
@@ -5853,7 +6007,7 @@ int kvm_arch_prepare_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
 	gpa_t size;
-	if (kvm_is_ucontrol(kvm))
+	if (kvm_is_ucontrol(kvm) && new->id < KVM_USER_MEM_SLOTS)
 		return -EINVAL;
 	/* When we are protected, we should not change the memory slots */
@@ -5905,6 +6059,9 @@ void kvm_arch_commit_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
 	int rc = 0;
+	if (kvm_is_ucontrol(kvm))
+		return;
 	switch (change) {
 		rc = gmap_unmap_segment(kvm->arch.gmap, old->base_gfn * PAGE_SIZE,
diff --git a/arch/s390/kvm/kvm-s390.h b/arch/s390/kvm/kvm-s390.h
index 597d7a71deeb..8d3bbb2dd8d2 100644
--- a/arch/s390/kvm/kvm-s390.h
+++ b/arch/s390/kvm/kvm-s390.h
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 #include <asm/processor.h>
 #include <asm/sclp.h>
 static inline void kvm_s390_fpu_store(struct kvm_run *run)
@@ -279,6 +281,15 @@ static inline u32 kvm_s390_get_gisa_desc(struct kvm *kvm)
 	return gd;
+static inline hva_t gpa_to_hva(struct kvm *kvm, gpa_t gpa)
+	hva_t hva = gfn_to_hva(kvm, gpa_to_gfn(gpa));
+	if (!kvm_is_error_hva(hva))
+		hva |= offset_in_page(gpa);
+	return hva;
 /* implemented in pv.c */
 int kvm_s390_pv_destroy_cpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u16 *rc, u16 *rrc);
 int kvm_s390_pv_create_cpu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u16 *rc, u16 *rrc);
@@ -408,6 +419,14 @@ void kvm_s390_vcpu_unsetup_cmma(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
 void kvm_s390_set_cpu_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, __u64 cputm);
 __u64 kvm_s390_get_cpu_timer(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
 int kvm_s390_cpus_from_pv(struct kvm *kvm, u16 *rc, u16 *rrc);
+int __kvm_s390_handle_dat_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gfn_t gfn, gpa_t gaddr, unsigned int flags);
+int __kvm_s390_mprotect_many(struct gmap *gmap, gpa_t gpa, u8 npages, unsigned int prot,
+			     unsigned long bits);
+static inline int kvm_s390_handle_dat_fault(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, gpa_t gaddr, unsigned int flags)
+	return __kvm_s390_handle_dat_fault(vcpu, gpa_to_gfn(gaddr), gaddr, flags);
 /* implemented in diag.c */
 int kvm_s390_handle_diag(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
diff --git a/arch/s390/kvm/pv.c b/arch/s390/kvm/pv.c
index 75e81ba26d04..22c012aa5206 100644
--- a/arch/s390/kvm/pv.c
+++ b/arch/s390/kvm/pv.c
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include <linux/sched/mm.h>
 #include <linux/mmu_notifier.h>
 #include "kvm-s390.h"
+#include "gmap.h"
 bool kvm_s390_pv_is_protected(struct kvm *kvm)
@@ -638,10 +639,28 @@ static int unpack_one(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long addr, u64 tweak,
 		.tweak[1] = offset,
 	int ret = gmap_make_secure(kvm->arch.gmap, addr, &uvcb);
+	unsigned long vmaddr;
+	bool unlocked;
 	*rc = uvcb.header.rc;
 	*rrc = uvcb.header.rrc;
+	if (ret == -ENXIO) {
+		mmap_read_lock(kvm->mm);
+		vmaddr = gfn_to_hva(kvm, gpa_to_gfn(addr));
+		if (kvm_is_error_hva(vmaddr)) {
+			ret = -EFAULT;
+		} else {
+			ret = fixup_user_fault(kvm->mm, vmaddr, FAULT_FLAG_WRITE, &unlocked);
+			if (!ret)
+				ret = __gmap_link(kvm->arch.gmap, addr, vmaddr);
+		}
+		mmap_read_unlock(kvm->mm);
+		if (!ret)
+			return -EAGAIN;
+		return ret;
+	}
 	if (ret && ret != -EAGAIN)
 		KVM_UV_EVENT(kvm, 3, "PROTVIRT VM UNPACK: failed addr %llx with rc %x rrc %x",
 			     uvcb.gaddr, *rc, *rrc);
@@ -660,6 +679,8 @@ int kvm_s390_pv_unpack(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long addr, unsigned long size,
 	KVM_UV_EVENT(kvm, 3, "PROTVIRT VM UNPACK: start addr %lx size %lx",
 		     addr, size);
+	guard(srcu)(&kvm->srcu);
 	while (offset < size) {
 		ret = unpack_one(kvm, addr, tweak, offset, rc, rrc);
 		if (ret == -EAGAIN) {
diff --git a/arch/s390/kvm/vsie.c b/arch/s390/kvm/vsie.c
index a687695d8f68..a78df3a4f353 100644
--- a/arch/s390/kvm/vsie.c
+++ b/arch/s390/kvm/vsie.c
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include <linux/bitmap.h>
 #include <linux/sched/signal.h>
 #include <linux/io.h>
+#include <linux/mman.h>
 #include <asm/gmap.h>
 #include <asm/mmu_context.h>
@@ -22,6 +23,11 @@
 #include <asm/facility.h>
 #include "kvm-s390.h"
 #include "gaccess.h"
+#include "gmap.h"
+enum vsie_page_flags {
 struct vsie_page {
 	struct kvm_s390_sie_block scb_s;	/* 0x0000 */
@@ -46,7 +52,18 @@ struct vsie_page {
 	gpa_t gvrd_gpa;				/* 0x0240 */
 	gpa_t riccbd_gpa;			/* 0x0248 */
 	gpa_t sdnx_gpa;				/* 0x0250 */
-	__u8 reserved[0x0700 - 0x0258];		/* 0x0258 */
+	/*
+	 * guest address of the original SCB. Remains set for free vsie
+	 * pages, so we can properly look them up in our addr_to_page
+	 * radix tree.
+	 */
+	gpa_t scb_gpa;				/* 0x0258 */
+	/*
+	 * Flags: must be set/cleared atomically after the vsie page can be
+	 * looked up by other CPUs.
+	 */
+	unsigned long flags;			/* 0x0260 */
+	__u8 reserved[0x0700 - 0x0268];		/* 0x0268 */
 	struct kvm_s390_crypto_cb crycb;	/* 0x0700 */
 	__u8 fac[S390_ARCH_FAC_LIST_SIZE_BYTE];	/* 0x0800 */
@@ -584,7 +601,6 @@ void kvm_s390_vsie_gmap_notifier(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long start,
 	struct kvm *kvm = gmap->private;
 	struct vsie_page *cur;
 	unsigned long prefix;
-	struct page *page;
 	int i;
 	if (!gmap_is_shadow(gmap))
@@ -594,10 +610,9 @@ void kvm_s390_vsie_gmap_notifier(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long start,
 	 * therefore we can safely reference them all the time.
 	for (i = 0; i < kvm->arch.vsie.page_count; i++) {
-		page = READ_ONCE(kvm->arch.vsie.pages[i]);
-		if (!page)
+		cur = READ_ONCE(kvm->arch.vsie.pages[i]);
+		if (!cur)
-		cur = page_to_virt(page);
 		if (READ_ONCE(cur->gmap) != gmap)
 		prefix = cur->scb_s.prefix << GUEST_PREFIX_SHIFT;
@@ -1345,6 +1360,20 @@ static int vsie_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vsie_page *vsie_page)
 	return rc;
+/* Try getting a given vsie page, returning "true" on success. */
+static inline bool try_get_vsie_page(struct vsie_page *vsie_page)
+	if (test_bit(VSIE_PAGE_IN_USE, &vsie_page->flags))
+		return false;
+	return !test_and_set_bit(VSIE_PAGE_IN_USE, &vsie_page->flags);
+/* Put a vsie page acquired through get_vsie_page / try_get_vsie_page. */
+static void put_vsie_page(struct vsie_page *vsie_page)
+	clear_bit(VSIE_PAGE_IN_USE, &vsie_page->flags);
  * Get or create a vsie page for a scb address.
@@ -1355,16 +1384,21 @@ static int vsie_run(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct vsie_page *vsie_page)
 static struct vsie_page *get_vsie_page(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long addr)
 	struct vsie_page *vsie_page;
-	struct page *page;
 	int nr_vcpus;
-	page = radix_tree_lookup(&kvm->arch.vsie.addr_to_page, addr >> 9);
+	vsie_page = radix_tree_lookup(&kvm->arch.vsie.addr_to_page, addr >> 9);
-	if (page) {
-		if (page_ref_inc_return(page) == 2)
-			return page_to_virt(page);
-		page_ref_dec(page);
+	if (vsie_page) {
+		if (try_get_vsie_page(vsie_page)) {
+			if (vsie_page->scb_gpa == addr)
+				return vsie_page;
+			/*
+			 * We raced with someone reusing + putting this vsie
+			 * page before we grabbed it.
+			 */
+			put_vsie_page(vsie_page);
+		}
@@ -1375,36 +1409,40 @@ static struct vsie_page *get_vsie_page(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long addr)
 	if (kvm->arch.vsie.page_count < nr_vcpus) {
-		page = alloc_page(GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT | __GFP_ZERO | GFP_DMA);
-		if (!page) {
+		vsie_page = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT | __GFP_ZERO | GFP_DMA);
+		if (!vsie_page) {
 			return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-		page_ref_inc(page);
-		kvm->arch.vsie.pages[kvm->arch.vsie.page_count] = page;
+		__set_bit(VSIE_PAGE_IN_USE, &vsie_page->flags);
+		kvm->arch.vsie.pages[kvm->arch.vsie.page_count] = vsie_page;
 	} else {
 		/* reuse an existing entry that belongs to nobody */
 		while (true) {
-			page = kvm->arch.vsie.pages[kvm->arch.vsie.next];
-			if (page_ref_inc_return(page) == 2)
+			vsie_page = kvm->arch.vsie.pages[kvm->arch.vsie.next];
+			if (try_get_vsie_page(vsie_page))
-			page_ref_dec(page);
 			kvm->arch.vsie.next %= nr_vcpus;
-		radix_tree_delete(&kvm->arch.vsie.addr_to_page, page->index >> 9);
+		if (vsie_page->scb_gpa != ULONG_MAX)
+			radix_tree_delete(&kvm->arch.vsie.addr_to_page,
+					  vsie_page->scb_gpa >> 9);
-	page->index = addr;
-	/* double use of the same address */
-	if (radix_tree_insert(&kvm->arch.vsie.addr_to_page, addr >> 9, page)) {
-		page_ref_dec(page);
+	/* Mark it as invalid until it resides in the tree. */
+	vsie_page->scb_gpa = ULONG_MAX;
+	/* Double use of the same address or allocation failure. */
+	if (radix_tree_insert(&kvm->arch.vsie.addr_to_page, addr >> 9,
+			      vsie_page)) {
+		put_vsie_page(vsie_page);
 		return NULL;
+	vsie_page->scb_gpa = addr;
-	vsie_page = page_to_virt(page);
 	memset(&vsie_page->scb_s, 0, sizeof(struct kvm_s390_sie_block));
 	vsie_page->fault_addr = 0;
@@ -1412,14 +1450,6 @@ static struct vsie_page *get_vsie_page(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long addr)
 	return vsie_page;
-/* put a vsie page acquired via get_vsie_page */
-static void put_vsie_page(struct kvm *kvm, struct vsie_page *vsie_page)
-	struct page *page = pfn_to_page(__pa(vsie_page) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-	page_ref_dec(page);
 int kvm_s390_handle_vsie(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
 	struct vsie_page *vsie_page;
@@ -1470,7 +1500,7 @@ int kvm_s390_handle_vsie(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
 	unpin_scb(vcpu, vsie_page, scb_addr);
-	put_vsie_page(vcpu->kvm, vsie_page);
+	put_vsie_page(vsie_page);
 	return rc < 0 ? rc : 0;
@@ -1486,18 +1516,18 @@ void kvm_s390_vsie_init(struct kvm *kvm)
 void kvm_s390_vsie_destroy(struct kvm *kvm)
 	struct vsie_page *vsie_page;
-	struct page *page;
 	int i;
 	for (i = 0; i < kvm->arch.vsie.page_count; i++) {
-		page = kvm->arch.vsie.pages[i];
+		vsie_page = kvm->arch.vsie.pages[i];
 		kvm->arch.vsie.pages[i] = NULL;
-		vsie_page = page_to_virt(page);
 		/* free the radix tree entry */
-		radix_tree_delete(&kvm->arch.vsie.addr_to_page, page->index >> 9);
-		__free_page(page);
+		if (vsie_page->scb_gpa != ULONG_MAX)
+			radix_tree_delete(&kvm->arch.vsie.addr_to_page,
+					  vsie_page->scb_gpa >> 9);
+		free_page((unsigned long)vsie_page);
 	kvm->arch.vsie.page_count = 0;
diff --git a/arch/s390/mm/gmap.c b/arch/s390/mm/gmap.c
index 16b8a36c56de..94d927785800 100644
--- a/arch/s390/mm/gmap.c
+++ b/arch/s390/mm/gmap.c
@@ -24,6 +24,16 @@
 #include <asm/page.h>
 #include <asm/tlb.h>
+ * The address is saved in a radix tree directly; NULL would be ambiguous,
+ * since 0 is a valid address, and NULL is returned when nothing was found.
+ * The lower bits are ignored by all users of the macro, so it can be used
+ * to distinguish a valid address 0 from a NULL.
+ */
+#define IS_GADDR_VALID(gaddr) ((gaddr) & VALID_GADDR_FLAG)
+#define MAKE_VALID_GADDR(gaddr) (((gaddr) & HPAGE_MASK) | VALID_GADDR_FLAG)
 static struct page *gmap_alloc_crst(void)
@@ -43,7 +53,7 @@ static struct page *gmap_alloc_crst(void)
  * Returns a guest address space structure.
-static struct gmap *gmap_alloc(unsigned long limit)
+struct gmap *gmap_alloc(unsigned long limit)
 	struct gmap *gmap;
 	struct page *page;
@@ -70,9 +80,7 @@ static struct gmap *gmap_alloc(unsigned long limit)
 	gmap = kzalloc(sizeof(struct gmap), GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT);
 	if (!gmap)
 		goto out;
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&gmap->crst_list);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&gmap->pt_list);
 	INIT_RADIX_TREE(&gmap->guest_to_host, GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT);
 	INIT_RADIX_TREE(&gmap->host_to_guest, GFP_ATOMIC | __GFP_ACCOUNT);
 	INIT_RADIX_TREE(&gmap->host_to_rmap, GFP_ATOMIC | __GFP_ACCOUNT);
@@ -82,8 +90,6 @@ static struct gmap *gmap_alloc(unsigned long limit)
 	page = gmap_alloc_crst();
 	if (!page)
 		goto out_free;
-	page->index = 0;
-	list_add(&page->lru, &gmap->crst_list);
 	table = page_to_virt(page);
 	crst_table_init(table, etype);
 	gmap->table = table;
@@ -97,6 +103,7 @@ static struct gmap *gmap_alloc(unsigned long limit)
 	return NULL;
  * gmap_create - create a guest address space
@@ -185,32 +192,46 @@ static void gmap_rmap_radix_tree_free(struct radix_tree_root *root)
 	} while (nr > 0);
+static void gmap_free_crst(unsigned long *table, bool free_ptes)
+	bool is_segment = (table[0] & _SEGMENT_ENTRY_TYPE_MASK) == 0;
+	int i;
+	if (is_segment) {
+		if (!free_ptes)
+			goto out;
+		for (i = 0; i < _CRST_ENTRIES; i++)
+			if (!(table[i] & _SEGMENT_ENTRY_INVALID))
+				page_table_free_pgste(page_ptdesc(phys_to_page(table[i])));
+	} else {
+		for (i = 0; i < _CRST_ENTRIES; i++)
+			if (!(table[i] & _REGION_ENTRY_INVALID))
+				gmap_free_crst(__va(table[i] & PAGE_MASK), free_ptes);
+	}
+	free_pages((unsigned long)table, CRST_ALLOC_ORDER);
  * gmap_free - free a guest address space
  * @gmap: pointer to the guest address space structure
  * No locks required. There are no references to this gmap anymore.
-static void gmap_free(struct gmap *gmap)
+void gmap_free(struct gmap *gmap)
-	struct page *page, *next;
 	/* Flush tlb of all gmaps (if not already done for shadows) */
 	if (!(gmap_is_shadow(gmap) && gmap->removed))
 	/* Free all segment & region tables. */
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(page, next, &gmap->crst_list, lru)
-		__free_pages(page, CRST_ALLOC_ORDER);
+	gmap_free_crst(gmap->table, gmap_is_shadow(gmap));
 	/* Free additional data for a shadow gmap */
 	if (gmap_is_shadow(gmap)) {
-		struct ptdesc *ptdesc, *n;
-		/* Free all page tables. */
-		list_for_each_entry_safe(ptdesc, n, &gmap->pt_list, pt_list)
-			page_table_free_pgste(ptdesc);
 		/* Release reference to the parent */
@@ -218,6 +239,7 @@ static void gmap_free(struct gmap *gmap)
  * gmap_get - increase reference counter for guest address space
@@ -298,10 +320,8 @@ static int gmap_alloc_table(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long *table,
 	crst_table_init(new, init);
 	if (*table & _REGION_ENTRY_INVALID) {
-		list_add(&page->lru, &gmap->crst_list);
 		*table = __pa(new) | _REGION_ENTRY_LENGTH |
 			(*table & _REGION_ENTRY_TYPE_MASK);
-		page->index = gaddr;
 		page = NULL;
@@ -310,21 +330,23 @@ static int gmap_alloc_table(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long *table,
 	return 0;
- * __gmap_segment_gaddr - find virtual address from segment pointer
- * @entry: pointer to a segment table entry in the guest address space
- *
- * Returns the virtual address in the guest address space for the segment
- */
-static unsigned long __gmap_segment_gaddr(unsigned long *entry)
+static unsigned long host_to_guest_lookup(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long vmaddr)
-	struct page *page;
-	unsigned long offset;
+	return (unsigned long)radix_tree_lookup(&gmap->host_to_guest, vmaddr >> PMD_SHIFT);
-	offset = (unsigned long) entry / sizeof(unsigned long);
-	offset = (offset & (PTRS_PER_PMD - 1)) * PMD_SIZE;
-	page = pmd_pgtable_page((pmd_t *) entry);
-	return page->index + offset;
+static unsigned long host_to_guest_delete(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long vmaddr)
+	return (unsigned long)radix_tree_delete(&gmap->host_to_guest, vmaddr >> PMD_SHIFT);
+static pmd_t *host_to_guest_pmd_delete(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long vmaddr,
+				       unsigned long *gaddr)
+	*gaddr = host_to_guest_delete(gmap, vmaddr);
+	if (IS_GADDR_VALID(*gaddr))
+		return (pmd_t *)gmap_table_walk(gmap, *gaddr, 1);
+	return NULL;
@@ -336,16 +358,19 @@ static unsigned long __gmap_segment_gaddr(unsigned long *entry)
 static int __gmap_unlink_by_vmaddr(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long vmaddr)
-	unsigned long *entry;
+	unsigned long gaddr;
 	int flush = 0;
+	pmd_t *pmdp;
-	entry = radix_tree_delete(&gmap->host_to_guest, vmaddr >> PMD_SHIFT);
-	if (entry) {
-		flush = (*entry != _SEGMENT_ENTRY_EMPTY);
+	pmdp = host_to_guest_pmd_delete(gmap, vmaddr, &gaddr);
+	if (pmdp) {
+		flush = (pmd_val(*pmdp) != _SEGMENT_ENTRY_EMPTY);
+		*pmdp = __pmd(_SEGMENT_ENTRY_EMPTY);
 	return flush;
@@ -463,26 +488,6 @@ unsigned long __gmap_translate(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr)
- * gmap_translate - translate a guest address to a user space address
- * @gmap: pointer to guest mapping meta data structure
- * @gaddr: guest address
- *
- * Returns user space address which corresponds to the guest address or
- * -EFAULT if no such mapping exists.
- * This function does not establish potentially missing page table entries.
- */
-unsigned long gmap_translate(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr)
-	unsigned long rc;
-	mmap_read_lock(gmap->mm);
-	rc = __gmap_translate(gmap, gaddr);
-	mmap_read_unlock(gmap->mm);
-	return rc;
  * gmap_unlink - disconnect a page table from the gmap shadow tables
  * @mm: pointer to the parent mm_struct
@@ -582,7 +587,8 @@ int __gmap_link(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr, unsigned long vmaddr)
 	if (*table == _SEGMENT_ENTRY_EMPTY) {
 		rc = radix_tree_insert(&gmap->host_to_guest,
-				       vmaddr >> PMD_SHIFT, table);
+				       vmaddr >> PMD_SHIFT,
+				       (void *)MAKE_VALID_GADDR(gaddr));
 		if (!rc) {
 			if (pmd_leaf(*pmd)) {
 				*table = (pmd_val(*pmd) &
@@ -605,130 +611,7 @@ int __gmap_link(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr, unsigned long vmaddr)
 	return rc;
- * fixup_user_fault_nowait - manually resolve a user page fault without waiting
- * @mm:		mm_struct of target mm
- * @address:	user address
- * @fault_flags:flags to pass down to handle_mm_fault()
- * @unlocked:	did we unlock the mmap_lock while retrying
- *
- * This function behaves similarly to fixup_user_fault(), but it guarantees
- * that the fault will be resolved without waiting. The function might drop
- * and re-acquire the mm lock, in which case @unlocked will be set to true.
- *
- * The guarantee is that the fault is handled without waiting, but the
- * function itself might sleep, due to the lock.
- *
- * Context: Needs to be called with mm->mmap_lock held in read mode, and will
- * return with the lock held in read mode; @unlocked will indicate whether
- * the lock has been dropped and re-acquired. This is the same behaviour as
- * fixup_user_fault().
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -EAGAIN if the fault cannot be resolved without
- * waiting, -EFAULT if the fault cannot be resolved, -ENOMEM if out of
- * memory.
- */
-static int fixup_user_fault_nowait(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address,
-				   unsigned int fault_flags, bool *unlocked)
-	struct vm_area_struct *vma;
-	unsigned int test_flags;
-	vm_fault_t fault;
-	int rc;
-	test_flags = fault_flags & FAULT_FLAG_WRITE ? VM_WRITE : VM_READ;
-	vma = find_vma(mm, address);
-	if (unlikely(!vma || address < vma->vm_start))
-		return -EFAULT;
-	if (unlikely(!(vma->vm_flags & test_flags)))
-		return -EFAULT;
-	fault = handle_mm_fault(vma, address, fault_flags, NULL);
-	/* the mm lock has been dropped, take it again */
-	if (fault & VM_FAULT_COMPLETED) {
-		*unlocked = true;
-		mmap_read_lock(mm);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* the mm lock has not been dropped */
-	if (fault & VM_FAULT_ERROR) {
-		rc = vm_fault_to_errno(fault, 0);
-		BUG_ON(!rc);
-		return rc;
-	}
-	/* the mm lock has not been dropped because of FAULT_FLAG_RETRY_NOWAIT */
-	if (fault & VM_FAULT_RETRY)
-		return -EAGAIN;
-	/* nothing needed to be done and the mm lock has not been dropped */
-	return 0;
- * __gmap_fault - resolve a fault on a guest address
- * @gmap: pointer to guest mapping meta data structure
- * @gaddr: guest address
- * @fault_flags: flags to pass down to handle_mm_fault()
- *
- * Context: Needs to be called with mm->mmap_lock held in read mode. Might
- * drop and re-acquire the lock. Will always return with the lock held.
- */
-static int __gmap_fault(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr, unsigned int fault_flags)
-	unsigned long vmaddr;
-	bool unlocked;
-	int rc = 0;
-	unlocked = false;
-	vmaddr = __gmap_translate(gmap, gaddr);
-	if (IS_ERR_VALUE(vmaddr))
-		return vmaddr;
-	if (fault_flags & FAULT_FLAG_RETRY_NOWAIT)
-		rc = fixup_user_fault_nowait(gmap->mm, vmaddr, fault_flags, &unlocked);
-	else
-		rc = fixup_user_fault(gmap->mm, vmaddr, fault_flags, &unlocked);
-	if (rc)
-		return rc;
-	/*
-	 * In the case that fixup_user_fault unlocked the mmap_lock during
-	 * fault-in, redo __gmap_translate() to avoid racing with a
-	 * map/unmap_segment.
-	 * In particular, __gmap_translate(), fixup_user_fault{,_nowait}(),
-	 * and __gmap_link() must all be called atomically in one go; if the
-	 * lock had been dropped in between, a retry is needed.
-	 */
-	if (unlocked)
-		goto retry;
-	return __gmap_link(gmap, gaddr, vmaddr);
- * gmap_fault - resolve a fault on a guest address
- * @gmap: pointer to guest mapping meta data structure
- * @gaddr: guest address
- * @fault_flags: flags to pass down to handle_mm_fault()
- *
- * Returns 0 on success, -ENOMEM for out of memory conditions, -EFAULT if the
- * vm address is already mapped to a different guest segment, and -EAGAIN if
- * FAULT_FLAG_RETRY_NOWAIT was specified and the fault could not be processed
- * immediately.
- */
-int gmap_fault(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr, unsigned int fault_flags)
-	int rc;
-	mmap_read_lock(gmap->mm);
-	rc = __gmap_fault(gmap, gaddr, fault_flags);
-	mmap_read_unlock(gmap->mm);
-	return rc;
  * this function is assumed to be called with mmap_lock held
@@ -853,8 +736,7 @@ static void gmap_call_notifier(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long start,
  * Note: Can also be called for shadow gmaps.
-static inline unsigned long *gmap_table_walk(struct gmap *gmap,
-					     unsigned long gaddr, int level)
+unsigned long *gmap_table_walk(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr, int level)
 	const int asce_type = gmap->asce & _ASCE_TYPE_MASK;
 	unsigned long *table = gmap->table;
@@ -905,6 +787,7 @@ static inline unsigned long *gmap_table_walk(struct gmap *gmap,
 	return table;
  * gmap_pte_op_walk - walk the gmap page table, get the page table lock
@@ -1101,86 +984,40 @@ static int gmap_protect_pte(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr,
  * @prot: indicates access rights: PROT_NONE, PROT_READ or PROT_WRITE
  * @bits: pgste notification bits to set
- * Returns 0 if successfully protected, -ENOMEM if out of memory and
- * -EFAULT if gaddr is invalid (or mapping for shadows is missing).
+ * Returns:
+ *   PAGE_SIZE if a small page was successfully protected;
+ *   HPAGE_SIZE if a large page was successfully protected;
+ *   -ENOMEM if out of memory;
+ *   -EFAULT if gaddr is invalid (or mapping for shadows is missing);
+ *   -EAGAIN if the guest mapping is missing and should be fixed by the caller.
- * Called with sg->mm->mmap_lock in read.
+ * Context: Called with sg->mm->mmap_lock in read.
-static int gmap_protect_range(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr,
-			      unsigned long len, int prot, unsigned long bits)
+int gmap_protect_one(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr, int prot, unsigned long bits)
-	unsigned long vmaddr, dist;
 	pmd_t *pmdp;
-	int rc;
+	int rc = 0;
-	while (len) {
-		rc = -EAGAIN;
-		pmdp = gmap_pmd_op_walk(gmap, gaddr);
-		if (pmdp) {
-			if (!pmd_leaf(*pmdp)) {
-				rc = gmap_protect_pte(gmap, gaddr, pmdp, prot,
-						      bits);
-				if (!rc) {
-					len -= PAGE_SIZE;
-					gaddr += PAGE_SIZE;
-				}
-			} else {
-				rc = gmap_protect_pmd(gmap, gaddr, pmdp, prot,
-						      bits);
-				if (!rc) {
-					dist = HPAGE_SIZE - (gaddr & ~HPAGE_MASK);
-					len = len < dist ? 0 : len - dist;
-					gaddr = (gaddr & HPAGE_MASK) + HPAGE_SIZE;
-				}
-			}
-			gmap_pmd_op_end(gmap, pmdp);
-		}
-		if (rc) {
-			if (rc == -EINVAL)
-				return rc;
-			/* -EAGAIN, fixup of userspace mm and gmap */
-			vmaddr = __gmap_translate(gmap, gaddr);
-			if (IS_ERR_VALUE(vmaddr))
-				return vmaddr;
-			rc = gmap_pte_op_fixup(gmap, gaddr, vmaddr, prot);
-			if (rc)
-				return rc;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
+	pmdp = gmap_pmd_op_walk(gmap, gaddr);
+	if (!pmdp)
+		return -EAGAIN;
- * gmap_mprotect_notify - change access rights for a range of ptes and
- *                        call the notifier if any pte changes again
- * @gmap: pointer to guest mapping meta data structure
- * @gaddr: virtual address in the guest address space
- * @len: size of area
- * @prot: indicates access rights: PROT_NONE, PROT_READ or PROT_WRITE
- *
- * Returns 0 if for each page in the given range a gmap mapping exists,
- * the new access rights could be set and the notifier could be armed.
- * If the gmap mapping is missing for one or more pages -EFAULT is
- * returned. If no memory could be allocated -ENOMEM is returned.
- * This function establishes missing page table entries.
- */
-int gmap_mprotect_notify(struct gmap *gmap, unsigned long gaddr,
-			 unsigned long len, int prot)
-	int rc;
+	if (!pmd_leaf(*pmdp)) {
+		rc = gmap_protect_pte(gmap, gaddr, pmdp, prot, bits);
+		if (!rc)
+			rc = PAGE_SIZE;
+	} else {
+		rc = gmap_protect_pmd(gmap, gaddr, pmdp, prot, bits);
+		if (!rc)
+			rc = HPAGE_SIZE;
+	}
+	gmap_pmd_op_end(gmap, pmdp);
-	if ((gaddr & ~PAGE_MASK) || (len & ~PAGE_MASK) || gmap_is_shadow(gmap))
-		return -EINVAL;
-	if (!MACHINE_HAS_ESOP && prot == PROT_READ)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	mmap_read_lock(gmap->mm);
-	rc = gmap_protect_range(gmap, gaddr, len, prot, GMAP_NOTIFY_MPROT);
-	mmap_read_unlock(gmap->mm);
 	return rc;
  * gmap_read_table - get an unsigned long value from a guest page table using
@@ -1414,7 +1251,6 @@ static void gmap_unshadow_pgt(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long raddr)
 	__gmap_unshadow_pgt(sg, raddr, __va(pgt));
 	/* Free page table */
 	ptdesc = page_ptdesc(phys_to_page(pgt));
-	list_del(&ptdesc->pt_list);
@@ -1442,7 +1278,6 @@ static void __gmap_unshadow_sgt(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long raddr,
 		__gmap_unshadow_pgt(sg, raddr, __va(pgt));
 		/* Free page table */
 		ptdesc = page_ptdesc(phys_to_page(pgt));
-		list_del(&ptdesc->pt_list);
@@ -1472,7 +1307,6 @@ static void gmap_unshadow_sgt(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long raddr)
 	__gmap_unshadow_sgt(sg, raddr, __va(sgt));
 	/* Free segment table */
 	page = phys_to_page(sgt);
-	list_del(&page->lru);
 	__free_pages(page, CRST_ALLOC_ORDER);
@@ -1500,7 +1334,6 @@ static void __gmap_unshadow_r3t(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long raddr,
 		__gmap_unshadow_sgt(sg, raddr, __va(sgt));
 		/* Free segment table */
 		page = phys_to_page(sgt);
-		list_del(&page->lru);
 		__free_pages(page, CRST_ALLOC_ORDER);
@@ -1530,7 +1363,6 @@ static void gmap_unshadow_r3t(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long raddr)
 	__gmap_unshadow_r3t(sg, raddr, __va(r3t));
 	/* Free region 3 table */
 	page = phys_to_page(r3t);
-	list_del(&page->lru);
 	__free_pages(page, CRST_ALLOC_ORDER);
@@ -1558,7 +1390,6 @@ static void __gmap_unshadow_r2t(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long raddr,
 		__gmap_unshadow_r3t(sg, raddr, __va(r3t));
 		/* Free region 3 table */
 		page = phys_to_page(r3t);
-		list_del(&page->lru);
 		__free_pages(page, CRST_ALLOC_ORDER);
@@ -1588,7 +1419,6 @@ static void gmap_unshadow_r2t(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long raddr)
 	__gmap_unshadow_r2t(sg, raddr, __va(r2t));
 	/* Free region 2 table */
 	page = phys_to_page(r2t);
-	list_del(&page->lru);
 	__free_pages(page, CRST_ALLOC_ORDER);
@@ -1620,7 +1450,6 @@ static void __gmap_unshadow_r1t(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long raddr,
 		r1t[i] = _REGION1_ENTRY_EMPTY;
 		/* Free region 2 table */
 		page = phys_to_page(r2t);
-		list_del(&page->lru);
 		__free_pages(page, CRST_ALLOC_ORDER);
@@ -1631,7 +1460,7 @@ static void __gmap_unshadow_r1t(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long raddr,
  * Called with sg->guest_table_lock
-static void gmap_unshadow(struct gmap *sg)
+void gmap_unshadow(struct gmap *sg)
 	unsigned long *table;
@@ -1657,143 +1486,7 @@ static void gmap_unshadow(struct gmap *sg)
- * gmap_find_shadow - find a specific asce in the list of shadow tables
- * @parent: pointer to the parent gmap
- * @asce: ASCE for which the shadow table is created
- * @edat_level: edat level to be used for the shadow translation
- *
- * Returns the pointer to a gmap if a shadow table with the given asce is
- * already available, ERR_PTR(-EAGAIN) if another one is just being created,
- * otherwise NULL
- */
-static struct gmap *gmap_find_shadow(struct gmap *parent, unsigned long asce,
-				     int edat_level)
-	struct gmap *sg;
-	list_for_each_entry(sg, &parent->children, list) {
-		if (sg->orig_asce != asce || sg->edat_level != edat_level ||
-		    sg->removed)
-			continue;
-		if (!sg->initialized)
-			return ERR_PTR(-EAGAIN);
-		refcount_inc(&sg->ref_count);
-		return sg;
-	}
-	return NULL;
- * gmap_shadow_valid - check if a shadow guest address space matches the
- *                     given properties and is still valid
- * @sg: pointer to the shadow guest address space structure
- * @asce: ASCE for which the shadow table is requested
- * @edat_level: edat level to be used for the shadow translation
- *
- * Returns 1 if the gmap shadow is still valid and matches the given
- * properties, the caller can continue using it. Returns 0 otherwise, the
- * caller has to request a new shadow gmap in this case.
- *
- */
-int gmap_shadow_valid(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long asce, int edat_level)
-	if (sg->removed)
-		return 0;
-	return sg->orig_asce == asce && sg->edat_level == edat_level;
- * gmap_shadow - create/find a shadow guest address space
- * @parent: pointer to the parent gmap
- * @asce: ASCE for which the shadow table is created
- * @edat_level: edat level to be used for the shadow translation
- *
- * The pages of the top level page table referred by the asce parameter
- * will be set to read-only and marked in the PGSTEs of the kvm process.
- * The shadow table will be removed automatically on any change to the
- * PTE mapping for the source table.
- *
- * Returns a guest address space structure, ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM) if out of memory,
- * ERR_PTR(-EAGAIN) if the caller has to retry and ERR_PTR(-EFAULT) if the
- * parent gmap table could not be protected.
- */
-struct gmap *gmap_shadow(struct gmap *parent, unsigned long asce,
-			 int edat_level)
-	struct gmap *sg, *new;
-	unsigned long limit;
-	int rc;
-	BUG_ON(parent->mm->context.allow_gmap_hpage_1m);
-	BUG_ON(gmap_is_shadow(parent));
-	spin_lock(&parent->shadow_lock);
-	sg = gmap_find_shadow(parent, asce, edat_level);
-	spin_unlock(&parent->shadow_lock);
-	if (sg)
-		return sg;
-	/* Create a new shadow gmap */
-	limit = -1UL >> (33 - (((asce & _ASCE_TYPE_MASK) >> 2) * 11));
-	if (asce & _ASCE_REAL_SPACE)
-		limit = -1UL;
-	new = gmap_alloc(limit);
-	if (!new)
-		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	new->mm = parent->mm;
-	new->parent = gmap_get(parent);
-	new->private = parent->private;
-	new->orig_asce = asce;
-	new->edat_level = edat_level;
-	new->initialized = false;
-	spin_lock(&parent->shadow_lock);
-	/* Recheck if another CPU created the same shadow */
-	sg = gmap_find_shadow(parent, asce, edat_level);
-	if (sg) {
-		spin_unlock(&parent->shadow_lock);
-		gmap_free(new);
-		return sg;
-	}
-	if (asce & _ASCE_REAL_SPACE) {
-		/* only allow one real-space gmap shadow */
-		list_for_each_entry(sg, &parent->children, list) {
-			if (sg->orig_asce & _ASCE_REAL_SPACE) {
-				spin_lock(&sg->guest_table_lock);
-				gmap_unshadow(sg);
-				spin_unlock(&sg->guest_table_lock);
-				list_del(&sg->list);
-				gmap_put(sg);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	refcount_set(&new->ref_count, 2);
-	list_add(&new->list, &parent->children);
-	if (asce & _ASCE_REAL_SPACE) {
-		/* nothing to protect, return right away */
-		new->initialized = true;
-		spin_unlock(&parent->shadow_lock);
-		return new;
-	}
-	spin_unlock(&parent->shadow_lock);
-	/* protect after insertion, so it will get properly invalidated */
-	mmap_read_lock(parent->mm);
-	rc = gmap_protect_range(parent, asce & _ASCE_ORIGIN,
-				((asce & _ASCE_TABLE_LENGTH) + 1) * PAGE_SIZE,
-	mmap_read_unlock(parent->mm);
-	spin_lock(&parent->shadow_lock);
-	new->initialized = true;
-	if (rc) {
-		list_del(&new->list);
-		gmap_free(new);
-		new = ERR_PTR(rc);
-	}
-	spin_unlock(&parent->shadow_lock);
-	return new;
  * gmap_shadow_r2t - create an empty shadow region 2 table
@@ -1827,9 +1520,6 @@ int gmap_shadow_r2t(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, unsigned long r2t,
 	page = gmap_alloc_crst();
 	if (!page)
 		return -ENOMEM;
-	page->index = r2t & _REGION_ENTRY_ORIGIN;
-	if (fake)
-		page->index |= GMAP_SHADOW_FAKE_TABLE;
 	s_r2t = page_to_phys(page);
 	/* Install shadow region second table */
@@ -1851,7 +1541,6 @@ int gmap_shadow_r2t(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, unsigned long r2t,
 	if (sg->edat_level >= 1)
 		*table |= (r2t & _REGION_ENTRY_PROTECT);
-	list_add(&page->lru, &sg->crst_list);
 	if (fake) {
 		/* nothing to protect for fake tables */
 		*table &= ~_REGION_ENTRY_INVALID;
@@ -1911,9 +1600,6 @@ int gmap_shadow_r3t(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, unsigned long r3t,
 	page = gmap_alloc_crst();
 	if (!page)
 		return -ENOMEM;
-	page->index = r3t & _REGION_ENTRY_ORIGIN;
-	if (fake)
-		page->index |= GMAP_SHADOW_FAKE_TABLE;
 	s_r3t = page_to_phys(page);
 	/* Install shadow region second table */
@@ -1935,7 +1621,6 @@ int gmap_shadow_r3t(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, unsigned long r3t,
 	if (sg->edat_level >= 1)
 		*table |= (r3t & _REGION_ENTRY_PROTECT);
-	list_add(&page->lru, &sg->crst_list);
 	if (fake) {
 		/* nothing to protect for fake tables */
 		*table &= ~_REGION_ENTRY_INVALID;
@@ -1995,9 +1680,6 @@ int gmap_shadow_sgt(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, unsigned long sgt,
 	page = gmap_alloc_crst();
 	if (!page)
 		return -ENOMEM;
-	page->index = sgt & _REGION_ENTRY_ORIGIN;
-	if (fake)
-		page->index |= GMAP_SHADOW_FAKE_TABLE;
 	s_sgt = page_to_phys(page);
 	/* Install shadow region second table */
@@ -2019,7 +1701,6 @@ int gmap_shadow_sgt(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, unsigned long sgt,
 	if (sg->edat_level >= 1)
 		*table |= sgt & _REGION_ENTRY_PROTECT;
-	list_add(&page->lru, &sg->crst_list);
 	if (fake) {
 		/* nothing to protect for fake tables */
 		*table &= ~_REGION_ENTRY_INVALID;
@@ -2052,45 +1733,22 @@ int gmap_shadow_sgt(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, unsigned long sgt,
- * gmap_shadow_pgt_lookup - find a shadow page table
- * @sg: pointer to the shadow guest address space structure
- * @saddr: the address in the shadow aguest address space
- * @pgt: parent gmap address of the page table to get shadowed
- * @dat_protection: if the pgtable is marked as protected by dat
- * @fake: pgt references contiguous guest memory block, not a pgtable
- *
- * Returns 0 if the shadow page table was found and -EAGAIN if the page
- * table was not found.
- *
- * Called with sg->mm->mmap_lock in read.
- */
-int gmap_shadow_pgt_lookup(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr,
-			   unsigned long *pgt, int *dat_protection,
-			   int *fake)
+static void gmap_pgste_set_pgt_addr(struct ptdesc *ptdesc, unsigned long pgt_addr)
-	unsigned long *table;
-	struct page *page;
-	int rc;
+	unsigned long *pgstes = page_to_virt(ptdesc_page(ptdesc));
-	BUG_ON(!gmap_is_shadow(sg));
-	spin_lock(&sg->guest_table_lock);
-	table = gmap_table_walk(sg, saddr, 1); /* get segment pointer */
-	if (table && !(*table & _SEGMENT_ENTRY_INVALID)) {
-		/* Shadow page tables are full pages (pte+pgste) */
-		page = pfn_to_page(*table >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-		*pgt = page->index & ~GMAP_SHADOW_FAKE_TABLE;
-		*dat_protection = !!(*table & _SEGMENT_ENTRY_PROTECT);
-		*fake = !!(page->index & GMAP_SHADOW_FAKE_TABLE);
-		rc = 0;
-	} else  {
-		rc = -EAGAIN;
-	}
-	spin_unlock(&sg->guest_table_lock);
-	return rc;
+	pgstes += _PAGE_ENTRIES;
+	pgstes[0] &= ~PGSTE_ST2_MASK;
+	pgstes[1] &= ~PGSTE_ST2_MASK;
+	pgstes[2] &= ~PGSTE_ST2_MASK;
+	pgstes[3] &= ~PGSTE_ST2_MASK;
+	pgstes[0] |= (pgt_addr >> 16) & PGSTE_ST2_MASK;
+	pgstes[1] |= pgt_addr & PGSTE_ST2_MASK;
+	pgstes[2] |= (pgt_addr << 16) & PGSTE_ST2_MASK;
+	pgstes[3] |= (pgt_addr << 32) & PGSTE_ST2_MASK;
  * gmap_shadow_pgt - instantiate a shadow page table
@@ -2119,9 +1777,10 @@ int gmap_shadow_pgt(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, unsigned long pgt,
 	ptdesc = page_table_alloc_pgste(sg->mm);
 	if (!ptdesc)
 		return -ENOMEM;
-	ptdesc->pt_index = pgt & _SEGMENT_ENTRY_ORIGIN;
+	origin = pgt & _SEGMENT_ENTRY_ORIGIN;
 	if (fake)
-		ptdesc->pt_index |= GMAP_SHADOW_FAKE_TABLE;
+	gmap_pgste_set_pgt_addr(ptdesc, origin);
 	s_pgt = page_to_phys(ptdesc_page(ptdesc));
 	/* Install shadow page table */
@@ -2140,7 +1799,6 @@ int gmap_shadow_pgt(struct gmap *sg, unsigned long saddr, unsigned long pgt,
 	/* mark as invalid as long as the parent table is not protected */
 	*table = (unsigned long) s_pgt | _SEGMENT_ENTRY |
-	list_add(&ptdesc->pt_list, &sg->pt_list);
 	if (fake) {
 		/* nothing to protect for fake tables */
@@ -2318,7 +1976,6 @@ void ptep_notify(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long vmaddr,
 		 pte_t *pte, unsigned long bits)
 	unsigned long offset, gaddr = 0;
-	unsigned long *table;
 	struct gmap *gmap, *sg, *next;
 	offset = ((unsigned long) pte) & (255 * sizeof(pte_t));
@@ -2326,12 +1983,9 @@ void ptep_notify(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long vmaddr,
 	list_for_each_entry_rcu(gmap, &mm->context.gmap_list, list) {
-		table = radix_tree_lookup(&gmap->host_to_guest,
-					  vmaddr >> PMD_SHIFT);
-		if (table)
-			gaddr = __gmap_segment_gaddr(table) + offset;
+		gaddr = host_to_guest_lookup(gmap, vmaddr) + offset;
-		if (!table)
+		if (!IS_GADDR_VALID(gaddr))
 		if (!list_empty(&gmap->children) && (bits & PGSTE_VSIE_BIT)) {
@@ -2391,10 +2045,8 @@ static void gmap_pmdp_clear(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long vmaddr,
 	list_for_each_entry_rcu(gmap, &mm->context.gmap_list, list) {
-		pmdp = (pmd_t *)radix_tree_delete(&gmap->host_to_guest,
-						  vmaddr >> PMD_SHIFT);
+		pmdp = host_to_guest_pmd_delete(gmap, vmaddr, &gaddr);
 		if (pmdp) {
-			gaddr = __gmap_segment_gaddr((unsigned long *)pmdp);
 			pmdp_notify_gmap(gmap, pmdp, gaddr);
@@ -2438,28 +2090,25 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(gmap_pmdp_csp);
 void gmap_pmdp_idte_local(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long vmaddr)
-	unsigned long *entry, gaddr;
+	unsigned long gaddr;
 	struct gmap *gmap;
 	pmd_t *pmdp;
 	list_for_each_entry_rcu(gmap, &mm->context.gmap_list, list) {
-		entry = radix_tree_delete(&gmap->host_to_guest,
-					  vmaddr >> PMD_SHIFT);
-		if (entry) {
-			pmdp = (pmd_t *)entry;
-			gaddr = __gmap_segment_gaddr(entry);
+		pmdp = host_to_guest_pmd_delete(gmap, vmaddr, &gaddr);
+		if (pmdp) {
 			pmdp_notify_gmap(gmap, pmdp, gaddr);
-					   _SEGMENT_ENTRY));
+						   _SEGMENT_ENTRY));
 				__pmdp_idte(gaddr, pmdp, IDTE_GUEST_ASCE,
 					    gmap->asce, IDTE_LOCAL);
 			else if (MACHINE_HAS_IDTE)
 				__pmdp_idte(gaddr, pmdp, 0, 0, IDTE_LOCAL);
-			*entry = _SEGMENT_ENTRY_EMPTY;
+			*pmdp = __pmd(_SEGMENT_ENTRY_EMPTY);
@@ -2474,22 +2123,19 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(gmap_pmdp_idte_local);
 void gmap_pmdp_idte_global(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long vmaddr)
-	unsigned long *entry, gaddr;
+	unsigned long gaddr;
 	struct gmap *gmap;
 	pmd_t *pmdp;
 	list_for_each_entry_rcu(gmap, &mm->context.gmap_list, list) {
-		entry = radix_tree_delete(&gmap->host_to_guest,
-					  vmaddr >> PMD_SHIFT);
-		if (entry) {
-			pmdp = (pmd_t *)entry;
-			gaddr = __gmap_segment_gaddr(entry);
+		pmdp = host_to_guest_pmd_delete(gmap, vmaddr, &gaddr);
+		if (pmdp) {
 			pmdp_notify_gmap(gmap, pmdp, gaddr);
-					   _SEGMENT_ENTRY));
+						   _SEGMENT_ENTRY));
 				__pmdp_idte(gaddr, pmdp, IDTE_GUEST_ASCE,
 					    gmap->asce, IDTE_GLOBAL);
@@ -2497,7 +2143,7 @@ void gmap_pmdp_idte_global(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long vmaddr)
 				__pmdp_idte(gaddr, pmdp, 0, 0, IDTE_GLOBAL);
-			*entry = _SEGMENT_ENTRY_EMPTY;
+			*pmdp = __pmd(_SEGMENT_ENTRY_EMPTY);
@@ -2942,49 +2588,6 @@ int __s390_uv_destroy_range(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long start,
- * s390_unlist_old_asce - Remove the topmost level of page tables from the
- * list of page tables of the gmap.
- * @gmap: the gmap whose table is to be removed
- *
- * On s390x, KVM keeps a list of all pages containing the page tables of the
- * gmap (the CRST list). This list is used at tear down time to free all
- * pages that are now not needed anymore.
- *
- * This function removes the topmost page of the tree (the one pointed to by
- * the ASCE) from the CRST list.
- *
- * This means that it will not be freed when the VM is torn down, and needs
- * to be handled separately by the caller, unless a leak is actually
- * intended. Notice that this function will only remove the page from the
- * list, the page will still be used as a top level page table (and ASCE).
- */
-void s390_unlist_old_asce(struct gmap *gmap)
-	struct page *old;
-	old = virt_to_page(gmap->table);
-	spin_lock(&gmap->guest_table_lock);
-	list_del(&old->lru);
-	/*
-	 * Sometimes the topmost page might need to be "removed" multiple
-	 * times, for example if the VM is rebooted into secure mode several
-	 * times concurrently, or if s390_replace_asce fails after calling
-	 * s390_remove_old_asce and is attempted again later. In that case
-	 * the old asce has been removed from the list, and therefore it
-	 * will not be freed when the VM terminates, but the ASCE is still
-	 * in use and still pointed to.
-	 * A subsequent call to replace_asce will follow the pointer and try
-	 * to remove the same page from the list again.
-	 * Therefore it's necessary that the page of the ASCE has valid
-	 * pointers, so list_del can work (and do nothing) without
-	 * dereferencing stale or invalid pointers.
-	 */
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&old->lru);
-	spin_unlock(&gmap->guest_table_lock);
  * s390_replace_asce - Try to replace the current ASCE of a gmap with a copy
  * @gmap: the gmap whose ASCE needs to be replaced
@@ -3004,8 +2607,6 @@ int s390_replace_asce(struct gmap *gmap)
 	struct page *page;
 	void *table;
-	s390_unlist_old_asce(gmap);
 	/* Replacing segment type ASCEs would cause serious issues */
 	if ((gmap->asce & _ASCE_TYPE_MASK) == _ASCE_TYPE_SEGMENT)
 		return -EINVAL;
@@ -3013,19 +2614,9 @@ int s390_replace_asce(struct gmap *gmap)
 	page = gmap_alloc_crst();
 	if (!page)
 		return -ENOMEM;
-	page->index = 0;
 	table = page_to_virt(page);
 	memcpy(table, gmap->table, 1UL << (CRST_ALLOC_ORDER + PAGE_SHIFT));
-	/*
-	 * The caller has to deal with the old ASCE, but here we make sure
-	 * the new one is properly added to the CRST list, so that
-	 * it will be freed when the VM is torn down.
-	 */
-	spin_lock(&gmap->guest_table_lock);
-	list_add(&page->lru, &gmap->crst_list);
-	spin_unlock(&gmap->guest_table_lock);
 	/* Set new table origin while preserving existing ASCE control bits */
 	asce = (gmap->asce & ~_ASCE_ORIGIN) | __pa(table);
 	WRITE_ONCE(gmap->asce, asce);
@@ -3035,3 +2626,31 @@ int s390_replace_asce(struct gmap *gmap)
 	return 0;
+ * kvm_s390_wiggle_split_folio() - try to drain extra references to a folio and optionally split
+ * @mm:    the mm containing the folio to work on
+ * @folio: the folio
+ * @split: whether to split a large folio
+ *
+ * Context: Must be called while holding an extra reference to the folio;
+ *          the mm lock should not be held.
+ */
+int kvm_s390_wiggle_split_folio(struct mm_struct *mm, struct folio *folio, bool split)
+	int rc;
+	lockdep_assert_not_held(&mm->mmap_lock);
+	folio_wait_writeback(folio);
+	lru_add_drain_all();
+	if (split) {
+		folio_lock(folio);
+		rc = split_folio(folio);
+		folio_unlock(folio);
+		if (rc != -EBUSY)
+			return rc;
+	}
+	return -EAGAIN;
diff --git a/arch/s390/mm/pgalloc.c b/arch/s390/mm/pgalloc.c
index cd2fef79ad2c..30387a6e98ff 100644
--- a/arch/s390/mm/pgalloc.c
+++ b/arch/s390/mm/pgalloc.c
@@ -176,8 +176,6 @@ unsigned long *page_table_alloc(struct mm_struct *mm)
 	table = ptdesc_to_virt(ptdesc);
 	__arch_set_page_dat(table, 1);
-	/* pt_list is used by gmap only */
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ptdesc->pt_list);
 	memset64((u64 *)table, _PAGE_INVALID, PTRS_PER_PTE);
 	memset64((u64 *)table + PTRS_PER_PTE, 0, PTRS_PER_PTE);
 	return table;
diff --git a/arch/x86/boot/compressed/Makefile b/arch/x86/boot/compressed/Makefile
index f2051644de94..606c74f27459 100644
--- a/arch/x86/boot/compressed/Makefile
+++ b/arch/x86/boot/compressed/Makefile
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ targets := vmlinux vmlinux.bin vmlinux.bin.gz vmlinux.bin.bz2 vmlinux.bin.lzma \
 # avoid errors with '-march=i386', and future flags may depend on the target to
 # be valid.
+KBUILD_CFLAGS += -std=gnu11
 KBUILD_CFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing -fPIE
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/cpuid.c b/arch/x86/kvm/cpuid.c
index 2cbb3874ad39..8eb3a88707f2 100644
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/cpuid.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/cpuid.c
@@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ void kvm_set_cpu_caps(void)
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/mmu/mmu.c b/arch/x86/kvm/mmu/mmu.c
index a45ae60e84ab..74c20dbb92da 100644
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/mmu/mmu.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/mmu/mmu.c
@@ -7120,6 +7120,19 @@ static void mmu_destroy_caches(void)
+static void kvm_wake_nx_recovery_thread(struct kvm *kvm)
+	/*
+	 * The NX recovery thread is spawned on-demand at the first KVM_RUN and
+	 * may not be valid even though the VM is globally visible.  Do nothing,
+	 * as such a VM can't have any possible NX huge pages.
+	 */
+	struct vhost_task *nx_thread = READ_ONCE(kvm->arch.nx_huge_page_recovery_thread);
+	if (nx_thread)
+		vhost_task_wake(nx_thread);
 static int get_nx_huge_pages(char *buffer, const struct kernel_param *kp)
 	if (nx_hugepage_mitigation_hard_disabled)
@@ -7180,7 +7193,7 @@ static int set_nx_huge_pages(const char *val, const struct kernel_param *kp)
-			vhost_task_wake(kvm->arch.nx_huge_page_recovery_thread);
+			kvm_wake_nx_recovery_thread(kvm);
@@ -7315,7 +7328,7 @@ static int set_nx_huge_pages_recovery_param(const char *val, const struct kernel
 		list_for_each_entry(kvm, &vm_list, vm_list)
-			vhost_task_wake(kvm->arch.nx_huge_page_recovery_thread);
+			kvm_wake_nx_recovery_thread(kvm);
@@ -7451,14 +7464,20 @@ static void kvm_mmu_start_lpage_recovery(struct once *once)
 	struct kvm_arch *ka = container_of(once, struct kvm_arch, nx_once);
 	struct kvm *kvm = container_of(ka, struct kvm, arch);
+	struct vhost_task *nx_thread;
 	kvm->arch.nx_huge_page_last = get_jiffies_64();
-	kvm->arch.nx_huge_page_recovery_thread = vhost_task_create(
-		kvm_nx_huge_page_recovery_worker, kvm_nx_huge_page_recovery_worker_kill,
-		kvm, "kvm-nx-lpage-recovery");
+	nx_thread = vhost_task_create(kvm_nx_huge_page_recovery_worker,
+				      kvm_nx_huge_page_recovery_worker_kill,
+				      kvm, "kvm-nx-lpage-recovery");
-	if (kvm->arch.nx_huge_page_recovery_thread)
-		vhost_task_start(kvm->arch.nx_huge_page_recovery_thread);
+	if (!nx_thread)
+		return;
+	vhost_task_start(nx_thread);
+	/* Make the task visible only once it is fully started. */
+	WRITE_ONCE(kvm->arch.nx_huge_page_recovery_thread, nx_thread);
 int kvm_mmu_post_init_vm(struct kvm *kvm)
diff --git a/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c b/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c
index 6d4a6734b2d6..8e77e61d4fbd 100644
--- a/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c
@@ -12741,6 +12741,7 @@ int kvm_arch_init_vm(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long type)
 			     "does not run without ignore_msrs=1, please report it to kvm@vger.kernel.org.\n");
+	once_init(&kvm->arch.nx_once);
 	return 0;
@@ -12750,12 +12751,6 @@ int kvm_arch_init_vm(struct kvm *kvm, unsigned long type)
 	return ret;
-int kvm_arch_post_init_vm(struct kvm *kvm)
-	once_init(&kvm->arch.nx_once);
-	return 0;
 static void kvm_unload_vcpu_mmu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
diff --git a/arch/x86/xen/xen-head.S b/arch/x86/xen/xen-head.S
index 9252652afe59..894edf8d6d62 100644
--- a/arch/x86/xen/xen-head.S
+++ b/arch/x86/xen/xen-head.S
@@ -100,9 +100,6 @@ SYM_FUNC_START(xen_hypercall_hvm)
 	push %r10
 	push %r9
 	push %r8
-	pushq $0	/* Dummy push for stack alignment. */
 	/* Set the vendor specific function. */
 	call __xen_hypercall_setfunc
@@ -117,11 +114,8 @@ SYM_FUNC_START(xen_hypercall_hvm)
 	pop %ebx
 	pop %eax
-	lea xen_hypercall_amd(%rip), %rbx
-	cmp %rax, %rbx
-	pop %rax	/* Dummy pop. */
+	lea xen_hypercall_amd(%rip), %rcx
+	cmp %rax, %rcx
 	pop %r8
 	pop %r9
 	pop %r10
@@ -132,6 +126,7 @@ SYM_FUNC_START(xen_hypercall_hvm)
 	pop %rcx
 	pop %rax
 	/* Use correct hypercall function. */
 	jz xen_hypercall_amd
 	jmp xen_hypercall_intel
diff --git a/drivers/accel/amdxdna/amdxdna_pci_drv.c b/drivers/accel/amdxdna/amdxdna_pci_drv.c
index 97d4a032171f..f5b8497cf5ad 100644
--- a/drivers/accel/amdxdna/amdxdna_pci_drv.c
+++ b/drivers/accel/amdxdna/amdxdna_pci_drv.c
@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@
 #define AMDXDNA_AUTOSUSPEND_DELAY	5000 /* milliseconds */
  * Bind the driver base on (vendor_id, device_id) pair and later use the
  * (device_id, rev_id) pair as a key to select the devices. The devices with
diff --git a/drivers/accel/ivpu/ivpu_drv.c b/drivers/accel/ivpu/ivpu_drv.c
index 1e8ffbe25eee..38cf1c342c72 100644
--- a/drivers/accel/ivpu/ivpu_drv.c
+++ b/drivers/accel/ivpu/ivpu_drv.c
@@ -397,15 +397,19 @@ int ivpu_boot(struct ivpu_device *vdev)
 	if (ivpu_fw_is_cold_boot(vdev)) {
 		ret = ivpu_pm_dct_init(vdev);
 		if (ret)
-			goto err_diagnose_failure;
+			goto err_disable_ipc;
 		ret = ivpu_hw_sched_init(vdev);
 		if (ret)
-			goto err_diagnose_failure;
+			goto err_disable_ipc;
 	return 0;
+	ivpu_ipc_disable(vdev);
+	ivpu_hw_irq_disable(vdev);
+	disable_irq(vdev->irq);
diff --git a/drivers/accel/ivpu/ivpu_pm.c b/drivers/accel/ivpu/ivpu_pm.c
index 87d7411ae059..5060c5dd40d1 100644
--- a/drivers/accel/ivpu/ivpu_pm.c
+++ b/drivers/accel/ivpu/ivpu_pm.c
@@ -115,41 +115,57 @@ static int ivpu_resume(struct ivpu_device *vdev)
 	return ret;
-static void ivpu_pm_recovery_work(struct work_struct *work)
+static void ivpu_pm_reset_begin(struct ivpu_device *vdev)
-	struct ivpu_pm_info *pm = container_of(work, struct ivpu_pm_info, recovery_work);
-	struct ivpu_device *vdev = pm->vdev;
-	char *evt[2] = {"IVPU_PM_EVENT=IVPU_RECOVER", NULL};
-	int ret;
-	ivpu_err(vdev, "Recovering the NPU (reset #%d)\n", atomic_read(&vdev->pm->reset_counter));
-	ret = pm_runtime_resume_and_get(vdev->drm.dev);
-	if (ret)
-		ivpu_err(vdev, "Failed to resume NPU: %d\n", ret);
-	ivpu_jsm_state_dump(vdev);
-	ivpu_dev_coredump(vdev);
+	pm_runtime_disable(vdev->drm.dev);
 	atomic_set(&vdev->pm->reset_pending, 1);
+static void ivpu_pm_reset_complete(struct ivpu_device *vdev)
+	int ret;
-	ivpu_suspend(vdev);
 	ret = ivpu_resume(vdev);
-	if (ret)
+	if (ret) {
 		ivpu_err(vdev, "Failed to resume NPU: %d\n", ret);
+		pm_runtime_set_suspended(vdev->drm.dev);
+	} else {
+		pm_runtime_set_active(vdev->drm.dev);
+	}
 	atomic_set(&vdev->pm->reset_pending, 0);
-	kobject_uevent_env(&vdev->drm.dev->kobj, KOBJ_CHANGE, evt);
-	pm_runtime_put_autosuspend(vdev->drm.dev);
+	pm_runtime_enable(vdev->drm.dev);
+static void ivpu_pm_recovery_work(struct work_struct *work)
+	struct ivpu_pm_info *pm = container_of(work, struct ivpu_pm_info, recovery_work);
+	struct ivpu_device *vdev = pm->vdev;
+	char *evt[2] = {"IVPU_PM_EVENT=IVPU_RECOVER", NULL};
+	ivpu_err(vdev, "Recovering the NPU (reset #%d)\n", atomic_read(&vdev->pm->reset_counter));
+	ivpu_pm_reset_begin(vdev);
+	if (!pm_runtime_status_suspended(vdev->drm.dev)) {
+		ivpu_jsm_state_dump(vdev);
+		ivpu_dev_coredump(vdev);
+		ivpu_suspend(vdev);
+	}
+	ivpu_pm_reset_complete(vdev);
+	kobject_uevent_env(&vdev->drm.dev->kobj, KOBJ_CHANGE, evt);
 void ivpu_pm_trigger_recovery(struct ivpu_device *vdev, const char *reason)
@@ -309,7 +325,10 @@ int ivpu_rpm_get(struct ivpu_device *vdev)
 	int ret;
 	ret = pm_runtime_resume_and_get(vdev->drm.dev);
-	drm_WARN_ON(&vdev->drm, ret < 0);
+	if (ret < 0) {
+		ivpu_err(vdev, "Failed to resume NPU: %d\n", ret);
+		pm_runtime_set_suspended(vdev->drm.dev);
+	}
 	return ret;
@@ -325,16 +344,13 @@ void ivpu_pm_reset_prepare_cb(struct pci_dev *pdev)
 	struct ivpu_device *vdev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
 	ivpu_dbg(vdev, PM, "Pre-reset..\n");
-	atomic_inc(&vdev->pm->reset_counter);
-	atomic_set(&vdev->pm->reset_pending, 1);
-	pm_runtime_get_sync(vdev->drm.dev);
-	down_write(&vdev->pm->reset_lock);
-	ivpu_prepare_for_reset(vdev);
-	ivpu_hw_reset(vdev);
-	ivpu_pm_prepare_cold_boot(vdev);
-	ivpu_jobs_abort_all(vdev);
-	ivpu_ms_cleanup_all(vdev);
+	ivpu_pm_reset_begin(vdev);
+	if (!pm_runtime_status_suspended(vdev->drm.dev)) {
+		ivpu_prepare_for_reset(vdev);
+		ivpu_hw_reset(vdev);
+	}
 	ivpu_dbg(vdev, PM, "Pre-reset done.\n");
@@ -342,18 +358,12 @@ void ivpu_pm_reset_prepare_cb(struct pci_dev *pdev)
 void ivpu_pm_reset_done_cb(struct pci_dev *pdev)
 	struct ivpu_device *vdev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
-	int ret;
 	ivpu_dbg(vdev, PM, "Post-reset..\n");
-	ret = ivpu_resume(vdev);
-	if (ret)
-		ivpu_err(vdev, "Failed to set RESUME state: %d\n", ret);
-	up_write(&vdev->pm->reset_lock);
-	atomic_set(&vdev->pm->reset_pending, 0);
-	ivpu_dbg(vdev, PM, "Post-reset done.\n");
-	pm_runtime_mark_last_busy(vdev->drm.dev);
-	pm_runtime_put_autosuspend(vdev->drm.dev);
+	ivpu_pm_reset_complete(vdev);
+	ivpu_dbg(vdev, PM, "Post-reset done.\n");
 void ivpu_pm_init(struct ivpu_device *vdev)
diff --git a/drivers/acpi/prmt.c b/drivers/acpi/prmt.c
index 747f83f7114d..e549914a636c 100644
--- a/drivers/acpi/prmt.c
+++ b/drivers/acpi/prmt.c
@@ -287,9 +287,7 @@ static acpi_status acpi_platformrt_space_handler(u32 function,
 		if (!handler || !module)
 			goto invalid_guid;
-		if (!handler->handler_addr ||
-		    !handler->static_data_buffer_addr ||
-		    !handler->acpi_param_buffer_addr) {
+		if (!handler->handler_addr) {
 			buffer->prm_status = PRM_HANDLER_ERROR;
 			return AE_OK;
diff --git a/drivers/acpi/property.c b/drivers/acpi/property.c
index 98d93ed58315..436019d96027 100644
--- a/drivers/acpi/property.c
+++ b/drivers/acpi/property.c
@@ -1187,8 +1187,6 @@ static int acpi_data_prop_read(const struct acpi_device_data *data,
-	if (nval == 0)
-		return -EINVAL;
 	if (obj->type == ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER) {
 		if (proptype != DEV_PROP_U8)
@@ -1212,9 +1210,11 @@ static int acpi_data_prop_read(const struct acpi_device_data *data,
 		ret = acpi_copy_property_array_uint(items, (u64 *)val, nval);
-		ret = acpi_copy_property_array_string(
-			items, (char **)val,
-			min_t(u32, nval, obj->package.count));
+		nval = min_t(u32, nval, obj->package.count);
+		if (nval == 0)
+			return -ENODATA;
+		ret = acpi_copy_property_array_string(items, (char **)val, nval);
 		ret = -EINVAL;
diff --git a/drivers/acpi/resource.c b/drivers/acpi/resource.c
index 90aaec923889..b4cd14e7fa76 100644
--- a/drivers/acpi/resource.c
+++ b/drivers/acpi/resource.c
@@ -563,6 +563,12 @@ static const struct dmi_system_id irq1_edge_low_force_override[] = {
+	{
+		.matches = {
+			DMI_MATCH(DMI_SYS_VENDOR, "Eluktronics Inc."),
+		},
+	},
 		/* TongFang GM6XGxX/TUXEDO Stellaris 16 Gen5 AMD */
 		.matches = {
diff --git a/drivers/base/power/main.c b/drivers/base/power/main.c
index d497d448e4b2..40e1d8d8a589 100644
--- a/drivers/base/power/main.c
+++ b/drivers/base/power/main.c
@@ -1191,24 +1191,18 @@ static pm_message_t resume_event(pm_message_t sleep_state)
 	return PMSG_ON;
-static void dpm_superior_set_must_resume(struct device *dev, bool set_active)
+static void dpm_superior_set_must_resume(struct device *dev)
 	struct device_link *link;
 	int idx;
-	if (dev->parent) {
+	if (dev->parent)
 		dev->parent->power.must_resume = true;
-		if (set_active)
-			dev->parent->power.set_active = true;
-	}
 	idx = device_links_read_lock();
-	list_for_each_entry_rcu_locked(link, &dev->links.suppliers, c_node) {
+	list_for_each_entry_rcu_locked(link, &dev->links.suppliers, c_node)
 		link->supplier->power.must_resume = true;
-		if (set_active)
-			link->supplier->power.set_active = true;
-	}
@@ -1287,9 +1281,12 @@ static int device_suspend_noirq(struct device *dev, pm_message_t state, bool asy
 		dev->power.must_resume = true;
 	if (dev->power.must_resume) {
-		dev->power.set_active = dev->power.set_active ||
-			dev_pm_test_driver_flags(dev, DPM_FLAG_SMART_SUSPEND);
-		dpm_superior_set_must_resume(dev, dev->power.set_active);
+		if (dev_pm_test_driver_flags(dev, DPM_FLAG_SMART_SUSPEND)) {
+			dev->power.set_active = true;
+			if (dev->parent && !dev->parent->power.ignore_children)
+				dev->parent->power.set_active = true;
+		}
+		dpm_superior_set_must_resume(dev);
diff --git a/drivers/block/sunvdc.c b/drivers/block/sunvdc.c
index 33b3bc99d532..282f81616a78 100644
--- a/drivers/block/sunvdc.c
+++ b/drivers/block/sunvdc.c
@@ -1127,8 +1127,8 @@ static void vdc_queue_drain(struct vdc_port *port)
 	port->drain = 0;
-	blk_mq_unquiesce_queue(q, memflags);
-	blk_mq_unfreeze_queue(q);
+	blk_mq_unquiesce_queue(q);
+	blk_mq_unfreeze_queue(q, memflags);
 static void vdc_ldc_reset_timer_work(struct work_struct *work)
diff --git a/drivers/bus/moxtet.c b/drivers/bus/moxtet.c
index 6276551d7968..1e57ebfb7622 100644
--- a/drivers/bus/moxtet.c
+++ b/drivers/bus/moxtet.c
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ static void moxtet_irq_print_chip(struct irq_data *d, struct seq_file *p)
 	id = moxtet->modules[pos->idx];
-	seq_printf(p, " moxtet-%s.%i#%i", mox_module_name(id), pos->idx,
+	seq_printf(p, "moxtet-%s.%i#%i", mox_module_name(id), pos->idx,
diff --git a/drivers/cpufreq/Kconfig.arm b/drivers/cpufreq/Kconfig.arm
index 0ee5c691fb36..9e46960f6a86 100644
--- a/drivers/cpufreq/Kconfig.arm
+++ b/drivers/cpufreq/Kconfig.arm
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ config ARM_ALLWINNER_SUN50I_CPUFREQ_NVMEM
 	tristate "Airoha EN7581 SoC CPUFreq support"
-	depends on (ARCH_AIROHA && OF) || COMPILE_TEST
+	depends on OF
 	select PM_OPP
 	default ARCH_AIROHA
diff --git a/drivers/cpufreq/amd-pstate.c b/drivers/cpufreq/amd-pstate.c
index dd9b8d6993d6..313550fa62d4 100644
--- a/drivers/cpufreq/amd-pstate.c
+++ b/drivers/cpufreq/amd-pstate.c
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ static void amd_pstate_adjust_perf(unsigned int cpu,
 	if (min_perf < lowest_nonlinear_perf)
 		min_perf = lowest_nonlinear_perf;
-	max_perf = cap_perf;
+	max_perf = cpudata->max_limit_perf;
 	if (max_perf < min_perf)
 		max_perf = min_perf;
@@ -747,7 +747,6 @@ static int amd_pstate_set_boost(struct cpufreq_policy *policy, int state)
 	ret = amd_pstate_cpu_boost_update(policy, state);
-	policy->boost_enabled = !ret ? state : false;
 	return ret;
@@ -822,25 +821,28 @@ static void amd_pstate_init_prefcore(struct amd_cpudata *cpudata)
 static void amd_pstate_update_limits(unsigned int cpu)
-	struct cpufreq_policy *policy = cpufreq_cpu_get(cpu);
+	struct cpufreq_policy *policy = NULL;
 	struct amd_cpudata *cpudata;
 	u32 prev_high = 0, cur_high = 0;
 	int ret;
 	bool highest_perf_changed = false;
+	if (!amd_pstate_prefcore)
+		return;
+	policy = cpufreq_cpu_get(cpu);
 	if (!policy)
 	cpudata = policy->driver_data;
-	if (!amd_pstate_prefcore)
-		return;
 	ret = amd_get_highest_perf(cpu, &cur_high);
-	if (ret)
-		goto free_cpufreq_put;
+	if (ret) {
+		cpufreq_cpu_put(policy);
+		return;
+	}
 	prev_high = READ_ONCE(cpudata->prefcore_ranking);
 	highest_perf_changed = (prev_high != cur_high);
@@ -850,8 +852,6 @@ static void amd_pstate_update_limits(unsigned int cpu)
 		if (cur_high < CPPC_MAX_PERF)
 			sched_set_itmt_core_prio((int)cur_high, cpu);
 	if (!highest_perf_changed)
diff --git a/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq.c b/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq.c
index e0048856ecee..30ffbddc7ece 100644
--- a/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq.c
+++ b/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq.c
@@ -1571,7 +1571,8 @@ static int cpufreq_online(unsigned int cpu)
 		policy->cdev = of_cpufreq_cooling_register(policy);
 	/* Let the per-policy boost flag mirror the cpufreq_driver boost during init */
-	if (policy->boost_enabled != cpufreq_boost_enabled()) {
+	if (cpufreq_driver->set_boost &&
+	    policy->boost_enabled != cpufreq_boost_enabled()) {
 		policy->boost_enabled = cpufreq_boost_enabled();
 		ret = cpufreq_driver->set_boost(policy, policy->boost_enabled);
 		if (ret) {
diff --git a/drivers/firmware/Kconfig b/drivers/firmware/Kconfig
index 71d8b26c4103..9f35f69e0f9e 100644
--- a/drivers/firmware/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/firmware/Kconfig
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ config ISCSI_IBFT
 	select ISCSI_IBFT_FIND if X86
 	depends on ACPI && SCSI && SCSI_LOWLEVEL
-	default	n
+	default n
 	  This option enables support for detection and exposing of iSCSI
 	  Boot Firmware Table (iBFT) via sysfs to userspace. If you wish to
diff --git a/drivers/firmware/iscsi_ibft.c b/drivers/firmware/iscsi_ibft.c
index 6e9788324fea..371f24569b3b 100644
--- a/drivers/firmware/iscsi_ibft.c
+++ b/drivers/firmware/iscsi_ibft.c
@@ -310,7 +310,10 @@ static ssize_t ibft_attr_show_nic(void *data, int type, char *buf)
 		str += sprintf_ipaddr(str, nic->ip_addr);
-		val = cpu_to_be32(~((1 << (32-nic->subnet_mask_prefix))-1));
+		if (nic->subnet_mask_prefix > 32)
+			val = cpu_to_be32(~0);
+		else
+			val = cpu_to_be32(~((1 << (32-nic->subnet_mask_prefix))-1));
 		str += sprintf(str, "%pI4", &val);
diff --git a/drivers/gpio/Kconfig b/drivers/gpio/Kconfig
index add5ad29a673..98b4d1633b25 100644
--- a/drivers/gpio/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/gpio/Kconfig
@@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ config GPIO_GRANITERAPIDS
 	tristate "Aeroflex Gaisler GRGPIO support"
+	depends on OF || COMPILE_TEST
 	select IRQ_DOMAIN
diff --git a/drivers/gpio/gpio-pca953x.c b/drivers/gpio/gpio-pca953x.c
index be4c9981ebc4..d63c1030e6ac 100644
--- a/drivers/gpio/gpio-pca953x.c
+++ b/drivers/gpio/gpio-pca953x.c
@@ -841,25 +841,6 @@ static bool pca953x_irq_pending(struct pca953x_chip *chip, unsigned long *pendin
 	int ret;
-	if (chip->driver_data & PCA_PCAL) {
-		/* Read the current interrupt status from the device */
-		ret = pca953x_read_regs(chip, PCAL953X_INT_STAT, trigger);
-		if (ret)
-			return false;
-		/* Check latched inputs and clear interrupt status */
-		ret = pca953x_read_regs(chip, chip->regs->input, cur_stat);
-		if (ret)
-			return false;
-		/* Apply filter for rising/falling edge selection */
-		bitmap_replace(new_stat, chip->irq_trig_fall, chip->irq_trig_raise, cur_stat, gc->ngpio);
-		bitmap_and(pending, new_stat, trigger, gc->ngpio);
-		return !bitmap_empty(pending, gc->ngpio);
-	}
 	ret = pca953x_read_regs(chip, chip->regs->input, cur_stat);
 	if (ret)
 		return false;
diff --git a/drivers/gpio/gpio-sim.c b/drivers/gpio/gpio-sim.c
index a086087ada17..b6c230fab840 100644
--- a/drivers/gpio/gpio-sim.c
+++ b/drivers/gpio/gpio-sim.c
@@ -1028,20 +1028,23 @@ gpio_sim_device_lockup_configfs(struct gpio_sim_device *dev, bool lock)
 	struct configfs_subsystem *subsys = dev->group.cg_subsys;
 	struct gpio_sim_bank *bank;
 	struct gpio_sim_line *line;
+	struct config_item *item;
-	 * The device only needs to depend on leaf line entries. This is
+	 * The device only needs to depend on leaf entries. This is
 	 * sufficient to lock up all the configfs entries that the
 	 * instantiated, alive device depends on.
 	list_for_each_entry(bank, &dev->bank_list, siblings) {
 		list_for_each_entry(line, &bank->line_list, siblings) {
+			item = line->hog ? &line->hog->item
+					 : &line->group.cg_item;
 			if (lock)
-				WARN_ON(configfs_depend_item_unlocked(
-						subsys, &line->group.cg_item));
+				WARN_ON(configfs_depend_item_unlocked(subsys,
+								      item));
-				configfs_undepend_item_unlocked(
-						&line->group.cg_item);
+				configfs_undepend_item_unlocked(item);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_drv.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_drv.c
index 817116e53d44..dce9323fb410 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_drv.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_drv.c
@@ -119,9 +119,10 @@
  * - 3.57.0 - Compute tunneling on GFX10+
  * - 3.58.0 - Add GFX12 DCC support
  * - 3.59.0 - Cleared VRAM
+ * - 3.60.0 - Add AMDGPU_TILING_GFX12_DCC_WRITE_COMPRESS_DISABLE (Vulkan requirement)
-#define KMS_DRIVER_MINOR	59
+#define KMS_DRIVER_MINOR	60
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ttm.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ttm.c
index ff286940ab43..01ae2f88dec8 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ttm.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ttm.c
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ int amdgpu_ttm_copy_mem_to_mem(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
 	while (src_mm.remaining) {
 		uint64_t from, to, cur_size, tiling_flags;
-		uint32_t num_type, data_format, max_com;
+		uint32_t num_type, data_format, max_com, write_compress_disable;
 		struct dma_fence *next;
 		/* Never copy more than 256MiB at once to avoid a timeout */
@@ -340,9 +340,13 @@ int amdgpu_ttm_copy_mem_to_mem(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
 			max_com = AMDGPU_TILING_GET(tiling_flags, GFX12_DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK);
 			num_type = AMDGPU_TILING_GET(tiling_flags, GFX12_DCC_NUMBER_TYPE);
 			data_format = AMDGPU_TILING_GET(tiling_flags, GFX12_DCC_DATA_FORMAT);
+			write_compress_disable =
 			copy_flags |= (AMDGPU_COPY_FLAGS_SET(MAX_COMPRESSED, max_com) |
 				       AMDGPU_COPY_FLAGS_SET(NUMBER_TYPE, num_type) |
-				       AMDGPU_COPY_FLAGS_SET(DATA_FORMAT, data_format));
+				       AMDGPU_COPY_FLAGS_SET(DATA_FORMAT, data_format) |
+							     write_compress_disable));
 		r = amdgpu_copy_buffer(ring, from, to, cur_size, resv,
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ttm.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ttm.h
index 461fb8090ae0..208b7d1d8a27 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ttm.h
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_ttm.h
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ struct amdgpu_copy_mem {
 #define AMDGPU_COPY_FLAGS_SET(field, value) \
 	(((__u32)(value) & AMDGPU_COPY_FLAGS_##field##_MASK) << AMDGPU_COPY_FLAGS_##field##_SHIFT)
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/sdma_v7_0.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/sdma_v7_0.c
index 9c17df2cf37b..7e10e94624e3 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/sdma_v7_0.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/sdma_v7_0.c
@@ -1741,11 +1741,12 @@ static void sdma_v7_0_emit_copy_buffer(struct amdgpu_ib *ib,
 				       uint32_t byte_count,
 				       uint32_t copy_flags)
-	uint32_t num_type, data_format, max_com;
+	uint32_t num_type, data_format, max_com, write_cm;
 	max_com = AMDGPU_COPY_FLAGS_GET(copy_flags, MAX_COMPRESSED);
 	data_format = AMDGPU_COPY_FLAGS_GET(copy_flags, DATA_FORMAT);
 	num_type = AMDGPU_COPY_FLAGS_GET(copy_flags, NUMBER_TYPE);
+	write_cm = AMDGPU_COPY_FLAGS_GET(copy_flags, WRITE_COMPRESS_DISABLE) ? 2 : 1;
 	ib->ptr[ib->length_dw++] = SDMA_PKT_COPY_LINEAR_HEADER_OP(SDMA_OP_COPY) |
@@ -1762,7 +1763,7 @@ static void sdma_v7_0_emit_copy_buffer(struct amdgpu_ib *ib,
 		ib->ptr[ib->length_dw++] = SDMA_DCC_DATA_FORMAT(data_format) | SDMA_DCC_NUM_TYPE(num_type) |
+			((copy_flags & AMDGPU_COPY_FLAGS_WRITE_COMPRESSED) ? SDMA_DCC_WRITE_CM(write_cm) : 0) |
 		ib->ptr[ib->length_dw++] = 0;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc.c
index cecaadf741ad..f84e795e35f5 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc.c
@@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ static enum dc_status dc_commit_state_no_check(struct dc *dc, struct dc_state *c
 	dc_enable_stereo(dc, context, dc_streams, context->stream_count);
-	if (context->stream_count > get_seamless_boot_stream_count(context) ||
+	if (get_seamless_boot_stream_count(context) == 0 ||
 		context->stream_count == 0) {
 		/* Must wait for no flips to be pending before doing optimize bw */
 		hwss_wait_for_no_pipes_pending(dc, context);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dce/dmub_hw_lock_mgr.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dce/dmub_hw_lock_mgr.c
index 5bb8b78bf250..bf636b28e3e1 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dce/dmub_hw_lock_mgr.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dce/dmub_hw_lock_mgr.c
@@ -63,8 +63,7 @@ void dmub_hw_lock_mgr_inbox0_cmd(struct dc_dmub_srv *dmub_srv,
 bool should_use_dmub_lock(struct dc_link *link)
-	if (link->psr_settings.psr_version == DC_PSR_VERSION_SU_1 ||
-	    link->psr_settings.psr_version == DC_PSR_VERSION_1)
+	if (link->psr_settings.psr_version == DC_PSR_VERSION_SU_1)
 		return true;
 	if (link->replay_settings.replay_feature_enabled)
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml/Makefile b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml/Makefile
index 46f9c05de16e..e1d500633dfa 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml/Makefile
@@ -29,11 +29,15 @@ dml_ccflags := $(CC_FLAGS_FPU)
 dml_rcflags := $(CC_FLAGS_NO_FPU)
 ifneq ($(CONFIG_FRAME_WARN),0)
-ifeq ($(filter y,$(CONFIG_KASAN)$(CONFIG_KCSAN)),y)
-frame_warn_flag := -Wframe-larger-than=3072
-frame_warn_flag := -Wframe-larger-than=2048
+    ifeq ($(filter y,$(CONFIG_KASAN)$(CONFIG_KCSAN)),y)
+        frame_warn_limit := 3072
+    else
+        frame_warn_limit := 2048
+    endif
+    ifeq ($(call test-lt, $(CONFIG_FRAME_WARN), $(frame_warn_limit)),y)
+        frame_warn_flag := -Wframe-larger-than=$(frame_warn_limit)
+    endif
 CFLAGS_$(AMDDALPATH)/dc/dml/display_mode_lib.o := $(dml_ccflags)
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml2/Makefile b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml2/Makefile
index 91c4f3b4bd5f..21fd466dba26 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml2/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml2/Makefile
@@ -28,15 +28,19 @@ dml2_ccflags := $(CC_FLAGS_FPU)
 dml2_rcflags := $(CC_FLAGS_NO_FPU)
 ifneq ($(CONFIG_FRAME_WARN),0)
-ifeq ($(filter y,$(CONFIG_KASAN)$(CONFIG_KCSAN)),y)
-frame_warn_flag := -Wframe-larger-than=4096
-frame_warn_flag := -Wframe-larger-than=3072
-frame_warn_flag := -Wframe-larger-than=2048
+    ifeq ($(filter y,$(CONFIG_KASAN)$(CONFIG_KCSAN)),y)
+            frame_warn_limit := 4096
+        else
+            frame_warn_limit := 3072
+        endif
+    else
+        frame_warn_limit := 2048
+    endif
+    ifeq ($(call test-lt, $(CONFIG_FRAME_WARN), $(frame_warn_limit)),y)
+        frame_warn_flag := -Wframe-larger-than=$(frame_warn_limit)
+    endif
 subdir-ccflags-y += -I$(FULL_AMD_DISPLAY_PATH)/dc/dml2
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml2/dml21/dml21_translation_helper.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml2/dml21/dml21_translation_helper.c
index b9c6b45f6872..0c8ec30ea672 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml2/dml21/dml21_translation_helper.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml2/dml21/dml21_translation_helper.c
@@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ bool dml21_map_dc_state_into_dml_display_cfg(const struct dc *in_dc, struct dc_s
 		if (disp_cfg_stream_location < 0)
 			disp_cfg_stream_location = dml_dispcfg->num_streams++;
-		ASSERT(disp_cfg_stream_location >= 0 && disp_cfg_stream_location <= __DML2_WRAPPER_MAX_STREAMS_PLANES__);
+		ASSERT(disp_cfg_stream_location >= 0 && disp_cfg_stream_location < __DML2_WRAPPER_MAX_STREAMS_PLANES__);
 		populate_dml21_timing_config_from_stream_state(&dml_dispcfg->stream_descriptors[disp_cfg_stream_location].timing, context->streams[stream_index], dml_ctx);
 		adjust_dml21_hblank_timing_config_from_pipe_ctx(&dml_dispcfg->stream_descriptors[disp_cfg_stream_location].timing, &context->res_ctx.pipe_ctx[stream_index]);
 		populate_dml21_output_config_from_stream_state(&dml_dispcfg->stream_descriptors[disp_cfg_stream_location].output, context->streams[stream_index], &context->res_ctx.pipe_ctx[stream_index]);
@@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ bool dml21_map_dc_state_into_dml_display_cfg(const struct dc *in_dc, struct dc_s
 				if (disp_cfg_plane_location < 0)
 					disp_cfg_plane_location = dml_dispcfg->num_planes++;
-				ASSERT(disp_cfg_plane_location >= 0 && disp_cfg_plane_location <= __DML2_WRAPPER_MAX_STREAMS_PLANES__);
+				ASSERT(disp_cfg_plane_location >= 0 && disp_cfg_plane_location < __DML2_WRAPPER_MAX_STREAMS_PLANES__);
 				populate_dml21_surface_config_from_plane_state(in_dc, &dml_dispcfg->plane_descriptors[disp_cfg_plane_location].surface, context->stream_status[stream_index].plane_states[plane_index]);
 				populate_dml21_plane_config_from_plane_state(dml_ctx, &dml_dispcfg->plane_descriptors[disp_cfg_plane_location], context->stream_status[stream_index].plane_states[plane_index], context, stream_index);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml2/dml2_translation_helper.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml2/dml2_translation_helper.c
index b416320873e1..b8a34abaf519 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml2/dml2_translation_helper.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dml2/dml2_translation_helper.c
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ static void populate_dml_output_cfg_from_stream_state(struct dml_output_cfg_st *
 		out->OutputEncoder[location] = dml_dp;
-		if (dml2->v20.scratch.hpo_stream_to_link_encoder_mapping[location] != -1)
+		if (location < MAX_HPO_DP2_ENCODERS && dml2->v20.scratch.hpo_stream_to_link_encoder_mapping[location] != -1)
 			out->OutputEncoder[dml2->v20.scratch.hpo_stream_to_link_encoder_mapping[location]] = dml_dp2p0;
@@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ void map_dc_state_into_dml_display_cfg(struct dml2_context *dml2, struct dc_stat
 		if (disp_cfg_stream_location < 0)
 			disp_cfg_stream_location = dml_dispcfg->num_timings++;
-		ASSERT(disp_cfg_stream_location >= 0 && disp_cfg_stream_location <= __DML2_WRAPPER_MAX_STREAMS_PLANES__);
+		ASSERT(disp_cfg_stream_location >= 0 && disp_cfg_stream_location < __DML2_WRAPPER_MAX_STREAMS_PLANES__);
 		populate_dml_timing_cfg_from_stream_state(&dml_dispcfg->timing, disp_cfg_stream_location, context->streams[i]);
 		populate_dml_output_cfg_from_stream_state(&dml_dispcfg->output, disp_cfg_stream_location, context->streams[i], current_pipe_context, dml2);
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ void map_dc_state_into_dml_display_cfg(struct dml2_context *dml2, struct dc_stat
 				if (disp_cfg_plane_location < 0)
 					disp_cfg_plane_location = dml_dispcfg->num_surfaces++;
-				ASSERT(disp_cfg_plane_location >= 0 && disp_cfg_plane_location <= __DML2_WRAPPER_MAX_STREAMS_PLANES__);
+				ASSERT(disp_cfg_plane_location >= 0 && disp_cfg_plane_location < __DML2_WRAPPER_MAX_STREAMS_PLANES__);
 				populate_dml_surface_cfg_from_plane_state(dml2->v20.dml_core_ctx.project, &dml_dispcfg->surface, disp_cfg_plane_location, context->stream_status[i].plane_states[j]);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn30/dcn30_hubbub.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn30/dcn30_hubbub.c
index fe741100c0f8..d347bb06577a 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn30/dcn30_hubbub.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn30/dcn30_hubbub.c
@@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ bool hubbub3_program_watermarks(
-	hubbub1_allow_self_refresh_control(hubbub, !hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.disable_stutter);
+	if (safe_to_lower || hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.disable_stutter)
+		hubbub1_allow_self_refresh_control(hubbub, !hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.disable_stutter);
 	return wm_pending;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn31/dcn31_hubbub.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn31/dcn31_hubbub.c
index 7fb5523f9722..b98505b240a7 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn31/dcn31_hubbub.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn31/dcn31_hubbub.c
@@ -750,7 +750,8 @@ static bool hubbub31_program_watermarks(
-	hubbub1_allow_self_refresh_control(hubbub, !hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.disable_stutter);
+	if (safe_to_lower || hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.disable_stutter)
+		hubbub1_allow_self_refresh_control(hubbub, !hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.disable_stutter);
 	return wm_pending;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn32/dcn32_hubbub.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn32/dcn32_hubbub.c
index 5264dc26cce1..32a6be543105 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn32/dcn32_hubbub.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn32/dcn32_hubbub.c
@@ -786,7 +786,8 @@ static bool hubbub32_program_watermarks(
-	hubbub1_allow_self_refresh_control(hubbub, !hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.disable_stutter);
+	if (safe_to_lower || hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.disable_stutter)
+		hubbub1_allow_self_refresh_control(hubbub, !hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.disable_stutter);
 	hubbub32_force_usr_retraining_allow(hubbub, hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.force_usr_allow);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn35/dcn35_hubbub.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn35/dcn35_hubbub.c
index 5eb3da8d5206..dce7269959ce 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn35/dcn35_hubbub.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubbub/dcn35/dcn35_hubbub.c
@@ -326,7 +326,8 @@ static bool hubbub35_program_watermarks(
-	hubbub1_allow_self_refresh_control(hubbub, !hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.disable_stutter);
+	if (safe_to_lower || hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.disable_stutter)
+		hubbub1_allow_self_refresh_control(hubbub, !hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.disable_stutter);
 	hubbub32_force_usr_retraining_allow(hubbub, hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.force_usr_allow);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubp/dcn30/dcn30_hubp.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubp/dcn30/dcn30_hubp.c
index be0ac613675a..0da70b50e86d 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubp/dcn30/dcn30_hubp.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubp/dcn30/dcn30_hubp.c
@@ -500,6 +500,8 @@ void hubp3_init(struct hubp *hubp)
 	//hubp[i].HUBPREQ_DEBUG.HUBPREQ_DEBUG[26] = 1;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubp/dcn32/dcn32_hubp.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubp/dcn32/dcn32_hubp.c
index edd37898d550..f3a21c623f44 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubp/dcn32/dcn32_hubp.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hubp/dcn32/dcn32_hubp.c
@@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ void hubp32_init(struct hubp *hubp)
 	struct dcn20_hubp *hubp2 = TO_DCN20_HUBP(hubp);
 static struct hubp_funcs dcn32_hubp_funcs = {
 	.hubp_enable_tripleBuffer = hubp2_enable_triplebuffer,
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hwss/dcn35/dcn35_hwseq.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hwss/dcn35/dcn35_hwseq.c
index 623cde76debf..b907ad1acedd 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hwss/dcn35/dcn35_hwseq.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/hwss/dcn35/dcn35_hwseq.c
@@ -236,7 +236,8 @@ void dcn35_init_hw(struct dc *dc)
 		hws->funcs.init_pipes(dc, dc->current_state);
-		if (dc->res_pool->hubbub->funcs->allow_self_refresh_control)
+		if (dc->res_pool->hubbub->funcs->allow_self_refresh_control &&
+			!dc->res_pool->hubbub->ctx->dc->debug.disable_stutter)
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/arm/display/komeda/komeda_wb_connector.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/arm/display/komeda/komeda_wb_connector.c
index ebccb74306a7..f30b3d5eeca5 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/arm/display/komeda/komeda_wb_connector.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/arm/display/komeda/komeda_wb_connector.c
@@ -160,6 +160,10 @@ static int komeda_wb_connector_add(struct komeda_kms_dev *kms,
 	formats = komeda_get_layer_fourcc_list(&mdev->fmt_tbl,
+	if (!formats) {
+		kfree(kwb_conn);
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
 	err = drm_writeback_connector_init(&kms->base, wb_conn,
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_dp.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_dp.c
index 0e282b7b167c..b9eb67e3fa90 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_dp.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_dp.c
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ static bool __ast_dp_wait_enable(struct ast_device *ast, bool enabled)
 	if (enabled)
 		vgacrdf_test |= AST_IO_VGACRDF_DP_VIDEO_ENABLE;
-	for (i = 0; i < 200; ++i) {
+	for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
 		if (i)
 		vgacrdf = ast_get_index_reg_mask(ast, AST_IO_VGACRI, 0xdf,
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/display/drm_dp_cec.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/display/drm_dp_cec.c
index 007ceb281d00..56a4965e518c 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/display/drm_dp_cec.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/display/drm_dp_cec.c
@@ -311,16 +311,6 @@ void drm_dp_cec_attach(struct drm_dp_aux *aux, u16 source_physical_address)
 	if (!aux->transfer)
-	/*
-	 * CEC_CAP_RC is part of CEC_CAP_DEFAULTS, but it is stripped by
-	 * cec_allocate_adapter() if CONFIG_MEDIA_CEC_RC is undefined.
-	 *
-	 * Do this here as well to ensure the tests against cec_caps are
-	 * correct.
-	 */
-	cec_caps &= ~CEC_CAP_RC;
@@ -337,7 +327,9 @@ void drm_dp_cec_attach(struct drm_dp_aux *aux, u16 source_physical_address)
 		num_las = CEC_MAX_LOG_ADDRS;
 	if (aux->cec.adap) {
-		if (aux->cec.adap->capabilities == cec_caps &&
+		/* Check if the adapter properties have changed */
+		if ((aux->cec.adap->capabilities & CEC_CAP_MONITOR_ALL) ==
+		    (cec_caps & CEC_CAP_MONITOR_ALL) &&
 		    aux->cec.adap->available_log_addrs == num_las) {
 			/* Unchanged, so just set the phys addr */
 			cec_s_phys_addr(aux->cec.adap, source_physical_address, false);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_backlight.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_backlight.c
index fc1e517e074a..7e6ce905bdaf 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_backlight.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_backlight.c
@@ -41,8 +41,9 @@ static u32 scale(u32 source_val,
 	u64 target_val;
-	WARN_ON(source_min > source_max);
-	WARN_ON(target_min > target_max);
+	if (WARN_ON(source_min >= source_max) ||
+	    WARN_ON(target_min > target_max))
+		return target_min;
 	/* defensive */
 	source_val = clamp(source_val, source_min, source_max);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_dp.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_dp.c
index f1f3b1bb1e89..aa77ddcee42c 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_dp.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_dp.c
@@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@ int intel_dp_dsc_max_src_input_bpc(struct intel_display *display)
 	if (DISPLAY_VER(display) == 11)
 		return 10;
-	return 0;
+	return intel_dp_dsc_min_src_input_bpc();
 int intel_dp_dsc_compute_max_bpp(const struct intel_connector *connector,
@@ -2072,11 +2072,10 @@ icl_dsc_compute_link_config(struct intel_dp *intel_dp,
 	/* Compressed BPP should be less than the Input DSC bpp */
 	dsc_max_bpp = min(dsc_max_bpp, pipe_bpp - 1);
-	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(valid_dsc_bpp); i++) {
-		if (valid_dsc_bpp[i] < dsc_min_bpp)
+	for (i = ARRAY_SIZE(valid_dsc_bpp) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+		if (valid_dsc_bpp[i] < dsc_min_bpp ||
+		    valid_dsc_bpp[i] > dsc_max_bpp)
-		if (valid_dsc_bpp[i] > dsc_max_bpp)
-			break;
 		ret = dsc_compute_link_config(intel_dp,
@@ -2829,7 +2828,6 @@ static void intel_dp_compute_as_sdp(struct intel_dp *intel_dp,
 	crtc_state->infoframes.enable |= intel_hdmi_infoframe_enable(DP_SDP_ADAPTIVE_SYNC);
-	/* Currently only DP_AS_SDP_AVT_FIXED_VTOTAL mode supported */
 	as_sdp->sdp_type = DP_SDP_ADAPTIVE_SYNC;
 	as_sdp->length = 0x9;
 	as_sdp->duration_incr_ms = 0;
@@ -2840,7 +2838,7 @@ static void intel_dp_compute_as_sdp(struct intel_dp *intel_dp,
 		as_sdp->target_rr = drm_mode_vrefresh(adjusted_mode);
 		as_sdp->target_rr_divider = true;
 	} else {
-		as_sdp->mode = DP_AS_SDP_AVT_FIXED_VTOTAL;
+		as_sdp->mode = DP_AS_SDP_AVT_DYNAMIC_VTOTAL;
 		as_sdp->vtotal = adjusted_mode->vtotal;
 		as_sdp->target_rr = 0;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_dp_mst.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_dp_mst.c
index 0c44fc7dd86c..a65cf97ad12d 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_dp_mst.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_dp_mst.c
@@ -341,6 +341,10 @@ int intel_dp_mtp_tu_compute_config(struct intel_dp *intel_dp,
+		/* Allow using zero step to indicate one try */
+		if (!step)
+			break;
 	if (slots < 0) {
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_hdcp.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_hdcp.c
index 7464b44c8bb3..1bab7c34a794 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_hdcp.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_hdcp.c
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ intel_hdcp_adjust_hdcp_line_rekeying(struct intel_encoder *encoder,
 	u32 rekey_bit = 0;
 	/* Here we assume HDMI is in TMDS mode of operation */
-	if (encoder->type != INTEL_OUTPUT_HDMI)
+	if (!intel_encoder_is_hdmi(encoder))
 	if (DISPLAY_VER(display) >= 30) {
@@ -2188,6 +2188,19 @@ static int intel_hdcp2_check_link(struct intel_connector *connector)
 			    "HDCP2.2 Downstream topology change\n");
+		ret = hdcp2_authenticate_repeater_topology(connector);
+		if (!ret) {
+			intel_hdcp_update_value(connector,
+						true);
+			goto out;
+		}
+		drm_dbg_kms(display->drm,
+			    "[CONNECTOR:%d:%s] Repeater topology auth failed.(%d)\n",
+			    connector->base.base.id, connector->base.name,
+			    ret);
 	} else {
 			    "[CONNECTOR:%d:%s] HDCP2.2 link failed, retrying auth\n",
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/skl_universal_plane.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/skl_universal_plane.c
index ff9764cac1e7..80e558042d97 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/skl_universal_plane.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/skl_universal_plane.c
@@ -106,8 +106,6 @@ static const u32 icl_sdr_y_plane_formats[] = {
-	DRM_FORMAT_XVYU12_16161616,
-	DRM_FORMAT_XVYU16161616,
 static const u32 icl_sdr_uv_plane_formats[] = {
@@ -134,8 +132,6 @@ static const u32 icl_sdr_uv_plane_formats[] = {
-	DRM_FORMAT_XVYU12_16161616,
-	DRM_FORMAT_XVYU16161616,
 static const u32 icl_hdr_plane_formats[] = {
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_shmem.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_shmem.c
index fe69f2c8527d..ae3343c81a64 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_shmem.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_shmem.c
@@ -209,8 +209,6 @@ static int shmem_get_pages(struct drm_i915_gem_object *obj)
 	struct address_space *mapping = obj->base.filp->f_mapping;
 	unsigned int max_segment = i915_sg_segment_size(i915->drm.dev);
 	struct sg_table *st;
-	struct sgt_iter sgt_iter;
-	struct page *page;
 	int ret;
@@ -239,9 +237,7 @@ static int shmem_get_pages(struct drm_i915_gem_object *obj)
 		 * for PAGE_SIZE chunks instead may be helpful.
 		if (max_segment > PAGE_SIZE) {
-			for_each_sgt_page(page, sgt_iter, st)
-				put_page(page);
-			sg_free_table(st);
+			shmem_sg_free_table(st, mapping, false, false);
 			max_segment = PAGE_SIZE;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/uc/intel_guc_submission.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/uc/intel_guc_submission.c
index 12f1ba7ca9c1..cc05bd9e43b4 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/uc/intel_guc_submission.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/uc/intel_guc_submission.c
@@ -1469,6 +1469,19 @@ static void __reset_guc_busyness_stats(struct intel_guc *guc)
 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&guc->timestamp.lock, flags);
+static void __update_guc_busyness_running_state(struct intel_guc *guc)
+	struct intel_gt *gt = guc_to_gt(guc);
+	struct intel_engine_cs *engine;
+	enum intel_engine_id id;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&guc->timestamp.lock, flags);
+	for_each_engine(engine, gt, id)
+		engine->stats.guc.running = false;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&guc->timestamp.lock, flags);
 static void __update_guc_busyness_stats(struct intel_guc *guc)
 	struct intel_gt *gt = guc_to_gt(guc);
@@ -1619,6 +1632,9 @@ void intel_guc_busyness_park(struct intel_gt *gt)
 	if (!guc_submission_initialized(guc))
+	/* Assume no engines are running and set running state to false */
+	__update_guc_busyness_running_state(guc);
 	 * There is a race with suspend flow where the worker runs after suspend
 	 * and causes an unclaimed register access warning. Cancel the worker
@@ -5519,12 +5535,20 @@ static inline void guc_log_context(struct drm_printer *p,
 	drm_printf(p, "GuC lrc descriptor %u:\n", ce->guc_id.id);
 	drm_printf(p, "\tHW Context Desc: 0x%08x\n", ce->lrc.lrca);
-	drm_printf(p, "\t\tLRC Head: Internal %u, Memory %u\n",
-		   ce->ring->head,
-		   ce->lrc_reg_state[CTX_RING_HEAD]);
-	drm_printf(p, "\t\tLRC Tail: Internal %u, Memory %u\n",
-		   ce->ring->tail,
-		   ce->lrc_reg_state[CTX_RING_TAIL]);
+	if (intel_context_pin_if_active(ce)) {
+		drm_printf(p, "\t\tLRC Head: Internal %u, Memory %u\n",
+			   ce->ring->head,
+			   ce->lrc_reg_state[CTX_RING_HEAD]);
+		drm_printf(p, "\t\tLRC Tail: Internal %u, Memory %u\n",
+			   ce->ring->tail,
+			   ce->lrc_reg_state[CTX_RING_TAIL]);
+		intel_context_unpin(ce);
+	} else {
+		drm_printf(p, "\t\tLRC Head: Internal %u, Memory not pinned\n",
+			   ce->ring->head);
+		drm_printf(p, "\t\tLRC Tail: Internal %u, Memory not pinned\n",
+			   ce->ring->tail);
+	}
 	drm_printf(p, "\t\tContext Pin Count: %u\n",
 	drm_printf(p, "\t\tGuC ID Ref Count: %u\n",
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/regs/xe_oa_regs.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/regs/xe_oa_regs.h
index a49561e9f3c3..a79ad2da070c 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/regs/xe_oa_regs.h
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/regs/xe_oa_regs.h
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@
 /* Common to all OA units */
@@ -78,6 +82,8 @@
 #define OAM_CONTROL_OFFSET			(0x194)
 #define OAM_DEBUG_OFFSET			(0x198)
 #define OAM_STATUS_OFFSET			(0x19c)
 #define OAM_MMIO_TRG_OFFSET			(0x1d0)
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_devcoredump.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_devcoredump.c
index 81dc7795c065..39fe485d2085 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_devcoredump.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_devcoredump.c
@@ -119,11 +119,7 @@ static ssize_t __xe_devcoredump_read(char *buffer, size_t count,
 	drm_puts(&p, "\n**** GuC CT ****\n");
 	xe_guc_ct_snapshot_print(ss->guc.ct, &p);
-	/*
-	 * Don't add a new section header here because the mesa debug decoder
-	 * tool expects the context information to be in the 'GuC CT' section.
-	 */
-	/* drm_puts(&p, "\n**** Contexts ****\n"); */
+	drm_puts(&p, "\n**** Contexts ****\n");
 	xe_guc_exec_queue_snapshot_print(ss->ge, &p);
 	drm_puts(&p, "\n**** Job ****\n");
@@ -395,42 +391,34 @@ int xe_devcoredump_init(struct xe_device *xe)
  * xe_print_blob_ascii85 - print a BLOB to some useful location in ASCII85
- * The output is split to multiple lines because some print targets, e.g. dmesg
- * cannot handle arbitrarily long lines. Note also that printing to dmesg in
- * piece-meal fashion is not possible, each separate call to drm_puts() has a
- * line-feed automatically added! Therefore, the entire output line must be
- * constructed in a local buffer first, then printed in one atomic output call.
+ * The output is split into multiple calls to drm_puts() because some print
+ * targets, e.g. dmesg, cannot handle arbitrarily long lines. These targets may
+ * add newlines, as is the case with dmesg: each drm_puts() call creates a
+ * separate line.
  * There is also a scheduler yield call to prevent the 'task has been stuck for
  * 120s' kernel hang check feature from firing when printing to a slow target
  * such as dmesg over a serial port.
- * TODO: Add compression prior to the ASCII85 encoding to shrink huge buffers down.
- *
  * @p: the printer object to output to
  * @prefix: optional prefix to add to output string
+ * @suffix: optional suffix to add at the end. 0 disables it and is
+ *          not added to the output, which is useful when using multiple calls
+ *          to dump data to @p
  * @blob: the Binary Large OBject to dump out
  * @offset: offset in bytes to skip from the front of the BLOB, must be a multiple of sizeof(u32)
  * @size: the size in bytes of the BLOB, must be a multiple of sizeof(u32)
-void xe_print_blob_ascii85(struct drm_printer *p, const char *prefix,
+void xe_print_blob_ascii85(struct drm_printer *p, const char *prefix, char suffix,
 			   const void *blob, size_t offset, size_t size)
 	const u32 *blob32 = (const u32 *)blob;
 	char buff[ASCII85_BUFSZ], *line_buff;
 	size_t line_pos = 0;
-	/*
-	 * Splitting blobs across multiple lines is not compatible with the mesa
-	 * debug decoder tool. Note that even dropping the explicit '\n' below
-	 * doesn't help because the GuC log is so big some underlying implementation
-	 * still splits the lines at 512K characters. So just bail completely for
-	 * the moment.
-	 */
-	return;
 #define DMESG_MAX_LINE_LEN	800
-#define MIN_SPACE		(ASCII85_BUFSZ + 2)		/* 85 + "\n\0" */
+	/* Always leave space for the suffix char and the \0 */
+#define MIN_SPACE		(ASCII85_BUFSZ + 2)	/* 85 + "<suffix>\0" */
 	if (size & 3)
 		drm_printf(p, "Size not word aligned: %zu", size);
@@ -462,7 +450,6 @@ void xe_print_blob_ascii85(struct drm_printer *p, const char *prefix,
 		line_pos += strlen(line_buff + line_pos);
 		if ((line_pos + MIN_SPACE) >= DMESG_MAX_LINE_LEN) {
-			line_buff[line_pos++] = '\n';
 			line_buff[line_pos++] = 0;
 			drm_puts(p, line_buff);
@@ -474,10 +461,11 @@ void xe_print_blob_ascii85(struct drm_printer *p, const char *prefix,
+	if (suffix)
+		line_buff[line_pos++] = suffix;
 	if (line_pos) {
-		line_buff[line_pos++] = '\n';
 		line_buff[line_pos++] = 0;
 		drm_puts(p, line_buff);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_devcoredump.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_devcoredump.h
index 6a17e6d60102..5391a80a4d1b 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_devcoredump.h
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_devcoredump.h
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ static inline int xe_devcoredump_init(struct xe_device *xe)
-void xe_print_blob_ascii85(struct drm_printer *p, const char *prefix,
+void xe_print_blob_ascii85(struct drm_printer *p, const char *prefix, char suffix,
 			   const void *blob, size_t offset, size_t size);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gt.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gt.c
index 26e64530ada2..5d6fb79957b6 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gt.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gt.c
@@ -532,8 +532,10 @@ static int all_fw_domain_init(struct xe_gt *gt)
 	if (IS_SRIOV_PF(gt_to_xe(gt)) && !xe_gt_is_media_type(gt))
-	if (IS_SRIOV_PF(gt_to_xe(gt)))
+	if (IS_SRIOV_PF(gt_to_xe(gt))) {
+		xe_gt_sriov_pf_init(gt);
+	}
 	xe_force_wake_put(gt_to_fw(gt), fw_ref);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gt_sriov_pf.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gt_sriov_pf.c
index e71fc3d2bda2..6f906c8e8108 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gt_sriov_pf.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gt_sriov_pf.c
@@ -68,6 +68,19 @@ int xe_gt_sriov_pf_init_early(struct xe_gt *gt)
 	return 0;
+ * xe_gt_sriov_pf_init - Prepare SR-IOV PF data structures on PF.
+ * @gt: the &xe_gt to initialize
+ *
+ * Late one-time initialization of the PF data.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
+ */
+int xe_gt_sriov_pf_init(struct xe_gt *gt)
+	return xe_gt_sriov_pf_migration_init(gt);
 static bool pf_needs_enable_ggtt_guest_update(struct xe_device *xe)
 	return GRAPHICS_VERx100(xe) == 1200;
@@ -90,7 +103,6 @@ void xe_gt_sriov_pf_init_hw(struct xe_gt *gt)
-	xe_gt_sriov_pf_migration_init(gt);
 static u32 pf_get_vf_regs_stride(struct xe_device *xe)
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gt_sriov_pf.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gt_sriov_pf.h
index 96fab779a906..f474509411c0 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gt_sriov_pf.h
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_gt_sriov_pf.h
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ struct xe_gt;
 int xe_gt_sriov_pf_init_early(struct xe_gt *gt);
+int xe_gt_sriov_pf_init(struct xe_gt *gt);
 void xe_gt_sriov_pf_init_hw(struct xe_gt *gt);
 void xe_gt_sriov_pf_sanitize_hw(struct xe_gt *gt, unsigned int vfid);
 void xe_gt_sriov_pf_restart(struct xe_gt *gt);
@@ -19,6 +20,11 @@ static inline int xe_gt_sriov_pf_init_early(struct xe_gt *gt)
 	return 0;
+static inline int xe_gt_sriov_pf_init(struct xe_gt *gt)
+	return 0;
 static inline void xe_gt_sriov_pf_init_hw(struct xe_gt *gt)
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_ct.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_ct.c
index 8b65c5e959cc..50c8076b5158 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_ct.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_ct.c
@@ -1724,7 +1724,8 @@ void xe_guc_ct_snapshot_print(struct xe_guc_ct_snapshot *snapshot,
 		if (snapshot->ctb)
-			xe_print_blob_ascii85(p, "CTB data", snapshot->ctb, 0, snapshot->ctb_size);
+			xe_print_blob_ascii85(p, "CTB data", '\n',
+					      snapshot->ctb, 0, snapshot->ctb_size);
 	} else {
 		drm_puts(p, "CT disabled\n");
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_log.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_log.c
index df4cfb698cdb..2baa4d95571f 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_log.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_guc_log.c
@@ -211,8 +211,10 @@ void xe_guc_log_snapshot_print(struct xe_guc_log_snapshot *snapshot, struct drm_
 	remain = snapshot->size;
 	for (i = 0; i < snapshot->num_chunks; i++) {
 		size_t size = min(GUC_LOG_CHUNK_SIZE, remain);
+		const char *prefix = i ? NULL : "Log data";
+		char suffix = i == snapshot->num_chunks - 1 ? '\n' : 0;
-		xe_print_blob_ascii85(p, i ? NULL : "Log data", snapshot->copy[i], 0, size);
+		xe_print_blob_ascii85(p, prefix, suffix, snapshot->copy[i], 0, size);
 		remain -= size;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_oa.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_oa.c
index eeb96b5f49e2..fa873f3d0a9d 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_oa.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/xe/xe_oa.c
@@ -237,7 +237,6 @@ static bool xe_oa_buffer_check_unlocked(struct xe_oa_stream *stream)
 	u32 tail, hw_tail, partial_report_size, available;
 	int report_size = stream->oa_buffer.format->size;
 	unsigned long flags;
-	bool pollin;
 	spin_lock_irqsave(&stream->oa_buffer.ptr_lock, flags);
@@ -282,11 +281,11 @@ static bool xe_oa_buffer_check_unlocked(struct xe_oa_stream *stream)
 	stream->oa_buffer.tail = tail;
 	available = xe_oa_circ_diff(stream, stream->oa_buffer.tail, stream->oa_buffer.head);
-	pollin = available >= stream->wait_num_reports * report_size;
+	stream->pollin = available >= stream->wait_num_reports * report_size;
 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&stream->oa_buffer.ptr_lock, flags);
-	return pollin;
+	return stream->pollin;
 static enum hrtimer_restart xe_oa_poll_check_timer_cb(struct hrtimer *hrtimer)
@@ -294,10 +293,8 @@ static enum hrtimer_restart xe_oa_poll_check_timer_cb(struct hrtimer *hrtimer)
 	struct xe_oa_stream *stream =
 		container_of(hrtimer, typeof(*stream), poll_check_timer);
-	if (xe_oa_buffer_check_unlocked(stream)) {
-		stream->pollin = true;
+	if (xe_oa_buffer_check_unlocked(stream))
-	}
 	hrtimer_forward_now(hrtimer, ns_to_ktime(stream->poll_period_ns));
@@ -452,6 +449,12 @@ static u32 __oa_ccs_select(struct xe_oa_stream *stream)
 	return val;
+static u32 __oactrl_used_bits(struct xe_oa_stream *stream)
+	return stream->hwe->oa_unit->type == DRM_XE_OA_UNIT_TYPE_OAG ?
 static void xe_oa_enable(struct xe_oa_stream *stream)
 	const struct xe_oa_format *format = stream->oa_buffer.format;
@@ -472,14 +475,14 @@ static void xe_oa_enable(struct xe_oa_stream *stream)
 	    stream->hwe->oa_unit->type == DRM_XE_OA_UNIT_TYPE_OAG)
-	xe_mmio_write32(&stream->gt->mmio, regs->oa_ctrl, val);
+	xe_mmio_rmw32(&stream->gt->mmio, regs->oa_ctrl, __oactrl_used_bits(stream), val);
 static void xe_oa_disable(struct xe_oa_stream *stream)
 	struct xe_mmio *mmio = &stream->gt->mmio;
-	xe_mmio_write32(mmio, __oa_regs(stream)->oa_ctrl, 0);
+	xe_mmio_rmw32(mmio, __oa_regs(stream)->oa_ctrl, __oactrl_used_bits(stream), 0);
 	if (xe_mmio_wait32(mmio, __oa_regs(stream)->oa_ctrl,
 			   OAG_OACONTROL_OA_COUNTER_ENABLE, 0, 50000, NULL, false))
@@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ static void __xe_oa_init_oa_units(struct xe_gt *gt)
 			u->type = DRM_XE_OA_UNIT_TYPE_OAM;
+		xe_mmio_write32(&gt->mmio, u->regs.oa_ctrl, 0);
 		/* Ensure MMIO trigger remains disabled till there is a stream */
 		xe_mmio_write32(&gt->mmio, u->regs.oa_debug,
 				oag_configure_mmio_trigger(NULL, false));
diff --git a/drivers/i2c/i2c-core-base.c b/drivers/i2c/i2c-core-base.c
index 5546184df05f..35a221e2c11c 100644
--- a/drivers/i2c/i2c-core-base.c
+++ b/drivers/i2c/i2c-core-base.c
@@ -1300,12 +1300,14 @@ new_device_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
 		info.flags |= I2C_CLIENT_SLAVE;
-	info.flags |= I2C_CLIENT_USER;
 	client = i2c_new_client_device(adap, &info);
 	if (IS_ERR(client))
 		return PTR_ERR(client);
+	/* Keep track of the added device */
+	mutex_lock(&adap->userspace_clients_lock);
+	list_add_tail(&client->detected, &adap->userspace_clients);
+	mutex_unlock(&adap->userspace_clients_lock);
 	dev_info(dev, "%s: Instantiated device %s at 0x%02hx\n", "new_device",
 		 info.type, info.addr);
@@ -1313,15 +1315,6 @@ new_device_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
 static DEVICE_ATTR_WO(new_device);
-static int __i2c_find_user_addr(struct device *dev, const void *addrp)
-	struct i2c_client *client = i2c_verify_client(dev);
-	unsigned short addr = *(unsigned short *)addrp;
-	return client && client->flags & I2C_CLIENT_USER &&
-	       i2c_encode_flags_to_addr(client) == addr;
  * And of course let the users delete the devices they instantiated, if
  * they got it wrong. This interface can only be used to delete devices
@@ -1336,7 +1329,7 @@ delete_device_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
 		    const char *buf, size_t count)
 	struct i2c_adapter *adap = to_i2c_adapter(dev);
-	struct device *child_dev;
+	struct i2c_client *client, *next;
 	unsigned short addr;
 	char end;
 	int res;
@@ -1352,19 +1345,28 @@ delete_device_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
 		return -EINVAL;
-	mutex_lock(&core_lock);
 	/* Make sure the device was added through sysfs */
-	child_dev = device_find_child(&adap->dev, &addr, __i2c_find_user_addr);
-	if (child_dev) {
-		i2c_unregister_device(i2c_verify_client(child_dev));
-		put_device(child_dev);
-	} else {
-		dev_err(dev, "Can't find userspace-created device at %#x\n", addr);
-		count = -ENOENT;
+	res = -ENOENT;
+	mutex_lock_nested(&adap->userspace_clients_lock,
+			  i2c_adapter_depth(adap));
+	list_for_each_entry_safe(client, next, &adap->userspace_clients,
+				 detected) {
+		if (i2c_encode_flags_to_addr(client) == addr) {
+			dev_info(dev, "%s: Deleting device %s at 0x%02hx\n",
+				 "delete_device", client->name, client->addr);
+			list_del(&client->detected);
+			i2c_unregister_device(client);
+			res = count;
+			break;
+		}
-	mutex_unlock(&core_lock);
+	mutex_unlock(&adap->userspace_clients_lock);
-	return count;
+	if (res < 0)
+		dev_err(dev, "%s: Can't find device in list\n",
+			"delete_device");
+	return res;
@@ -1535,6 +1537,8 @@ static int i2c_register_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
 	adap->locked_flags = 0;
+	mutex_init(&adap->userspace_clients_lock);
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&adap->userspace_clients);
 	/* Set default timeout to 1 second if not already set */
 	if (adap->timeout == 0)
@@ -1700,6 +1704,23 @@ int i2c_add_numbered_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
+static void i2c_do_del_adapter(struct i2c_driver *driver,
+			      struct i2c_adapter *adapter)
+	struct i2c_client *client, *_n;
+	/* Remove the devices we created ourselves as the result of hardware
+	 * probing (using a driver's detect method) */
+	list_for_each_entry_safe(client, _n, &driver->clients, detected) {
+		if (client->adapter == adapter) {
+			dev_dbg(&adapter->dev, "Removing %s at 0x%x\n",
+				client->name, client->addr);
+			list_del(&client->detected);
+			i2c_unregister_device(client);
+		}
+	}
 static int __unregister_client(struct device *dev, void *dummy)
 	struct i2c_client *client = i2c_verify_client(dev);
@@ -1715,6 +1736,12 @@ static int __unregister_dummy(struct device *dev, void *dummy)
 	return 0;
+static int __process_removed_adapter(struct device_driver *d, void *data)
+	i2c_do_del_adapter(to_i2c_driver(d), data);
+	return 0;
  * i2c_del_adapter - unregister I2C adapter
  * @adap: the adapter being unregistered
@@ -1726,6 +1753,7 @@ static int __unregister_dummy(struct device *dev, void *dummy)
 void i2c_del_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
 	struct i2c_adapter *found;
+	struct i2c_client *client, *next;
 	/* First make sure that this adapter was ever added */
@@ -1737,16 +1765,31 @@ void i2c_del_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
+	/* Tell drivers about this removal */
+	mutex_lock(&core_lock);
+	bus_for_each_drv(&i2c_bus_type, NULL, adap,
+			       __process_removed_adapter);
+	mutex_unlock(&core_lock);
+	/* Remove devices instantiated from sysfs */
+	mutex_lock_nested(&adap->userspace_clients_lock,
+			  i2c_adapter_depth(adap));
+	list_for_each_entry_safe(client, next, &adap->userspace_clients,
+				 detected) {
+		dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "Removing %s at 0x%x\n", client->name,
+			client->addr);
+		list_del(&client->detected);
+		i2c_unregister_device(client);
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&adap->userspace_clients_lock);
 	/* Detach any active clients. This can't fail, thus we do not
 	 * check the returned value. This is a two-pass process, because
 	 * we can't remove the dummy devices during the first pass: they
 	 * could have been instantiated by real devices wishing to clean
 	 * them up properly, so we give them a chance to do that first. */
-	mutex_lock(&core_lock);
 	device_for_each_child(&adap->dev, NULL, __unregister_client);
 	device_for_each_child(&adap->dev, NULL, __unregister_dummy);
-	mutex_unlock(&core_lock);
 	/* device name is gone after device_unregister */
 	dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "adapter [%s] unregistered\n", adap->name);
@@ -1966,6 +2009,7 @@ int i2c_register_driver(struct module *owner, struct i2c_driver *driver)
 	/* add the driver to the list of i2c drivers in the driver core */
 	driver->driver.owner = owner;
 	driver->driver.bus = &i2c_bus_type;
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&driver->clients);
 	/* When registration returns, the driver core
 	 * will have called probe() for all matching-but-unbound devices.
@@ -1983,13 +2027,10 @@ int i2c_register_driver(struct module *owner, struct i2c_driver *driver)
-static int __i2c_unregister_detected_client(struct device *dev, void *argp)
+static int __process_removed_driver(struct device *dev, void *data)
-	struct i2c_client *client = i2c_verify_client(dev);
-	if (client && client->flags & I2C_CLIENT_AUTO)
-		i2c_unregister_device(client);
+	if (dev->type == &i2c_adapter_type)
+		i2c_do_del_adapter(data, to_i2c_adapter(dev));
 	return 0;
@@ -2000,12 +2041,7 @@ static int __i2c_unregister_detected_client(struct device *dev, void *argp)
 void i2c_del_driver(struct i2c_driver *driver)
-	mutex_lock(&core_lock);
-	/* Satisfy __must_check, function can't fail */
-	if (driver_for_each_device(&driver->driver, NULL, NULL,
-				   __i2c_unregister_detected_client)) {
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&core_lock);
+	i2c_for_each_dev(driver, __process_removed_driver);
 	pr_debug("driver [%s] unregistered\n", driver->driver.name);
@@ -2432,7 +2468,6 @@ static int i2c_detect_address(struct i2c_client *temp_client,
 	/* Finally call the custom detection function */
 	memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct i2c_board_info));
 	info.addr = addr;
-	info.flags = I2C_CLIENT_AUTO;
 	err = driver->detect(temp_client, &info);
 	if (err) {
 		/* -ENODEV is returned if the detection fails. We catch it
@@ -2459,7 +2494,9 @@ static int i2c_detect_address(struct i2c_client *temp_client,
 		dev_dbg(&adapter->dev, "Creating %s at 0x%02x\n",
 			info.type, info.addr);
 		client = i2c_new_client_device(adapter, &info);
-		if (IS_ERR(client))
+		if (!IS_ERR(client))
+			list_add_tail(&client->detected, &driver->clients);
+		else
 			dev_err(&adapter->dev, "Failed creating %s at 0x%02x\n",
 				info.type, info.addr);
diff --git a/drivers/irqchip/Kconfig b/drivers/irqchip/Kconfig
index be063bfb50c4..c11b9965c4ad 100644
--- a/drivers/irqchip/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/irqchip/Kconfig
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ config IXP4XX_IRQ
 config LAN966X_OIC
 	tristate "Microchip LAN966x OIC Support"
+	depends on MCHP_LAN966X_PCI || COMPILE_TEST
 	select IRQ_DOMAIN
diff --git a/drivers/irqchip/irq-apple-aic.c b/drivers/irqchip/irq-apple-aic.c
index da5250f0155c..2b1684c60e3c 100644
--- a/drivers/irqchip/irq-apple-aic.c
+++ b/drivers/irqchip/irq-apple-aic.c
@@ -577,7 +577,8 @@ static void __exception_irq_entry aic_handle_fiq(struct pt_regs *regs)
-	if (read_sysreg_s(SYS_IMP_APL_PMCR0_EL1) & PMCR0_IACT) {
+	if ((read_sysreg_s(SYS_IMP_APL_PMCR0_EL1) & (PMCR0_IMODE | PMCR0_IACT)) ==
 		int irq;
 		if (cpumask_test_cpu(smp_processor_id(),
diff --git a/drivers/irqchip/irq-mvebu-icu.c b/drivers/irqchip/irq-mvebu-icu.c
index b337f6c05f18..4eebed39880a 100644
--- a/drivers/irqchip/irq-mvebu-icu.c
+++ b/drivers/irqchip/irq-mvebu-icu.c
@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ static int mvebu_icu_translate(struct irq_domain *d, struct irq_fwspec *fwspec,
 			       unsigned long *hwirq, unsigned int *type)
 	unsigned int param_count = static_branch_unlikely(&legacy_bindings) ? 3 : 2;
-	struct mvebu_icu_msi_data *msi_data = d->host_data;
+	struct msi_domain_info *info = d->host_data;
+	struct mvebu_icu_msi_data *msi_data = info->chip_data;
 	struct mvebu_icu *icu = msi_data->icu;
 	/* Check the count of the parameters in dt */
diff --git a/drivers/irqchip/irq-partition-percpu.c b/drivers/irqchip/irq-partition-percpu.c
index 8e76d2913e6b..4441ffe149ea 100644
--- a/drivers/irqchip/irq-partition-percpu.c
+++ b/drivers/irqchip/irq-partition-percpu.c
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ static void partition_irq_print_chip(struct irq_data *d, struct seq_file *p)
 	struct irq_chip *chip = irq_desc_get_chip(part->chained_desc);
 	struct irq_data *data = irq_desc_get_irq_data(part->chained_desc);
-	seq_printf(p, " %5s-%lu", chip->name, data->hwirq);
+	seq_printf(p, "%5s-%lu", chip->name, data->hwirq);
 static struct irq_chip partition_irq_chip = {
diff --git a/drivers/irqchip/irq-riscv-imsic-early.c b/drivers/irqchip/irq-riscv-imsic-early.c
index c5c2e6929a2f..275df5005705 100644
--- a/drivers/irqchip/irq-riscv-imsic-early.c
+++ b/drivers/irqchip/irq-riscv-imsic-early.c
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ static void imsic_ipi_send(unsigned int cpu)
 	struct imsic_local_config *local = per_cpu_ptr(imsic->global.local, cpu);
-	writel_relaxed(IMSIC_IPI_ID, local->msi_va);
+	writel(IMSIC_IPI_ID, local->msi_va);
 static void imsic_ipi_starting_cpu(void)
diff --git a/drivers/irqchip/irq-thead-c900-aclint-sswi.c b/drivers/irqchip/irq-thead-c900-aclint-sswi.c
index b0e366ade427..8ff6e7a1363b 100644
--- a/drivers/irqchip/irq-thead-c900-aclint-sswi.c
+++ b/drivers/irqchip/irq-thead-c900-aclint-sswi.c
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ static DEFINE_PER_CPU(void __iomem *, sswi_cpu_regs);
 static void thead_aclint_sswi_ipi_send(unsigned int cpu)
-	writel_relaxed(0x1, per_cpu(sswi_cpu_regs, cpu));
+	writel(0x1, per_cpu(sswi_cpu_regs, cpu));
 static void thead_aclint_sswi_ipi_clear(void)
diff --git a/drivers/md/md-linear.c b/drivers/md/md-linear.c
index a382929ce7ba..369aed044b40 100644
--- a/drivers/md/md-linear.c
+++ b/drivers/md/md-linear.c
@@ -76,10 +76,8 @@ static int linear_set_limits(struct mddev *mddev)
 	lim.max_write_zeroes_sectors = mddev->chunk_sectors;
 	lim.io_min = mddev->chunk_sectors << 9;
 	err = mddev_stack_rdev_limits(mddev, &lim, MDDEV_STACK_INTEGRITY);
-	if (err) {
-		queue_limits_cancel_update(mddev->gendisk->queue);
+	if (err)
 		return err;
-	}
 	return queue_limits_set(mddev->gendisk->queue, &lim);
diff --git a/drivers/message/fusion/mptscsih.c b/drivers/message/fusion/mptscsih.c
index a9604ba3c805..3a64dc7a7e27 100644
--- a/drivers/message/fusion/mptscsih.c
+++ b/drivers/message/fusion/mptscsih.c
@@ -1843,65 +1843,6 @@ mptscsih_dev_reset(struct scsi_cmnd * SCpnt)
 		return FAILED;
- *	mptscsih_target_reset - Perform a SCSI TARGET_RESET!
- *	@SCpnt: Pointer to scsi_cmnd structure, IO which reset is due to
- *
- *	(linux scsi_host_template.eh_target_reset_handler routine)
- *
- *	Returns SUCCESS or FAILED.
- **/
-mptscsih_target_reset(struct scsi_cmnd * SCpnt)
-	int		 retval;
-	VirtDevice	 *vdevice;
-	/* If we can't locate our host adapter structure, return FAILED status.
-	 */
-	if ((hd = shost_priv(SCpnt->device->host)) == NULL){
-		printk(KERN_ERR MYNAM ": target reset: "
-		   "Can't locate host! (sc=%p)\n", SCpnt);
-		return FAILED;
-	}
-	ioc = hd->ioc;
-	printk(MYIOC_s_INFO_FMT "attempting target reset! (sc=%p)\n",
-	       ioc->name, SCpnt);
-	scsi_print_command(SCpnt);
-	vdevice = SCpnt->device->hostdata;
-	if (!vdevice || !vdevice->vtarget) {
-		retval = 0;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Target reset to hidden raid component is not supported
-	 */
-	if (vdevice->vtarget->tflags & MPT_TARGET_FLAGS_RAID_COMPONENT) {
-		retval = FAILED;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	retval = mptscsih_IssueTaskMgmt(hd,
-				vdevice->vtarget->channel,
-				vdevice->vtarget->id, 0, 0,
-				mptscsih_get_tm_timeout(ioc));
- out:
-	printk (MYIOC_s_INFO_FMT "target reset: %s (sc=%p)\n",
-	    ioc->name, ((retval == 0) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED" ), SCpnt);
-	if (retval == 0)
-		return SUCCESS;
-	else
-		return FAILED;
@@ -2915,14 +2856,14 @@ mptscsih_do_cmd(MPT_SCSI_HOST *hd, INTERNAL_CMD *io)
 		timeout = 10;
-	case RESERVE:
+	case RESERVE_6:
 		cmdLen = 6;
 		CDB[0] = cmd;
 		timeout = 10;
-	case RELEASE:
+	case RELEASE_6:
 		cmdLen = 6;
 		CDB[0] = cmd;
@@ -3306,7 +3247,6 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(mptscsih_sdev_destroy);
diff --git a/drivers/message/fusion/mptscsih.h b/drivers/message/fusion/mptscsih.h
index ece451c575e1..8c2bb2331fc1 100644
--- a/drivers/message/fusion/mptscsih.h
+++ b/drivers/message/fusion/mptscsih.h
@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ extern int mptscsih_sdev_configure(struct scsi_device *device,
 				   struct queue_limits *lim);
 extern int mptscsih_abort(struct scsi_cmnd * SCpnt);
 extern int mptscsih_dev_reset(struct scsi_cmnd * SCpnt);
-extern int mptscsih_target_reset(struct scsi_cmnd * SCpnt);
 extern int mptscsih_bus_reset(struct scsi_cmnd * SCpnt);
 extern int mptscsih_host_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt);
 extern int mptscsih_bios_param(struct scsi_device * sdev, struct block_device *bdev, sector_t capacity, int geom[]);
diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/aquantia/atlantic/aq_nic.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/aquantia/atlantic/aq_nic.c
index fe0e3e2a8117..71e50fc65c14 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/aquantia/atlantic/aq_nic.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/aquantia/atlantic/aq_nic.c
@@ -1441,7 +1441,9 @@ void aq_nic_deinit(struct aq_nic_s *self, bool link_down)
-	if (likely(self->aq_fw_ops->deinit) && link_down) {
+	/* May be invoked during hot unplug. */
+	if (pci_device_is_present(self->pdev) &&
+	    likely(self->aq_fw_ops->deinit) && link_down) {
diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/genet/bcmgenet_wol.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/genet/bcmgenet_wol.c
index 0715ea5bf13e..3b082114f2e5 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/genet/bcmgenet_wol.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/genet/bcmgenet_wol.c
@@ -41,9 +41,12 @@ void bcmgenet_get_wol(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_wolinfo *wol)
 	struct bcmgenet_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
 	struct device *kdev = &priv->pdev->dev;
+	u32 phy_wolopts = 0;
-	if (dev->phydev)
+	if (dev->phydev) {
 		phy_ethtool_get_wol(dev->phydev, wol);
+		phy_wolopts = wol->wolopts;
+	}
 	/* MAC is not wake-up capable, return what the PHY does */
 	if (!device_can_wakeup(kdev))
@@ -51,9 +54,14 @@ void bcmgenet_get_wol(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_wolinfo *wol)
 	/* Overlay MAC capabilities with that of the PHY queried before */
-	wol->wolopts = priv->wolopts;
-	memset(wol->sopass, 0, sizeof(wol->sopass));
+	wol->wolopts |= priv->wolopts;
+	/* Return the PHY configured magic password */
+	if (phy_wolopts & WAKE_MAGICSECURE)
+		return;
+	/* Otherwise the MAC one */
+	memset(wol->sopass, 0, sizeof(wol->sopass));
 	if (wol->wolopts & WAKE_MAGICSECURE)
 		memcpy(wol->sopass, priv->sopass, sizeof(priv->sopass));
@@ -70,7 +78,7 @@ int bcmgenet_set_wol(struct net_device *dev, struct ethtool_wolinfo *wol)
 	/* Try Wake-on-LAN from the PHY first */
 	if (dev->phydev) {
 		ret = phy_ethtool_set_wol(dev->phydev, wol);
-		if (ret != -EOPNOTSUPP)
+		if (ret != -EOPNOTSUPP && wol->wolopts)
 			return ret;
diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/tg3.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/tg3.c
index 1c94bf1db718..d9d675f1ebfe 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/tg3.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/tg3.c
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
 #include <linux/hwmon.h>
 #include <linux/hwmon-sysfs.h>
 #include <linux/crc32poly.h>
+#include <linux/dmi.h>
 #include <net/checksum.h>
 #include <net/gso.h>
@@ -18212,6 +18213,50 @@ static int tg3_resume(struct device *device)
 static SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(tg3_pm_ops, tg3_suspend, tg3_resume);
+/* Systems where ACPI _PTS (Prepare To Sleep) S5 will result in a fatal
+ * PCIe AER event on the tg3 device if the tg3 device is not, or cannot
+ * be, powered down.
+ */
+static const struct dmi_system_id tg3_restart_aer_quirk_table[] = {
+	{
+		.matches = {
+			DMI_MATCH(DMI_PRODUCT_NAME, "PowerEdge R440"),
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		.matches = {
+			DMI_MATCH(DMI_PRODUCT_NAME, "PowerEdge R540"),
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		.matches = {
+			DMI_MATCH(DMI_PRODUCT_NAME, "PowerEdge R640"),
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		.matches = {
+			DMI_MATCH(DMI_PRODUCT_NAME, "PowerEdge R650"),
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		.matches = {
+			DMI_MATCH(DMI_PRODUCT_NAME, "PowerEdge R740"),
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		.matches = {
+			DMI_MATCH(DMI_PRODUCT_NAME, "PowerEdge R750"),
+		},
+	},
+	{}
 static void tg3_shutdown(struct pci_dev *pdev)
 	struct net_device *dev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
@@ -18228,6 +18273,19 @@ static void tg3_shutdown(struct pci_dev *pdev)
 	if (system_state == SYSTEM_POWER_OFF)
+	else if (system_state == SYSTEM_RESTART &&
+		 dmi_first_match(tg3_restart_aer_quirk_table) &&
+		 pdev->current_state != PCI_D3cold &&
+		 pdev->current_state != PCI_UNKNOWN) {
+		/* Disable PCIe AER on the tg3 to avoid a fatal
+		 * error during this system restart.
+		 */
+		pcie_capability_clear_word(pdev, PCI_EXP_DEVCTL,
+	}
diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/devlink/devlink.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/devlink/devlink.c
index d116e2b10bce..dbdb83567364 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/devlink/devlink.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/devlink/devlink.c
@@ -981,6 +981,9 @@ static int ice_devlink_rate_node_new(struct devlink_rate *rate_node, void **priv
 	/* preallocate memory for ice_sched_node */
 	node = devm_kzalloc(ice_hw_to_dev(pi->hw), sizeof(*node), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!node)
+		return -ENOMEM;
 	*priv = node;
 	return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_txrx.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_txrx.c
index 5d2d7736fd5f..9c9ea4c1b93b 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_txrx.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_txrx.c
@@ -527,15 +527,14 @@ int ice_setup_rx_ring(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring)
  * @xdp: xdp_buff used as input to the XDP program
  * @xdp_prog: XDP program to run
  * @xdp_ring: ring to be used for XDP_TX action
- * @rx_buf: Rx buffer to store the XDP action
  * @eop_desc: Last descriptor in packet to read metadata from
  * Returns any of ICE_XDP_{PASS, CONSUMED, TX, REDIR}
-static void
+static u32
 ice_run_xdp(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring, struct xdp_buff *xdp,
 	    struct bpf_prog *xdp_prog, struct ice_tx_ring *xdp_ring,
-	    struct ice_rx_buf *rx_buf, union ice_32b_rx_flex_desc *eop_desc)
+	    union ice_32b_rx_flex_desc *eop_desc)
 	unsigned int ret = ICE_XDP_PASS;
 	u32 act;
@@ -574,7 +573,7 @@ ice_run_xdp(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring, struct xdp_buff *xdp,
-	ice_set_rx_bufs_act(xdp, rx_ring, ret);
+	return ret;
@@ -860,10 +859,8 @@ ice_add_xdp_frag(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring, struct xdp_buff *xdp,
-	if (unlikely(sinfo->nr_frags == MAX_SKB_FRAGS)) {
-		ice_set_rx_bufs_act(xdp, rx_ring, ICE_XDP_CONSUMED);
+	if (unlikely(sinfo->nr_frags == MAX_SKB_FRAGS))
 		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
 	__skb_fill_page_desc_noacc(sinfo, sinfo->nr_frags++, rx_buf->page,
 				   rx_buf->page_offset, size);
@@ -924,7 +921,6 @@ ice_get_rx_buf(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring, const unsigned int size,
 	struct ice_rx_buf *rx_buf;
 	rx_buf = &rx_ring->rx_buf[ntc];
-	rx_buf->pgcnt = page_count(rx_buf->page);
 	if (!size)
@@ -940,6 +936,31 @@ ice_get_rx_buf(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring, const unsigned int size,
 	return rx_buf;
+ * ice_get_pgcnts - grab page_count() for gathered fragments
+ * @rx_ring: Rx descriptor ring to store the page counts on
+ *
+ * This function is intended to be called right before running XDP
+ * program so that the page recycling mechanism will be able to take
+ * a correct decision regarding underlying pages; this is done in such
+ * way as XDP program can change the refcount of page
+ */
+static void ice_get_pgcnts(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring)
+	u32 nr_frags = rx_ring->nr_frags + 1;
+	u32 idx = rx_ring->first_desc;
+	struct ice_rx_buf *rx_buf;
+	u32 cnt = rx_ring->count;
+	for (int i = 0; i < nr_frags; i++) {
+		rx_buf = &rx_ring->rx_buf[idx];
+		rx_buf->pgcnt = page_count(rx_buf->page);
+		if (++idx == cnt)
+			idx = 0;
+	}
  * ice_build_skb - Build skb around an existing buffer
  * @rx_ring: Rx descriptor ring to transact packets on
@@ -1051,12 +1072,12 @@ ice_construct_skb(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring, struct xdp_buff *xdp)
 				rx_buf->page_offset + headlen, size,
 	} else {
-		/* buffer is unused, change the act that should be taken later
-		 * on; data was copied onto skb's linear part so there's no
+		/* buffer is unused, restore biased page count in Rx buffer;
+		 * data was copied onto skb's linear part so there's no
 		 * need for adjusting page offset and we can reuse this buffer
 		 * as-is
-		rx_buf->act = ICE_SKB_CONSUMED;
+		rx_buf->pagecnt_bias++;
 	if (unlikely(xdp_buff_has_frags(xdp))) {
@@ -1103,6 +1124,65 @@ ice_put_rx_buf(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring, struct ice_rx_buf *rx_buf)
 	rx_buf->page = NULL;
+ * ice_put_rx_mbuf - ice_put_rx_buf() caller, for all frame frags
+ * @rx_ring: Rx ring with all the auxiliary data
+ * @xdp: XDP buffer carrying linear + frags part
+ * @xdp_xmit: XDP_TX/XDP_REDIRECT verdict storage
+ * @ntc: a current next_to_clean value to be stored at rx_ring
+ * @verdict: return code from XDP program execution
+ *
+ * Walk through gathered fragments and satisfy internal page
+ * recycle mechanism; we take here an action related to verdict
+ * returned by XDP program;
+ */
+static void ice_put_rx_mbuf(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring, struct xdp_buff *xdp,
+			    u32 *xdp_xmit, u32 ntc, u32 verdict)
+	u32 nr_frags = rx_ring->nr_frags + 1;
+	u32 idx = rx_ring->first_desc;
+	u32 cnt = rx_ring->count;
+	u32 post_xdp_frags = 1;
+	struct ice_rx_buf *buf;
+	int i;
+	if (unlikely(xdp_buff_has_frags(xdp)))
+		post_xdp_frags += xdp_get_shared_info_from_buff(xdp)->nr_frags;
+	for (i = 0; i < post_xdp_frags; i++) {
+		buf = &rx_ring->rx_buf[idx];
+		if (verdict & (ICE_XDP_TX | ICE_XDP_REDIR)) {
+			ice_rx_buf_adjust_pg_offset(buf, xdp->frame_sz);
+			*xdp_xmit |= verdict;
+		} else if (verdict & ICE_XDP_CONSUMED) {
+			buf->pagecnt_bias++;
+		} else if (verdict == ICE_XDP_PASS) {
+			ice_rx_buf_adjust_pg_offset(buf, xdp->frame_sz);
+		}
+		ice_put_rx_buf(rx_ring, buf);
+		if (++idx == cnt)
+			idx = 0;
+	}
+	/* handle buffers that represented frags released by XDP prog;
+	 * for these we keep pagecnt_bias as-is; refcount from struct page
+	 * has been decremented within XDP prog and we do not have to increase
+	 * the biased refcnt
+	 */
+	for (; i < nr_frags; i++) {
+		buf = &rx_ring->rx_buf[idx];
+		ice_put_rx_buf(rx_ring, buf);
+		if (++idx == cnt)
+			idx = 0;
+	}
+	xdp->data = NULL;
+	rx_ring->first_desc = ntc;
+	rx_ring->nr_frags = 0;
  * ice_clean_rx_irq - Clean completed descriptors from Rx ring - bounce buf
  * @rx_ring: Rx descriptor ring to transact packets on
@@ -1120,15 +1200,13 @@ int ice_clean_rx_irq(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring, int budget)
 	unsigned int total_rx_bytes = 0, total_rx_pkts = 0;
 	unsigned int offset = rx_ring->rx_offset;
 	struct xdp_buff *xdp = &rx_ring->xdp;
-	u32 cached_ntc = rx_ring->first_desc;
 	struct ice_tx_ring *xdp_ring = NULL;
 	struct bpf_prog *xdp_prog = NULL;
 	u32 ntc = rx_ring->next_to_clean;
+	u32 cached_ntu, xdp_verdict;
 	u32 cnt = rx_ring->count;
 	u32 xdp_xmit = 0;
-	u32 cached_ntu;
 	bool failure;
-	u32 first;
 	xdp_prog = READ_ONCE(rx_ring->xdp_prog);
 	if (xdp_prog) {
@@ -1190,6 +1268,7 @@ int ice_clean_rx_irq(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring, int budget)
 			xdp_prepare_buff(xdp, hard_start, offset, size, !!offset);
 		} else if (ice_add_xdp_frag(rx_ring, xdp, rx_buf, size)) {
+			ice_put_rx_mbuf(rx_ring, xdp, NULL, ntc, ICE_XDP_CONSUMED);
 		if (++ntc == cnt)
@@ -1199,15 +1278,15 @@ int ice_clean_rx_irq(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring, int budget)
 		if (ice_is_non_eop(rx_ring, rx_desc))
-		ice_run_xdp(rx_ring, xdp, xdp_prog, xdp_ring, rx_buf, rx_desc);
-		if (rx_buf->act == ICE_XDP_PASS)
+		ice_get_pgcnts(rx_ring);
+		xdp_verdict = ice_run_xdp(rx_ring, xdp, xdp_prog, xdp_ring, rx_desc);
+		if (xdp_verdict == ICE_XDP_PASS)
 			goto construct_skb;
 		total_rx_bytes += xdp_get_buff_len(xdp);
-		xdp->data = NULL;
-		rx_ring->first_desc = ntc;
-		rx_ring->nr_frags = 0;
+		ice_put_rx_mbuf(rx_ring, xdp, &xdp_xmit, ntc, xdp_verdict);
 		if (likely(ice_ring_uses_build_skb(rx_ring)))
@@ -1217,18 +1296,12 @@ int ice_clean_rx_irq(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring, int budget)
 		/* exit if we failed to retrieve a buffer */
 		if (!skb) {
-			rx_buf->act = ICE_XDP_CONSUMED;
-			if (unlikely(xdp_buff_has_frags(xdp)))
-				ice_set_rx_bufs_act(xdp, rx_ring,
-						    ICE_XDP_CONSUMED);
-			xdp->data = NULL;
-			rx_ring->first_desc = ntc;
-			rx_ring->nr_frags = 0;
-			break;
+			xdp_verdict = ICE_XDP_CONSUMED;
-		xdp->data = NULL;
-		rx_ring->first_desc = ntc;
-		rx_ring->nr_frags = 0;
+		ice_put_rx_mbuf(rx_ring, xdp, &xdp_xmit, ntc, xdp_verdict);
+		if (!skb)
+			break;
 		stat_err_bits = BIT(ICE_RX_FLEX_DESC_STATUS0_RXE_S);
 		if (unlikely(ice_test_staterr(rx_desc->wb.status_error0,
@@ -1257,23 +1330,6 @@ int ice_clean_rx_irq(struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring, int budget)
-	first = rx_ring->first_desc;
-	while (cached_ntc != first) {
-		struct ice_rx_buf *buf = &rx_ring->rx_buf[cached_ntc];
-		if (buf->act & (ICE_XDP_TX | ICE_XDP_REDIR)) {
-			ice_rx_buf_adjust_pg_offset(buf, xdp->frame_sz);
-			xdp_xmit |= buf->act;
-		} else if (buf->act & ICE_XDP_CONSUMED) {
-			buf->pagecnt_bias++;
-		} else if (buf->act == ICE_XDP_PASS) {
-			ice_rx_buf_adjust_pg_offset(buf, xdp->frame_sz);
-		}
-		ice_put_rx_buf(rx_ring, buf);
-		if (++cached_ntc >= cnt)
-			cached_ntc = 0;
-	}
 	rx_ring->next_to_clean = ntc;
 	/* return up to cleaned_count buffers to hardware */
 	failure = ice_alloc_rx_bufs(rx_ring, ICE_RX_DESC_UNUSED(rx_ring));
diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_txrx.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_txrx.h
index cb347c852ba9..806bce701df3 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_txrx.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_txrx.h
@@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ struct ice_rx_buf {
 	struct page *page;
 	unsigned int page_offset;
 	unsigned int pgcnt;
-	unsigned int act;
 	unsigned int pagecnt_bias;
diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_txrx_lib.h b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_txrx_lib.h
index 79f960c6680d..6cf32b404127 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_txrx_lib.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_txrx_lib.h
@@ -5,49 +5,6 @@
 #define _ICE_TXRX_LIB_H_
 #include "ice.h"
- * ice_set_rx_bufs_act - propagate Rx buffer action to frags
- * @xdp: XDP buffer representing frame (linear and frags part)
- * @rx_ring: Rx ring struct
- * act: action to store onto Rx buffers related to XDP buffer parts
- *
- * Set action that should be taken before putting Rx buffer from first frag
- * to the last.
- */
-static inline void
-ice_set_rx_bufs_act(struct xdp_buff *xdp, const struct ice_rx_ring *rx_ring,
-		    const unsigned int act)
-	u32 sinfo_frags = xdp_get_shared_info_from_buff(xdp)->nr_frags;
-	u32 nr_frags = rx_ring->nr_frags + 1;
-	u32 idx = rx_ring->first_desc;
-	u32 cnt = rx_ring->count;
-	struct ice_rx_buf *buf;
-	for (int i = 0; i < nr_frags; i++) {
-		buf = &rx_ring->rx_buf[idx];
-		buf->act = act;
-		if (++idx == cnt)
-			idx = 0;
-	}
-	/* adjust pagecnt_bias on frags freed by XDP prog */
-	if (sinfo_frags < rx_ring->nr_frags && act == ICE_XDP_CONSUMED) {
-		u32 delta = rx_ring->nr_frags - sinfo_frags;
-		while (delta) {
-			if (idx == 0)
-				idx = cnt - 1;
-			else
-				idx--;
-			buf = &rx_ring->rx_buf[idx];
-			buf->pagecnt_bias--;
-			delta--;
-		}
-	}
  * ice_test_staterr - tests bits in Rx descriptor status and error fields
  * @status_err_n: Rx descriptor status_error0 or status_error1 bits
diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_main.c
index d04543e5697b..b34ebb916b89 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_main.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac_main.c
@@ -2424,6 +2424,11 @@ static void stmmac_dma_operation_mode(struct stmmac_priv *priv)
 	u32 chan = 0;
 	u8 qmode = 0;
+	if (rxfifosz == 0)
+		rxfifosz = priv->dma_cap.rx_fifo_size;
+	if (txfifosz == 0)
+		txfifosz = priv->dma_cap.tx_fifo_size;
 	/* Split up the shared Tx/Rx FIFO memory on DW QoS Eth and DW XGMAC */
 	if (priv->plat->has_gmac4 || priv->plat->has_xgmac) {
 		rxfifosz /= rx_channels_count;
@@ -2892,6 +2897,11 @@ static void stmmac_set_dma_operation_mode(struct stmmac_priv *priv, u32 txmode,
 	int rxfifosz = priv->plat->rx_fifo_size;
 	int txfifosz = priv->plat->tx_fifo_size;
+	if (rxfifosz == 0)
+		rxfifosz = priv->dma_cap.rx_fifo_size;
+	if (txfifosz == 0)
+		txfifosz = priv->dma_cap.tx_fifo_size;
 	/* Adjust for real per queue fifo size */
 	rxfifosz /= rx_channels_count;
 	txfifosz /= tx_channels_count;
@@ -5868,6 +5878,9 @@ static int stmmac_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu)
 	const int mtu = new_mtu;
 	int ret;
+	if (txfifosz == 0)
+		txfifosz = priv->dma_cap.tx_fifo_size;
 	txfifosz /= priv->plat->tx_queues_to_use;
 	if (stmmac_xdp_is_enabled(priv) && new_mtu > ETH_DATA_LEN) {
@@ -7219,29 +7232,15 @@ static int stmmac_hw_init(struct stmmac_priv *priv)
 		priv->plat->tx_queues_to_use = priv->dma_cap.number_tx_queues;
-	if (!priv->plat->rx_fifo_size) {
-		if (priv->dma_cap.rx_fifo_size) {
-			priv->plat->rx_fifo_size = priv->dma_cap.rx_fifo_size;
-		} else {
-			dev_err(priv->device, "Can't specify Rx FIFO size\n");
-			return -ENODEV;
-		}
-	} else if (priv->dma_cap.rx_fifo_size &&
-		   priv->plat->rx_fifo_size > priv->dma_cap.rx_fifo_size) {
+	if (priv->dma_cap.rx_fifo_size &&
+	    priv->plat->rx_fifo_size > priv->dma_cap.rx_fifo_size) {
 			 "Rx FIFO size (%u) exceeds dma capability\n",
 		priv->plat->rx_fifo_size = priv->dma_cap.rx_fifo_size;
-	if (!priv->plat->tx_fifo_size) {
-		if (priv->dma_cap.tx_fifo_size) {
-			priv->plat->tx_fifo_size = priv->dma_cap.tx_fifo_size;
-		} else {
-			dev_err(priv->device, "Can't specify Tx FIFO size\n");
-			return -ENODEV;
-		}
-	} else if (priv->dma_cap.tx_fifo_size &&
-		   priv->plat->tx_fifo_size > priv->dma_cap.tx_fifo_size) {
+	if (priv->dma_cap.tx_fifo_size &&
+	    priv->plat->tx_fifo_size > priv->dma_cap.tx_fifo_size) {
 			 "Tx FIFO size (%u) exceeds dma capability\n",
diff --git a/drivers/net/tun.c b/drivers/net/tun.c
index 28624cca91f8..acf96f262488 100644
--- a/drivers/net/tun.c
+++ b/drivers/net/tun.c
@@ -574,18 +574,14 @@ static u16 tun_select_queue(struct net_device *dev, struct sk_buff *skb,
 	return ret;
-static inline bool tun_capable(struct tun_struct *tun)
+static inline bool tun_not_capable(struct tun_struct *tun)
 	const struct cred *cred = current_cred();
 	struct net *net = dev_net(tun->dev);
-	if (ns_capable(net->user_ns, CAP_NET_ADMIN))
-		return 1;
-	if (uid_valid(tun->owner) && uid_eq(cred->euid, tun->owner))
-		return 1;
-	if (gid_valid(tun->group) && in_egroup_p(tun->group))
-		return 1;
-	return 0;
+	return ((uid_valid(tun->owner) && !uid_eq(cred->euid, tun->owner)) ||
+		(gid_valid(tun->group) && !in_egroup_p(tun->group))) &&
+		!ns_capable(net->user_ns, CAP_NET_ADMIN);
 static void tun_set_real_num_queues(struct tun_struct *tun)
@@ -2782,7 +2778,7 @@ static int tun_set_iff(struct net *net, struct file *file, struct ifreq *ifr)
 		    !!(tun->flags & IFF_MULTI_QUEUE))
 			return -EINVAL;
-		if (!tun_capable(tun))
+		if (tun_not_capable(tun))
 			return -EPERM;
 		err = security_tun_dev_open(tun->security);
 		if (err < 0)
diff --git a/drivers/net/vmxnet3/vmxnet3_xdp.c b/drivers/net/vmxnet3/vmxnet3_xdp.c
index 1341374a4588..616ecc38d172 100644
--- a/drivers/net/vmxnet3/vmxnet3_xdp.c
+++ b/drivers/net/vmxnet3/vmxnet3_xdp.c
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ vmxnet3_xdp_get_tq(struct vmxnet3_adapter *adapter)
 	if (likely(cpu < tq_number))
 		tq = &adapter->tx_queue[cpu];
-		tq = &adapter->tx_queue[reciprocal_scale(cpu, tq_number)];
+		tq = &adapter->tx_queue[cpu % tq_number];
 	return tq;
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ vmxnet3_xdp_xmit_frame(struct vmxnet3_adapter *adapter,
 	u32 buf_size;
 	u32 dw2;
+	spin_lock_irq(&tq->tx_lock);
 	dw2 = (tq->tx_ring.gen ^ 0x1) << VMXNET3_TXD_GEN_SHIFT;
 	dw2 |= xdpf->len;
 	ctx.sop_txd = tq->tx_ring.base + tq->tx_ring.next2fill;
@@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ vmxnet3_xdp_xmit_frame(struct vmxnet3_adapter *adapter,
 	if (vmxnet3_cmd_ring_desc_avail(&tq->tx_ring) == 0) {
+		spin_unlock_irq(&tq->tx_lock);
 		return -ENOSPC;
@@ -142,8 +144,10 @@ vmxnet3_xdp_xmit_frame(struct vmxnet3_adapter *adapter,
 		tbi->dma_addr = dma_map_single(&adapter->pdev->dev,
 					       xdpf->data, buf_size,
-		if (dma_mapping_error(&adapter->pdev->dev, tbi->dma_addr))
+		if (dma_mapping_error(&adapter->pdev->dev, tbi->dma_addr)) {
+			spin_unlock_irq(&tq->tx_lock);
 			return -EFAULT;
+		}
 		tbi->map_type |= VMXNET3_MAP_SINGLE;
 	} else { /* XDP buffer from page pool */
 		page = virt_to_page(xdpf->data);
@@ -182,6 +186,7 @@ vmxnet3_xdp_xmit_frame(struct vmxnet3_adapter *adapter,
 	gdesc->dword[2] = cpu_to_le32(le32_to_cpu(gdesc->dword[2]) ^
+	spin_unlock_irq(&tq->tx_lock);
 	/* No need to handle the case when tx_num_deferred doesn't reach
 	 * threshold. Backend driver at hypervisor side will poll and reset
@@ -225,6 +230,7 @@ vmxnet3_xdp_xmit(struct net_device *dev,
 	struct vmxnet3_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(dev);
 	struct vmxnet3_tx_queue *tq;
+	struct netdev_queue *nq;
 	int i;
 	if (unlikely(test_bit(VMXNET3_STATE_BIT_QUIESCED, &adapter->state)))
@@ -236,6 +242,9 @@ vmxnet3_xdp_xmit(struct net_device *dev,
 	if (tq->stopped)
 		return -ENETDOWN;
+	nq = netdev_get_tx_queue(adapter->netdev, tq->qid);
+	__netif_tx_lock(nq, smp_processor_id());
 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 		if (vmxnet3_xdp_xmit_frame(adapter, frames[i], tq, true)) {
@@ -243,6 +252,7 @@ vmxnet3_xdp_xmit(struct net_device *dev,
 	tq->stats.xdp_xmit += i;
+	__netif_tx_unlock(nq);
 	return i;
diff --git a/drivers/nvme/host/core.c b/drivers/nvme/host/core.c
index 40046770f1bf..818d4e49aab5 100644
--- a/drivers/nvme/host/core.c
+++ b/drivers/nvme/host/core.c
@@ -1700,7 +1700,13 @@ int nvme_set_queue_count(struct nvme_ctrl *ctrl, int *count)
 	status = nvme_set_features(ctrl, NVME_FEAT_NUM_QUEUES, q_count, NULL, 0,
-	if (status < 0)
+	/*
+	 * It's either a kernel error or the host observed a connection
+	 * lost. In either case it's not possible communicate with the
+	 * controller and thus enter the error code path.
+	 */
+	if (status < 0 || status == NVME_SC_HOST_PATH_ERROR)
 		return status;
diff --git a/drivers/nvme/host/fc.c b/drivers/nvme/host/fc.c
index 094be164ffdc..f4f1866fbd5b 100644
--- a/drivers/nvme/host/fc.c
+++ b/drivers/nvme/host/fc.c
@@ -781,11 +781,19 @@ nvme_fc_abort_lsops(struct nvme_fc_rport *rport)
 static void
 nvme_fc_ctrl_connectivity_loss(struct nvme_fc_ctrl *ctrl)
+	enum nvme_ctrl_state state;
+	unsigned long flags;
 		"NVME-FC{%d}: controller connectivity lost. Awaiting "
 		"Reconnect", ctrl->cnum);
-	switch (nvme_ctrl_state(&ctrl->ctrl)) {
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&ctrl->lock, flags);
+	set_bit(ASSOC_FAILED, &ctrl->flags);
+	state = nvme_ctrl_state(&ctrl->ctrl);
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctrl->lock, flags);
+	switch (state) {
@@ -2079,7 +2087,8 @@ nvme_fc_fcpio_done(struct nvmefc_fcp_req *req)
-	if (terminate_assoc && ctrl->ctrl.state != NVME_CTRL_RESETTING)
+	if (terminate_assoc &&
+	    nvme_ctrl_state(&ctrl->ctrl) != NVME_CTRL_RESETTING)
 		queue_work(nvme_reset_wq, &ctrl->ioerr_work);
@@ -2533,6 +2542,8 @@ __nvme_fc_abort_outstanding_ios(struct nvme_fc_ctrl *ctrl, bool start_queues)
 static void
 nvme_fc_error_recovery(struct nvme_fc_ctrl *ctrl, char *errmsg)
+	enum nvme_ctrl_state state = nvme_ctrl_state(&ctrl->ctrl);
 	 * if an error (io timeout, etc) while (re)connecting, the remote
 	 * port requested terminating of the association (disconnect_ls)
@@ -2540,9 +2551,8 @@ nvme_fc_error_recovery(struct nvme_fc_ctrl *ctrl, char *errmsg)
 	 * the controller.  Abort any ios on the association and let the
 	 * create_association error path resolve things.
-	if (ctrl->ctrl.state == NVME_CTRL_CONNECTING) {
+	if (state == NVME_CTRL_CONNECTING) {
 		__nvme_fc_abort_outstanding_ios(ctrl, true);
-		set_bit(ASSOC_FAILED, &ctrl->flags);
 			"NVME-FC{%d}: transport error during (re)connect\n",
@@ -2550,7 +2560,7 @@ nvme_fc_error_recovery(struct nvme_fc_ctrl *ctrl, char *errmsg)
 	/* Otherwise, only proceed if in LIVE state - e.g. on first error */
-	if (ctrl->ctrl.state != NVME_CTRL_LIVE)
+	if (state != NVME_CTRL_LIVE)
@@ -3167,12 +3177,18 @@ nvme_fc_create_association(struct nvme_fc_ctrl *ctrl)
 			ret = nvme_fc_recreate_io_queues(ctrl);
-	if (!ret && test_bit(ASSOC_FAILED, &ctrl->flags))
-		ret = -EIO;
 	if (ret)
 		goto out_term_aen_ops;
-	changed = nvme_change_ctrl_state(&ctrl->ctrl, NVME_CTRL_LIVE);
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&ctrl->lock, flags);
+	if (!test_bit(ASSOC_FAILED, &ctrl->flags))
+		changed = nvme_change_ctrl_state(&ctrl->ctrl, NVME_CTRL_LIVE);
+	else
+		ret = -EIO;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctrl->lock, flags);
+	if (ret)
+		goto out_term_aen_ops;
 	ctrl->ctrl.nr_reconnects = 0;
@@ -3578,8 +3594,7 @@ nvme_fc_init_ctrl(struct device *dev, struct nvmf_ctrl_options *opts,
 	list_add_tail(&ctrl->ctrl_list, &rport->ctrl_list);
 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rport->lock, flags);
-	if (!nvme_change_ctrl_state(&ctrl->ctrl, NVME_CTRL_RESETTING) ||
-	    !nvme_change_ctrl_state(&ctrl->ctrl, NVME_CTRL_CONNECTING)) {
+	if (!nvme_change_ctrl_state(&ctrl->ctrl, NVME_CTRL_CONNECTING)) {
 			"NVME-FC{%d}: failed to init ctrl state\n", ctrl->cnum);
 		goto fail_ctrl;
diff --git a/drivers/nvme/host/pci.c b/drivers/nvme/host/pci.c
index 278bed4e35bb..9197a5b173fd 100644
--- a/drivers/nvme/host/pci.c
+++ b/drivers/nvme/host/pci.c
@@ -2153,14 +2153,6 @@ static int nvme_alloc_host_mem_multi(struct nvme_dev *dev, u64 preferred,
 	return 0;
-	while (--i >= 0) {
-		size_t size = le32_to_cpu(descs[i].size) * NVME_CTRL_PAGE_SIZE;
-		dma_free_attrs(dev->dev, size, bufs[i],
-			       le64_to_cpu(descs[i].addr),
-	}
 	dma_free_coherent(dev->dev, descs_size, descs, descs_dma);
@@ -3147,7 +3139,9 @@ static unsigned long check_vendor_combination_bug(struct pci_dev *pdev)
 		 * because of high power consumption (> 2 Watt) in s2idle
 		 * sleep. Only some boards with Intel CPU are affected.
-		if (dmi_match(DMI_BOARD_NAME, "GMxPXxx") ||
+		if (dmi_match(DMI_BOARD_NAME, "DN50Z-140HC-YD") ||
+		    dmi_match(DMI_BOARD_NAME, "GMxPXxx") ||
+		    dmi_match(DMI_BOARD_NAME, "GXxMRXx") ||
 		    dmi_match(DMI_BOARD_NAME, "PH4PG31") ||
 		    dmi_match(DMI_BOARD_NAME, "PH4PRX1_PH6PRX1") ||
 		    dmi_match(DMI_BOARD_NAME, "PH6PG01_PH6PG71"))
diff --git a/drivers/nvme/host/sysfs.c b/drivers/nvme/host/sysfs.c
index b68a9e5f1ea3..3a41b9ab0f13 100644
--- a/drivers/nvme/host/sysfs.c
+++ b/drivers/nvme/host/sysfs.c
@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ static umode_t nvme_tls_attrs_are_visible(struct kobject *kobj,
 	return a->mode;
-const struct attribute_group nvme_tls_attrs_group = {
+static const struct attribute_group nvme_tls_attrs_group = {
 	.attrs		= nvme_tls_attrs,
 	.is_visible	= nvme_tls_attrs_are_visible,
diff --git a/drivers/nvme/target/admin-cmd.c b/drivers/nvme/target/admin-cmd.c
index e670dc185a96..acc138bbf8f2 100644
--- a/drivers/nvme/target/admin-cmd.c
+++ b/drivers/nvme/target/admin-cmd.c
@@ -1068,6 +1068,7 @@ static void nvme_execute_identify_ns_nvm(struct nvmet_req *req)
 		goto out;
 	status = nvmet_copy_to_sgl(req, 0, id, sizeof(*id));
+	kfree(id);
 	nvmet_req_complete(req, status);
diff --git a/drivers/nvme/target/fabrics-cmd.c b/drivers/nvme/target/fabrics-cmd.c
index a7ff05b3be29..eb406c90c167 100644
--- a/drivers/nvme/target/fabrics-cmd.c
+++ b/drivers/nvme/target/fabrics-cmd.c
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ static void nvmet_execute_admin_connect(struct nvmet_req *req)
 	args.subsysnqn = d->subsysnqn;
 	args.hostnqn = d->hostnqn;
 	args.hostid = &d->hostid;
-	args.kato = c->kato;
+	args.kato = le32_to_cpu(c->kato);
 	ctrl = nvmet_alloc_ctrl(&args);
 	if (!ctrl)
diff --git a/drivers/nvme/target/io-cmd-bdev.c b/drivers/nvme/target/io-cmd-bdev.c
index c1f574fe3280..83be0657e6df 100644
--- a/drivers/nvme/target/io-cmd-bdev.c
+++ b/drivers/nvme/target/io-cmd-bdev.c
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ static void nvmet_bdev_execute_rw(struct nvmet_req *req)
 		iter_flags = SG_MITER_FROM_SG;
-	if (req->cmd->rw.control & NVME_RW_LR)
+	if (req->cmd->rw.control & cpu_to_le16(NVME_RW_LR))
 	if (is_pci_p2pdma_page(sg_page(req->sg)))
diff --git a/drivers/nvme/target/nvmet.h b/drivers/nvme/target/nvmet.h
index b540216c0c9a..4be8d22d2d8d 100644
--- a/drivers/nvme/target/nvmet.h
+++ b/drivers/nvme/target/nvmet.h
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ struct nvmet_alloc_ctrl_args {
 	const struct nvmet_fabrics_ops *ops;
 	struct device		*p2p_client;
 	u32			kato;
-	u32			result;
+	__le32			result;
 	u16			error_loc;
 	u16			status;
diff --git a/drivers/pci/pcie/aspm.c b/drivers/pci/pcie/aspm.c
index e0bc90597dca..da3e7edcf49d 100644
--- a/drivers/pci/pcie/aspm.c
+++ b/drivers/pci/pcie/aspm.c
@@ -108,9 +108,6 @@ void pci_save_aspm_l1ss_state(struct pci_dev *pdev)
 	pci_read_config_dword(pdev, pdev->l1ss + PCI_L1SS_CTL2, cap++);
 	pci_read_config_dword(pdev, pdev->l1ss + PCI_L1SS_CTL1, cap++);
-	if (parent->state_saved)
-		return;
 	 * Save parent's L1 substate configuration so we have it for
 	 * pci_restore_aspm_l1ss_state(pdev) to restore.
diff --git a/drivers/pci/tph.c b/drivers/pci/tph.c
index 1e604fbbda65..07de59ca2ebf 100644
--- a/drivers/pci/tph.c
+++ b/drivers/pci/tph.c
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ int pcie_tph_set_st_entry(struct pci_dev *pdev, unsigned int index, u16 tag)
 		return err;
-	set_ctrl_reg_req_en(pdev, pdev->tph_mode);
+	set_ctrl_reg_req_en(pdev, pdev->tph_req_type);
 	pci_dbg(pdev, "set steering tag: %s table, index=%d, tag=%#04x\n",
 		(loc == PCI_TPH_LOC_MSIX) ? "MSI-X" : "ST", index, tag);
diff --git a/drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c b/drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c
index dfb5d4b8c046..30bd366d7b58 100644
--- a/drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c
+++ b/drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c
@@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ static int ideapad_dytc_profile_init(struct ideapad_private *priv)
 	/* Create platform_profile structure and register */
 	priv->dytc->ppdev = devm_platform_profile_register(&priv->platform_device->dev,
-							   "ideapad-laptop", &priv->dytc,
+							   "ideapad-laptop", priv->dytc,
 	if (IS_ERR(priv->dytc->ppdev)) {
 		err = PTR_ERR(priv->dytc->ppdev);
diff --git a/drivers/platform/x86/intel/ifs/ifs.h b/drivers/platform/x86/intel/ifs/ifs.h
index 5c3c0dfa1bf8..f369fb0d3d82 100644
--- a/drivers/platform/x86/intel/ifs/ifs.h
+++ b/drivers/platform/x86/intel/ifs/ifs.h
@@ -23,12 +23,14 @@
  * IFS Image
  * ---------
- * Intel provides a firmware file containing the scan tests via
- * github [#f1]_.  Similar to microcode there is a separate file for each
+ * Intel provides firmware files containing the scan tests via the webpage [#f1]_.
+ * Look under "In-Field Scan Test Images Download" section towards the
+ * end of the page. Similar to microcode, there are separate files for each
  * family-model-stepping. IFS Images are not applicable for some test types.
  * Wherever applicable the sysfs directory would provide a "current_batch" file
  * (see below) for loading the image.
+ * .. [#f1] https://intel.com/InFieldScan
  * IFS Image Loading
  * -----------------
@@ -125,9 +127,6 @@
  * 2) Hardware allows for some number of cores to be tested in parallel.
  * The driver does not make use of this, it only tests one core at a time.
- * .. [#f1] https://github.com/intel/TBD
- *
- *
  * Structural Based Functional Test at Field (SBAF):
  * -------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/drivers/platform/x86/intel/pmc/core.c b/drivers/platform/x86/intel/pmc/core.c
index 10f04b944117..1ee0fb5f8250 100644
--- a/drivers/platform/x86/intel/pmc/core.c
+++ b/drivers/platform/x86/intel/pmc/core.c
@@ -626,8 +626,8 @@ static u32 convert_ltr_scale(u32 val)
 static int pmc_core_ltr_show(struct seq_file *s, void *unused)
 	struct pmc_dev *pmcdev = s->private;
-	u64 decoded_snoop_ltr, decoded_non_snoop_ltr;
-	u32 ltr_raw_data, scale, val;
+	u64 decoded_snoop_ltr, decoded_non_snoop_ltr, val;
+	u32 ltr_raw_data, scale;
 	u16 snoop_ltr, nonsnoop_ltr;
 	unsigned int i, index, ltr_index = 0;
diff --git a/drivers/pmdomain/core.c b/drivers/pmdomain/core.c
index 6c94137865c9..9b2f28b34bb5 100644
--- a/drivers/pmdomain/core.c
+++ b/drivers/pmdomain/core.c
@@ -697,6 +697,37 @@ bool dev_pm_genpd_get_hwmode(struct device *dev)
+ * dev_pm_genpd_rpm_always_on() - Control if the PM domain can be powered off.
+ *
+ * @dev: Device for which the PM domain may need to stay on for.
+ * @on: Value to set or unset for the condition.
+ *
+ * For some usecases a consumer driver requires its device to remain power-on
+ * from the PM domain perspective during runtime. This function allows the
+ * behaviour to be dynamically controlled for a device attached to a genpd.
+ *
+ * It is assumed that the users guarantee that the genpd wouldn't be detached
+ * while this routine is getting called.
+ *
+ * Return: Returns 0 on success and negative error values on failures.
+ */
+int dev_pm_genpd_rpm_always_on(struct device *dev, bool on)
+	struct generic_pm_domain *genpd;
+	genpd = dev_to_genpd_safe(dev);
+	if (!genpd)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	genpd_lock(genpd);
+	dev_gpd_data(dev)->rpm_always_on = on;
+	genpd_unlock(genpd);
+	return 0;
 static int _genpd_power_on(struct generic_pm_domain *genpd, bool timed)
 	unsigned int state_idx = genpd->state_idx;
@@ -868,6 +899,10 @@ static int genpd_power_off(struct generic_pm_domain *genpd, bool one_dev_on,
 		if (!pm_runtime_suspended(pdd->dev) ||
 			irq_safe_dev_in_sleep_domain(pdd->dev, genpd))
+		/* The device may need its PM domain to stay powered on. */
+		if (to_gpd_data(pdd)->rpm_always_on)
+			return -EBUSY;
 	if (not_suspended > 1 || (not_suspended == 1 && !one_dev_on))
diff --git a/drivers/pmdomain/rockchip/Kconfig b/drivers/pmdomain/rockchip/Kconfig
index b0d70f1a8439..7e4f9b628f0b 100644
--- a/drivers/pmdomain/rockchip/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/pmdomain/rockchip/Kconfig
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ if ARCH_ROCKCHIP || COMPILE_TEST
 	bool "Rockchip generic power domain"
 	depends on PM
 	  Say y here to enable power domain support.
diff --git a/drivers/pmdomain/rockchip/pm-domains.c b/drivers/pmdomain/rockchip/pm-domains.c
index cb0f93800138..27a5c68ff8ba 100644
--- a/drivers/pmdomain/rockchip/pm-domains.c
+++ b/drivers/pmdomain/rockchip/pm-domains.c
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2015 ROCKCHIP, Co. Ltd.
+#include <linux/arm-smccc.h>
 #include <linux/io.h>
 #include <linux/iopoll.h>
 #include <linux/err.h>
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@
 #include <linux/regmap.h>
 #include <linux/mfd/syscon.h>
 #include <soc/rockchip/pm_domains.h>
+#include <soc/rockchip/rockchip_sip.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/power/px30-power.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/power/rockchip,rv1126-power.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/power/rk3036-power.h>
@@ -540,6 +542,7 @@ static void rockchip_do_pmu_set_power_domain(struct rockchip_pm_domain *pd,
 	struct generic_pm_domain *genpd = &pd->genpd;
 	u32 pd_pwr_offset = pd->info->pwr_offset;
 	bool is_on, is_mem_on = false;
+	struct arm_smccc_res res;
 	if (pd->info->pwr_mask == 0)
@@ -567,6 +570,12 @@ static void rockchip_do_pmu_set_power_domain(struct rockchip_pm_domain *pd,
 			genpd->name, is_on);
+	/* Inform firmware to keep this pd on or off */
+	if (arm_smccc_1_1_get_conduit() != SMCCC_CONDUIT_NONE)
+				pmu->info->pwr_offset + pd_pwr_offset,
+				pd->info->pwr_mask, on, 0, 0, 0, &res);
 static int rockchip_pd_power(struct rockchip_pm_domain *pd, bool power_on)
diff --git a/drivers/powercap/powercap_sys.c b/drivers/powercap/powercap_sys.c
index 52c32dcbf7d8..4112a0097338 100644
--- a/drivers/powercap/powercap_sys.c
+++ b/drivers/powercap/powercap_sys.c
@@ -627,8 +627,7 @@ struct powercap_control_type *powercap_register_control_type(
 	dev_set_name(&control_type->dev, "%s", name);
 	result = device_register(&control_type->dev);
 	if (result) {
-		if (control_type->allocated)
-			kfree(control_type);
+		put_device(&control_type->dev);
 		return ERR_PTR(result);
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/Kconfig b/drivers/scsi/Kconfig
index 37c24ffea65c..5a3c670aec27 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/scsi/Kconfig
@@ -303,9 +303,9 @@ if SCSI_LOWLEVEL && SCSI
 config ISCSI_TCP
 	tristate "iSCSI Initiator over TCP/IP"
 	depends on SCSI && INET
+	select CRC32
 	select CRYPTO
 	select CRYPTO_MD5
-	select CRYPTO_CRC32C
 	 The iSCSI Driver provides a host with the ability to access storage
@@ -336,7 +336,6 @@ source "drivers/scsi/cxgbi/Kconfig"
 source "drivers/scsi/bnx2i/Kconfig"
 source "drivers/scsi/bnx2fc/Kconfig"
 source "drivers/scsi/be2iscsi/Kconfig"
-source "drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig"
 config SGIWD93_SCSI
 	tristate "SGI WD93C93 SCSI Driver"
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/Makefile b/drivers/scsi/Makefile
index 1313ddf2fd1a..16de3e41f94c 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/scsi/Makefile
@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_SYM53C8XX_2)	+= sym53c8xx_2/
 obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_ZALON)	+= zalon7xx.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_DC395x)	+= dc395x.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_AM53C974)	+= esp_scsi.o	am53c974.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_CXLFLASH)		+= cxlflash/
 obj-$(CONFIG_MEGARAID_LEGACY)	+= megaraid.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_MEGARAID_NEWGEN)	+= megaraid/
 obj-$(CONFIG_MEGARAID_SAS)	+= megaraid/
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/aacraid/aachba.c b/drivers/scsi/aacraid/aachba.c
index abf6a82b74af..0be719f38377 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/aacraid/aachba.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/aacraid/aachba.c
@@ -3221,8 +3221,8 @@ int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd * scsicmd)
-	case RESERVE:
-	case RELEASE:
+	case RESERVE_6:
+	case RELEASE_6:
 	case SEEK_10:
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/aacraid/linit.c b/drivers/scsi/aacraid/linit.c
index 91170a67cc91..4b12e6dd8f07 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/aacraid/linit.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/aacraid/linit.c
@@ -2029,7 +2029,7 @@ static void aac_pci_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev)
 	dev_err(&pdev->dev, "aacraid: PCI error - resume\n");
-static struct pci_error_handlers aac_pci_err_handler = {
+static const struct pci_error_handlers aac_pci_err_handler = {
 	.error_detected		= aac_pci_error_detected,
 	.mmio_enabled		= aac_pci_mmio_enabled,
 	.slot_reset		= aac_pci_slot_reset,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi.c b/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi.c
index e50a3dbf9de3..ef21b85cf014 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi.c
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ datadir_t acornscsi_datadirection(int command)
     case CHANGE_DEFINITION:	case COMPARE:		case COPY:
     case COPY_VERIFY:		case LOG_SELECT:	case MODE_SELECT:
     case WRITE_6:		case WRITE_10:		case WRITE_VERIFY:
     case UPDATE_BLOCK:		case WRITE_LONG:	case WRITE_SAME:
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/be2iscsi/be_main.c b/drivers/scsi/be2iscsi/be_main.c
index 76a1e373386e..a8b399ed98fc 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/be2iscsi/be_main.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/be2iscsi/be_main.c
@@ -5776,7 +5776,7 @@ static void beiscsi_remove(struct pci_dev *pcidev)
-static struct pci_error_handlers beiscsi_eeh_handlers = {
+static const struct pci_error_handlers beiscsi_eeh_handlers = {
 	.error_detected = beiscsi_eeh_err_detected,
 	.slot_reset = beiscsi_eeh_reset,
 	.resume = beiscsi_eeh_resume,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad.c b/drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad.c
index 6aa1d3a7e24b..f015c53de0d4 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad.c
@@ -1642,7 +1642,7 @@ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, bfad_id_table);
  * PCI error recovery handlers.
-static struct pci_error_handlers bfad_err_handler = {
+static const struct pci_error_handlers bfad_err_handler = {
 	.error_detected = bfad_pci_error_detected,
 	.slot_reset = bfad_pci_slot_reset,
 	.mmio_enabled = bfad_pci_mmio_enabled,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/csiostor/csio_init.c b/drivers/scsi/csiostor/csio_init.c
index 9a3f2ed050bd..79c8dafdd49e 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/csiostor/csio_init.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/csiostor/csio_init.c
@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ csio_pci_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev)
 	dev_err(&pdev->dev, "resume of device failed: %d\n", rv);
-static struct pci_error_handlers csio_err_handler = {
+static const struct pci_error_handlers csio_err_handler = {
 	.error_detected = csio_pci_error_detected,
 	.slot_reset	= csio_pci_slot_reset,
 	.resume		= csio_pci_resume,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index c424d36e89a6..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-# IBM CXL-attached Flash Accelerator SCSI Driver
-config CXLFLASH
-	tristate "Support for IBM CAPI Flash (DEPRECATED)"
-	depends on PCI && SCSI && (CXL || OCXL) && EEH
-	select IRQ_POLL
-	help
-	  The cxlflash driver is deprecated and will be removed in a future
-	  kernel release.
-	  Allows CAPI Accelerated IO to Flash
-	  If unsure, say N.
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Makefile b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index fd2f0dd9daf9..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-obj-$(CONFIG_CXLFLASH) += cxlflash.o
-cxlflash-y += main.o superpipe.o lunmgt.o vlun.o
-cxlflash-$(CONFIG_CXL) += cxl_hw.o
-cxlflash-$(CONFIG_OCXL) += ocxl_hw.o
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/backend.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/backend.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 181e0445ed42..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/backend.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corporation
- */
-extern const struct cxlflash_backend_ops cxlflash_cxl_ops;
-extern const struct cxlflash_backend_ops cxlflash_ocxl_ops;
-struct cxlflash_backend_ops {
-	struct module *module;
-	void __iomem * (*psa_map)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	void (*psa_unmap)(void __iomem *addr);
-	int (*process_element)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	int (*map_afu_irq)(void *ctx_cookie, int num, irq_handler_t handler,
-			   void *cookie, char *name);
-	void (*unmap_afu_irq)(void *ctx_cookie, int num, void *cookie);
-	u64 (*get_irq_objhndl)(void *ctx_cookie, int irq);
-	int (*start_context)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	int (*stop_context)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	int (*afu_reset)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	void (*set_master)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	void * (*get_context)(struct pci_dev *dev, void *afu_cookie);
-	void * (*dev_context_init)(struct pci_dev *dev, void *afu_cookie);
-	int (*release_context)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	void (*perst_reloads_same_image)(void *afu_cookie, bool image);
-	ssize_t (*read_adapter_vpd)(struct pci_dev *dev, void *buf,
-				    size_t count);
-	int (*allocate_afu_irqs)(void *ctx_cookie, int num);
-	void (*free_afu_irqs)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	void * (*create_afu)(struct pci_dev *dev);
-	void (*destroy_afu)(void *afu_cookie);
-	struct file * (*get_fd)(void *ctx_cookie, struct file_operations *fops,
-				int *fd);
-	void * (*fops_get_context)(struct file *file);
-	int (*start_work)(void *ctx_cookie, u64 irqs);
-	int (*fd_mmap)(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vm);
-	int (*fd_release)(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
-#endif /* _CXLFLASH_BACKEND_H */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/common.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/common.h
deleted file mode 100644
index de6229e27b48..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <linux/async.h>
-#include <linux/cdev.h>
-#include <linux/irq_poll.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/rwsem.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
-#include "backend.h"
-extern const struct file_operations cxlflash_cxl_fops;
-#define MAX_CONTEXT	CXLFLASH_MAX_CONTEXT	/* num contexts per afu */
-#define MAX_FC_PORTS	CXLFLASH_MAX_FC_PORTS	/* max ports per AFU */
-#define LEGACY_FC_PORTS	2			/* legacy ports per AFU */
-#define CHAN2PORTBANK(_x)	((_x) >> ilog2(CXLFLASH_NUM_FC_PORTS_PER_BANK))
-#define CHAN2PORTMASK(_x)	(1 << (_x))	/* channel to port mask */
-#define PORTMASK2CHAN(_x)	(ilog2((_x)))	/* port mask to channel */
-#define PORTNUM2CHAN(_x)	((_x) - 1)	/* port number to channel */
-#define CXLFLASH_BLOCK_SIZE	4096		/* 4K blocks */
-#define CXLFLASH_MAX_XFER_SIZE	16777216	/* 16MB transfer */
-								 * max_sectors
-								 * in units of
-								 * 512 byte
-								 * sectors
-								 */
-#define MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT (PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(struct sisl_rht_entry))
-/* AFU command retry limit */
-#define MC_RETRY_CNT	5	/* Sufficient for SCSI and certain AFU errors */
-/* Command management definitions */
-#define CXLFLASH_MAX_CMDS               256
-/* RRQ for master issued cmds */
-#define NUM_RRQ_ENTRY                   CXLFLASH_MAX_CMDS
-/* SQ for master issued cmds */
-/* Hardware queue definitions */
-#define PRIMARY_HWQ			0
-static inline void check_sizes(void)
-/* AFU defines a fixed size of 4K for command buffers (borrow 4K page define) */
-#define CMD_BUFSIZE     SIZE_4K
-enum cxlflash_lr_state {
-enum cxlflash_init_state {
-enum cxlflash_state {
-	STATE_PROBING,	/* Initial state during probe */
-	STATE_PROBED,	/* Temporary state, probe completed but EEH occurred */
-	STATE_NORMAL,	/* Normal running state, everything good */
-	STATE_RESET,	/* Reset state, trying to reset/recover */
-	STATE_FAILTERM	/* Failed/terminating state, error out users/threads */
-enum cxlflash_hwq_mode {
-	HWQ_MODE_RR,	/* Roundrobin (default) */
-	HWQ_MODE_TAG,	/* Distribute based on block MQ tag */
-	HWQ_MODE_CPU,	/* CPU affinity */
- * Each context has its own set of resource handles that is visible
- * only from that context.
- */
-struct cxlflash_cfg {
-	struct afu *afu;
-	const struct cxlflash_backend_ops *ops;
-	struct pci_dev *dev;
-	struct pci_device_id *dev_id;
-	struct Scsi_Host *host;
-	int num_fc_ports;
-	struct cdev cdev;
-	struct device *chardev;
-	ulong cxlflash_regs_pci;
-	struct work_struct work_q;
-	enum cxlflash_init_state init_state;
-	enum cxlflash_lr_state lr_state;
-	int lr_port;
-	atomic_t scan_host_needed;
-	void *afu_cookie;
-	atomic_t recovery_threads;
-	struct mutex ctx_recovery_mutex;
-	struct mutex ctx_tbl_list_mutex;
-	struct rw_semaphore ioctl_rwsem;
-	struct ctx_info *ctx_tbl[MAX_CONTEXT];
-	struct list_head ctx_err_recovery; /* contexts w/ recovery pending */
-	struct file_operations cxl_fops;
-	/* Parameters that are LUN table related */
-	int last_lun_index[MAX_FC_PORTS];
-	int promote_lun_index;
-	struct list_head lluns; /* list of llun_info structs */
-	wait_queue_head_t tmf_waitq;
-	spinlock_t tmf_slock;
-	bool tmf_active;
-	bool ws_unmap;		/* Write-same unmap supported */
-	wait_queue_head_t reset_waitq;
-	enum cxlflash_state state;
-	async_cookie_t async_reset_cookie;
-struct afu_cmd {
-	struct sisl_ioarcb rcb;	/* IOARCB (cache line aligned) */
-	struct sisl_ioasa sa;	/* IOASA must follow IOARCB */
-	struct afu *parent;
-	struct scsi_cmnd *scp;
-	struct completion cevent;
-	struct list_head queue;
-	u32 hwq_index;
-	u8 cmd_tmf:1,
-	   cmd_aborted:1;
-	struct list_head list;	/* Pending commands link */
-	/* As per the SISLITE spec the IOARCB EA has to be 16-byte aligned.
-	 * However for performance reasons the IOARCB/IOASA should be
-	 * cache line aligned.
-	 */
-} __aligned(cache_line_size());
-static inline struct afu_cmd *sc_to_afuc(struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
-	return PTR_ALIGN(scsi_cmd_priv(sc), __alignof__(struct afu_cmd));
-static inline struct afu_cmd *sc_to_afuci(struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
-	struct afu_cmd *afuc = sc_to_afuc(sc);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&afuc->queue);
-	return afuc;
-static inline struct afu_cmd *sc_to_afucz(struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
-	struct afu_cmd *afuc = sc_to_afuc(sc);
-	memset(afuc, 0, sizeof(*afuc));
-	return sc_to_afuci(sc);
-struct hwq {
-	/* Stuff requiring alignment go first. */
-	struct sisl_ioarcb sq[NUM_SQ_ENTRY];		/* 16K SQ */
-	u64 rrq_entry[NUM_RRQ_ENTRY];			/* 2K RRQ */
-	/* Beware of alignment till here. Preferably introduce new
-	 * fields after this point
-	 */
-	struct afu *afu;
-	void *ctx_cookie;
-	struct sisl_host_map __iomem *host_map;		/* MC host map */
-	struct sisl_ctrl_map __iomem *ctrl_map;		/* MC control map */
-	ctx_hndl_t ctx_hndl;	/* master's context handle */
-	u32 index;		/* Index of this hwq */
-	int num_irqs;		/* Number of interrupts requested for context */
-	struct list_head pending_cmds;	/* Commands pending completion */
-	atomic_t hsq_credits;
-	spinlock_t hsq_slock;	/* Hardware send queue lock */
-	struct sisl_ioarcb *hsq_start;
-	struct sisl_ioarcb *hsq_end;
-	struct sisl_ioarcb *hsq_curr;
-	spinlock_t hrrq_slock;
-	u64 *hrrq_start;
-	u64 *hrrq_end;
-	u64 *hrrq_curr;
-	bool toggle;
-	bool hrrq_online;
-	s64 room;
-	struct irq_poll irqpoll;
-} __aligned(cache_line_size());
-struct afu {
-	struct hwq hwqs[CXLFLASH_MAX_HWQS];
-	int (*send_cmd)(struct afu *afu, struct afu_cmd *cmd);
-	int (*context_reset)(struct hwq *hwq);
-	/* AFU HW */
-	struct cxlflash_afu_map __iomem *afu_map;	/* entire MMIO map */
-	atomic_t cmds_active;	/* Number of currently active AFU commands */
-	struct mutex sync_active;	/* Mutex to serialize AFU commands */
-	u64 hb;
-	u32 internal_lun;	/* User-desired LUN mode for this AFU */
-	u32 num_hwqs;		/* Number of hardware queues */
-	u32 desired_hwqs;	/* Desired h/w queues, effective on AFU reset */
-	enum cxlflash_hwq_mode hwq_mode; /* Steering mode for h/w queues */
-	u32 hwq_rr_count;	/* Count to distribute traffic for roundrobin */
-	char version[16];
-	u64 interface_version;
-	u32 irqpoll_weight;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *parent; /* Pointer back to parent cxlflash_cfg */
-static inline struct hwq *get_hwq(struct afu *afu, u32 index)
-	return &afu->hwqs[index];
-static inline bool afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(struct afu *afu)
-	return !!afu->irqpoll_weight;
-static inline bool afu_has_cap(struct afu *afu, u64 cap)
-	u64 afu_cap = afu->interface_version >> SISL_INTVER_CAP_SHIFT;
-	return afu_cap & cap;
-static inline bool afu_is_ocxl_lisn(struct afu *afu)
-	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_OCXL_LISN);
-static inline bool afu_is_afu_debug(struct afu *afu)
-	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_AFU_DEBUG);
-static inline bool afu_is_lun_provision(struct afu *afu)
-	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_LUN_PROVISION);
-static inline bool afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(struct afu *afu)
-	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_SQ_CMD_MODE);
-static inline bool afu_is_ioarrin_cmd_mode(struct afu *afu)
-	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_IOARRIN_CMD_MODE);
-static inline u64 lun_to_lunid(u64 lun)
-	__be64 lun_id;
-	int_to_scsilun(lun, (struct scsi_lun *)&lun_id);
-	return be64_to_cpu(lun_id);
-static inline struct fc_port_bank __iomem *get_fc_port_bank(
-					    struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, int i)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	return &afu->afu_map->global.bank[CHAN2PORTBANK(i)];
-static inline __be64 __iomem *get_fc_port_regs(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, int i)
-	struct fc_port_bank __iomem *fcpb = get_fc_port_bank(cfg, i);
-	return &fcpb->fc_port_regs[CHAN2BANKPORT(i)][0];
-static inline __be64 __iomem *get_fc_port_luns(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, int i)
-	struct fc_port_bank __iomem *fcpb = get_fc_port_bank(cfg, i);
-	return &fcpb->fc_port_luns[CHAN2BANKPORT(i)][0];
-int cxlflash_afu_sync(struct afu *afu, ctx_hndl_t c, res_hndl_t r, u8 mode);
-void cxlflash_list_init(void);
-void cxlflash_term_global_luns(void);
-void cxlflash_free_errpage(void);
-int cxlflash_ioctl(struct scsi_device *sdev, unsigned int cmd,
-		   void __user *arg);
-void cxlflash_stop_term_user_contexts(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
-int cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
-void cxlflash_term_local_luns(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
-void cxlflash_restore_luntable(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
-#endif /* ifndef _CXLFLASH_COMMON_H */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/cxl_hw.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/cxl_hw.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b814130f3f5c..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/cxl_hw.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <misc/cxl.h>
-#include "backend.h"
- * The following routines map the cxlflash backend operations to existing CXL
- * kernel API function and are largely simple shims that provide an abstraction
- * for converting generic context and AFU cookies into cxl_context or cxl_afu
- * pointers.
- */
-static void __iomem *cxlflash_psa_map(void *ctx_cookie)
-	return cxl_psa_map(ctx_cookie);
-static void cxlflash_psa_unmap(void __iomem *addr)
-	cxl_psa_unmap(addr);
-static int cxlflash_process_element(void *ctx_cookie)
-	return cxl_process_element(ctx_cookie);
-static int cxlflash_map_afu_irq(void *ctx_cookie, int num,
-				irq_handler_t handler, void *cookie, char *name)
-	return cxl_map_afu_irq(ctx_cookie, num, handler, cookie, name);
-static void cxlflash_unmap_afu_irq(void *ctx_cookie, int num, void *cookie)
-	cxl_unmap_afu_irq(ctx_cookie, num, cookie);
-static u64 cxlflash_get_irq_objhndl(void *ctx_cookie, int irq)
-	/* Dummy fop for cxl */
-	return 0;
-static int cxlflash_start_context(void *ctx_cookie)
-	return cxl_start_context(ctx_cookie, 0, NULL);
-static int cxlflash_stop_context(void *ctx_cookie)
-	return cxl_stop_context(ctx_cookie);
-static int cxlflash_afu_reset(void *ctx_cookie)
-	return cxl_afu_reset(ctx_cookie);
-static void cxlflash_set_master(void *ctx_cookie)
-	cxl_set_master(ctx_cookie);
-static void *cxlflash_get_context(struct pci_dev *dev, void *afu_cookie)
-	return cxl_get_context(dev);
-static void *cxlflash_dev_context_init(struct pci_dev *dev, void *afu_cookie)
-	return cxl_dev_context_init(dev);
-static int cxlflash_release_context(void *ctx_cookie)
-	return cxl_release_context(ctx_cookie);
-static void cxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image(void *afu_cookie, bool image)
-	cxl_perst_reloads_same_image(afu_cookie, image);
-static ssize_t cxlflash_read_adapter_vpd(struct pci_dev *dev,
-					 void *buf, size_t count)
-	return cxl_read_adapter_vpd(dev, buf, count);
-static int cxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs(void *ctx_cookie, int num)
-	return cxl_allocate_afu_irqs(ctx_cookie, num);
-static void cxlflash_free_afu_irqs(void *ctx_cookie)
-	cxl_free_afu_irqs(ctx_cookie);
-static void *cxlflash_create_afu(struct pci_dev *dev)
-	return cxl_pci_to_afu(dev);
-static void cxlflash_destroy_afu(void *afu)
-	/* Dummy fop for cxl */
-static struct file *cxlflash_get_fd(void *ctx_cookie,
-				    struct file_operations *fops, int *fd)
-	return cxl_get_fd(ctx_cookie, fops, fd);
-static void *cxlflash_fops_get_context(struct file *file)
-	return cxl_fops_get_context(file);
-static int cxlflash_start_work(void *ctx_cookie, u64 irqs)
-	struct cxl_ioctl_start_work work = { 0 };
-	work.num_interrupts = irqs;
-	work.flags = CXL_START_WORK_NUM_IRQS;
-	return cxl_start_work(ctx_cookie, &work);
-static int cxlflash_fd_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vm)
-	return cxl_fd_mmap(file, vm);
-static int cxlflash_fd_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-	return cxl_fd_release(inode, file);
-const struct cxlflash_backend_ops cxlflash_cxl_ops = {
-	.module			= THIS_MODULE,
-	.psa_map		= cxlflash_psa_map,
-	.psa_unmap		= cxlflash_psa_unmap,
-	.process_element	= cxlflash_process_element,
-	.map_afu_irq		= cxlflash_map_afu_irq,
-	.unmap_afu_irq		= cxlflash_unmap_afu_irq,
-	.get_irq_objhndl	= cxlflash_get_irq_objhndl,
-	.start_context		= cxlflash_start_context,
-	.stop_context		= cxlflash_stop_context,
-	.afu_reset		= cxlflash_afu_reset,
-	.set_master		= cxlflash_set_master,
-	.get_context		= cxlflash_get_context,
-	.dev_context_init	= cxlflash_dev_context_init,
-	.release_context	= cxlflash_release_context,
-	.perst_reloads_same_image = cxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image,
-	.read_adapter_vpd	= cxlflash_read_adapter_vpd,
-	.allocate_afu_irqs	= cxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs,
-	.free_afu_irqs		= cxlflash_free_afu_irqs,
-	.create_afu		= cxlflash_create_afu,
-	.destroy_afu		= cxlflash_destroy_afu,
-	.get_fd			= cxlflash_get_fd,
-	.fops_get_context	= cxlflash_fops_get_context,
-	.start_work		= cxlflash_start_work,
-	.fd_mmap		= cxlflash_fd_mmap,
-	.fd_release		= cxlflash_fd_release,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/lunmgt.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/lunmgt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 962c797fda07..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/lunmgt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <linux/unaligned.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
-#include <uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h>
-#include "sislite.h"
-#include "common.h"
-#include "vlun.h"
-#include "superpipe.h"
- * create_local() - allocate and initialize a local LUN information structure
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @wwid:	World Wide Node Name for LUN.
- *
- * Return: Allocated local llun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct llun_info *create_local(struct scsi_device *sdev, u8 *wwid)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = NULL;
-	lli = kzalloc(sizeof(*lli), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!lli)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: could not allocate lli\n", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	lli->sdev = sdev;
-	lli->host_no = sdev->host->host_no;
-	lli->in_table = false;
-	memcpy(lli->wwid, wwid, DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN);
-	return lli;
- * create_global() - allocate and initialize a global LUN information structure
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @wwid:	World Wide Node Name for LUN.
- *
- * Return: Allocated global glun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct glun_info *create_global(struct scsi_device *sdev, u8 *wwid)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct glun_info *gli = NULL;
-	gli = kzalloc(sizeof(*gli), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!gli)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: could not allocate gli\n", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	mutex_init(&gli->mutex);
-	memcpy(gli->wwid, wwid, DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN);
-	return gli;
- * lookup_local() - find a local LUN information structure by WWID
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @wwid:	WWID associated with LUN.
- *
- * Return: Found local lun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct llun_info *lookup_local(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u8 *wwid)
-	struct llun_info *lli, *temp;
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(lli, temp, &cfg->lluns, list)
-		if (!memcmp(lli->wwid, wwid, DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN))
-			return lli;
-	return NULL;
- * lookup_global() - find a global LUN information structure by WWID
- * @wwid:	WWID associated with LUN.
- *
- * Return: Found global lun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct glun_info *lookup_global(u8 *wwid)
-	struct glun_info *gli, *temp;
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(gli, temp, &global.gluns, list)
-		if (!memcmp(gli->wwid, wwid, DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN))
-			return gli;
-	return NULL;
- * find_and_create_lun() - find or create a local LUN information structure
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @wwid:	WWID associated with LUN.
- *
- * The LUN is kept both in a local list (per adapter) and in a global list
- * (across all adapters). Certain attributes of the LUN are local to the
- * adapter (such as index, port selection mask, etc.).
- *
- * The block allocation map is shared across all adapters (i.e. associated
- * wih the global list). Since different attributes are associated with
- * the per adapter and global entries, allocate two separate structures for each
- * LUN (one local, one global).
- *
- * Keep a pointer back from the local to the global entry.
- *
- * This routine assumes the caller holds the global mutex.
- *
- * Return: Found/Allocated local lun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct llun_info *find_and_create_lun(struct scsi_device *sdev, u8 *wwid)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = NULL;
-	struct glun_info *gli = NULL;
-	if (unlikely(!wwid))
-		goto out;
-	lli = lookup_local(cfg, wwid);
-	if (lli)
-		goto out;
-	lli = create_local(sdev, wwid);
-	if (unlikely(!lli))
-		goto out;
-	gli = lookup_global(wwid);
-	if (gli) {
-		lli->parent = gli;
-		list_add(&lli->list, &cfg->lluns);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	gli = create_global(sdev, wwid);
-	if (unlikely(!gli)) {
-		kfree(lli);
-		lli = NULL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	lli->parent = gli;
-	list_add(&lli->list, &cfg->lluns);
-	list_add(&gli->list, &global.gluns);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning lli=%p, gli=%p\n", __func__, lli, gli);
-	return lli;
- * cxlflash_term_local_luns() - Delete all entries from local LUN list, free.
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-void cxlflash_term_local_luns(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct llun_info *lli, *temp;
-	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(lli, temp, &cfg->lluns, list) {
-		list_del(&lli->list);
-		kfree(lli);
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
- * cxlflash_list_init() - initializes the global LUN list
- */
-void cxlflash_list_init(void)
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&global.gluns);
-	mutex_init(&global.mutex);
-	global.err_page = NULL;
- * cxlflash_term_global_luns() - frees resources associated with global LUN list
- */
-void cxlflash_term_global_luns(void)
-	struct glun_info *gli, *temp;
-	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(gli, temp, &global.gluns, list) {
-		list_del(&gli->list);
-		cxlflash_ba_terminate(&gli->blka.ba_lun);
-		kfree(gli);
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
- * cxlflash_manage_lun() - handles LUN management activities
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @arg:	Manage ioctl data structure.
- *
- * This routine is used to notify the driver about a LUN's WWID and associate
- * SCSI devices (sdev) with a global LUN instance. Additionally it serves to
- * change a LUN's operating mode: legacy or superpipe.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int cxlflash_manage_lun(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
-	struct dk_cxlflash_manage_lun *manage = arg;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = NULL;
-	int rc = 0;
-	u64 flags = manage->hdr.flags;
-	u32 chan = sdev->channel;
-	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
-	lli = find_and_create_lun(sdev, manage->wwid);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: WWID=%016llx%016llx, flags=%016llx lli=%p\n",
-		__func__, get_unaligned_be64(&manage->wwid[0]),
-		get_unaligned_be64(&manage->wwid[8]), manage->hdr.flags, lli);
-	if (unlikely(!lli)) {
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-		/*
-		 * Update port selection mask based upon channel, store off LUN
-		 * in unpacked, AFU-friendly format, and hang LUN reference in
-		 * the sdev.
-		 */
-		lli->port_sel |= CHAN2PORTMASK(chan);
-		lli->lun_id[chan] = lun_to_lunid(sdev->lun);
-		sdev->hostdata = lli;
-		if (lli->parent->mode != MODE_NONE)
-			rc = -EBUSY;
-		else {
-			/*
-			 * Clean up local LUN for this port and reset table
-			 * tracking when no more references exist.
-			 */
-			sdev->hostdata = NULL;
-			lli->port_sel &= ~CHAN2PORTMASK(chan);
-			if (lli->port_sel == 0U)
-				lli->in_table = false;
-		}
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: port_sel=%08x chan=%u lun_id=%016llx\n",
-		__func__, lli->port_sel, chan, lli->lun_id[chan]);
-	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ae626e389c8b..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3970 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/unaligned.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
-#include <uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h>
-#include "main.h"
-#include "sislite.h"
-#include "common.h"
-MODULE_AUTHOR("Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>");
-MODULE_AUTHOR("Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>");
-static char *cxlflash_devnode(const struct device *dev, umode_t *mode);
-static const struct class cxlflash_class = {
-	.name = "cxlflash",
-	.devnode = cxlflash_devnode,
-static u32 cxlflash_major;
- * process_cmd_err() - command error handler
- * @cmd:	AFU command that experienced the error.
- * @scp:	SCSI command associated with the AFU command in error.
- *
- * Translates error bits from AFU command to SCSI command results.
- */
-static void process_cmd_err(struct afu_cmd *cmd, struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
-	struct afu *afu = cmd->parent;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_ioasa *ioasa;
-	u32 resid;
-	ioasa = &(cmd->sa);
-	if (ioasa->rc.flags & SISL_RC_FLAGS_UNDERRUN) {
-		resid = ioasa->resid;
-		scsi_set_resid(scp, resid);
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd underrun cmd = %p scp = %p, resid = %d\n",
-			__func__, cmd, scp, resid);
-	}
-	if (ioasa->rc.flags & SISL_RC_FLAGS_OVERRUN) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd underrun cmd = %p scp = %p\n",
-			__func__, cmd, scp);
-		scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd failed afu_rc=%02x scsi_rc=%02x fc_rc=%02x "
-		"afu_extra=%02x scsi_extra=%02x fc_extra=%02x\n", __func__,
-		ioasa->rc.afu_rc, ioasa->rc.scsi_rc, ioasa->rc.fc_rc,
-		ioasa->afu_extra, ioasa->scsi_extra, ioasa->fc_extra);
-	if (ioasa->rc.scsi_rc) {
-		/* We have a SCSI status */
-		if (ioasa->rc.flags & SISL_RC_FLAGS_SENSE_VALID) {
-			memcpy(scp->sense_buffer, ioasa->sense_data,
-			       SISL_SENSE_DATA_LEN);
-			scp->result = ioasa->rc.scsi_rc;
-		} else
-			scp->result = ioasa->rc.scsi_rc | (DID_ERROR << 16);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * We encountered an error. Set scp->result based on nature
-	 * of error.
-	 */
-	if (ioasa->rc.fc_rc) {
-		/* We have an FC status */
-		switch (ioasa->rc.fc_rc) {
-			scp->result = (DID_REQUEUE << 16);
-			break;
-			/* This indicates an FCP resid underrun */
-			if (!(ioasa->rc.flags & SISL_RC_FLAGS_OVERRUN)) {
-				/* If the SISL_RC_FLAGS_OVERRUN flag was set,
-				 * then we will handle this error else where.
-				 * If not then we must handle it here.
-				 * This is probably an AFU bug.
-				 */
-				scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
-			}
-			break;
-			/* Resid mismatch between adapter and device */
-			scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (ioasa->rc.afu_rc) {
-		/* We have an AFU error */
-		switch (ioasa->rc.afu_rc) {
-			scp->result = (DID_NO_CONNECT << 16);
-			break;
-			switch (ioasa->afu_extra) {
-				/* Retry */
-				scp->result = (DID_IMM_RETRY << 16);
-				break;
-			default:
-				scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
-			}
-			break;
-			/* Retry */
-			scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
-			break;
-		default:
-			scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
-		}
-	}
- * cmd_complete() - command completion handler
- * @cmd:	AFU command that has completed.
- *
- * For SCSI commands this routine prepares and submits commands that have
- * either completed or timed out to the SCSI stack. For internal commands
- * (TMF or AFU), this routine simply notifies the originator that the
- * command has completed.
- */
-static void cmd_complete(struct afu_cmd *cmd)
-	struct scsi_cmnd *scp;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	struct afu *afu = cmd->parent;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, cmd->hwq_index);
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	list_del(&cmd->list);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	if (cmd->scp) {
-		scp = cmd->scp;
-		if (unlikely(cmd->sa.ioasc))
-			process_cmd_err(cmd, scp);
-		else
-			scp->result = (DID_OK << 16);
-		dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s:scp=%p result=%08x ioasc=%08x\n",
-				    __func__, scp, scp->result, cmd->sa.ioasc);
-		scsi_done(scp);
-	} else if (cmd->cmd_tmf) {
-		spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-		cfg->tmf_active = false;
-		wake_up_all_locked(&cfg->tmf_waitq);
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	} else
-		complete(&cmd->cevent);
- * flush_pending_cmds() - flush all pending commands on this hardware queue
- * @hwq:	Hardware queue to flush.
- *
- * The hardware send queue lock associated with this hardware queue must be
- * held when calling this routine.
- */
-static void flush_pending_cmds(struct hwq *hwq)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = hwq->afu->parent;
-	struct afu_cmd *cmd, *tmp;
-	struct scsi_cmnd *scp;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(cmd, tmp, &hwq->pending_cmds, list) {
-		/* Bypass command when on a doneq, cmd_complete() will handle */
-		if (!list_empty(&cmd->queue))
-			continue;
-		list_del(&cmd->list);
-		if (cmd->scp) {
-			scp = cmd->scp;
-			scp->result = (DID_IMM_RETRY << 16);
-			scsi_done(scp);
-		} else {
-			cmd->cmd_aborted = true;
-			if (cmd->cmd_tmf) {
-				spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-				cfg->tmf_active = false;
-				wake_up_all_locked(&cfg->tmf_waitq);
-				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock,
-						       lock_flags);
-			} else
-				complete(&cmd->cevent);
-		}
-	}
- * context_reset() - reset context via specified register
- * @hwq:	Hardware queue owning the context to be reset.
- * @reset_reg:	MMIO register to perform reset.
- *
- * When the reset is successful, the SISLite specification guarantees that
- * the AFU has aborted all currently pending I/O. Accordingly, these commands
- * must be flushed.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int context_reset(struct hwq *hwq, __be64 __iomem *reset_reg)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = hwq->afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = -ETIMEDOUT;
-	int nretry = 0;
-	u64 val = 0x1;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: hwq=%p\n", __func__, hwq);
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	writeq_be(val, reset_reg);
-	do {
-		val = readq_be(reset_reg);
-		if ((val & 0x1) == 0x0) {
-			rc = 0;
-			break;
-		}
-		/* Double delay each time */
-		udelay(1 << nretry);
-	} while (nretry++ < MC_ROOM_RETRY_CNT);
-	if (!rc)
-		flush_pending_cmds(hwq);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d, val=%016llx nretry=%d\n",
-		__func__, rc, val, nretry);
-	return rc;
- * context_reset_ioarrin() - reset context via IOARRIN register
- * @hwq:	Hardware queue owning the context to be reset.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int context_reset_ioarrin(struct hwq *hwq)
-	return context_reset(hwq, &hwq->host_map->ioarrin);
- * context_reset_sq() - reset context via SQ_CONTEXT_RESET register
- * @hwq:	Hardware queue owning the context to be reset.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int context_reset_sq(struct hwq *hwq)
-	return context_reset(hwq, &hwq->host_map->sq_ctx_reset);
- * send_cmd_ioarrin() - sends an AFU command via IOARRIN register
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @cmd:	AFU command to send.
- *
- * Return:
- *	0 on success, SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY on failure
- */
-static int send_cmd_ioarrin(struct afu *afu, struct afu_cmd *cmd)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, cmd->hwq_index);
-	int rc = 0;
-	s64 room;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	/*
-	 * To avoid the performance penalty of MMIO, spread the update of
-	 * 'room' over multiple commands.
-	 */
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	if (--hwq->room < 0) {
-		room = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->cmd_room);
-		if (room <= 0) {
-			dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: no cmd_room to send "
-					    "0x%02X, room=0x%016llX\n",
-					    __func__, cmd->rcb.cdb[0], room);
-			hwq->room = 0;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		hwq->room = room - 1;
-	}
-	list_add(&cmd->list, &hwq->pending_cmds);
-	writeq_be((u64)&cmd->rcb, &hwq->host_map->ioarrin);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: cmd=%p len=%u ea=%016llx rc=%d\n",
-		__func__, cmd, cmd->rcb.data_len, cmd->rcb.data_ea, rc);
-	return rc;
- * send_cmd_sq() - sends an AFU command via SQ ring
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @cmd:	AFU command to send.
- *
- * Return:
- *	0 on success, SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY on failure
- */
-static int send_cmd_sq(struct afu *afu, struct afu_cmd *cmd)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, cmd->hwq_index);
-	int rc = 0;
-	int newval;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	newval = atomic_dec_if_positive(&hwq->hsq_credits);
-	if (newval <= 0) {
-		goto out;
-	}
-	cmd->rcb.ioasa = &cmd->sa;
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	*hwq->hsq_curr = cmd->rcb;
-	if (hwq->hsq_curr < hwq->hsq_end)
-		hwq->hsq_curr++;
-	else
-		hwq->hsq_curr = hwq->hsq_start;
-	list_add(&cmd->list, &hwq->pending_cmds);
-	writeq_be((u64)hwq->hsq_curr, &hwq->host_map->sq_tail);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd=%p len=%u ea=%016llx ioasa=%p rc=%d curr=%p "
-	       "head=%016llx tail=%016llx\n", __func__, cmd, cmd->rcb.data_len,
-	       cmd->rcb.data_ea, cmd->rcb.ioasa, rc, hwq->hsq_curr,
-	       readq_be(&hwq->host_map->sq_head),
-	       readq_be(&hwq->host_map->sq_tail));
-	return rc;
- * wait_resp() - polls for a response or timeout to a sent AFU command
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @cmd:	AFU command that was sent.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int wait_resp(struct afu *afu, struct afu_cmd *cmd)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	ulong timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(cmd->rcb.timeout * 2 * 1000);
-	timeout = wait_for_completion_timeout(&cmd->cevent, timeout);
-	if (!timeout)
-		rc = -ETIMEDOUT;
-	if (cmd->cmd_aborted)
-		rc = -EAGAIN;
-	if (unlikely(cmd->sa.ioasc != 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: cmd %02x failed, ioasc=%08x\n",
-			__func__, cmd->rcb.cdb[0], cmd->sa.ioasc);
-		rc = -EIO;
-	}
-	return rc;
- * cmd_to_target_hwq() - selects a target hardware queue for a SCSI command
- * @host:	SCSI host associated with device.
- * @scp:	SCSI command to send.
- * @afu:	SCSI command to send.
- *
- * Hashes a command based upon the hardware queue mode.
- *
- * Return: Trusted index of target hardware queue
- */
-static u32 cmd_to_target_hwq(struct Scsi_Host *host, struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
-			     struct afu *afu)
-	u32 tag;
-	u32 hwq = 0;
-	if (afu->num_hwqs == 1)
-		return 0;
-	switch (afu->hwq_mode) {
-	case HWQ_MODE_RR:
-		hwq = afu->hwq_rr_count++ % afu->num_hwqs;
-		break;
-	case HWQ_MODE_TAG:
-		tag = blk_mq_unique_tag(scsi_cmd_to_rq(scp));
-		hwq = blk_mq_unique_tag_to_hwq(tag);
-		break;
-	case HWQ_MODE_CPU:
-		hwq = smp_processor_id() % afu->num_hwqs;
-		break;
-	default:
-	}
-	return hwq;
- * send_tmf() - sends a Task Management Function (TMF)
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @sdev:	SCSI device destined for TMF.
- * @tmfcmd:	TMF command to send.
- *
- * Return:
- *	0 on success, SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY or -errno on failure
- */
-static int send_tmf(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, struct scsi_device *sdev,
-		    u64 tmfcmd)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct afu_cmd *cmd = NULL;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	bool needs_deletion = false;
-	char *buf = NULL;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	int rc = 0;
-	ulong to;
-	buf = kzalloc(sizeof(*cmd) + __alignof__(*cmd) - 1, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!buf)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: no memory for command\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	cmd = (struct afu_cmd *)PTR_ALIGN(buf, __alignof__(*cmd));
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cmd->queue);
-	/* When Task Management Function is active do not send another */
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	if (cfg->tmf_active)
-		wait_event_interruptible_lock_irq(cfg->tmf_waitq,
-						  !cfg->tmf_active,
-						  cfg->tmf_slock);
-	cfg->tmf_active = true;
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	cmd->parent = afu;
-	cmd->cmd_tmf = true;
-	cmd->hwq_index = hwq->index;
-	cmd->rcb.ctx_id = hwq->ctx_hndl;
-	cmd->rcb.msi = SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED;
-	cmd->rcb.port_sel = CHAN2PORTMASK(sdev->channel);
-	cmd->rcb.lun_id = lun_to_lunid(sdev->lun);
-	cmd->rcb.req_flags = (SISL_REQ_FLAGS_PORT_LUN_ID |
-	memcpy(cmd->rcb.cdb, &tmfcmd, sizeof(tmfcmd));
-	rc = afu->send_cmd(afu, cmd);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-		cfg->tmf_active = false;
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	to = msecs_to_jiffies(5000);
-	to = wait_event_interruptible_lock_irq_timeout(cfg->tmf_waitq,
-						       !cfg->tmf_active,
-						       cfg->tmf_slock,
-						       to);
-	if (!to) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: TMF timed out\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ETIMEDOUT;
-		needs_deletion = true;
-	} else if (cmd->cmd_aborted) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: TMF aborted\n", __func__);
-		rc = -EAGAIN;
-	} else if (cmd->sa.ioasc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: TMF failed ioasc=%08x\n",
-			__func__, cmd->sa.ioasc);
-		rc = -EIO;
-	}
-	cfg->tmf_active = false;
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	if (needs_deletion) {
-		spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-		list_del(&cmd->list);
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	}
-	kfree(buf);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_driver_info() - information handler for this host driver
- * @host:	SCSI host associated with device.
- *
- * Return: A string describing the device.
- */
-static const char *cxlflash_driver_info(struct Scsi_Host *host)
- * cxlflash_queuecommand() - sends a mid-layer request
- * @host:	SCSI host associated with device.
- * @scp:	SCSI command to send.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_queuecommand(struct Scsi_Host *host, struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(host);
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu_cmd *cmd = sc_to_afuci(scp);
-	struct scatterlist *sg = scsi_sglist(scp);
-	int hwq_index = cmd_to_target_hwq(host, scp, afu);
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, hwq_index);
-	u16 req_flags = SISL_REQ_FLAGS_SUP_UNDERRUN;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	int rc = 0;
-	dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: (scp=%p) %d/%d/%d/%llu "
-			    "cdb=(%08x-%08x-%08x-%08x)\n",
-			    __func__, scp, host->host_no, scp->device->channel,
-			    scp->device->id, scp->device->lun,
-			    get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[0]),
-			    get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[1]),
-			    get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[2]),
-			    get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[3]));
-	/*
-	 * If a Task Management Function is active, wait for it to complete
-	 * before continuing with regular commands.
-	 */
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	if (cfg->tmf_active) {
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	switch (cfg->state) {
-		dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: device is in reset\n", __func__);
-		goto out;
-		dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: device has failed\n", __func__);
-		scp->result = (DID_NO_CONNECT << 16);
-		scsi_done(scp);
-		rc = 0;
-		goto out;
-	default:
-		atomic_inc(&afu->cmds_active);
-		break;
-	}
-	if (likely(sg)) {
-		cmd->rcb.data_len = sg->length;
-		cmd->rcb.data_ea = (uintptr_t)sg_virt(sg);
-	}
-	cmd->scp = scp;
-	cmd->parent = afu;
-	cmd->hwq_index = hwq_index;
-	cmd->sa.ioasc = 0;
-	cmd->rcb.ctx_id = hwq->ctx_hndl;
-	cmd->rcb.msi = SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED;
-	cmd->rcb.port_sel = CHAN2PORTMASK(scp->device->channel);
-	cmd->rcb.lun_id = lun_to_lunid(scp->device->lun);
-	if (scp->sc_data_direction == DMA_TO_DEVICE)
-		req_flags |= SISL_REQ_FLAGS_HOST_WRITE;
-	cmd->rcb.req_flags = req_flags;
-	memcpy(cmd->rcb.cdb, scp->cmnd, sizeof(cmd->rcb.cdb));
-	rc = afu->send_cmd(afu, cmd);
-	atomic_dec(&afu->cmds_active);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_wait_for_pci_err_recovery() - wait for error recovery during probe
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-static void cxlflash_wait_for_pci_err_recovery(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = cfg->dev;
-	if (pci_channel_offline(pdev))
-		wait_event_timeout(cfg->reset_waitq,
-				   !pci_channel_offline(pdev),
- * free_mem() - free memory associated with the AFU
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-static void free_mem(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	if (cfg->afu) {
-		free_pages((ulong)afu, get_order(sizeof(struct afu)));
-		cfg->afu = NULL;
-	}
- * cxlflash_reset_sync() - synchronizing point for asynchronous resets
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-static void cxlflash_reset_sync(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	if (cfg->async_reset_cookie == 0)
-		return;
-	/* Wait until all async calls prior to this cookie have completed */
-	async_synchronize_cookie(cfg->async_reset_cookie + 1);
-	cfg->async_reset_cookie = 0;
- * stop_afu() - stops the AFU command timers and unmaps the MMIO space
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Safe to call with AFU in a partially allocated/initialized state.
- *
- * Cancels scheduled worker threads, waits for any active internal AFU
- * commands to timeout, disables IRQ polling and then unmaps the MMIO space.
- */
-static void stop_afu(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	int i;
-	cancel_work_sync(&cfg->work_q);
-	if (!current_is_async())
-		cxlflash_reset_sync(cfg);
-	if (likely(afu)) {
-		while (atomic_read(&afu->cmds_active))
-			ssleep(1);
-		if (afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(afu)) {
-			for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-				hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-				irq_poll_disable(&hwq->irqpoll);
-			}
-		}
-		if (likely(afu->afu_map)) {
-			cfg->ops->psa_unmap(afu->afu_map);
-			afu->afu_map = NULL;
-		}
-	}
- * term_intr() - disables all AFU interrupts
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @level:	Depth of allocation, where to begin waterfall tear down.
- * @index:	Index of the hardware queue.
- *
- * Safe to call with AFU/MC in partially allocated/initialized state.
- */
-static void term_intr(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, enum undo_level level,
-		      u32 index)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	if (!afu) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: returning with NULL afu\n", __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	hwq = get_hwq(afu, index);
-	if (!hwq->ctx_cookie) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: returning with NULL MC\n", __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	switch (level) {
-		/* SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR is setup only for the primary HWQ */
-		if (index == PRIMARY_HWQ)
-			cfg->ops->unmap_afu_irq(hwq->ctx_cookie, 3, hwq);
-		fallthrough;
-	case UNMAP_TWO:
-		cfg->ops->unmap_afu_irq(hwq->ctx_cookie, 2, hwq);
-		fallthrough;
-	case UNMAP_ONE:
-		cfg->ops->unmap_afu_irq(hwq->ctx_cookie, 1, hwq);
-		fallthrough;
-	case FREE_IRQ:
-		cfg->ops->free_afu_irqs(hwq->ctx_cookie);
-		fallthrough;
-	case UNDO_NOOP:
-		/* No action required */
-		break;
-	}
- * term_mc() - terminates the master context
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @index:	Index of the hardware queue.
- *
- * Safe to call with AFU/MC in partially allocated/initialized state.
- */
-static void term_mc(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u32 index)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	if (!afu) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: returning with NULL afu\n", __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	hwq = get_hwq(afu, index);
-	if (!hwq->ctx_cookie) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: returning with NULL MC\n", __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	WARN_ON(cfg->ops->stop_context(hwq->ctx_cookie));
-	if (index != PRIMARY_HWQ)
-		WARN_ON(cfg->ops->release_context(hwq->ctx_cookie));
-	hwq->ctx_cookie = NULL;
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hrrq_slock, lock_flags);
-	hwq->hrrq_online = false;
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, lock_flags);
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	flush_pending_cmds(hwq);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
- * term_afu() - terminates the AFU
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Safe to call with AFU/MC in partially allocated/initialized state.
- */
-static void term_afu(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int k;
-	/*
-	 * Tear down is carefully orchestrated to ensure
-	 * no interrupts can come in when the problem state
-	 * area is unmapped.
-	 *
-	 * 1) Disable all AFU interrupts for each master
-	 * 2) Unmap the problem state area
-	 * 3) Stop each master context
-	 */
-	for (k = cfg->afu->num_hwqs - 1; k >= 0; k--)
-		term_intr(cfg, UNMAP_THREE, k);
-	stop_afu(cfg);
-	for (k = cfg->afu->num_hwqs - 1; k >= 0; k--)
-		term_mc(cfg, k);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning\n", __func__);
- * notify_shutdown() - notifies device of pending shutdown
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @wait:	Whether to wait for shutdown processing to complete.
- *
- * This function will notify the AFU that the adapter is being shutdown
- * and will wait for shutdown processing to complete if wait is true.
- * This notification should flush pending I/Os to the device and halt
- * further I/Os until the next AFU reset is issued and device restarted.
- */
-static void notify_shutdown(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, bool wait)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct dev_dependent_vals *ddv;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
-	u64 reg, status;
-	int i, retry_cnt = 0;
-	ddv = (struct dev_dependent_vals *)cfg->dev_id->driver_data;
-	if (!(ddv->flags & CXLFLASH_NOTIFY_SHUTDOWN))
-		return;
-	if (!afu || !afu->afu_map) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Problem state area not mapped\n", __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Notify AFU */
-	for (i = 0; i < cfg->num_fc_ports; i++) {
-		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, i);
-		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CONFIG2 / 8]);
-		writeq_be(reg, &fc_port_regs[FC_CONFIG2 / 8]);
-	}
-	if (!wait)
-		return;
-	/* Wait up to 1.5 seconds for shutdown processing to complete */
-	for (i = 0; i < cfg->num_fc_ports; i++) {
-		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, i);
-		retry_cnt = 0;
-		while (true) {
-			status = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_STATUS / 8]);
-				break;
-			if (++retry_cnt >= MC_RETRY_CNT) {
-				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: port %d shutdown processing "
-					"not yet completed\n", __func__, i);
-				break;
-			}
-			msleep(100 * retry_cnt);
-		}
-	}
- * cxlflash_get_minor() - gets the first available minor number
- *
- * Return: Unique minor number that can be used to create the character device.
- */
-static int cxlflash_get_minor(void)
-	int minor;
-	long bit;
-	bit = find_first_zero_bit(cxlflash_minor, CXLFLASH_MAX_ADAPTERS);
-		return -1;
-	minor = bit & MINORMASK;
-	set_bit(minor, cxlflash_minor);
-	return minor;
- * cxlflash_put_minor() - releases the minor number
- * @minor:	Minor number that is no longer needed.
- */
-static void cxlflash_put_minor(int minor)
-	clear_bit(minor, cxlflash_minor);
- * cxlflash_release_chrdev() - release the character device for the host
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-static void cxlflash_release_chrdev(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	device_unregister(cfg->chardev);
-	cfg->chardev = NULL;
-	cdev_del(&cfg->cdev);
-	cxlflash_put_minor(MINOR(cfg->cdev.dev));
- * cxlflash_remove() - PCI entry point to tear down host
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- *
- * Safe to use as a cleanup in partially allocated/initialized state. Note that
- * the reset_waitq is flushed as part of the stop/termination of user contexts.
- */
-static void cxlflash_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
-	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	if (!pci_is_enabled(pdev)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Device is disabled\n", __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Yield to running recovery threads before continuing with remove */
-	wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET &&
-				     cfg->state != STATE_PROBING);
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	if (cfg->tmf_active)
-		wait_event_interruptible_lock_irq(cfg->tmf_waitq,
-						  !cfg->tmf_active,
-						  cfg->tmf_slock);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	/* Notify AFU and wait for shutdown processing to complete */
-	notify_shutdown(cfg, true);
-	cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
-	cxlflash_stop_term_user_contexts(cfg);
-	switch (cfg->init_state) {
-		cxlflash_release_chrdev(cfg);
-		fallthrough;
-		cxlflash_term_local_luns(cfg);
-		scsi_remove_host(cfg->host);
-		fallthrough;
-		term_afu(cfg);
-		fallthrough;
-		cfg->ops->destroy_afu(cfg->afu_cookie);
-		pci_disable_device(pdev);
-		fallthrough;
-		free_mem(cfg);
-		scsi_host_put(cfg->host);
-		break;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning\n", __func__);
- * alloc_mem() - allocates the AFU and its command pool
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * A partially allocated state remains on failure.
- *
- * Return:
- *	0 on success
- *	-ENOMEM on failure to allocate memory
- */
-static int alloc_mem(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	/* AFU is ~28k, i.e. only one 64k page or up to seven 4k pages */
-	cfg->afu = (void *)__get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_ZERO,
-					    get_order(sizeof(struct afu)));
-	if (unlikely(!cfg->afu)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: cannot get %d free pages\n",
-			__func__, get_order(sizeof(struct afu)));
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	cfg->afu->parent = cfg;
-	cfg->afu->desired_hwqs = CXLFLASH_DEF_HWQS;
-	cfg->afu->afu_map = NULL;
-	return rc;
- * init_pci() - initializes the host as a PCI device
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int init_pci(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = cfg->dev;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	rc = pci_enable_device(pdev);
-	if (rc || pci_channel_offline(pdev)) {
-		if (pci_channel_offline(pdev)) {
-			cxlflash_wait_for_pci_err_recovery(cfg);
-			rc = pci_enable_device(pdev);
-		}
-		if (rc) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Cannot enable adapter\n", __func__);
-			cxlflash_wait_for_pci_err_recovery(cfg);
-			goto out;
-		}
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * init_scsi() - adds the host to the SCSI stack and kicks off host scan
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int init_scsi(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = cfg->dev;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	rc = scsi_add_host(cfg->host, &pdev->dev);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: scsi_add_host failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	scsi_scan_host(cfg->host);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * set_port_online() - transitions the specified host FC port to online state
- * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
- *
- * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call. Online state means
- * that the FC link layer has synced, completed the handshaking process, and
- * is ready for login to start.
- */
-static void set_port_online(__be64 __iomem *fc_regs)
-	u64 cmdcfg;
-	cmdcfg = readq_be(&fc_regs[FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG / 8]);
-	cmdcfg &= (~FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG_OFFLINE);	/* clear OFF_LINE */
-	cmdcfg |= (FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG_ONLINE);	/* set ON_LINE */
-	writeq_be(cmdcfg, &fc_regs[FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG / 8]);
- * set_port_offline() - transitions the specified host FC port to offline state
- * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
- *
- * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call.
- */
-static void set_port_offline(__be64 __iomem *fc_regs)
-	u64 cmdcfg;
-	cmdcfg = readq_be(&fc_regs[FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG / 8]);
-	cmdcfg &= (~FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG_ONLINE);	/* clear ON_LINE */
-	cmdcfg |= (FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG_OFFLINE);	/* set OFF_LINE */
-	writeq_be(cmdcfg, &fc_regs[FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG / 8]);
- * wait_port_online() - waits for the specified host FC port come online
- * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
- * @delay_us:	Number of microseconds to delay between reading port status.
- * @nretry:	Number of cycles to retry reading port status.
- *
- * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call. This will timeout
- * when the cable is not plugged in.
- *
- * Return:
- *	TRUE (1) when the specified port is online
- *	FALSE (0) when the specified port fails to come online after timeout
- */
-static bool wait_port_online(__be64 __iomem *fc_regs, u32 delay_us, u32 nretry)
-	u64 status;
-	WARN_ON(delay_us < 1000);
-	do {
-		msleep(delay_us / 1000);
-		status = readq_be(&fc_regs[FC_MTIP_STATUS / 8]);
-		if (status == U64_MAX)
-			nretry /= 2;
-	} while ((status & FC_MTIP_STATUS_MASK) != FC_MTIP_STATUS_ONLINE &&
-		 nretry--);
- * wait_port_offline() - waits for the specified host FC port go offline
- * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
- * @delay_us:	Number of microseconds to delay between reading port status.
- * @nretry:	Number of cycles to retry reading port status.
- *
- * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call.
- *
- * Return:
- *	TRUE (1) when the specified port is offline
- *	FALSE (0) when the specified port fails to go offline after timeout
- */
-static bool wait_port_offline(__be64 __iomem *fc_regs, u32 delay_us, u32 nretry)
-	u64 status;
-	WARN_ON(delay_us < 1000);
-	do {
-		msleep(delay_us / 1000);
-		status = readq_be(&fc_regs[FC_MTIP_STATUS / 8]);
-		if (status == U64_MAX)
-			nretry /= 2;
-	} while ((status & FC_MTIP_STATUS_MASK) != FC_MTIP_STATUS_OFFLINE &&
-		 nretry--);
- * afu_set_wwpn() - configures the WWPN for the specified host FC port
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host that owns the specified FC port.
- * @port:	Port number being configured.
- * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
- * @wwpn:	The world-wide-port-number previously discovered for port.
- *
- * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call. As part of the
- * sequence to configure the WWPN, the port is toggled offline and then back
- * online. This toggling action can cause this routine to delay up to a few
- * seconds. When configured to use the internal LUN feature of the AFU, a
- * failure to come online is overridden.
- */
-static void afu_set_wwpn(struct afu *afu, int port, __be64 __iomem *fc_regs,
-			 u64 wwpn)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	set_port_offline(fc_regs);
-	if (!wait_port_offline(fc_regs, FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US,
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: wait on port %d to go offline timed out\n",
-			__func__, port);
-	}
-	writeq_be(wwpn, &fc_regs[FC_PNAME / 8]);
-	set_port_online(fc_regs);
-	if (!wait_port_online(fc_regs, FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US,
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: wait on port %d to go online timed out\n",
-			__func__, port);
-	}
- * afu_link_reset() - resets the specified host FC port
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host that owns the specified FC port.
- * @port:	Port number being configured.
- * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
- *
- * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call. The sequence to
- * reset the port involves toggling it offline and then back online. This
- * action can cause this routine to delay up to a few seconds. An effort
- * is made to maintain link with the device by switching to host to use
- * the alternate port exclusively while the reset takes place.
- * failure to come online is overridden.
- */
-static void afu_link_reset(struct afu *afu, int port, __be64 __iomem *fc_regs)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	u64 port_sel;
-	/* first switch the AFU to the other links, if any */
-	port_sel = readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
-	port_sel &= ~(1ULL << port);
-	writeq_be(port_sel, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
-	cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, 0, 0, AFU_GSYNC);
-	set_port_offline(fc_regs);
-	if (!wait_port_offline(fc_regs, FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US,
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: wait on port %d to go offline timed out\n",
-			__func__, port);
-	set_port_online(fc_regs);
-	if (!wait_port_online(fc_regs, FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US,
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: wait on port %d to go online timed out\n",
-			__func__, port);
-	/* switch back to include this port */
-	port_sel |= (1ULL << port);
-	writeq_be(port_sel, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
-	cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, 0, 0, AFU_GSYNC);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning port_sel=%016llx\n", __func__, port_sel);
- * afu_err_intr_init() - clears and initializes the AFU for error interrupts
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- */
-static void afu_err_intr_init(struct afu *afu)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
-	int i;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	u64 reg;
-	/* global async interrupts: AFU clears afu_ctrl on context exit
-	 * if async interrupts were sent to that context. This prevents
-	 * the AFU form sending further async interrupts when
-	 * there is
-	 * nobody to receive them.
-	 */
-	/* mask all */
-	writeq_be(-1ULL, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.aintr_mask);
-	/* set LISN# to send and point to primary master context */
-	reg = ((u64) (((hwq->ctx_hndl << 8) | SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR)) << 40);
-	if (afu->internal_lun)
-		reg |= 1;	/* Bit 63 indicates local lun */
-	writeq_be(reg, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_ctrl);
-	/* clear all */
-	writeq_be(-1ULL, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.aintr_clear);
-	/* unmask bits that are of interest */
-	/* note: afu can send an interrupt after this step */
-	writeq_be(SISL_ASTATUS_MASK, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.aintr_mask);
-	/* clear again in case a bit came on after previous clear but before */
-	/* unmask */
-	writeq_be(-1ULL, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.aintr_clear);
-	/* Clear/Set internal lun bits */
-	fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, 0);
-	reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CONFIG2 / 8]);
-	if (afu->internal_lun)
-		reg |= ((u64)(afu->internal_lun - 1) << SISL_FC_INTERNAL_SHIFT);
-	writeq_be(reg, &fc_port_regs[FC_CONFIG2 / 8]);
-	/* now clear FC errors */
-	for (i = 0; i < cfg->num_fc_ports; i++) {
-		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, i);
-		writeq_be(0xFFFFFFFFU, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERROR / 8]);
-		writeq_be(0, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERRCAP / 8]);
-	}
-	/* sync interrupts for master's IOARRIN write */
-	/* note that unlike asyncs, there can be no pending sync interrupts */
-	/* at this time (this is a fresh context and master has not written */
-	/* IOARRIN yet), so there is nothing to clear. */
-	/* set LISN#, it is always sent to the context that wrote IOARRIN */
-	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-		reg = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->ctx_ctrl);
-		writeq_be(reg, &hwq->host_map->ctx_ctrl);
-		writeq_be(SISL_ISTATUS_MASK, &hwq->host_map->intr_mask);
-	}
- * cxlflash_sync_err_irq() - interrupt handler for synchronous errors
- * @irq:	Interrupt number.
- * @data:	Private data provided at interrupt registration, the AFU.
- *
- * Return: Always return IRQ_HANDLED.
- */
-static irqreturn_t cxlflash_sync_err_irq(int irq, void *data)
-	struct hwq *hwq = (struct hwq *)data;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = hwq->afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	u64 reg;
-	u64 reg_unmasked;
-	reg = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->intr_status);
-	reg_unmasked = (reg & SISL_ISTATUS_UNMASK);
-	if (reg_unmasked == 0UL) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: spurious interrupt, intr_status=%016llx\n",
-			__func__, reg);
-		goto cxlflash_sync_err_irq_exit;
-	}
-	dev_err(dev, "%s: unexpected interrupt, intr_status=%016llx\n",
-		__func__, reg);
-	writeq_be(reg_unmasked, &hwq->host_map->intr_clear);
-	return IRQ_HANDLED;
- * process_hrrq() - process the read-response queue
- * @hwq:	HWQ associated with the host.
- * @doneq:	Queue of commands harvested from the RRQ.
- * @budget:	Threshold of RRQ entries to process.
- *
- * This routine must be called holding the disabled RRQ spin lock.
- *
- * Return: The number of entries processed.
- */
-static int process_hrrq(struct hwq *hwq, struct list_head *doneq, int budget)
-	struct afu *afu = hwq->afu;
-	struct afu_cmd *cmd;
-	struct sisl_ioasa *ioasa;
-	struct sisl_ioarcb *ioarcb;
-	bool toggle = hwq->toggle;
-	int num_hrrq = 0;
-	u64 entry,
-	    *hrrq_start = hwq->hrrq_start,
-	    *hrrq_end = hwq->hrrq_end,
-	    *hrrq_curr = hwq->hrrq_curr;
-	/* Process ready RRQ entries up to the specified budget (if any) */
-	while (true) {
-		entry = *hrrq_curr;
-		if ((entry & SISL_RESP_HANDLE_T_BIT) != toggle)
-			break;
-		entry &= ~SISL_RESP_HANDLE_T_BIT;
-		if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu)) {
-			ioasa = (struct sisl_ioasa *)entry;
-			cmd = container_of(ioasa, struct afu_cmd, sa);
-		} else {
-			ioarcb = (struct sisl_ioarcb *)entry;
-			cmd = container_of(ioarcb, struct afu_cmd, rcb);
-		}
-		list_add_tail(&cmd->queue, doneq);
-		/* Advance to next entry or wrap and flip the toggle bit */
-		if (hrrq_curr < hrrq_end)
-			hrrq_curr++;
-		else {
-			hrrq_curr = hrrq_start;
-			toggle ^= SISL_RESP_HANDLE_T_BIT;
-		}
-		atomic_inc(&hwq->hsq_credits);
-		num_hrrq++;
-		if (budget > 0 && num_hrrq >= budget)
-			break;
-	}
-	hwq->hrrq_curr = hrrq_curr;
-	hwq->toggle = toggle;
-	return num_hrrq;
- * process_cmd_doneq() - process a queue of harvested RRQ commands
- * @doneq:	Queue of completed commands.
- *
- * Note that upon return the queue can no longer be trusted.
- */
-static void process_cmd_doneq(struct list_head *doneq)
-	struct afu_cmd *cmd, *tmp;
-	WARN_ON(list_empty(doneq));
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(cmd, tmp, doneq, queue)
-		cmd_complete(cmd);
- * cxlflash_irqpoll() - process a queue of harvested RRQ commands
- * @irqpoll:	IRQ poll structure associated with queue to poll.
- * @budget:	Threshold of RRQ entries to process per poll.
- *
- * Return: The number of entries processed.
- */
-static int cxlflash_irqpoll(struct irq_poll *irqpoll, int budget)
-	struct hwq *hwq = container_of(irqpoll, struct hwq, irqpoll);
-	unsigned long hrrq_flags;
-	LIST_HEAD(doneq);
-	int num_entries = 0;
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
-	num_entries = process_hrrq(hwq, &doneq, budget);
-	if (num_entries < budget)
-		irq_poll_complete(irqpoll);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
-	process_cmd_doneq(&doneq);
-	return num_entries;
- * cxlflash_rrq_irq() - interrupt handler for read-response queue (normal path)
- * @irq:	Interrupt number.
- * @data:	Private data provided at interrupt registration, the AFU.
- *
- * Return: IRQ_HANDLED or IRQ_NONE when no ready entries found.
- */
-static irqreturn_t cxlflash_rrq_irq(int irq, void *data)
-	struct hwq *hwq = (struct hwq *)data;
-	struct afu *afu = hwq->afu;
-	unsigned long hrrq_flags;
-	LIST_HEAD(doneq);
-	int num_entries = 0;
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
-	/* Silently drop spurious interrupts when queue is not online */
-	if (!hwq->hrrq_online) {
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
-		return IRQ_HANDLED;
-	}
-	if (afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(afu)) {
-		irq_poll_sched(&hwq->irqpoll);
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
-		return IRQ_HANDLED;
-	}
-	num_entries = process_hrrq(hwq, &doneq, -1);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
-	if (num_entries == 0)
-		return IRQ_NONE;
-	process_cmd_doneq(&doneq);
-	return IRQ_HANDLED;
- * Asynchronous interrupt information table
- *
- * NOTE:
- *	- Order matters here as this array is indexed by bit position.
- *
- *	- The checkpatch script considers the BUILD_SISL_ASTATUS_FC_PORT macro
- *	  as complex and complains due to a lack of parentheses/braces.
- */
-#define ASTATUS_FC(_a, _b, _c, _d)					 \
-	{ SISL_ASTATUS_FC##_a##_##_b, _c, _a, (_d) }
-#define BUILD_SISL_ASTATUS_FC_PORT(_a)					 \
-	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LINK_UP, "link up", 0),				 \
-	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LINK_DN, "link down", 0),			 \
-	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LOGI_S, "login succeeded", SCAN_HOST),		 \
-	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LOGI_F, "login failed", CLR_FC_ERROR),		 \
-	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LOGI_R, "login timed out, retrying", LINK_RESET), \
-	ASTATUS_FC(_a, CRC_T, "CRC threshold exceeded", LINK_RESET),	 \
-	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LOGO, "target initiated LOGO", 0),		 \
-static const struct asyc_intr_info ainfo[] = {
- * cxlflash_async_err_irq() - interrupt handler for asynchronous errors
- * @irq:	Interrupt number.
- * @data:	Private data provided at interrupt registration, the AFU.
- *
- * Return: Always return IRQ_HANDLED.
- */
-static irqreturn_t cxlflash_async_err_irq(int irq, void *data)
-	struct hwq *hwq = (struct hwq *)data;
-	struct afu *afu = hwq->afu;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	const struct asyc_intr_info *info;
-	struct sisl_global_map __iomem *global = &afu->afu_map->global;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
-	u64 reg_unmasked;
-	u64 reg;
-	u64 bit;
-	u8 port;
-	reg = readq_be(&global->regs.aintr_status);
-	reg_unmasked = (reg & SISL_ASTATUS_UNMASK);
-	if (unlikely(reg_unmasked == 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: spurious interrupt, aintr_status=%016llx\n",
-			__func__, reg);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* FYI, it is 'okay' to clear AFU status before FC_ERROR */
-	writeq_be(reg_unmasked, &global->regs.aintr_clear);
-	/* Check each bit that is on */
-	for_each_set_bit(bit, (ulong *)&reg_unmasked, BITS_PER_LONG) {
-		if (unlikely(bit >= ARRAY_SIZE(ainfo))) {
-			WARN_ON_ONCE(1);
-			continue;
-		}
-		info = &ainfo[bit];
-		if (unlikely(info->status != 1ULL << bit)) {
-			WARN_ON_ONCE(1);
-			continue;
-		}
-		port = info->port;
-		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, port);
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: FC Port %d -> %s, fc_status=%016llx\n",
-			__func__, port, info->desc,
-		       readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_STATUS / 8]));
-		/*
-		 * Do link reset first, some OTHER errors will set FC_ERROR
-		 * again if cleared before or w/o a reset
-		 */
-		if (info->action & LINK_RESET) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: FC Port %d: resetting link\n",
-				__func__, port);
-			cfg->lr_state = LINK_RESET_REQUIRED;
-			cfg->lr_port = port;
-			schedule_work(&cfg->work_q);
-		}
-		if (info->action & CLR_FC_ERROR) {
-			reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_ERROR / 8]);
-			/*
-			 * Since all errors are unmasked, FC_ERROR and FC_ERRCAP
-			 * should be the same and tracing one is sufficient.
-			 */
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: fc %d: clearing fc_error=%016llx\n",
-				__func__, port, reg);
-			writeq_be(reg, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERROR / 8]);
-			writeq_be(0, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERRCAP / 8]);
-		}
-		if (info->action & SCAN_HOST) {
-			atomic_inc(&cfg->scan_host_needed);
-			schedule_work(&cfg->work_q);
-		}
-	}
-	return IRQ_HANDLED;
- * read_vpd() - obtains the WWPNs from VPD
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @wwpn:	Array of size MAX_FC_PORTS to pass back WWPNs
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int read_vpd(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u64 wwpn[])
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = cfg->dev;
-	int i, k, rc = 0;
-	unsigned int kw_size;
-	ssize_t vpd_size;
-	char vpd_data[CXLFLASH_VPD_LEN];
-	char tmp_buf[WWPN_BUF_LEN] = { 0 };
-	const struct dev_dependent_vals *ddv = (struct dev_dependent_vals *)
-						cfg->dev_id->driver_data;
-	const bool wwpn_vpd_required = ddv->flags & CXLFLASH_WWPN_VPD_REQUIRED;
-	const char *wwpn_vpd_tags[MAX_FC_PORTS] = { "V5", "V6", "V7", "V8" };
-	/* Get the VPD data from the device */
-	vpd_size = cfg->ops->read_adapter_vpd(pdev, vpd_data, sizeof(vpd_data));
-	if (unlikely(vpd_size <= 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to read VPD (size = %ld)\n",
-			__func__, vpd_size);
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Find the offset of the WWPN tag within the read only
-	 * VPD data and validate the found field (partials are
-	 * no good to us). Convert the ASCII data to an integer
-	 * value. Note that we must copy to a temporary buffer
-	 * because the conversion service requires that the ASCII
-	 * string be terminated.
-	 *
-	 * Allow for WWPN not being found for all devices, setting
-	 * the returned WWPN to zero when not found. Notify with a
-	 * log error for cards that should have had WWPN keywords
-	 * in the VPD - cards requiring WWPN will not have their
-	 * ports programmed and operate in an undefined state.
-	 */
-	for (k = 0; k < cfg->num_fc_ports; k++) {
-		i = pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword(vpd_data, vpd_size,
-						 wwpn_vpd_tags[k], &kw_size);
-		if (i == -ENOENT) {
-			if (wwpn_vpd_required)
-				dev_err(dev, "%s: Port %d WWPN not found\n",
-					__func__, k);
-			wwpn[k] = 0ULL;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (i < 0 || kw_size != WWPN_LEN) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Port %d WWPN incomplete or bad VPD\n",
-				__func__, k);
-			rc = -ENODEV;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		memcpy(tmp_buf, &vpd_data[i], WWPN_LEN);
-		rc = kstrtoul(tmp_buf, WWPN_LEN, (ulong *)&wwpn[k]);
-		if (unlikely(rc)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: WWPN conversion failed for port %d\n",
-				__func__, k);
-			rc = -ENODEV;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: wwpn%d=%016llx\n", __func__, k, wwpn[k]);
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * init_pcr() - initialize the provisioning and control registers
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Also sets up fast access to the mapped registers and initializes AFU
- * command fields that never change.
- */
-static void init_pcr(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct sisl_ctrl_map __iomem *ctrl_map;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	void *cookie;
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONTEXT; i++) {
-		ctrl_map = &afu->afu_map->ctrls[i].ctrl;
-		/* Disrupt any clients that could be running */
-		/* e.g. clients that survived a master restart */
-		writeq_be(0, &ctrl_map->rht_start);
-		writeq_be(0, &ctrl_map->rht_cnt_id);
-		writeq_be(0, &ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
-	}
-	/* Copy frequently used fields into hwq */
-	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-		cookie = hwq->ctx_cookie;
-		hwq->ctx_hndl = (u16) cfg->ops->process_element(cookie);
-		hwq->host_map = &afu->afu_map->hosts[hwq->ctx_hndl].host;
-		hwq->ctrl_map = &afu->afu_map->ctrls[hwq->ctx_hndl].ctrl;
-		/* Program the Endian Control for the master context */
-		writeq_be(SISL_ENDIAN_CTRL, &hwq->host_map->endian_ctrl);
-	}
- * init_global() - initialize AFU global registers
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-static int init_global(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	struct sisl_host_map __iomem *hmap;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
-	u64 wwpn[MAX_FC_PORTS];	/* wwpn of AFU ports */
-	int i = 0, num_ports = 0;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int j;
-	void *ctx;
-	u64 reg;
-	rc = read_vpd(cfg, &wwpn[0]);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: could not read vpd rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Set up RRQ and SQ in HWQ for master issued cmds */
-	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-		hmap = hwq->host_map;
-		writeq_be((u64) hwq->hrrq_start, &hmap->rrq_start);
-		writeq_be((u64) hwq->hrrq_end, &hmap->rrq_end);
-		hwq->hrrq_online = true;
-		if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu)) {
-			writeq_be((u64)hwq->hsq_start, &hmap->sq_start);
-			writeq_be((u64)hwq->hsq_end, &hmap->sq_end);
-		}
-	}
-	/* AFU configuration */
-	reg = readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_config);
-	/* enable all auto retry options and control endianness */
-	/* leave others at default: */
-	/* CTX_CAP write protected, mbox_r does not clear on read and */
-	/* checker on if dual afu */
-	writeq_be(reg, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_config);
-	/* Global port select: select either port */
-	if (afu->internal_lun) {
-		/* Only use port 0 */
-		writeq_be(PORT0, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
-		num_ports = 0;
-	} else {
-		writeq_be(PORT_MASK(cfg->num_fc_ports),
-			  &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
-		num_ports = cfg->num_fc_ports;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < num_ports; i++) {
-		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, i);
-		/* Unmask all errors (but they are still masked at AFU) */
-		writeq_be(0, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERRMSK / 8]);
-		/* Clear CRC error cnt & set a threshold */
-		(void)readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CNT_CRCERR / 8]);
-		writeq_be(MC_CRC_THRESH, &fc_port_regs[FC_CRC_THRESH / 8]);
-		/* Set WWPNs. If already programmed, wwpn[i] is 0 */
-		if (wwpn[i] != 0)
-			afu_set_wwpn(afu, i, &fc_port_regs[0], wwpn[i]);
-		/* Programming WWPN back to back causes additional
-		 * offline/online transitions and a PLOGI
-		 */
-		msleep(100);
-	}
-	if (afu_is_ocxl_lisn(afu)) {
-		/* Set up the LISN effective address for each master */
-		for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-			hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-			ctx = hwq->ctx_cookie;
-			for (j = 0; j < hwq->num_irqs; j++) {
-				reg = cfg->ops->get_irq_objhndl(ctx, j);
-				writeq_be(reg, &hwq->ctrl_map->lisn_ea[j]);
-			}
-			reg = hwq->ctx_hndl;
-			writeq_be(SISL_LISN_PASID(reg, reg),
-				  &hwq->ctrl_map->lisn_pasid[0]);
-			writeq_be(SISL_LISN_PASID(0UL, reg),
-				  &hwq->ctrl_map->lisn_pasid[1]);
-		}
-	}
-	/* Set up master's own CTX_CAP to allow real mode, host translation */
-	/* tables, afu cmds and read/write GSCSI cmds. */
-	/* First, unlock ctx_cap write by reading mbox */
-	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-		(void)readq_be(&hwq->ctrl_map->mbox_r);	/* unlock ctx_cap */
-			&hwq->ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Determine write-same unmap support for host by evaluating the unmap
-	 * sector support bit of the context control register associated with
-	 * the primary hardware queue. Note that while this status is reflected
-	 * in a context register, the outcome can be assumed to be host-wide.
-	 */
-	hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	reg = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->ctx_ctrl);
-		cfg->ws_unmap = true;
-	/* Initialize heartbeat */
-	afu->hb = readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_hb);
-	return rc;
- * start_afu() - initializes and starts the AFU
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-static int start_afu(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int i;
-	init_pcr(cfg);
-	/* Initialize each HWQ */
-	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-		/* After an AFU reset, RRQ entries are stale, clear them */
-		memset(&hwq->rrq_entry, 0, sizeof(hwq->rrq_entry));
-		/* Initialize RRQ pointers */
-		hwq->hrrq_start = &hwq->rrq_entry[0];
-		hwq->hrrq_end = &hwq->rrq_entry[NUM_RRQ_ENTRY - 1];
-		hwq->hrrq_curr = hwq->hrrq_start;
-		hwq->toggle = 1;
-		/* Initialize spin locks */
-		spin_lock_init(&hwq->hrrq_slock);
-		spin_lock_init(&hwq->hsq_slock);
-		/* Initialize SQ */
-		if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu)) {
-			memset(&hwq->sq, 0, sizeof(hwq->sq));
-			hwq->hsq_start = &hwq->sq[0];
-			hwq->hsq_end = &hwq->sq[NUM_SQ_ENTRY - 1];
-			hwq->hsq_curr = hwq->hsq_start;
-			atomic_set(&hwq->hsq_credits, NUM_SQ_ENTRY - 1);
-		}
-		/* Initialize IRQ poll */
-		if (afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(afu))
-			irq_poll_init(&hwq->irqpoll, afu->irqpoll_weight,
-				      cxlflash_irqpoll);
-	}
-	rc = init_global(cfg);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * init_intr() - setup interrupt handlers for the master context
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @hwq:	Hardware queue to initialize.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static enum undo_level init_intr(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
-				 struct hwq *hwq)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	void *ctx = hwq->ctx_cookie;
-	int rc = 0;
-	enum undo_level level = UNDO_NOOP;
-	bool is_primary_hwq = (hwq->index == PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	int num_irqs = hwq->num_irqs;
-	rc = cfg->ops->allocate_afu_irqs(ctx, num_irqs);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: allocate_afu_irqs failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		level = UNDO_NOOP;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = cfg->ops->map_afu_irq(ctx, 1, cxlflash_sync_err_irq, hwq,
-	if (unlikely(rc <= 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: SISL_MSI_SYNC_ERROR map failed\n", __func__);
-		level = FREE_IRQ;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = cfg->ops->map_afu_irq(ctx, 2, cxlflash_rrq_irq, hwq,
-	if (unlikely(rc <= 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED map failed\n", __func__);
-		level = UNMAP_ONE;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR is setup only for the primary HWQ */
-	if (!is_primary_hwq)
-		goto out;
-	rc = cfg->ops->map_afu_irq(ctx, 3, cxlflash_async_err_irq, hwq,
-	if (unlikely(rc <= 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR map failed\n", __func__);
-		level = UNMAP_TWO;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	return level;
- * init_mc() - create and register as the master context
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @index:	HWQ Index of the master context.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int init_mc(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u32 index)
-	void *ctx;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(cfg->afu, index);
-	int rc = 0;
-	int num_irqs;
-	enum undo_level level;
-	hwq->afu = cfg->afu;
-	hwq->index = index;
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hwq->pending_cmds);
-	if (index == PRIMARY_HWQ) {
-		ctx = cfg->ops->get_context(cfg->dev, cfg->afu_cookie);
-		num_irqs = 3;
-	} else {
-		ctx = cfg->ops->dev_context_init(cfg->dev, cfg->afu_cookie);
-		num_irqs = 2;
-	}
-	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ctx)) {
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	WARN_ON(hwq->ctx_cookie);
-	hwq->ctx_cookie = ctx;
-	hwq->num_irqs = num_irqs;
-	/* Set it up as a master with the CXL */
-	cfg->ops->set_master(ctx);
-	/* Reset AFU when initializing primary context */
-	if (index == PRIMARY_HWQ) {
-		rc = cfg->ops->afu_reset(ctx);
-		if (unlikely(rc)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: AFU reset failed rc=%d\n",
-				      __func__, rc);
-			goto err1;
-		}
-	}
-	level = init_intr(cfg, hwq);
-	if (unlikely(level)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: interrupt init failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	/* Finally, activate the context by starting it */
-	rc = cfg->ops->start_context(hwq->ctx_cookie);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: start context failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		level = UNMAP_THREE;
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	term_intr(cfg, level, index);
-	if (index != PRIMARY_HWQ)
-		cfg->ops->release_context(ctx);
-	hwq->ctx_cookie = NULL;
-	goto out;
- * get_num_afu_ports() - determines and configures the number of AFU ports
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * This routine determines the number of AFU ports by converting the global
- * port selection mask. The converted value is only valid following an AFU
- * reset (explicit or power-on). This routine must be invoked shortly after
- * mapping as other routines are dependent on the number of ports during the
- * initialization sequence.
- *
- * To support legacy AFUs that might not have reflected an initial global
- * port mask (value read is 0), default to the number of ports originally
- * supported by the cxlflash driver (2) before hardware with other port
- * offerings was introduced.
- */
-static void get_num_afu_ports(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	u64 port_mask;
-	int num_fc_ports = LEGACY_FC_PORTS;
-	port_mask = readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
-	if (port_mask != 0ULL)
-		num_fc_ports = min(ilog2(port_mask) + 1, MAX_FC_PORTS);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: port_mask=%016llx num_fc_ports=%d\n",
-		__func__, port_mask, num_fc_ports);
-	cfg->num_fc_ports = num_fc_ports;
-	cfg->host->max_channel = PORTNUM2CHAN(num_fc_ports);
- * init_afu() - setup as master context and start AFU
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * This routine is a higher level of control for configuring the
- * AFU on probe and reset paths.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int init_afu(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	u64 reg;
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	int i;
-	cfg->ops->perst_reloads_same_image(cfg->afu_cookie, true);
-	mutex_init(&afu->sync_active);
-	afu->num_hwqs = afu->desired_hwqs;
-	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-		rc = init_mc(cfg, i);
-		if (rc) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: init_mc failed rc=%d index=%d\n",
-				__func__, rc, i);
-			goto err1;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Map the entire MMIO space of the AFU using the first context */
-	hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	afu->afu_map = cfg->ops->psa_map(hwq->ctx_cookie);
-	if (!afu->afu_map) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: psa_map failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	/* No byte reverse on reading afu_version or string will be backwards */
-	reg = readq(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_version);
-	memcpy(afu->version, &reg, sizeof(reg));
-	afu->interface_version =
-	    readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.interface_version);
-	if ((afu->interface_version + 1) == 0) {
-		dev_err(dev, "Back level AFU, please upgrade. AFU version %s "
-			"interface version %016llx\n", afu->version,
-		       afu->interface_version);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu)) {
-		afu->send_cmd = send_cmd_sq;
-		afu->context_reset = context_reset_sq;
-	} else {
-		afu->send_cmd = send_cmd_ioarrin;
-		afu->context_reset = context_reset_ioarrin;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: afu_ver=%s interface_ver=%016llx\n", __func__,
-		afu->version, afu->interface_version);
-	get_num_afu_ports(cfg);
-	rc = start_afu(cfg);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: start_afu failed, rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	afu_err_intr_init(cfg->afu);
-	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-		hwq->room = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->cmd_room);
-	}
-	/* Restore the LUN mappings */
-	cxlflash_restore_luntable(cfg);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	for (i = afu->num_hwqs - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-		term_intr(cfg, UNMAP_THREE, i);
-		term_mc(cfg, i);
-	}
-	goto out;
- * afu_reset() - resets the AFU
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int afu_reset(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	/* Stop the context before the reset. Since the context is
-	 * no longer available restart it after the reset is complete
-	 */
-	term_afu(cfg);
-	rc = init_afu(cfg);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * drain_ioctls() - wait until all currently executing ioctls have completed
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Obtain write access to read/write semaphore that wraps ioctl
- * handling to 'drain' ioctls currently executing.
- */
-static void drain_ioctls(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	down_write(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	up_write(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
- * cxlflash_async_reset_host() - asynchronous host reset handler
- * @data:	Private data provided while scheduling reset.
- * @cookie:	Cookie that can be used for checkpointing.
- */
-static void cxlflash_async_reset_host(void *data, async_cookie_t cookie)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = data;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (cfg->state != STATE_RESET) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Not performing a reset, state=%d\n",
-			__func__, cfg->state);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	drain_ioctls(cfg);
-	cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
-	rc = afu_reset(cfg);
-	if (rc)
-		cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
-	else
-		cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
-	wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-	scsi_unblock_requests(cfg->host);
- * cxlflash_schedule_async_reset() - schedule an asynchronous host reset
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-static void cxlflash_schedule_async_reset(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	if (cfg->state != STATE_NORMAL) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Not performing reset state=%d\n",
-			__func__, cfg->state);
-		return;
-	}
-	cfg->state = STATE_RESET;
-	scsi_block_requests(cfg->host);
-	cfg->async_reset_cookie = async_schedule(cxlflash_async_reset_host,
-						 cfg);
- * send_afu_cmd() - builds and sends an internal AFU command
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @rcb:	Pre-populated IOARCB describing command to send.
- *
- * The AFU can only take one internal AFU command at a time. This limitation is
- * enforced by using a mutex to provide exclusive access to the AFU during the
- * operation. This design point requires calling threads to not be on interrupt
- * context due to the possibility of sleeping during concurrent AFU operations.
- *
- * The command status is optionally passed back to the caller when the caller
- * populates the IOASA field of the IOARCB with a pointer to an IOASA structure.
- *
- * Return:
- *	0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int send_afu_cmd(struct afu *afu, struct sisl_ioarcb *rcb)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu_cmd *cmd = NULL;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	char *buf = NULL;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int nretry = 0;
-	if (cfg->state != STATE_NORMAL) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Sync not required state=%u\n",
-			__func__, cfg->state);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	mutex_lock(&afu->sync_active);
-	atomic_inc(&afu->cmds_active);
-	buf = kmalloc(sizeof(*cmd) + __alignof__(*cmd) - 1, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!buf)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: no memory for command\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	cmd = (struct afu_cmd *)PTR_ALIGN(buf, __alignof__(*cmd));
-	memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd));
-	memcpy(&cmd->rcb, rcb, sizeof(*rcb));
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cmd->queue);
-	init_completion(&cmd->cevent);
-	cmd->parent = afu;
-	cmd->hwq_index = hwq->index;
-	cmd->rcb.ctx_id = hwq->ctx_hndl;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: afu=%p cmd=%p type=%02x nretry=%d\n",
-		__func__, afu, cmd, cmd->rcb.cdb[0], nretry);
-	rc = afu->send_cmd(afu, cmd);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		rc = -ENOBUFS;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = wait_resp(afu, cmd);
-	switch (rc) {
-	case -ETIMEDOUT:
-		rc = afu->context_reset(hwq);
-		if (rc) {
-			/* Delete the command from pending_cmds list */
-			spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-			list_del(&cmd->list);
-			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-			cxlflash_schedule_async_reset(cfg);
-			break;
-		}
-		fallthrough;	/* to retry */
-	case -EAGAIN:
-		if (++nretry < 2)
-			goto retry;
-		fallthrough;	/* to exit */
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	if (rcb->ioasa)
-		*rcb->ioasa = cmd->sa;
-	atomic_dec(&afu->cmds_active);
-	mutex_unlock(&afu->sync_active);
-	kfree(buf);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_afu_sync() - builds and sends an AFU sync command
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @ctx:	Identifies context requesting sync.
- * @res:	Identifies resource requesting sync.
- * @mode:	Type of sync to issue (lightweight, heavyweight, global).
- *
- * AFU sync operations are only necessary and allowed when the device is
- * operating normally. When not operating normally, sync requests can occur as
- * part of cleaning up resources associated with an adapter prior to removal.
- * In this scenario, these requests are simply ignored (safe due to the AFU
- * going away).
- *
- * Return:
- *	0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int cxlflash_afu_sync(struct afu *afu, ctx_hndl_t ctx, res_hndl_t res, u8 mode)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_ioarcb rcb = { 0 };
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: afu=%p ctx=%u res=%u mode=%u\n",
-		__func__, afu, ctx, res, mode);
-	rcb.req_flags = SISL_REQ_FLAGS_AFU_CMD;
-	rcb.timeout = MC_AFU_SYNC_TIMEOUT;
-	rcb.cdb[0] = SISL_AFU_CMD_SYNC;
-	rcb.cdb[1] = mode;
-	put_unaligned_be16(ctx, &rcb.cdb[2]);
-	put_unaligned_be32(res, &rcb.cdb[4]);
-	return send_afu_cmd(afu, &rcb);
- * cxlflash_eh_abort_handler() - abort a SCSI command
- * @scp:	SCSI command to abort.
- *
- * CXL Flash devices do not support a single command abort. Reset the context
- * as per SISLite specification. Flush any pending commands in the hardware
- * queue before the reset.
- *
- * Return: SUCCESS/FAILED as defined in scsi/scsi.h
- */
-static int cxlflash_eh_abort_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
-	int rc = FAILED;
-	struct Scsi_Host *host = scp->device->host;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(host);
-	struct afu_cmd *cmd = sc_to_afuc(scp);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, cmd->hwq_index);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: (scp=%p) %d/%d/%d/%llu "
-		"cdb=(%08x-%08x-%08x-%08x)\n", __func__, scp, host->host_no,
-		scp->device->channel, scp->device->id, scp->device->lun,
-		get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[0]),
-		get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[1]),
-		get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[2]),
-		get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[3]));
-	/* When the state is not normal, another reset/reload is in progress.
-	 * Return failed and the mid-layer will invoke host reset handler.
-	 */
-	if (cfg->state != STATE_NORMAL) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Invalid state for abort, state=%d\n",
-			__func__, cfg->state);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = afu->context_reset(hwq);
-	if (unlikely(rc))
-		goto out;
-	rc = SUCCESS;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_eh_device_reset_handler() - reset a single LUN
- * @scp:	SCSI command to send.
- *
- * Return:
- *	SUCCESS as defined in scsi/scsi.h
- *	FAILED as defined in scsi/scsi.h
- */
-static int cxlflash_eh_device_reset_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
-	int rc = SUCCESS;
-	struct scsi_device *sdev = scp->device;
-	struct Scsi_Host *host = sdev->host;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rcr = 0;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %d/%d/%d/%llu\n", __func__,
-		host->host_no, sdev->channel, sdev->id, sdev->lun);
-	switch (cfg->state) {
-		rcr = send_tmf(cfg, sdev, TMF_LUN_RESET);
-		if (unlikely(rcr))
-			rc = FAILED;
-		break;
-		wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET);
-		goto retry;
-	default:
-		rc = FAILED;
-		break;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_eh_host_reset_handler() - reset the host adapter
- * @scp:	SCSI command from stack identifying host.
- *
- * Following a reset, the state is evaluated again in case an EEH occurred
- * during the reset. In such a scenario, the host reset will either yield
- * until the EEH recovery is complete or return success or failure based
- * upon the current device state.
- *
- * Return:
- *	SUCCESS as defined in scsi/scsi.h
- *	FAILED as defined in scsi/scsi.h
- */
-static int cxlflash_eh_host_reset_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
-	int rc = SUCCESS;
-	int rcr = 0;
-	struct Scsi_Host *host = scp->device->host;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %d\n", __func__, host->host_no);
-	switch (cfg->state) {
-		cfg->state = STATE_RESET;
-		drain_ioctls(cfg);
-		cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
-		rcr = afu_reset(cfg);
-		if (rcr) {
-			rc = FAILED;
-			cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
-		} else
-			cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
-		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-		ssleep(1);
-		fallthrough;
-		wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET);
-		if (cfg->state == STATE_NORMAL)
-			break;
-		fallthrough;
-	default:
-		rc = FAILED;
-		break;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_change_queue_depth() - change the queue depth for the device
- * @sdev:	SCSI device destined for queue depth change.
- * @qdepth:	Requested queue depth value to set.
- *
- * The requested queue depth is capped to the maximum supported value.
- *
- * Return: The actual queue depth set.
- */
-static int cxlflash_change_queue_depth(struct scsi_device *sdev, int qdepth)
-	scsi_change_queue_depth(sdev, qdepth);
-	return sdev->queue_depth;
- * cxlflash_show_port_status() - queries and presents the current port status
- * @port:	Desired port for status reporting.
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf or -EINVAL.
- */
-static ssize_t cxlflash_show_port_status(u32 port,
-					 struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
-					 char *buf)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	char *disp_status;
-	u64 status;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
-	WARN_ON(port >= MAX_FC_PORTS);
-	if (port >= cfg->num_fc_ports) {
-		dev_info(dev, "%s: Port %d not supported on this card.\n",
-			__func__, port);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, port);
-	status = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_MTIP_STATUS / 8]);
-	status &= FC_MTIP_STATUS_MASK;
-	if (status == FC_MTIP_STATUS_ONLINE)
-		disp_status = "online";
-	else if (status == FC_MTIP_STATUS_OFFLINE)
-		disp_status = "offline";
-	else
-		disp_status = "unknown";
-	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", disp_status);
- * port0_show() - queries and presents the current status of port 0
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port0_show(struct device *dev,
-			  struct device_attribute *attr,
-			  char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_status(0, cfg, buf);
- * port1_show() - queries and presents the current status of port 1
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port1_show(struct device *dev,
-			  struct device_attribute *attr,
-			  char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_status(1, cfg, buf);
- * port2_show() - queries and presents the current status of port 2
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port2_show(struct device *dev,
-			  struct device_attribute *attr,
-			  char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_status(2, cfg, buf);
- * port3_show() - queries and presents the current status of port 3
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port3_show(struct device *dev,
-			  struct device_attribute *attr,
-			  char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_status(3, cfg, buf);
- * lun_mode_show() - presents the current LUN mode of the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the LUN mode.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the LUN mode in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t lun_mode_show(struct device *dev,
-			     struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", afu->internal_lun);
- * lun_mode_store() - sets the LUN mode of the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the LUN mode.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE containing the LUN mode in ASCII.
- * @count:	Length of data resizing in @buf.
- *
- * The CXL Flash AFU supports a dummy LUN mode where the external
- * links and storage are not required. Space on the FPGA is used
- * to create 1 or 2 small LUNs which are presented to the system
- * as if they were a normal storage device. This feature is useful
- * during development and also provides manufacturing with a way
- * to test the AFU without an actual device.
- *
- * 0 = external LUN[s] (default)
- * 1 = internal LUN (1 x 64K, 512B blocks, id 0)
- * 2 = internal LUN (1 x 64K, 4K blocks, id 0)
- * 3 = internal LUN (2 x 32K, 512B blocks, ids 0,1)
- * 4 = internal LUN (2 x 32K, 4K blocks, ids 0,1)
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t lun_mode_store(struct device *dev,
-			      struct device_attribute *attr,
-			      const char *buf, size_t count)
-	struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(dev);
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(shost);
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	int rc;
-	u32 lun_mode;
-	rc = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &lun_mode);
-	if (!rc && (lun_mode < 5) && (lun_mode != afu->internal_lun)) {
-		afu->internal_lun = lun_mode;
-		/*
-		 * When configured for internal LUN, there is only one channel,
-		 * channel number 0, else there will be one less than the number
-		 * of fc ports for this card.
-		 */
-		if (afu->internal_lun)
-			shost->max_channel = 0;
-		else
-			shost->max_channel = PORTNUM2CHAN(cfg->num_fc_ports);
-		afu_reset(cfg);
-		scsi_scan_host(cfg->host);
-	}
-	return count;
- * ioctl_version_show() - presents the current ioctl version of the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the ioctl version.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the ioctl version.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t ioctl_version_show(struct device *dev,
-				  struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
-	ssize_t bytes = 0;
-	bytes = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE,
-			  "disk: %u\n", DK_CXLFLASH_VERSION_0);
-	bytes += scnprintf(buf + bytes, PAGE_SIZE - bytes,
-			   "host: %u\n", HT_CXLFLASH_VERSION_0);
-	return bytes;
- * cxlflash_show_port_lun_table() - queries and presents the port LUN table
- * @port:	Desired port for status reporting.
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf or -EINVAL.
- */
-static ssize_t cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(u32 port,
-					    struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
-					    char *buf)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_luns;
-	int i;
-	ssize_t bytes = 0;
-	WARN_ON(port >= MAX_FC_PORTS);
-	if (port >= cfg->num_fc_ports) {
-		dev_info(dev, "%s: Port %d not supported on this card.\n",
-			__func__, port);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	fc_port_luns = get_fc_port_luns(cfg, port);
-	for (i = 0; i < CXLFLASH_NUM_VLUNS; i++)
-		bytes += scnprintf(buf + bytes, PAGE_SIZE - bytes,
-				   "%03d: %016llx\n",
-				   i, readq_be(&fc_port_luns[i]));
-	return bytes;
- * port0_lun_table_show() - presents the current LUN table of port 0
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port0_lun_table_show(struct device *dev,
-				    struct device_attribute *attr,
-				    char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(0, cfg, buf);
- * port1_lun_table_show() - presents the current LUN table of port 1
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port1_lun_table_show(struct device *dev,
-				    struct device_attribute *attr,
-				    char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(1, cfg, buf);
- * port2_lun_table_show() - presents the current LUN table of port 2
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port2_lun_table_show(struct device *dev,
-				    struct device_attribute *attr,
-				    char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(2, cfg, buf);
- * port3_lun_table_show() - presents the current LUN table of port 3
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port3_lun_table_show(struct device *dev,
-				    struct device_attribute *attr,
-				    char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(3, cfg, buf);
- * irqpoll_weight_show() - presents the current IRQ poll weight for the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the IRQ poll weight.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the current IRQ poll
- *		weight in ASCII.
- *
- * An IRQ poll weight of 0 indicates polling is disabled.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t irqpoll_weight_show(struct device *dev,
-				   struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", afu->irqpoll_weight);
- * irqpoll_weight_store() - sets the current IRQ poll weight for the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the IRQ poll weight.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE containing the desired IRQ poll
- *		weight in ASCII.
- * @count:	Length of data resizing in @buf.
- *
- * An IRQ poll weight of 0 indicates polling is disabled.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t irqpoll_weight_store(struct device *dev,
-				    struct device_attribute *attr,
-				    const char *buf, size_t count)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	struct device *cfgdev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	u32 weight;
-	int rc, i;
-	rc = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &weight);
-	if (rc)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	if (weight > 256) {
-		dev_info(cfgdev,
-			 "Invalid IRQ poll weight. It must be 256 or less.\n");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	if (weight == afu->irqpoll_weight) {
-		dev_info(cfgdev,
-			 "Current IRQ poll weight has the same weight.\n");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	if (afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(afu)) {
-		for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-			hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-			irq_poll_disable(&hwq->irqpoll);
-		}
-	}
-	afu->irqpoll_weight = weight;
-	if (weight > 0) {
-		for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-			hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-			irq_poll_init(&hwq->irqpoll, weight, cxlflash_irqpoll);
-		}
-	}
-	return count;
- * num_hwqs_show() - presents the number of hardware queues for the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the number of hardware queues.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the number of hardware
- *		queues in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t num_hwqs_show(struct device *dev,
-			     struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", afu->num_hwqs);
- * num_hwqs_store() - sets the number of hardware queues for the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the number of hardware queues.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE containing the number of hardware
- *		queues in ASCII.
- * @count:	Length of data resizing in @buf.
- *
- * n > 0: num_hwqs = n
- * n = 0: num_hwqs = num_online_cpus()
- * n < 0: num_online_cpus() / abs(n)
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t num_hwqs_store(struct device *dev,
-			      struct device_attribute *attr,
-			      const char *buf, size_t count)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	int rc;
-	int nhwqs, num_hwqs;
-	rc = kstrtoint(buf, 10, &nhwqs);
-	if (rc)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	if (nhwqs >= 1)
-		num_hwqs = nhwqs;
-	else if (nhwqs == 0)
-		num_hwqs = num_online_cpus();
-	else
-		num_hwqs = num_online_cpus() / abs(nhwqs);
-	afu->desired_hwqs = min(num_hwqs, CXLFLASH_MAX_HWQS);
-	WARN_ON_ONCE(afu->desired_hwqs == 0);
-	switch (cfg->state) {
-		cfg->state = STATE_RESET;
-		drain_ioctls(cfg);
-		cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
-		rc = afu_reset(cfg);
-		if (rc)
-			cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
-		else
-			cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
-		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-		break;
-		wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET);
-		if (cfg->state == STATE_NORMAL)
-			goto retry;
-		fallthrough;
-	default:
-		/* Ideally should not happen */
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Device is not ready, state=%d\n",
-			__func__, cfg->state);
-		break;
-	}
-	return count;
-static const char *hwq_mode_name[MAX_HWQ_MODE] = { "rr", "tag", "cpu" };
- * hwq_mode_show() - presents the HWQ steering mode for the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the HWQ steering mode.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the HWQ steering mode
- *		as a character string.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t hwq_mode_show(struct device *dev,
-			     struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", hwq_mode_name[afu->hwq_mode]);
- * hwq_mode_store() - sets the HWQ steering mode for the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the HWQ steering mode.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE containing the HWQ steering mode
- *		as a character string.
- * @count:	Length of data resizing in @buf.
- *
- * rr = Round-Robin
- * tag = Block MQ Tagging
- * cpu = CPU Affinity
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t hwq_mode_store(struct device *dev,
-			      struct device_attribute *attr,
-			      const char *buf, size_t count)
-	struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(dev);
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(shost);
-	struct device *cfgdev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	int i;
-	u32 mode = MAX_HWQ_MODE;
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_HWQ_MODE; i++) {
-		if (!strncmp(hwq_mode_name[i], buf, strlen(hwq_mode_name[i]))) {
-			mode = i;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (mode >= MAX_HWQ_MODE) {
-		dev_info(cfgdev, "Invalid HWQ steering mode.\n");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	afu->hwq_mode = mode;
-	return count;
- * mode_show() - presents the current mode of the device
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the device.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the device mode.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the dev mode in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t mode_show(struct device *dev,
-			 struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
-	struct scsi_device *sdev = to_scsi_device(dev);
-	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n",
-			 sdev->hostdata ? "superpipe" : "legacy");
- * Host attributes
- */
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port0);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port1);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port2);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port3);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(lun_mode);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(ioctl_version);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port0_lun_table);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port1_lun_table);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port2_lun_table);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port3_lun_table);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(irqpoll_weight);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(num_hwqs);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(hwq_mode);
-static struct attribute *cxlflash_host_attrs[] = {
-	&dev_attr_port0.attr,
-	&dev_attr_port1.attr,
-	&dev_attr_port2.attr,
-	&dev_attr_port3.attr,
-	&dev_attr_lun_mode.attr,
-	&dev_attr_ioctl_version.attr,
-	&dev_attr_port0_lun_table.attr,
-	&dev_attr_port1_lun_table.attr,
-	&dev_attr_port2_lun_table.attr,
-	&dev_attr_port3_lun_table.attr,
-	&dev_attr_irqpoll_weight.attr,
-	&dev_attr_num_hwqs.attr,
-	&dev_attr_hwq_mode.attr,
- * Device attributes
- */
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(mode);
-static struct attribute *cxlflash_dev_attrs[] = {
-	&dev_attr_mode.attr,
- * Host template
- */
-static struct scsi_host_template driver_template = {
-	.module = THIS_MODULE,
-	.info = cxlflash_driver_info,
-	.ioctl = cxlflash_ioctl,
-	.proc_name = CXLFLASH_NAME,
-	.queuecommand = cxlflash_queuecommand,
-	.eh_abort_handler = cxlflash_eh_abort_handler,
-	.eh_device_reset_handler = cxlflash_eh_device_reset_handler,
-	.eh_host_reset_handler = cxlflash_eh_host_reset_handler,
-	.change_queue_depth = cxlflash_change_queue_depth,
-	.cmd_per_lun = CXLFLASH_MAX_CMDS_PER_LUN,
-	.can_queue = CXLFLASH_MAX_CMDS,
-	.cmd_size = sizeof(struct afu_cmd) + __alignof__(struct afu_cmd) - 1,
-	.this_id = -1,
-	.sg_tablesize = 1,	/* No scatter gather support */
-	.max_sectors = CXLFLASH_MAX_SECTORS,
-	.shost_groups = cxlflash_host_groups,
-	.sdev_groups = cxlflash_dev_groups,
- * Device dependent values
- */
-static struct dev_dependent_vals dev_corsa_vals = { CXLFLASH_MAX_SECTORS,
-static struct dev_dependent_vals dev_flash_gt_vals = { CXLFLASH_MAX_SECTORS,
-static struct dev_dependent_vals dev_briard_vals = { CXLFLASH_MAX_SECTORS,
- * PCI device binding table
- */
-static const struct pci_device_id cxlflash_pci_table[] = {
-	 PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (kernel_ulong_t)&dev_corsa_vals},
-	 PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (kernel_ulong_t)&dev_flash_gt_vals},
-	 PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (kernel_ulong_t)&dev_briard_vals},
-	{}
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, cxlflash_pci_table);
- * cxlflash_worker_thread() - work thread handler for the AFU
- * @work:	Work structure contained within cxlflash associated with host.
- *
- * Handles the following events:
- * - Link reset which cannot be performed on interrupt context due to
- * blocking up to a few seconds
- * - Rescan the host
- */
-static void cxlflash_worker_thread(struct work_struct *work)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = container_of(work, struct cxlflash_cfg,
-						work_q);
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
-	int port;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	/* Avoid MMIO if the device has failed */
-	if (cfg->state != STATE_NORMAL)
-		return;
-	spin_lock_irqsave(cfg->host->host_lock, lock_flags);
-	if (cfg->lr_state == LINK_RESET_REQUIRED) {
-		port = cfg->lr_port;
-		if (port < 0)
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: invalid port index %d\n",
-				__func__, port);
-		else {
-			spin_unlock_irqrestore(cfg->host->host_lock,
-					       lock_flags);
-			/* The reset can block... */
-			fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, port);
-			afu_link_reset(afu, port, fc_port_regs);
-			spin_lock_irqsave(cfg->host->host_lock, lock_flags);
-		}
-		cfg->lr_state = LINK_RESET_COMPLETE;
-	}
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(cfg->host->host_lock, lock_flags);
-	if (atomic_dec_if_positive(&cfg->scan_host_needed) >= 0)
-		scsi_scan_host(cfg->host);
- * cxlflash_chr_open() - character device open handler
- * @inode:	Device inode associated with this character device.
- * @file:	File pointer for this device.
- *
- * Only users with admin privileges are allowed to open the character device.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_chr_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg;
-	if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-		return -EACCES;
-	cfg = container_of(inode->i_cdev, struct cxlflash_cfg, cdev);
-	file->private_data = cfg;
-	return 0;
- * decode_hioctl() - translates encoded host ioctl to easily identifiable string
- * @cmd:        The host ioctl command to decode.
- *
- * Return: A string identifying the decoded host ioctl.
- */
-static char *decode_hioctl(unsigned int cmd)
-	switch (cmd) {
-		return __stringify_1(HT_CXLFLASH_LUN_PROVISION);
-	}
-	return "UNKNOWN";
- * cxlflash_lun_provision() - host LUN provisioning handler
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @arg:	Kernel copy of userspace ioctl data structure.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_lun_provision(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, void *arg)
-	struct ht_cxlflash_lun_provision *lunprov = arg;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_ioarcb rcb;
-	struct sisl_ioasa asa;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
-	u16 port = lunprov->port;
-	u16 scmd = lunprov->hdr.subcmd;
-	u16 type;
-	u64 reg;
-	u64 size;
-	u64 lun_id;
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (!afu_is_lun_provision(afu)) {
-		rc = -ENOTSUPP;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (port >= cfg->num_fc_ports) {
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	switch (scmd) {
-		size = lunprov->size;
-		lun_id = 0;
-		break;
-		size = 0;
-		lun_id = lunprov->lun_id;
-		break;
-		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, port);
-		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_MAX_NUM_LUNS / 8]);
-		lunprov->max_num_luns = reg;
-		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CUR_NUM_LUNS / 8]);
-		lunprov->cur_num_luns = reg;
-		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_MAX_CAP_PORT / 8]);
-		lunprov->max_cap_port = reg;
-		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CUR_CAP_PORT / 8]);
-		lunprov->cur_cap_port = reg;
-		goto out;
-	default:
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	memset(&rcb, 0, sizeof(rcb));
-	memset(&asa, 0, sizeof(asa));
-	rcb.req_flags = SISL_REQ_FLAGS_AFU_CMD;
-	rcb.lun_id = lun_id;
-	rcb.timeout = MC_LUN_PROV_TIMEOUT;
-	rcb.ioasa = &asa;
-	rcb.cdb[1] = type;
-	rcb.cdb[2] = port;
-	put_unaligned_be64(size, &rcb.cdb[8]);
-	rc = send_afu_cmd(afu, &rcb);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: send_afu_cmd failed rc=%d asc=%08x afux=%x\n",
-			__func__, rc, asa.ioasc, asa.afu_extra);
-		goto out;
-	}
-		lunprov->lun_id = (u64)asa.lunid_hi << 32 | asa.lunid_lo;
-		memcpy(lunprov->wwid, asa.wwid, sizeof(lunprov->wwid));
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_afu_debug() - host AFU debug handler
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @arg:	Kernel copy of userspace ioctl data structure.
- *
- * For debug requests requiring a data buffer, always provide an aligned
- * (cache line) buffer to the AFU to appease any alignment requirements.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_afu_debug(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, void *arg)
-	struct ht_cxlflash_afu_debug *afu_dbg = arg;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_ioarcb rcb;
-	struct sisl_ioasa asa;
-	char *buf = NULL;
-	char *kbuf = NULL;
-	void __user *ubuf = (__force void __user *)afu_dbg->data_ea;
-	u16 req_flags = SISL_REQ_FLAGS_AFU_CMD;
-	u32 ulen = afu_dbg->data_len;
-	bool is_write = afu_dbg->hdr.flags & HT_CXLFLASH_HOST_WRITE;
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (!afu_is_afu_debug(afu)) {
-		rc = -ENOTSUPP;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (ulen) {
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		buf = kmalloc(ulen + cache_line_size() - 1, GFP_KERNEL);
-		if (unlikely(!buf)) {
-			rc = -ENOMEM;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		kbuf = PTR_ALIGN(buf, cache_line_size());
-		if (is_write) {
-			req_flags |= SISL_REQ_FLAGS_HOST_WRITE;
-			if (copy_from_user(kbuf, ubuf, ulen)) {
-				rc = -EFAULT;
-				goto out;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	memset(&rcb, 0, sizeof(rcb));
-	memset(&asa, 0, sizeof(asa));
-	rcb.req_flags = req_flags;
-	rcb.timeout = MC_AFU_DEBUG_TIMEOUT;
-	rcb.ioasa = &asa;
-	if (ulen) {
-		rcb.data_len = ulen;
-		rcb.data_ea = (uintptr_t)kbuf;
-	}
-	rcb.cdb[0] = SISL_AFU_CMD_DEBUG;
-	memcpy(&rcb.cdb[4], afu_dbg->afu_subcmd,
-	rc = send_afu_cmd(afu, &rcb);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: send_afu_cmd failed rc=%d asc=%08x afux=%x\n",
-			__func__, rc, asa.ioasc, asa.afu_extra);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (ulen && !is_write) {
-		if (copy_to_user(ubuf, kbuf, ulen))
-			rc = -EFAULT;
-	}
-	kfree(buf);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_chr_ioctl() - character device IOCTL handler
- * @file:	File pointer for this device.
- * @cmd:	IOCTL command.
- * @arg:	Userspace ioctl data structure.
- *
- * A read/write semaphore is used to implement a 'drain' of currently
- * running ioctls. The read semaphore is taken at the beginning of each
- * ioctl thread and released upon concluding execution. Additionally the
- * semaphore should be released and then reacquired in any ioctl execution
- * path which will wait for an event to occur that is outside the scope of
- * the ioctl (i.e. an adapter reset). To drain the ioctls currently running,
- * a thread simply needs to acquire the write semaphore.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static long cxlflash_chr_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
-			       unsigned long arg)
-	typedef int (*hioctl) (struct cxlflash_cfg *, void *);
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = file->private_data;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	char buf[sizeof(union cxlflash_ht_ioctls)];
-	void __user *uarg = (void __user *)arg;
-	struct ht_cxlflash_hdr *hdr;
-	size_t size = 0;
-	bool known_ioctl = false;
-	int idx = 0;
-	int rc = 0;
-	hioctl do_ioctl = NULL;
-	static const struct {
-		size_t size;
-		hioctl ioctl;
-	} ioctl_tbl[] = {	/* NOTE: order matters here */
-	{ sizeof(struct ht_cxlflash_lun_provision), cxlflash_lun_provision },
-	{ sizeof(struct ht_cxlflash_afu_debug), cxlflash_afu_debug },
-	};
-	/* Hold read semaphore so we can drain if needed */
-	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd=%u idx=%d tbl_size=%lu\n",
-		__func__, cmd, idx, sizeof(ioctl_tbl));
-	switch (cmd) {
-		known_ioctl = true;
-		size = ioctl_tbl[idx].size;
-		do_ioctl = ioctl_tbl[idx].ioctl;
-		if (likely(do_ioctl))
-			break;
-		fallthrough;
-	default:
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (unlikely(copy_from_user(&buf, uarg, size))) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_from_user() fail "
-			"size=%lu cmd=%d (%s) uarg=%p\n",
-			__func__, size, cmd, decode_hioctl(cmd), uarg);
-		rc = -EFAULT;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	hdr = (struct ht_cxlflash_hdr *)&buf;
-	if (hdr->version != HT_CXLFLASH_VERSION_0) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Version %u not supported for %s\n",
-			__func__, hdr->version, decode_hioctl(cmd));
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (hdr->rsvd[0] || hdr->rsvd[1] || hdr->return_flags) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Reserved/rflags populated\n", __func__);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = do_ioctl(cfg, (void *)&buf);
-	if (likely(!rc))
-		if (unlikely(copy_to_user(uarg, &buf, size))) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_to_user() fail "
-				"size=%lu cmd=%d (%s) uarg=%p\n",
-				__func__, size, cmd, decode_hioctl(cmd), uarg);
-			rc = -EFAULT;
-		}
-	/* fall through to exit */
-	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	if (unlikely(rc && known_ioctl))
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ioctl %s (%08X) returned rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, decode_hioctl(cmd), cmd, rc);
-	else
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ioctl %s (%08X) returned rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, decode_hioctl(cmd), cmd, rc);
-	return rc;
- * Character device file operations
- */
-static const struct file_operations cxlflash_chr_fops = {
-	.owner          = THIS_MODULE,
-	.open           = cxlflash_chr_open,
-	.unlocked_ioctl	= cxlflash_chr_ioctl,
-	.compat_ioctl	= compat_ptr_ioctl,
- * init_chrdev() - initialize the character device for the host
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int init_chrdev(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct device *char_dev;
-	dev_t devno;
-	int minor;
-	int rc = 0;
-	minor = cxlflash_get_minor();
-	if (unlikely(minor < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Exhausted allowed adapters\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOSPC;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	devno = MKDEV(cxlflash_major, minor);
-	cdev_init(&cfg->cdev, &cxlflash_chr_fops);
-	rc = cdev_add(&cfg->cdev, devno, 1);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: cdev_add failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	char_dev = device_create(&cxlflash_class, NULL, devno,
-				 NULL, "cxlflash%d", minor);
-	if (IS_ERR(char_dev)) {
-		rc = PTR_ERR(char_dev);
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: device_create failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	cfg->chardev = char_dev;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	cdev_del(&cfg->cdev);
-	cxlflash_put_minor(minor);
-	goto out;
- * cxlflash_probe() - PCI entry point to add host
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- * @dev_id:	PCI device id associated with device.
- *
- * The device will initially start out in a 'probing' state and
- * transition to the 'normal' state at the end of a successful
- * probe. Should an EEH event occur during probe, the notification
- * thread (error_detected()) will wait until the probe handler
- * is nearly complete. At that time, the device will be moved to
- * a 'probed' state and the EEH thread woken up to drive the slot
- * reset and recovery (device moves to 'normal' state). Meanwhile,
- * the probe will be allowed to exit successfully.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
-			  const struct pci_device_id *dev_id)
-	struct Scsi_Host *host;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = NULL;
-	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
-	struct dev_dependent_vals *ddv;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int k;
-	dev_err_once(&pdev->dev, "DEPRECATION: cxlflash is deprecated and will be removed in a future kernel release\n");
-	dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "%s: Found CXLFLASH with IRQ: %d\n",
-		__func__, pdev->irq);
-	ddv = (struct dev_dependent_vals *)dev_id->driver_data;
-	driver_template.max_sectors = ddv->max_sectors;
-	host = scsi_host_alloc(&driver_template, sizeof(struct cxlflash_cfg));
-	if (!host) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: scsi_host_alloc failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	host->unique_id = host->host_no;
-	host->max_cmd_len = CXLFLASH_MAX_CDB_LEN;
-	cfg = shost_priv(host);
-	cfg->state = STATE_PROBING;
-	cfg->host = host;
-	rc = alloc_mem(cfg);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: alloc_mem failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		scsi_host_put(cfg->host);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_NONE;
-	cfg->dev = pdev;
-	cfg->cxl_fops = cxlflash_cxl_fops;
-	cfg->ops = cxlflash_assign_ops(ddv);
-	WARN_ON_ONCE(!cfg->ops);
-	/*
-	 * Promoted LUNs move to the top of the LUN table. The rest stay on
-	 * the bottom half. The bottom half grows from the end (index = 255),
-	 * whereas the top half grows from the beginning (index = 0).
-	 *
-	 * Initialize the last LUN index for all possible ports.
-	 */
-	cfg->promote_lun_index = 0;
-	for (k = 0; k < MAX_FC_PORTS; k++)
-		cfg->last_lun_index[k] = CXLFLASH_NUM_VLUNS/2 - 1;
-	cfg->dev_id = (struct pci_device_id *)dev_id;
-	init_waitqueue_head(&cfg->tmf_waitq);
-	init_waitqueue_head(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-	INIT_WORK(&cfg->work_q, cxlflash_worker_thread);
-	cfg->lr_state = LINK_RESET_INVALID;
-	cfg->lr_port = -1;
-	spin_lock_init(&cfg->tmf_slock);
-	mutex_init(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	mutex_init(&cfg->ctx_recovery_mutex);
-	init_rwsem(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cfg->ctx_err_recovery);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cfg->lluns);
-	pci_set_drvdata(pdev, cfg);
-	rc = init_pci(cfg);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_pci failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out_remove;
-	}
-	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_PCI;
-	cfg->afu_cookie = cfg->ops->create_afu(pdev);
-	if (unlikely(!cfg->afu_cookie)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: create_afu failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out_remove;
-	}
-	rc = init_afu(cfg);
-	if (rc && !wq_has_sleeper(&cfg->reset_waitq)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_afu failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out_remove;
-	}
-	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_AFU;
-	rc = init_scsi(cfg);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_scsi failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out_remove;
-	}
-	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_SCSI;
-	rc = init_chrdev(cfg);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_chrdev failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out_remove;
-	}
-	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_CDEV;
-	if (wq_has_sleeper(&cfg->reset_waitq)) {
-		cfg->state = STATE_PROBED;
-		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-	} else
-		cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	cfg->state = STATE_PROBED;
-	cxlflash_remove(pdev);
-	goto out;
- * cxlflash_pci_error_detected() - called when a PCI error is detected
- * @pdev:	PCI device struct.
- * @state:	PCI channel state.
- *
- * When an EEH occurs during an active reset, wait until the reset is
- * complete and then take action based upon the device state.
- *
- */
-static pci_ers_result_t cxlflash_pci_error_detected(struct pci_dev *pdev,
-						    pci_channel_state_t state)
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: pdev=%p state=%u\n", __func__, pdev, state);
-	switch (state) {
-	case pci_channel_io_frozen:
-		wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET &&
-					     cfg->state != STATE_PROBING);
-		if (cfg->state == STATE_FAILTERM)
-		cfg->state = STATE_RESET;
-		scsi_block_requests(cfg->host);
-		drain_ioctls(cfg);
-		rc = cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
-		if (unlikely(rc))
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed to mark user contexts rc=%d\n",
-				__func__, rc);
-		term_afu(cfg);
-	case pci_channel_io_perm_failure:
-		cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
-		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-		scsi_unblock_requests(cfg->host);
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
- * cxlflash_pci_slot_reset() - called when PCI slot has been reset
- * @pdev:	PCI device struct.
- *
- * This routine is called by the pci error recovery code after the PCI
- * slot has been reset, just before we should resume normal operations.
- *
- */
-static pci_ers_result_t cxlflash_pci_slot_reset(struct pci_dev *pdev)
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: pdev=%p\n", __func__, pdev);
-	rc = init_afu(cfg);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: EEH recovery failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	}
- * cxlflash_pci_resume() - called when normal operation can resume
- * @pdev:	PCI device struct
- */
-static void cxlflash_pci_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: pdev=%p\n", __func__, pdev);
-	cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
-	wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-	scsi_unblock_requests(cfg->host);
- * cxlflash_devnode() - provides devtmpfs for devices in the cxlflash class
- * @dev:	Character device.
- * @mode:	Mode that can be used to verify access.
- *
- * Return: Allocated string describing the devtmpfs structure.
- */
-static char *cxlflash_devnode(const struct device *dev, umode_t *mode)
-	return kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "cxlflash/%s", dev_name(dev));
- * cxlflash_class_init() - create character device class
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_class_init(void)
-	dev_t devno;
-	int rc = 0;
-	rc = alloc_chrdev_region(&devno, 0, CXLFLASH_MAX_ADAPTERS, "cxlflash");
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		pr_err("%s: alloc_chrdev_region failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	cxlflash_major = MAJOR(devno);
-	rc = class_register(&cxlflash_class);
-	if (rc) {
-		pr_err("%s: class_create failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	pr_debug("%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	unregister_chrdev_region(devno, CXLFLASH_MAX_ADAPTERS);
-	goto out;
- * cxlflash_class_exit() - destroy character device class
- */
-static void cxlflash_class_exit(void)
-	dev_t devno = MKDEV(cxlflash_major, 0);
-	class_unregister(&cxlflash_class);
-	unregister_chrdev_region(devno, CXLFLASH_MAX_ADAPTERS);
-static const struct pci_error_handlers cxlflash_err_handler = {
-	.error_detected = cxlflash_pci_error_detected,
-	.slot_reset = cxlflash_pci_slot_reset,
-	.resume = cxlflash_pci_resume,
- * PCI device structure
- */
-static struct pci_driver cxlflash_driver = {
-	.name = CXLFLASH_NAME,
-	.id_table = cxlflash_pci_table,
-	.probe = cxlflash_probe,
-	.remove = cxlflash_remove,
-	.shutdown = cxlflash_remove,
-	.err_handler = &cxlflash_err_handler,
- * init_cxlflash() - module entry point
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int __init init_cxlflash(void)
-	int rc;
-	check_sizes();
-	cxlflash_list_init();
-	rc = cxlflash_class_init();
-	if (unlikely(rc))
-		goto out;
-	rc = pci_register_driver(&cxlflash_driver);
-	if (unlikely(rc))
-		goto err;
-	pr_debug("%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	cxlflash_class_exit();
-	goto out;
- * exit_cxlflash() - module exit point
- */
-static void __exit exit_cxlflash(void)
-	cxlflash_term_global_luns();
-	cxlflash_free_errpage();
-	pci_unregister_driver(&cxlflash_driver);
-	cxlflash_class_exit();
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bfb98effce0..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
-#include "backend.h"
-#define CXLFLASH_NAME		"cxlflash"
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_IBM_CORSA		0x04F0
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_IBM_FLASH_GT	0x0600
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_IBM_BRIARD	0x0624
-/* Since there is only one target, make it 0 */
-/* Really only one target per bus since the Texan is directly attached */
-/* FC defines */
-#define FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG 0x010
-#define FC_MTIP_STATUS 0x018
-#define FC_MAX_NUM_LUNS 0x080 /* Max LUNs host can provision for port */
-#define FC_CUR_NUM_LUNS 0x088 /* Cur number LUNs provisioned for port */
-#define FC_MAX_CAP_PORT 0x090 /* Max capacity all LUNs for port (4K blocks) */
-#define FC_CUR_CAP_PORT 0x098 /* Cur capacity all LUNs for port (4K blocks) */
-#define FC_PNAME 0x300
-#define FC_CONFIG 0x320
-#define FC_CONFIG2 0x328
-#define FC_STATUS 0x330
-#define FC_ERROR 0x380
-#define FC_ERRCAP 0x388
-#define FC_ERRMSK 0x390
-#define FC_CNT_CRCERR 0x538
-#define FC_CRC_THRESH 0x580
-/* TIMEOUT and RETRY definitions */
-/* AFU command timeout values */
-#define MC_AFU_SYNC_TIMEOUT	5	/* 5 secs */
-#define MC_LUN_PROV_TIMEOUT	5	/* 5 secs */
-#define MC_AFU_DEBUG_TIMEOUT	5	/* 5 secs */
-/* AFU command room retry limit */
-#define MC_ROOM_RETRY_CNT	10
-/* FC CRC clear periodic timer */
-#define MC_CRC_THRESH 100	/* threshold in 5 mins */
-#define FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_CNT 100	/* 100 100ms retries = 10 seconds */
-#define FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US 100000	/* microseconds */
-/* VPD defines */
-#define CXLFLASH_VPD_LEN	256
-#define WWPN_LEN	16
-#define WWPN_BUF_LEN	(WWPN_LEN + 1)
-enum undo_level {
-	UNDO_NOOP = 0,
-struct dev_dependent_vals {
-	u64 max_sectors;
-	u64 flags;
-#define CXLFLASH_NOTIFY_SHUTDOWN	0x0000000000000001ULL
-#define CXLFLASH_WWPN_VPD_REQUIRED	0x0000000000000002ULL
-#define CXLFLASH_OCXL_DEV		0x0000000000000004ULL
-static inline const struct cxlflash_backend_ops *
-cxlflash_assign_ops(struct dev_dependent_vals *ddv)
-	const struct cxlflash_backend_ops *ops = NULL;
-	if (ddv->flags & CXLFLASH_OCXL_DEV)
-		ops = &cxlflash_ocxl_ops;
-	if (!(ddv->flags & CXLFLASH_OCXL_DEV))
-		ops = &cxlflash_cxl_ops;
-	return ops;
-struct asyc_intr_info {
-	u64 status;
-	char *desc;
-	u8 port;
-	u8 action;
-#define CLR_FC_ERROR	0x01
-#define LINK_RESET	0x02
-#define SCAN_HOST	0x04
-#endif /* _CXLFLASH_MAIN_H */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6542818e595a..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1399 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <linux/file.h>
-#include <linux/idr.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/mount.h>
-#include <linux/pseudo_fs.h>
-#include <linux/poll.h>
-#include <linux/sched/signal.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/irqdomain.h>
-#include <asm/xive.h>
-#include <misc/ocxl.h>
-#include <uapi/misc/cxl.h>
-#include "backend.h"
-#include "ocxl_hw.h"
- * Pseudo-filesystem to allocate inodes.
- */
-#define OCXLFLASH_FS_MAGIC      0x1697698f
-static int ocxlflash_fs_cnt;
-static struct vfsmount *ocxlflash_vfs_mount;
-static int ocxlflash_fs_init_fs_context(struct fs_context *fc)
-	return init_pseudo(fc, OCXLFLASH_FS_MAGIC) ? 0 : -ENOMEM;
-static struct file_system_type ocxlflash_fs_type = {
-	.name		= "ocxlflash",
-	.owner		= THIS_MODULE,
-	.init_fs_context = ocxlflash_fs_init_fs_context,
-	.kill_sb	= kill_anon_super,
- * ocxlflash_release_mapping() - release the memory mapping
- * @ctx:	Context whose mapping is to be released.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_release_mapping(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx)
-	if (ctx->mapping)
-		simple_release_fs(&ocxlflash_vfs_mount, &ocxlflash_fs_cnt);
-	ctx->mapping = NULL;
- * ocxlflash_getfile() - allocate pseudo filesystem, inode, and the file
- * @dev:	Generic device of the host.
- * @name:	Name of the pseudo filesystem.
- * @fops:	File operations.
- * @priv:	Private data.
- * @flags:	Flags for the file.
- *
- * Return: pointer to the file on success, ERR_PTR on failure
- */
-static struct file *ocxlflash_getfile(struct device *dev, const char *name,
-				      const struct file_operations *fops,
-				      void *priv, int flags)
-	struct file *file;
-	struct inode *inode;
-	int rc;
-	if (fops->owner && !try_module_get(fops->owner)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Owner does not exist\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOENT;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	rc = simple_pin_fs(&ocxlflash_fs_type, &ocxlflash_vfs_mount,
-			   &ocxlflash_fs_cnt);
-	if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Cannot mount ocxlflash pseudofs rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	inode = alloc_anon_inode(ocxlflash_vfs_mount->mnt_sb);
-	if (IS_ERR(inode)) {
-		rc = PTR_ERR(inode);
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: alloc_anon_inode failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err3;
-	}
-	file = alloc_file_pseudo(inode, ocxlflash_vfs_mount, name,
-				 flags & (O_ACCMODE | O_NONBLOCK), fops);
-	if (IS_ERR(file)) {
-		rc = PTR_ERR(file);
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: alloc_file failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err4;
-	}
-	file->private_data = priv;
-	return file;
-	iput(inode);
-	simple_release_fs(&ocxlflash_vfs_mount, &ocxlflash_fs_cnt);
-	module_put(fops->owner);
-	file = ERR_PTR(rc);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_psa_map() - map the process specific MMIO space
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context for which the mapping needs to be done.
- *
- * Return: MMIO pointer of the mapped region
- */
-static void __iomem *ocxlflash_psa_map(void *ctx_cookie)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	if (ctx->state != STARTED) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context not started, state=%d\n", __func__,
-			ctx->state);
-		mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	return ioremap(ctx->psn_phys, ctx->psn_size);
- * ocxlflash_psa_unmap() - unmap the process specific MMIO space
- * @addr:	MMIO pointer to unmap.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_psa_unmap(void __iomem *addr)
-	iounmap(addr);
- * ocxlflash_process_element() - get process element of the adapter context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context associated with the process element.
- *
- * Return: process element of the adapter context
- */
-static int ocxlflash_process_element(void *ctx_cookie)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	return ctx->pe;
- * afu_map_irq() - map the interrupt of the adapter context
- * @flags:	Flags.
- * @ctx:	Adapter context.
- * @num:	Per-context AFU interrupt number.
- * @handler:	Interrupt handler to register.
- * @cookie:	Interrupt handler private data.
- * @name:	Name of the interrupt.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int afu_map_irq(u64 flags, struct ocxlflash_context *ctx, int num,
-		       irq_handler_t handler, void *cookie, char *name)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	struct ocxlflash_irqs *irq;
-	struct xive_irq_data *xd;
-	u32 virq;
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (num < 0 || num >= ctx->num_irqs) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Interrupt %d not allocated\n", __func__, num);
-		rc = -ENOENT;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	irq = &ctx->irqs[num];
-	virq = irq_create_mapping(NULL, irq->hwirq);
-	if (unlikely(!virq)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: irq_create_mapping failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = request_irq(virq, handler, 0, name, cookie);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: request_irq failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	xd = irq_get_handler_data(virq);
-	if (unlikely(!xd)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Can't get interrupt data\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENXIO;
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	irq->virq = virq;
-	irq->vtrig = xd->trig_mmio;
-	return rc;
-	free_irq(virq, cookie);
-	irq_dispose_mapping(virq);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_map_afu_irq() - map the interrupt of the adapter context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
- * @num:	Per-context AFU interrupt number.
- * @handler:	Interrupt handler to register.
- * @cookie:	Interrupt handler private data.
- * @name:	Name of the interrupt.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_map_afu_irq(void *ctx_cookie, int num,
-				 irq_handler_t handler, void *cookie,
-				 char *name)
-	return afu_map_irq(0, ctx_cookie, num, handler, cookie, name);
- * afu_unmap_irq() - unmap the interrupt
- * @flags:	Flags.
- * @ctx:	Adapter context.
- * @num:	Per-context AFU interrupt number.
- * @cookie:	Interrupt handler private data.
- */
-static void afu_unmap_irq(u64 flags, struct ocxlflash_context *ctx, int num,
-			  void *cookie)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	struct ocxlflash_irqs *irq;
-	if (num < 0 || num >= ctx->num_irqs) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Interrupt %d not allocated\n", __func__, num);
-		return;
-	}
-	irq = &ctx->irqs[num];
-	if (irq_find_mapping(NULL, irq->hwirq)) {
-		free_irq(irq->virq, cookie);
-		irq_dispose_mapping(irq->virq);
-	}
-	memset(irq, 0, sizeof(*irq));
- * ocxlflash_unmap_afu_irq() - unmap the interrupt
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
- * @num:	Per-context AFU interrupt number.
- * @cookie:	Interrupt handler private data.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_unmap_afu_irq(void *ctx_cookie, int num, void *cookie)
-	return afu_unmap_irq(0, ctx_cookie, num, cookie);
- * ocxlflash_get_irq_objhndl() - get the object handle for an interrupt
- * @ctx_cookie:	Context associated with the interrupt.
- * @irq:	Interrupt number.
- *
- * Return: effective address of the mapped region
- */
-static u64 ocxlflash_get_irq_objhndl(void *ctx_cookie, int irq)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	if (irq < 0 || irq >= ctx->num_irqs)
-		return 0;
-	return (__force u64)ctx->irqs[irq].vtrig;
- * ocxlflash_xsl_fault() - callback when translation error is triggered
- * @data:	Private data provided at callback registration, the context.
- * @addr:	Address that triggered the error.
- * @dsisr:	Value of dsisr register.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_xsl_fault(void *data, u64 addr, u64 dsisr)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = data;
-	spin_lock(&ctx->slock);
-	ctx->fault_addr = addr;
-	ctx->fault_dsisr = dsisr;
-	ctx->pending_fault = true;
-	spin_unlock(&ctx->slock);
-	wake_up_all(&ctx->wq);
- * start_context() - local routine to start a context
- * @ctx:	Adapter context to be started.
- *
- * Assign the context specific MMIO space, add and enable the PE.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int start_context(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
-	struct ocxl_afu_config *acfg = &afu->acfg;
-	void *link_token = afu->link_token;
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = afu->pdev;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	bool master = ctx->master;
-	struct mm_struct *mm;
-	int rc = 0;
-	u32 pid;
-	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	if (ctx->state != OPENED) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context state invalid, state=%d\n",
-			__func__, ctx->state);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (master) {
-		ctx->psn_size = acfg->global_mmio_size;
-		ctx->psn_phys = afu->gmmio_phys;
-	} else {
-		ctx->psn_size = acfg->pp_mmio_stride;
-		ctx->psn_phys = afu->ppmmio_phys + (ctx->pe * ctx->psn_size);
-	}
-	/* pid and mm not set for master contexts */
-	if (master) {
-		pid = 0;
-		mm = NULL;
-	} else {
-		pid = current->mm->context.id;
-		mm = current->mm;
-	}
-	rc = ocxl_link_add_pe(link_token, ctx->pe, pid, 0, 0,
-			      pci_dev_id(pdev), mm, ocxlflash_xsl_fault,
-			      ctx);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_link_add_pe failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	ctx->state = STARTED;
-	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	return rc;
- * ocxlflash_start_context() - start a kernel context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context to be started.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_start_context(void *ctx_cookie)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	return start_context(ctx);
- * ocxlflash_stop_context() - stop a context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context to be stopped.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_stop_context(void *ctx_cookie)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
-	struct ocxl_afu_config *acfg = &afu->acfg;
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = afu->pdev;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	enum ocxlflash_ctx_state state;
-	int rc = 0;
-	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	state = ctx->state;
-	ctx->state = CLOSED;
-	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	if (state != STARTED)
-		goto out;
-	rc = ocxl_config_terminate_pasid(pdev, acfg->dvsec_afu_control_pos,
-					 ctx->pe);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_terminate_pasid failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		/* If EBUSY, PE could be referenced in future by the AFU */
-		if (rc == -EBUSY)
-			goto out;
-	}
-	rc = ocxl_link_remove_pe(afu->link_token, ctx->pe);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_link_remove_pe failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	return rc;
- * ocxlflash_afu_reset() - reset the AFU
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
- */
-static int ocxlflash_afu_reset(void *ctx_cookie)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	/* Pending implementation from OCXL transport services */
-	dev_err_once(dev, "%s: afu_reset() fop not supported\n", __func__);
-	/* Silently return success until it is implemented */
-	return 0;
- * ocxlflash_set_master() - sets the context as master
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context to set as master.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_set_master(void *ctx_cookie)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	ctx->master = true;
- * ocxlflash_get_context() - obtains the context associated with the host
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- * @afu_cookie:	Hardware AFU associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: returns the pointer to host adapter context
- */
-static void *ocxlflash_get_context(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *afu_cookie)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = afu_cookie;
-	return afu->ocxl_ctx;
- * ocxlflash_dev_context_init() - allocate and initialize an adapter context
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- * @afu_cookie:	Hardware AFU associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: returns the adapter context on success, ERR_PTR on failure
- */
-static void *ocxlflash_dev_context_init(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *afu_cookie)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = afu_cookie;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx;
-	int rc;
-	ctx = kzalloc(sizeof(*ctx), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!ctx)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context allocation failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	idr_preload(GFP_KERNEL);
-	rc = idr_alloc(&afu->idr, ctx, 0, afu->max_pasid, GFP_NOWAIT);
-	idr_preload_end();
-	if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: idr_alloc failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	spin_lock_init(&ctx->slock);
-	init_waitqueue_head(&ctx->wq);
-	mutex_init(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	ctx->state = OPENED;
-	ctx->pe = rc;
-	ctx->master = false;
-	ctx->mapping = NULL;
-	ctx->hw_afu = afu;
-	ctx->irq_bitmap = 0;
-	ctx->pending_irq = false;
-	ctx->pending_fault = false;
-	return ctx;
-	kfree(ctx);
-	ctx = ERR_PTR(rc);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_release_context() - releases an adapter context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context to be released.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_release_context(void *ctx_cookie)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	struct device *dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (!ctx)
-		goto out;
-	dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	if (ctx->state >= STARTED) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context in use, state=%d\n", __func__,
-			ctx->state);
-		mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-		rc = -EBUSY;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	idr_remove(&ctx->hw_afu->idr, ctx->pe);
-	ocxlflash_release_mapping(ctx);
-	kfree(ctx);
-	return rc;
- * ocxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image() - sets the image reload policy
- * @afu_cookie:	Hardware AFU associated with the host.
- * @image:	Whether to load the same image on PERST.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image(void *afu_cookie, bool image)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = afu_cookie;
-	afu->perst_same_image = image;
- * ocxlflash_read_adapter_vpd() - reads the adapter VPD
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- * @buf:	Buffer to get the VPD data.
- * @count:	Size of buffer (maximum bytes that can be read).
- *
- * Return: size of VPD on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static ssize_t ocxlflash_read_adapter_vpd(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *buf,
-					  size_t count)
-	return pci_read_vpd(pdev, 0, count, buf);
- * free_afu_irqs() - internal service to free interrupts
- * @ctx:	Adapter context.
- */
-static void free_afu_irqs(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	int i;
-	if (!ctx->irqs) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Interrupts not allocated\n", __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	for (i = ctx->num_irqs; i >= 0; i--)
-		ocxl_link_free_irq(afu->link_token, ctx->irqs[i].hwirq);
-	kfree(ctx->irqs);
-	ctx->irqs = NULL;
- * alloc_afu_irqs() - internal service to allocate interrupts
- * @ctx:	Context associated with the request.
- * @num:	Number of interrupts requested.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int alloc_afu_irqs(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx, int num)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	struct ocxlflash_irqs *irqs;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int hwirq;
-	int i;
-	if (ctx->irqs) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Interrupts already allocated\n", __func__);
-		rc = -EEXIST;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (num > OCXL_MAX_IRQS) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Too many interrupts num=%d\n", __func__, num);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	irqs = kcalloc(num, sizeof(*irqs), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!irqs)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context irqs allocation failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-		rc = ocxl_link_irq_alloc(afu->link_token, &hwirq);
-		if (unlikely(rc)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_link_irq_alloc failed rc=%d\n",
-				__func__, rc);
-			goto err;
-		}
-		irqs[i].hwirq = hwirq;
-	}
-	ctx->irqs = irqs;
-	ctx->num_irqs = num;
-	return rc;
-	for (i = i-1; i >= 0; i--)
-		ocxl_link_free_irq(afu->link_token, irqs[i].hwirq);
-	kfree(irqs);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs() - allocates the requested number of interrupts
- * @ctx_cookie:	Context associated with the request.
- * @num:	Number of interrupts requested.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs(void *ctx_cookie, int num)
-	return alloc_afu_irqs(ctx_cookie, num);
- * ocxlflash_free_afu_irqs() - frees the interrupts of an adapter context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_free_afu_irqs(void *ctx_cookie)
-	free_afu_irqs(ctx_cookie);
- * ocxlflash_unconfig_afu() - unconfigure the AFU
- * @afu: AFU associated with the host.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_unconfig_afu(struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
-	if (afu->gmmio_virt) {
-		iounmap(afu->gmmio_virt);
-		afu->gmmio_virt = NULL;
-	}
- * ocxlflash_destroy_afu() - destroy the AFU structure
- * @afu_cookie:	AFU to be freed.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_destroy_afu(void *afu_cookie)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = afu_cookie;
-	int pos;
-	if (!afu)
-		return;
-	ocxlflash_release_context(afu->ocxl_ctx);
-	idr_destroy(&afu->idr);
-	/* Disable the AFU */
-	pos = afu->acfg.dvsec_afu_control_pos;
-	ocxl_config_set_afu_state(afu->pdev, pos, 0);
-	ocxlflash_unconfig_afu(afu);
-	kfree(afu);
- * ocxlflash_config_fn() - configure the host function
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_config_fn(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
-	struct ocxl_fn_config *fcfg = &afu->fcfg;
-	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
-	u16 base, enabled, supported;
-	int rc = 0;
-	/* Read DVSEC config of the function */
-	rc = ocxl_config_read_function(pdev, fcfg);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_read_function failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Check if function has AFUs defined, only 1 per function supported */
-	if (fcfg->max_afu_index >= 0) {
-		afu->is_present = true;
-		if (fcfg->max_afu_index != 0)
-			dev_warn(dev, "%s: Unexpected AFU index value %d\n",
-				 __func__, fcfg->max_afu_index);
-	}
-	rc = ocxl_config_get_actag_info(pdev, &base, &enabled, &supported);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_get_actag_info failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	afu->fn_actag_base = base;
-	afu->fn_actag_enabled = enabled;
-	ocxl_config_set_actag(pdev, fcfg->dvsec_function_pos, base, enabled);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Function acTag range base=%u enabled=%u\n",
-		__func__, base, enabled);
-	rc = ocxl_link_setup(pdev, 0, &afu->link_token);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_link_setup failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = ocxl_config_set_TL(pdev, fcfg->dvsec_tl_pos);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_set_TL failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	return rc;
-	ocxl_link_release(pdev, afu->link_token);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_unconfig_fn() - unconfigure the host function
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_unconfig_fn(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
-	ocxl_link_release(pdev, afu->link_token);
- * ocxlflash_map_mmio() - map the AFU MMIO space
- * @afu: AFU associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_map_mmio(struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
-	struct ocxl_afu_config *acfg = &afu->acfg;
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = afu->pdev;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	phys_addr_t gmmio, ppmmio;
-	int rc = 0;
-	rc = pci_request_region(pdev, acfg->global_mmio_bar, "ocxlflash");
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: pci_request_region for global failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	gmmio = pci_resource_start(pdev, acfg->global_mmio_bar);
-	gmmio += acfg->global_mmio_offset;
-	rc = pci_request_region(pdev, acfg->pp_mmio_bar, "ocxlflash");
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: pci_request_region for pp bar failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	ppmmio = pci_resource_start(pdev, acfg->pp_mmio_bar);
-	ppmmio += acfg->pp_mmio_offset;
-	afu->gmmio_virt = ioremap(gmmio, acfg->global_mmio_size);
-	if (unlikely(!afu->gmmio_virt)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: MMIO mapping failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	afu->gmmio_phys = gmmio;
-	afu->ppmmio_phys = ppmmio;
-	return rc;
-	pci_release_region(pdev, acfg->pp_mmio_bar);
-	pci_release_region(pdev, acfg->global_mmio_bar);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_config_afu() - configure the host AFU
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- *
- * Must be called _after_ host function configuration.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_config_afu(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
-	struct ocxl_afu_config *acfg = &afu->acfg;
-	struct ocxl_fn_config *fcfg = &afu->fcfg;
-	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
-	int count;
-	int base;
-	int pos;
-	int rc = 0;
-	/* This HW AFU function does not have any AFUs defined */
-	if (!afu->is_present)
-		goto out;
-	/* Read AFU config at index 0 */
-	rc = ocxl_config_read_afu(pdev, fcfg, acfg, 0);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_read_afu failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Only one AFU per function is supported, so actag_base is same */
-	base = afu->fn_actag_base;
-	count = min_t(int, acfg->actag_supported, afu->fn_actag_enabled);
-	pos = acfg->dvsec_afu_control_pos;
-	ocxl_config_set_afu_actag(pdev, pos, base, count);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: acTag base=%d enabled=%d\n", __func__, base, count);
-	afu->afu_actag_base = base;
-	afu->afu_actag_enabled = count;
-	afu->max_pasid = 1 << acfg->pasid_supported_log;
-	ocxl_config_set_afu_pasid(pdev, pos, 0, acfg->pasid_supported_log);
-	rc = ocxlflash_map_mmio(afu);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxlflash_map_mmio failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Enable the AFU */
-	ocxl_config_set_afu_state(pdev, acfg->dvsec_afu_control_pos, 1);
-	return rc;
- * ocxlflash_create_afu() - create the AFU for OCXL
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: AFU on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static void *ocxlflash_create_afu(struct pci_dev *pdev)
-	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx;
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu;
-	int rc;
-	afu = kzalloc(sizeof(*afu), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!afu)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: HW AFU allocation failed\n", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	afu->pdev = pdev;
-	afu->dev = dev;
-	idr_init(&afu->idr);
-	rc = ocxlflash_config_fn(pdev, afu);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Function configuration failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	rc = ocxlflash_config_afu(pdev, afu);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: AFU configuration failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	ctx = ocxlflash_dev_context_init(pdev, afu);
-	if (IS_ERR(ctx)) {
-		rc = PTR_ERR(ctx);
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxlflash_dev_context_init failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err3;
-	}
-	afu->ocxl_ctx = ctx;
-	return afu;
-	ocxlflash_unconfig_afu(afu);
-	ocxlflash_unconfig_fn(pdev, afu);
-	idr_destroy(&afu->idr);
-	kfree(afu);
-	afu = NULL;
-	goto out;
- * ctx_event_pending() - check for any event pending on the context
- * @ctx:	Context to be checked.
- *
- * Return: true if there is an event pending, false if none pending
- */
-static inline bool ctx_event_pending(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx)
-	if (ctx->pending_irq || ctx->pending_fault)
-		return true;
-	return false;
- * afu_poll() - poll the AFU for events on the context
- * @file:	File associated with the adapter context.
- * @poll:	Poll structure from the user.
- *
- * Return: poll mask
- */
-static unsigned int afu_poll(struct file *file, struct poll_table_struct *poll)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = file->private_data;
-	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	int mask = 0;
-	poll_wait(file, &ctx->wq, poll);
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
-	if (ctx_event_pending(ctx))
-	else if (ctx->state == CLOSED)
-		mask |= POLLERR;
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Poll wait completed for pe %i mask %i\n",
-		__func__, ctx->pe, mask);
-	return mask;
- * afu_read() - perform a read on the context for any event
- * @file:	File associated with the adapter context.
- * @buf:	Buffer to receive the data.
- * @count:	Size of buffer (maximum bytes that can be read).
- * @off:	Offset.
- *
- * Return: size of the data read on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static ssize_t afu_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count,
-			loff_t *off)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = file->private_data;
-	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	struct cxl_event event;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	ssize_t esize;
-	ssize_t rc;
-	int bit;
-	DEFINE_WAIT(event_wait);
-	if (*off != 0) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Non-zero offset not supported, off=%lld\n",
-			__func__, *off);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
-	for (;;) {
-		prepare_to_wait(&ctx->wq, &event_wait, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
-		if (ctx_event_pending(ctx) || (ctx->state == CLOSED))
-			break;
-		if (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: File cannot be blocked on I/O\n",
-				__func__);
-			rc = -EAGAIN;
-			goto err;
-		}
-		if (signal_pending(current)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Signal pending on the process\n",
-				__func__);
-			rc = -ERESTARTSYS;
-			goto err;
-		}
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
-		schedule();
-		spin_lock_irqsave(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
-	}
-	finish_wait(&ctx->wq, &event_wait);
-	memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event));
-	event.header.process_element = ctx->pe;
-	event.header.size = sizeof(struct cxl_event_header);
-	if (ctx->pending_irq) {
-		esize = sizeof(struct cxl_event_afu_interrupt);
-		event.header.size += esize;
-		event.header.type = CXL_EVENT_AFU_INTERRUPT;
-		bit = find_first_bit(&ctx->irq_bitmap, ctx->num_irqs);
-		clear_bit(bit, &ctx->irq_bitmap);
-		event.irq.irq = bit + 1;
-		if (bitmap_empty(&ctx->irq_bitmap, ctx->num_irqs))
-			ctx->pending_irq = false;
-	} else if (ctx->pending_fault) {
-		event.header.size += sizeof(struct cxl_event_data_storage);
-		event.header.type = CXL_EVENT_DATA_STORAGE;
-		event.fault.addr = ctx->fault_addr;
-		event.fault.dsisr = ctx->fault_dsisr;
-		ctx->pending_fault = false;
-	}
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
-	if (copy_to_user(buf, &event, event.header.size)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_to_user failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -EFAULT;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = event.header.size;
-	return rc;
-	finish_wait(&ctx->wq, &event_wait);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
-	goto out;
- * afu_release() - release and free the context
- * @inode:	File inode pointer.
- * @file:	File associated with the context.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int afu_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = file->private_data;
-	int i;
-	/* Unmap and free the interrupts associated with the context */
-	for (i = ctx->num_irqs; i >= 0; i--)
-		afu_unmap_irq(0, ctx, i, ctx);
-	free_afu_irqs(ctx);
-	return ocxlflash_release_context(ctx);
- * ocxlflash_mmap_fault() - mmap fault handler
- * @vmf:	VM fault associated with current fault.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static vm_fault_t ocxlflash_mmap_fault(struct vm_fault *vmf)
-	struct vm_area_struct *vma = vmf->vma;
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = vma->vm_file->private_data;
-	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	u64 mmio_area, offset;
-	offset = vmf->pgoff << PAGE_SHIFT;
-	if (offset >= ctx->psn_size)
-		return VM_FAULT_SIGBUS;
-	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	if (ctx->state != STARTED) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context not started, state=%d\n",
-			__func__, ctx->state);
-		mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-		return VM_FAULT_SIGBUS;
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	mmio_area = ctx->psn_phys;
-	mmio_area += offset;
-	return vmf_insert_pfn(vma, vmf->address, mmio_area >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-static const struct vm_operations_struct ocxlflash_vmops = {
-	.fault = ocxlflash_mmap_fault,
- * afu_mmap() - map the fault handler operations
- * @file:	File associated with the context.
- * @vma:	VM area associated with mapping.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int afu_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = file->private_data;
-	if ((vma_pages(vma) + vma->vm_pgoff) >
-	    (ctx->psn_size >> PAGE_SHIFT))
-		return -EINVAL;
-	vm_flags_set(vma, VM_IO | VM_PFNMAP);
-	vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vma->vm_page_prot);
-	vma->vm_ops = &ocxlflash_vmops;
-	return 0;
-static const struct file_operations ocxl_afu_fops = {
-	.owner		= THIS_MODULE,
-	.poll		= afu_poll,
-	.read		= afu_read,
-	.release	= afu_release,
-	.mmap		= afu_mmap,
-#define PATCH_FOPS(NAME)						\
-	do { if (!fops->NAME) fops->NAME = ocxl_afu_fops.NAME; } while (0)
- * ocxlflash_get_fd() - get file descriptor for an adapter context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
- * @fops:	File operations to be associated.
- * @fd:		File descriptor to be returned back.
- *
- * Return: pointer to the file on success, ERR_PTR on failure
- */
-static struct file *ocxlflash_get_fd(void *ctx_cookie,
-				     struct file_operations *fops, int *fd)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	struct file *file;
-	int flags, fdtmp;
-	int rc = 0;
-	char *name = NULL;
-	/* Only allow one fd per context */
-	if (ctx->mapping) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context is already mapped to an fd\n",
-			__func__);
-		rc = -EEXIST;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	flags = O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC;
-	/* This code is similar to anon_inode_getfd() */
-	rc = get_unused_fd_flags(flags);
-	if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: get_unused_fd_flags failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	fdtmp = rc;
-	/* Patch the file ops that are not defined */
-	if (fops) {
-		PATCH_FOPS(poll);
-		PATCH_FOPS(read);
-		PATCH_FOPS(release);
-		PATCH_FOPS(mmap);
-	} else /* Use default ops */
-		fops = (struct file_operations *)&ocxl_afu_fops;
-	name = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "ocxlflash:%d", ctx->pe);
-	file = ocxlflash_getfile(dev, name, fops, ctx, flags);
-	kfree(name);
-	if (IS_ERR(file)) {
-		rc = PTR_ERR(file);
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxlflash_getfile failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	ctx->mapping = file->f_mapping;
-	*fd = fdtmp;
-	return file;
-	put_unused_fd(fdtmp);
-	file = ERR_PTR(rc);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_fops_get_context() - get the context associated with the file
- * @file:	File associated with the adapter context.
- *
- * Return: pointer to the context
- */
-static void *ocxlflash_fops_get_context(struct file *file)
-	return file->private_data;
- * ocxlflash_afu_irq() - interrupt handler for user contexts
- * @irq:	Interrupt number.
- * @data:	Private data provided at interrupt registration, the context.
- *
- * Return: Always return IRQ_HANDLED.
- */
-static irqreturn_t ocxlflash_afu_irq(int irq, void *data)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = data;
-	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	int i;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Interrupt raised for pe %i virq %i\n",
-		__func__, ctx->pe, irq);
-	for (i = 0; i < ctx->num_irqs; i++) {
-		if (ctx->irqs[i].virq == irq)
-			break;
-	}
-	if (unlikely(i >= ctx->num_irqs)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Received AFU IRQ out of range\n", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	spin_lock(&ctx->slock);
-	set_bit(i - 1, &ctx->irq_bitmap);
-	ctx->pending_irq = true;
-	spin_unlock(&ctx->slock);
-	wake_up_all(&ctx->wq);
-	return IRQ_HANDLED;
- * ocxlflash_start_work() - start a user context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Context to be started.
- * @num_irqs:	Number of interrupts requested.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_start_work(void *ctx_cookie, u64 num_irqs)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	char *name;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int i;
-	rc = alloc_afu_irqs(ctx, num_irqs);
-	if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: alloc_afu_irqs failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < num_irqs; i++) {
-		name = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "ocxlflash-%s-pe%i-%i",
-				 dev_name(dev), ctx->pe, i);
-		rc = afu_map_irq(0, ctx, i, ocxlflash_afu_irq, ctx, name);
-		kfree(name);
-		if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: afu_map_irq failed rc=%d\n",
-				__func__, rc);
-			goto err;
-		}
-	}
-	rc = start_context(ctx);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: start_context failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	return rc;
-	for (i = i-1; i >= 0; i--)
-		afu_unmap_irq(0, ctx, i, ctx);
-	free_afu_irqs(ctx);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_fd_mmap() - mmap handler for adapter file descriptor
- * @file:	File installed with adapter file descriptor.
- * @vma:	VM area associated with mapping.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_fd_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-	return afu_mmap(file, vma);
- * ocxlflash_fd_release() - release the context associated with the file
- * @inode:	File inode pointer.
- * @file:	File associated with the adapter context.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_fd_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-	return afu_release(inode, file);
-/* Backend ops to ocxlflash services */
-const struct cxlflash_backend_ops cxlflash_ocxl_ops = {
-	.module			= THIS_MODULE,
-	.psa_map		= ocxlflash_psa_map,
-	.psa_unmap		= ocxlflash_psa_unmap,
-	.process_element	= ocxlflash_process_element,
-	.map_afu_irq		= ocxlflash_map_afu_irq,
-	.unmap_afu_irq		= ocxlflash_unmap_afu_irq,
-	.get_irq_objhndl	= ocxlflash_get_irq_objhndl,
-	.start_context		= ocxlflash_start_context,
-	.stop_context		= ocxlflash_stop_context,
-	.afu_reset		= ocxlflash_afu_reset,
-	.set_master		= ocxlflash_set_master,
-	.get_context		= ocxlflash_get_context,
-	.dev_context_init	= ocxlflash_dev_context_init,
-	.release_context	= ocxlflash_release_context,
-	.perst_reloads_same_image = ocxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image,
-	.read_adapter_vpd	= ocxlflash_read_adapter_vpd,
-	.allocate_afu_irqs	= ocxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs,
-	.free_afu_irqs		= ocxlflash_free_afu_irqs,
-	.create_afu		= ocxlflash_create_afu,
-	.destroy_afu		= ocxlflash_destroy_afu,
-	.get_fd			= ocxlflash_get_fd,
-	.fops_get_context	= ocxlflash_fops_get_context,
-	.start_work		= ocxlflash_start_work,
-	.fd_mmap		= ocxlflash_fd_mmap,
-	.fd_release		= ocxlflash_fd_release,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f2fe88816bea..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *	       Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corporation
- */
-#define OCXL_MAX_IRQS	4	/* Max interrupts per process */
-struct ocxlflash_irqs {
-	int hwirq;
-	u32 virq;
-	void __iomem *vtrig;
-/* OCXL hardware AFU associated with the host */
-struct ocxl_hw_afu {
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ocxl_ctx; /* Host context */
-	struct pci_dev *pdev;		/* PCI device */
-	struct device *dev;		/* Generic device */
-	bool perst_same_image;		/* Same image loaded on perst */
-	struct ocxl_fn_config fcfg;	/* DVSEC config of the function */
-	struct ocxl_afu_config acfg;	/* AFU configuration data */
-	int fn_actag_base;		/* Function acTag base */
-	int fn_actag_enabled;		/* Function acTag number enabled */
-	int afu_actag_base;		/* AFU acTag base */
-	int afu_actag_enabled;		/* AFU acTag number enabled */
-	phys_addr_t ppmmio_phys;	/* Per process MMIO space */
-	phys_addr_t gmmio_phys;		/* Global AFU MMIO space */
-	void __iomem *gmmio_virt;	/* Global MMIO map */
-	void *link_token;		/* Link token for the SPA */
-	struct idr idr;			/* IDR to manage contexts */
-	int max_pasid;			/* Maximum number of contexts */
-	bool is_present;		/* Function has AFUs defined */
-enum ocxlflash_ctx_state {
-struct ocxlflash_context {
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *hw_afu;	/* HW AFU back pointer */
-	struct address_space *mapping;	/* Mapping for pseudo filesystem */
-	bool master;			/* Whether this is a master context */
-	int pe;				/* Process element */
-	phys_addr_t psn_phys;		/* Process mapping */
-	u64 psn_size;			/* Process mapping size */
-	spinlock_t slock;		/* Protects irq/fault/event updates */
-	wait_queue_head_t wq;		/* Wait queue for poll and interrupts */
-	struct mutex state_mutex;	/* Mutex to update context state */
-	enum ocxlflash_ctx_state state;	/* Context state */
-	struct ocxlflash_irqs *irqs;	/* Pointer to array of structures */
-	int num_irqs;			/* Number of interrupts */
-	bool pending_irq;		/* Pending interrupt on the context */
-	ulong irq_bitmap;		/* Bits indicating pending irq num */
-	u64 fault_addr;			/* Address that triggered the fault */
-	u64 fault_dsisr;		/* Value of dsisr register at fault */
-	bool pending_fault;		/* Pending translation fault */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/sislite.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/sislite.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ab315c59505b..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/sislite.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-#ifndef _SISLITE_H
-#define _SISLITE_H
-#include <linux/types.h>
-typedef u16 ctx_hndl_t;
-typedef u32 res_hndl_t;
-#define SIZE_4K		4096
-#define SIZE_64K	65536
- * IOARCB: 64 bytes, min 16 byte alignment required, host native endianness
- * except for SCSI CDB which remains big endian per SCSI standards.
- */
-struct sisl_ioarcb {
-	u16 ctx_id;		/* ctx_hndl_t */
-	u16 req_flags;
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_RES_HNDL       0x8000U	/* bit 0 (MSB) */
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_PORT_LUN_ID    0x0000U
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_SUP_UNDERRUN   0x4000U	/* bit 1 */
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_TIMEOUT_SECS   0x0000U	/* bits 8,9 */
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_TMF_CMD        0x0004u	/* bit 13 */
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_AFU_CMD        0x0002U	/* bit 14 */
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_HOST_WRITE     0x0001U	/* bit 15 (LSB) */
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_HOST_READ      0x0000U
-	union {
-		u32 res_hndl;	/* res_hndl_t */
-		u32 port_sel;	/* this is a selection mask:
-				 * 0x1 -> port#0 can be selected,
-				 * 0x2 -> port#1 can be selected.
-				 * Can be bitwise ORed.
-				 */
-	};
-	u64 lun_id;
-	u32 data_len;		/* 4K for read/write */
-	u32 ioadl_len;
-	union {
-		u64 data_ea;	/* min 16 byte aligned */
-		u64 ioadl_ea;
-	};
-	u8 msi;			/* LISN to send on RRQ write */
-#define SISL_MSI_CXL_PFAULT        0	/* reserved for CXL page faults */
-#define SISL_MSI_SYNC_ERROR        1	/* recommended for AFU sync error */
-#define SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED       2	/* recommended for IO completion */
-#define SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR       3	/* master only - for AFU async error */
-	u8 rrq;			/* 0 for a single RRQ */
-	u16 timeout;		/* in units specified by req_flags */
-	u32 rsvd1;
-	u8 cdb[16];		/* must be in big endian */
-#define SISL_AFU_CMD_SYNC		0xC0	/* AFU sync command */
-#define SISL_AFU_CMD_LUN_PROVISION	0xD0	/* AFU LUN provision command */
-#define SISL_AFU_CMD_DEBUG		0xE0	/* AFU debug command */
-#define SISL_AFU_LUN_PROVISION_CREATE	0x00	/* LUN provision create type */
-#define SISL_AFU_LUN_PROVISION_DELETE	0x01	/* LUN provision delete type */
-	union {
-		u64 reserved;			/* Reserved for IOARRIN mode */
-		struct sisl_ioasa *ioasa;	/* IOASA EA for SQ Mode */
-	};
-} __packed;
-struct sisl_rc {
-	u8 flags;
-#define SISL_RC_FLAGS_SENSE_VALID         0x80U
-#define SISL_RC_FLAGS_OVERRUN             0x20U
-#define SISL_RC_FLAGS_UNDERRUN            0x10U
-	u8 afu_rc;
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_INVALID           0x01U	/* user error */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_UNALIGNED         0x02U	/* should never happen */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS     0x03u	/* user error */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_DMA_ERR           0x04u	/* see afu_extra
-						 * may retry if afu_retry is off
-						 * possible on master exit
-						 */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_RW_PERM           0x05u	/* no RW perms, user error */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_LXT_UNALIGNED         0x12U	/* should never happen */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_LXT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS     0x13u	/* user error */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_LXT_DMA_ERR           0x14u	/* see afu_extra
-						 * may retry if afu_retry is off
-						 * possible on master exit
-						 */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_LXT_RW_PERM           0x15u	/* no RW perms, user error */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_NOT_XLATE_HOST        0x1au	/* possible if master exited */
-	/* NO_CHANNELS means the FC ports selected by dest_port in
-	 * IOARCB or in the LXT entry are down when the AFU tried to select
-	 * a FC port. If the port went down on an active IO, it will set
-	 * fc_rc to =0x54(NOLOGI) or 0x57(LINKDOWN) instead.
-	 */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_NO_CHANNELS           0x20U	/* see afu_extra, may retry */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_CAP_VIOLATION         0x21U	/* either user error or
-						 * afu reset/master restart
-						 */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_OUT_OF_DATA_BUFS      0x30U	/* always retry */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_DATA_DMA_ERR          0x31U	/* see afu_extra
-						 * may retry if afu_retry is off
-						 */
-	u8 scsi_rc;		/* SCSI status byte, retry as appropriate */
-#define SISL_SCSI_RC_CHECK                0x02U
-#define SISL_SCSI_RC_BUSY                 0x08u
-	u8 fc_rc;		/* retry */
-	/*
-	 * We should only see fc_rc=0x57 (LINKDOWN) or 0x54(NOLOGI) for
-	 * commands that are in flight when a link goes down or is logged out.
-	 * If the link is down or logged out before AFU selects the port, either
-	 * it will choose the other port or we will get afu_rc=0x20 (no_channel)
-	 * if there is no valid port to use.
-	 *
-	 * ABORTPEND/ABORTOK/ABORTFAIL/TGTABORT can be retried, typically these
-	 * would happen if a frame is dropped and something times out.
-	 * NOLOGI or LINKDOWN can be retried if the other port is up.
-	 * RESIDERR can be retried as well.
-	 *
-	 * ABORTFAIL might indicate that lots of frames are getting CRC errors.
-	 * So it maybe retried once and reset the link if it happens again.
-	 * The link can also be reset on the CRC error threshold interrupt.
-	 */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_ABORTPEND	0x52	/* exchange timeout or abort request */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_WRABORTPEND	0x53	/* due to write XFER_RDY invalid */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_NOLOGI	0x54	/* port not logged in, in-flight cmds */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_NOEXP	0x55	/* FC protocol error or HW bug */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_INUSE	0x56	/* tag already in use, HW bug */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_LINKDOWN	0x57	/* link down, in-flight cmds */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_ABORTOK	0x58	/* pending abort completed w/success */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_ABORTFAIL	0x59	/* pending abort completed w/fail */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_RESID	0x5A	/* ioasa underrun/overrun flags set */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_RESIDERR	0x5B	/* actual data len does not match SCSI
-					 * reported len, possibly due to dropped
-					 * frames
-					 */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_TGTABORT	0x5C	/* command aborted by target */
-#define SISL_SENSE_DATA_LEN     20	/* Sense data length         */
-#define SISL_WWID_DATA_LEN	16	/* WWID data length          */
- * IOASA: 64 bytes & must follow IOARCB, min 16 byte alignment required,
- * host native endianness
- */
-struct sisl_ioasa {
-	union {
-		struct sisl_rc rc;
-		u32 ioasc;
-#define SISL_IOASC_GOOD_COMPLETION        0x00000000U
-	};
-	union {
-		u32 resid;
-		u32 lunid_hi;
-	};
-	u8 port;
-	u8 afu_extra;
-	/* when afu_rc=0x04, 0x14, 0x31 (_xxx_DMA_ERR):
-	 * afu_exta contains PSL response code. Useful codes are:
-	 */
-#define SISL_AFU_DMA_ERR_PAGE_IN	0x0A	/* AFU_retry_on_pagein Action
-						 *  Enabled            N/A
-						 *  Disabled           retry
-						 */
-#define SISL_AFU_DMA_ERR_INVALID_EA	0x0B	/* this is a hard error
-						 * afu_rc	Implies
-						 * 0x04, 0x14	master exit.
-						 * 0x31         user error.
-						 */
-	/* when afu rc=0x20 (no channels):
-	 * afu_extra bits [4:5]: available portmask,  [6:7]: requested portmask.
-	 */
-#define SISL_AFU_NO_CLANNELS_AMASK(afu_extra) (((afu_extra) & 0x0C) >> 2)
-#define SISL_AFU_NO_CLANNELS_RMASK(afu_extra) ((afu_extra) & 0x03)
-	u8 scsi_extra;
-	u8 fc_extra;
-	union {
-		u8 sense_data[SISL_SENSE_DATA_LEN];
-		struct {
-			u32 lunid_lo;
-			u8 wwid[SISL_WWID_DATA_LEN];
-		};
-	};
-	/* These fields are defined by the SISlite architecture for the
-	 * host to use as they see fit for their implementation.
-	 */
-	union {
-		u64 host_use[4];
-		u8 host_use_b[32];
-	};
-} __packed;
-#define SISL_RESP_HANDLE_T_BIT        0x1ULL	/* Toggle bit */
-/* MMIO space is required to support only 64-bit access */
- * This AFU has two mechanisms to deal with endian-ness.
- * One is a global configuration (in the afu_config) register
- * below that specifies the endian-ness of the host.
- * The other is a per context (i.e. application) specification
- * controlled by the endian_ctrl field here. Since the master
- * context is one such application the master context's
- * endian-ness is set to be the same as the host.
- *
- * As per the SISlite spec, the MMIO registers are always
- * big endian.
- */
-#define SISL_ENDIAN_CTRL_BE           0x8000000000000080ULL
-#define SISL_ENDIAN_CTRL_LE           0x0000000000000000ULL
-#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
-/* per context host transport MMIO  */
-struct sisl_host_map {
-	__be64 endian_ctrl;	/* Per context Endian Control. The AFU will
-				 * operate on whatever the context is of the
-				 * host application.
-				 */
-	__be64 intr_status;	/* this sends LISN# programmed in ctx_ctrl.
-				 * Only recovery in a PERM_ERR is a context
-				 * exit since there is no way to tell which
-				 * command caused the error.
-				 */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_3_EA		0x0400ULL /* b53, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_2_EA		0x0200ULL /* b54, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_1_EA		0x0100ULL /* b55, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_3_PASID	0x0080ULL /* b56, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_2_PASID	0x0040ULL /* b57, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_1_PASID	0x0020ULL /* b58, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_CMDROOM		0x0010ULL /* b59, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_RCB_READ		0x0008ULL /* b60, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_SA_WRITE		0x0004ULL /* b61, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_RRQ_WRITE		0x0002ULL /* b62, user error */
-	/* Page in wait accessing RCB/IOASA/RRQ is reported in b63.
-	 * Same error in data/LXT/RHT access is reported via IOASA.
-	 */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_TEMP_ERR_PAGEIN		0x0001ULL /* b63, can only be
-							   * generated when AFU
-							   * auto retry is
-							   * disabled. If user
-							   * can determine the
-							   * command that caused
-							   * the error, it can
-							   * be retried.
-							   */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_UNMASK	(0x07FFULL)		/* 1 means unmasked */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_MASK	~(SISL_ISTATUS_UNMASK)	/* 1 means masked */
-	__be64 intr_clear;
-	__be64 intr_mask;
-	__be64 ioarrin;		/* only write what cmd_room permits */
-	__be64 rrq_start;	/* start & end are both inclusive */
-	__be64 rrq_end;		/* write sequence: start followed by end */
-	__be64 cmd_room;
-	__be64 ctx_ctrl;	/* least significant byte or b56:63 is LISN# */
-#define SISL_CTX_CTRL_UNMAP_SECTOR	0x8000000000000000ULL /* b0 */
-	__be64 mbox_w;		/* restricted use */
-	__be64 sq_start;	/* Submission Queue (R/W): write sequence and */
-	__be64 sq_end;		/* inclusion semantics are the same as RRQ    */
-	__be64 sq_head;		/* Submission Queue Head (R): for debugging   */
-	__be64 sq_tail;		/* Submission Queue TAIL (R/W): next IOARCB   */
-	__be64 sq_ctx_reset;	/* Submission Queue Context Reset (R/W)	      */
-/* per context provisioning & control MMIO */
-struct sisl_ctrl_map {
-	__be64 rht_start;
-	__be64 rht_cnt_id;
-	/* both cnt & ctx_id args must be ULL */
-#define SISL_RHT_CNT_ID(cnt, ctx_id)  (((cnt) << 48) | ((ctx_id) << 32))
-	__be64 ctx_cap;	/* afu_rc below is when the capability is violated */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_PROXY_ISSUE       0x8000000000000000ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_REAL_MODE         0x4000000000000000ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_HOST_XLATE        0x2000000000000000ULL /* afu_rc 0x1a */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_PROXY_TARGET      0x1000000000000000ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_AFU_CMD           0x0000000000000008ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_GSCSI_CMD         0x0000000000000004ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_WRITE_CMD         0x0000000000000002ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_READ_CMD          0x0000000000000001ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
-	__be64 mbox_r;
-	__be64 lisn_pasid[2];
-	/* pasid _a arg must be ULL */
-#define SISL_LISN_PASID(_a, _b)	(((_a) << 32) | (_b))
-	__be64 lisn_ea[3];
-/* single copy global regs */
-struct sisl_global_regs {
-	__be64 aintr_status;
-	/*
-	 * In cxlflash, FC port/link are arranged in port pairs, each
-	 * gets a byte of status:
-	 *
-	 *	*_OTHER:	other err, FC_ERRCAP[31:20]
-	 *	*_LOGO:		target sent FLOGI/PLOGI/LOGO while logged in
-	 *	*_CRC_T:	CRC threshold exceeded
-	 *	*_LOGI_R:	login state machine timed out and retrying
-	 *	*_LOGI_F:	login failed, FC_ERROR[19:0]
-	 *	*_LOGI_S:	login succeeded
-	 *	*_LINK_DN:	link online to offline
-	 *	*_LINK_UP:	link offline to online
-	 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_OTHER	 0x80000000ULL /* b32 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LOGO    0x40000000ULL /* b33 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_CRC_T   0x20000000ULL /* b34 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LOGI_R  0x10000000ULL /* b35 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LOGI_F  0x08000000ULL /* b36 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LOGI_S  0x04000000ULL /* b37 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LINK_DN 0x02000000ULL /* b38 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LINK_UP 0x01000000ULL /* b39 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_OTHER   0x00800000ULL /* b40 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LOGO    0x00400000ULL /* b41 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_CRC_T   0x00200000ULL /* b42 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LOGI_R  0x00100000ULL /* b43 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LOGI_F  0x00080000ULL /* b44 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LOGI_S  0x00040000ULL /* b45 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LINK_DN 0x00020000ULL /* b46 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LINK_UP 0x00010000ULL /* b47 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_OTHER	 0x00008000ULL /* b48 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LOGO    0x00004000ULL /* b49 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_CRC_T   0x00002000ULL /* b50 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LOGI_R  0x00001000ULL /* b51 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LOGI_F  0x00000800ULL /* b52 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LOGI_S  0x00000400ULL /* b53 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LINK_DN 0x00000200ULL /* b54 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LINK_UP 0x00000100ULL /* b55 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_OTHER   0x00000080ULL /* b56 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LOGO    0x00000040ULL /* b57 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_CRC_T   0x00000020ULL /* b58 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LOGI_R  0x00000010ULL /* b59 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LOGI_F  0x00000008ULL /* b60 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LOGI_S  0x00000004ULL /* b61 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LINK_DN 0x00000002ULL /* b62 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LINK_UP 0x00000001ULL /* b63 */
-#define SISL_FC_INTERNAL_UNMASK	0x0000000300000000ULL	/* 1 means unmasked */
-#define SISL_FC_SHUTDOWN_NORMAL		0x0000000000000010ULL
-#define SISL_FC_SHUTDOWN_ABRUPT		0x0000000000000020ULL
-#define SISL_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_ACTIVE	0x0000000000000010ULL
-#define SISL_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE	0x0000000000000020ULL
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_UNMASK	0xFFFFFFFFULL		/* 1 means unmasked */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_MASK	~(SISL_ASTATUS_UNMASK)	/* 1 means masked */
-	__be64 aintr_clear;
-	__be64 aintr_mask;
-	__be64 afu_ctrl;
-	__be64 afu_hb;
-	__be64 afu_scratch_pad;
-	__be64 afu_port_sel;
-#define SISL_AFUCONF_AR_LXT	0x2000ULL
-#define SISL_AFUCONF_AR_RHT	0x1000ULL
-#define SISL_AFUCONF_AR_RRQ	0x0100ULL
-/* Aggregate all Auto Retry Bits */
-#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
-#define SISL_AFUCONF_ENDIAN            0x0000ULL
-#define SISL_AFUCONF_ENDIAN            0x0020ULL
-	__be64 afu_config;
-	__be64 rsvd[0xf8];
-	__le64 afu_version;
-	__be64 interface_version;
-#define SISL_INTVER_MAJ_MASK			0x00000000FFFF0000ULL
-#define SISL_INTVER_MIN_MASK			0x000000000000FFFFULL
-#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_SQ_CMD_MODE		0x400000000000ULL
-#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_LUN_PROVISION		0x080000000000ULL
-#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_AFU_DEBUG		0x040000000000ULL
-#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_OCXL_LISN		0x020000000000ULL
-#define CXLFLASH_NUM_FC_PORTS_PER_BANK	2	/* fixed # of ports per bank */
-#define CXLFLASH_MAX_FC_BANKS		2	/* max # of banks supported */
-#define CXLFLASH_MAX_CONTEXT	512	/* number of contexts per AFU */
-#define CXLFLASH_NUM_VLUNS	512	/* number of vluns per AFU/port */
-#define CXLFLASH_NUM_REGS	512	/* number of registers per port */
-struct fc_port_bank {
-struct sisl_global_map {
-	union {
-		struct sisl_global_regs regs;
-		char page0[SIZE_4K];	/* page 0 */
-	};
-	char page1[SIZE_4K];	/* page 1 */
-	struct fc_port_bank bank[CXLFLASH_MAX_FC_BANKS]; /* pages 2 - 9 */
-	/* pages 10 - 15 are reserved */
- * CXL Flash Memory Map
- *
- *	+-------------------------------+
- *	|    512 * 64 KB User MMIO      |
- *	|        (per context)          |
- *	|       User Accessible         |
- *	+-------------------------------+
- *	|    512 * 128 B per context    |
- *	|    Provisioning and Control   |
- *	|   Trusted Process accessible  |
- *	+-------------------------------+
- *	|         64 KB Global          |
- *	|   Trusted Process accessible  |
- *	+-------------------------------+
- */
-struct cxlflash_afu_map {
-	union {
-		struct sisl_host_map host;
-		char harea[SIZE_64K];	/* 64KB each */
-	union {
-		struct sisl_ctrl_map ctrl;
-		char carea[cache_line_size()];	/* 128B each */
-	union {
-		struct sisl_global_map global;
-		char garea[SIZE_64K];	/* 64KB single block */
-	};
- * LXT - LBA Translation Table
- * LXT control blocks
- */
-struct sisl_lxt_entry {
-	u64 rlba_base;	/* bits 0:47 is base
-			 * b48:55 is lun index
-			 * b58:59 is write & read perms
-			 * (if no perm, afu_rc=0x15)
-			 * b60:63 is port_sel mask
-			 */
- * RHT - Resource Handle Table
- * Per the SISlite spec, RHT entries are to be 16-byte aligned
- */
-struct sisl_rht_entry {
-	struct sisl_lxt_entry *lxt_start;
-	u32 lxt_cnt;
-	u16 rsvd;
-	u8 fp;			/* format & perm nibbles.
-				 * (if no perm, afu_rc=0x05)
-				 */
-	u8 nmask;
-} __packed __aligned(16);
-struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 {
-	u64 lun_id;
-	union {
-		struct {
-			u8 valid;
-			u8 rsvd[5];
-			u8 fp;
-			u8 port_sel;
-		};
-		u64 dw;
-	};
-} __packed __aligned(16);
-/* make the fp byte */
-#define SISL_RHT_FP(fmt, perm) (((fmt) << 4) | (perm))
-/* make the fp byte for a clone from a source fp and clone flags
- * flags must be only 2 LSB bits.
- */
-#define SISL_RHT_FP_CLONE(src_fp, cln_flags) ((src_fp) & (0xFC | (cln_flags)))
-#define RHT_PERM_READ  0x01U
-#define RHT_PERM_WRITE 0x02U
-/* extract the perm bits from a fp */
-#define SISL_RHT_PERM(fp) ((fp) & RHT_PERM_RW)
-#define PORT0  0x01U
-#define PORT1  0x02U
-#define PORT2  0x04U
-#define PORT3  0x08U
-#define PORT_MASK(_n)	((1 << (_n)) - 1)
-/* AFU Sync Mode byte */
-#define AFU_LW_SYNC 0x0U
-#define AFU_HW_SYNC 0x1U
-#define AFU_GSYNC   0x2U
-/* Special Task Management Function CDB */
-#define TMF_LUN_RESET  0x1U
-#define TMF_CLEAR_ACA  0x2U
-#endif /* _SISLITE_H */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.c
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--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2218 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/file.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/syscalls.h>
-#include <linux/unaligned.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_eh.h>
-#include <uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h>
-#include "sislite.h"
-#include "common.h"
-#include "vlun.h"
-#include "superpipe.h"
-struct cxlflash_global global;
- * marshal_rele_to_resize() - translate release to resize structure
- * @release:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
- * @resize:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
- */
-static void marshal_rele_to_resize(struct dk_cxlflash_release *release,
-				   struct dk_cxlflash_resize *resize)
-	resize->hdr = release->hdr;
-	resize->context_id = release->context_id;
-	resize->rsrc_handle = release->rsrc_handle;
- * marshal_det_to_rele() - translate detach to release structure
- * @detach:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
- * @release:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
- */
-static void marshal_det_to_rele(struct dk_cxlflash_detach *detach,
-				struct dk_cxlflash_release *release)
-	release->hdr = detach->hdr;
-	release->context_id = detach->context_id;
- * marshal_udir_to_rele() - translate udirect to release structure
- * @udirect:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
- * @release:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
- */
-static void marshal_udir_to_rele(struct dk_cxlflash_udirect *udirect,
-				 struct dk_cxlflash_release *release)
-	release->hdr = udirect->hdr;
-	release->context_id = udirect->context_id;
-	release->rsrc_handle = udirect->rsrc_handle;
- * cxlflash_free_errpage() - frees resources associated with global error page
- */
-void cxlflash_free_errpage(void)
-	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
-	if (global.err_page) {
-		__free_page(global.err_page);
-		global.err_page = NULL;
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
- * cxlflash_stop_term_user_contexts() - stops/terminates known user contexts
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * When the host needs to go down, all users must be quiesced and their
- * memory freed. This is accomplished by putting the contexts in error
- * state which will notify the user and let them 'drive' the tear down.
- * Meanwhile, this routine camps until all user contexts have been removed.
- *
- * Note that the main loop in this routine will always execute at least once
- * to flush the reset_waitq.
- */
-void cxlflash_stop_term_user_contexts(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int i, found = true;
-	cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
-	while (true) {
-		for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONTEXT; i++)
-			if (cfg->ctx_tbl[i]) {
-				found = true;
-				break;
-			}
-		if (!found && list_empty(&cfg->ctx_err_recovery))
-			return;
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Wait for user contexts to quiesce...\n",
-			__func__);
-		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-		ssleep(1);
-		found = false;
-	}
- * find_error_context() - locates a context by cookie on the error recovery list
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @rctxid:	Desired context by id.
- * @file:	Desired context by file.
- *
- * Return: Found context on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct ctx_info *find_error_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u64 rctxid,
-					   struct file *file)
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi;
-	list_for_each_entry(ctxi, &cfg->ctx_err_recovery, list)
-		if ((ctxi->ctxid == rctxid) || (ctxi->file == file))
-			return ctxi;
-	return NULL;
- * get_context() - obtains a validated and locked context reference
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @rctxid:	Desired context (raw, un-decoded format).
- * @arg:	LUN information or file associated with request.
- * @ctx_ctrl:	Control information to 'steer' desired lookup.
- *
- * NOTE: despite the name pid, in linux, current->pid actually refers
- * to the lightweight process id (tid) and can change if the process is
- * multi threaded. The tgid remains constant for the process and only changes
- * when the process of fork. For all intents and purposes, think of tgid
- * as a pid in the traditional sense.
- *
- * Return: Validated context on success, NULL on failure
- */
-struct ctx_info *get_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u64 rctxid,
-			     void *arg, enum ctx_ctrl ctx_ctrl)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct lun_access *lun_access = NULL;
-	struct file *file = NULL;
-	struct llun_info *lli = arg;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(rctxid);
-	int rc;
-	pid_t pid = task_tgid_nr(current), ctxpid = 0;
-	if (ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_FILE) {
-		lli = NULL;
-		file = (struct file *)arg;
-	}
-	if (ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_CLONE)
-		pid = task_ppid_nr(current);
-	if (likely(ctxid < MAX_CONTEXT)) {
-		while (true) {
-			mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-			ctxi = cfg->ctx_tbl[ctxid];
-			if (ctxi)
-				if ((file && (ctxi->file != file)) ||
-				    (!file && (ctxi->ctxid != rctxid)))
-					ctxi = NULL;
-			if ((ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_ERR) ||
-			    (!ctxi && (ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK)))
-				ctxi = find_error_context(cfg, rctxid, file);
-			if (!ctxi) {
-				mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-				goto out;
-			}
-			/*
-			 * Need to acquire ownership of the context while still
-			 * under the table/list lock to serialize with a remove
-			 * thread. Use the 'try' to avoid stalling the
-			 * table/list lock for a single context.
-			 *
-			 * Note that the lock order is:
-			 *
-			 *	cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex -> ctxi->mutex
-			 *
-			 * Therefore release ctx_tbl_list_mutex before retrying.
-			 */
-			rc = mutex_trylock(&ctxi->mutex);
-			mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-			if (rc)
-				break; /* got the context's lock! */
-		}
-		if (ctxi->unavail)
-			goto denied;
-		ctxpid = ctxi->pid;
-		if (likely(!(ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_NOPID)))
-			if (pid != ctxpid)
-				goto denied;
-		if (lli) {
-			list_for_each_entry(lun_access, &ctxi->luns, list)
-				if (lun_access->lli == lli)
-					goto out;
-			goto denied;
-		}
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: rctxid=%016llx ctxinfo=%p ctxpid=%u pid=%u "
-		"ctx_ctrl=%u\n", __func__, rctxid, ctxi, ctxpid, pid,
-		ctx_ctrl);
-	return ctxi;
-	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	ctxi = NULL;
-	goto out;
- * put_context() - release a context that was retrieved from get_context()
- * @ctxi:	Context to release.
- *
- * For now, releasing the context equates to unlocking it's mutex.
- */
-void put_context(struct ctx_info *ctxi)
-	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
- * afu_attach() - attach a context to the AFU
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @ctxi:	Context to attach.
- *
- * Upon setting the context capabilities, they must be confirmed with
- * a read back operation as the context might have been closed since
- * the mailbox was unlocked. When this occurs, registration is failed.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int afu_attach(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, struct ctx_info *ctxi)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct sisl_ctrl_map __iomem *ctrl_map = ctxi->ctrl_map;
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	u64 val;
-	int i;
-	/* Unlock cap and restrict user to read/write cmds in translated mode */
-	readq_be(&ctrl_map->mbox_r);
-	writeq_be(val, &ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
-	val = readq_be(&ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ctx may be closed val=%016llx\n",
-			__func__, val);
-		rc = -EAGAIN;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (afu_is_ocxl_lisn(afu)) {
-		/* Set up the LISN effective address for each interrupt */
-		for (i = 0; i < ctxi->irqs; i++) {
-			val = cfg->ops->get_irq_objhndl(ctxi->ctx, i);
-			writeq_be(val, &ctrl_map->lisn_ea[i]);
-		}
-		/* Use primary HWQ PASID as identifier for all interrupts */
-		val = hwq->ctx_hndl;
-		writeq_be(SISL_LISN_PASID(val, val), &ctrl_map->lisn_pasid[0]);
-		writeq_be(SISL_LISN_PASID(0UL, val), &ctrl_map->lisn_pasid[1]);
-	}
-	/* Set up MMIO registers pointing to the RHT */
-	writeq_be((u64)ctxi->rht_start, &ctrl_map->rht_start);
-	val = SISL_RHT_CNT_ID((u64)MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT, (u64)(hwq->ctx_hndl));
-	writeq_be(val, &ctrl_map->rht_cnt_id);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * read_cap16() - issues a SCSI READ_CAP16 command
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @lli:	LUN destined for capacity request.
- *
- * The READ_CAP16 can take quite a while to complete. Should an EEH occur while
- * in scsi_execute_cmd(), the EEH handler will attempt to recover. As part of
- * the recovery, the handler drains all currently running ioctls, waiting until
- * they have completed before proceeding with a reset. As this routine is used
- * on the ioctl path, this can create a condition where the EEH handler becomes
- * stuck, infinitely waiting for this ioctl thread. To avoid this behavior,
- * temporarily unmark this thread as an ioctl thread by releasing the ioctl
- * read semaphore. This will allow the EEH handler to proceed with a recovery
- * while this thread is still running. Once the scsi_execute_cmd() returns,
- * reacquire the ioctl read semaphore and check the adapter state in case it
- * changed while inside of scsi_execute_cmd(). The state check will wait if the
- * adapter is still being recovered or return a failure if the recovery failed.
- * In the event that the adapter reset failed, simply return the failure as the
- * ioctl would be unable to continue.
- *
- * Note that the above puts a requirement on this routine to only be called on
- * an ioctl thread.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int read_cap16(struct scsi_device *sdev, struct llun_info *lli)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct scsi_sense_hdr sshdr;
-	const struct scsi_exec_args exec_args = {
-		.sshdr = &sshdr,
-	};
-	u8 *cmd_buf = NULL;
-	u8 *scsi_cmd = NULL;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int result = 0;
-	int retry_cnt = 0;
-	u32 to = CMD_TIMEOUT * HZ;
-	cmd_buf = kzalloc(CMD_BUFSIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
-	scsi_cmd = kzalloc(MAX_COMMAND_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!cmd_buf || !scsi_cmd)) {
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	scsi_cmd[0] = SERVICE_ACTION_IN_16;	/* read cap(16) */
-	scsi_cmd[1] = SAI_READ_CAPACITY_16;	/* service action */
-	put_unaligned_be32(CMD_BUFSIZE, &scsi_cmd[10]);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %ssending cmd(%02x)\n", __func__,
-		retry_cnt ? "re" : "", scsi_cmd[0]);
-	/* Drop the ioctl read semaphore across lengthy call */
-	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	result = scsi_execute_cmd(sdev, scsi_cmd, REQ_OP_DRV_IN, cmd_buf,
-				  CMD_BUFSIZE, to, CMD_RETRIES, &exec_args);
-	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	rc = check_state(cfg);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed state result=%08x\n",
-			__func__, result);
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (result > 0 && scsi_sense_valid(&sshdr)) {
-		if (result & SAM_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION) {
-			switch (sshdr.sense_key) {
-			case NO_SENSE:
-			case NOT_READY:
-				break;
-				switch (sshdr.asc) {
-				case 0x29: /* Power on Reset or Device Reset */
-					fallthrough;
-				case 0x2A: /* Device capacity changed */
-				case 0x3F: /* Report LUNs changed */
-					/* Retry the command once more */
-					if (retry_cnt++ < 1) {
-						kfree(cmd_buf);
-						kfree(scsi_cmd);
-						goto retry;
-					}
-				}
-				break;
-			default:
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (result) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: command failed, result=%08x\n",
-			__func__, result);
-		rc = -EIO;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Read cap was successful, grab values from the buffer;
-	 * note that we don't need to worry about unaligned access
-	 * as the buffer is allocated on an aligned boundary.
-	 */
-	mutex_lock(&gli->mutex);
-	gli->max_lba = be64_to_cpu(*((__be64 *)&cmd_buf[0]));
-	gli->blk_len = be32_to_cpu(*((__be32 *)&cmd_buf[8]));
-	mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
-	kfree(cmd_buf);
-	kfree(scsi_cmd);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: maxlba=%lld blklen=%d rc=%d\n",
-		__func__, gli->max_lba, gli->blk_len, rc);
-	return rc;
- * get_rhte() - obtains validated resource handle table entry reference
- * @ctxi:	Context owning the resource handle.
- * @rhndl:	Resource handle associated with entry.
- * @lli:	LUN associated with request.
- *
- * Return: Validated RHTE on success, NULL on failure
- */
-struct sisl_rht_entry *get_rhte(struct ctx_info *ctxi, res_hndl_t rhndl,
-				struct llun_info *lli)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = ctxi->cfg;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi->rht_start)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Context does not have allocated RHT\n",
-			 __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (unlikely(rhndl >= MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle rhndl=%d\n",
-			__func__, rhndl);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (unlikely(ctxi->rht_lun[rhndl] != lli)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle LUN rhndl=%d\n",
-			__func__, rhndl);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rhte = &ctxi->rht_start[rhndl];
-	if (unlikely(rhte->nmask == 0)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Unopened resource handle rhndl=%d\n",
-			__func__, rhndl);
-		rhte = NULL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	return rhte;
- * rhte_checkout() - obtains free/empty resource handle table entry
- * @ctxi:	Context owning the resource handle.
- * @lli:	LUN associated with request.
- *
- * Return: Free RHTE on success, NULL on failure
- */
-struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte_checkout(struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-				     struct llun_info *lli)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = ctxi->cfg;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
-	int i;
-	/* Find a free RHT entry */
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT; i++)
-		if (ctxi->rht_start[i].nmask == 0) {
-			rhte = &ctxi->rht_start[i];
-			ctxi->rht_out++;
-			break;
-		}
-	if (likely(rhte))
-		ctxi->rht_lun[i] = lli;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rhte=%p index=%d\n", __func__, rhte, i);
-	return rhte;
- * rhte_checkin() - releases a resource handle table entry
- * @ctxi:	Context owning the resource handle.
- * @rhte:	RHTE to release.
- */
-void rhte_checkin(struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-		  struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte)
-	u32 rsrc_handle = rhte - ctxi->rht_start;
-	rhte->nmask = 0;
-	rhte->fp = 0;
-	ctxi->rht_out--;
-	ctxi->rht_lun[rsrc_handle] = NULL;
-	ctxi->rht_needs_ws[rsrc_handle] = false;
- * rht_format1() - populates a RHTE for format 1
- * @rhte:	RHTE to populate.
- * @lun_id:	LUN ID of LUN associated with RHTE.
- * @perm:	Desired permissions for RHTE.
- * @port_sel:	Port selection mask
- */
-static void rht_format1(struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte, u64 lun_id, u32 perm,
-			u32 port_sel)
-	/*
-	 * Populate the Format 1 RHT entry for direct access (physical
-	 * LUN) using the synchronization sequence defined in the
-	 * SISLite specification.
-	 */
-	struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 dummy = { 0 };
-	struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 *rhte_f1 = (struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 *)rhte;
-	memset(rhte_f1, 0, sizeof(*rhte_f1));
-	rhte_f1->fp = SISL_RHT_FP(1U, 0);
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make setting of format bit visible */
-	rhte_f1->lun_id = lun_id;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make setting of LUN id visible */
-	/*
-	 * Use a dummy RHT Format 1 entry to build the second dword
-	 * of the entry that must be populated in a single write when
-	 * enabled (valid bit set to TRUE).
-	 */
-	dummy.valid = 0x80;
-	dummy.fp = SISL_RHT_FP(1U, perm);
-	dummy.port_sel = port_sel;
-	rhte_f1->dw = dummy.dw;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make remaining RHT entry fields visible */
- * cxlflash_lun_attach() - attaches a user to a LUN and manages the LUN's mode
- * @gli:	LUN to attach.
- * @mode:	Desired mode of the LUN.
- * @locked:	Mutex status on current thread.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int cxlflash_lun_attach(struct glun_info *gli, enum lun_mode mode, bool locked)
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (!locked)
-		mutex_lock(&gli->mutex);
-	if (gli->mode == MODE_NONE)
-		gli->mode = mode;
-	else if (gli->mode != mode) {
-		pr_debug("%s: gli_mode=%d requested_mode=%d\n",
-			 __func__, gli->mode, mode);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	gli->users++;
-	WARN_ON(gli->users <= 0);
-	pr_debug("%s: Returning rc=%d gli->mode=%u gli->users=%u\n",
-		 __func__, rc, gli->mode, gli->users);
-	if (!locked)
-		mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_lun_detach() - detaches a user from a LUN and resets the LUN's mode
- * @gli:	LUN to detach.
- *
- * When resetting the mode, terminate block allocation resources as they
- * are no longer required (service is safe to call even when block allocation
- * resources were not present - such as when transitioning from physical mode).
- * These resources will be reallocated when needed (subsequent transition to
- * virtual mode).
- */
-void cxlflash_lun_detach(struct glun_info *gli)
-	mutex_lock(&gli->mutex);
-	WARN_ON(gli->mode == MODE_NONE);
-	if (--gli->users == 0) {
-		gli->mode = MODE_NONE;
-		cxlflash_ba_terminate(&gli->blka.ba_lun);
-	}
-	pr_debug("%s: gli->users=%u\n", __func__, gli->users);
-	WARN_ON(gli->users < 0);
-	mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
- * _cxlflash_disk_release() - releases the specified resource entry
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @ctxi:	Context owning resources.
- * @release:	Release ioctl data structure.
- *
- * For LUNs in virtual mode, the virtual LUN associated with the specified
- * resource handle is resized to 0 prior to releasing the RHTE. Note that the
- * AFU sync should _not_ be performed when the context is sitting on the error
- * recovery list. A context on the error recovery list is not known to the AFU
- * due to reset. When the context is recovered, it will be reattached and made
- * known again to the AFU.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int _cxlflash_disk_release(struct scsi_device *sdev,
-			   struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-			   struct dk_cxlflash_release *release)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	bool put_ctx = false;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_resize size;
-	res_hndl_t rhndl = release->rsrc_handle;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int rcr = 0;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(release->context_id),
-	    rctxid = release->context_id;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 *rhte_f1;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu rhndl=%llu gli->mode=%u gli->users=%u\n",
-		__func__, ctxid, release->rsrc_handle, gli->mode, gli->users);
-	if (!ctxi) {
-		ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK);
-		if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n",
-				__func__, ctxid);
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		put_ctx = true;
-	}
-	rhte = get_rhte(ctxi, rhndl, lli);
-	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle rhndl=%d\n",
-			__func__, rhndl);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Resize to 0 for virtual LUNS by setting the size
-	 * to 0. This will clear LXT_START and LXT_CNT fields
-	 * in the RHT entry and properly sync with the AFU.
-	 *
-	 * Afterwards we clear the remaining fields.
-	 */
-	switch (gli->mode) {
-		marshal_rele_to_resize(release, &size);
-		size.req_size = 0;
-		rc = _cxlflash_vlun_resize(sdev, ctxi, &size);
-		if (rc) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: resize failed rc %d\n", __func__, rc);
-			goto out;
-		}
-		break;
-		/*
-		 * Clear the Format 1 RHT entry for direct access
-		 * (physical LUN) using the synchronization sequence
-		 * defined in the SISLite specification.
-		 */
-		rhte_f1 = (struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 *)rhte;
-		rhte_f1->valid = 0;
-		dma_wmb(); /* Make revocation of RHT entry visible */
-		rhte_f1->lun_id = 0;
-		dma_wmb(); /* Make clearing of LUN id visible */
-		rhte_f1->dw = 0;
-		dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry bottom-half clearing visible */
-		if (!ctxi->err_recovery_active) {
-			rcr = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_HW_SYNC);
-			if (unlikely(rcr))
-				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: AFU sync failed rc=%d\n",
-					__func__, rcr);
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		WARN(1, "Unsupported LUN mode!");
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rhte_checkin(ctxi, rhte);
-	cxlflash_lun_detach(gli);
-	if (put_ctx)
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-int cxlflash_disk_release(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *release)
-	return _cxlflash_disk_release(sdev, NULL, release);
- * destroy_context() - releases a context
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @ctxi:	Context to release.
- *
- * This routine is safe to be called with a a non-initialized context.
- * Also note that the routine conditionally checks for the existence
- * of the context control map before clearing the RHT registers and
- * context capabilities because it is possible to destroy a context
- * while the context is in the error state (previous mapping was
- * removed [so there is no need to worry about clearing] and context
- * is waiting for a new mapping).
- */
-static void destroy_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
-			    struct ctx_info *ctxi)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	if (ctxi->initialized) {
-		WARN_ON(!list_empty(&ctxi->luns));
-		/* Clear RHT registers and drop all capabilities for context */
-		if (afu->afu_map && ctxi->ctrl_map) {
-			writeq_be(0, &ctxi->ctrl_map->rht_start);
-			writeq_be(0, &ctxi->ctrl_map->rht_cnt_id);
-			writeq_be(0, &ctxi->ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
-		}
-	}
-	/* Free memory associated with context */
-	free_page((ulong)ctxi->rht_start);
-	kfree(ctxi->rht_needs_ws);
-	kfree(ctxi->rht_lun);
-	kfree(ctxi);
- * create_context() - allocates and initializes a context
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: Allocated context on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct ctx_info *create_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct llun_info **lli = NULL;
-	u8 *ws = NULL;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte;
-	ctxi = kzalloc(sizeof(*ctxi), GFP_KERNEL);
-	lli = kzalloc((MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT * sizeof(*lli)), GFP_KERNEL);
-	ws = kzalloc((MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT * sizeof(*ws)), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi || !lli || !ws)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to allocate context\n", __func__);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	rhte = (struct sisl_rht_entry *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to allocate RHT\n", __func__);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	ctxi->rht_lun = lli;
-	ctxi->rht_needs_ws = ws;
-	ctxi->rht_start = rhte;
-	return ctxi;
-	kfree(ws);
-	kfree(lli);
-	kfree(ctxi);
-	ctxi = NULL;
-	goto out;
- * init_context() - initializes a previously allocated context
- * @ctxi:	Previously allocated context
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @ctx:	Previously obtained context cookie.
- * @ctxid:	Previously obtained process element associated with CXL context.
- * @file:	Previously obtained file associated with CXL context.
- * @perms:	User-specified permissions.
- * @irqs:	User-specified number of interrupts.
- */
-static void init_context(struct ctx_info *ctxi, struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
-			 void *ctx, int ctxid, struct file *file, u32 perms,
-			 u64 irqs)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	ctxi->rht_perms = perms;
-	ctxi->ctrl_map = &afu->afu_map->ctrls[ctxid].ctrl;
-	ctxi->ctxid = ENCODE_CTXID(ctxi, ctxid);
-	ctxi->irqs = irqs;
-	ctxi->pid = task_tgid_nr(current); /* tgid = pid */
-	ctxi->ctx = ctx;
-	ctxi->cfg = cfg;
-	ctxi->file = file;
-	ctxi->initialized = true;
-	mutex_init(&ctxi->mutex);
-	kref_init(&ctxi->kref);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ctxi->luns);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ctxi->list); /* initialize for list_empty() */
- * remove_context() - context kref release handler
- * @kref:	Kernel reference associated with context to be removed.
- *
- * When a context no longer has any references it can safely be removed
- * from global access and destroyed. Note that it is assumed the thread
- * relinquishing access to the context holds its mutex.
- */
-static void remove_context(struct kref *kref)
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = container_of(kref, struct ctx_info, kref);
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = ctxi->cfg;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(ctxi->ctxid);
-	/* Remove context from table/error list */
-	WARN_ON(!mutex_is_locked(&ctxi->mutex));
-	ctxi->unavail = true;
-	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	if (!list_empty(&ctxi->list))
-		list_del(&ctxi->list);
-	cfg->ctx_tbl[ctxid] = NULL;
-	mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	/* Context now completely uncoupled/unreachable */
-	destroy_context(cfg, ctxi);
- * _cxlflash_disk_detach() - detaches a LUN from a context
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @ctxi:	Context owning resources.
- * @detach:	Detach ioctl data structure.
- *
- * As part of the detach, all per-context resources associated with the LUN
- * are cleaned up. When detaching the last LUN for a context, the context
- * itself is cleaned up and released.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int _cxlflash_disk_detach(struct scsi_device *sdev,
-				 struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-				 struct dk_cxlflash_detach *detach)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct lun_access *lun_access, *t;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_release rel;
-	bool put_ctx = false;
-	int i;
-	int rc = 0;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(detach->context_id),
-	    rctxid = detach->context_id;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
-	if (!ctxi) {
-		ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK);
-		if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n",
-				__func__, ctxid);
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		put_ctx = true;
-	}
-	/* Cleanup outstanding resources tied to this LUN */
-	if (ctxi->rht_out) {
-		marshal_det_to_rele(detach, &rel);
-		for (i = 0; i < MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT; i++) {
-			if (ctxi->rht_lun[i] == lli) {
-				rel.rsrc_handle = i;
-				_cxlflash_disk_release(sdev, ctxi, &rel);
-			}
-			/* No need to loop further if we're done */
-			if (ctxi->rht_out == 0)
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Take our LUN out of context, free the node */
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(lun_access, t, &ctxi->luns, list)
-		if (lun_access->lli == lli) {
-			list_del(&lun_access->list);
-			kfree(lun_access);
-			lun_access = NULL;
-			break;
-		}
-	/*
-	 * Release the context reference and the sdev reference that
-	 * bound this LUN to the context.
-	 */
-	if (kref_put(&ctxi->kref, remove_context))
-		put_ctx = false;
-	scsi_device_put(sdev);
-	if (put_ctx)
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-static int cxlflash_disk_detach(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *detach)
-	return _cxlflash_disk_detach(sdev, NULL, detach);
- * cxlflash_cxl_release() - release handler for adapter file descriptor
- * @inode:	File-system inode associated with fd.
- * @file:	File installed with adapter file descriptor.
- *
- * This routine is the release handler for the fops registered with
- * the CXL services on an initial attach for a context. It is called
- * when a close (explicitly by the user or as part of a process tear
- * down) is performed on the adapter file descriptor returned to the
- * user. The user should be aware that explicitly performing a close
- * considered catastrophic and subsequent usage of the superpipe API
- * with previously saved off tokens will fail.
- *
- * This routine derives the context reference and calls detach for
- * each LUN associated with the context.The final detach operation
- * causes the context itself to be freed. With exception to when the
- * CXL process element (context id) lookup fails (a case that should
- * theoretically never occur), every call into this routine results
- * in a complete freeing of a context.
- *
- * Detaching the LUN is typically an ioctl() operation and the underlying
- * code assumes that ioctl_rwsem has been acquired as a reader. To support
- * that design point, the semaphore is acquired and released around detach.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success
- */
-static int cxlflash_cxl_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = container_of(file->f_op, struct cxlflash_cfg,
-						cxl_fops);
-	void *ctx = cfg->ops->fops_get_context(file);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_detach detach = { { 0 }, 0 };
-	struct lun_access *lun_access, *t;
-	enum ctx_ctrl ctrl = CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK | CTX_CTRL_FILE;
-	int ctxid;
-	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
-	if (unlikely(ctxid < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context %p was closed ctxid=%d\n",
-			__func__, ctx, ctxid);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	ctxi = get_context(cfg, ctxid, file, ctrl);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		ctxi = get_context(cfg, ctxid, file, ctrl | CTX_CTRL_CLONE);
-		if (!ctxi) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%d already free\n",
-				__func__, ctxid);
-			goto out_release;
-		}
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Another process owns ctxid=%d\n",
-			__func__, ctxid);
-		put_context(ctxi);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: close for ctxid=%d\n", __func__, ctxid);
-	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	detach.context_id = ctxi->ctxid;
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(lun_access, t, &ctxi->luns, list)
-		_cxlflash_disk_detach(lun_access->sdev, ctxi, &detach);
-	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	cfg->ops->fd_release(inode, file);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning\n", __func__);
-	return 0;
- * unmap_context() - clears a previously established mapping
- * @ctxi:	Context owning the mapping.
- *
- * This routine is used to switch between the error notification page
- * (dummy page of all 1's) and the real mapping (established by the CXL
- * fault handler).
- */
-static void unmap_context(struct ctx_info *ctxi)
-	unmap_mapping_range(ctxi->file->f_mapping, 0, 0, 1);
- * get_err_page() - obtains and allocates the error notification page
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: error notification page on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct page *get_err_page(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct page *err_page = global.err_page;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	if (unlikely(!err_page)) {
-		err_page = alloc_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-		if (unlikely(!err_page)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to allocate err_page\n",
-				__func__);
-			goto out;
-		}
-		memset(page_address(err_page), -1, PAGE_SIZE);
-		/* Serialize update w/ other threads to avoid a leak */
-		mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
-		if (likely(!global.err_page))
-			global.err_page = err_page;
-		else {
-			__free_page(err_page);
-			err_page = global.err_page;
-		}
-		mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning err_page=%p\n", __func__, err_page);
-	return err_page;
- * cxlflash_mmap_fault() - mmap fault handler for adapter file descriptor
- * @vmf:	VM fault associated with current fault.
- *
- * To support error notification via MMIO, faults are 'caught' by this routine
- * that was inserted before passing back the adapter file descriptor on attach.
- * When a fault occurs, this routine evaluates if error recovery is active and
- * if so, installs the error page to 'notify' the user about the error state.
- * During normal operation, the fault is simply handled by the original fault
- * handler that was installed by CXL services as part of initializing the
- * adapter file descriptor. The VMA's page protection bits are toggled to
- * indicate cached/not-cached depending on the memory backing the fault.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, VM_FAULT_SIGBUS on failure
- */
-static vm_fault_t cxlflash_mmap_fault(struct vm_fault *vmf)
-	struct vm_area_struct *vma = vmf->vma;
-	struct file *file = vma->vm_file;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = container_of(file->f_op, struct cxlflash_cfg,
-						cxl_fops);
-	void *ctx = cfg->ops->fops_get_context(file);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct page *err_page = NULL;
-	enum ctx_ctrl ctrl = CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK | CTX_CTRL_FILE;
-	vm_fault_t rc = 0;
-	int ctxid;
-	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
-	if (unlikely(ctxid < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context %p was closed ctxid=%d\n",
-			__func__, ctx, ctxid);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	ctxi = get_context(cfg, ctxid, file, ctrl);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%d\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: fault for context %d\n", __func__, ctxid);
-	if (likely(!ctxi->err_recovery_active)) {
-		vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vma->vm_page_prot);
-		rc = ctxi->cxl_mmap_vmops->fault(vmf);
-	} else {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: err recovery active, use err_page\n",
-			__func__);
-		err_page = get_err_page(cfg);
-		if (unlikely(!err_page)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not get err_page\n", __func__);
-			rc = VM_FAULT_RETRY;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		get_page(err_page);
-		vmf->page = err_page;
-		vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_cached(vma->vm_page_prot);
-	}
-	if (likely(ctxi))
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%x\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	goto out;
- * Local MMAP vmops to 'catch' faults
- */
-static const struct vm_operations_struct cxlflash_mmap_vmops = {
-	.fault = cxlflash_mmap_fault,
- * cxlflash_cxl_mmap() - mmap handler for adapter file descriptor
- * @file:	File installed with adapter file descriptor.
- * @vma:	VM area associated with mapping.
- *
- * Installs local mmap vmops to 'catch' faults for error notification support.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_cxl_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = container_of(file->f_op, struct cxlflash_cfg,
-						cxl_fops);
-	void *ctx = cfg->ops->fops_get_context(file);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	enum ctx_ctrl ctrl = CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK | CTX_CTRL_FILE;
-	int ctxid;
-	int rc = 0;
-	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
-	if (unlikely(ctxid < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context %p was closed ctxid=%d\n",
-			__func__, ctx, ctxid);
-		rc = -EIO;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	ctxi = get_context(cfg, ctxid, file, ctrl);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%d\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EIO;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: mmap for context %d\n", __func__, ctxid);
-	rc = cfg->ops->fd_mmap(file, vma);
-	if (likely(!rc)) {
-		/* Insert ourself in the mmap fault handler path */
-		ctxi->cxl_mmap_vmops = vma->vm_ops;
-		vma->vm_ops = &cxlflash_mmap_vmops;
-	}
-	if (likely(ctxi))
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	return rc;
-const struct file_operations cxlflash_cxl_fops = {
-	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
-	.mmap = cxlflash_cxl_mmap,
-	.release = cxlflash_cxl_release,
- * cxlflash_mark_contexts_error() - move contexts to error state and list
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * A context is only moved over to the error list when there are no outstanding
- * references to it. This ensures that a running operation has completed.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	int i, rc = 0;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONTEXT; i++) {
-		ctxi = cfg->ctx_tbl[i];
-		if (ctxi) {
-			mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
-			cfg->ctx_tbl[i] = NULL;
-			list_add(&ctxi->list, &cfg->ctx_err_recovery);
-			ctxi->err_recovery_active = true;
-			ctxi->ctrl_map = NULL;
-			unmap_context(ctxi);
-			mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
-		}
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	return rc;
- * Dummy NULL fops
- */
-static const struct file_operations null_fops = {
-	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
- * check_state() - checks and responds to the current adapter state
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * This routine can block and should only be used on process context.
- * It assumes that the caller is an ioctl thread and holding the ioctl
- * read semaphore. This is temporarily let up across the wait to allow
- * for draining actively running ioctls. Also note that when waking up
- * from waiting in reset, the state is unknown and must be checked again
- * before proceeding.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int check_state(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	switch (cfg->state) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Reset state, going to wait...\n", __func__);
-		up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-		rc = wait_event_interruptible(cfg->reset_waitq,
-					      cfg->state != STATE_RESET);
-		down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-		if (unlikely(rc))
-			break;
-		goto retry;
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Failed/Terminating\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_disk_attach() - attach a LUN to a context
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @arg:	Attach ioctl data structure.
- *
- * Creates a context and attaches LUN to it. A LUN can only be attached
- * one time to a context (subsequent attaches for the same context/LUN pair
- * are not supported). Additional LUNs can be attached to a context by
- * specifying the 'reuse' flag defined in the cxlflash_ioctl.h header.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_disk_attach(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
-	struct dk_cxlflash_attach *attach = arg;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct lun_access *lun_access = NULL;
-	int rc = 0;
-	u32 perms;
-	int ctxid = -1;
-	u64 irqs = attach->num_interrupts;
-	u64 flags = 0UL;
-	u64 rctxid = 0UL;
-	struct file *file = NULL;
-	void *ctx = NULL;
-	int fd = -1;
-	if (irqs > 4) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Cannot support this many interrupts %llu\n",
-			__func__, irqs);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (gli->max_lba == 0) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: No capacity info for LUN=%016llx\n",
-			__func__, lli->lun_id[sdev->channel]);
-		rc = read_cap16(sdev, lli);
-		if (rc) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Invalid device rc=%d\n",
-				__func__, rc);
-			rc = -ENODEV;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: LBA = %016llx\n", __func__, gli->max_lba);
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: BLK_LEN = %08x\n", __func__, gli->blk_len);
-	}
-	if (attach->hdr.flags & DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH_REUSE_CONTEXT) {
-		rctxid = attach->context_id;
-		ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, NULL, 0);
-		if (!ctxi) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context rctxid=%016llx\n",
-				__func__, rctxid);
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		list_for_each_entry(lun_access, &ctxi->luns, list)
-			if (lun_access->lli == lli) {
-				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Already attached\n",
-					__func__);
-				rc = -EINVAL;
-				goto out;
-			}
-	}
-	rc = scsi_device_get(sdev);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to get sdev reference\n", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	lun_access = kzalloc(sizeof(*lun_access), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!lun_access)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to allocate lun_access\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	lun_access->lli = lli;
-	lun_access->sdev = sdev;
-	/* Non-NULL context indicates reuse (another context reference) */
-	if (ctxi) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Reusing context for LUN rctxid=%016llx\n",
-			__func__, rctxid);
-		kref_get(&ctxi->kref);
-		list_add(&lun_access->list, &ctxi->luns);
-		goto out_attach;
-	}
-	ctxi = create_context(cfg);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed to create context ctxid=%d\n",
-			__func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	ctx = cfg->ops->dev_context_init(cfg->dev, cfg->afu_cookie);
-	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ctx)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not initialize context %p\n",
-			__func__, ctx);
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	rc = cfg->ops->start_work(ctx, irqs);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Could not start context rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
-	if (unlikely((ctxid >= MAX_CONTEXT) || (ctxid < 0))) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ctxid=%d invalid\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EPERM;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	file = cfg->ops->get_fd(ctx, &cfg->cxl_fops, &fd);
-	if (unlikely(fd < 0)) {
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not get file descriptor\n", __func__);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	/* Translate read/write O_* flags from fcntl.h to AFU permission bits */
-	perms = SISL_RHT_PERM(attach->hdr.flags + 1);
-	/* Context mutex is locked upon return */
-	init_context(ctxi, cfg, ctx, ctxid, file, perms, irqs);
-	rc = afu_attach(cfg, ctxi);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not attach AFU rc %d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * No error paths after this point. Once the fd is installed it's
-	 * visible to user space and can't be undone safely on this thread.
-	 * There is no need to worry about a deadlock here because no one
-	 * knows about us yet; we can be the only one holding our mutex.
-	 */
-	list_add(&lun_access->list, &ctxi->luns);
-	mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	cfg->ctx_tbl[ctxid] = ctxi;
-	mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	fd_install(fd, file);
-	if (fd != -1)
-	if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu))
-	attach->hdr.return_flags = flags;
-	attach->context_id = ctxi->ctxid;
-	attach->block_size = gli->blk_len;
-	attach->mmio_size = sizeof(afu->afu_map->hosts[0].harea);
-	attach->last_lba = gli->max_lba;
-	attach->max_xfer = sdev->host->max_sectors * MAX_SECTOR_UNIT;
-	attach->max_xfer /= gli->blk_len;
-	attach->adap_fd = fd;
-	if (ctxi)
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning ctxid=%d fd=%d bs=%lld rc=%d llba=%lld\n",
-		__func__, ctxid, fd, attach->block_size, rc, attach->last_lba);
-	return rc;
-	/* Cleanup CXL context; okay to 'stop' even if it was not started */
-	if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ctx)) {
-		cfg->ops->stop_context(ctx);
-		cfg->ops->release_context(ctx);
-		ctx = NULL;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Here, we're overriding the fops with a dummy all-NULL fops because
-	 * fput() calls the release fop, which will cause us to mistakenly
-	 * call into the CXL code. Rather than try to add yet more complexity
-	 * to that routine (cxlflash_cxl_release) we should try to fix the
-	 * issue here.
-	 */
-	if (fd > 0) {
-		file->f_op = &null_fops;
-		fput(file);
-		put_unused_fd(fd);
-		fd = -1;
-		file = NULL;
-	}
-	/* Cleanup our context */
-	if (ctxi) {
-		destroy_context(cfg, ctxi);
-		ctxi = NULL;
-	}
-	kfree(lun_access);
-	scsi_device_put(sdev);
-	goto out;
- * recover_context() - recovers a context in error
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @ctxi:	Context to release.
- * @adap_fd:	Adapter file descriptor associated with new/recovered context.
- *
- * Restablishes the state for a context-in-error.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int recover_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
-			   struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-			   int *adap_fd)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int fd = -1;
-	int ctxid = -1;
-	struct file *file;
-	void *ctx;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	ctx = cfg->ops->dev_context_init(cfg->dev, cfg->afu_cookie);
-	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ctx)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not initialize context %p\n",
-			__func__, ctx);
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = cfg->ops->start_work(ctx, ctxi->irqs);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Could not start context rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
-	if (unlikely((ctxid >= MAX_CONTEXT) || (ctxid < 0))) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ctxid=%d invalid\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EPERM;
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	file = cfg->ops->get_fd(ctx, &cfg->cxl_fops, &fd);
-	if (unlikely(fd < 0)) {
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not get file descriptor\n", __func__);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	/* Update with new MMIO area based on updated context id */
-	ctxi->ctrl_map = &afu->afu_map->ctrls[ctxid].ctrl;
-	rc = afu_attach(cfg, ctxi);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not attach AFU rc %d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err3;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * No error paths after this point. Once the fd is installed it's
-	 * visible to user space and can't be undone safely on this thread.
-	 */
-	ctxi->ctxid = ENCODE_CTXID(ctxi, ctxid);
-	ctxi->ctx = ctx;
-	ctxi->file = file;
-	/*
-	 * Put context back in table (note the reinit of the context list);
-	 * we must first drop the context's mutex and then acquire it in
-	 * order with the table/list mutex to avoid a deadlock - safe to do
-	 * here because no one can find us at this moment in time.
-	 */
-	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	list_del_init(&ctxi->list);
-	cfg->ctx_tbl[ctxid] = ctxi;
-	mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	fd_install(fd, file);
-	*adap_fd = fd;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning ctxid=%d fd=%d rc=%d\n",
-		__func__, ctxid, fd, rc);
-	return rc;
-	fput(file);
-	put_unused_fd(fd);
-	cfg->ops->stop_context(ctx);
-	cfg->ops->release_context(ctx);
-	goto out;
- * cxlflash_afu_recover() - initiates AFU recovery
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @arg:	Recover ioctl data structure.
- *
- * Only a single recovery is allowed at a time to avoid exhausting CXL
- * resources (leading to recovery failure) in the event that we're up
- * against the maximum number of contexts limit. For similar reasons,
- * a context recovery is retried if there are multiple recoveries taking
- * place at the same time and the failure was due to CXL services being
- * unable to keep up.
- *
- * As this routine is called on ioctl context, it holds the ioctl r/w
- * semaphore that is used to drain ioctls in recovery scenarios. The
- * implementation to achieve the pacing described above (a local mutex)
- * requires that the ioctl r/w semaphore be dropped and reacquired to
- * avoid a 3-way deadlock when multiple process recoveries operate in
- * parallel.
- *
- * Because a user can detect an error condition before the kernel, it is
- * quite possible for this routine to act as the kernel's EEH detection
- * source (MMIO read of mbox_r). Because of this, there is a window of
- * time where an EEH might have been detected but not yet 'serviced'
- * (callback invoked, causing the device to enter reset state). To avoid
- * looping in this routine during that window, a 1 second sleep is in place
- * between the time the MMIO failure is detected and the time a wait on the
- * reset wait queue is attempted via check_state().
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_afu_recover(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
-	struct dk_cxlflash_recover_afu *recover = arg;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct mutex *mutex = &cfg->ctx_recovery_mutex;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	u64 flags;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(recover->context_id),
-	    rctxid = recover->context_id;
-	long reg;
-	bool locked = true;
-	int lretry = 20; /* up to 2 seconds */
-	int new_adap_fd = -1;
-	int rc = 0;
-	atomic_inc(&cfg->recovery_threads);
-	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	rc = mutex_lock_interruptible(mutex);
-	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	if (rc) {
-		locked = false;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = check_state(cfg);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed state rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: reason=%016llx rctxid=%016llx\n",
-		__func__, recover->reason, rctxid);
-	/* Ensure that this process is attached to the context */
-	ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (ctxi->err_recovery_active) {
-		rc = recover_context(cfg, ctxi, &new_adap_fd);
-		if (unlikely(rc)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Recovery failed ctxid=%llu rc=%d\n",
-				__func__, ctxid, rc);
-			if ((rc == -ENODEV) &&
-			    ((atomic_read(&cfg->recovery_threads) > 1) ||
-			     (lretry--))) {
-				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Going to try again\n",
-					__func__);
-				mutex_unlock(mutex);
-				msleep(100);
-				rc = mutex_lock_interruptible(mutex);
-				if (rc) {
-					locked = false;
-					goto out;
-				}
-				goto retry_recover;
-			}
-			goto out;
-		}
-		ctxi->err_recovery_active = false;
-		if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu))
-		recover->hdr.return_flags = flags;
-		recover->context_id = ctxi->ctxid;
-		recover->adap_fd = new_adap_fd;
-		recover->mmio_size = sizeof(afu->afu_map->hosts[0].harea);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Test if in error state */
-	reg = readq_be(&hwq->ctrl_map->mbox_r);
-	if (reg == -1) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: MMIO fail, wait for recovery.\n", __func__);
-		/*
-		 * Before checking the state, put back the context obtained with
-		 * get_context() as it is no longer needed and sleep for a short
-		 * period of time (see prolog notes).
-		 */
-		put_context(ctxi);
-		ctxi = NULL;
-		ssleep(1);
-		rc = check_state(cfg);
-		if (unlikely(rc))
-			goto out;
-		goto retry;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: MMIO working, no recovery required\n", __func__);
-	if (likely(ctxi))
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	if (locked)
-		mutex_unlock(mutex);
-	atomic_dec_if_positive(&cfg->recovery_threads);
-	return rc;
- * process_sense() - evaluates and processes sense data
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @verify:	Verify ioctl data structure.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int process_sense(struct scsi_device *sdev,
-			 struct dk_cxlflash_verify *verify)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	u64 prev_lba = gli->max_lba;
-	struct scsi_sense_hdr sshdr = { 0 };
-	int rc = 0;
-	rc = scsi_normalize_sense((const u8 *)&verify->sense_data,
-	if (!rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed to normalize sense data\n", __func__);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	switch (sshdr.sense_key) {
-	case NO_SENSE:
-	case NOT_READY:
-		break;
-		switch (sshdr.asc) {
-		case 0x29: /* Power on Reset or Device Reset */
-			fallthrough;
-		case 0x2A: /* Device settings/capacity changed */
-			rc = read_cap16(sdev, lli);
-			if (rc) {
-				rc = -ENODEV;
-				break;
-			}
-			if (prev_lba != gli->max_lba)
-				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Capacity changed old=%lld "
-					"new=%lld\n", __func__, prev_lba,
-					gli->max_lba);
-			break;
-		case 0x3F: /* Report LUNs changed, Rescan. */
-			scsi_scan_host(cfg->host);
-			break;
-		default:
-			rc = -EIO;
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		rc = -EIO;
-		break;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: sense_key %x asc %x ascq %x rc %d\n", __func__,
-		sshdr.sense_key, sshdr.asc, sshdr.ascq, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_disk_verify() - verifies a LUN is the same and handle size changes
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @arg:	Verify ioctl data structure.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_disk_verify(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
-	struct dk_cxlflash_verify *verify = arg;
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
-	res_hndl_t rhndl = verify->rsrc_handle;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(verify->context_id),
-	    rctxid = verify->context_id;
-	u64 last_lba = 0;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu rhndl=%016llx, hint=%016llx, "
-		"flags=%016llx\n", __func__, ctxid, verify->rsrc_handle,
-		verify->hint, verify->hdr.flags);
-	ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, 0);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rhte = get_rhte(ctxi, rhndl, lli);
-	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle rhndl=%d\n",
-			__func__, rhndl);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Look at the hint/sense to see if it requires us to redrive
-	 * inquiry (i.e. the Unit attention is due to the WWN changing).
-	 */
-	if (verify->hint & DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY_HINT_SENSE) {
-		/* Can't hold mutex across process_sense/read_cap16,
-		 * since we could have an intervening EEH event.
-		 */
-		ctxi->unavail = true;
-		mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
-		rc = process_sense(sdev, verify);
-		if (unlikely(rc)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed to validate sense data (%d)\n",
-				__func__, rc);
-			mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
-			ctxi->unavail = false;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
-		ctxi->unavail = false;
-	}
-	switch (gli->mode) {
-		last_lba = gli->max_lba;
-		break;
-		/* Cast lxt_cnt to u64 for multiply to be treated as 64bit op */
-		last_lba = ((u64)rhte->lxt_cnt * MC_CHUNK_SIZE * gli->blk_len);
-		last_lba /= CXLFLASH_BLOCK_SIZE;
-		last_lba--;
-		break;
-	default:
-		WARN(1, "Unsupported LUN mode!");
-	}
-	verify->last_lba = last_lba;
-	if (likely(ctxi))
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d llba=%llx\n",
-		__func__, rc, verify->last_lba);
-	return rc;
- * decode_ioctl() - translates an encoded ioctl to an easily identifiable string
- * @cmd:	The ioctl command to decode.
- *
- * Return: A string identifying the decoded ioctl.
- */
-static char *decode_ioctl(unsigned int cmd)
-	switch (cmd) {
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_USER_DIRECT);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_USER_VIRTUAL);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_RESIZE);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_RELEASE);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_DETACH);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_CLONE);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_RECOVER_AFU);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN);
-	}
-	return "UNKNOWN";
- * cxlflash_disk_direct_open() - opens a direct (physical) disk
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @arg:	UDirect ioctl data structure.
- *
- * On successful return, the user is informed of the resource handle
- * to be used to identify the direct lun and the size (in blocks) of
- * the direct lun in last LBA format.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_disk_direct_open(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_release rel = { { 0 }, 0 };
-	struct dk_cxlflash_udirect *pphys = (struct dk_cxlflash_udirect *)arg;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(pphys->context_id),
-	    rctxid = pphys->context_id;
-	u64 lun_size = 0;
-	u64 last_lba = 0;
-	u64 rsrc_handle = -1;
-	u32 port = CHAN2PORTMASK(sdev->channel);
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu ls=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid, lun_size);
-	rc = cxlflash_lun_attach(gli, MODE_PHYSICAL, false);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Failed attach to LUN (PHYSICAL)\n", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, 0);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	rhte = rhte_checkout(ctxi, lli);
-	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Too many opens ctxid=%lld\n",
-			__func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EMFILE;	/* too many opens  */
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	rsrc_handle = (rhte - ctxi->rht_start);
-	rht_format1(rhte, lli->lun_id[sdev->channel], ctxi->rht_perms, port);
-	last_lba = gli->max_lba;
-	pphys->hdr.return_flags = 0;
-	pphys->last_lba = last_lba;
-	pphys->rsrc_handle = rsrc_handle;
-	rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rsrc_handle, AFU_LW_SYNC);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: AFU sync failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	if (likely(ctxi))
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning handle=%llu rc=%d llba=%llu\n",
-		__func__, rsrc_handle, rc, last_lba);
-	return rc;
-	marshal_udir_to_rele(pphys, &rel);
-	_cxlflash_disk_release(sdev, ctxi, &rel);
-	goto out;
-	cxlflash_lun_detach(gli);
-	goto out;
- * ioctl_common() - common IOCTL handler for driver
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @cmd:	IOCTL command.
- *
- * Handles common fencing operations that are valid for multiple ioctls. Always
- * allow through ioctls that are cleanup oriented in nature, even when operating
- * in a failed/terminating state.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ioctl_common(struct scsi_device *sdev, unsigned int cmd)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (unlikely(!lli)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Unknown LUN\n", __func__);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = check_state(cfg);
-	if (unlikely(rc) && (cfg->state == STATE_FAILTERM)) {
-		switch (cmd) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Command override rc=%d\n",
-				__func__, rc);
-			rc = 0;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_ioctl() - IOCTL handler for driver
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @cmd:	IOCTL command.
- * @arg:	Userspace ioctl data structure.
- *
- * A read/write semaphore is used to implement a 'drain' of currently
- * running ioctls. The read semaphore is taken at the beginning of each
- * ioctl thread and released upon concluding execution. Additionally the
- * semaphore should be released and then reacquired in any ioctl execution
- * path which will wait for an event to occur that is outside the scope of
- * the ioctl (i.e. an adapter reset). To drain the ioctls currently running,
- * a thread simply needs to acquire the write semaphore.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int cxlflash_ioctl(struct scsi_device *sdev, unsigned int cmd, void __user *arg)
-	typedef int (*sioctl) (struct scsi_device *, void *);
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr *hdr;
-	char buf[sizeof(union cxlflash_ioctls)];
-	size_t size = 0;
-	bool known_ioctl = false;
-	int idx;
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct Scsi_Host *shost = sdev->host;
-	sioctl do_ioctl = NULL;
-	static const struct {
-		size_t size;
-		sioctl ioctl;
-	} ioctl_tbl[] = {	/* NOTE: order matters here */
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_attach), cxlflash_disk_attach},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_udirect), cxlflash_disk_direct_open},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_release), cxlflash_disk_release},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_detach), cxlflash_disk_detach},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_verify), cxlflash_disk_verify},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_recover_afu), cxlflash_afu_recover},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_manage_lun), cxlflash_manage_lun},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual), cxlflash_disk_virtual_open},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_resize), cxlflash_vlun_resize},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_clone), cxlflash_disk_clone},
-	};
-	/* Hold read semaphore so we can drain if needed */
-	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	/* Restrict command set to physical support only for internal LUN */
-	if (afu->internal_lun)
-		switch (cmd) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %s not supported for lun_mode=%d\n",
-				__func__, decode_ioctl(cmd), afu->internal_lun);
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
-		}
-	switch (cmd) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %s (%08X) on dev(%d/%d/%d/%llu)\n",
-			__func__, decode_ioctl(cmd), cmd, shost->host_no,
-			sdev->channel, sdev->id, sdev->lun);
-		rc = ioctl_common(sdev, cmd);
-		if (unlikely(rc))
-			goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
-		fallthrough;
-		known_ioctl = true;
-		idx = _IOC_NR(cmd) - _IOC_NR(DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH);
-		size = ioctl_tbl[idx].size;
-		do_ioctl = ioctl_tbl[idx].ioctl;
-		if (likely(do_ioctl))
-			break;
-		fallthrough;
-	default:
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
-	}
-	if (unlikely(copy_from_user(&buf, arg, size))) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_from_user() fail size=%lu cmd=%u (%s) arg=%p\n",
-			__func__, size, cmd, decode_ioctl(cmd), arg);
-		rc = -EFAULT;
-		goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
-	}
-	hdr = (struct dk_cxlflash_hdr *)&buf;
-	if (hdr->version != DK_CXLFLASH_VERSION_0) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Version %u not supported for %s\n",
-			__func__, hdr->version, decode_ioctl(cmd));
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
-	}
-	if (hdr->rsvd[0] || hdr->rsvd[1] || hdr->rsvd[2] || hdr->return_flags) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Reserved/rflags populated\n", __func__);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
-	}
-	rc = do_ioctl(sdev, (void *)&buf);
-	if (likely(!rc))
-		if (unlikely(copy_to_user(arg, &buf, size))) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_to_user() fail size=%lu cmd=%u (%s) arg=%p\n",
-				__func__, size, cmd, decode_ioctl(cmd), arg);
-			rc = -EFAULT;
-		}
-	/* fall through to exit */
-	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	if (unlikely(rc && known_ioctl))
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ioctl %s (%08X) on dev(%d/%d/%d/%llu) "
-			"returned rc %d\n", __func__,
-			decode_ioctl(cmd), cmd, shost->host_no,
-			sdev->channel, sdev->id, sdev->lun, rc);
-	else
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ioctl %s (%08X) on dev(%d/%d/%d/%llu) "
-			"returned rc %d\n", __func__, decode_ioctl(cmd),
-			cmd, shost->host_no, sdev->channel, sdev->id,
-			sdev->lun, rc);
-	return rc;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fe8c975d13d7..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-extern struct cxlflash_global global;
- * Terminology: use afu (and not adapter) to refer to the HW.
- * Adapter is the entire slot and includes PSL out of which
- * only the AFU is visible to user space.
- */
-/* Chunk size parms: note sislite minimum chunk size is
- * 0x10000 LBAs corresponding to a NMASK or 16.
- */
-#define MC_CHUNK_SIZE     (1 << MC_RHT_NMASK)	/* in LBAs */
-#define CMD_TIMEOUT 30  /* 30 secs */
-#define CMD_RETRIES 5   /* 5 retries for scsi_execute */
-#define MAX_SECTOR_UNIT  512 /* max_sector is in 512 byte multiples */
-enum lun_mode {
-	MODE_NONE = 0,
-/* Global (entire driver, spans adapters) lun_info structure */
-struct glun_info {
-	u64 max_lba;		/* from read cap(16) */
-	u32 blk_len;		/* from read cap(16) */
-	enum lun_mode mode;	/* NONE, VIRTUAL, PHYSICAL */
-	int users;		/* Number of users w/ references to LUN */
-	u8 wwid[16];
-	struct mutex mutex;
-	struct blka blka;
-	struct list_head list;
-/* Local (per-adapter) lun_info structure */
-struct llun_info {
-	u64 lun_id[MAX_FC_PORTS]; /* from REPORT_LUNS */
-	u32 lun_index;		/* Index in the LUN table */
-	u32 host_no;		/* host_no from Scsi_host */
-	u32 port_sel;		/* What port to use for this LUN */
-	bool in_table;		/* Whether a LUN table entry was created */
-	u8 wwid[16];		/* Keep a duplicate copy here? */
-	struct glun_info *parent; /* Pointer to entry in global LUN structure */
-	struct scsi_device *sdev;
-	struct list_head list;
-struct lun_access {
-	struct llun_info *lli;
-	struct scsi_device *sdev;
-	struct list_head list;
-enum ctx_ctrl {
-	CTX_CTRL_CLONE		= (1 << 1),
-	CTX_CTRL_ERR		= (1 << 2),
-	CTX_CTRL_NOPID		= (1 << 4),
-	CTX_CTRL_FILE		= (1 << 5)
-#define ENCODE_CTXID(_ctx, _id)	(((((u64)_ctx) & 0xFFFFFFFF0ULL) << 28) | _id)
-#define DECODE_CTXID(_val)	(_val & 0xFFFFFFFF)
-struct ctx_info {
-	struct sisl_ctrl_map __iomem *ctrl_map; /* initialized at startup */
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rht_start; /* 1 page (req'd for alignment),
-					   * alloc/free on attach/detach
-					   */
-	u32 rht_out;		/* Number of checked out RHT entries */
-	u32 rht_perms;		/* User-defined permissions for RHT entries */
-	struct llun_info **rht_lun;       /* Mapping of RHT entries to LUNs */
-	u8 *rht_needs_ws;	/* User-desired write-same function per RHTE */
-	u64 ctxid;
-	u64 irqs; /* Number of interrupts requested for context */
-	pid_t pid;
-	bool initialized;
-	bool unavail;
-	bool err_recovery_active;
-	struct mutex mutex; /* Context protection */
-	struct kref kref;
-	void *ctx;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg;
-	struct list_head luns;	/* LUNs attached to this context */
-	const struct vm_operations_struct *cxl_mmap_vmops;
-	struct file *file;
-	struct list_head list; /* Link contexts in error recovery */
-struct cxlflash_global {
-	struct mutex mutex;
-	struct list_head gluns;/* list of glun_info structs */
-	struct page *err_page; /* One page of all 0xF for error notification */
-int cxlflash_vlun_resize(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *resize);
-int _cxlflash_vlun_resize(struct scsi_device *sdev, struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-			  struct dk_cxlflash_resize *resize);
-int cxlflash_disk_release(struct scsi_device *sdev,
-			  void *release);
-int _cxlflash_disk_release(struct scsi_device *sdev, struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-			   struct dk_cxlflash_release *release);
-int cxlflash_disk_clone(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg);
-int cxlflash_disk_virtual_open(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg);
-int cxlflash_lun_attach(struct glun_info *gli, enum lun_mode mode, bool locked);
-void cxlflash_lun_detach(struct glun_info *gli);
-struct ctx_info *get_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u64 rctxit, void *arg,
-			     enum ctx_ctrl ctrl);
-void put_context(struct ctx_info *ctxi);
-struct sisl_rht_entry *get_rhte(struct ctx_info *ctxi, res_hndl_t rhndl,
-				struct llun_info *lli);
-struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte_checkout(struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-				     struct llun_info *lli);
-void rhte_checkin(struct ctx_info *ctxi, struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte);
-void cxlflash_ba_terminate(struct ba_lun *ba_lun);
-int cxlflash_manage_lun(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *manage);
-int check_state(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
-#endif /* ifndef _CXLFLASH_SUPERPIPE_H */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 32e807703377..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1336 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/syscalls.h>
-#include <linux/unaligned.h>
-#include <asm/bitsperlong.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
-#include <uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h>
-#include "sislite.h"
-#include "common.h"
-#include "vlun.h"
-#include "superpipe.h"
- * marshal_virt_to_resize() - translate uvirtual to resize structure
- * @virt:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
- * @resize:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
- */
-static void marshal_virt_to_resize(struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual *virt,
-				   struct dk_cxlflash_resize *resize)
-	resize->hdr = virt->hdr;
-	resize->context_id = virt->context_id;
-	resize->rsrc_handle = virt->rsrc_handle;
-	resize->req_size = virt->lun_size;
-	resize->last_lba = virt->last_lba;
- * marshal_clone_to_rele() - translate clone to release structure
- * @clone:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
- * @release:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
- */
-static void marshal_clone_to_rele(struct dk_cxlflash_clone *clone,
-				  struct dk_cxlflash_release *release)
-	release->hdr = clone->hdr;
-	release->context_id = clone->context_id_dst;
- * ba_init() - initializes a block allocator
- * @ba_lun:	Block allocator to initialize.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ba_init(struct ba_lun *ba_lun)
-	struct ba_lun_info *bali = NULL;
-	int lun_size_au = 0, i = 0;
-	int last_word_underflow = 0;
-	u64 *lam;
-	pr_debug("%s: Initializing LUN: lun_id=%016llx "
-		 "ba_lun->lsize=%lx ba_lun->au_size=%lX\n",
-		__func__, ba_lun->lun_id, ba_lun->lsize, ba_lun->au_size);
-	/* Calculate bit map size */
-	lun_size_au = ba_lun->lsize / ba_lun->au_size;
-	if (lun_size_au == 0) {
-		pr_debug("%s: Requested LUN size of 0!\n", __func__);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	/* Allocate lun information container */
-	bali = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ba_lun_info), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!bali)) {
-		pr_err("%s: Failed to allocate lun_info lun_id=%016llx\n",
-		       __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	bali->total_aus = lun_size_au;
-	bali->lun_bmap_size = lun_size_au / BITS_PER_LONG;
-	if (lun_size_au % BITS_PER_LONG)
-		bali->lun_bmap_size++;
-	/* Allocate bitmap space */
-	bali->lun_alloc_map = kzalloc((bali->lun_bmap_size * sizeof(u64)),
-				      GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!bali->lun_alloc_map)) {
-		pr_err("%s: Failed to allocate lun allocation map: "
-		       "lun_id=%016llx\n", __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
-		kfree(bali);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	/* Initialize the bit map size and set all bits to '1' */
-	bali->free_aun_cnt = lun_size_au;
-	for (i = 0; i < bali->lun_bmap_size; i++)
-		bali->lun_alloc_map[i] = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
-	/* If the last word not fully utilized, mark extra bits as allocated */
-	last_word_underflow = (bali->lun_bmap_size * BITS_PER_LONG);
-	last_word_underflow -= bali->free_aun_cnt;
-	if (last_word_underflow > 0) {
-		lam = &bali->lun_alloc_map[bali->lun_bmap_size - 1];
-		for (i = (HIBIT - last_word_underflow + 1);
-		     i < BITS_PER_LONG;
-		     i++)
-			clear_bit(i, (ulong *)lam);
-	}
-	/* Initialize high elevator index, low/curr already at 0 from kzalloc */
-	bali->free_high_idx = bali->lun_bmap_size;
-	/* Allocate clone map */
-	bali->aun_clone_map = kzalloc((bali->total_aus * sizeof(u8)),
-				      GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!bali->aun_clone_map)) {
-		pr_err("%s: Failed to allocate clone map: lun_id=%016llx\n",
-		       __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
-		kfree(bali->lun_alloc_map);
-		kfree(bali);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	/* Pass the allocated LUN info as a handle to the user */
-	ba_lun->ba_lun_handle = bali;
-	pr_debug("%s: Successfully initialized the LUN: "
-		 "lun_id=%016llx bitmap size=%x, free_aun_cnt=%llx\n",
-		__func__, ba_lun->lun_id, bali->lun_bmap_size,
-		bali->free_aun_cnt);
-	return 0;
- * find_free_range() - locates a free bit within the block allocator
- * @low:	First word in block allocator to start search.
- * @high:	Last word in block allocator to search.
- * @bali:	LUN information structure owning the block allocator to search.
- * @bit_word:	Passes back the word in the block allocator owning the free bit.
- *
- * Return: The bit position within the passed back word, -1 on failure
- */
-static int find_free_range(u32 low,
-			   u32 high,
-			   struct ba_lun_info *bali, int *bit_word)
-	int i;
-	u64 bit_pos = -1;
-	ulong *lam, num_bits;
-	for (i = low; i < high; i++)
-		if (bali->lun_alloc_map[i] != 0) {
-			lam = (ulong *)&bali->lun_alloc_map[i];
-			num_bits = (sizeof(*lam) * BITS_PER_BYTE);
-			bit_pos = find_first_bit(lam, num_bits);
-			pr_devel("%s: Found free bit %llu in LUN "
-				 "map entry %016llx at bitmap index = %d\n",
-				 __func__, bit_pos, bali->lun_alloc_map[i], i);
-			*bit_word = i;
-			bali->free_aun_cnt--;
-			clear_bit(bit_pos, lam);
-			break;
-		}
-	return bit_pos;
- * ba_alloc() - allocates a block from the block allocator
- * @ba_lun:	Block allocator from which to allocate a block.
- *
- * Return: The allocated block, -1 on failure
- */
-static u64 ba_alloc(struct ba_lun *ba_lun)
-	u64 bit_pos = -1;
-	int bit_word = 0;
-	struct ba_lun_info *bali = NULL;
-	bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
-	pr_debug("%s: Received block allocation request: "
-		 "lun_id=%016llx free_aun_cnt=%llx\n",
-		 __func__, ba_lun->lun_id, bali->free_aun_cnt);
-	if (bali->free_aun_cnt == 0) {
-		pr_debug("%s: No space left on LUN: lun_id=%016llx\n",
-			 __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
-		return -1ULL;
-	}
-	/* Search to find a free entry, curr->high then low->curr */
-	bit_pos = find_free_range(bali->free_curr_idx,
-				  bali->free_high_idx, bali, &bit_word);
-	if (bit_pos == -1) {
-		bit_pos = find_free_range(bali->free_low_idx,
-					  bali->free_curr_idx,
-					  bali, &bit_word);
-		if (bit_pos == -1) {
-			pr_debug("%s: Could not find an allocation unit on LUN:"
-				 " lun_id=%016llx\n", __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
-			return -1ULL;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Update the free_curr_idx */
-	if (bit_pos == HIBIT)
-		bali->free_curr_idx = bit_word + 1;
-	else
-		bali->free_curr_idx = bit_word;
-	pr_debug("%s: Allocating AU number=%llx lun_id=%016llx "
-		 "free_aun_cnt=%llx\n", __func__,
-		 ((bit_word * BITS_PER_LONG) + bit_pos), ba_lun->lun_id,
-		 bali->free_aun_cnt);
-	return (u64) ((bit_word * BITS_PER_LONG) + bit_pos);
- * validate_alloc() - validates the specified block has been allocated
- * @bali:		LUN info owning the block allocator.
- * @aun:		Block to validate.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -1 on failure
- */
-static int validate_alloc(struct ba_lun_info *bali, u64 aun)
-	int idx = 0, bit_pos = 0;
-	idx = aun / BITS_PER_LONG;
-	bit_pos = aun % BITS_PER_LONG;
-	if (test_bit(bit_pos, (ulong *)&bali->lun_alloc_map[idx]))
-		return -1;
-	return 0;
- * ba_free() - frees a block from the block allocator
- * @ba_lun:	Block allocator from which to allocate a block.
- * @to_free:	Block to free.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -1 on failure
- */
-static int ba_free(struct ba_lun *ba_lun, u64 to_free)
-	int idx = 0, bit_pos = 0;
-	struct ba_lun_info *bali = NULL;
-	bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
-	if (validate_alloc(bali, to_free)) {
-		pr_debug("%s: AUN %llx is not allocated on lun_id=%016llx\n",
-			 __func__, to_free, ba_lun->lun_id);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	pr_debug("%s: Received a request to free AU=%llx lun_id=%016llx "
-		 "free_aun_cnt=%llx\n", __func__, to_free, ba_lun->lun_id,
-		 bali->free_aun_cnt);
-	if (bali->aun_clone_map[to_free] > 0) {
-		pr_debug("%s: AUN %llx lun_id=%016llx cloned. Clone count=%x\n",
-			 __func__, to_free, ba_lun->lun_id,
-			 bali->aun_clone_map[to_free]);
-		bali->aun_clone_map[to_free]--;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	idx = to_free / BITS_PER_LONG;
-	bit_pos = to_free % BITS_PER_LONG;
-	set_bit(bit_pos, (ulong *)&bali->lun_alloc_map[idx]);
-	bali->free_aun_cnt++;
-	if (idx < bali->free_low_idx)
-		bali->free_low_idx = idx;
-	else if (idx > bali->free_high_idx)
-		bali->free_high_idx = idx;
-	pr_debug("%s: Successfully freed AU bit_pos=%x bit map index=%x "
-		 "lun_id=%016llx free_aun_cnt=%llx\n", __func__, bit_pos, idx,
-		 ba_lun->lun_id, bali->free_aun_cnt);
-	return 0;
- * ba_clone() - Clone a chunk of the block allocation table
- * @ba_lun:	Block allocator from which to allocate a block.
- * @to_clone:	Block to clone.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -1 on failure
- */
-static int ba_clone(struct ba_lun *ba_lun, u64 to_clone)
-	struct ba_lun_info *bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
-	if (validate_alloc(bali, to_clone)) {
-		pr_debug("%s: AUN=%llx not allocated on lun_id=%016llx\n",
-			 __func__, to_clone, ba_lun->lun_id);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	pr_debug("%s: Received a request to clone AUN %llx on lun_id=%016llx\n",
-		 __func__, to_clone, ba_lun->lun_id);
-	if (bali->aun_clone_map[to_clone] == MAX_AUN_CLONE_CNT) {
-		pr_debug("%s: AUN %llx on lun_id=%016llx hit max clones already\n",
-			 __func__, to_clone, ba_lun->lun_id);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	bali->aun_clone_map[to_clone]++;
-	return 0;
- * ba_space() - returns the amount of free space left in the block allocator
- * @ba_lun:	Block allocator.
- *
- * Return: Amount of free space in block allocator
- */
-static u64 ba_space(struct ba_lun *ba_lun)
-	struct ba_lun_info *bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
-	return bali->free_aun_cnt;
- * cxlflash_ba_terminate() - frees resources associated with the block allocator
- * @ba_lun:	Block allocator.
- *
- * Safe to call in a partially allocated state.
- */
-void cxlflash_ba_terminate(struct ba_lun *ba_lun)
-	struct ba_lun_info *bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
-	if (bali) {
-		kfree(bali->aun_clone_map);
-		kfree(bali->lun_alloc_map);
-		kfree(bali);
-		ba_lun->ba_lun_handle = NULL;
-	}
- * init_vlun() - initializes a LUN for virtual use
- * @lli:	LUN information structure that owns the block allocator.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int init_vlun(struct llun_info *lli)
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct blka *blka = &gli->blka;
-	memset(blka, 0, sizeof(*blka));
-	mutex_init(&blka->mutex);
-	/* LUN IDs are unique per port, save the index instead */
-	blka->ba_lun.lun_id = lli->lun_index;
-	blka->ba_lun.lsize = gli->max_lba + 1;
-	blka->ba_lun.lba_size = gli->blk_len;
-	blka->ba_lun.au_size = MC_CHUNK_SIZE;
-	blka->nchunk = blka->ba_lun.lsize / MC_CHUNK_SIZE;
-	rc = ba_init(&blka->ba_lun);
-	if (unlikely(rc))
-		pr_debug("%s: cannot init block_alloc, rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	pr_debug("%s: returning rc=%d lli=%p\n", __func__, rc, lli);
-	return rc;
- * write_same16() - sends a SCSI WRITE_SAME16 (0) command to specified LUN
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @lba:	Logical block address to start write same.
- * @nblks:	Number of logical blocks to write same.
- *
- * The SCSI WRITE_SAME16 can take quite a while to complete. Should an EEH occur
- * while in scsi_execute_cmd(), the EEH handler will attempt to recover. As
- * part of the recovery, the handler drains all currently running ioctls,
- * waiting until they have completed before proceeding with a reset. As this
- * routine is used on the ioctl path, this can create a condition where the
- * EEH handler becomes stuck, infinitely waiting for this ioctl thread. To
- * avoid this behavior, temporarily unmark this thread as an ioctl thread by
- * releasing the ioctl read semaphore. This will allow the EEH handler to
- * proceed with a recovery while this thread is still running. Once the
- * scsi_execute_cmd() returns, reacquire the ioctl read semaphore and check the
- * adapter state in case it changed while inside of scsi_execute_cmd(). The
- * state check will wait if the adapter is still being recovered or return a
- * failure if the recovery failed. In the event that the adapter reset failed,
- * simply return the failure as the ioctl would be unable to continue.
- *
- * Note that the above puts a requirement on this routine to only be called on
- * an ioctl thread.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int write_same16(struct scsi_device *sdev,
-			u64 lba,
-			u32 nblks)
-	u8 *cmd_buf = NULL;
-	u8 *scsi_cmd = NULL;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int result = 0;
-	u64 offset = lba;
-	int left = nblks;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	const u32 s = ilog2(sdev->sector_size) - 9;
-	const u32 to = sdev->request_queue->rq_timeout;
-	const u32 ws_limit =
-		sdev->request_queue->limits.max_write_zeroes_sectors >> s;
-	cmd_buf = kzalloc(CMD_BUFSIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
-	scsi_cmd = kzalloc(MAX_COMMAND_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!cmd_buf || !scsi_cmd)) {
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	while (left > 0) {
-		scsi_cmd[0] = WRITE_SAME_16;
-		scsi_cmd[1] = cfg->ws_unmap ? 0x8 : 0;
-		put_unaligned_be64(offset, &scsi_cmd[2]);
-		put_unaligned_be32(ws_limit < left ? ws_limit : left,
-				   &scsi_cmd[10]);
-		/* Drop the ioctl read semaphore across lengthy call */
-		up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-		result = scsi_execute_cmd(sdev, scsi_cmd, REQ_OP_DRV_OUT,
-					  cmd_buf, CMD_BUFSIZE, to,
-		down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-		rc = check_state(cfg);
-		if (rc) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed state result=%08x\n",
-				__func__, result);
-			rc = -ENODEV;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		if (result) {
-			dev_err_ratelimited(dev, "%s: command failed for "
-					    "offset=%lld result=%08x\n",
-					    __func__, offset, result);
-			rc = -EIO;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		left -= ws_limit;
-		offset += ws_limit;
-	}
-	kfree(cmd_buf);
-	kfree(scsi_cmd);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * grow_lxt() - expands the translation table associated with the specified RHTE
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @ctxid:	Context ID of context owning the RHTE.
- * @rhndl:	Resource handle associated with the RHTE.
- * @rhte:	Resource handle entry (RHTE).
- * @new_size:	Number of translation entries associated with RHTE.
- *
- * By design, this routine employs a 'best attempt' allocation and will
- * truncate the requested size down if there is not sufficient space in
- * the block allocator to satisfy the request but there does exist some
- * amount of space. The user is made aware of this by returning the size
- * allocated.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int grow_lxt(struct afu *afu,
-		    struct scsi_device *sdev,
-		    ctx_hndl_t ctxid,
-		    res_hndl_t rhndl,
-		    struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte,
-		    u64 *new_size)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_lxt_entry *lxt = NULL, *lxt_old = NULL;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct blka *blka = &gli->blka;
-	u32 av_size;
-	u32 ngrps, ngrps_old;
-	u64 aun;		/* chunk# allocated by block allocator */
-	u64 delta = *new_size - rhte->lxt_cnt;
-	u64 my_new_size;
-	int i, rc = 0;
-	/*
-	 * Check what is available in the block allocator before re-allocating
-	 * LXT array. This is done up front under the mutex which must not be
-	 * released until after allocation is complete.
-	 */
-	mutex_lock(&blka->mutex);
-	av_size = ba_space(&blka->ba_lun);
-	if (unlikely(av_size <= 0)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ba_space error av_size=%d\n",
-			__func__, av_size);
-		mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
-		rc = -ENOSPC;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (av_size < delta)
-		delta = av_size;
-	lxt_old = rhte->lxt_start;
-	ngrps_old = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte->lxt_cnt);
-	ngrps = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte->lxt_cnt + delta);
-	if (ngrps != ngrps_old) {
-		/* reallocate to fit new size */
-		lxt = kzalloc((sizeof(*lxt) * LXT_GROUP_SIZE * ngrps),
-			      GFP_KERNEL);
-		if (unlikely(!lxt)) {
-			mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
-			rc = -ENOMEM;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		/* copy over all old entries */
-		memcpy(lxt, lxt_old, (sizeof(*lxt) * rhte->lxt_cnt));
-	} else
-		lxt = lxt_old;
-	/* nothing can fail from now on */
-	my_new_size = rhte->lxt_cnt + delta;
-	/* add new entries to the end */
-	for (i = rhte->lxt_cnt; i < my_new_size; i++) {
-		/*
-		 * Due to the earlier check of available space, ba_alloc
-		 * cannot fail here. If it did due to internal error,
-		 * leave a rlba_base of -1u which will likely be a
-		 * invalid LUN (too large).
-		 */
-		aun = ba_alloc(&blka->ba_lun);
-		if ((aun == -1ULL) || (aun >= blka->nchunk))
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ba_alloc error allocated chunk=%llu "
-				"max=%llu\n", __func__, aun, blka->nchunk - 1);
-		/* select both ports, use r/w perms from RHT */
-		lxt[i].rlba_base = ((aun << MC_CHUNK_SHIFT) |
-				    (lli->lun_index << LXT_LUNIDX_SHIFT) |
-				     lli->port_sel));
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
-	/*
-	 * The following sequence is prescribed in the SISlite spec
-	 * for syncing up with the AFU when adding LXT entries.
-	 */
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make LXT updates are visible */
-	rhte->lxt_start = lxt;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table update visible */
-	rhte->lxt_cnt = my_new_size;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table size update visible */
-	rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_LW_SYNC);
-	if (unlikely(rc))
-		rc = -EAGAIN;
-	/* free old lxt if reallocated */
-	if (lxt != lxt_old)
-		kfree(lxt_old);
-	*new_size = my_new_size;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * shrink_lxt() - reduces translation table associated with the specified RHTE
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @rhndl:	Resource handle associated with the RHTE.
- * @rhte:	Resource handle entry (RHTE).
- * @ctxi:	Context owning resources.
- * @new_size:	Number of translation entries associated with RHTE.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int shrink_lxt(struct afu *afu,
-		      struct scsi_device *sdev,
-		      res_hndl_t rhndl,
-		      struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte,
-		      struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-		      u64 *new_size)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_lxt_entry *lxt, *lxt_old;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct blka *blka = &gli->blka;
-	ctx_hndl_t ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(ctxi->ctxid);
-	bool needs_ws = ctxi->rht_needs_ws[rhndl];
-	bool needs_sync = !ctxi->err_recovery_active;
-	u32 ngrps, ngrps_old;
-	u64 aun;		/* chunk# allocated by block allocator */
-	u64 delta = rhte->lxt_cnt - *new_size;
-	u64 my_new_size;
-	int i, rc = 0;
-	lxt_old = rhte->lxt_start;
-	ngrps_old = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte->lxt_cnt);
-	ngrps = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte->lxt_cnt - delta);
-	if (ngrps != ngrps_old) {
-		/* Reallocate to fit new size unless new size is 0 */
-		if (ngrps) {
-			lxt = kzalloc((sizeof(*lxt) * LXT_GROUP_SIZE * ngrps),
-				      GFP_KERNEL);
-			if (unlikely(!lxt)) {
-				rc = -ENOMEM;
-				goto out;
-			}
-			/* Copy over old entries that will remain */
-			memcpy(lxt, lxt_old,
-			       (sizeof(*lxt) * (rhte->lxt_cnt - delta)));
-		} else
-			lxt = NULL;
-	} else
-		lxt = lxt_old;
-	/* Nothing can fail from now on */
-	my_new_size = rhte->lxt_cnt - delta;
-	/*
-	 * The following sequence is prescribed in the SISlite spec
-	 * for syncing up with the AFU when removing LXT entries.
-	 */
-	rhte->lxt_cnt = my_new_size;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table size update visible */
-	rhte->lxt_start = lxt;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table update visible */
-	if (needs_sync) {
-		rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_HW_SYNC);
-		if (unlikely(rc))
-			rc = -EAGAIN;
-	}
-	if (needs_ws) {
-		/*
-		 * Mark the context as unavailable, so that we can release
-		 * the mutex safely.
-		 */
-		ctxi->unavail = true;
-		mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	}
-	/* Free LBAs allocated to freed chunks */
-	mutex_lock(&blka->mutex);
-	for (i = delta - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-		aun = lxt_old[my_new_size + i].rlba_base >> MC_CHUNK_SHIFT;
-		if (needs_ws)
-			write_same16(sdev, aun, MC_CHUNK_SIZE);
-		ba_free(&blka->ba_lun, aun);
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
-	if (needs_ws) {
-		/* Make the context visible again */
-		mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
-		ctxi->unavail = false;
-	}
-	/* Free old lxt if reallocated */
-	if (lxt != lxt_old)
-		kfree(lxt_old);
-	*new_size = my_new_size;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * _cxlflash_vlun_resize() - changes the size of a virtual LUN
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN owning virtual LUN.
- * @ctxi:	Context owning resources.
- * @resize:	Resize ioctl data structure.
- *
- * On successful return, the user is informed of the new size (in blocks)
- * of the virtual LUN in last LBA format. When the size of the virtual
- * LUN is zero, the last LBA is reflected as -1. See comment in the
- * prologue for _cxlflash_disk_release() regarding AFU syncs and contexts
- * on the error recovery list.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int _cxlflash_vlun_resize(struct scsi_device *sdev,
-			  struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-			  struct dk_cxlflash_resize *resize)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	bool put_ctx = false;
-	res_hndl_t rhndl = resize->rsrc_handle;
-	u64 new_size;
-	u64 nsectors;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(resize->context_id),
-	    rctxid = resize->context_id;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte;
-	int rc = 0;
-	/*
-	 * The requested size (req_size) is always assumed to be in 4k blocks,
-	 * so we have to convert it here from 4k to chunk size.
-	 */
-	nsectors = (resize->req_size * CXLFLASH_BLOCK_SIZE) / gli->blk_len;
-	new_size = DIV_ROUND_UP(nsectors, MC_CHUNK_SIZE);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu rhndl=%llu req_size=%llu new_size=%llu\n",
-		__func__, ctxid, resize->rsrc_handle, resize->req_size,
-		new_size);
-	if (unlikely(gli->mode != MODE_VIRTUAL)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: LUN mode does not support resize mode=%d\n",
-			__func__, gli->mode);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (!ctxi) {
-		ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK);
-		if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n",
-				__func__, ctxid);
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		put_ctx = true;
-	}
-	rhte = get_rhte(ctxi, rhndl, lli);
-	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle rhndl=%u\n",
-			__func__, rhndl);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (new_size > rhte->lxt_cnt)
-		rc = grow_lxt(afu, sdev, ctxid, rhndl, rhte, &new_size);
-	else if (new_size < rhte->lxt_cnt)
-		rc = shrink_lxt(afu, sdev, rhndl, rhte, ctxi, &new_size);
-	else {
-		/*
-		 * Rare case where there is already sufficient space, just
-		 * need to perform a translation sync with the AFU. This
-		 * scenario likely follows a previous sync failure during
-		 * a resize operation. Accordingly, perform the heavyweight
-		 * form of translation sync as it is unknown which type of
-		 * resize failed previously.
-		 */
-		rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_HW_SYNC);
-		if (unlikely(rc)) {
-			rc = -EAGAIN;
-			goto out;
-		}
-	}
-	resize->hdr.return_flags = 0;
-	resize->last_lba = (new_size * MC_CHUNK_SIZE * gli->blk_len);
-	resize->last_lba /= CXLFLASH_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	resize->last_lba--;
-	if (put_ctx)
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: resized to %llu returning rc=%d\n",
-		__func__, resize->last_lba, rc);
-	return rc;
-int cxlflash_vlun_resize(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *resize)
-	return _cxlflash_vlun_resize(sdev, NULL, resize);
- * cxlflash_restore_luntable() - Restore LUN table to prior state
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-void cxlflash_restore_luntable(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct llun_info *lli, *temp;
-	u32 lind;
-	int k;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_luns;
-	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(lli, temp, &cfg->lluns, list) {
-		if (!lli->in_table)
-			continue;
-		lind = lli->lun_index;
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Virtual LUNs on slot %d:\n", __func__, lind);
-		for (k = 0; k < cfg->num_fc_ports; k++)
-			if (lli->port_sel & (1 << k)) {
-				fc_port_luns = get_fc_port_luns(cfg, k);
-				writeq_be(lli->lun_id[k], &fc_port_luns[lind]);
-				dev_dbg(dev, "\t%d=%llx\n", k, lli->lun_id[k]);
-			}
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
- * get_num_ports() - compute number of ports from port selection mask
- * @psm:	Port selection mask.
- *
- * Return: Population count of port selection mask
- */
-static inline u8 get_num_ports(u32 psm)
-	static const u8 bits[16] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3,
-				     1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4 };
-	return bits[psm & 0xf];
- * init_luntable() - write an entry in the LUN table
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @lli:	Per adapter LUN information structure.
- *
- * On successful return, a LUN table entry is created:
- *	- at the top for LUNs visible on multiple ports.
- *	- at the bottom for LUNs visible only on one port.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int init_luntable(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, struct llun_info *lli)
-	u32 chan;
-	u32 lind;
-	u32 nports;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int k;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_luns;
-	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
-	if (lli->in_table)
-		goto out;
-	nports = get_num_ports(lli->port_sel);
-	if (nports == 0 || nports > cfg->num_fc_ports) {
-		WARN(1, "Unsupported port configuration nports=%u", nports);
-		rc = -EIO;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (nports > 1) {
-		/*
-		 * When LUN is visible from multiple ports, we will put
-		 * it in the top half of the LUN table.
-		 */
-		for (k = 0; k < cfg->num_fc_ports; k++) {
-			if (!(lli->port_sel & (1 << k)))
-				continue;
-			if (cfg->promote_lun_index == cfg->last_lun_index[k]) {
-				rc = -ENOSPC;
-				goto out;
-			}
-		}
-		lind = lli->lun_index = cfg->promote_lun_index;
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Virtual LUNs on slot %d:\n", __func__, lind);
-		for (k = 0; k < cfg->num_fc_ports; k++) {
-			if (!(lli->port_sel & (1 << k)))
-				continue;
-			fc_port_luns = get_fc_port_luns(cfg, k);
-			writeq_be(lli->lun_id[k], &fc_port_luns[lind]);
-			dev_dbg(dev, "\t%d=%llx\n", k, lli->lun_id[k]);
-		}
-		cfg->promote_lun_index++;
-	} else {
-		/*
-		 * When LUN is visible only from one port, we will put
-		 * it in the bottom half of the LUN table.
-		 */
-		chan = PORTMASK2CHAN(lli->port_sel);
-		if (cfg->promote_lun_index == cfg->last_lun_index[chan]) {
-			rc = -ENOSPC;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		lind = lli->lun_index = cfg->last_lun_index[chan];
-		fc_port_luns = get_fc_port_luns(cfg, chan);
-		writeq_be(lli->lun_id[chan], &fc_port_luns[lind]);
-		cfg->last_lun_index[chan]--;
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Virtual LUNs on slot %d:\n\t%d=%llx\n",
-			__func__, lind, chan, lli->lun_id[chan]);
-	}
-	lli->in_table = true;
-	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_disk_virtual_open() - open a virtual disk of specified size
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN owning virtual LUN.
- * @arg:	UVirtual ioctl data structure.
- *
- * On successful return, the user is informed of the resource handle
- * to be used to identify the virtual LUN and the size (in blocks) of
- * the virtual LUN in last LBA format. When the size of the virtual LUN
- * is zero, the last LBA is reflected as -1.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int cxlflash_disk_virtual_open(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual *virt = (struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual *)arg;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_resize resize;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(virt->context_id),
-	    rctxid = virt->context_id;
-	u64 lun_size = virt->lun_size;
-	u64 last_lba = 0;
-	u64 rsrc_handle = -1;
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu ls=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid, lun_size);
-	/* Setup the LUNs block allocator on first call */
-	mutex_lock(&gli->mutex);
-	if (gli->mode == MODE_NONE) {
-		rc = init_vlun(lli);
-		if (rc) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: init_vlun failed rc=%d\n",
-				__func__, rc);
-			rc = -ENOMEM;
-			goto err0;
-		}
-	}
-	rc = cxlflash_lun_attach(gli, MODE_VIRTUAL, true);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed attach to LUN (VIRTUAL)\n", __func__);
-		goto err0;
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
-	rc = init_luntable(cfg, lli);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_luntable failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, 0);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	rhte = rhte_checkout(ctxi, lli);
-	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: too many opens ctxid=%llu\n",
-			__func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EMFILE;	/* too many opens  */
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	rsrc_handle = (rhte - ctxi->rht_start);
-	/* Populate RHT format 0 */
-	rhte->nmask = MC_RHT_NMASK;
-	rhte->fp = SISL_RHT_FP(0U, ctxi->rht_perms);
-	/* Resize even if requested size is 0 */
-	marshal_virt_to_resize(virt, &resize);
-	resize.rsrc_handle = rsrc_handle;
-	rc = _cxlflash_vlun_resize(sdev, ctxi, &resize);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: resize failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	last_lba = resize.last_lba;
-		ctxi->rht_needs_ws[rsrc_handle] = true;
-	virt->hdr.return_flags = 0;
-	virt->last_lba = last_lba;
-	virt->rsrc_handle = rsrc_handle;
-	if (get_num_ports(lli->port_sel) > 1)
-		virt->hdr.return_flags |= DK_CXLFLASH_ALL_PORTS_ACTIVE;
-	if (likely(ctxi))
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning handle=%llu rc=%d llba=%llu\n",
-		__func__, rsrc_handle, rc, last_lba);
-	return rc;
-	rhte_checkin(ctxi, rhte);
-	cxlflash_lun_detach(gli);
-	goto out;
-	/* Special common cleanup prior to successful LUN attach */
-	cxlflash_ba_terminate(&gli->blka.ba_lun);
-	mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
-	goto out;
- * clone_lxt() - copies translation tables from source to destination RHTE
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @blka:	Block allocator associated with LUN.
- * @ctxid:	Context ID of context owning the RHTE.
- * @rhndl:	Resource handle associated with the RHTE.
- * @rhte:	Destination resource handle entry (RHTE).
- * @rhte_src:	Source resource handle entry (RHTE).
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int clone_lxt(struct afu *afu,
-		     struct blka *blka,
-		     ctx_hndl_t ctxid,
-		     res_hndl_t rhndl,
-		     struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte,
-		     struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte_src)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_lxt_entry *lxt = NULL;
-	bool locked = false;
-	u32 ngrps;
-	u64 aun;		/* chunk# allocated by block allocator */
-	int j;
-	int i = 0;
-	int rc = 0;
-	ngrps = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte_src->lxt_cnt);
-	if (ngrps) {
-		/* allocate new LXTs for clone */
-		lxt = kzalloc((sizeof(*lxt) * LXT_GROUP_SIZE * ngrps),
-		if (unlikely(!lxt)) {
-			rc = -ENOMEM;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		/* copy over */
-		memcpy(lxt, rhte_src->lxt_start,
-		       (sizeof(*lxt) * rhte_src->lxt_cnt));
-		/* clone the LBAs in block allocator via ref_cnt, note that the
-		 * block allocator mutex must be held until it is established
-		 * that this routine will complete without the need for a
-		 * cleanup.
-		 */
-		mutex_lock(&blka->mutex);
-		locked = true;
-		for (i = 0; i < rhte_src->lxt_cnt; i++) {
-			aun = (lxt[i].rlba_base >> MC_CHUNK_SHIFT);
-			if (ba_clone(&blka->ba_lun, aun) == -1ULL) {
-				rc = -EIO;
-				goto err;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * The following sequence is prescribed in the SISlite spec
-	 * for syncing up with the AFU when adding LXT entries.
-	 */
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make LXT updates are visible */
-	rhte->lxt_start = lxt;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table update visible */
-	rhte->lxt_cnt = rhte_src->lxt_cnt;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table size update visible */
-	rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_LW_SYNC);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		rc = -EAGAIN;
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	if (locked)
-		mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	/* Reset the RHTE */
-	rhte->lxt_cnt = 0;
-	dma_wmb();
-	rhte->lxt_start = NULL;
-	dma_wmb();
-	/* free the clones already made */
-	for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-		aun = (lxt[j].rlba_base >> MC_CHUNK_SHIFT);
-		ba_free(&blka->ba_lun, aun);
-	}
-	kfree(lxt);
-	goto out;
- * cxlflash_disk_clone() - clone a context by making snapshot of another
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN owning virtual LUN.
- * @arg:	Clone ioctl data structure.
- *
- * This routine effectively performs cxlflash_disk_open operation for each
- * in-use virtual resource in the source context. Note that the destination
- * context must be in pristine state and cannot have any resource handles
- * open at the time of the clone.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int cxlflash_disk_clone(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
-	struct dk_cxlflash_clone *clone = arg;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct blka *blka = &gli->blka;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_release release = { { 0 }, 0 };
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi_src = NULL,
-			*ctxi_dst = NULL;
-	struct lun_access *lun_access_src, *lun_access_dst;
-	u32 perms;
-	u64 ctxid_src = DECODE_CTXID(clone->context_id_src),
-	    ctxid_dst = DECODE_CTXID(clone->context_id_dst),
-	    rctxid_src = clone->context_id_src,
-	    rctxid_dst = clone->context_id_dst;
-	int i, j;
-	int rc = 0;
-	bool found;
-	LIST_HEAD(sidecar);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid_src=%llu ctxid_dst=%llu\n",
-		__func__, ctxid_src, ctxid_dst);
-	/* Do not clone yourself */
-	if (unlikely(rctxid_src == rctxid_dst)) {
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (unlikely(gli->mode != MODE_VIRTUAL)) {
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Only supported on virtual LUNs mode=%u\n",
-			__func__, gli->mode);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	ctxi_src = get_context(cfg, rctxid_src, lli, CTX_CTRL_CLONE);
-	ctxi_dst = get_context(cfg, rctxid_dst, lli, 0);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi_src || !ctxi_dst)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid_src=%llu ctxid_dst=%llu\n",
-			__func__, ctxid_src, ctxid_dst);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Verify there is no open resource handle in the destination context */
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT; i++)
-		if (ctxi_dst->rht_start[i].nmask != 0) {
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-	/* Clone LUN access list */
-	list_for_each_entry(lun_access_src, &ctxi_src->luns, list) {
-		found = false;
-		list_for_each_entry(lun_access_dst, &ctxi_dst->luns, list)
-			if (lun_access_dst->sdev == lun_access_src->sdev) {
-				found = true;
-				break;
-			}
-		if (!found) {
-			lun_access_dst = kzalloc(sizeof(*lun_access_dst),
-						 GFP_KERNEL);
-			if (unlikely(!lun_access_dst)) {
-				dev_err(dev, "%s: lun_access allocation fail\n",
-					__func__);
-				rc = -ENOMEM;
-				goto out;
-			}
-			*lun_access_dst = *lun_access_src;
-			list_add(&lun_access_dst->list, &sidecar);
-		}
-	}
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi_src->rht_out)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Nothing to clone\n", __func__);
-		goto out_success;
-	}
-	/* User specified permission on attach */
-	perms = ctxi_dst->rht_perms;
-	/*
-	 * Copy over checked-out RHT (and their associated LXT) entries by
-	 * hand, stopping after we've copied all outstanding entries and
-	 * cleaning up if the clone fails.
-	 *
-	 * Note: This loop is equivalent to performing cxlflash_disk_open and
-	 * cxlflash_vlun_resize. As such, LUN accounting needs to be taken into
-	 * account by attaching after each successful RHT entry clone. In the
-	 * event that a clone failure is experienced, the LUN detach is handled
-	 * via the cleanup performed by _cxlflash_disk_release.
-	 */
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT; i++) {
-		if (ctxi_src->rht_out == ctxi_dst->rht_out)
-			break;
-		if (ctxi_src->rht_start[i].nmask == 0)
-			continue;
-		/* Consume a destination RHT entry */
-		ctxi_dst->rht_out++;
-		ctxi_dst->rht_start[i].nmask = ctxi_src->rht_start[i].nmask;
-		ctxi_dst->rht_start[i].fp =
-		    SISL_RHT_FP_CLONE(ctxi_src->rht_start[i].fp, perms);
-		ctxi_dst->rht_lun[i] = ctxi_src->rht_lun[i];
-		rc = clone_lxt(afu, blka, ctxid_dst, i,
-			       &ctxi_dst->rht_start[i],
-			       &ctxi_src->rht_start[i]);
-		if (rc) {
-			marshal_clone_to_rele(clone, &release);
-			for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-				release.rsrc_handle = j;
-				_cxlflash_disk_release(sdev, ctxi_dst,
-						       &release);
-			}
-			/* Put back the one we failed on */
-			rhte_checkin(ctxi_dst, &ctxi_dst->rht_start[i]);
-			goto err;
-		}
-		cxlflash_lun_attach(gli, gli->mode, false);
-	}
-	list_splice(&sidecar, &ctxi_dst->luns);
-	/* fall through */
-	if (ctxi_src)
-		put_context(ctxi_src);
-	if (ctxi_dst)
-		put_context(ctxi_dst);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(lun_access_src, lun_access_dst, &sidecar, list)
-		kfree(lun_access_src);
-	goto out;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 68e3ea52fe80..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-/* RHT - Resource Handle Table */
-#define MC_RHT_NMASK      16	/* in bits */
-#define MC_CHUNK_SHIFT    MC_RHT_NMASK	/* shift to go from LBA to chunk# */
-#define HIBIT             (BITS_PER_LONG - 1)
- * LXT - LBA Translation Table
- *
- * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---+---+
- * | RLBA_BASE                                     |LUN_IDX| P |SEL|
- * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---+---+
- *
- * The LXT Entry contains the physical LBA where the chunk starts (RLBA_BASE).
- * AFU ORes the low order bits from the virtual LBA (offset into the chunk)
- * with RLBA_BASE. The result is the physical LBA to be sent to storage.
- * The LXT Entry also contains an index to a LUN TBL and a bitmask of which
- * outgoing (FC) * ports can be selected. The port select bit-mask is ANDed
- * with a global port select bit-mask maintained by the driver.
- * In addition, it has permission bits that are ANDed with the
- * RHT permissions to arrive at the final permissions for the chunk.
- *
- * LXT tables are allocated dynamically in groups. This is done to avoid
- * a malloc/free overhead each time the LXT has to grow or shrink.
- *
- * Based on the current lxt_cnt (used), it is always possible to know
- * how many are allocated (used+free). The number of allocated entries is
- * not stored anywhere.
- *
- * The LXT table is re-allocated whenever it needs to cross into another group.
- */
-#define LXT_GROUP_SIZE          8
-#define LXT_NUM_GROUPS(lxt_cnt) (((lxt_cnt) + 7)/8)	/* alloc'ed groups */
-#define LXT_LUNIDX_SHIFT  8	/* LXT entry, shift for LUN index */
-#define LXT_PERM_SHIFT    4	/* LXT entry, shift for permission bits */
-struct ba_lun_info {
-	u64 *lun_alloc_map;
-	u32 lun_bmap_size;
-	u32 total_aus;
-	u64 free_aun_cnt;
-	/* indices to be used for elevator lookup of free map */
-	u32 free_low_idx;
-	u32 free_curr_idx;
-	u32 free_high_idx;
-	u8 *aun_clone_map;
-struct ba_lun {
-	u64 lun_id;
-	u64 wwpn;
-	size_t lsize;		/* LUN size in number of LBAs             */
-	size_t lba_size;	/* LBA size in number of bytes            */
-	size_t au_size;		/* Allocation Unit size in number of LBAs */
-	struct ba_lun_info *ba_lun_handle;
-/* Block Allocator */
-struct blka {
-	struct ba_lun ba_lun;
-	u64 nchunk;		/* number of chunks */
-	struct mutex mutex;
-#endif /* ifndef _CXLFLASH_SUPERPIPE_H */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/elx/efct/efct_driver.c b/drivers/scsi/elx/efct/efct_driver.c
index 8469c156ab33..59f277593785 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/elx/efct/efct_driver.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/elx/efct/efct_driver.c
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ efct_pci_io_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev)
 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, efct_pci_table);
-static struct pci_error_handlers efct_pci_err_handler = {
+static const struct pci_error_handlers efct_pci_err_handler = {
 	.error_detected = efct_pci_io_error_detected,
 	.slot_reset = efct_pci_io_slot_reset,
 	.resume = efct_pci_io_resume,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/fnic/fdls_disc.c b/drivers/scsi/fnic/fdls_disc.c
index 11211c469583..a9ffa7b63730 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/fnic/fdls_disc.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/fnic/fdls_disc.c
@@ -308,43 +308,29 @@ void fdls_schedule_oxid_free_retry_work(struct work_struct *work)
 	struct fnic *fnic = iport->fnic;
 	struct reclaim_entry_s *reclaim_entry;
 	unsigned long delay_j = msecs_to_jiffies(OXID_RECLAIM_TOV(iport));
+	unsigned long flags;
 	int idx;
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&fnic->fnic_lock, fnic->lock_flags);
 	for_each_set_bit(idx, oxid_pool->pending_schedule_free, FNIC_OXID_POOL_SZ) {
 		FNIC_FCS_DBG(KERN_INFO, fnic->host, fnic->fnic_num,
 			"Schedule oxid free. oxid idx: %d\n", idx);
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fnic->fnic_lock, fnic->lock_flags);
-	reclaim_entry = (struct reclaim_entry_s *)
-	kzalloc(sizeof(struct reclaim_entry_s), GFP_KERNEL);
-		spin_lock_irqsave(&fnic->fnic_lock, fnic->lock_flags);
+		reclaim_entry = kzalloc(sizeof(*reclaim_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
 		if (!reclaim_entry) {
-			FNIC_FCS_DBG(KERN_WARNING, fnic->host, fnic->fnic_num,
-				"Failed to allocate memory for reclaim struct for oxid idx: 0x%x\n",
-				idx);
-			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fnic->fnic_lock, fnic->lock_flags);
-		if (test_and_clear_bit(idx, oxid_pool->pending_schedule_free)) {
-			reclaim_entry->oxid_idx = idx;
-			reclaim_entry->expires = round_jiffies(jiffies + delay_j);
-			list_add_tail(&reclaim_entry->links, &oxid_pool->oxid_reclaim_list);
-			schedule_delayed_work(&oxid_pool->oxid_reclaim_work, delay_j);
-		} else {
-			/* unlikely scenario, free the allocated memory and continue */
-			kfree(reclaim_entry);
-		}
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fnic->fnic_lock, fnic->lock_flags);
+		clear_bit(idx, oxid_pool->pending_schedule_free);
+		reclaim_entry->oxid_idx = idx;
+		reclaim_entry->expires = round_jiffies(jiffies + delay_j);
+		spin_lock_irqsave(&fnic->fnic_lock, flags);
+		list_add_tail(&reclaim_entry->links, &oxid_pool->oxid_reclaim_list);
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fnic->fnic_lock, flags);
+		schedule_delayed_work(&oxid_pool->oxid_reclaim_work, delay_j);
+	}
 static bool fdls_is_oxid_fabric_req(uint16_t oxid)
@@ -1567,9 +1553,9 @@ void fdls_send_fabric_logo(struct fnic_iport_s *iport)
 	iport->fabric.flags &= ~FNIC_FDLS_FABRIC_ABORT_ISSUED;
-		FNIC_FCS_DBG(KERN_INFO, fnic->host, fnic->fnic_num,
-		 "0x%x: FDLS send fabric LOGO with oxid: 0x%x",
-		 iport->fcid, oxid);
+	FNIC_FCS_DBG(KERN_INFO, fnic->host, fnic->fnic_num,
+		     "0x%x: FDLS send fabric LOGO with oxid: 0x%x",
+		     iport->fcid, oxid);
 	fnic_send_fcoe_frame(iport, frame, frame_size);
@@ -4659,13 +4645,13 @@ fnic_fdls_validate_and_get_frame_type(struct fnic_iport_s *iport,
 	d_id = ntoh24(fchdr->fh_d_id);
 	/* some common validation */
-		if (fdls_get_state(fabric) > FDLS_STATE_FABRIC_FLOGI) {
-			if ((iport->fcid != d_id) || (!FNIC_FC_FRAME_CS_CTL(fchdr))) {
-				FNIC_FCS_DBG(KERN_INFO, fnic->host, fnic->fnic_num,
-							 "invalid frame received. Dropping frame");
-				return -1;
-			}
+	if (fdls_get_state(fabric) > FDLS_STATE_FABRIC_FLOGI) {
+		if (iport->fcid != d_id || (!FNIC_FC_FRAME_CS_CTL(fchdr))) {
+			FNIC_FCS_DBG(KERN_INFO, fnic->host, fnic->fnic_num,
+				     "invalid frame received. Dropping frame");
+			return -1;
+	}
 	/*  BLS ABTS response */
 	if ((fchdr->fh_r_ctl == FC_RCTL_BA_ACC)
@@ -4682,7 +4668,7 @@ fnic_fdls_validate_and_get_frame_type(struct fnic_iport_s *iport,
 					"Received unexpected ABTS RSP(oxid:0x%x) from 0x%x. Dropping frame",
 					oxid, s_id);
 				return -1;
-	}
+		}
 		} else if (fdls_is_oxid_fdmi_req(oxid)) {
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/hisi_sas/hisi_sas_v1_hw.c b/drivers/scsi/hisi_sas/hisi_sas_v1_hw.c
index bb78e53c66e2..6621d633b2cc 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/hisi_sas/hisi_sas_v1_hw.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/hisi_sas/hisi_sas_v1_hw.c
@@ -1806,7 +1806,7 @@ static struct platform_driver hisi_sas_v1_driver = {
 	.driver = {
 		.name = DRV_NAME,
 		.of_match_table = sas_v1_of_match,
-		.acpi_match_table = ACPI_PTR(sas_v1_acpi_match),
+		.acpi_match_table = sas_v1_acpi_match,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/hisi_sas/hisi_sas_v2_hw.c b/drivers/scsi/hisi_sas/hisi_sas_v2_hw.c
index 71cd5b4450c2..3cc4cddcb655 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/hisi_sas/hisi_sas_v2_hw.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/hisi_sas/hisi_sas_v2_hw.c
@@ -3653,7 +3653,7 @@ static struct platform_driver hisi_sas_v2_driver = {
 	.driver = {
 		.name = DRV_NAME,
 		.of_match_table = sas_v2_of_match,
-		.acpi_match_table = ACPI_PTR(sas_v2_acpi_match),
+		.acpi_match_table = sas_v2_acpi_match,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/hpsa.c b/drivers/scsi/hpsa.c
index 84d8de07b7ae..c73a71ac3c29 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/hpsa.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/hpsa.c
@@ -453,17 +453,13 @@ static ssize_t host_store_hp_ssd_smart_path_status(struct device *dev,
 					 struct device_attribute *attr,
 					 const char *buf, size_t count)
-	int status, len;
+	int status;
 	struct ctlr_info *h;
 	struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(dev);
-	char tmpbuf[10];
 	if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) || !capable(CAP_SYS_RAWIO))
 		return -EACCES;
-	len = count > sizeof(tmpbuf) - 1 ? sizeof(tmpbuf) - 1 : count;
-	strncpy(tmpbuf, buf, len);
-	tmpbuf[len] = '\0';
-	if (sscanf(tmpbuf, "%d", &status) != 1)
+	if (kstrtoint(buf, 10, &status))
 		return -EINVAL;
 	h = shost_to_hba(shost);
 	h->acciopath_status = !!status;
@@ -477,17 +473,13 @@ static ssize_t host_store_raid_offload_debug(struct device *dev,
 					 struct device_attribute *attr,
 					 const char *buf, size_t count)
-	int debug_level, len;
+	int debug_level;
 	struct ctlr_info *h;
 	struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(dev);
-	char tmpbuf[10];
 	if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) || !capable(CAP_SYS_RAWIO))
 		return -EACCES;
-	len = count > sizeof(tmpbuf) - 1 ? sizeof(tmpbuf) - 1 : count;
-	strncpy(tmpbuf, buf, len);
-	tmpbuf[len] = '\0';
-	if (sscanf(tmpbuf, "%d", &debug_level) != 1)
+	if (kstrtoint(buf, 10, &debug_level))
 		return -EINVAL;
 	if (debug_level < 0)
 		debug_level = 0;
@@ -7238,8 +7230,7 @@ static int hpsa_controller_hard_reset(struct pci_dev *pdev,
 static void init_driver_version(char *driver_version, int len)
-	memset(driver_version, 0, len);
-	strncpy(driver_version, HPSA " " HPSA_DRIVER_VERSION, len - 1);
+	strscpy_pad(driver_version, HPSA " " HPSA_DRIVER_VERSION, len);
 static int write_driver_ver_to_cfgtable(struct CfgTable __iomem *cfgtable)
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/ips.c b/drivers/scsi/ips.c
index cce6c6b409ad..94adb6ac02a4 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/ips.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/ips.c
@@ -3631,8 +3631,8 @@ ips_send_cmd(ips_ha_t * ha, ips_scb_t * scb)
-		case RESERVE:
-		case RELEASE:
+		case RESERVE_6:
+		case RELEASE_6:
 			scb->scsi_cmd->result = DID_OK << 16;
@@ -3899,8 +3899,8 @@ ips_chkstatus(ips_ha_t * ha, IPS_STATUS * pstatus)
 			case WRITE_6:
 			case READ_10:
 			case WRITE_10:
-			case RESERVE:
-			case RELEASE:
+			case RESERVE_6:
+			case RELEASE_6:
 			case MODE_SENSE:
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/isci/remote_device.h b/drivers/scsi/isci/remote_device.h
index 27ae45332704..561ae3f2cbbd 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/isci/remote_device.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/isci/remote_device.h
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ enum sci_status sci_remote_device_reset(
  * device.  When there are no active IO for the device it is is in this
  * state.
- * @SCI_STP_DEV_CMD: This is the command state for for the STP remote
+ * @SCI_STP_DEV_CMD: This is the command state for the STP remote
  * device.  This state is entered when the device is processing a
  * non-NCQ command.  The device object will fail any new start IO
  * requests until this command is complete.
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/iscsi_tcp.c b/drivers/scsi/iscsi_tcp.c
index e81f60985193..7b4fe0e6afb2 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/iscsi_tcp.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/iscsi_tcp.c
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
  *	Zhenyu Wang
-#include <crypto/hash.h>
 #include <linux/types.h>
 #include <linux/inet.h>
 #include <linux/slab.h>
@@ -468,8 +467,7 @@ static void iscsi_sw_tcp_send_hdr_prep(struct iscsi_conn *conn, void *hdr,
 	 * sufficient room.
 	if (conn->hdrdgst_en) {
-		iscsi_tcp_dgst_header(tcp_sw_conn->tx_hash, hdr, hdrlen,
-				      hdr + hdrlen);
+		iscsi_tcp_dgst_header(hdr, hdrlen, hdr + hdrlen);
 		hdrlen += ISCSI_DIGEST_SIZE;
@@ -494,7 +492,7 @@ iscsi_sw_tcp_send_data_prep(struct iscsi_conn *conn, struct scatterlist *sg,
 	struct iscsi_tcp_conn *tcp_conn = conn->dd_data;
 	struct iscsi_sw_tcp_conn *tcp_sw_conn = tcp_conn->dd_data;
-	struct ahash_request *tx_hash = NULL;
+	u32 *tx_crcp = NULL;
 	unsigned int hdr_spec_len;
 	ISCSI_SW_TCP_DBG(conn, "offset=%d, datalen=%d %s\n", offset, len,
@@ -507,11 +505,10 @@ iscsi_sw_tcp_send_data_prep(struct iscsi_conn *conn, struct scatterlist *sg,
 	WARN_ON(iscsi_padded(len) != iscsi_padded(hdr_spec_len));
 	if (conn->datadgst_en)
-		tx_hash = tcp_sw_conn->tx_hash;
+		tx_crcp = &tcp_sw_conn->tx_crc;
 	return iscsi_segment_seek_sg(&tcp_sw_conn->out.data_segment,
-				     sg, count, offset, len,
-				     NULL, tx_hash);
+				     sg, count, offset, len, NULL, tx_crcp);
 static void
@@ -520,7 +517,7 @@ iscsi_sw_tcp_send_linear_data_prep(struct iscsi_conn *conn, void *data,
 	struct iscsi_tcp_conn *tcp_conn = conn->dd_data;
 	struct iscsi_sw_tcp_conn *tcp_sw_conn = tcp_conn->dd_data;
-	struct ahash_request *tx_hash = NULL;
+	u32 *tx_crcp = NULL;
 	unsigned int hdr_spec_len;
 	ISCSI_SW_TCP_DBG(conn, "datalen=%zd %s\n", len, conn->datadgst_en ?
@@ -532,10 +529,10 @@ iscsi_sw_tcp_send_linear_data_prep(struct iscsi_conn *conn, void *data,
 	WARN_ON(iscsi_padded(len) != iscsi_padded(hdr_spec_len));
 	if (conn->datadgst_en)
-		tx_hash = tcp_sw_conn->tx_hash;
+		tx_crcp = &tcp_sw_conn->tx_crc;
-				data, len, NULL, tx_hash);
+				  data, len, NULL, tx_crcp);
 static int iscsi_sw_tcp_pdu_init(struct iscsi_task *task,
@@ -583,7 +580,6 @@ iscsi_sw_tcp_conn_create(struct iscsi_cls_session *cls_session,
 	struct iscsi_cls_conn *cls_conn;
 	struct iscsi_tcp_conn *tcp_conn;
 	struct iscsi_sw_tcp_conn *tcp_sw_conn;
-	struct crypto_ahash *tfm;
 	cls_conn = iscsi_tcp_conn_setup(cls_session, sizeof(*tcp_sw_conn),
@@ -596,37 +592,9 @@ iscsi_sw_tcp_conn_create(struct iscsi_cls_session *cls_session,
 	tcp_sw_conn->queue_recv = iscsi_recv_from_iscsi_q;
-	tfm = crypto_alloc_ahash("crc32c", 0, CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC);
-	if (IS_ERR(tfm))
-		goto free_conn;
-	tcp_sw_conn->tx_hash = ahash_request_alloc(tfm, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!tcp_sw_conn->tx_hash)
-		goto free_tfm;
-	ahash_request_set_callback(tcp_sw_conn->tx_hash, 0, NULL, NULL);
-	tcp_sw_conn->rx_hash = ahash_request_alloc(tfm, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!tcp_sw_conn->rx_hash)
-		goto free_tx_hash;
-	ahash_request_set_callback(tcp_sw_conn->rx_hash, 0, NULL, NULL);
-	tcp_conn->rx_hash = tcp_sw_conn->rx_hash;
+	tcp_conn->rx_crcp = &tcp_sw_conn->rx_crc;
 	return cls_conn;
-	ahash_request_free(tcp_sw_conn->tx_hash);
-	crypto_free_ahash(tfm);
-	iscsi_conn_printk(KERN_ERR, conn,
-			  "Could not create connection due to crc32c "
-			  "loading error. Make sure the crc32c "
-			  "module is built as a module or into the "
-			  "kernel\n");
-	iscsi_tcp_conn_teardown(cls_conn);
-	return NULL;
 static void iscsi_sw_tcp_release_conn(struct iscsi_conn *conn)
@@ -664,20 +632,8 @@ static void iscsi_sw_tcp_release_conn(struct iscsi_conn *conn)
 static void iscsi_sw_tcp_conn_destroy(struct iscsi_cls_conn *cls_conn)
 	struct iscsi_conn *conn = cls_conn->dd_data;
-	struct iscsi_tcp_conn *tcp_conn = conn->dd_data;
-	struct iscsi_sw_tcp_conn *tcp_sw_conn = tcp_conn->dd_data;
-	ahash_request_free(tcp_sw_conn->rx_hash);
-	if (tcp_sw_conn->tx_hash) {
-		struct crypto_ahash *tfm;
-		tfm = crypto_ahash_reqtfm(tcp_sw_conn->tx_hash);
-		ahash_request_free(tcp_sw_conn->tx_hash);
-		crypto_free_ahash(tfm);
-	}
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/iscsi_tcp.h b/drivers/scsi/iscsi_tcp.h
index 89a6fc552f0b..c3e5d9fa6add 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/iscsi_tcp.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/iscsi_tcp.h
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ struct iscsi_sw_tcp_conn {
 	void			(*old_write_space)(struct sock *);
 	/* data and header digests */
-	struct ahash_request	*tx_hash;	/* CRC32C (Tx) */
-	struct ahash_request	*rx_hash;	/* CRC32C (Rx) */
+	u32			tx_crc;	/* CRC32C (Tx) */
+	u32			rx_crc;	/* CRC32C (Rx) */
 	/* MIB custom statistics */
 	uint32_t		sendpage_failures_cnt;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/libiscsi_tcp.c b/drivers/scsi/libiscsi_tcp.c
index c182aa83f2c9..e90805ba868f 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/libiscsi_tcp.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/libiscsi_tcp.c
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
  *	Zhenyu Wang
-#include <crypto/hash.h>
+#include <linux/crc32c.h>
 #include <linux/types.h>
 #include <linux/list.h>
 #include <linux/inet.h>
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ iscsi_tcp_segment_splice_digest(struct iscsi_segment *segment, void *digest)
 	segment->size = ISCSI_DIGEST_SIZE;
 	segment->copied = 0;
 	segment->sg = NULL;
-	segment->hash = NULL;
+	segment->crcp = NULL;
@@ -191,29 +191,27 @@ int iscsi_tcp_segment_done(struct iscsi_tcp_conn *tcp_conn,
 			   struct iscsi_segment *segment, int recv,
 			   unsigned copied)
-	struct scatterlist sg;
 	unsigned int pad;
 	ISCSI_DBG_TCP(tcp_conn->iscsi_conn, "copied %u %u size %u %s\n",
 		      segment->copied, copied, segment->size,
 		      recv ? "recv" : "xmit");
-	if (segment->hash && copied) {
-		/*
-		 * If a segment is kmapd we must unmap it before sending
-		 * to the crypto layer since that will try to kmap it again.
-		 */
-		iscsi_tcp_segment_unmap(segment);
-		if (!segment->data) {
-			sg_init_table(&sg, 1);
-			sg_set_page(&sg, sg_page(segment->sg), copied,
-				    segment->copied + segment->sg_offset +
-							segment->sg->offset);
-		} else
-			sg_init_one(&sg, segment->data + segment->copied,
-				    copied);
-		ahash_request_set_crypt(segment->hash, &sg, NULL, copied);
-		crypto_ahash_update(segment->hash);
+	if (segment->crcp && copied) {
+		if (segment->data) {
+			*segment->crcp = crc32c(*segment->crcp,
+						segment->data + segment->copied,
+						copied);
+		} else {
+			const void *data;
+			data = kmap_local_page(sg_page(segment->sg));
+			*segment->crcp = crc32c(*segment->crcp,
+						data + segment->copied +
+						segment->sg_offset +
+						segment->sg->offset,
+						copied);
+			kunmap_local(data);
+		}
 	segment->copied += copied;
@@ -258,10 +256,8 @@ int iscsi_tcp_segment_done(struct iscsi_tcp_conn *tcp_conn,
 	 * Set us up for transferring the data digest. hdr digest
 	 * is completely handled in hdr done function.
-	if (segment->hash) {
-		ahash_request_set_crypt(segment->hash, NULL,
-					segment->digest, 0);
-		crypto_ahash_final(segment->hash);
+	if (segment->crcp) {
+		put_unaligned_le32(~*segment->crcp, segment->digest);
 				 recv ? segment->recv_digest : segment->digest);
 		return 0;
@@ -282,8 +278,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(iscsi_tcp_segment_done);
  * given buffer, and returns the number of bytes
  * consumed, which can actually be less than @len.
- * If hash digest is enabled, the function will update the
- * hash while copying.
+ * If CRC is enabled, the function will update the CRC while copying.
  * Combining these two operations doesn't buy us a lot (yet),
  * but in the future we could implement combined copy+crc,
  * just way we do for network layer checksums.
@@ -311,14 +306,10 @@ iscsi_tcp_segment_recv(struct iscsi_tcp_conn *tcp_conn,
 inline void
-iscsi_tcp_dgst_header(struct ahash_request *hash, const void *hdr,
-		      size_t hdrlen, unsigned char digest[ISCSI_DIGEST_SIZE])
+iscsi_tcp_dgst_header(const void *hdr, size_t hdrlen,
+		      unsigned char digest[ISCSI_DIGEST_SIZE])
-	struct scatterlist sg;
-	sg_init_one(&sg, hdr, hdrlen);
-	ahash_request_set_crypt(hash, &sg, digest, hdrlen);
-	crypto_ahash_digest(hash);
+	put_unaligned_le32(~crc32c(~0, hdr, hdrlen), digest);
@@ -343,24 +334,23 @@ iscsi_tcp_dgst_verify(struct iscsi_tcp_conn *tcp_conn,
 static inline void
 __iscsi_segment_init(struct iscsi_segment *segment, size_t size,
-		     iscsi_segment_done_fn_t *done, struct ahash_request *hash)
+		     iscsi_segment_done_fn_t *done, u32 *crcp)
 	memset(segment, 0, sizeof(*segment));
 	segment->total_size = size;
 	segment->done = done;
-	if (hash) {
-		segment->hash = hash;
-		crypto_ahash_init(hash);
+	if (crcp) {
+		segment->crcp = crcp;
+		*crcp = ~0;
 inline void
 iscsi_segment_init_linear(struct iscsi_segment *segment, void *data,
-			  size_t size, iscsi_segment_done_fn_t *done,
-			  struct ahash_request *hash)
+			  size_t size, iscsi_segment_done_fn_t *done, u32 *crcp)
-	__iscsi_segment_init(segment, size, done, hash);
+	__iscsi_segment_init(segment, size, done, crcp);
 	segment->data = data;
 	segment->size = size;
@@ -370,13 +360,12 @@ inline int
 iscsi_segment_seek_sg(struct iscsi_segment *segment,
 		      struct scatterlist *sg_list, unsigned int sg_count,
 		      unsigned int offset, size_t size,
-		      iscsi_segment_done_fn_t *done,
-		      struct ahash_request *hash)
+		      iscsi_segment_done_fn_t *done, u32 *crcp)
 	struct scatterlist *sg;
 	unsigned int i;
-	__iscsi_segment_init(segment, size, done, hash);
+	__iscsi_segment_init(segment, size, done, crcp);
 	for_each_sg(sg_list, sg, sg_count, i) {
 		if (offset < sg->length) {
 			iscsi_tcp_segment_init_sg(segment, sg, offset);
@@ -393,7 +382,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(iscsi_segment_seek_sg);
  * iscsi_tcp_hdr_recv_prep - prep segment for hdr reception
  * @tcp_conn: iscsi connection to prep for
- * This function always passes NULL for the hash argument, because when this
+ * This function always passes NULL for the crcp argument, because when this
  * function is called we do not yet know the final size of the header and want
  * to delay the digest processing until we know that.
@@ -434,15 +423,15 @@ static void
 iscsi_tcp_data_recv_prep(struct iscsi_tcp_conn *tcp_conn)
 	struct iscsi_conn *conn = tcp_conn->iscsi_conn;
-	struct ahash_request *rx_hash = NULL;
+	u32 *rx_crcp = NULL;
 	if (conn->datadgst_en &&
 	    !(conn->session->tt->caps & CAP_DIGEST_OFFLOAD))
-		rx_hash = tcp_conn->rx_hash;
+		rx_crcp = tcp_conn->rx_crcp;
 				conn->data, tcp_conn->in.datalen,
-				iscsi_tcp_data_recv_done, rx_hash);
+				iscsi_tcp_data_recv_done, rx_crcp);
@@ -730,7 +719,7 @@ iscsi_tcp_hdr_dissect(struct iscsi_conn *conn, struct iscsi_hdr *hdr)
 		if (tcp_conn->in.datalen) {
 			struct iscsi_tcp_task *tcp_task = task->dd_data;
-			struct ahash_request *rx_hash = NULL;
+			u32 *rx_crcp = NULL;
 			struct scsi_data_buffer *sdb = &task->sc->sdb;
@@ -743,7 +732,7 @@ iscsi_tcp_hdr_dissect(struct iscsi_conn *conn, struct iscsi_hdr *hdr)
 			if (conn->datadgst_en &&
 			    !(conn->session->tt->caps & CAP_DIGEST_OFFLOAD))
-				rx_hash = tcp_conn->rx_hash;
+				rx_crcp = tcp_conn->rx_crcp;
 			ISCSI_DBG_TCP(conn, "iscsi_tcp_begin_data_in( "
 				     "offset=%d, datalen=%d)\n",
@@ -756,7 +745,7 @@ iscsi_tcp_hdr_dissect(struct iscsi_conn *conn, struct iscsi_hdr *hdr)
-						   rx_hash);
+						   rx_crcp);
 			return rc;
@@ -878,7 +867,7 @@ iscsi_tcp_hdr_recv_done(struct iscsi_tcp_conn *tcp_conn,
 			return 0;
-		iscsi_tcp_dgst_header(tcp_conn->rx_hash, hdr,
+		iscsi_tcp_dgst_header(hdr,
 				      segment->total_copied - ISCSI_DIGEST_SIZE,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc.h b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc.h
index e5a9c5a323f8..19e227f8b398 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc.h
@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ struct lpfc_sli2_slim;
  * queue depths when there are driver resource error or Firmware
  * resource error.
-/* 1 Second */
-#define QUEUE_RAMP_DOWN_INTERVAL	(msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * 1))
+#define QUEUE_RAMP_DOWN_INTERVAL	(secs_to_jiffies(1))
 /* Number of exchanges reserved for discovery to complete */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_els.c b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_els.c
index 1d7db49a8fe4..e08b48b1b655 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_els.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_els.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for         *
  * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters.                                *
- * Copyright (C) 2017-2024 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. The term *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017-2025 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. The term *
  * “Broadcom” refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.     *
  * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Emulex.  All rights reserved.           *
  * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex.                        *
@@ -8045,8 +8045,7 @@ lpfc_els_rcv_rscn(struct lpfc_vport *vport, struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb,
 			if (test_bit(FC_DISC_TMO, &vport->fc_flag)) {
 				tmo = ((phba->fc_ratov * 3) + 3);
-					  jiffies +
-					  msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * tmo));
+					  jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(tmo));
 			return 0;
@@ -8081,7 +8080,7 @@ lpfc_els_rcv_rscn(struct lpfc_vport *vport, struct lpfc_iocbq *cmdiocb,
 		if (test_bit(FC_DISC_TMO, &vport->fc_flag)) {
 			tmo = ((phba->fc_ratov * 3) + 3);
-				  jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * tmo));
+				  jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(tmo));
 		if ((rscn_cnt < FC_MAX_HOLD_RSCN) &&
 		    !test_bit(FC_RSCN_DISCOVERY, &vport->fc_flag)) {
@@ -9511,7 +9510,7 @@ lpfc_els_timeout_handler(struct lpfc_vport *vport)
 	if (!list_empty(&pring->txcmplq))
 		if (!test_bit(FC_UNLOADING, &phba->pport->load_flag))
-				  jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * timeout));
+				  jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(timeout));
@@ -9569,18 +9568,16 @@ lpfc_els_flush_cmd(struct lpfc_vport *vport)
 	mbx_tmo_err = test_bit(MBX_TMO_ERR, &phba->bit_flags);
 	/* First we need to issue aborts to outstanding cmds on txcmpl */
 	list_for_each_entry_safe(piocb, tmp_iocb, &pring->txcmplq, list) {
+		if (piocb->vport != vport)
+			continue;
 		lpfc_printf_vlog(vport, KERN_INFO, LOG_ELS,
 				 "2243 iotag = 0x%x cmd_flag = 0x%x "
-				 "ulp_command = 0x%x this_vport %x "
-				 "sli_flag = 0x%x\n",
+				 "ulp_command = 0x%x sli_flag = 0x%x\n",
 				 piocb->iotag, piocb->cmd_flag,
 				 get_job_cmnd(phba, piocb),
-				 (piocb->vport == vport),
-		if (piocb->vport != vport)
-			continue;
 		if ((phba->sli.sli_flag & LPFC_SLI_ACTIVE) && !mbx_tmo_err) {
 			if (piocb->cmd_flag & LPFC_IO_LIBDFC)
@@ -10899,7 +10896,7 @@ lpfc_do_scr_ns_plogi(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_vport *vport)
 				 "3334 Delay fc port discovery for %d secs\n",
-			jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * phba->fc_ratov));
+			jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(phba->fc_ratov));
@@ -11156,7 +11153,7 @@ lpfc_retry_pport_discovery(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
 	if (!ndlp)
-	mod_timer(&ndlp->nlp_delayfunc, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(1000));
+	mod_timer(&ndlp->nlp_delayfunc, jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(1));
 	set_bit(NLP_DELAY_TMO, &ndlp->nlp_flag);
 	ndlp->nlp_last_elscmd = ELS_CMD_FLOGI;
 	phba->pport->port_state = LPFC_FLOGI;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_hbadisc.c b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_hbadisc.c
index 36e66df36a18..8ca590e8469b 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_hbadisc.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_hbadisc.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for         *
  * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters.                                *
- * Copyright (C) 2017-2024 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. The term *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017-2025 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. The term *
  * “Broadcom” refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.     *
  * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Emulex.  All rights reserved.           *
  * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex.                        *
@@ -228,10 +228,16 @@ lpfc_dev_loss_tmo_callbk(struct fc_rport *rport)
 	if (ndlp->nlp_state == NLP_STE_MAPPED_NODE)
-	/* check for recovered fabric node */
-	if (ndlp->nlp_state == NLP_STE_UNMAPPED_NODE &&
-	    ndlp->nlp_DID == Fabric_DID)
+	/* Ignore callback for a mismatched (stale) rport */
+	if (ndlp->rport != rport) {
+		lpfc_vlog_msg(vport, KERN_WARNING, LOG_NODE,
+			      "6788 fc rport mismatch: d_id x%06x ndlp x%px "
+			      "fc rport x%px node rport x%px state x%x "
+			      "refcnt %u\n",
+			      ndlp->nlp_DID, ndlp, rport, ndlp->rport,
+			      ndlp->nlp_state, kref_read(&ndlp->kref));
+	}
 	if (rport->port_name != wwn_to_u64(ndlp->nlp_portname.u.wwn))
 		lpfc_printf_vlog(vport, KERN_ERR, LOG_TRACE_EVENT,
@@ -3518,7 +3524,7 @@ lpfc_mbx_process_link_up(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_mbx_read_top *la)
 	if (phba->fc_topology &&
 	    phba->fc_topology != bf_get(lpfc_mbx_read_top_topology, la)) {
 		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_SLI,
-				"3314 Toplogy changed was 0x%x is 0x%x\n",
+				"3314 Topology changed was 0x%x is 0x%x\n",
 				bf_get(lpfc_mbx_read_top_topology, la));
 		phba->fc_topology_changed = 1;
@@ -4973,7 +4979,7 @@ lpfc_set_disctmo(struct lpfc_vport *vport)
 			tmo, vport->port_state, vport->fc_flag);
-	mod_timer(&vport->fc_disctmo, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * tmo));
+	mod_timer(&vport->fc_disctmo, jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(tmo));
 	set_bit(FC_DISC_TMO, &vport->fc_flag);
 	/* Start Discovery Timer state <hba_state> */
@@ -5564,6 +5570,7 @@ static struct lpfc_nodelist *
 __lpfc_findnode_did(struct lpfc_vport *vport, uint32_t did)
 	struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp;
+	struct lpfc_nodelist *np = NULL;
 	uint32_t data1;
 	list_for_each_entry(ndlp, &vport->fc_nodes, nlp_listp) {
@@ -5578,14 +5585,20 @@ __lpfc_findnode_did(struct lpfc_vport *vport, uint32_t did)
 					 ndlp, ndlp->nlp_DID,
 					 ndlp->nlp_flag, data1, ndlp->nlp_rpi,
-			return ndlp;
+			/* Check for new or potentially stale node */
+			if (ndlp->nlp_state != NLP_STE_UNUSED_NODE)
+				return ndlp;
+			np = ndlp;
-	/* FIND node did <did> NOT FOUND */
-	lpfc_printf_vlog(vport, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
-			 "0932 FIND node did x%x NOT FOUND.\n", did);
-	return NULL;
+	if (!np)
+		/* FIND node did <did> NOT FOUND */
+		lpfc_printf_vlog(vport, KERN_INFO, LOG_NODE,
+				 "0932 FIND node did x%x NOT FOUND.\n", did);
+	return np;
 struct lpfc_nodelist *
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_init.c b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_init.c
index bcadf11414c8..4707baa62bff 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_init.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_init.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for         *
  * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters.                                *
- * Copyright (C) 2017-2024 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. The term *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017-2025 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. The term *
  * “Broadcom” refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.  *
  * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Emulex.  All rights reserved.           *
  * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex.                        *
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ lpfc_config_port_post(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
 	/* Set up ring-0 (ELS) timer */
 	timeout = phba->fc_ratov * 2;
-		  jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * timeout));
+		  jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(timeout));
 	/* Set up heart beat (HB) timer */
 		  jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(LPFC_HB_MBOX_INTERVAL));
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ lpfc_config_port_post(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
 	phba->last_completion_time = jiffies;
 	/* Set up error attention (ERATT) polling timer */
-		  jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * phba->eratt_poll_interval));
+		  jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(phba->eratt_poll_interval));
 	if (test_bit(LINK_DISABLED, &phba->hba_flag)) {
 		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_ERR, LOG_TRACE_EVENT,
@@ -3361,8 +3361,8 @@ lpfc_block_mgmt_io(struct lpfc_hba *phba, int mbx_action)
 		/* Determine how long we might wait for the active mailbox
 		 * command to be gracefully completed by firmware.
-		timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba,
-				phba->sli.mbox_active) * 1000) + jiffies;
+		timeout = secs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba,
+				phba->sli.mbox_active)) + jiffies;
 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&phba->hbalock, iflag);
@@ -6909,7 +6909,7 @@ lpfc_sli4_async_fip_evt(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
 			 * re-instantiate the Vlink using FDISC.
-				  jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(1000));
+				  jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(1));
 			set_bit(NLP_DELAY_TMO, &ndlp->nlp_flag);
 			ndlp->nlp_last_elscmd = ELS_CMD_FDISC;
 			vport->port_state = LPFC_FDISC;
@@ -13170,6 +13170,7 @@ lpfc_sli4_enable_msi(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
 	eqhdl = lpfc_get_eq_hdl(0);
 	rc = pci_irq_vector(phba->pcidev, 0);
 	if (rc < 0) {
+		free_irq(phba->pcidev->irq, phba);
 		lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_INIT,
 				"0496 MSI pci_irq_vec failed (%d)\n", rc);
@@ -13250,6 +13251,7 @@ lpfc_sli4_enable_intr(struct lpfc_hba *phba, uint32_t cfg_mode)
 			eqhdl = lpfc_get_eq_hdl(0);
 			retval = pci_irq_vector(phba->pcidev, 0);
 			if (retval < 0) {
+				free_irq(phba->pcidev->irq, phba);
 				lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_WARNING, LOG_INIT,
 					"0502 INTR pci_irq_vec failed (%d)\n",
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_scsi.c b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_scsi.c
index 055ed632c14d..f0158fc00f78 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_scsi.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_scsi.c
@@ -5645,9 +5645,8 @@ lpfc_abort_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd)
 	 * cmd_flag is set to LPFC_DRIVER_ABORTED before we wait
 	 * for abort to complete.
-	wait_event_timeout(waitq,
-			  (lpfc_cmd->pCmd != cmnd),
-			   msecs_to_jiffies(2*vport->cfg_devloss_tmo*1000));
+	wait_event_timeout(waitq, (lpfc_cmd->pCmd != cmnd),
+			   secs_to_jiffies(2*vport->cfg_devloss_tmo));
@@ -5911,7 +5910,7 @@ lpfc_chk_tgt_mapped(struct lpfc_vport *vport, struct fc_rport *rport)
 	 * If target is not in a MAPPED state, delay until
 	 * target is rediscovered or devloss timeout expires.
-	later = msecs_to_jiffies(2 * vport->cfg_devloss_tmo * 1000) + jiffies;
+	later = secs_to_jiffies(2 * vport->cfg_devloss_tmo) + jiffies;
 	while (time_after(later, jiffies)) {
 		if (!pnode)
 			return FAILED;
@@ -5957,7 +5956,7 @@ lpfc_reset_flush_io_context(struct lpfc_vport *vport, uint16_t tgt_id,
 					tgt_id, lun_id, context);
-	later = msecs_to_jiffies(2 * vport->cfg_devloss_tmo * 1000) + jiffies;
+	later = secs_to_jiffies(2 * vport->cfg_devloss_tmo) + jiffies;
 	while (time_after(later, jiffies) && cnt) {
 		cnt = lpfc_sli_sum_iocb(vport, tgt_id, lun_id, context);
@@ -6137,8 +6136,7 @@ lpfc_target_reset_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd)
-					   msecs_to_jiffies(dev_loss_tmo *
-							    1000));
+					   secs_to_jiffies(dev_loss_tmo));
 			if (test_and_clear_bit(NLP_WAIT_FOR_LOGO,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_sli.c b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_sli.c
index 3fd9723cd271..af11b4ef13df 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_sli.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_sli.c
@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ lpfc_handle_rrq_active(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
 	clear_bit(HBA_RRQ_ACTIVE, &phba->hba_flag);
-	next_time = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * (phba->fc_ratov + 1));
+	next_time = jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(phba->fc_ratov + 1);
 	spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->rrq_list_lock, iflags);
 	list_for_each_entry_safe(rrq, nextrrq,
 				 &phba->active_rrq_list, list) {
@@ -1208,8 +1208,7 @@ lpfc_set_rrq_active(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_nodelist *ndlp,
 		rrq->send_rrq = 0;
 	rrq->xritag = xritag;
-	rrq->rrq_stop_time = jiffies +
-				msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * (phba->fc_ratov + 1));
+	rrq->rrq_stop_time = jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(phba->fc_ratov + 1);
 	rrq->nlp_DID = ndlp->nlp_DID;
 	rrq->vport = ndlp->vport;
 	rrq->rxid = rxid;
@@ -1736,8 +1735,7 @@ lpfc_sli_ringtxcmpl_put(struct lpfc_hba *phba, struct lpfc_sli_ring *pring,
 		if (!test_bit(FC_UNLOADING, &piocb->vport->load_flag))
-				  jiffies +
-				  msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * (phba->fc_ratov << 1)));
+				  jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(phba->fc_ratov << 1));
 	return 0;
@@ -3956,8 +3954,7 @@ void lpfc_poll_eratt(struct timer_list *t)
 		/* Restart the timer for next eratt poll */
-			  jiffies +
-			  msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * phba->eratt_poll_interval));
+			  jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(phba->eratt_poll_interval));
@@ -9008,7 +9005,7 @@ lpfc_sli4_hba_setup(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
 	/* Start the ELS watchdog timer */
-		  jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * (phba->fc_ratov * 2)));
+			jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(phba->fc_ratov * 2));
 	/* Start heart beat timer */
@@ -9027,7 +9024,7 @@ lpfc_sli4_hba_setup(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
 	/* Start error attention (ERATT) polling timer */
-		  jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * phba->eratt_poll_interval));
+		  jiffies + secs_to_jiffies(phba->eratt_poll_interval));
 	 * The port is ready, set the host's link state to LINK_DOWN
@@ -9504,8 +9501,7 @@ lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_s3(struct lpfc_hba *phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmbox,
 			goto out_not_finished;
 		/* timeout active mbox command */
-		timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba, pmbox) *
-					   1000);
+		timeout = secs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba, pmbox));
 		mod_timer(&psli->mbox_tmo, jiffies + timeout);
@@ -9629,8 +9625,7 @@ lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_s3(struct lpfc_hba *phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmbox,
 			goto out_not_finished;
-		timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba, pmbox) *
-							1000) + jiffies;
+		timeout = secs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba, pmbox)) + jiffies;
 		i = 0;
 		/* Wait for command to complete */
 		while (((word0 & OWN_CHIP) == OWN_CHIP) ||
@@ -9756,9 +9751,8 @@ lpfc_sli4_async_mbox_block(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
 	 * command to be gracefully completed by firmware.
 	if (phba->sli.mbox_active)
-		timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba,
-						phba->sli.mbox_active) *
-						1000) + jiffies;
+		timeout = secs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba,
+						phba->sli.mbox_active)) + jiffies;
 	/* Make sure the mailbox is really active */
@@ -9881,8 +9875,7 @@ lpfc_sli4_wait_bmbx_ready(struct lpfc_hba *phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *mboxq)
-	timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba, mboxq)
-				   * 1000) + jiffies;
+	timeout = secs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba, mboxq)) + jiffies;
 	do {
 		bmbx_reg.word0 = readl(phba->sli4_hba.BMBXregaddr);
@@ -10230,7 +10223,7 @@ lpfc_sli4_post_async_mbox(struct lpfc_hba *phba)
 	/* Start timer for the mbox_tmo and log some mailbox post messages */
 	mod_timer(&psli->mbox_tmo, (jiffies +
-		  msecs_to_jiffies(1000 * lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba, mboxq))));
+		  secs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba, mboxq))));
 	lpfc_printf_log(phba, KERN_INFO, LOG_MBOX | LOG_SLI,
 			"(%d):0355 Mailbox cmd x%x (x%x/x%x) issue Data: "
@@ -13159,7 +13152,7 @@ lpfc_sli_issue_iocb_wait(struct lpfc_hba *phba,
 	retval = lpfc_sli_issue_iocb(phba, ring_number, piocb,
 	if (retval == IOCB_SUCCESS) {
-		timeout_req = msecs_to_jiffies(timeout * 1000);
+		timeout_req = secs_to_jiffies(timeout);
 		timeleft = wait_event_timeout(done_q,
 				lpfc_chk_iocb_flg(phba, piocb, LPFC_IO_WAKE),
@@ -13275,8 +13268,7 @@ lpfc_sli_issue_mbox_wait(struct lpfc_hba *phba, LPFC_MBOXQ_t *pmboxq,
 	/* now issue the command */
 	retval = lpfc_sli_issue_mbox(phba, pmboxq, MBX_NOWAIT);
 	if (retval == MBX_BUSY || retval == MBX_SUCCESS) {
-		wait_for_completion_timeout(&mbox_done,
-					    msecs_to_jiffies(timeout * 1000));
+		wait_for_completion_timeout(&mbox_done, secs_to_jiffies(timeout));
 		spin_lock_irqsave(&phba->hbalock, flag);
 		pmboxq->ctx_u.mbox_wait = NULL;
@@ -13336,9 +13328,8 @@ lpfc_sli_mbox_sys_shutdown(struct lpfc_hba *phba, int mbx_action)
 		 * command to be gracefully completed by firmware.
 		if (phba->sli.mbox_active)
-			timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba,
-						phba->sli.mbox_active) *
-						1000) + jiffies;
+			timeout = secs_to_jiffies(lpfc_mbox_tmo_val(phba,
+						phba->sli.mbox_active)) + jiffies;
 		/* Enable softirqs again, done with phba->hbalock */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_version.h b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_version.h
index c35f7225058e..638b50f35287 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_version.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_version.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  * This file is part of the Emulex Linux Device Driver for         *
  * Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters.                                *
- * Copyright (C) 2017-2024 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. The term *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017-2025 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. The term *
  * “Broadcom” refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.     *
  * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Emulex.  All rights reserved.           *
  * EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex.                        *
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
  * included with this package.                                     *
 #define LPFC_DRIVER_NAME		"lpfc"
 /* Used for SLI 2/3 */
@@ -32,6 +32,6 @@
 #define LPFC_MODULE_DESC "Emulex LightPulse Fibre Channel SCSI driver " \
-#define LPFC_COPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 2017-2024 Broadcom. All Rights " \
+#define LPFC_COPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 2017-2025 Broadcom. All Rights " \
 		"Reserved. The term \"Broadcom\" refers to Broadcom Inc. " \
 		"and/or its subsidiaries."
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_vport.c b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_vport.c
index 3d70cc517573..cc56a7334319 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_vport.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/lpfc/lpfc_vport.c
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ static void lpfc_discovery_wait(struct lpfc_vport *vport)
 	 * fabric RA_TOV value and dev_loss tmo.  The driver's
 	 * devloss_tmo is 10 giving this loop a 3x multiplier minimally.
-	wait_time_max = msecs_to_jiffies(((phba->fc_ratov * 3) + 3) * 1000);
+	wait_time_max = secs_to_jiffies((phba->fc_ratov * 3) + 3);
 	wait_time_max += jiffies;
 	start_time = jiffies;
 	while (time_before(jiffies, wait_time_max)) {
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/megaraid.c b/drivers/scsi/megaraid.c
index adab151663dd..2006094af418 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/megaraid.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/megaraid.c
@@ -855,8 +855,8 @@ mega_build_cmd(adapter_t *adapter, struct scsi_cmnd *cmd, int *busy)
 			return scb;
-		case RESERVE:
-		case RELEASE:
+		case RESERVE_6:
+		case RELEASE_6:
 			 * Do we support clustering and is the support enabled
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ mega_build_cmd(adapter_t *adapter, struct scsi_cmnd *cmd, int *busy)
 			scb->raw_mbox[0] = MEGA_CLUSTER_CMD;
-			scb->raw_mbox[2] = ( *cmd->cmnd == RESERVE ) ?
+			scb->raw_mbox[2] = *cmd->cmnd == RESERVE_6 ?
 			scb->raw_mbox[3] = ldrv_num;
@@ -1618,8 +1618,8 @@ mega_cmd_done(adapter_t *adapter, u8 completed[], int nstatus, int status)
 			 * failed or the input parameter is invalid
 			if( status == 1 &&
-				(cmd->cmnd[0] == RESERVE ||
-					 cmd->cmnd[0] == RELEASE) ) {
+			    (cmd->cmnd[0] == RESERVE_6 ||
+			     cmd->cmnd[0] == RELEASE_6) ) {
 				cmd->result |= (DID_ERROR << 16) |
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/megaraid/megaraid_mbox.c b/drivers/scsi/megaraid/megaraid_mbox.c
index 60cc3372991f..3ba837b3093f 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/megaraid/megaraid_mbox.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/megaraid/megaraid_mbox.c
@@ -1725,8 +1725,8 @@ megaraid_mbox_build_cmd(adapter_t *adapter, struct scsi_cmnd *scp, int *busy)
 			return scb;
-		case RESERVE:
-		case RELEASE:
+		case RESERVE_6:
+		case RELEASE_6:
 			 * Do we support clustering and is the support enabled
@@ -1748,7 +1748,7 @@ megaraid_mbox_build_cmd(adapter_t *adapter, struct scsi_cmnd *scp, int *busy)
 			scb->dev_channel	= 0xFF;
 			scb->dev_target		= target;
 			ccb->raw_mbox[0]	= CLUSTER_CMD;
-			ccb->raw_mbox[2]	=  (scp->cmnd[0] == RESERVE) ?
+			ccb->raw_mbox[2]	= scp->cmnd[0] == RESERVE_6 ?
 			ccb->raw_mbox[3]	= target;
@@ -2334,8 +2334,8 @@ megaraid_mbox_dpc(unsigned long devp)
 			 * Error code returned is 1 if Reserve or Release
 			 * failed or the input parameter is invalid
-			if (status == 1 && (scp->cmnd[0] == RESERVE ||
-					 scp->cmnd[0] == RELEASE)) {
+			if (status == 1 && (scp->cmnd[0] == RESERVE_6 ||
+					    scp->cmnd[0] == RELEASE_6)) {
 				scp->result = DID_ERROR << 16 |
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_cnfg.h b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_cnfg.h
index 00cd18edfad6..96401eb7e231 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_cnfg.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_cnfg.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #define MPI3_CONFIG_PAGETYPE_PCIE_SWITCH                (0x31)
 #define MPI3_CONFIG_PAGETYPE_PCIE_LINK                  (0x33)
 #define MPI3_CONFIG_PAGEATTR_MASK                       (0xf0)
 #define MPI3_CONFIG_PAGEATTR_READ_ONLY                  (0x00)
 #define MPI3_CONFIG_PAGEATTR_CHANGEABLE                 (0x10)
 #define MPI3_CONFIG_PAGEATTR_PERSISTENT                 (0x20)
@@ -29,10 +30,13 @@
 #define MPI3_CONFIG_ACTION_READ_PERSISTENT              (0x04)
 #define MPI3_CONFIG_ACTION_WRITE_PERSISTENT             (0x05)
 #define MPI3_DEVICE_PGAD_FORM_MASK                      (0xf0000000)
 #define MPI3_DEVICE_PGAD_FORM_GET_NEXT_HANDLE           (0x00000000)
 #define MPI3_DEVICE_PGAD_FORM_HANDLE                    (0x20000000)
 #define MPI3_DEVICE_PGAD_HANDLE_MASK                    (0x0000ffff)
 #define MPI3_SAS_EXPAND_PGAD_FORM_MASK                  (0xf0000000)
 #define MPI3_SAS_EXPAND_PGAD_FORM_GET_NEXT_HANDLE       (0x00000000)
 #define MPI3_SAS_EXPAND_PGAD_FORM_HANDLE_PHY_NUM        (0x10000000)
 #define MPI3_SAS_EXPAND_PGAD_FORM_HANDLE                (0x20000000)
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_image.h b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_image.h
index 2c6e548cbd0f..8d824107a678 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_image.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_image.h
@@ -66,7 +66,12 @@ struct mpi3_component_image_header {
 #define MPI3_IMAGE_HEADER_SIGNATURE1_SMM                      (0x204d4d53)
 #define MPI3_IMAGE_HEADER_SIGNATURE1_PSW                      (0x20575350)
 #define MPI3_IMAGE_HEADER_SIGNATURE2_VALUE                    (0x50584546)
+#define MPI3_IMAGE_HEADER_FLAGS_SIGNED_UEFI_MASK	        (0x00000300)
 #define MPI3_IMAGE_HEADER_FLAGS_DEVICE_KEY_BASIS_MASK         (0x00000030)
 #define MPI3_IMAGE_HEADER_FLAGS_DEVICE_KEY_BASIS_CDI          (0x00000000)
 #define MPI3_IMAGE_HEADER_FLAGS_DEVICE_KEY_BASIS_DI           (0x00000010)
 #define MPI3_IMAGE_HEADER_FLAGS_SIGNED_NVDATA                 (0x00000008)
@@ -214,11 +219,13 @@ struct mpi3_encrypted_hash_entry {
 #define MPI3_HASH_IMAGE_TYPE_KEY_WITH_HASH_1_OF_2    (0x04)
 #define MPI3_HASH_IMAGE_TYPE_KEY_WITH_HASH_2_OF_2    (0x05)
 #define MPI3_HASH_ALGORITHM_VERSION_MASK             (0xe0)
 #define MPI3_HASH_ALGORITHM_VERSION_NONE             (0x00)
 #define MPI3_HASH_ALGORITHM_VERSION_SHA1             (0x20)
 #define MPI3_HASH_ALGORITHM_VERSION_SHA2             (0x40)
 #define MPI3_HASH_ALGORITHM_VERSION_SHA3             (0x60)
 #define MPI3_HASH_ALGORITHM_SIZE_MASK                (0x1f)
 #define MPI3_HASH_ALGORITHM_SIZE_UNUSED              (0x00)
 #define MPI3_HASH_ALGORITHM_SIZE_SHA256              (0x01)
 #define MPI3_HASH_ALGORITHM_SIZE_SHA512              (0x02)
@@ -236,6 +243,7 @@ struct mpi3_encrypted_hash_entry {
 #define MPI3_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_ML_DSA_65	    (0x0c)
 #define MPI3_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_ML_DSA_44	    (0x0d)
 #define MPI3_ENCRYPTED_HASH_ENTRY_MAX               (1)
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_init.h b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_init.h
index af86d12c8e49..bbef5bac92ed 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_init.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_init.h
@@ -38,23 +38,31 @@ struct mpi3_scsi_io_request {
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_MSGFLAGS_METASGL_VALID                  (0x80)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_MSGFLAGS_DIVERT_TO_FIRMWARE             (0x40)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_LARGE_CDB                         (0x60000000)
+#define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_LARGE_CDB_MASK		    (0x60000000)
+#define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_IOC_USE_ONLY_27_MASK		    (0x18000000)
+#define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_IOC_USE_ONLY_27_SHIFT		    (27)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_CDB_16_OR_LESS                    (0x00000000)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_CDB_GREATER_THAN_16               (0x20000000)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_CDB_IN_SEPARATE_BUFFER            (0x40000000)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_TASKATTRIBUTE_MASK                (0x07000000)
+#define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_DATADIRECTION_MASK		    (0x000c0000)
+#define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_DATADIRECTION_SHIFT               (18)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_TASKATTRIBUTE_SIMPLEQ             (0x00000000)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_TASKATTRIBUTE_HEADOFQ             (0x01000000)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_TASKATTRIBUTE_ORDEREDQ            (0x02000000)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_TASKATTRIBUTE_ACAQ                (0x04000000)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_CMDPRI_MASK                       (0x00f00000)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_CMDPRI_SHIFT                      (20)
-#define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_DATADIRECTION_MASK                (0x000c0000)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_DATADIRECTION_WRITE               (0x00040000)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_DATADIRECTION_READ                (0x00080000)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_DMAOPERATION_MASK                 (0x00030000)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_DMAOPERATION_HOST_PI              (0x00010000)
 #define MPI3_SCSIIO_FLAGS_DIVERT_REASON_MASK                (0x000000f0)
@@ -99,6 +107,7 @@ struct mpi3_scsi_io_reply {
 #define MPI3_SCSI_STATUS_ACA_ACTIVE             (0x30)
 #define MPI3_SCSI_STATUS_TASK_ABORTED           (0x40)
 #define MPI3_SCSI_STATE_SENSE_MASK              (0x03)
 #define MPI3_SCSI_STATE_SENSE_VALID             (0x00)
 #define MPI3_SCSI_STATE_SENSE_FAILED            (0x01)
 #define MPI3_SCSI_STATE_SENSE_BUFF_Q_EMPTY      (0x02)
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_ioc.h b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_ioc.h
index c374867f9ba0..b42933fcd423 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_ioc.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_ioc.h
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ struct mpi3_ioc_init_request {
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ struct mpi3_ioc_init_request {
 #define MPI3_WHOINIT_MANUFACTURER                        (0x04)
 #define MPI3_IOCINIT_DRIVERCAP_OSEXPOSURE_MASK              (0x00000003)
@@ -111,9 +113,11 @@ struct mpi3_ioc_facts_data {
 	__le32			   diag_tty_size;
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_CAPABILITY_SUPERVISOR_IOC               (0x00000000)
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_CAPABILITY_NON_SUPERVISOR_IOC           (0x80000000)
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_CAPABILITY_INT_COALESCE_MASK            (0x00000600)
@@ -134,6 +138,7 @@ struct mpi3_ioc_facts_data {
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_EXCEPT_SAS_DISABLED                     (0x1000)
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_EXCEPT_SAFE_MODE                        (0x0800)
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_EXCEPT_SECURITY_KEY_MASK                (0x0700)
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_EXCEPT_SECURITY_KEY_NONE                (0x0000)
@@ -149,6 +154,7 @@ struct mpi3_ioc_facts_data {
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_EXCEPT_BLOCKING_BOOT_EVENT              (0x0004)
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_EXCEPT_BOOTSTAT_MASK                    (0x0001)
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_EXCEPT_BOOTSTAT_PRIMARY                 (0x0000)
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_EXCEPT_BOOTSTAT_SECONDARY               (0x0001)
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_PROTOCOL_SAS                            (0x0010)
@@ -161,10 +167,12 @@ struct mpi3_ioc_facts_data {
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_FLAGS_DMA_ADDRESS_WIDTH_MASK            (0x0000ff00)
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_FLAGS_INITIAL_PORT_ENABLE_MASK          (0x00000030)
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_FLAGS_PERSONALITY_MASK                  (0x0000000f)
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_FLAGS_PERSONALITY_EHBA                  (0x00000000)
 #define MPI3_IOCFACTS_FLAGS_PERSONALITY_RAID_DDR              (0x00000002)
@@ -204,6 +212,7 @@ struct mpi3_create_request_queue_request {
 #define MPI3_CREATE_REQUEST_QUEUE_SIZE_MINIMUM                  (2)
@@ -237,10 +246,12 @@ struct mpi3_create_reply_queue_request {
 #define MPI3_CREATE_REPLY_QUEUE_SIZE_MINIMUM                    (2)
@@ -326,9 +337,11 @@ struct mpi3_event_notification_reply {
 #define MPI3_EVENT_NOTIFY_MSGFLAGS_ACK_MASK                        (0x01)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_NOTIFY_MSGFLAGS_ACK_REQUIRED                    (0x01)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_NOTIFY_MSGFLAGS_ACK_NOT_REQUIRED                (0x00)
 struct mpi3_event_data_gpio_interrupt {
@@ -487,6 +500,7 @@ struct mpi3_event_sas_topo_phy_entry {
 #define MPI3_EVENT_SAS_TOPO_PHY_STATUS_NO_EXIST             (0x40)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_SAS_TOPO_PHY_STATUS_VACANT               (0x80)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_SAS_TOPO_PHY_RC_MASK                     (0x0f)
+#define MPI3_EVENT_SAS_TOPO_PHY_RC_SHIFT		    (0)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_SAS_TOPO_PHY_RC_PHY_CHANGED              (0x03)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_SAS_TOPO_PHY_RC_NO_CHANGE                (0x04)
@@ -566,6 +580,7 @@ struct mpi3_event_pcie_topo_port_entry {
 #define MPI3_EVENT_PCIE_TOPO_PS_RESPONDING              (0x06)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_PCIE_TOPO_PI_LANES_MASK              (0xf0)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_PCIE_TOPO_PI_LANES_UNKNOWN           (0x00)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_PCIE_TOPO_PI_LANES_1                 (0x10)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_PCIE_TOPO_PI_LANES_2                 (0x20)
@@ -573,6 +588,7 @@ struct mpi3_event_pcie_topo_port_entry {
 #define MPI3_EVENT_PCIE_TOPO_PI_LANES_8                 (0x40)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_PCIE_TOPO_PI_LANES_16                (0x50)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_PCIE_TOPO_PI_RATE_MASK               (0x0f)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_PCIE_TOPO_PI_RATE_UNKNOWN            (0x00)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_PCIE_TOPO_PI_RATE_DISABLED           (0x01)
 #define MPI3_EVENT_PCIE_TOPO_PI_RATE_2_5                (0x02)
@@ -881,6 +897,7 @@ struct mpi3_pel_req_action_acknowledge {
 #define MPI3_PELACKNOWLEDGE_MSGFLAGS_SAFE_MODE_EXIT_MASK                     (0x03)
@@ -924,6 +941,7 @@ struct mpi3_ci_download_request {
 #define MPI3_CI_DOWNLOAD_MSGFLAGS_FORCE_FMC_ENABLE             (0x40)
 #define MPI3_CI_DOWNLOAD_MSGFLAGS_SIGNED_NVDATA                (0x20)
@@ -953,6 +971,7 @@ struct mpi3_ci_download_reply {
 #define MPI3_CI_DOWNLOAD_FLAGS_KEY_UPDATE_PENDING                    (0x10)
 #define MPI3_CI_DOWNLOAD_FLAGS_ACTIVATION_STATUS_MASK                (0x0e)
@@ -976,9 +995,11 @@ struct mpi3_ci_upload_request {
 #define MPI3_CI_UPLOAD_MSGFLAGS_LOCATION_MASK                        (0x01)
 #define MPI3_CI_UPLOAD_MSGFLAGS_LOCATION_PRIMARY                     (0x00)
 #define MPI3_CI_UPLOAD_MSGFLAGS_LOCATION_SECONDARY                   (0x01)
 #define MPI3_CI_UPLOAD_MSGFLAGS_FORMAT_MASK                          (0x02)
 #define MPI3_CI_UPLOAD_MSGFLAGS_FORMAT_FLASH                         (0x00)
 #define MPI3_CI_UPLOAD_MSGFLAGS_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE                    (0x02)
 #define MPI3_CTRL_OP_FORCE_FULL_DISCOVERY                            (0x01)
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_tool.h b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_tool.h
index 3b960893870f..50a65b16a818 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_tool.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_tool.h
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #define MPI3_DIAG_BUFFER_TYPE_FW	(0x02)
 struct mpi3_diag_buffer_post_request {
 	__le16                     host_tag;
 	u8                         ioc_use_only02;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_transport.h b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_transport.h
index b2ab25a1cfeb..5c522e2531c3 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_transport.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi/mpi30_transport.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ union mpi3_version_union {
 #define MPI3_VERSION_MAJOR                                              (3)
 #define MPI3_VERSION_MINOR                                              (0)
-#define MPI3_VERSION_UNIT                                               (34)
+#define MPI3_VERSION_UNIT                                               (35)
 #define MPI3_VERSION_DEV                                                (0)
 #define MPI3_DEVHANDLE_INVALID                                          (0xffff)
 struct mpi3_sysif_oper_queue_indexes {
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ struct mpi3_sysif_registers {
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_IOC_CONFIG_OPER_RPY_ENT_SZ_SHIFT                     (20)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_IOC_CONFIG_OPER_REQ_ENT_SZ                           (0x000f0000)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_IOC_CONFIG_OPER_REQ_ENT_SZ_SHIFT                     (16)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_IOC_CONFIG_SHUTDOWN_MASK                             (0x0000c000)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_IOC_CONFIG_SHUTDOWN_NO                               (0x00000000)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_IOC_CONFIG_SHUTDOWN_NORMAL                           (0x00004000)
@@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ struct mpi3_sysif_registers {
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_IOC_STATUS_READY                                     (0x00000001)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_ADMIN_Q_NUM_ENTRIES_OFFSET                           (0x00000024)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_ADMIN_Q_NUM_ENTRIES_REQ_MASK                         (0x0fff)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_ADMIN_Q_NUM_ENTRIES_REPLY_OFFSET                     (0x00000026)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_ADMIN_Q_NUM_ENTRIES_REPLY_MASK                       (0x0fff0000)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_ADMIN_Q_NUM_ENTRIES_REPLY_SHIFT                      (16)
@@ -106,6 +108,7 @@ struct mpi3_sysif_registers {
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_ADMIN_REPLY_Q_ADDR_HIGH_OFFSET                       (0x00000034)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_COALESCE_CONTROL_OFFSET                              (0x00000040)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_COALESCE_CONTROL_ENABLE_MASK                         (0xc0000000)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_COALESCE_CONTROL_ENABLE_NO_CHANGE                    (0x00000000)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_COALESCE_CONTROL_ENABLE_DISABLE                      (0x40000000)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_COALESCE_CONTROL_ENABLE_ENABLE                       (0xc0000000)
@@ -124,6 +127,7 @@ struct mpi3_sysif_registers {
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_OPER_REPLY_Q_N_CI_OFFSET(N)                          (MPI3_SYSIF_OPER_REPLY_Q_CI_OFFSET + (((N) - 1) * 8))
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_WRITE_SEQUENCE_OFFSET                                (0x00001c04)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_WRITE_SEQUENCE_KEY_VALUE_MASK                        (0x0000000f)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_WRITE_SEQUENCE_KEY_VALUE_FLUSH                       (0x0)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_WRITE_SEQUENCE_KEY_VALUE_1ST                         (0xf)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_WRITE_SEQUENCE_KEY_VALUE_2ND                         (0x4)
@@ -133,6 +137,7 @@ struct mpi3_sysif_registers {
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_WRITE_SEQUENCE_KEY_VALUE_6TH                         (0xd)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_HOST_DIAG_OFFSET                                     (0x00001c08)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_HOST_DIAG_RESET_ACTION_MASK                          (0x00000700)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_HOST_DIAG_RESET_ACTION_NO_RESET                      (0x00000000)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_HOST_DIAG_RESET_ACTION_SOFT_RESET                    (0x00000100)
@@ -151,6 +156,7 @@ struct mpi3_sysif_registers {
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_FAULT_FUNC_AREA_SHIFT                                (24)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_FAULT_FUNC_AREA_MPI_DEFINED                          (0x00000000)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_FAULT_CODE_MASK                                      (0x0000ffff)
+#define MPI3_SYSIF_FAULT_CODE_SHIFT					(0)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_FAULT_CODE_DIAG_FAULT_RESET                          (0x0000f000)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_FAULT_CODE_CI_ACTIVATION_RESET                       (0x0000f001)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_FAULT_CODE_SOFT_RESET_IN_PROGRESS                    (0x0000f002)
@@ -176,17 +182,20 @@ struct mpi3_sysif_registers {
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_ADDRESS_HIGH_OFFSET                          (0x00001c5c)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_CONTROL_OFFSET                               (0x00001c60)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_CONTROL_LEN_MASK                             (0x00000030)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_CONTROL_LEN_1BYTE                            (0x00000000)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_CONTROL_LEN_2BYTES                           (0x00000010)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_CONTROL_LEN_4BYTES                           (0x00000020)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_CONTROL_LEN_8BYTES                           (0x00000030)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_CONTROL_RESET                                (0x00000004)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_CONTROL_DIR_MASK                             (0x00000002)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_CONTROL_DIR_READ                             (0x00000000)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_CONTROL_DIR_WRITE                            (0x00000002)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_CONTROL_START                                (0x00000001)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_STATUS_OFFSET                                (0x00001c62)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_STATUS_STATUS_MASK                           (0x0000000e)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_STATUS_STATUS_SUCCESS                        (0x00000000)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_STATUS_STATUS_INV_ADDR                       (0x00000002)
 #define MPI3_SYSIF_DIAG_RW_STATUS_STATUS_ACC_ERR                        (0x00000004)
@@ -207,7 +216,9 @@ struct mpi3_default_reply_descriptor {
 #define MPI3_REPLY_DESCRIPT_FLAGS_PHASE_MASK                       (0x0001)
 #define MPI3_REPLY_DESCRIPT_FLAGS_TYPE_MASK                        (0xf000)
 #define MPI3_REPLY_DESCRIPT_FLAGS_TYPE_ADDRESS_REPLY               (0x0000)
 #define MPI3_REPLY_DESCRIPT_FLAGS_TYPE_SUCCESS                     (0x1000)
@@ -301,6 +312,7 @@ union mpi3_sge_union {
 #define MPI3_SGE_FLAGS_ELEMENT_TYPE_MASK        (0xf0)
 #define MPI3_SGE_FLAGS_ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAIN       (0x20)
@@ -309,6 +321,7 @@ union mpi3_sge_union {
 #define MPI3_SGE_FLAGS_END_OF_LIST              (0x08)
 #define MPI3_SGE_FLAGS_END_OF_BUFFER            (0x04)
 #define MPI3_SGE_FLAGS_DLAS_MASK                (0x03)
 #define MPI3_SGE_FLAGS_DLAS_SYSTEM              (0x00)
 #define MPI3_SGE_FLAGS_DLAS_IOC_UDP             (0x01)
 #define MPI3_SGE_FLAGS_DLAS_IOC_CTL             (0x02)
@@ -322,15 +335,18 @@ union mpi3_sge_union {
 #define MPI3_EEDPFLAGS_CHK_APP_TAG                  (0x0200)
 #define MPI3_EEDPFLAGS_CHK_GUARD                    (0x0100)
 #define MPI3_EEDPFLAGS_ESC_MODE_MASK                (0x00c0)
 #define MPI3_EEDPFLAGS_HOST_GUARD_MASK              (0x0030)
 #define MPI3_EEDPFLAGS_HOST_GUARD_T10_CRC           (0x0000)
 #define MPI3_EEDPFLAGS_HOST_GUARD_IP_CHKSUM         (0x0010)
 #define MPI3_EEDPFLAGS_PT_REF_TAG                   (0x0008)
 #define MPI3_EEDPFLAGS_EEDP_OP_MASK                 (0x0007)
 #define MPI3_EEDPFLAGS_EEDP_OP_CHECK                (0x0001)
 #define MPI3_EEDPFLAGS_EEDP_OP_STRIP                (0x0002)
 #define MPI3_EEDPFLAGS_EEDP_OP_CHECK_REMOVE         (0x0003)
@@ -403,6 +419,7 @@ struct mpi3_default_reply {
 #define MPI3_IOCSTATUS_LOG_INFO_AVAIL_MASK          (0x8000)
 #define MPI3_IOCSTATUS_LOG_INFO_AVAILABLE           (0x8000)
 #define MPI3_IOCSTATUS_STATUS_MASK                  (0x7fff)
 #define MPI3_IOCSTATUS_SUCCESS                      (0x0000)
 #define MPI3_IOCSTATUS_INVALID_FUNCTION             (0x0001)
 #define MPI3_IOCSTATUS_BUSY                         (0x0002)
@@ -469,4 +486,5 @@ struct mpi3_default_reply {
 #define MPI3_IOCLOGINFO_TYPE_NONE               (0x0)
 #define MPI3_IOCLOGINFO_TYPE_SAS                (0x3)
 #define MPI3_IOCLOGINFO_LOG_DATA_MASK           (0x0fffffff)
+#define MPI3_IOCLOGINFO_LOG_DATA_SHIFT          (0)
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr.h b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr.h
index 0d72b5f1b69d..9bbc7cb98ca3 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr.h
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ extern struct list_head mrioc_list;
 extern int prot_mask;
 extern atomic64_t event_counter;
-#define MPI3MR_DRIVER_RELDATE	"11-November-2024"
+#define MPI3MR_DRIVER_RELDATE	"20-February-2025"
 #define MPI3MR_DRIVER_NAME	"mpi3mr"
@@ -80,13 +80,14 @@ extern atomic64_t event_counter;
 /* Admin queue management definitions */
 /* Operational queue management definitions */
 #define MPI3MR_OP_REQ_Q_QD		512
 #define MPI3MR_OP_REP_Q_QD		1024
+#define MPI3MR_OP_REP_Q_QD2K		2048
 #define MPI3MR_OP_REP_Q_QD4K		4096
 #define MPI3MR_OP_REQ_Q_SEG_SIZE	4096
 #define MPI3MR_OP_REP_Q_SEG_SIZE	4096
@@ -328,6 +329,7 @@ enum mpi3mr_reset_reason {
 /* Queue type definitions */
 enum queue_type {
@@ -387,6 +389,7 @@ struct mpi3mr_ioc_facts {
 	u16 max_msix_vectors;
 	u8 personality;
 	u8 dma_mask;
+	bool max_req_limit;
 	u8 protocol_flags;
 	u8 sge_mod_mask;
 	u8 sge_mod_value;
@@ -456,6 +459,8 @@ struct op_req_qinfo {
  * @enable_irq_poll: Flag to indicate polling is enabled
  * @in_use: Queue is handled by poll/ISR
  * @qtype: Type of queue (types defined in enum queue_type)
+ * @qfull_watermark: Watermark defined in reply queue to avoid
+ *                    reply queue full
 struct op_reply_qinfo {
 	u16 ci;
@@ -471,6 +476,7 @@ struct op_reply_qinfo {
 	bool enable_irq_poll;
 	atomic_t in_use;
 	enum queue_type qtype;
+	u16 qfull_watermark;
@@ -928,6 +934,8 @@ struct trigger_event_data {
  * @size: Buffer size
  * @addr: Virtual address
  * @dma_addr: Buffer DMA address
+ * @is_segmented: The buffer is segmented or not
+ * @disabled_after_reset: The buffer is disabled after reset
 struct diag_buffer_desc {
 	u8 type;
@@ -937,6 +945,8 @@ struct diag_buffer_desc {
 	u32 size;
 	void *addr;
 	dma_addr_t dma_addr;
+	bool is_segmented;
+	bool disabled_after_reset;
@@ -1022,6 +1032,8 @@ struct scmd_priv {
  * @admin_reply_base: Admin reply queue base virtual address
  * @admin_reply_dma: Admin reply queue base dma address
  * @admin_reply_q_in_use: Queue is handled by poll/ISR
+ * @admin_pend_isr: Count of unprocessed admin ISR/poll calls
+ * due to another thread processing replies
  * @ready_timeout: Controller ready timeout
  * @intr_info: Interrupt cookie pointer
  * @intr_info_count: Number of interrupt cookies
@@ -1090,6 +1102,7 @@ struct scmd_priv {
  * @ts_update_interval: Timestamp update interval
  * @reset_in_progress: Reset in progress flag
  * @unrecoverable: Controller unrecoverable flag
+ * @io_admin_reset_sync: Manage state of I/O ops during an admin reset process
  * @prev_reset_result: Result of previous reset
  * @reset_mutex: Controller reset mutex
  * @reset_waitq: Controller reset  wait queue
@@ -1153,6 +1166,12 @@ struct scmd_priv {
  * @snapdump_trigger_active: Snapdump trigger active flag
  * @pci_err_recovery: PCI error recovery in progress
  * @block_on_pci_err: Block IO during PCI error recovery
+ * @reply_qfull_count: Occurences of reply queue full avoidance kicking-in
+ * @prevent_reply_qfull: Enable reply queue prevention
+ * @seg_tb_support: Segmented trace buffer support
+ * @num_tb_segs: Number of Segments in Trace buffer
+ * @trace_buf_pool: DMA pool for Segmented trace buffer segments
+ * @trace_buf: Trace buffer segments memory descriptor
 struct mpi3mr_ioc {
 	struct list_head list;
@@ -1189,6 +1208,7 @@ struct mpi3mr_ioc {
 	void *admin_reply_base;
 	dma_addr_t admin_reply_dma;
 	atomic_t admin_reply_q_in_use;
+	atomic_t admin_pend_isr;
 	u32 ready_timeout;
@@ -1276,6 +1296,7 @@ struct mpi3mr_ioc {
 	u16 ts_update_interval;
 	u8 reset_in_progress;
 	u8 unrecoverable;
+	u8 io_admin_reset_sync;
 	int prev_reset_result;
 	struct mutex reset_mutex;
 	wait_queue_head_t reset_waitq;
@@ -1351,6 +1372,13 @@ struct mpi3mr_ioc {
 	bool fw_release_trigger_active;
 	bool pci_err_recovery;
 	bool block_on_pci_err;
+	atomic_t reply_qfull_count;
+	bool prevent_reply_qfull;
+	bool seg_tb_support;
+	u32 num_tb_segs;
+	struct dma_pool *trace_buf_pool;
+	struct segments *trace_buf;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_app.c b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_app.c
index 7589f48aebc8..f36663613950 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_app.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_app.c
@@ -12,23 +12,98 @@
 #include <uapi/scsi/scsi_bsg_mpi3mr.h>
- * mpi3mr_alloc_trace_buffer:	Allocate trace buffer
+ * mpi3mr_alloc_trace_buffer: Allocate segmented trace buffer
  * @mrioc: Adapter instance reference
  * @trace_size: Trace buffer size
- * Allocate trace buffer
+ * Allocate either segmented memory pools or contiguous buffer
+ * based on the controller capability for the host trace
+ * buffer.
+ *
  * Return: 0 on success, non-zero on failure.
 static int mpi3mr_alloc_trace_buffer(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc, u32 trace_size)
 	struct diag_buffer_desc *diag_buffer = &mrioc->diag_buffers[0];
+	int i, sz;
+	u64 *diag_buffer_list = NULL;
+	dma_addr_t diag_buffer_list_dma;
+	u32 seg_count;
+	if (mrioc->seg_tb_support) {
+		seg_count = (trace_size) / MPI3MR_PAGE_SIZE_4K;
+		trace_size = seg_count * MPI3MR_PAGE_SIZE_4K;
+		diag_buffer_list = dma_alloc_coherent(&mrioc->pdev->dev,
+				sizeof(u64) * seg_count,
+				&diag_buffer_list_dma, GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (!diag_buffer_list)
+			return -1;
+		mrioc->num_tb_segs = seg_count;
+		sz = sizeof(struct segments) * seg_count;
+		mrioc->trace_buf = kzalloc(sz, GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (!mrioc->trace_buf)
+			goto trace_buf_failed;
+		mrioc->trace_buf_pool = dma_pool_create("trace_buf pool",
+		    &mrioc->pdev->dev, MPI3MR_PAGE_SIZE_4K, MPI3MR_PAGE_SIZE_4K,
+		    0);
+		if (!mrioc->trace_buf_pool) {
+			ioc_err(mrioc, "trace buf pool: dma_pool_create failed\n");
+			goto trace_buf_pool_failed;
+		}
-	diag_buffer->addr = dma_alloc_coherent(&mrioc->pdev->dev,
-	    trace_size, &diag_buffer->dma_addr, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (diag_buffer->addr) {
-		dprint_init(mrioc, "trace diag buffer is allocated successfully\n");
+		for (i = 0; i < seg_count; i++) {
+			mrioc->trace_buf[i].segment =
+			    dma_pool_zalloc(mrioc->trace_buf_pool, GFP_KERNEL,
+			    &mrioc->trace_buf[i].segment_dma);
+			diag_buffer_list[i] =
+			    (u64) mrioc->trace_buf[i].segment_dma;
+			if (!diag_buffer_list[i])
+				goto tb_seg_alloc_failed;
+		}
+		diag_buffer->addr =  diag_buffer_list;
+		diag_buffer->dma_addr = diag_buffer_list_dma;
+		diag_buffer->is_segmented = true;
+		dprint_init(mrioc, "segmented trace diag buffer\n"
+				"is allocated successfully seg_count:%d\n", seg_count);
 		return 0;
+	} else {
+		diag_buffer->addr = dma_alloc_coherent(&mrioc->pdev->dev,
+		    trace_size, &diag_buffer->dma_addr, GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (diag_buffer->addr) {
+			dprint_init(mrioc, "trace diag buffer is allocated successfully\n");
+			return 0;
+		}
+		return -1;
+	if (mrioc->trace_buf_pool) {
+		for (i = 0; i < mrioc->num_tb_segs; i++) {
+			if (mrioc->trace_buf[i].segment) {
+				dma_pool_free(mrioc->trace_buf_pool,
+				    mrioc->trace_buf[i].segment,
+				    mrioc->trace_buf[i].segment_dma);
+				mrioc->trace_buf[i].segment = NULL;
+			}
+			mrioc->trace_buf[i].segment = NULL;
+		}
+		dma_pool_destroy(mrioc->trace_buf_pool);
+		mrioc->trace_buf_pool = NULL;
+	}
+	kfree(mrioc->trace_buf);
+	mrioc->trace_buf = NULL;
+	if (diag_buffer_list)
+		dma_free_coherent(&mrioc->pdev->dev,
+		    sizeof(u64) * mrioc->num_tb_segs,
+		    diag_buffer_list, diag_buffer_list_dma);
 	return -1;
@@ -100,8 +175,9 @@ void mpi3mr_alloc_diag_bufs(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc)
 			    "trying to allocate trace diag buffer of size = %dKB\n",
 			    trace_size / 1024);
-		if (get_order(trace_size) > MAX_PAGE_ORDER ||
+		if ((!mrioc->seg_tb_support && (get_order(trace_size) > MAX_PAGE_ORDER)) ||
 		    mpi3mr_alloc_trace_buffer(mrioc, trace_size)) {
 			retry = true;
 			trace_size -= trace_dec_size;
 			dprint_init(mrioc, "trace diag buffer allocation failed\n"
@@ -161,6 +237,12 @@ int mpi3mr_issue_diag_buf_post(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc,
 	u8 prev_status;
 	int retval = 0;
+	if (diag_buffer->disabled_after_reset) {
+		dprint_bsg_err(mrioc, "%s: skipping diag buffer posting\n"
+				"as it is disabled after reset\n", __func__);
+		return -1;
+	}
 	memset(&diag_buf_post_req, 0, sizeof(diag_buf_post_req));
 	if (mrioc->init_cmds.state & MPI3MR_CMD_PENDING) {
@@ -177,8 +259,12 @@ int mpi3mr_issue_diag_buf_post(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc,
 	diag_buf_post_req.address = le64_to_cpu(diag_buffer->dma_addr);
 	diag_buf_post_req.length = le32_to_cpu(diag_buffer->size);
-	dprint_bsg_info(mrioc, "%s: posting diag buffer type %d\n", __func__,
-	    diag_buffer->type);
+	if (diag_buffer->is_segmented)
+		diag_buf_post_req.msg_flags |= MPI3_DIAG_BUFFER_POST_MSGFLAGS_SEGMENTED;
+	dprint_bsg_info(mrioc, "%s: posting diag buffer type %d segmented:%d\n", __func__,
+	    diag_buffer->type, diag_buffer->is_segmented);
 	prev_status = diag_buffer->status;
@@ -2339,6 +2425,7 @@ static long mpi3mr_bsg_process_mpt_cmds(struct bsg_job *job)
 	if (!mrioc->ioctl_sges_allocated) {
+		mutex_unlock(&mrioc->bsg_cmds.mutex);
 		dprint_bsg_err(mrioc, "%s: DMA memory was not allocated\n",
 		return -ENOMEM;
@@ -3060,6 +3147,29 @@ reply_queue_count_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
 static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(reply_queue_count);
+ * reply_qfull_count_show - Show reply qfull count
+ * @dev: class device
+ * @attr: Device attributes
+ * @buf: Buffer to copy
+ *
+ * Retrieves the current value of the reply_qfull_count from the mrioc structure and
+ * formats it as a string for display.
+ *
+ * Return: sysfs_emit() return
+ */
+static ssize_t
+reply_qfull_count_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
+			char *buf)
+	struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(dev);
+	struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc = shost_priv(shost);
+	return sysfs_emit(buf, "%u\n", atomic_read(&mrioc->reply_qfull_count));
+static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(reply_qfull_count);
  * logging_level_show - Show controller debug level
  * @dev: class device
@@ -3152,6 +3262,7 @@ static struct attribute *mpi3mr_host_attrs[] = {
+	&dev_attr_reply_qfull_count.attr,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_fw.c b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_fw.c
index 5ed31fe57474..3fcb1ad3b070 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_fw.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_fw.c
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ static void mpi3mr_process_factsdata(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc,
 	struct mpi3_ioc_facts_data *facts_data);
 static void mpi3mr_pel_wait_complete(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc,
 	struct mpi3mr_drv_cmd *drv_cmd);
+static int mpi3mr_check_op_admin_proc(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc);
 static int poll_queues;
 module_param(poll_queues, int, 0444);
 MODULE_PARM_DESC(poll_queues, "Number of queues for io_uring poll mode. (Range 1 - 126)");
@@ -446,8 +446,10 @@ int mpi3mr_process_admin_reply_q(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc)
 	u16 threshold_comps = 0;
 	struct mpi3_default_reply_descriptor *reply_desc;
-	if (!atomic_add_unless(&mrioc->admin_reply_q_in_use, 1, 1))
+	if (!atomic_add_unless(&mrioc->admin_reply_q_in_use, 1, 1)) {
+		atomic_inc(&mrioc->admin_pend_isr);
 		return 0;
+	}
 	reply_desc = (struct mpi3_default_reply_descriptor *)mrioc->admin_reply_base +
@@ -459,7 +461,7 @@ int mpi3mr_process_admin_reply_q(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc)
 	do {
-		if (mrioc->unrecoverable)
+		if (mrioc->unrecoverable || mrioc->io_admin_reset_sync)
 		mrioc->admin_req_ci = le16_to_cpu(reply_desc->request_queue_ci);
@@ -554,7 +556,7 @@ int mpi3mr_process_op_reply_q(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc,
 	do {
-		if (mrioc->unrecoverable)
+		if (mrioc->unrecoverable || mrioc->io_admin_reset_sync)
 		req_q_idx = le16_to_cpu(reply_desc->request_queue_id) - 1;
@@ -1302,7 +1304,7 @@ static int mpi3mr_issue_and_process_mur(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc,
 	      (ioc_config & MPI3_SYSIF_IOC_CONFIG_ENABLE_IOC)))
 		retval = 0;
-	ioc_info(mrioc, "Base IOC Sts/Config after %s MUR is (0x%x)/(0x%x)\n",
+	ioc_info(mrioc, "Base IOC Sts/Config after %s MUR is (0x%08x)/(0x%08x)\n",
 	    (!retval) ? "successful" : "failed", ioc_status, ioc_config);
 	return retval;
@@ -1355,6 +1357,19 @@ mpi3mr_revalidate_factsdata(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc)
 		    "\tcontroller while sas transport support is enabled at the\n"
 		    "\tdriver, please reboot the system or reload the driver\n");
+	if (mrioc->seg_tb_support) {
+		if (!(mrioc->facts.ioc_capabilities &
+			ioc_err(mrioc,
+			    "critical error: previously enabled segmented trace\n"
+			    " buffer capability is disabled after reset. Please\n"
+			    " update the firmware or reboot the system or\n"
+			    " reload the driver to enable trace diag buffer\n");
+			mrioc->diag_buffers[0].disabled_after_reset = true;
+		} else
+			mrioc->diag_buffers[0].disabled_after_reset = false;
+	}
 	if (mrioc->facts.max_devhandle > mrioc->dev_handle_bitmap_bits) {
 		removepend_bitmap = bitmap_zalloc(mrioc->facts.max_devhandle,
@@ -1717,7 +1732,7 @@ static int mpi3mr_issue_reset(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc, u16 reset_type,
 	ioc_config = readl(&mrioc->sysif_regs->ioc_configuration);
 	ioc_status = readl(&mrioc->sysif_regs->ioc_status);
-	    "ioc_status/ioc_onfig after %s reset is (0x%x)/(0x%x)\n",
+	    "ioc_status/ioc_config after %s reset is (0x%08x)/(0x%08x)\n",
 	    (!retval)?"successful":"failed", ioc_status,
 	if (retval)
@@ -2104,15 +2119,22 @@ static int mpi3mr_create_op_reply_q(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc, u16 qidx)
 	reply_qid = qidx + 1;
-	op_reply_q->num_replies = MPI3MR_OP_REP_Q_QD;
-	if ((mrioc->pdev->device == MPI3_MFGPAGE_DEVID_SAS4116) &&
-		!mrioc->pdev->revision)
-		op_reply_q->num_replies = MPI3MR_OP_REP_Q_QD4K;
+	if (mrioc->pdev->device == MPI3_MFGPAGE_DEVID_SAS4116) {
+		if (mrioc->pdev->revision)
+			op_reply_q->num_replies = MPI3MR_OP_REP_Q_QD;
+		else
+			op_reply_q->num_replies = MPI3MR_OP_REP_Q_QD4K;
+	} else
+		op_reply_q->num_replies = MPI3MR_OP_REP_Q_QD2K;
 	op_reply_q->ci = 0;
 	op_reply_q->ephase = 1;
 	atomic_set(&op_reply_q->pend_ios, 0);
 	atomic_set(&op_reply_q->in_use, 0);
 	op_reply_q->enable_irq_poll = false;
+	op_reply_q->qfull_watermark =
+		op_reply_q->num_replies - (MPI3MR_THRESHOLD_REPLY_COUNT * 2);
 	if (!op_reply_q->q_segments) {
 		retval = mpi3mr_alloc_op_reply_q_segments(mrioc, qidx);
@@ -2416,8 +2438,10 @@ int mpi3mr_op_request_post(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc,
 	void *segment_base_addr;
 	u16 req_sz = mrioc->facts.op_req_sz;
 	struct segments *segments = op_req_q->q_segments;
+	struct op_reply_qinfo *op_reply_q = NULL;
 	reply_qidx = op_req_q->reply_qid - 1;
+	op_reply_q = mrioc->op_reply_qinfo + reply_qidx;
 	if (mrioc->unrecoverable)
 		return -EFAULT;
@@ -2448,6 +2472,15 @@ int mpi3mr_op_request_post(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc,
 		goto out;
+	/* Reply queue is nearing to get full, push back IOs to SML */
+	if ((mrioc->prevent_reply_qfull == true) &&
+		(atomic_read(&op_reply_q->pend_ios) >
+	     (op_reply_q->qfull_watermark))) {
+		atomic_inc(&mrioc->reply_qfull_count);
+		retval = -EAGAIN;
+		goto out;
+	}
 	segment_base_addr = segments[pi / op_req_q->segment_qd].segment;
 	req_entry = (u8 *)segment_base_addr +
 	    ((pi % op_req_q->segment_qd) * req_sz);
@@ -2726,7 +2759,16 @@ static void mpi3mr_watchdog_work(struct work_struct *work)
-	if (mrioc->ts_update_counter++ >= mrioc->ts_update_interval) {
+	if (atomic_read(&mrioc->admin_pend_isr)) {
+		ioc_err(mrioc, "Unprocessed admin ISR instance found\n"
+				"flush admin replies\n");
+		mpi3mr_process_admin_reply_q(mrioc);
+	}
+	if (!(mrioc->facts.ioc_capabilities &
+		(mrioc->ts_update_counter++ >= mrioc->ts_update_interval)) {
 		mrioc->ts_update_counter = 0;
@@ -3091,6 +3133,9 @@ static void mpi3mr_process_factsdata(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc,
 	mrioc->facts.dma_mask = (facts_flags &
+	mrioc->facts.dma_mask = (facts_flags &
 	mrioc->facts.protocol_flags = facts_data->protocol_flags;
 	mrioc->facts.mpi_version = le32_to_cpu(facts_data->mpi_version.word);
 	mrioc->facts.max_reqs = le16_to_cpu(facts_data->max_outstanding_requests);
@@ -4214,6 +4259,13 @@ int mpi3mr_init_ioc(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc)
 		mrioc->shost->transportt = mpi3mr_transport_template;
+	if (mrioc->facts.max_req_limit)
+		mrioc->prevent_reply_qfull = true;
+	if (mrioc->facts.ioc_capabilities &
+		mrioc->seg_tb_support = true;
 	mrioc->reply_sz = mrioc->facts.reply_sz;
 	retval = mpi3mr_check_reset_dma_mask(mrioc);
@@ -4370,6 +4422,7 @@ int mpi3mr_reinit_ioc(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc, u8 is_resume)
 		goto out_failed_noretry;
+	mrioc->io_admin_reset_sync = 0;
 	if (is_resume || mrioc->block_on_pci_err) {
 		dprint_reset(mrioc, "setting up single ISR\n");
 		retval = mpi3mr_setup_isr(mrioc, 1);
@@ -4671,7 +4724,7 @@ void mpi3mr_memset_buffers(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc)
 void mpi3mr_free_mem(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc)
-	u16 i;
+	u16 i, j;
 	struct mpi3mr_intr_info *intr_info;
 	struct diag_buffer_desc *diag_buffer;
@@ -4806,6 +4859,26 @@ void mpi3mr_free_mem(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc)
 	for (i = 0; i < MPI3MR_MAX_NUM_HDB; i++) {
 		diag_buffer = &mrioc->diag_buffers[i];
+		if ((i == 0) && mrioc->seg_tb_support) {
+			if (mrioc->trace_buf_pool) {
+				for (j = 0; j < mrioc->num_tb_segs; j++) {
+					if (mrioc->trace_buf[j].segment) {
+						dma_pool_free(mrioc->trace_buf_pool,
+						    mrioc->trace_buf[j].segment,
+						    mrioc->trace_buf[j].segment_dma);
+						mrioc->trace_buf[j].segment = NULL;
+					}
+					mrioc->trace_buf[j].segment = NULL;
+				}
+				dma_pool_destroy(mrioc->trace_buf_pool);
+				mrioc->trace_buf_pool = NULL;
+			}
+			kfree(mrioc->trace_buf);
+			mrioc->trace_buf = NULL;
+			diag_buffer->size = sizeof(u64) * mrioc->num_tb_segs;
+		}
 		if (diag_buffer->addr) {
 			    diag_buffer->size, diag_buffer->addr,
@@ -4883,7 +4956,7 @@ static void mpi3mr_issue_ioc_shutdown(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc)
-	    "Base IOC Sts/Config after %s shutdown is (0x%x)/(0x%x)\n",
+	    "Base IOC Sts/Config after %s shutdown is (0x%08x)/(0x%08x)\n",
 	    (!retval) ? "successful" : "failed", ioc_status,
@@ -5228,6 +5301,55 @@ void mpi3mr_pel_get_seqnum_complete(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc,
 	drv_cmd->retry_count = 0;
+ * mpi3mr_check_op_admin_proc -
+ * @mrioc: Adapter instance reference
+ *
+ * Check if any of the operation reply queues
+ * or the admin reply queue are currently in use.
+ * If any queue is in use, this function waits for
+ * a maximum of 10 seconds for them to become available.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success, non-zero on failure.
+ */
+static int mpi3mr_check_op_admin_proc(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc)
+	u16 timeout = 10 * 10;
+	u16 elapsed_time = 0;
+	bool op_admin_in_use = false;
+	do {
+		op_admin_in_use = false;
+		/* Check admin_reply queue first to exit early */
+		if (atomic_read(&mrioc->admin_reply_q_in_use) == 1)
+			op_admin_in_use = true;
+		else {
+			/* Check op_reply queues */
+			int i;
+			for (i = 0; i < mrioc->num_queues; i++) {
+				if (atomic_read(&mrioc->op_reply_qinfo[i].in_use) == 1) {
+					op_admin_in_use = true;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (!op_admin_in_use)
+			break;
+		msleep(100);
+	} while (++elapsed_time < timeout);
+	if (op_admin_in_use)
+		return 1;
+	return 0;
  * mpi3mr_soft_reset_handler - Reset the controller
  * @mrioc: Adapter instance reference
@@ -5308,6 +5430,7 @@ int mpi3mr_soft_reset_handler(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc,
 	mpi3mr_wait_for_host_io(mrioc, MPI3MR_RESET_HOST_IOWAIT_TIMEOUT);
+	mrioc->io_admin_reset_sync = 1;
 	if (snapdump) {
@@ -5335,6 +5458,16 @@ int mpi3mr_soft_reset_handler(struct mpi3mr_ioc *mrioc,
 		ioc_err(mrioc, "Failed to issue soft reset to the ioc\n");
 		goto out;
+	retval = mpi3mr_check_op_admin_proc(mrioc);
+	if (retval) {
+		ioc_err(mrioc, "Soft reset failed due to an Admin or I/O queue polling\n"
+				"thread still processing replies even after a 10 second\n"
+				"timeout. Marking the controller as unrecoverable!\n");
+		goto out;
+	}
 	if (mrioc->num_io_throttle_group !=
 	    mrioc->facts.max_io_throttle_group) {
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_os.c b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_os.c
index b9a51d3f2024..e3547ea42613 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_os.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpi3mr/mpi3mr_os.c
@@ -5803,7 +5803,7 @@ static const struct pci_device_id mpi3mr_pci_id_table[] = {
 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, mpi3mr_pci_id_table);
-static struct pci_error_handlers mpi3mr_err_handler = {
+static const struct pci_error_handlers mpi3mr_err_handler = {
 	.error_detected = mpi3mr_pcierr_error_detected,
 	.mmio_enabled = mpi3mr_pcierr_mmio_enabled,
 	.slot_reset = mpi3mr_pcierr_slot_reset,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpi/mpi2.h b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpi/mpi2.h
index 6de35b32223c..b181b113fc80 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpi/mpi2.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpi/mpi2.h
@@ -125,6 +125,12 @@
  * 06-24-19  02.00.55  Bumped MPI2_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT
  * 08-01-19  02.00.56  Bumped MPI2_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT
  * 10-02-19  02.00.57  Bumped MPI2_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT
+ * 07-20-20  02.00.58  Bumped MPI2_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT
+ * 03-30-21  02.00.59  Bumped MPI2_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT
+ * 06-03-22  02.00.60  Bumped MPI2_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT
+ * 09-20-23  02.00.61  Bumped MPI2_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT
+ * 09-13-24  02.00.62  Bumped MPI2_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT
+ *                     Added MPI2_FUNCTION_MCTP_PASSTHROUGH
  *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -165,7 +171,7 @@
 /* Unit and Dev versioning for this MPI header set */
-#define MPI2_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT            (0x39)
+#define MPI2_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT            (0x3E)
 #define MPI2_HEADER_VERSION_DEV             (0x00)
 #define MPI2_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT_MASK       (0xFF00)
@@ -669,6 +675,7 @@ typedef union _MPI2_REPLY_DESCRIPTORS_UNION {
 #define MPI2_FUNCTION_PWR_MGMT_CONTROL              (0x30)
 #define MPI2_FUNCTION_SEND_HOST_MESSAGE             (0x31)
 #define MPI2_FUNCTION_NVME_ENCAPSULATED             (0x33)
+#define MPI2_FUNCTION_MCTP_PASSTHROUGH              (0x34)
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpi/mpi2_cnfg.h b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpi/mpi2_cnfg.h
index 587f7d248219..77259fc96b94 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpi/mpi2_cnfg.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpi/mpi2_cnfg.h
@@ -251,6 +251,7 @@
  * 12-17-18  02.00.47  Swap locations of Slotx2 and Slotx4 in ManPage 7.
  * 08-01-19  02.00.49  Add MPI26_MANPAGE7_FLAG_X2_X4_SLOT_INFO_VALID
  *                     Add MPI26_IOUNITPAGE1_NVME_WRCACHE_SHIFT
+ * 09-13-24  02.00.50  Added PCIe 32 GT/s link rate
 #ifndef MPI2_CNFG_H
@@ -1121,6 +1122,7 @@ typedef struct _MPI2_CONFIG_PAGE_IO_UNIT_7 {
 #define MPI2_IOUNITPAGE7_PCIE_SPEED_5_0_GBPS        (0x01)
 #define MPI2_IOUNITPAGE7_PCIE_SPEED_8_0_GBPS        (0x02)
 #define MPI2_IOUNITPAGE7_PCIE_SPEED_16_0_GBPS       (0x03)
+#define MPI2_IOUNITPAGE7_PCIE_SPEED_32_0_GBPS       (0x04)
 /*defines for IO Unit Page 7 ProcessorState field */
 #define MPI2_IOUNITPAGE7_PSTATE_MASK_SECOND         (0x0000000F)
@@ -2301,6 +2303,7 @@ typedef struct _MPI2_CONFIG_PAGE_SASIOUNIT_1 {
 #define MPI2_SASIOUNIT1_CONTROL_CLEAR_AFFILIATION                   (0x0001)
 /*values for SAS IO Unit Page 1 AdditionalControlFlags */
+#define MPI2_SASIOUNIT1_ACONTROL_PROD_SPECIFIC_1                    (0x8000)
 #define MPI2_SASIOUNIT1_ACONTROL_DA_PERSIST_CONNECT                 (0x0100)
@@ -3591,6 +3594,7 @@ typedef struct _MPI2_CONFIG_PAGE_EXT_MAN_PS {
 #define MPI26_PCIE_NEG_LINK_RATE_5_0                    (0x03)
 #define MPI26_PCIE_NEG_LINK_RATE_8_0                    (0x04)
 #define MPI26_PCIE_NEG_LINK_RATE_16_0                   (0x05)
+#define MPI26_PCIE_NEG_LINK_RATE_32_0                   (0x06)
@@ -3700,6 +3704,7 @@ typedef struct _MPI26_CONFIG_PAGE_PIOUNIT_1 {
 #define MPI26_PCIEIOUNIT1_MAX_RATE_5_0                              (0x30)
 #define MPI26_PCIEIOUNIT1_MAX_RATE_8_0                              (0x40)
 #define MPI26_PCIEIOUNIT1_MAX_RATE_16_0                             (0x50)
+#define MPI26_PCIEIOUNIT1_MAX_RATE_32_0                             (0x60)
 /*values for PCIe IO Unit Page 1 DMDReportPCIe */
 #define MPI26_PCIEIOUNIT1_DMDRPT_UNIT_MASK                          (0x80)
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpi/mpi2_ioc.h b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpi/mpi2_ioc.h
index d92852591134..1a279c6e1a9f 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpi/mpi2_ioc.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpi/mpi2_ioc.h
@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@
  *                     Added MPI2_FW_DOWNLOAD_ITYPE_COREDUMP
  *                     Added MPI2_FW_UPLOAD_ITYPE_COREDUMP
+ * 9-13-24    02.00.39 Added MPI26_MCTP_PASSTHROUGH messages
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -382,6 +383,7 @@ typedef struct _MPI2_IOC_FACTS_REPLY {
 /*ProductID field uses MPI2_FW_HEADER_PID_ */
 /*IOCCapabilities */
+#define MPI26_IOCFACTS_CAPABILITY_MCTP_PASSTHRU         (0x00800000)
 #define MPI26_IOCFACTS_CAPABILITY_PCIE_SRIOV            (0x00100000)
 #define MPI26_IOCFACTS_CAPABILITY_ATOMIC_REQ            (0x00080000)
@@ -1798,5 +1800,57 @@ typedef struct _MPI26_IOUNIT_CONTROL_REPLY {
+ *  MCTP Passthrough messages (MPI v2.6 and later only.)
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/* MCTP Passthrough Request Message */
+	U8                      MsgContext;         /* 0x00 */
+	U8                      Reserved1[2];       /* 0x01 */
+	U8                      Function;           /* 0x03 */
+	U8                      Reserved2[3];       /* 0x04 */
+	U8                      MsgFlags;           /* 0x07 */
+	U8                      VP_ID;              /* 0x08 */
+	U8                      VF_ID;              /* 0x09 */
+	U16                     Reserved3;          /* 0x0A */
+	U32                     Reserved4;          /* 0x0C */
+	U8                      Flags;              /* 0x10 */
+	U8                      Reserved5[3];       /* 0x11 */
+	U32                     Reserved6;          /* 0x14 */
+	U32                     H2DLength;          /* 0x18 */
+	U32                     D2HLength;          /* 0x1C */
+	MPI25_SGE_IO_UNION      H2DSGL;             /* 0x20 */
+	MPI25_SGE_IO_UNION      D2HSGL;             /* 0x30 */
+	Mpi26MctpPassthroughRequest_t,
+	*pMpi26MctpPassthroughRequest_t;
+/* values for the MsgContext field */
+#define MPI26_MCTP_MSG_CONEXT_UNUSED            (0x00)
+/* values for the Flags field */
+#define MPI26_MCTP_FLAGS_MSG_FORMAT_MPT         (0x01)
+/* MCTP Passthrough Reply Message */
+typedef struct _MPI26_MCTP_PASSTHROUGH_REPLY {
+	U8                      MsgContext;         /* 0x00 */
+	U8                      Reserved1;          /* 0x01 */
+	U8                      MsgLength;          /* 0x02 */
+	U8                      Function;           /* 0x03 */
+	U8                      Reserved2[3];       /* 0x04 */
+	U8                      MsgFlags;           /* 0x07 */
+	U8                      VP_ID;              /* 0x08 */
+	U8                      VF_ID;              /* 0x09 */
+	U16                     Reserved3;          /* 0x0A */
+	U16                     Reserved4;          /* 0x0C */
+	U16                     IOCStatus;          /* 0x0E */
+	U32                     IOCLogInfo;         /* 0x10 */
+	U32                     ResponseDataLength; /* 0x14 */
+	Mpi26MctpPassthroughReply_t,
+	*pMpi26MctpPassthroughReply_t;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_base.c b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_base.c
index dc43cfa83088..bd3efa5b46c7 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_base.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_base.c
@@ -1202,6 +1202,11 @@ _base_sas_ioc_info(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc, MPI2DefaultReply_t *mpi_reply,
 		func_str = "nvme_encapsulated";
+		frame_sz = sizeof(Mpi26MctpPassthroughRequest_t) +
+		    ioc->sge_size;
+		func_str = "mctp_passthru";
+		break;
 		frame_sz = 32;
 		func_str = "unknown";
@@ -4874,6 +4879,12 @@ _base_display_ioc_capabilities(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc)
+	if (ioc->facts.IOCCapabilities &
+		pr_cont("%sMCTP Passthru", i ? "," : "");
+		i++;
+	}
 	iounit_pg1_flags = le32_to_cpu(ioc->iounit_pg1.Flags);
 	if (!(iounit_pg1_flags & MPI2_IOUNITPAGE1_NATIVE_COMMAND_Q_DISABLE)) {
 		pr_cont("%sNCQ", i ? "," : "");
@@ -8018,7 +8029,7 @@ _base_diag_reset(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc)
 	if (mpt3sas_base_unlock_and_get_host_diagnostic(ioc, &host_diagnostic))
-		goto out;
+		goto unlock;
 	hcb_size = ioc->base_readl(&ioc->chip->HCBSize);
 	drsprintk(ioc, ioc_info(ioc, "diag reset: issued\n"));
@@ -8038,7 +8049,7 @@ _base_diag_reset(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc)
 			    "Invalid host diagnostic register value\n");
-			goto out;
+			goto unlock;
 		if (!(host_diagnostic & MPI2_DIAG_RESET_ADAPTER))
@@ -8074,17 +8085,19 @@ _base_diag_reset(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc)
 		ioc_err(ioc, "%s: failed going to ready state (ioc_state=0x%x)\n",
 			__func__, ioc_state);
-		goto out;
+		goto fail;
 	ioc_info(ioc, "diag reset: SUCCESS\n");
 	return 0;
- out:
+	mutex_unlock(&ioc->hostdiag_unlock_mutex);
 	ioc_err(ioc, "diag reset: FAILED\n");
-	mutex_unlock(&ioc->hostdiag_unlock_mutex);
 	return -EFAULT;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_base.h b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_base.h
index d8d1a64b4764..939141cde3ca 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_base.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_base.h
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
 #define MPT3SAS_DRIVER_NAME		"mpt3sas"
 #define MPT3SAS_AUTHOR "Avago Technologies <MPT-FusionLinux.pdl@avagotech.com>"
 #define MPT3SAS_DESCRIPTION	"LSI MPT Fusion SAS 3.0 Device Driver"
@@ -1858,9 +1858,6 @@ int mpt3sas_config_get_manufacturing_pg0(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc,
 int mpt3sas_config_get_manufacturing_pg1(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc,
 	Mpi2ConfigReply_t *mpi_reply, Mpi2ManufacturingPage1_t *config_page);
-int mpt3sas_config_get_manufacturing_pg7(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc,
-	Mpi2ConfigReply_t *mpi_reply, Mpi2ManufacturingPage7_t *config_page,
-	u16 sz);
 int mpt3sas_config_get_manufacturing_pg10(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc,
 	Mpi2ConfigReply_t *mpi_reply,
 	struct Mpi2ManufacturingPage10_t *config_page);
@@ -1887,9 +1884,6 @@ int mpt3sas_config_get_iounit_pg0(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc, Mpi2ConfigReply_t
 int mpt3sas_config_get_sas_device_pg0(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc,
 	Mpi2ConfigReply_t *mpi_reply, Mpi2SasDevicePage0_t *config_page,
 	u32 form, u32 handle);
-int mpt3sas_config_get_sas_device_pg1(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc,
-	Mpi2ConfigReply_t *mpi_reply, Mpi2SasDevicePage1_t *config_page,
-	u32 form, u32 handle);
 int mpt3sas_config_get_pcie_device_pg0(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc,
 	Mpi2ConfigReply_t *mpi_reply, Mpi26PCIeDevicePage0_t *config_page,
 	u32 form, u32 handle);
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_config.c b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_config.c
index 2e88f456fc34..45ac853e1289 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_config.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_config.c
@@ -576,44 +576,6 @@ mpt3sas_config_get_manufacturing_pg1(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc,
 	return r;
- * mpt3sas_config_get_manufacturing_pg7 - obtain manufacturing page 7
- * @ioc: per adapter object
- * @mpi_reply: reply mf payload returned from firmware
- * @config_page: contents of the config page
- * @sz: size of buffer passed in config_page
- * Context: sleep.
- *
- * Return: 0 for success, non-zero for failure.
- */
-mpt3sas_config_get_manufacturing_pg7(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc,
-	Mpi2ConfigReply_t *mpi_reply, Mpi2ManufacturingPage7_t *config_page,
-	u16 sz)
-	Mpi2ConfigRequest_t mpi_request;
-	int r;
-	memset(&mpi_request, 0, sizeof(Mpi2ConfigRequest_t));
-	mpi_request.Function = MPI2_FUNCTION_CONFIG;
-	mpi_request.Action = MPI2_CONFIG_ACTION_PAGE_HEADER;
-	mpi_request.Header.PageType = MPI2_CONFIG_PAGETYPE_MANUFACTURING;
-	mpi_request.Header.PageNumber = 7;
-	mpi_request.Header.PageVersion = MPI2_MANUFACTURING7_PAGEVERSION;
-	ioc->build_zero_len_sge_mpi(ioc, &mpi_request.PageBufferSGE);
-	r = _config_request(ioc, &mpi_request, mpi_reply,
-	if (r)
-		goto out;
-	r = _config_request(ioc, &mpi_request, mpi_reply,
-	    sz);
- out:
-	return r;
  * mpt3sas_config_get_manufacturing_pg10 - obtain manufacturing page 10
  * @ioc: per adapter object
@@ -1213,47 +1175,6 @@ mpt3sas_config_get_sas_device_pg0(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc,
 	return r;
- * mpt3sas_config_get_sas_device_pg1 - obtain sas device page 1
- * @ioc: per adapter object
- * @mpi_reply: reply mf payload returned from firmware
- * @config_page: contents of the config page
- * @handle: device handle
- * Context: sleep.
- *
- * Return: 0 for success, non-zero for failure.
- */
-mpt3sas_config_get_sas_device_pg1(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc,
-	Mpi2ConfigReply_t *mpi_reply, Mpi2SasDevicePage1_t *config_page,
-	u32 form, u32 handle)
-	Mpi2ConfigRequest_t mpi_request;
-	int r;
-	memset(&mpi_request, 0, sizeof(Mpi2ConfigRequest_t));
-	mpi_request.Function = MPI2_FUNCTION_CONFIG;
-	mpi_request.Action = MPI2_CONFIG_ACTION_PAGE_HEADER;
-	mpi_request.Header.PageType = MPI2_CONFIG_PAGETYPE_EXTENDED;
-	mpi_request.Header.PageVersion = MPI2_SASDEVICE1_PAGEVERSION;
-	mpi_request.Header.PageNumber = 1;
-	ioc->build_zero_len_sge_mpi(ioc, &mpi_request.PageBufferSGE);
-	r = _config_request(ioc, &mpi_request, mpi_reply,
-	if (r)
-		goto out;
-	mpi_request.PageAddress = cpu_to_le32(form | handle);
-	r = _config_request(ioc, &mpi_request, mpi_reply,
-	    sizeof(*config_page));
- out:
-	return r;
  * mpt3sas_config_get_pcie_device_pg0 - obtain pcie device page 0
  * @ioc: per adapter object
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_ctl.c b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_ctl.c
index 87784c96249a..063b10dd8251 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_ctl.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_ctl.c
@@ -186,6 +186,9 @@ _ctl_display_some_debug(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc, u16 smid,
 		desc = "nvme_encapsulated";
+		desc = "mctp_passthrough";
+		break;
 	if (!desc)
@@ -652,6 +655,40 @@ _ctl_set_task_mid(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc, struct mpt3_ioctl_command *karg,
 	return 0;
+ * _ctl_send_mctp_passthru_req - Send an MCTP passthru request
+ * @ioc: per adapter object
+ * @mctp_passthru_req: MPI mctp passhthru request from caller
+ * @psge: pointer to the H2DSGL
+ * @data_out_dma: DMA buffer for H2D SGL
+ * @data_out_sz: H2D length
+ * @data_in_dma: DMA buffer for D2H SGL
+ * @data_in_sz: D2H length
+ * @smid: SMID to submit the request
+ *
+ */
+static void
+	struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc,
+	Mpi26MctpPassthroughRequest_t *mctp_passthru_req, void *psge,
+	dma_addr_t data_out_dma, int data_out_sz,
+	dma_addr_t data_in_dma, int data_in_sz,
+	u16 smid)
+	mctp_passthru_req->H2DLength = data_out_sz;
+	mctp_passthru_req->D2HLength = data_in_sz;
+	/* Build the H2D SGL from the data out buffer */
+	ioc->build_sg(ioc, psge, data_out_dma, data_out_sz, 0, 0);
+	psge += ioc->sge_size_ieee;
+	/* Build the D2H SGL for the data in buffer */
+	ioc->build_sg(ioc, psge, 0, 0, data_in_dma, data_in_sz);
+	ioc->put_smid_default(ioc, smid);
  * _ctl_do_mpt_command - main handler for MPT3COMMAND opcode
  * @ioc: per adapter object
@@ -679,6 +716,7 @@ _ctl_do_mpt_command(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc, struct mpt3_ioctl_command karg,
 	size_t data_in_sz = 0;
 	long ret;
 	u16 device_handle = MPT3SAS_INVALID_DEVICE_HANDLE;
+	int tm_ret;
 	issue_reset = 0;
@@ -792,6 +830,23 @@ _ctl_do_mpt_command(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc, struct mpt3_ioctl_command karg,
 	switch (mpi_request->Function) {
+	{
+		Mpi26MctpPassthroughRequest_t *mctp_passthru_req =
+						(Mpi26MctpPassthroughRequest_t *)request;
+		if (!(ioc->facts.IOCCapabilities & MPI26_IOCFACTS_CAPABILITY_MCTP_PASSTHRU)) {
+			ioc_err(ioc, "%s: MCTP Passthrough request not supported\n",
+				__func__);
+			mpt3sas_base_free_smid(ioc, smid);
+			ret = -EINVAL;
+			goto out;
+		}
+		_ctl_send_mctp_passthru_req(ioc, mctp_passthru_req, psge, data_out_dma,
+					data_out_sz, data_in_dma, data_in_sz, smid);
+		break;
+	}
 		nvme_encap_request = (Mpi26NVMeEncapsulatedRequest_t *)request;
@@ -1120,18 +1175,25 @@ _ctl_do_mpt_command(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc, struct mpt3_ioctl_command karg,
 			if (pcie_device && (!ioc->tm_custom_handling) &&
-				mpt3sas_scsih_issue_locked_tm(ioc,
+				tm_ret = mpt3sas_scsih_issue_locked_tm(ioc,
 				  0, 0, 0,
 				  0, pcie_device->reset_timeout,
-				mpt3sas_scsih_issue_locked_tm(ioc,
+				tm_ret = mpt3sas_scsih_issue_locked_tm(ioc,
 				  0, 0, 0,
+			if (tm_ret != SUCCESS) {
+				ioc_info(ioc,
+					 "target reset failed, issue hard reset: handle (0x%04x)\n",
+					 le16_to_cpu(mpi_request->FunctionDependent1));
+				mpt3sas_base_hard_reset_handler(ioc, FORCE_BIG_HAMMER);
+			}
 		} else
 			mpt3sas_base_hard_reset_handler(ioc, FORCE_BIG_HAMMER);
@@ -1200,6 +1262,8 @@ _ctl_getiocinfo(struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc, void __user *arg)
 	karg.bios_version = le32_to_cpu(ioc->bios_pg3.BiosVersion);
+	karg.driver_capability |= MPT3_IOCTL_IOCINFO_DRIVER_CAP_MCTP_PASSTHRU;
 	if (copy_to_user(arg, &karg, sizeof(karg))) {
 		pr_err("failure at %s:%d/%s()!\n",
 		    __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__);
@@ -2786,6 +2850,217 @@ _ctl_ioctl_main(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, void __user *arg,
 	return ret;
+ * _ctl_get_mpt_mctp_passthru_adapter - Traverse the IOC list and return the IOC at
+ *					dev_index positionthat support MCTP passhtru
+ * @dev_index: position in the mpt3sas_ioc_list to search for
+ * Return pointer to the IOC on success
+ *	  NULL if device not found error
+ */
+static struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *
+_ctl_get_mpt_mctp_passthru_adapter(int dev_index)
+	struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc = NULL;
+	int count = 0;
+	spin_lock(&gioc_lock);
+	/* Traverse ioc list and return number of IOC that support MCTP passthru */
+	list_for_each_entry(ioc, &mpt3sas_ioc_list, list) {
+		if (ioc->facts.IOCCapabilities & MPI26_IOCFACTS_CAPABILITY_MCTP_PASSTHRU) {
+			if (count == dev_index) {
+				spin_unlock(&gioc_lock);
+				return 0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	spin_unlock(&gioc_lock);
+	return NULL;
+ * mpt3sas_get_device_count - Retrieve the count of MCTP passthrough
+ *				capable devices managed by the driver.
+ *
+ * Returns number of devices that support MCTP passthrough.
+ */
+	int count = 0;
+	struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc = NULL;
+	spin_lock(&gioc_lock);
+	/* Traverse ioc list and return number of IOC that support MCTP passthru */
+	list_for_each_entry(ioc, &mpt3sas_ioc_list, list)
+		if (ioc->facts.IOCCapabilities & MPI26_IOCFACTS_CAPABILITY_MCTP_PASSTHRU)
+			count++;
+	spin_unlock(&gioc_lock);
+	return count;
+ * mpt3sas_send_passthru_cmd - Send an MPI MCTP passthrough command to
+ *				firmware
+ * @command: The MPI MCTP passthrough command to send to firmware
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success, anything else is error.
+ */
+int mpt3sas_send_mctp_passthru_req(struct mpt3_passthru_command *command)
+	struct MPT3SAS_ADAPTER *ioc;
+	MPI2RequestHeader_t *mpi_request = NULL, *request;
+	MPI2DefaultReply_t *mpi_reply;
+	Mpi26MctpPassthroughRequest_t *mctp_passthru_req;
+	u16 smid;
+	unsigned long timeout;
+	u8 issue_reset = 0;
+	u32 sz;
+	void *psge;
+	void *data_out = NULL;
+	dma_addr_t data_out_dma = 0;
+	size_t data_out_sz = 0;
+	void *data_in = NULL;
+	dma_addr_t data_in_dma = 0;
+	size_t data_in_sz = 0;
+	long ret;
+	/* Retrieve ioc from dev_index */
+	ioc = _ctl_get_mpt_mctp_passthru_adapter(command->dev_index);
+	if (!ioc)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	mutex_lock(&ioc->pci_access_mutex);
+	if (ioc->shost_recovery ||
+	    ioc->pci_error_recovery || ioc->is_driver_loading ||
+	    ioc->remove_host) {
+		ret = -EAGAIN;
+		goto unlock_pci_access;
+	}
+	/* Lock the ctl_cmds mutex to ensure a single ctl cmd is pending */
+	if (mutex_lock_interruptible(&ioc->ctl_cmds.mutex)) {
+		ret = -ERESTARTSYS;
+		goto unlock_pci_access;
+	}
+	if (ioc->ctl_cmds.status != MPT3_CMD_NOT_USED) {
+		ioc_err(ioc, "%s: ctl_cmd in use\n", __func__);
+		ret = -EAGAIN;
+		goto unlock_ctl_cmds;
+	}
+	ret = mpt3sas_wait_for_ioc(ioc,	IOC_OPERATIONAL_WAIT_COUNT);
+	if (ret)
+		goto unlock_ctl_cmds;
+	mpi_request = (MPI2RequestHeader_t *)command->mpi_request;
+	if (mpi_request->Function != MPI2_FUNCTION_MCTP_PASSTHROUGH) {
+		ioc_err(ioc, "%s: Invalid request received, Function 0x%x\n",
+			__func__, mpi_request->Function);
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto unlock_ctl_cmds;
+	}
+	/* Use first reserved smid for passthrough commands */
+	smid = ioc->scsiio_depth - INTERNAL_SCSIIO_CMDS_COUNT + 1;
+	ret = 0;
+	ioc->ctl_cmds.status = MPT3_CMD_PENDING;
+	memset(ioc->ctl_cmds.reply, 0, ioc->reply_sz);
+	request = mpt3sas_base_get_msg_frame(ioc, smid);
+	memset(request, 0, ioc->request_sz);
+	memcpy(request, command->mpi_request, sizeof(Mpi26MctpPassthroughRequest_t));
+	ioc->ctl_cmds.smid = smid;
+	data_out_sz = command->data_out_size;
+	data_in_sz = command->data_in_size;
+	/* obtain dma-able memory for data transfer */
+	if (data_out_sz) /* WRITE */ {
+		data_out = dma_alloc_coherent(&ioc->pdev->dev, data_out_sz,
+					      &data_out_dma, GFP_ATOMIC);
+		if (!data_out) {
+			ret = -ENOMEM;
+			mpt3sas_base_free_smid(ioc, smid);
+			goto out;
+		}
+		memcpy(data_out, command->data_out_buf_ptr, data_out_sz);
+	}
+	if (data_in_sz) /* READ */ {
+		data_in = dma_alloc_coherent(&ioc->pdev->dev, data_in_sz,
+					     &data_in_dma, GFP_ATOMIC);
+		if (!data_in) {
+			ret = -ENOMEM;
+			mpt3sas_base_free_smid(ioc, smid);
+			goto out;
+		}
+	}
+	psge = &((Mpi26MctpPassthroughRequest_t *)request)->H2DSGL;
+	init_completion(&ioc->ctl_cmds.done);
+	mctp_passthru_req = (Mpi26MctpPassthroughRequest_t *)request;
+	_ctl_send_mctp_passthru_req(ioc, mctp_passthru_req, psge, data_out_dma,
+				data_out_sz, data_in_dma, data_in_sz, smid);
+	timeout = command->timeout;
+	wait_for_completion_timeout(&ioc->ctl_cmds.done, timeout*HZ);
+	if (!(ioc->ctl_cmds.status & MPT3_CMD_COMPLETE)) {
+		mpt3sas_check_cmd_timeout(ioc,
+		    ioc->ctl_cmds.status, mpi_request,
+		    sizeof(Mpi26MctpPassthroughRequest_t) / 4, issue_reset);
+		goto issue_host_reset;
+	}
+	mpi_reply = ioc->ctl_cmds.reply;
+	/* copy out xdata to user */
+	if (data_in_sz)
+		memcpy(command->data_in_buf_ptr, data_in, data_in_sz);
+	/* copy out reply message frame to user */
+	if (command->max_reply_bytes) {
+		sz = min_t(u32, command->max_reply_bytes, ioc->reply_sz);
+		memcpy(command->reply_frame_buf_ptr, ioc->ctl_cmds.reply, sz);
+	}
+	if (issue_reset) {
+		ret = -ENODATA;
+		mpt3sas_base_hard_reset_handler(ioc, FORCE_BIG_HAMMER);
+	}
+	/* free memory associated with sg buffers */
+	if (data_in)
+		dma_free_coherent(&ioc->pdev->dev, data_in_sz, data_in,
+		    data_in_dma);
+	if (data_out)
+		dma_free_coherent(&ioc->pdev->dev, data_out_sz, data_out,
+		    data_out_dma);
+	ioc->ctl_cmds.status = MPT3_CMD_NOT_USED;
+	mutex_unlock(&ioc->ctl_cmds.mutex);
+	mutex_unlock(&ioc->pci_access_mutex);
+	return ret;
  * _ctl_ioctl - mpt3ctl main ioctl entry point (unlocked)
  * @file: (struct file)
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_ctl.h b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_ctl.h
index 171709e91006..483e0549c02f 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_ctl.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_ctl.h
@@ -160,6 +160,9 @@ struct mpt3_ioctl_pci_info {
 #define MPT3_IOCTL_INTERFACE_SAS35	(0x07)
+/* Bits set for mpt3_ioctl_iocinfo.driver_cap */
  * struct mpt3_ioctl_iocinfo - generic controller info
  * @hdr - generic header
@@ -175,6 +178,7 @@ struct mpt3_ioctl_pci_info {
  * @driver_version - driver version - 32 ASCII characters
  * @rsvd1 - reserved
  * @scsi_id - scsi id of adapter 0
+ * @driver_capability - driver capabilities
  * @rsvd2 - reserved
  * @pci_information - pci info (2nd revision)
@@ -192,7 +196,8 @@ struct mpt3_ioctl_iocinfo {
 	uint8_t driver_version[MPT2_IOCTL_VERSION_LENGTH];
 	uint8_t rsvd1;
 	uint8_t scsi_id;
-	uint16_t rsvd2;
+	uint8_t driver_capability;
+	uint8_t rsvd2;
 	struct mpt3_ioctl_pci_info pci_information;
@@ -458,4 +463,46 @@ struct mpt3_enable_diag_sbr_reload {
 	struct mpt3_ioctl_header hdr;
+ * struct mpt3_passthru_command - generic mpt firmware passthru command
+ * @dev_index - device index
+ * @timeout - command timeout in seconds. (if zero then use driver default
+ *  value).
+ * @reply_frame_buf_ptr - MPI reply location
+ * @data_in_buf_ptr - destination for read
+ * @data_out_buf_ptr - data source for write
+ * @max_reply_bytes - maximum number of reply bytes to be sent to app.
+ * @data_in_size - number bytes for data transfer in (read)
+ * @data_out_size - number bytes for data transfer out (write)
+ * @mpi_request - request frame
+ */
+struct mpt3_passthru_command {
+	u8 dev_index;
+	uint32_t timeout;
+	void *reply_frame_buf_ptr;
+	void *data_in_buf_ptr;
+	void *data_out_buf_ptr;
+	uint32_t max_reply_bytes;
+	uint32_t data_in_size;
+	uint32_t data_out_size;
+	Mpi26MctpPassthroughRequest_t *mpi_request;
+ * mpt3sas_get_device_count - Retrieve the count of MCTP passthrough
+ *			      capable devices managed by the driver.
+ *
+ * Returns number of devices that support MCTP passthrough.
+ */
+int mpt3sas_get_device_count(void);
+ * mpt3sas_send_passthru_cmd - Send an MPI MCTP passthrough command to
+ *			       firmware
+ * @command: The MPI MCTP passthrough command to send to firmware
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success, anything else is error .
+ */
+int mpt3sas_send_mctp_passthru_req(struct mpt3_passthru_command *command);
 #endif /* MPT3SAS_CTL_H_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_scsih.c b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_scsih.c
index a456e5ec74d8..508861e88d9f 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_scsih.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_scsih.c
@@ -2703,7 +2703,7 @@ scsih_sdev_configure(struct scsi_device *sdev, struct queue_limits *lim)
 		ssp_target = 1;
 		if (sas_device->device_info &
-			sdev_printk(KERN_WARNING, sdev,
+			sdev_printk(KERN_INFO, sdev,
 			"set ignore_delay_remove for handle(0x%04x)\n",
 			sas_device_priv_data->ignore_delay_remove = 1;
@@ -12710,7 +12710,7 @@ static const struct pci_device_id mpt3sas_pci_table[] = {
 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, mpt3sas_pci_table);
-static struct pci_error_handlers _mpt3sas_err_handler = {
+static const struct pci_error_handlers _mpt3sas_err_handler = {
 	.error_detected	= scsih_pci_error_detected,
 	.mmio_enabled	= scsih_pci_mmio_enabled,
 	.slot_reset	= scsih_pci_slot_reset,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mvsas/mv_sas.c b/drivers/scsi/mvsas/mv_sas.c
index 1444b1f1c4c8..c4592de4fefc 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mvsas/mv_sas.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mvsas/mv_sas.c
@@ -151,16 +151,6 @@ static inline u8 mvs_assign_reg_set(struct mvs_info *mvi,
 	return MVS_CHIP_DISP->assign_reg_set(mvi, &dev->taskfileset);
-void mvs_phys_reset(struct mvs_info *mvi, u32 phy_mask, int hard)
-	u32 no;
-	for_each_phy(phy_mask, phy_mask, no) {
-		if (!(phy_mask & 1))
-			continue;
-		MVS_CHIP_DISP->phy_reset(mvi, no, hard);
-	}
 int mvs_phy_control(struct asd_sas_phy *sas_phy, enum phy_func func,
 			void *funcdata)
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/mvsas/mv_sas.h b/drivers/scsi/mvsas/mv_sas.h
index 19b01f7c4767..09ce3f2241f2 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/mvsas/mv_sas.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/mvsas/mv_sas.h
@@ -425,7 +425,6 @@ struct mvs_task_exec_info {
 void mvs_get_sas_addr(void *buf, u32 buflen);
 void mvs_iounmap(void __iomem *regs);
 int mvs_ioremap(struct mvs_info *mvi, int bar, int bar_ex);
-void mvs_phys_reset(struct mvs_info *mvi, u32 phy_mask, int hard);
 int mvs_phy_control(struct asd_sas_phy *sas_phy, enum phy_func func,
 			void *funcdata);
 void mvs_set_sas_addr(struct mvs_info *mvi, int port_id, u32 off_lo,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/qedi/qedi_main.c b/drivers/scsi/qedi/qedi_main.c
index c9539897048a..e87885cc701c 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/qedi/qedi_main.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/qedi/qedi_main.c
@@ -2876,7 +2876,7 @@ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, qedi_pci_tbl);
 static enum cpuhp_state qedi_cpuhp_state;
-static struct pci_error_handlers qedi_err_handler = {
+static const struct pci_error_handlers qedi_err_handler = {
 	.error_detected = qedi_io_error_detected,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/qla1280.c b/drivers/scsi/qla1280.c
index 1fd2da0264e3..47d74f881948 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/qla1280.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/qla1280.c
@@ -2867,7 +2867,7 @@ qla1280_64bit_start_scsi(struct scsi_qla_host *ha, struct srb * sp)
 			dprintk(3, "S/G Segment phys_addr=%x %x, len=0x%x\n",
-				cpu_to_le32(sg_dma_len(sg_next(s))));
+				cpu_to_le32(sg_dma_len(s)));
 		dprintk(5, "qla1280_64bit_start_scsi: Scatter/gather "
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_sup.c b/drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_sup.c
index 6d16546e1729..9e7a407ba1b9 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_sup.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_sup.c
@@ -2136,8 +2136,8 @@ qla2x00_write_flash_byte(struct qla_hw_data *ha, uint32_t addr, uint8_t data)
  * @flash_id: Flash ID
  * This function polls the device until bit 7 of what is read matches data
- * bit 7 or until data bit 5 becomes a 1.  If that hapens, the flash ROM timed
- * out (a fatal error).  The flash book recommeds reading bit 7 again after
+ * bit 7 or until data bit 5 becomes a 1.  If that happens, the flash ROM timed
+ * out (a fatal error).  The flash book recommends reading bit 7 again after
  * reading bit 5 as a 1.
  * Returns 0 on success, else non-zero.
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c b/drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c
index 5ceaa4665e5d..523f054912e1 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c
@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ static const char *sdebug_version_date = "20210520";
+#define EOD_DETECTED_ASCQ 0x5
@@ -80,8 +84,10 @@ static const char *sdebug_version_date = "20210520";
 #define INVALID_FIELD_IN_CDB 0x24
 #define WRITE_PROTECTED 0x27
+#define UA_READY_ASC 0x28
 #define UA_RESET_ASC 0x29
 #define UA_CHANGED_ASC 0x2a
 #define TARGET_CHANGED_ASC 0x3f
 #define LUNS_CHANGED_ASCQ 0x0e
 #define INSUFF_RES_ASC 0x55
@@ -173,6 +179,37 @@ static const char *sdebug_version_date = "20210520";
+/* Default parameters for tape drives */
+#define TAPE_DEF_DENSITY  0x0
+#define TAPE_BAD_DENSITY  0x65
+#define TAPE_DEF_BLKSIZE  0
+#define TAPE_MIN_BLKSIZE  512
+#define TAPE_MAX_BLKSIZE  1048576
+#define TAPE_EW 20
+#define TAPE_UNITS 10000
+#define TAPE_PARTITION_1_UNITS 1000
+/* The tape block data definitions */
+#define TAPE_BLOCK_FM_FLAG   ((u32)0x1 << 30)
+#define TAPE_BLOCK_EOD_FLAG  ((u32)0x2 << 30)
+#define TAPE_BLOCK_MARK_MASK ((u32)0x3 << 30)
+#define IS_TAPE_BLOCK_FM(a)   ((a & TAPE_BLOCK_FM_FLAG) != 0)
+#define IS_TAPE_BLOCK_EOD(a)  ((a & TAPE_BLOCK_EOD_FLAG) != 0)
+struct tape_block {
+	u32 fl_size;
+	unsigned char data[4];
+/* Flags for sense data */
+#define SENSE_FLAG_FILEMARK  0x80
+#define SENSE_FLAG_EOM 0x40
+#define SENSE_FLAG_ILI 0x20
 #define SDEBUG_LUN_0_VAL 0
 /* bit mask values for sdebug_opts */
@@ -216,7 +253,8 @@ static const char *sdebug_version_date = "20210520";
 #define SDEBUG_UA_MICROCODE_CHANGED 6	/* simulate firmware change */
-#define SDEBUG_NUM_UAS 8
+#define SDEBUG_NUM_UAS 9
 /* when 1==SDEBUG_OPT_MEDIUM_ERR, a medium error is simulated at this
  * sector on read commands: */
@@ -262,11 +300,6 @@ static const char *sdebug_version_date = "20210520";
-static struct kmem_cache *queued_cmd_cache;
-#define TO_QUEUED_CMD(scmd)  ((void *)(scmd)->host_scribble)
-#define ASSIGN_QUEUED_CMD(scmnd, qc) { (scmnd)->host_scribble = (void *) qc; }
 /* Zone types (zbcr05 table 25) */
 enum sdebug_z_type {
 	ZBC_ZTYPE_CNV	= 0x1,
@@ -363,6 +396,19 @@ struct sdebug_dev_info {
 	ktime_t create_ts;	/* time since bootup that this device was created */
 	struct sdeb_zone_state *zstate;
+	/* For tapes */
+	unsigned int tape_blksize;
+	unsigned int tape_density;
+	unsigned char tape_partition;
+	unsigned char tape_nbr_partitions;
+	unsigned char tape_pending_nbr_partitions;
+	unsigned int tape_pending_part_0_size;
+	unsigned int tape_pending_part_1_size;
+	unsigned char tape_dce;
+	unsigned int tape_location[TAPE_MAX_PARTITIONS];
+	unsigned int tape_eop[TAPE_MAX_PARTITIONS];
+	struct tape_block *tape_blocks[TAPE_MAX_PARTITIONS];
 	struct dentry *debugfs_entry;
 	struct spinlock list_lock;
 	struct list_head inject_err_list;
@@ -409,24 +455,9 @@ struct sdebug_defer {
 	enum sdeb_defer_type defer_t;
-struct sdebug_device_access_info {
-	bool atomic_write;
-	u64 lba;
-	u32 num;
-	struct scsi_cmnd *self;
-struct sdebug_queued_cmd {
-	/* corresponding bit set in in_use_bm[] in owning struct sdebug_queue
-	 * instance indicates this slot is in use.
-	 */
-	struct sdebug_defer sd_dp;
-	struct scsi_cmnd *scmd;
-	struct sdebug_device_access_info *i;
 struct sdebug_scsi_cmd {
 	spinlock_t   lock;
+	struct sdebug_defer sd_dp;
 static atomic_t sdebug_cmnd_count;   /* number of incoming commands */
@@ -483,22 +514,27 @@ enum sdeb_opcode_index {
 	SDEB_I_ZONE_OUT = 30,		/* 0x94+SA; includes no data xfer */
 	SDEB_I_ZONE_IN = 31,		/* 0x95+SA; all have data-in */
-	SDEB_I_LAST_ELEM_P1 = 33,	/* keep this last (previous + 1) */
+	SDEB_I_SPACE = 36,
+	SDEB_I_LAST_ELEM_P1 = 38,	/* keep this last (previous + 1) */
 static const unsigned char opcode_ind_arr[256] = {
 /* 0x0; 0x0->0x1f: 6 byte cdbs */
-	    0, 0, 0, 0,
 	SDEB_I_READ, 0, SDEB_I_WRITE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 /* 0x20; 0x20->0x3f: 10 byte cdbs */
 	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SDEB_I_READ_CAPACITY, 0, 0,
 	0, 0, 0, 0, SDEB_I_PRE_FETCH, SDEB_I_SYNC_CACHE, 0, 0,
 	0, 0, 0, SDEB_I_WRITE_BUFFER, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 /* 0x40; 0x40->0x5f: 10 byte cdbs */
@@ -573,6 +609,12 @@ static int resp_open_zone(struct scsi_cmnd *, struct sdebug_dev_info *);
 static int resp_close_zone(struct scsi_cmnd *, struct sdebug_dev_info *);
 static int resp_finish_zone(struct scsi_cmnd *, struct sdebug_dev_info *);
 static int resp_rwp_zone(struct scsi_cmnd *, struct sdebug_dev_info *);
+static int resp_read_blklimits(struct scsi_cmnd *, struct sdebug_dev_info *);
+static int resp_locate(struct scsi_cmnd *, struct sdebug_dev_info *);
+static int resp_write_filemarks(struct scsi_cmnd *, struct sdebug_dev_info *);
+static int resp_space(struct scsi_cmnd *, struct sdebug_dev_info *);
+static int resp_rewind(struct scsi_cmnd *, struct sdebug_dev_info *);
+static int resp_format_medium(struct scsi_cmnd *, struct sdebug_dev_info *);
 static int sdebug_do_add_host(bool mk_new_store);
 static int sdebug_add_host_helper(int per_host_idx);
@@ -581,8 +623,6 @@ static int sdebug_add_store(void);
 static void sdebug_erase_store(int idx, struct sdeb_store_info *sip);
 static void sdebug_erase_all_stores(bool apart_from_first);
-static void sdebug_free_queued_cmd(struct sdebug_queued_cmd *sqcp);
  * The following are overflow arrays for cdbs that "hit" the same index in
  * the opcode_info_arr array. The most time sensitive (or commonly used) cdb
@@ -773,7 +813,7 @@ static const struct opcode_info_t opcode_info_arr[SDEB_I_LAST_ELEM_P1 + 1] = {
 /* 20 */
 	{0, 0x1e, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, /* ALLOW REMOVAL */
 	    {6,  0, 0, 0, 0x3, 0xc7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} },
-	{0, 0x1, 0, 0, resp_start_stop, NULL, /* REWIND ?? */
+	{0, 0x1, 0, 0, resp_rewind, NULL,
 	    {6,  0x1, 0, 0, 0, 0xc7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} },
 	{0, 0, 0, F_INV_OP | FF_RESPOND, NULL, NULL, /* ATA_PT */
 	    {0,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} },
@@ -800,6 +840,7 @@ static const struct opcode_info_t opcode_info_arr[SDEB_I_LAST_ELEM_P1 + 1] = {
 	    resp_pre_fetch, pre_fetch_iarr,
 	    {10,  0x2, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc7, 0, 0,
 	     0, 0, 0, 0} },			/* PRE-FETCH (10) */
+						/* READ POSITION (10) */
 /* 30 */
 	{ARRAY_SIZE(zone_out_iarr), 0x94, 0x3, F_SA_LOW | F_M_ACCESS,
@@ -810,11 +851,23 @@ static const struct opcode_info_t opcode_info_arr[SDEB_I_LAST_ELEM_P1 + 1] = {
 	    resp_report_zones, zone_in_iarr, /* ZONE_IN(16), REPORT ZONES) */
 		{16,  0x0 /* SA */, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
 		 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xbf, 0xc7} },
-/* 31 */
+/* 32 */
 	{0, 0x0, 0x0, F_D_OUT | FF_MEDIA_IO,
 	    resp_atomic_write, NULL, /* ATOMIC WRITE 16 */
 		{16,  0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
 		 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff} },
+	{0, 0x05, 0, F_D_IN, resp_read_blklimits, NULL,    /* READ BLOCK LIMITS (6) */
+	    {6,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0xc7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} },
+	{0, 0x2b, 0, F_D_UNKN, resp_locate, NULL,    /* LOCATE (10) */
+	    {10,  0x07, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0, 0xff, 0xc7, 0, 0,
+	     0, 0, 0, 0} },
+	{0, 0x10, 0, F_D_IN, resp_write_filemarks, NULL,    /* WRITE FILEMARKS (6) */
+	    {6,  0x01, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} },
+	{0, 0x11, 0, F_D_IN, resp_space, NULL,    /* SPACE (6) */
+	    {6,  0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} },
+	{0, 0x4, 0, 0, resp_format_medium, NULL,  /* FORMAT MEDIUM (6) */
+	    {6,  0x3, 0x7, 0, 0, 0xc7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} },
+/* 38 */
 /* sentinel */
 	{0xff, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL,		/* terminating element */
 	    {0,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} },
@@ -1331,6 +1384,30 @@ static void mk_sense_buffer(struct scsi_cmnd *scp, int key, int asc, int asq)
 			    my_name, key, asc, asq);
+/* Sense data that has information fields for tapes */
+static void mk_sense_info_tape(struct scsi_cmnd *scp, int key, int asc, int asq,
+			unsigned int information, unsigned char tape_flags)
+	if (!scp->sense_buffer) {
+		sdev_printk(KERN_ERR, scp->device,
+			    "%s: sense_buffer is NULL\n", __func__);
+		return;
+	}
+	memset(scp->sense_buffer, 0, SCSI_SENSE_BUFFERSIZE);
+	scsi_build_sense(scp, /* sdebug_dsense */ 0, key, asc, asq);
+	/* only fixed format so far */
+	scp->sense_buffer[0] |= 0x80; /* valid */
+	scp->sense_buffer[2] |= tape_flags;
+	put_unaligned_be32(information, &scp->sense_buffer[3]);
+	if (sdebug_verbose)
+		sdev_printk(KERN_INFO, scp->device,
+			    "%s:  [sense_key,asc,ascq]: [0x%x,0x%x,0x%x]\n",
+			    my_name, key, asc, asq);
 static void mk_sense_invalid_opcode(struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
 	mk_sense_buffer(scp, ILLEGAL_REQUEST, INVALID_OPCODE, 0);
@@ -1493,6 +1570,12 @@ static int make_ua(struct scsi_cmnd *scp, struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
 			if (sdebug_verbose)
 				cp = "reported luns data has changed";
+			mk_sense_buffer(scp, UNIT_ATTENTION, UA_READY_ASC,
+					0);
+			if (sdebug_verbose)
+				cp = "not ready to ready transition/media change";
+			break;
 			pr_warn("unexpected unit attention code=%d\n", k);
 			if (sdebug_verbose)
@@ -2196,6 +2279,14 @@ static int resp_start_stop(struct scsi_cmnd *scp, struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
 	changing = (stopped_state != want_stop);
 	if (changing)
 		atomic_xchg(&devip->stopped, want_stop);
+	if (sdebug_ptype == TYPE_TAPE && !want_stop) {
+		int i;
+		set_bit(SDEBUG_UA_NOT_READY_TO_READY, devip->uas_bm); /* not legal! */
+		for (i = 0; i < TAPE_MAX_PARTITIONS; i++)
+			devip->tape_location[i] = 0;
+		devip->tape_partition = 0;
+	}
 	if (!changing || (cmd[1] & 0x1))  /* state unchanged or IMMED bit set in cdb */
@@ -2728,6 +2819,76 @@ static int resp_sas_sha_m_spg(unsigned char *p, int pcontrol)
 	return sizeof(sas_sha_m_pg);
+static unsigned char partition_pg[] = {0x11, 12, 1, 0, 0x24, 3, 9, 0,
+	0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00};
+static int resp_partition_m_pg(unsigned char *p, int pcontrol, int target)
+{	/* Partition page for mode_sense (tape) */
+	memcpy(p, partition_pg, sizeof(partition_pg));
+	if (pcontrol == 1)
+		memset(p + 2, 0, sizeof(partition_pg) - 2);
+	return sizeof(partition_pg);
+static int process_medium_part_m_pg(struct sdebug_dev_info *devip,
+				unsigned char *new, int pg_len)
+	int new_nbr, p0_size, p1_size;
+	if ((new[4] & 0x80) != 0) { /* FDP */
+		partition_pg[4] |= 0x80;
+		devip->tape_pending_nbr_partitions = TAPE_MAX_PARTITIONS;
+		devip->tape_pending_part_0_size = TAPE_UNITS - TAPE_PARTITION_1_UNITS;
+		devip->tape_pending_part_1_size = TAPE_PARTITION_1_UNITS;
+	} else {
+		new_nbr = new[3] + 1;
+		if (new_nbr > TAPE_MAX_PARTITIONS)
+			return 3;
+		if ((new[4] & 0x40) != 0) { /* SDP */
+			p1_size = TAPE_PARTITION_1_UNITS;
+			p0_size = TAPE_UNITS - p1_size;
+			if (p0_size < 100)
+				return 4;
+		} else if ((new[4] & 0x20) != 0) {
+			if (new_nbr > 1) {
+				p0_size = get_unaligned_be16(new + 8);
+				p1_size = get_unaligned_be16(new + 10);
+				if (p1_size == 0xFFFF)
+					p1_size = TAPE_UNITS - p0_size;
+				else if (p0_size == 0xFFFF)
+					p0_size = TAPE_UNITS - p1_size;
+				if (p0_size < 100 || p1_size < 100)
+					return 8;
+			} else {
+				p0_size = TAPE_UNITS;
+				p1_size = 0;
+			}
+		} else
+			return 6;
+		devip->tape_pending_nbr_partitions = new_nbr;
+		devip->tape_pending_part_0_size = p0_size;
+		devip->tape_pending_part_1_size = p1_size;
+		partition_pg[3] = new_nbr;
+		devip->tape_pending_nbr_partitions = new_nbr;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int resp_compression_m_pg(unsigned char *p, int pcontrol, int target,
+	unsigned char dce)
+{	/* Compression page for mode_sense (tape) */
+	unsigned char compression_pg[] = {0x0f, 14, 0x40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+		0, 0, 0, 0, 00, 00};
+	memcpy(p, compression_pg, sizeof(compression_pg));
+	if (dce)
+		p[2] |= 0x80;
+	if (pcontrol == 1)
+		memset(p + 2, 0, sizeof(compression_pg) - 2);
+	return sizeof(compression_pg);
 /* PAGE_SIZE is more than necessary but provides room for future expansion. */
@@ -2742,7 +2903,7 @@ static int resp_mode_sense(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
 	unsigned char *ap;
 	unsigned char *arr __free(kfree);
 	unsigned char *cmd = scp->cmnd;
-	bool dbd, llbaa, msense_6, is_disk, is_zbc;
+	bool dbd, llbaa, msense_6, is_disk, is_zbc, is_tape;
 	if (!arr)
@@ -2755,7 +2916,8 @@ static int resp_mode_sense(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
 	llbaa = msense_6 ? false : !!(cmd[1] & 0x10);
 	is_disk = (sdebug_ptype == TYPE_DISK);
 	is_zbc = devip->zoned;
-	if ((is_disk || is_zbc) && !dbd)
+	is_tape = (sdebug_ptype == TYPE_TAPE);
+	if ((is_disk || is_zbc || is_tape) && !dbd)
 		bd_len = llbaa ? 16 : 8;
 		bd_len = 0;
@@ -2793,15 +2955,25 @@ static int resp_mode_sense(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
 			put_unaligned_be32(0xffffffff, ap + 0);
 			put_unaligned_be32(sdebug_capacity, ap + 0);
-		put_unaligned_be16(sdebug_sector_size, ap + 6);
+		if (is_tape) {
+			ap[0] = devip->tape_density;
+			put_unaligned_be16(devip->tape_blksize, ap + 6);
+		} else
+			put_unaligned_be16(sdebug_sector_size, ap + 6);
 		offset += bd_len;
 		ap = arr + offset;
 	} else if (16 == bd_len) {
+		if (is_tape) {
+			mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_DATA, 1, 4);
+			return check_condition_result;
+		}
 		put_unaligned_be64((u64)sdebug_capacity, ap + 0);
 		put_unaligned_be32(sdebug_sector_size, ap + 12);
 		offset += bd_len;
 		ap = arr + offset;
+	if (cmd[2] == 0)
+		goto only_bd; /* Only block descriptor requested */
 	 * N.B. If len>0 before resp_*_pg() call, then form of that call should be:
@@ -2857,6 +3029,18 @@ static int resp_mode_sense(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
 		offset += len;
+	case 0xf:	/* Compression Mode Page (tape) */
+		if (!is_tape)
+			goto bad_pcode;
+		len = resp_compression_m_pg(ap, pcontrol, target, devip->tape_dce);
+		offset += len;
+		break;
+	case 0x11:	/* Partition Mode Page (tape) */
+		if (!is_tape)
+			goto bad_pcode;
+		len = resp_partition_m_pg(ap, pcontrol, target);
+		offset += len;
+		break;
 	case 0x19:	/* if spc==1 then sas phy, control+discover */
 		if (subpcode > 0x2 && subpcode < 0xff)
 			goto bad_subpcode;
@@ -2902,6 +3086,7 @@ static int resp_mode_sense(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
 		goto bad_pcode;
 	if (msense_6)
 		arr[0] = offset - 1;
@@ -2945,8 +3130,34 @@ static int resp_mode_select(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
 			    __func__, param_len, res);
 	md_len = mselect6 ? (arr[0] + 1) : (get_unaligned_be16(arr + 0) + 2);
 	bd_len = mselect6 ? arr[3] : get_unaligned_be16(arr + 6);
-	off = bd_len + (mselect6 ? 4 : 8);
-	if (md_len > 2 || off >= res) {
+	off = (mselect6 ? 4 : 8);
+	if (sdebug_ptype == TYPE_TAPE) {
+		int blksize;
+		if (bd_len != 8) {
+			mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_DATA,
+					mselect6 ? 3 : 6, -1);
+			return check_condition_result;
+		}
+		if (arr[off] == TAPE_BAD_DENSITY) {
+			mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_DATA, 0, -1);
+			return check_condition_result;
+		}
+		blksize = get_unaligned_be16(arr + off + 6);
+		if (blksize != 0 &&
+			(blksize < TAPE_MIN_BLKSIZE ||
+				blksize > TAPE_MAX_BLKSIZE ||
+				(blksize % 4) != 0)) {
+			mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_DATA, 1, -1);
+			return check_condition_result;
+		}
+		devip->tape_density = arr[off];
+		devip->tape_blksize = blksize;
+	}
+	off += bd_len;
+	if (off >= res)
+		return 0; /* No page written, just descriptors */
+	if (md_len > 2) {
 		mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_DATA, 0, -1);
 		return check_condition_result;
@@ -2984,6 +3195,25 @@ static int resp_mode_select(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
 			goto set_mode_changed_ua;
+	case 0xf:       /* Compression mode page */
+		if (sdebug_ptype != TYPE_TAPE)
+			goto bad_pcode;
+		if ((arr[off + 2] & 0x40) != 0) {
+			devip->tape_dce = (arr[off + 2] & 0x80) != 0;
+			return 0;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 0x11:	/* Medium Partition Mode Page (tape) */
+		if (sdebug_ptype == TYPE_TAPE) {
+			int fld;
+			fld = process_medium_part_m_pg(devip, &arr[off], pg_len);
+			if (fld == 0)
+				return 0;
+			mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_DATA, fld, -1);
+			return check_condition_result;
+		}
+		break;
 	case 0x1c:      /* Informational Exceptions Mode page */
 		if (iec_m_pg[1] == arr[off + 1]) {
 			memcpy(iec_m_pg + 2, arr + off + 2,
@@ -2999,6 +3229,10 @@ static int resp_mode_select(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
 	set_bit(SDEBUG_UA_MODE_CHANGED, devip->uas_bm);
 	return 0;
+	mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_CDB, 2, 5);
+	return check_condition_result;
 static int resp_temp_l_pg(unsigned char *arr)
@@ -3138,6 +3372,265 @@ static int resp_log_sense(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
 		    min_t(u32, len, SDEBUG_MAX_INQ_ARR_SZ));
+static int resp_read_blklimits(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
+			struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
+	unsigned char arr[SDEBUG_READ_BLOCK_LIMITS_ARR_SZ];
+	arr[0] = 4;
+	put_unaligned_be24(TAPE_MAX_BLKSIZE, arr + 1);
+	put_unaligned_be16(TAPE_MIN_BLKSIZE, arr + 4);
+	return fill_from_dev_buffer(scp, arr, SDEBUG_READ_BLOCK_LIMITS_ARR_SZ);
+static int resp_locate(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
+		struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
+	unsigned char *cmd = scp->cmnd;
+	unsigned int i, pos;
+	struct tape_block *blp;
+	int partition;
+	if ((cmd[1] & 0x02) != 0) {
+		if (cmd[8] >= devip->tape_nbr_partitions) {
+			mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_CDB, 8, -1);
+			return check_condition_result;
+		}
+		devip->tape_partition = cmd[8];
+	}
+	pos = get_unaligned_be32(cmd + 3);
+	partition = devip->tape_partition;
+	for (i = 0, blp = devip->tape_blocks[partition];
+	     i < pos && i < devip->tape_eop[partition]; i++, blp++)
+		if (IS_TAPE_BLOCK_EOD(blp->fl_size))
+			break;
+	if (i < pos) {
+		devip->tape_location[partition] = i;
+		mk_sense_buffer(scp, BLANK_CHECK, 0x05, 0);
+		return check_condition_result;
+	}
+	devip->tape_location[partition] = pos;
+	return 0;
+static int resp_write_filemarks(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
+		struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
+	unsigned char *cmd = scp->cmnd;
+	unsigned int i, count, pos;
+	u32 data;
+	int partition = devip->tape_partition;
+	if ((cmd[1] & 0xfe) != 0) { /* probably write setmarks, not in >= SCSI-3 */
+		mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_CDB, 1, 1);
+		return check_condition_result;
+	}
+	count = get_unaligned_be24(cmd + 2);
+	for (i = 0, pos = devip->tape_location[partition]; i < count; i++, pos++) {
+		if (pos >= devip->tape_eop[partition] - 1) { /* don't overwrite EOD */
+			devip->tape_location[partition] = devip->tape_eop[partition] - 1;
+			mk_sense_info_tape(scp, VOLUME_OVERFLOW, NO_ADDITIONAL_SENSE,
+			return check_condition_result;
+		}
+		(devip->tape_blocks[partition] + pos)->fl_size = data;
+	}
+	(devip->tape_blocks[partition] + pos)->fl_size =
+	devip->tape_location[partition] = pos;
+	return 0;
+static int resp_space(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
+		struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
+	unsigned char *cmd = scp->cmnd, code;
+	int i = 0, pos, count;
+	struct tape_block *blp;
+	int partition = devip->tape_partition;
+	count = get_unaligned_be24(cmd + 2);
+	if ((count & 0x800000) != 0) /* extend negative to 32-bit count */
+		count |= 0xff000000;
+	code = cmd[1] & 0x0f;
+	pos = devip->tape_location[partition];
+	if (code == 0) { /* blocks */
+		if (count < 0) {
+			count = (-count);
+			pos -= 1;
+			for (i = 0, blp = devip->tape_blocks[partition] + pos; i < count;
+			     i++) {
+				if (pos < 0)
+					goto is_bop;
+				else if (IS_TAPE_BLOCK_FM(blp->fl_size))
+					goto is_fm;
+				if (i > 0) {
+					pos--;
+					blp--;
+				}
+			}
+		} else if (count > 0) {
+			for (i = 0, blp = devip->tape_blocks[partition] + pos; i < count;
+			     i++, pos++, blp++) {
+				if (IS_TAPE_BLOCK_EOD(blp->fl_size))
+					goto is_eod;
+				if (IS_TAPE_BLOCK_FM(blp->fl_size)) {
+					pos += 1;
+					goto is_fm;
+				}
+				if (pos >= devip->tape_eop[partition])
+					goto is_eop;
+			}
+		}
+	} else if (code == 1) { /* filemarks */
+		if (count < 0) {
+			count = (-count);
+			if (pos == 0)
+				goto is_bop;
+			else {
+				for (i = 0, blp = devip->tape_blocks[partition] + pos;
+				     i < count && pos >= 0; i++, pos--, blp--) {
+					for (pos--, blp-- ; !IS_TAPE_BLOCK_FM(blp->fl_size) &&
+						     pos >= 0; pos--, blp--)
+						; /* empty */
+					if (pos < 0)
+						goto is_bop;
+				}
+			}
+			pos += 1;
+		} else if (count > 0) {
+			for (i = 0, blp = devip->tape_blocks[partition] + pos;
+			     i < count; i++, pos++, blp++) {
+				for ( ; !IS_TAPE_BLOCK_FM(blp->fl_size) &&
+					      !IS_TAPE_BLOCK_EOD(blp->fl_size) &&
+					      pos < devip->tape_eop[partition];
+				      pos++, blp++)
+					; /* empty */
+				if (IS_TAPE_BLOCK_EOD(blp->fl_size))
+					goto is_eod;
+				if (pos >= devip->tape_eop[partition])
+					goto is_eop;
+			}
+		}
+	} else if (code == 3) { /* EOD */
+		for (blp = devip->tape_blocks[partition] + pos;
+		     !IS_TAPE_BLOCK_EOD(blp->fl_size) && pos < devip->tape_eop[partition];
+		     pos++, blp++)
+			; /* empty */
+		if (pos >= devip->tape_eop[partition])
+			goto is_eop;
+	} else {
+		/* sequential filemarks not supported */
+		mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_CDB, 8, -1);
+		return check_condition_result;
+	}
+	devip->tape_location[partition] = pos;
+	return 0;
+	devip->tape_location[partition] = pos;
+	mk_sense_info_tape(scp, NO_SENSE, NO_ADDITIONAL_SENSE,
+	return check_condition_result;
+	devip->tape_location[partition] = pos;
+	mk_sense_info_tape(scp, BLANK_CHECK, NO_ADDITIONAL_SENSE,
+			EOD_DETECTED_ASCQ, count - i,
+			0);
+	return check_condition_result;
+	devip->tape_location[partition] = 0;
+	mk_sense_info_tape(scp, NO_SENSE, NO_ADDITIONAL_SENSE,
+	devip->tape_location[partition] = 0;
+	return check_condition_result;
+	devip->tape_location[partition] = devip->tape_eop[partition] - 1;
+	mk_sense_info_tape(scp, MEDIUM_ERROR, NO_ADDITIONAL_SENSE,
+			EOP_EOM_DETECTED_ASCQ, (unsigned int)i,
+	return check_condition_result;
+static int resp_rewind(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
+		struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
+	devip->tape_location[devip->tape_partition] = 0;
+	return 0;
+static int partition_tape(struct sdebug_dev_info *devip, int nbr_partitions,
+			int part_0_size, int part_1_size)
+	int i;
+	if (part_0_size + part_1_size > TAPE_UNITS)
+		return -1;
+	devip->tape_eop[0] = part_0_size;
+	devip->tape_blocks[0]->fl_size = TAPE_BLOCK_EOD_FLAG;
+	devip->tape_eop[1] = part_1_size;
+	devip->tape_blocks[1] = devip->tape_blocks[0] +
+			devip->tape_eop[0];
+	devip->tape_blocks[1]->fl_size = TAPE_BLOCK_EOD_FLAG;
+	for (i = 0 ; i < TAPE_MAX_PARTITIONS; i++)
+		devip->tape_location[i] = 0;
+	devip->tape_nbr_partitions = nbr_partitions;
+	devip->tape_partition = 0;
+	partition_pg[3] = nbr_partitions - 1;
+	put_unaligned_be16(devip->tape_eop[0], partition_pg + 8);
+	put_unaligned_be16(devip->tape_eop[1], partition_pg + 10);
+	return nbr_partitions;
+static int resp_format_medium(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
+			struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
+	int res = 0;
+	unsigned char *cmd = scp->cmnd;
+	if (sdebug_ptype != TYPE_TAPE) {
+		mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_CDB, 0, -1);
+		return check_condition_result;
+	}
+	if (cmd[2] > 2) {
+		mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_DATA, 2, -1);
+		return check_condition_result;
+	}
+	if (cmd[2] != 0) {
+		if (devip->tape_pending_nbr_partitions > 0) {
+			res = partition_tape(devip,
+					devip->tape_pending_nbr_partitions,
+					devip->tape_pending_part_0_size,
+					devip->tape_pending_part_1_size);
+		} else
+			res = partition_tape(devip, devip->tape_nbr_partitions,
+					devip->tape_eop[0], devip->tape_eop[1]);
+	} else
+		res = partition_tape(devip, 1, TAPE_UNITS, 0);
+	if (res < 0)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	devip->tape_pending_nbr_partitions = -1;
+	return 0;
 static inline bool sdebug_dev_is_zoned(struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
 	return devip->nr_zones != 0;
@@ -3871,6 +4364,98 @@ static int prot_verify_read(struct scsi_cmnd *scp, sector_t start_sec,
 	return ret;
+static int resp_read_tape(struct scsi_cmnd *scp, struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
+	u32 i, num, transfer, size;
+	u8 *cmd = scp->cmnd;
+	struct scsi_data_buffer *sdb = &scp->sdb;
+	int partition = devip->tape_partition;
+	u32 pos = devip->tape_location[partition];
+	struct tape_block *blp;
+	bool fixed, sili;
+	if (cmd[0] != READ_6) { /* Only Read(6) supported */
+		mk_sense_invalid_opcode(scp);
+		return illegal_condition_result;
+	}
+	fixed = (cmd[1] & 0x1) != 0;
+	sili = (cmd[1] & 0x2) != 0;
+	if (fixed && sili) {
+		mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_CDB, 1, 1);
+		return check_condition_result;
+	}
+	transfer = get_unaligned_be24(cmd + 2);
+	if (fixed) {
+		num = transfer;
+		size = devip->tape_blksize;
+	} else {
+		if (transfer < TAPE_MIN_BLKSIZE ||
+			transfer > TAPE_MAX_BLKSIZE) {
+			mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_CDB, 2, -1);
+			return check_condition_result;
+		}
+		num = 1;
+		size = transfer;
+	}
+	for (i = 0, blp = devip->tape_blocks[partition] + pos;
+	     i < num && pos < devip->tape_eop[partition];
+	     i++, pos++, blp++) {
+		devip->tape_location[partition] = pos + 1;
+		if (IS_TAPE_BLOCK_FM(blp->fl_size)) {
+			mk_sense_info_tape(scp, NO_SENSE, NO_ADDITIONAL_SENSE,
+					FILEMARK_DETECTED_ASCQ, fixed ? num - i : size,
+			scsi_set_resid(scp, (num - i) * size);
+			return check_condition_result;
+		}
+		/* Assume no REW */
+		if (IS_TAPE_BLOCK_EOD(blp->fl_size)) {
+			mk_sense_info_tape(scp, BLANK_CHECK, NO_ADDITIONAL_SENSE,
+					EOD_DETECTED_ASCQ, fixed ? num - i : size,
+					0);
+			devip->tape_location[partition] = pos;
+			scsi_set_resid(scp, (num - i) * size);
+			return check_condition_result;
+		}
+		sg_zero_buffer(sdb->table.sgl, sdb->table.nents,
+			size, i * size);
+		sg_copy_buffer(sdb->table.sgl, sdb->table.nents,
+			&(blp->data), 4, i * size, false);
+		if (fixed) {
+			if (blp->fl_size != devip->tape_blksize) {
+				scsi_set_resid(scp, (num - i) * size);
+				mk_sense_info_tape(scp, NO_SENSE, NO_ADDITIONAL_SENSE,
+						0, num - i,
+				return check_condition_result;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (blp->fl_size != size) {
+				if (blp->fl_size < size)
+					scsi_set_resid(scp, size - blp->fl_size);
+				if (!sili) {
+					mk_sense_info_tape(scp, NO_SENSE, NO_ADDITIONAL_SENSE,
+							0, size - blp->fl_size,
+							SENSE_FLAG_ILI);
+					return check_condition_result;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (pos >= devip->tape_eop[partition]) {
+		mk_sense_info_tape(scp, NO_SENSE, NO_ADDITIONAL_SENSE,
+				EOP_EOM_DETECTED_ASCQ, fixed ? num - i : size,
+		devip->tape_location[partition] = pos - 1;
+		return check_condition_result;
+	}
+	devip->tape_location[partition] = pos;
+	return 0;
 static int resp_read_dt0(struct scsi_cmnd *scp, struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
 	bool check_prot;
@@ -3882,6 +4467,9 @@ static int resp_read_dt0(struct scsi_cmnd *scp, struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
 	u8 *cmd = scp->cmnd;
 	bool meta_data_locked = false;
+	if (sdebug_ptype == TYPE_TAPE)
+		return resp_read_tape(scp, devip);
 	switch (cmd[0]) {
 	case READ_16:
 		ei_lba = 0;
@@ -4178,6 +4766,67 @@ static void unmap_region(struct sdeb_store_info *sip, sector_t lba,
+static int resp_write_tape(struct scsi_cmnd *scp, struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
+	u32 i, num, transfer, size, written = 0;
+	u8 *cmd = scp->cmnd;
+	struct scsi_data_buffer *sdb = &scp->sdb;
+	int partition = devip->tape_partition;
+	int pos = devip->tape_location[partition];
+	struct tape_block *blp;
+	bool fixed, ew;
+	if (cmd[0] != WRITE_6) { /* Only Write(6) supported */
+		mk_sense_invalid_opcode(scp);
+		return illegal_condition_result;
+	}
+	fixed = (cmd[1] & 1) != 0;
+	transfer = get_unaligned_be24(cmd + 2);
+	if (fixed) {
+		num = transfer;
+		size = devip->tape_blksize;
+	} else {
+		if (transfer < TAPE_MIN_BLKSIZE ||
+			transfer > TAPE_MAX_BLKSIZE) {
+			mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_CDB, 2, -1);
+			return check_condition_result;
+		}
+		num = 1;
+		size = transfer;
+	}
+	scsi_set_resid(scp, num * transfer);
+	for (i = 0, blp = devip->tape_blocks[partition] + pos, ew = false;
+	     i < num && pos < devip->tape_eop[partition] - 1; i++, pos++, blp++) {
+		blp->fl_size = size;
+		sg_copy_buffer(sdb->table.sgl, sdb->table.nents,
+			&(blp->data), 4, i * size, true);
+		written += size;
+		scsi_set_resid(scp, num * transfer - written);
+		ew |= (pos == devip->tape_eop[partition] - TAPE_EW);
+	}
+	devip->tape_location[partition] = pos;
+	blp->fl_size = TAPE_BLOCK_EOD_FLAG;
+	if (pos >= devip->tape_eop[partition] - 1) {
+		mk_sense_info_tape(scp, VOLUME_OVERFLOW,
+				fixed ? num - i : transfer,
+		return check_condition_result;
+	}
+	if (ew) { /* early warning */
+		mk_sense_info_tape(scp, NO_SENSE,
+				fixed ? num - i : transfer,
+		return check_condition_result;
+	}
+	return 0;
 static int resp_write_dt0(struct scsi_cmnd *scp, struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
 	bool check_prot;
@@ -4190,6 +4839,9 @@ static int resp_write_dt0(struct scsi_cmnd *scp, struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
 	u8 *cmd = scp->cmnd;
 	bool meta_data_locked = false;
+	if (sdebug_ptype == TYPE_TAPE)
+		return resp_write_tape(scp, devip);
 	switch (cmd[0]) {
 	case WRITE_16:
 		ei_lba = 0;
@@ -4918,7 +5570,10 @@ static int resp_sync_cache(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
  * a GOOD status otherwise. Model a disk with a big cache and yield
  * CONDITION MET. Actually tries to bring range in main memory into the
  * cache associated with the CPU(s).
+ *
+ * The pcode 0x34 is also used for READ POSITION by tape devices.
 static int resp_pre_fetch(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
 			  struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
@@ -4930,6 +5585,31 @@ static int resp_pre_fetch(struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
 	struct sdeb_store_info *sip = devip2sip(devip, true);
 	u8 *fsp = sip->storep;
+	if (sdebug_ptype == TYPE_TAPE) {
+		if (cmd[0] == PRE_FETCH) { /* READ POSITION (10) */
+			int all_length;
+			unsigned char arr[20];
+			unsigned int pos;
+			all_length = get_unaligned_be16(cmd + 7);
+			if ((cmd[1] & 0xfe) != 0 ||
+				all_length != 0) { /* only short form */
+				mk_sense_invalid_fld(scp, SDEB_IN_CDB,
+						all_length ? 7 : 1, 0);
+				return check_condition_result;
+			}
+			memset(arr, 0, SDEBUG_READ_POSITION_ARR_SZ);
+			arr[1] = devip->tape_partition;
+			pos = devip->tape_location[devip->tape_partition];
+			put_unaligned_be32(pos, arr + 4);
+			put_unaligned_be32(pos, arr + 8);
+			return fill_from_dev_buffer(scp, arr,
+		}
+		mk_sense_invalid_opcode(scp);
+		return check_condition_result;
+	}
 	if (cmd[0] == PRE_FETCH) {	/* 10 byte cdb */
 		lba = get_unaligned_be32(cmd + 2);
 		nblks = get_unaligned_be16(cmd + 7);
@@ -5638,10 +6318,10 @@ static u32 get_tag(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd)
 /* Queued (deferred) command completions converge here. */
 static void sdebug_q_cmd_complete(struct sdebug_defer *sd_dp)
-	struct sdebug_queued_cmd *sqcp = container_of(sd_dp, struct sdebug_queued_cmd, sd_dp);
+	struct sdebug_scsi_cmd *sdsc = container_of(sd_dp,
+					typeof(*sdsc), sd_dp);
+	struct scsi_cmnd *scp = (struct scsi_cmnd *)sdsc - 1;
 	unsigned long flags;
-	struct scsi_cmnd *scp = sqcp->scmd;
-	struct sdebug_scsi_cmd *sdsc;
 	bool aborted;
 	if (sdebug_statistics) {
@@ -5652,27 +6332,23 @@ static void sdebug_q_cmd_complete(struct sdebug_defer *sd_dp)
 	if (!scp) {
-		goto out;
+		return;
-	sdsc = scsi_cmd_priv(scp);
 	spin_lock_irqsave(&sdsc->lock, flags);
 	aborted = sd_dp->aborted;
 	if (unlikely(aborted))
 		sd_dp->aborted = false;
 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sdsc->lock, flags);
 	if (aborted) {
 		pr_info("bypassing scsi_done() due to aborted cmd, kicking-off EH\n");
-		goto out;
+		return;
 	scsi_done(scp); /* callback to mid level */
-	sdebug_free_queued_cmd(sqcp);
 /* When high resolution timer goes off this function is called. */
@@ -5835,6 +6511,10 @@ static struct sdebug_dev_info *sdebug_device_create(
 		} else {
 			devip->zoned = false;
+		if (sdebug_ptype == TYPE_TAPE) {
+			devip->tape_density = TAPE_DEF_DENSITY;
+			devip->tape_blksize = TAPE_DEF_BLKSIZE;
+		}
 		devip->create_ts = ktime_get_boottime();
 		atomic_set(&devip->stopped, (sdeb_tur_ms_to_ready > 0 ? 2 : 0));
@@ -5905,6 +6585,21 @@ static int scsi_debug_sdev_configure(struct scsi_device *sdp,
 		if (devip == NULL)
 			return 1;  /* no resources, will be marked offline */
+	if (sdebug_ptype == TYPE_TAPE) {
+		if (!devip->tape_blocks[0]) {
+			devip->tape_blocks[0] =
+				kcalloc(TAPE_UNITS, sizeof(struct tape_block),
+					GFP_KERNEL);
+			if (!devip->tape_blocks[0])
+				return 1;
+		}
+		devip->tape_pending_nbr_partitions = -1;
+		if (partition_tape(devip, 1, TAPE_UNITS, 0) < 0) {
+			kfree(devip->tape_blocks[0]);
+			devip->tape_blocks[0] = NULL;
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
 	sdp->hostdata = devip;
 	if (sdebug_no_uld)
 		sdp->no_uld_attach = 1;
@@ -5950,31 +6645,41 @@ static void scsi_debug_sdev_destroy(struct scsi_device *sdp)
+	if (sdebug_ptype == TYPE_TAPE) {
+		kfree(devip->tape_blocks[0]);
+		devip->tape_blocks[0] = NULL;
+	}
 	/* make this slot available for re-use */
 	devip->used = false;
 	sdp->hostdata = NULL;
-/* Returns true if we require the queued memory to be freed by the caller. */
-static bool stop_qc_helper(struct sdebug_defer *sd_dp,
-			   enum sdeb_defer_type defer_t)
+/* Returns true if cancelled or not running callback. */
+static bool scsi_debug_stop_cmnd(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd)
+	struct sdebug_scsi_cmd *sdsc = scsi_cmd_priv(cmnd);
+	struct sdebug_defer *sd_dp = &sdsc->sd_dp;
+	enum sdeb_defer_type defer_t = READ_ONCE(sd_dp->defer_t);
+	lockdep_assert_held(&sdsc->lock);
 	if (defer_t == SDEB_DEFER_HRT) {
 		int res = hrtimer_try_to_cancel(&sd_dp->hrt);
 		switch (res) {
-		case 0: /* Not active, it must have already run */
 		case -1: /* -1 It's executing the CB */
 			return false;
+		case 0: /* Not active, it must have already run */
 		case 1: /* Was active, we've now cancelled */
 			return true;
 	} else if (defer_t == SDEB_DEFER_WQ) {
 		/* Cancel if pending */
-		if (cancel_work_sync(&sd_dp->ew.work))
+		if (cancel_work(&sd_dp->ew.work))
 			return true;
-		/* Was not pending, so it must have run */
+		/* callback may be running, so return false */
 		return false;
 	} else if (defer_t == SDEB_DEFER_POLL) {
 		return true;
@@ -5983,28 +6688,6 @@ static bool stop_qc_helper(struct sdebug_defer *sd_dp,
 	return false;
-static bool scsi_debug_stop_cmnd(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd)
-	enum sdeb_defer_type l_defer_t;
-	struct sdebug_defer *sd_dp;
-	struct sdebug_scsi_cmd *sdsc = scsi_cmd_priv(cmnd);
-	struct sdebug_queued_cmd *sqcp = TO_QUEUED_CMD(cmnd);
-	lockdep_assert_held(&sdsc->lock);
-	if (!sqcp)
-		return false;
-	sd_dp = &sqcp->sd_dp;
-	l_defer_t = READ_ONCE(sd_dp->defer_t);
-	if (stop_qc_helper(sd_dp, l_defer_t))
-		sdebug_free_queued_cmd(sqcp);
-	return true;
  * Called from scsi_debug_abort() only, which is for timed-out cmd.
@@ -6076,7 +6759,7 @@ static int sdebug_fail_abort(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd)
 static int scsi_debug_abort(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
-	bool ok = scsi_debug_abort_cmnd(SCpnt);
+	bool aborted = scsi_debug_abort_cmnd(SCpnt);
 	u8 *cmd = SCpnt->cmnd;
 	u8 opcode = cmd[0];
@@ -6085,7 +6768,8 @@ static int scsi_debug_abort(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
 	if (SDEBUG_OPT_ALL_NOISE & sdebug_opts)
 		sdev_printk(KERN_INFO, SCpnt->device,
 			    "%s: command%s found\n", __func__,
-			    ok ? "" : " not");
+			    aborted ? "" : " not");
 	if (sdebug_fail_abort(SCpnt)) {
 		scmd_printk(KERN_INFO, SCpnt, "fail abort command 0x%x\n",
@@ -6093,6 +6777,9 @@ static int scsi_debug_abort(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
 		return FAILED;
+	if (aborted == false)
+		return FAILED;
 	return SUCCESS;
@@ -6144,6 +6831,22 @@ static int sdebug_fail_lun_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd)
 	return 0;
+static void scsi_tape_reset_clear(struct sdebug_dev_info *devip)
+	if (sdebug_ptype == TYPE_TAPE) {
+		int i;
+		devip->tape_blksize = TAPE_DEF_BLKSIZE;
+		devip->tape_density = TAPE_DEF_DENSITY;
+		devip->tape_partition = 0;
+		devip->tape_dce = 0;
+		for (i = 0; i < TAPE_MAX_PARTITIONS; i++)
+			devip->tape_location[i] = 0;
+		devip->tape_pending_nbr_partitions = -1;
+		/* Don't reset partitioning? */
+	}
 static int scsi_debug_device_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
 	struct scsi_device *sdp = SCpnt->device;
@@ -6157,8 +6860,10 @@ static int scsi_debug_device_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
 		sdev_printk(KERN_INFO, sdp, "%s\n", __func__);
-	if (devip)
+	if (devip) {
 		set_bit(SDEBUG_UA_POR, devip->uas_bm);
+		scsi_tape_reset_clear(devip);
+	}
 	if (sdebug_fail_lun_reset(SCpnt)) {
 		scmd_printk(KERN_INFO, SCpnt, "fail lun reset 0x%x\n", opcode);
@@ -6196,6 +6901,7 @@ static int scsi_debug_target_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
 	list_for_each_entry(devip, &sdbg_host->dev_info_list, dev_list) {
 		if (devip->target == sdp->id) {
 			set_bit(SDEBUG_UA_BUS_RESET, devip->uas_bm);
+			scsi_tape_reset_clear(devip);
@@ -6227,6 +6933,7 @@ static int scsi_debug_bus_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
 	list_for_each_entry(devip, &sdbg_host->dev_info_list, dev_list) {
 		set_bit(SDEBUG_UA_BUS_RESET, devip->uas_bm);
+		scsi_tape_reset_clear(devip);
@@ -6250,6 +6957,7 @@ static int scsi_debug_host_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
 		list_for_each_entry(devip, &sdbg_host->dev_info_list,
 				    dev_list) {
 			set_bit(SDEBUG_UA_BUS_RESET, devip->uas_bm);
+			scsi_tape_reset_clear(devip);
@@ -6366,33 +7074,6 @@ static bool inject_on_this_cmd(void)
 #define INCLUSIVE_TIMING_MAX_NS 1000000		/* 1 millisecond */
-void sdebug_free_queued_cmd(struct sdebug_queued_cmd *sqcp)
-	if (sqcp)
-		kmem_cache_free(queued_cmd_cache, sqcp);
-static struct sdebug_queued_cmd *sdebug_alloc_queued_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd *scmd)
-	struct sdebug_queued_cmd *sqcp;
-	struct sdebug_defer *sd_dp;
-	sqcp = kmem_cache_zalloc(queued_cmd_cache, GFP_ATOMIC);
-	if (!sqcp)
-		return NULL;
-	sd_dp = &sqcp->sd_dp;
-	hrtimer_init(&sd_dp->hrt, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, HRTIMER_MODE_REL_PINNED);
-	sd_dp->hrt.function = sdebug_q_cmd_hrt_complete;
-	INIT_WORK(&sd_dp->ew.work, sdebug_q_cmd_wq_complete);
-	sqcp->scmd = scmd;
-	return sqcp;
 /* Complete the processing of the thread that queued a SCSI command to this
  * driver. It either completes the command by calling cmnd_done() or
  * schedules a hr timer or work queue then returns 0. Returns
@@ -6409,7 +7090,6 @@ static int schedule_resp(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd, struct sdebug_dev_info *devip,
 	struct sdebug_scsi_cmd *sdsc = scsi_cmd_priv(cmnd);
 	unsigned long flags;
 	u64 ns_from_boot = 0;
-	struct sdebug_queued_cmd *sqcp;
 	struct scsi_device *sdp;
 	struct sdebug_defer *sd_dp;
@@ -6441,12 +7121,7 @@ static int schedule_resp(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd, struct sdebug_dev_info *devip,
-	sqcp = sdebug_alloc_queued_cmd(cmnd);
-	if (!sqcp) {
-		pr_err("%s no alloc\n", __func__);
-	}
-	sd_dp = &sqcp->sd_dp;
+	sd_dp = &sdsc->sd_dp;
 	if (polled || (ndelay > 0 && ndelay < INCLUSIVE_TIMING_MAX_NS))
 		ns_from_boot = ktime_get_boottime_ns();
@@ -6494,7 +7169,6 @@ static int schedule_resp(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd, struct sdebug_dev_info *devip,
 				if (kt <= d) {	/* elapsed duration >= kt */
 					/* call scsi_done() from this thread */
-					sdebug_free_queued_cmd(sqcp);
 					return 0;
@@ -6507,13 +7181,11 @@ static int schedule_resp(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd, struct sdebug_dev_info *devip,
 		if (polled) {
 			spin_lock_irqsave(&sdsc->lock, flags);
 			sd_dp->cmpl_ts = ktime_add(ns_to_ktime(ns_from_boot), kt);
-			ASSIGN_QUEUED_CMD(cmnd, sqcp);
 			WRITE_ONCE(sd_dp->defer_t, SDEB_DEFER_POLL);
 			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sdsc->lock, flags);
 		} else {
 			/* schedule the invocation of scsi_done() for a later time */
 			spin_lock_irqsave(&sdsc->lock, flags);
-			ASSIGN_QUEUED_CMD(cmnd, sqcp);
 			WRITE_ONCE(sd_dp->defer_t, SDEB_DEFER_HRT);
 			hrtimer_start(&sd_dp->hrt, kt, HRTIMER_MODE_REL_PINNED);
@@ -6537,13 +7209,11 @@ static int schedule_resp(struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd, struct sdebug_dev_info *devip,
 			sd_dp->issuing_cpu = raw_smp_processor_id();
 		if (polled) {
 			spin_lock_irqsave(&sdsc->lock, flags);
-			ASSIGN_QUEUED_CMD(cmnd, sqcp);
 			sd_dp->cmpl_ts = ns_to_ktime(ns_from_boot);
 			WRITE_ONCE(sd_dp->defer_t, SDEB_DEFER_POLL);
 			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sdsc->lock, flags);
 		} else {
 			spin_lock_irqsave(&sdsc->lock, flags);
-			ASSIGN_QUEUED_CMD(cmnd, sqcp);
 			WRITE_ONCE(sd_dp->defer_t, SDEB_DEFER_WQ);
 			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sdsc->lock, flags);
@@ -6835,7 +7505,7 @@ static int scsi_debug_show_info(struct seq_file *m, struct Scsi_Host *host)
 		blk_mq_tagset_busy_iter(&host->tag_set, sdebug_submit_queue_iter,
 		if (f >= 0) {
-			seq_printf(m, "    in_use_bm BUSY: %s: %d,%d\n",
+			seq_printf(m, "    BUSY: %s: %d,%d\n",
 				   "first,last bits", f, l);
@@ -7910,12 +8580,6 @@ static int __init scsi_debug_init(void)
 	hosts_to_add = sdebug_add_host;
 	sdebug_add_host = 0;
-	queued_cmd_cache = KMEM_CACHE(sdebug_queued_cmd, SLAB_HWCACHE_ALIGN);
-	if (!queued_cmd_cache) {
-		ret = -ENOMEM;
-		goto driver_unreg;
-	}
 	sdebug_debugfs_root = debugfs_create_dir("scsi_debug", NULL);
 	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(sdebug_debugfs_root))
 		pr_info("%s: failed to create initial debugfs directory\n", __func__);
@@ -7942,8 +8606,6 @@ static int __init scsi_debug_init(void)
 	return 0;
-	driver_unregister(&sdebug_driverfs_driver);
@@ -7959,7 +8621,6 @@ static void __exit scsi_debug_exit(void)
 	for (; k; k--)
-	kmem_cache_destroy(queued_cmd_cache);
@@ -8343,7 +9004,6 @@ static bool sdebug_blk_mq_poll_iter(struct request *rq, void *opaque)
 	struct sdebug_defer *sd_dp;
 	u32 unique_tag = blk_mq_unique_tag(rq);
 	u16 hwq = blk_mq_unique_tag_to_hwq(unique_tag);
-	struct sdebug_queued_cmd *sqcp;
 	unsigned long flags;
 	int queue_num = data->queue_num;
 	ktime_t time;
@@ -8359,13 +9019,7 @@ static bool sdebug_blk_mq_poll_iter(struct request *rq, void *opaque)
 	time = ktime_get_boottime();
 	spin_lock_irqsave(&sdsc->lock, flags);
-	sqcp = TO_QUEUED_CMD(cmd);
-	if (!sqcp) {
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sdsc->lock, flags);
-		return true;
-	}
-	sd_dp = &sqcp->sd_dp;
+	sd_dp = &sdsc->sd_dp;
 	if (READ_ONCE(sd_dp->defer_t) != SDEB_DEFER_POLL) {
 		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sdsc->lock, flags);
 		return true;
@@ -8375,8 +9029,6 @@ static bool sdebug_blk_mq_poll_iter(struct request *rq, void *opaque)
 		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sdsc->lock, flags);
 		return true;
 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sdsc->lock, flags);
 	if (sdebug_statistics) {
@@ -8385,8 +9037,6 @@ static bool sdebug_blk_mq_poll_iter(struct request *rq, void *opaque)
-	sdebug_free_queued_cmd(sqcp);
 	scsi_done(cmd); /* callback to mid level */
 	return true;
@@ -8701,8 +9351,12 @@ static int scsi_debug_queuecommand(struct Scsi_Host *shost,
 static int sdebug_init_cmd_priv(struct Scsi_Host *shost, struct scsi_cmnd *cmd)
 	struct sdebug_scsi_cmd *sdsc = scsi_cmd_priv(cmd);
+	struct sdebug_defer *sd_dp = &sdsc->sd_dp;
+	hrtimer_init(&sd_dp->hrt, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, HRTIMER_MODE_REL_PINNED);
+	sd_dp->hrt.function = sdebug_q_cmd_hrt_complete;
+	INIT_WORK(&sd_dp->ew.work, sdebug_q_cmd_wq_complete);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/scsi_error.c b/drivers/scsi/scsi_error.c
index 815e7d63f3e2..376b8897ab90 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/scsi_error.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/scsi_error.c
@@ -547,6 +547,18 @@ enum scsi_disposition scsi_check_sense(struct scsi_cmnd *scmd)
 	scsi_report_sense(sdev, &sshdr);
+	if (sshdr.sense_key == UNIT_ATTENTION) {
+		/*
+		 * Increment the counters for Power on/Reset or New Media so
+		 * that all ULDs interested in these can see that those have
+		 * happened, even if someone else gets the sense data.
+		 */
+		if (sshdr.asc == 0x28)
+			scmd->device->ua_new_media_ctr++;
+		else if (sshdr.asc == 0x29)
+			scmd->device->ua_por_ctr++;
+	}
 	if (scsi_sense_is_deferred(&sshdr))
 		return NEEDS_RETRY;
@@ -711,6 +723,13 @@ enum scsi_disposition scsi_check_sense(struct scsi_cmnd *scmd)
 		return SUCCESS;
+		/*
+		 * A command using command duration limits (CDL) with a
+		 * descriptor set with policy 0xD may be completed with success
+		 * and the sense data DATA CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE, indicating
+		 * that the command was in fact aborted because it exceeded its
+		 * duration limit. Never retry these commands.
+		 */
 		if (sshdr.asc == 0x55 && sshdr.ascq == 0x0a) {
 			set_scsi_ml_byte(scmd, SCSIML_STAT_DL_TIMEOUT);
 			req->cmd_flags |= REQ_FAILFAST_DEV;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c b/drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c
index d776f13cd160..be0890e4e706 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c
@@ -872,13 +872,18 @@ static void scsi_io_completion_action(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd, int result)
 				case 0x1a: /* start stop unit in progress */
 				case 0x1b: /* sanitize in progress */
 				case 0x1d: /* configuration in progress */
-				case 0x24: /* depopulation in progress */
-				case 0x25: /* depopulation restore in progress */
 					action = ACTION_DELAYED_RETRY;
 				case 0x0a: /* ALUA state transition */
+				/*
+				 * Depopulation might take many hours,
+				 * thus it is not worthwhile to retry.
+				 */
+				case 0x24: /* depopulation in progress */
+				case 0x25: /* depopulation restore in progress */
+					fallthrough;
 					action = ACTION_FAIL;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/scsi_lib_test.c b/drivers/scsi/scsi_lib_test.c
index 99834426a100..ae8af0e0047a 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/scsi_lib_test.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/scsi_lib_test.c
@@ -67,6 +67,13 @@ static void scsi_lib_test_multiple_sense(struct kunit *test)
 	int i;
+	/* Success */
+	sc.result = 0;
+	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, 0, scsi_check_passthrough(&sc, &failures));
+	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, 0, scsi_check_passthrough(&sc, NULL));
+	/* Command failed but caller did not pass in a failures array */
+	scsi_build_sense(&sc, 0, ILLEGAL_REQUEST, 0x91, 0x36);
+	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, 0, scsi_check_passthrough(&sc, NULL));
 	/* Match end of array */
 	scsi_build_sense(&sc, 0, ILLEGAL_REQUEST, 0x91, 0x36);
 	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, -EAGAIN, scsi_check_passthrough(&sc, &failures));
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/scsi_scan.c b/drivers/scsi/scsi_scan.c
index 087fcbfc9aaa..4833b8fe251b 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/scsi_scan.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/scsi_scan.c
@@ -151,8 +151,9 @@ int scsi_complete_async_scans(void)
 	struct async_scan_data *data;
 	do {
-		if (list_empty(&scanning_hosts))
-			return 0;
+		scoped_guard(spinlock, &async_scan_lock)
+			if (list_empty(&scanning_hosts))
+				return 0;
 		/* If we can't get memory immediately, that's OK.  Just
 		 * sleep a little.  Even if we never get memory, the async
 		 * scans will finish eventually.
@@ -246,7 +247,7 @@ static int scsi_realloc_sdev_budget_map(struct scsi_device *sdev,
 	ret = sbitmap_init_node(&sdev->budget_map,
-				new_shift, GFP_KERNEL,
+				new_shift, GFP_NOIO,
 				sdev->request_queue->node, false, true);
 	if (!ret)
 		sbitmap_resize(&sdev->budget_map, depth);
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/scsi_sysctl.c b/drivers/scsi/scsi_sysctl.c
index be4aef0f4f99..055a03a83ad6 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/scsi_sysctl.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/scsi_sysctl.c
@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ static const struct ctl_table scsi_table[] = {
 	  .data		= &scsi_logging_level,
 	  .maxlen	= sizeof(scsi_logging_level),
 	  .mode		= 0644,
-	  .proc_handler	= proc_dointvec },
+	  .proc_handler	= proc_dointvec_minmax,
+	  .extra1	= SYSCTL_ZERO,
+	  .extra2	= SYSCTL_INT_MAX },
 static struct ctl_table_header *scsi_table_header;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/st.c b/drivers/scsi/st.c
index ebbd50ec0cda..85867120c8a9 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/st.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/st.c
@@ -163,9 +163,11 @@ static const char *st_formats[] = {
 static int debugging = DEBUG;
+/* Setting these non-zero may risk recognizing resets */
 #define MAX_RETRIES 0
 #define ST_TIMEOUT (900 * HZ)
@@ -357,10 +359,18 @@ static int st_chk_result(struct scsi_tape *STp, struct st_request * SRpnt)
 	int result = SRpnt->result;
 	u8 scode;
+	unsigned int ctr;
 	DEB(const char *stp;)
 	char *name = STp->name;
 	struct st_cmdstatus *cmdstatp;
+	ctr = scsi_get_ua_por_ctr(STp->device);
+	if (ctr != STp->por_ctr) {
+		STp->por_ctr = ctr;
+		STp->pos_unknown = 1; /* ASC => power on / reset */
+		st_printk(KERN_WARNING, STp, "Power on/reset recognized.");
+	}
 	if (!result)
 		return 0;
@@ -413,10 +423,11 @@ static int st_chk_result(struct scsi_tape *STp, struct st_request * SRpnt)
 	if (cmdstatp->have_sense &&
 	    cmdstatp->sense_hdr.asc == 0 && cmdstatp->sense_hdr.ascq == 0x17)
 		STp->cleaning_req = 1; /* ASC and ASCQ => cleaning requested */
-	if (cmdstatp->have_sense && scode == UNIT_ATTENTION && cmdstatp->sense_hdr.asc == 0x29)
+	if (cmdstatp->have_sense && scode == UNIT_ATTENTION &&
+		cmdstatp->sense_hdr.asc == 0x29 && !STp->pos_unknown) {
 		STp->pos_unknown = 1; /* ASC => power on / reset */
-	STp->pos_unknown |= STp->device->was_reset;
+		st_printk(KERN_WARNING, STp, "Power on/reset recognized.");
+	}
 	if (cmdstatp->have_sense &&
 	    scode == RECOVERED_ERROR
@@ -952,7 +963,6 @@ static void reset_state(struct scsi_tape *STp)
 		STp->partition = find_partition(STp);
 		if (STp->partition < 0)
 			STp->partition = 0;
-		STp->new_partition = STp->partition;
@@ -969,6 +979,7 @@ static int test_ready(struct scsi_tape *STp, int do_wait)
 	int attentions, waits, max_wait, scode;
 	int retval = CHKRES_READY, new_session = 0;
+	unsigned int ctr;
 	unsigned char cmd[MAX_COMMAND_SIZE];
 	struct st_request *SRpnt = NULL;
 	struct st_cmdstatus *cmdstatp = &STp->buffer->cmdstat;
@@ -1025,6 +1036,13 @@ static int test_ready(struct scsi_tape *STp, int do_wait)
+		ctr = scsi_get_ua_new_media_ctr(STp->device);
+		if (ctr != STp->new_media_ctr) {
+			STp->new_media_ctr = ctr;
+			new_session = 1;
+			DEBC_printk(STp, "New tape session.");
+		}
 		retval = (STp->buffer)->syscall_result;
 		if (!retval)
 			retval = new_session ? CHKRES_NEW_SESSION : CHKRES_READY;
@@ -2930,14 +2948,17 @@ static int st_int_ioctl(struct scsi_tape *STp, unsigned int cmd_in, unsigned lon
 		if (cmd_in == MTSETDENSITY) {
 			(STp->buffer)->b_data[4] = arg;
 			STp->density_changed = 1;	/* At least we tried ;-) */
+			STp->changed_density = arg;
 		} else if (cmd_in == SET_DENS_AND_BLK)
 			(STp->buffer)->b_data[4] = arg >> 24;
 			(STp->buffer)->b_data[4] = STp->density;
 		if (cmd_in == MTSETBLK || cmd_in == SET_DENS_AND_BLK) {
 			ltmp = arg & MT_ST_BLKSIZE_MASK;
-			if (cmd_in == MTSETBLK)
+			if (cmd_in == MTSETBLK) {
 				STp->blksize_changed = 1; /* At least we tried ;-) */
+				STp->changed_blksize = arg;
+			}
 		} else
 			ltmp = STp->block_size;
 		(STp->buffer)->b_data[9] = (ltmp >> 16);
@@ -3636,9 +3657,23 @@ static long st_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd_in, unsigned long arg)
 				retval = (-EIO);
 				goto out;
-			reset_state(STp);
-			/* remove this when the midlevel properly clears was_reset */
-			STp->device->was_reset = 0;
+			reset_state(STp); /* Clears pos_unknown */
+			/* Fix the device settings after reset, ignore errors */
+			if (mtc.mt_op == MTREW || mtc.mt_op == MTSEEK ||
+				mtc.mt_op == MTEOM) {
+				if (STp->can_partitions) {
+					/* STp->new_partition contains the
+					 *  latest partition set
+					 */
+					STp->partition = 0;
+					switch_partition(STp);
+				}
+				if (STp->density_changed)
+					st_int_ioctl(STp, MTSETDENSITY, STp->changed_density);
+				if (STp->blksize_changed)
+					st_int_ioctl(STp, MTSETBLK, STp->changed_blksize);
+			}
 		if (mtc.mt_op != MTNOP && mtc.mt_op != MTSETBLK &&
@@ -4384,6 +4419,9 @@ static int st_probe(struct device *dev)
 		goto out_idr_remove;
+	tpnt->new_media_ctr = scsi_get_ua_new_media_ctr(SDp);
+	tpnt->por_ctr = scsi_get_ua_por_ctr(SDp);
 	dev_set_drvdata(dev, tpnt);
@@ -4665,6 +4703,24 @@ options_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
 static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(options);
+ * position_lost_in_reset_show - Value 1 indicates that reads, writes, etc.
+ * are blocked because a device reset has occurred and no operation positioning
+ * the tape has been issued.
+ * @dev: struct device
+ * @attr: attribute structure
+ * @buf: buffer to return formatted data in
+ */
+static ssize_t position_lost_in_reset_show(struct device *dev,
+	struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+	struct st_modedef *STm = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	struct scsi_tape *STp = STm->tape;
+	return sprintf(buf, "%d", STp->pos_unknown);
+static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(position_lost_in_reset);
 /* Support for tape stats */
@@ -4849,6 +4905,7 @@ static struct attribute *st_dev_attrs[] = {
+	&dev_attr_position_lost_in_reset.attr,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/st.h b/drivers/scsi/st.h
index 1aaaf5369a40..0d7c4b8c2c8a 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/st.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/st.h
@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ struct scsi_tape {
 	unsigned char compression_changed;
 	unsigned char drv_buffer;
 	unsigned char density;
+	unsigned char changed_density;
 	unsigned char door_locked;
 	unsigned char autorew_dev;   /* auto-rewind device */
 	unsigned char rew_at_close;  /* rewind necessary at close */
@@ -172,11 +173,16 @@ struct scsi_tape {
 	unsigned char cleaning_req;  /* cleaning requested? */
 	unsigned char first_tur;     /* first TEST UNIT READY */
 	int block_size;
+	int changed_blksize;
 	int min_block;
 	int max_block;
 	int recover_count;     /* From tape opening */
 	int recover_reg;       /* From last status call */
+	/* The saved values of midlevel counters */
+	unsigned int new_media_ctr;
+	unsigned int por_ctr;
 #if DEBUG
 	unsigned char write_pending;
 	int nbr_finished;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/storvsc_drv.c b/drivers/scsi/storvsc_drv.c
index 5a101ac06c47..a8614e54544e 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/storvsc_drv.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/storvsc_drv.c
@@ -1800,6 +1800,7 @@ static int storvsc_queuecommand(struct Scsi_Host *host, struct scsi_cmnd *scmnd)
 	length = scsi_bufflen(scmnd);
 	payload = (struct vmbus_packet_mpb_array *)&cmd_request->mpb;
+	payload->range.len = 0;
 	payload_sz = 0;
 	if (scsi_sg_count(scmnd)) {
diff --git a/drivers/soc/qcom/smp2p.c b/drivers/soc/qcom/smp2p.c
index 4783ab1adb8d..a3e88ced328a 100644
--- a/drivers/soc/qcom/smp2p.c
+++ b/drivers/soc/qcom/smp2p.c
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ static void smp2p_irq_print_chip(struct irq_data *irqd, struct seq_file *p)
 	struct smp2p_entry *entry = irq_data_get_irq_chip_data(irqd);
-	seq_printf(p, " %8s", dev_name(entry->smp2p->dev));
+	seq_printf(p, "%8s", dev_name(entry->smp2p->dev));
 static struct irq_chip smp2p_irq_chip = {
diff --git a/drivers/target/iscsi/iscsi_target_nego.c b/drivers/target/iscsi/iscsi_target_nego.c
index 16e3ded98c32..832588f21f91 100644
--- a/drivers/target/iscsi/iscsi_target_nego.c
+++ b/drivers/target/iscsi/iscsi_target_nego.c
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ int iscsi_target_check_login_request(
 	if ((login_req->max_version != login->version_max) ||
 	    (login_req->min_version != login->version_min)) {
-		pr_err("Login request changed Version Max/Nin"
+		pr_err("Login request changed Version Max/Min"
 			" unexpectedly to 0x%02x/0x%02x, protocol error\n",
 			login_req->max_version, login_req->min_version);
 		iscsit_tx_login_rsp(conn, ISCSI_STATUS_CLS_INITIATOR_ERR,
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ static void iscsi_target_do_login_rx(struct work_struct *work)
 	 * before initial PDU processing in iscsi_target_start_negotiation()
 	 * has completed, go ahead and retry until it's cleared.
-	 * Otherwise if the TCP connection drops while this is occuring,
+	 * Otherwise if the TCP connection drops while this is occurring,
 	 * iscsi_target_start_negotiation() will detect the failure, call
 	 * cancel_delayed_work_sync(&conn->login_work), and cleanup the
 	 * remaining iscsi connection resources from iscsi_np process context.
@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ static int iscsi_target_do_login(struct iscsit_conn *conn, struct iscsi_login *l
 				 * Check to make sure the TCP connection has not
 				 * dropped asynchronously while session reinstatement
-				 * was occuring in this kthread context, before
+				 * was occurring in this kthread context, before
 				 * transitioning to full feature phase operation.
 				if (iscsi_target_sk_check_close(conn))
diff --git a/drivers/target/target_core_configfs.c b/drivers/target/target_core_configfs.c
index c40217f44b1b..66804bf1ee32 100644
--- a/drivers/target/target_core_configfs.c
+++ b/drivers/target/target_core_configfs.c
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ static ssize_t target_core_item_dbroot_store(struct config_item *item,
 		goto unlock;
-	read_bytes = snprintf(db_root_stage, DB_ROOT_LEN, "%s", page);
+	read_bytes = scnprintf(db_root_stage, DB_ROOT_LEN, "%s", page);
 	if (!read_bytes)
 		goto unlock;
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ static ssize_t target_core_item_dbroot_store(struct config_item *item,
 	filp_close(fp, NULL);
-	strncpy(db_root, db_root_stage, read_bytes);
+	strscpy(db_root, db_root_stage);
 	pr_debug("Target_Core_ConfigFS: db_root set to %s\n", db_root);
 	r = read_bytes;
@@ -3664,7 +3664,7 @@ static void target_init_dbroot(void)
 	filp_close(fp, NULL);
-	strncpy(db_root, db_root_stage, DB_ROOT_LEN);
+	strscpy(db_root, db_root_stage);
 	pr_debug("Target_Core_ConfigFS: db_root set to %s\n", db_root);
diff --git a/drivers/target/target_core_device.c b/drivers/target/target_core_device.c
index d1ae3df069a4..cc2da086f96e 100644
--- a/drivers/target/target_core_device.c
+++ b/drivers/target/target_core_device.c
@@ -1078,8 +1078,8 @@ passthrough_parse_cdb(struct se_cmd *cmd,
 	if (!dev->dev_attrib.emulate_pr &&
 	    ((cdb[0] == PERSISTENT_RESERVE_IN) ||
 	     (cdb[0] == PERSISTENT_RESERVE_OUT) ||
-	     (cdb[0] == RELEASE || cdb[0] == RELEASE_10) ||
-	     (cdb[0] == RESERVE || cdb[0] == RESERVE_10))) {
+	     (cdb[0] == RELEASE_6 || cdb[0] == RELEASE_10) ||
+	     (cdb[0] == RESERVE_6 || cdb[0] == RESERVE_10))) {
@@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ passthrough_parse_cdb(struct se_cmd *cmd,
 			return target_cmd_size_check(cmd, size);
-		if (cdb[0] == RELEASE || cdb[0] == RELEASE_10) {
+		if (cdb[0] == RELEASE_6 || cdb[0] == RELEASE_10) {
 			cmd->execute_cmd = target_scsi2_reservation_release;
 			if (cdb[0] == RELEASE_10)
 				size = get_unaligned_be16(&cdb[7]);
@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ passthrough_parse_cdb(struct se_cmd *cmd,
 				size = cmd->data_length;
 			return target_cmd_size_check(cmd, size);
-		if (cdb[0] == RESERVE || cdb[0] == RESERVE_10) {
+		if (cdb[0] == RESERVE_6 || cdb[0] == RESERVE_10) {
 			cmd->execute_cmd = target_scsi2_reservation_reserve;
 			if (cdb[0] == RESERVE_10)
 				size = get_unaligned_be16(&cdb[7]);
diff --git a/drivers/target/target_core_pr.c b/drivers/target/target_core_pr.c
index 4f4ad6af416c..34cf2c399b39 100644
--- a/drivers/target/target_core_pr.c
+++ b/drivers/target/target_core_pr.c
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ target_scsi2_reservation_check(struct se_cmd *cmd)
 	switch (cmd->t_task_cdb[0]) {
 	case INQUIRY:
-	case RELEASE:
+	case RELEASE_6:
 	case RELEASE_10:
 		return 0;
@@ -418,12 +418,12 @@ static int core_scsi3_pr_seq_non_holder(struct se_cmd *cmd, u32 pr_reg_type,
 			return -EINVAL;
-	case RELEASE:
+	case RELEASE_6:
 	case RELEASE_10:
 		/* Handled by CRH=1 in target_scsi2_reservation_release() */
 		ret = 0;
-	case RESERVE:
+	case RESERVE_6:
 	case RESERVE_10:
 		/* Handled by CRH=1 in target_scsi2_reservation_reserve() */
 		ret = 0;
diff --git a/drivers/target/target_core_spc.c b/drivers/target/target_core_spc.c
index ea14a3835681..0a02492bef70 100644
--- a/drivers/target/target_core_spc.c
+++ b/drivers/target/target_core_spc.c
@@ -1674,9 +1674,9 @@ static bool tcm_is_pr_enabled(struct target_opcode_descriptor *descr,
 		return true;
 	switch (descr->opcode) {
-	case RESERVE:
+	case RESERVE_6:
 	case RESERVE_10:
-	case RELEASE:
+	case RELEASE_6:
 	case RELEASE_10:
 		 * The pr_ops which are used by the backend modules don't
@@ -1828,9 +1828,9 @@ static struct target_opcode_descriptor tcm_opcode_pro_register_move = {
 static struct target_opcode_descriptor tcm_opcode_release = {
 	.support = SCSI_SUPPORT_FULL,
-	.opcode = RELEASE,
+	.opcode = RELEASE_6,
 	.cdb_size = 6,
-	.usage_bits = {RELEASE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+	.usage_bits = {RELEASE_6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
 		       0x00, SCSI_CONTROL_MASK},
 	.enabled = tcm_is_pr_enabled,
@@ -1847,9 +1847,9 @@ static struct target_opcode_descriptor tcm_opcode_release10 = {
 static struct target_opcode_descriptor tcm_opcode_reserve = {
 	.support = SCSI_SUPPORT_FULL,
-	.opcode = RESERVE,
+	.opcode = RESERVE_6,
 	.cdb_size = 6,
-	.usage_bits = {RESERVE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+	.usage_bits = {RESERVE_6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
 		       0x00, SCSI_CONTROL_MASK},
 	.enabled = tcm_is_pr_enabled,
@@ -2151,8 +2151,10 @@ spc_rsoc_get_descr(struct se_cmd *cmd, struct target_opcode_descriptor **opcode)
 			if (descr->serv_action_valid)
-			if (!descr->enabled || descr->enabled(descr, cmd))
+			if (!descr->enabled || descr->enabled(descr, cmd)) {
 				*opcode = descr;
+				return TCM_NO_SENSE;
+			}
 		case 0x2:
@@ -2166,8 +2168,10 @@ spc_rsoc_get_descr(struct se_cmd *cmd, struct target_opcode_descriptor **opcode)
 			if (descr->serv_action_valid &&
 			    descr->service_action == requested_sa) {
 				if (!descr->enabled || descr->enabled(descr,
-								      cmd))
+								      cmd)) {
 					*opcode = descr;
+					return TCM_NO_SENSE;
+				}
 			} else if (!descr->serv_action_valid)
@@ -2180,13 +2184,15 @@ spc_rsoc_get_descr(struct se_cmd *cmd, struct target_opcode_descriptor **opcode)
 			if (descr->service_action == requested_sa)
 				if (!descr->enabled || descr->enabled(descr,
-								      cmd))
+								      cmd)) {
 					*opcode = descr;
+					return TCM_NO_SENSE;
+				}
-	return 0;
+	return TCM_NO_SENSE;
 static sense_reason_t
@@ -2243,7 +2249,7 @@ spc_emulate_report_supp_op_codes(struct se_cmd *cmd)
 			response_length += spc_rsoc_encode_command_descriptor(
 					&buf[response_length], rctd, descr);
-		put_unaligned_be32(response_length - 3, buf);
+		put_unaligned_be32(response_length - 4, buf);
 	} else {
 		response_length = spc_rsoc_encode_one_command_descriptor(
 				&buf[response_length], rctd, descr,
@@ -2267,9 +2273,9 @@ spc_parse_cdb(struct se_cmd *cmd, unsigned int *size)
 	unsigned char *cdb = cmd->t_task_cdb;
 	switch (cdb[0]) {
-	case RESERVE:
+	case RESERVE_6:
 	case RESERVE_10:
-	case RELEASE:
+	case RELEASE_6:
 	case RELEASE_10:
 		if (!dev->dev_attrib.emulate_pr)
@@ -2313,7 +2319,7 @@ spc_parse_cdb(struct se_cmd *cmd, unsigned int *size)
 		*size = get_unaligned_be32(&cdb[5]);
 		cmd->execute_cmd = target_scsi3_emulate_pr_out;
-	case RELEASE:
+	case RELEASE_6:
 	case RELEASE_10:
 		if (cdb[0] == RELEASE_10)
 			*size = get_unaligned_be16(&cdb[7]);
@@ -2322,7 +2328,7 @@ spc_parse_cdb(struct se_cmd *cmd, unsigned int *size)
 		cmd->execute_cmd = target_scsi2_reservation_release;
-	case RESERVE:
+	case RESERVE_6:
 	case RESERVE_10:
 		 * The SPC-2 RESERVE does not contain a size in the SCSI CDB.
diff --git a/drivers/target/target_core_stat.c b/drivers/target/target_core_stat.c
index c42cbde8a31b..210648a0092e 100644
--- a/drivers/target/target_core_stat.c
+++ b/drivers/target/target_core_stat.c
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ static ssize_t target_stat_tgt_status_show(struct config_item *item,
 		char *page)
 	if (to_stat_tgt_dev(item)->export_count)
-		return snprintf(page, PAGE_SIZE, "activated");
+		return snprintf(page, PAGE_SIZE, "activated\n");
-		return snprintf(page, PAGE_SIZE, "deactivated");
+		return snprintf(page, PAGE_SIZE, "deactivated\n");
 static ssize_t target_stat_tgt_non_access_lus_show(struct config_item *item,
diff --git a/drivers/tty/pty.c b/drivers/tty/pty.c
index df08f13052ff..8bb1a01fef2a 100644
--- a/drivers/tty/pty.c
+++ b/drivers/tty/pty.c
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ static int ptmx_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
 	nonseekable_open(inode, filp);
 	/* We refuse fsnotify events on ptmx, since it's a shared resource */
-	filp->f_mode |= FMODE_NONOTIFY;
+	file_set_fsnotify_mode(filp, FMODE_NONOTIFY);
 	retval = tty_alloc_file(filp);
 	if (retval)
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/core/ufs-sysfs.c b/drivers/ufs/core/ufs-sysfs.c
index 3438269a5440..90b5ab60f5ae 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/core/ufs-sysfs.c
+++ b/drivers/ufs/core/ufs-sysfs.c
@@ -458,6 +458,14 @@ static ssize_t pm_qos_enable_store(struct device *dev,
 	return count;
+static ssize_t critical_health_show(struct device *dev,
+				    struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+	struct ufs_hba *hba = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	return sysfs_emit(buf, "%d\n", hba->critical_health_count);
 static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(rpm_lvl);
 static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(rpm_target_dev_state);
 static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(rpm_target_link_state);
@@ -470,6 +478,7 @@ static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(enable_wb_buf_flush);
 static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(wb_flush_threshold);
 static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(rtc_update_ms);
 static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(pm_qos_enable);
+static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(critical_health);
 static struct attribute *ufs_sysfs_ufshcd_attrs[] = {
@@ -484,6 +493,7 @@ static struct attribute *ufs_sysfs_ufshcd_attrs[] = {
+	&dev_attr_critical_health.attr,
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/core/ufs_trace.h b/drivers/ufs/core/ufs_trace.h
index 84deca2b841d..caa32e23ffa5 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/core/ufs_trace.h
+++ b/drivers/ufs/core/ufs_trace.h
@@ -83,34 +83,34 @@ UFS_CMD_TRACE_TSF_TYPES
-	TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, int state),
+	TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, int state),
-	TP_ARGS(dev_name, state),
+	TP_ARGS(hba, state),
-		__string(dev_name, dev_name)
+		__field(struct ufs_hba *, hba)
 		__field(int, state)
-		__assign_str(dev_name);
+		__entry->hba = hba;
 		__entry->state = state;
 	TP_printk("%s: gating state changed to %s",
-		__get_str(dev_name),
+		dev_name(__entry->hba->dev),
 		__print_symbolic(__entry->state, UFSCHD_CLK_GATING_STATES))
-	TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, const char *state, const char *clk,
+	TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, const char *state, const char *clk,
 		u32 prev_state, u32 curr_state),
-	TP_ARGS(dev_name, state, clk, prev_state, curr_state),
+	TP_ARGS(hba, state, clk, prev_state, curr_state),
-		__string(dev_name, dev_name)
+		__field(struct ufs_hba *, hba)
 		__string(state, state)
 		__string(clk, clk)
 		__field(u32, prev_state)
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ TRACE_EVENT(ufshcd_clk_scaling,
-		__assign_str(dev_name);
+		__entry->hba = hba;
 		__entry->prev_state = prev_state;
@@ -126,80 +126,80 @@ TRACE_EVENT(ufshcd_clk_scaling,
 	TP_printk("%s: %s %s from %u to %u Hz",
-		__get_str(dev_name), __get_str(state), __get_str(clk),
+		dev_name(__entry->hba->dev), __get_str(state), __get_str(clk),
 		__entry->prev_state, __entry->curr_state)
-	TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, const char *state),
+	TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, const char *state),
-	TP_ARGS(dev_name, state),
+	TP_ARGS(hba, state),
-		__string(dev_name, dev_name)
+		__field(struct ufs_hba *, hba)
 		__string(state, state)
-		__assign_str(dev_name);
+		__entry->hba = hba;
 	TP_printk("%s: auto bkops - %s",
-		__get_str(dev_name), __get_str(state))
+		dev_name(__entry->hba->dev), __get_str(state))
-	TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, const char *profile_info, s64 time_us,
+	TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, const char *profile_info, s64 time_us,
 		 int err),
-	TP_ARGS(dev_name, profile_info, time_us, err),
+	TP_ARGS(hba, profile_info, time_us, err),
-		__string(dev_name, dev_name)
+		__field(struct ufs_hba *, hba)
 		__string(profile_info, profile_info)
 		__field(s64, time_us)
 		__field(int, err)
-		__assign_str(dev_name);
+		__entry->hba = hba;
 		__entry->time_us = time_us;
 		__entry->err = err;
 	TP_printk("%s: %s: took %lld usecs, err %d",
-		__get_str(dev_name), __get_str(profile_info),
+		dev_name(__entry->hba->dev), __get_str(profile_info),
 		__entry->time_us, __entry->err)
 DEFINE_EVENT(ufshcd_profiling_template, ufshcd_profile_hibern8,
-	TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, const char *profile_info, s64 time_us,
+	TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, const char *profile_info, s64 time_us,
 		 int err),
-	TP_ARGS(dev_name, profile_info, time_us, err));
+	TP_ARGS(hba, profile_info, time_us, err));
 DEFINE_EVENT(ufshcd_profiling_template, ufshcd_profile_clk_gating,
-	TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, const char *profile_info, s64 time_us,
+	TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, const char *profile_info, s64 time_us,
 		 int err),
-	TP_ARGS(dev_name, profile_info, time_us, err));
+	TP_ARGS(hba, profile_info, time_us, err));
 DEFINE_EVENT(ufshcd_profiling_template, ufshcd_profile_clk_scaling,
-	TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, const char *profile_info, s64 time_us,
+	TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, const char *profile_info, s64 time_us,
 		 int err),
-	TP_ARGS(dev_name, profile_info, time_us, err));
+	TP_ARGS(hba, profile_info, time_us, err));
-	TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, int err, s64 usecs,
+	TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err, s64 usecs,
 		 int dev_state, int link_state),
-	TP_ARGS(dev_name, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state),
+	TP_ARGS(hba, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state),
 		__field(s64, usecs)
 		__field(int, err)
-		__string(dev_name, dev_name)
+		__field(struct ufs_hba *, hba)
 		__field(int, dev_state)
 		__field(int, link_state)
@@ -207,14 +207,14 @@ DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(ufshcd_template,
 		__entry->usecs = usecs;
 		__entry->err = err;
-		__assign_str(dev_name);
+		__entry->hba = hba;
 		__entry->dev_state = dev_state;
 		__entry->link_state = link_state;
 		"%s: took %lld usecs, dev_state: %s, link_state: %s, err %d",
-		__get_str(dev_name),
+		dev_name(__entry->hba->dev),
 		__print_symbolic(__entry->dev_state, UFS_PWR_MODES),
 		__print_symbolic(__entry->link_state, UFS_LINK_STATES),
@@ -223,60 +223,62 @@ DECLARE_EVENT_CLASS(ufshcd_template,
 DEFINE_EVENT(ufshcd_template, ufshcd_system_suspend,
-	     TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, int err, s64 usecs,
+	     TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err, s64 usecs,
 		      int dev_state, int link_state),
-	     TP_ARGS(dev_name, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
+	     TP_ARGS(hba, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
 DEFINE_EVENT(ufshcd_template, ufshcd_system_resume,
-	     TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, int err, s64 usecs,
+	     TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err, s64 usecs,
 		      int dev_state, int link_state),
-	     TP_ARGS(dev_name, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
+	     TP_ARGS(hba, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
 DEFINE_EVENT(ufshcd_template, ufshcd_runtime_suspend,
-	     TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, int err, s64 usecs,
+	     TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err, s64 usecs,
 		      int dev_state, int link_state),
-	     TP_ARGS(dev_name, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
+	     TP_ARGS(hba, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
 DEFINE_EVENT(ufshcd_template, ufshcd_runtime_resume,
-	     TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, int err, s64 usecs,
+	     TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err, s64 usecs,
 		      int dev_state, int link_state),
-	     TP_ARGS(dev_name, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
+	     TP_ARGS(hba, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
 DEFINE_EVENT(ufshcd_template, ufshcd_init,
-	     TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, int err, s64 usecs,
+	     TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err, s64 usecs,
 		      int dev_state, int link_state),
-	     TP_ARGS(dev_name, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
+	     TP_ARGS(hba, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
 DEFINE_EVENT(ufshcd_template, ufshcd_wl_suspend,
-	     TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, int err, s64 usecs,
+	     TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err, s64 usecs,
 		      int dev_state, int link_state),
-	     TP_ARGS(dev_name, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
+	     TP_ARGS(hba, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
 DEFINE_EVENT(ufshcd_template, ufshcd_wl_resume,
-	     TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, int err, s64 usecs,
+	     TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err, s64 usecs,
 		      int dev_state, int link_state),
-	     TP_ARGS(dev_name, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
+	     TP_ARGS(hba, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
 DEFINE_EVENT(ufshcd_template, ufshcd_wl_runtime_suspend,
-	     TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, int err, s64 usecs,
+	     TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err, s64 usecs,
 		      int dev_state, int link_state),
-	     TP_ARGS(dev_name, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
+	     TP_ARGS(hba, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
 DEFINE_EVENT(ufshcd_template, ufshcd_wl_runtime_resume,
-	     TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, int err, s64 usecs,
+	     TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err, s64 usecs,
 		      int dev_state, int link_state),
-	     TP_ARGS(dev_name, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
+	     TP_ARGS(hba, err, usecs, dev_state, link_state));
-	TP_PROTO(struct scsi_device *sdev, enum ufs_trace_str_t str_t,
+	TP_PROTO(struct scsi_device *sdev, struct ufs_hba *hba,
+		 enum ufs_trace_str_t str_t,
 		 unsigned int tag, u32 doorbell, u32 hwq_id, int transfer_len,
 		 u32 intr, u64 lba, u8 opcode, u8 group_id),
-	TP_ARGS(sdev, str_t, tag, doorbell, hwq_id, transfer_len, intr, lba,
+	TP_ARGS(sdev, hba, str_t, tag, doorbell, hwq_id, transfer_len, intr, lba,
 		opcode, group_id),
 		__field(struct scsi_device *, sdev)
+		__field(struct ufs_hba *, hba)
 		__field(enum ufs_trace_str_t, str_t)
 		__field(unsigned int, tag)
 		__field(u32, doorbell)
@@ -290,6 +292,7 @@ TRACE_EVENT(ufshcd_command,
 		__entry->sdev = sdev;
+		__entry->hba = hba;
 		__entry->str_t = str_t;
 		__entry->tag = tag;
 		__entry->doorbell = doorbell;
@@ -312,13 +315,13 @@ TRACE_EVENT(ufshcd_command,
-	TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, enum ufs_trace_str_t str_t, u32 cmd,
+	TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, enum ufs_trace_str_t str_t, u32 cmd,
 		 u32 arg1, u32 arg2, u32 arg3),
-	TP_ARGS(dev_name, str_t, cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3),
+	TP_ARGS(hba, str_t, cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3),
-		__string(dev_name, dev_name)
+		__field(struct ufs_hba *, hba)
 		__field(enum ufs_trace_str_t, str_t)
 		__field(u32, cmd)
 		__field(u32, arg1)
@@ -327,7 +330,7 @@ TRACE_EVENT(ufshcd_uic_command,
-		__assign_str(dev_name);
+		__entry->hba = hba;
 		__entry->str_t = str_t;
 		__entry->cmd = cmd;
 		__entry->arg1 = arg1;
@@ -337,19 +340,19 @@ TRACE_EVENT(ufshcd_uic_command,
 		"%s: %s: cmd: 0x%x, arg1: 0x%x, arg2: 0x%x, arg3: 0x%x",
-		show_ufs_cmd_trace_str(__entry->str_t), __get_str(dev_name),
+		show_ufs_cmd_trace_str(__entry->str_t), dev_name(__entry->hba->dev),
 		__entry->cmd, __entry->arg1, __entry->arg2, __entry->arg3
-	TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, enum ufs_trace_str_t str_t, void *hdr,
+	TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, enum ufs_trace_str_t str_t, void *hdr,
 		 void *tsf, enum ufs_trace_tsf_t tsf_t),
-	TP_ARGS(dev_name, str_t, hdr, tsf, tsf_t),
+	TP_ARGS(hba, str_t, hdr, tsf, tsf_t),
-		__string(dev_name, dev_name)
+		__field(struct ufs_hba *, hba)
 		__field(enum ufs_trace_str_t, str_t)
 		__array(unsigned char, hdr, 12)
 		__array(unsigned char, tsf, 16)
@@ -357,7 +360,7 @@ TRACE_EVENT(ufshcd_upiu,
-		__assign_str(dev_name);
+		__entry->hba = hba;
 		__entry->str_t = str_t;
 		memcpy(__entry->hdr, hdr, sizeof(__entry->hdr));
 		memcpy(__entry->tsf, tsf, sizeof(__entry->tsf));
@@ -366,7 +369,7 @@ TRACE_EVENT(ufshcd_upiu,
 		"%s: %s: HDR:%s, %s:%s",
-		show_ufs_cmd_trace_str(__entry->str_t), __get_str(dev_name),
+		show_ufs_cmd_trace_str(__entry->str_t), dev_name(__entry->hba->dev),
 		__print_hex(__entry->hdr, sizeof(__entry->hdr)),
 		__print_hex(__entry->tsf, sizeof(__entry->tsf))
@@ -375,22 +378,22 @@ TRACE_EVENT(ufshcd_upiu,
-	TP_PROTO(const char *dev_name, u16 status),
+	TP_PROTO(struct ufs_hba *hba, u16 status),
-	TP_ARGS(dev_name, status),
+	TP_ARGS(hba, status),
-		__string(dev_name, dev_name)
+		__field(struct ufs_hba *, hba)
 		__field(u16, status)
-		__assign_str(dev_name);
+		__entry->hba = hba;
 		__entry->status = status;
 	TP_printk("%s: status 0x%x",
-		__get_str(dev_name), __entry->status
+		dev_name(__entry->hba->dev), __entry->status
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/core/ufshcd-priv.h b/drivers/ufs/core/ufshcd-priv.h
index 786f20ef2238..10b4a19a70f1 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/core/ufshcd-priv.h
+++ b/drivers/ufs/core/ufshcd-priv.h
@@ -117,11 +117,12 @@ static inline u32 ufshcd_vops_get_ufs_hci_version(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	return ufshcd_readl(hba, REG_UFS_VERSION);
-static inline int ufshcd_vops_clk_scale_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
-			bool up, enum ufs_notify_change_status status)
+static inline int ufshcd_vops_clk_scale_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool up,
+					       unsigned long target_freq,
+					       enum ufs_notify_change_status status)
 	if (hba->vops && hba->vops->clk_scale_notify)
-		return hba->vops->clk_scale_notify(hba, up, status);
+		return hba->vops->clk_scale_notify(hba, up, target_freq, status);
 	return 0;
@@ -159,9 +160,9 @@ static inline int ufshcd_vops_link_startup_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 static inline int ufshcd_vops_pwr_change_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
-				  enum ufs_notify_change_status status,
-				  struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
-				  struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_req_params)
+				enum ufs_notify_change_status status,
+				const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
+				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_req_params)
 	if (hba->vops && hba->vops->pwr_change_notify)
 		return hba->vops->pwr_change_notify(hba, status,
@@ -270,6 +271,14 @@ static inline int ufshcd_mcq_vops_config_esi(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+static inline u32 ufshcd_vops_freq_to_gear_speed(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned long freq)
+	if (hba->vops && hba->vops->freq_to_gear_speed)
+		return hba->vops->freq_to_gear_speed(hba, freq);
+	return 0;
 extern const struct ufs_pm_lvl_states ufs_pm_lvl_states[];
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/core/ufshcd.c b/drivers/ufs/core/ufshcd.c
index cd404ade48dc..4e1e214fc5a2 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/core/ufshcd.c
+++ b/drivers/ufs/core/ufshcd.c
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ static void ufshcd_add_cmd_upiu_trace(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned int tag,
 		header = &hba->lrb[tag].ucd_rsp_ptr->header;
-	trace_ufshcd_upiu(dev_name(hba->dev), str_t, header, &rq->sc.cdb,
+	trace_ufshcd_upiu(hba, str_t, header, &rq->sc.cdb,
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ static void ufshcd_add_query_upiu_trace(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 	if (!trace_ufshcd_upiu_enabled())
-	trace_ufshcd_upiu(dev_name(hba->dev), str_t, &rq_rsp->header,
+	trace_ufshcd_upiu(hba, str_t, &rq_rsp->header,
 			  &rq_rsp->qr, UFS_TSF_OSF);
@@ -393,12 +393,12 @@ static void ufshcd_add_tm_upiu_trace(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned int tag,
 	if (str_t == UFS_TM_SEND)
-		trace_ufshcd_upiu(dev_name(hba->dev), str_t,
+		trace_ufshcd_upiu(hba, str_t,
-		trace_ufshcd_upiu(dev_name(hba->dev), str_t,
+		trace_ufshcd_upiu(hba, str_t,
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ static void ufshcd_add_uic_command_trace(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 		cmd = ufshcd_readl(hba, REG_UIC_COMMAND);
-	trace_ufshcd_uic_command(dev_name(hba->dev), str_t, cmd,
+	trace_ufshcd_uic_command(hba, str_t, cmd,
 				 ufshcd_readl(hba, REG_UIC_COMMAND_ARG_1),
 				 ufshcd_readl(hba, REG_UIC_COMMAND_ARG_2),
 				 ufshcd_readl(hba, REG_UIC_COMMAND_ARG_3));
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ static void ufshcd_add_command_trace(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned int tag,
 	} else {
 		doorbell = ufshcd_readl(hba, REG_UTP_TRANSFER_REQ_DOOR_BELL);
-	trace_ufshcd_command(cmd->device, str_t, tag, doorbell, hwq_id,
+	trace_ufshcd_command(cmd->device, hba, str_t, tag, doorbell, hwq_id,
 			     transfer_len, intr, lba, opcode, group_id);
@@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ static int ufshcd_set_clk_freq(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool scale_up)
 						clki->max_freq, ret);
-				trace_ufshcd_clk_scaling(dev_name(hba->dev),
+				trace_ufshcd_clk_scaling(hba,
 						"scaled up", clki->name,
@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ static int ufshcd_set_clk_freq(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool scale_up)
 						clki->min_freq, ret);
-				trace_ufshcd_clk_scaling(dev_name(hba->dev),
+				trace_ufshcd_clk_scaling(hba,
 						"scaled down", clki->name,
@@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@ int ufshcd_opp_config_clks(struct device *dev, struct opp_table *opp_table,
 				return ret;
-			trace_ufshcd_clk_scaling(dev_name(dev),
+			trace_ufshcd_clk_scaling(hba,
 				(scaling_down ? "scaled down" : "scaled up"),
 				clki->name, hba->clk_scaling.target_freq, freq);
@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ static int ufshcd_scale_clks(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned long freq,
 	int ret = 0;
 	ktime_t start = ktime_get();
-	ret = ufshcd_vops_clk_scale_notify(hba, scale_up, PRE_CHANGE);
+	ret = ufshcd_vops_clk_scale_notify(hba, scale_up, freq, PRE_CHANGE);
 	if (ret)
 		goto out;
@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ static int ufshcd_scale_clks(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned long freq,
 	if (ret)
 		goto out;
-	ret = ufshcd_vops_clk_scale_notify(hba, scale_up, POST_CHANGE);
+	ret = ufshcd_vops_clk_scale_notify(hba, scale_up, freq, POST_CHANGE);
 	if (ret) {
 		if (hba->use_pm_opp)
@@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@ static int ufshcd_scale_clks(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned long freq,
 	ufshcd_pm_qos_update(hba, scale_up);
-	trace_ufshcd_profile_clk_scaling(dev_name(hba->dev),
+	trace_ufshcd_profile_clk_scaling(hba,
 			(scale_up ? "up" : "down"),
 			ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), start)), ret);
 	return ret;
@@ -1313,16 +1313,26 @@ static int ufshcd_wait_for_doorbell_clr(struct ufs_hba *hba,
  * ufshcd_scale_gear - scale up/down UFS gear
  * @hba: per adapter instance
+ * @target_gear: target gear to scale to
  * @scale_up: True for scaling up gear and false for scaling down
  * Return: 0 for success; -EBUSY if scaling can't happen at this time;
  * non-zero for any other errors.
-static int ufshcd_scale_gear(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool scale_up)
+static int ufshcd_scale_gear(struct ufs_hba *hba, u32 target_gear, bool scale_up)
 	int ret = 0;
 	struct ufs_pa_layer_attr new_pwr_info;
+	if (target_gear) {
+		new_pwr_info = hba->pwr_info;
+		new_pwr_info.gear_tx = target_gear;
+		new_pwr_info.gear_rx = target_gear;
+		goto config_pwr_mode;
+	}
+	/* Legacy gear scaling, in case vops_freq_to_gear_speed() is not implemented */
 	if (scale_up) {
 		memcpy(&new_pwr_info, &hba->clk_scaling.saved_pwr_info,
 		       sizeof(struct ufs_pa_layer_attr));
@@ -1343,6 +1353,7 @@ static int ufshcd_scale_gear(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool scale_up)
 	/* check if the power mode needs to be changed or not? */
 	ret = ufshcd_config_pwr_mode(hba, &new_pwr_info);
 	if (ret)
@@ -1387,13 +1398,13 @@ static int ufshcd_clock_scaling_prepare(struct ufs_hba *hba, u64 timeout_us)
 	return ret;
-static void ufshcd_clock_scaling_unprepare(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err, bool scale_up)
+static void ufshcd_clock_scaling_unprepare(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err)
-	/* Enable Write Booster if we have scaled up else disable it */
+	/* Enable Write Booster if current gear requires it else disable it */
 	if (ufshcd_enable_wb_if_scaling_up(hba) && !err)
-		ufshcd_wb_toggle(hba, scale_up);
+		ufshcd_wb_toggle(hba, hba->pwr_info.gear_rx >= hba->clk_scaling.wb_gear);
@@ -1413,15 +1424,19 @@ static void ufshcd_clock_scaling_unprepare(struct ufs_hba *hba, int err, bool sc
 static int ufshcd_devfreq_scale(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned long freq,
 				bool scale_up)
+	u32 old_gear = hba->pwr_info.gear_rx;
+	u32 new_gear = 0;
 	int ret = 0;
+	new_gear = ufshcd_vops_freq_to_gear_speed(hba, freq);
 	ret = ufshcd_clock_scaling_prepare(hba, 1 * USEC_PER_SEC);
 	if (ret)
 		return ret;
 	/* scale down the gear before scaling down clocks */
 	if (!scale_up) {
-		ret = ufshcd_scale_gear(hba, false);
+		ret = ufshcd_scale_gear(hba, new_gear, false);
 		if (ret)
 			goto out_unprepare;
@@ -1429,13 +1444,13 @@ static int ufshcd_devfreq_scale(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned long freq,
 	ret = ufshcd_scale_clks(hba, freq, scale_up);
 	if (ret) {
 		if (!scale_up)
-			ufshcd_scale_gear(hba, true);
+			ufshcd_scale_gear(hba, old_gear, true);
 		goto out_unprepare;
 	/* scale up the gear after scaling up clocks */
 	if (scale_up) {
-		ret = ufshcd_scale_gear(hba, true);
+		ret = ufshcd_scale_gear(hba, new_gear, true);
 		if (ret) {
 			ufshcd_scale_clks(hba, hba->devfreq->previous_freq,
@@ -1444,7 +1459,7 @@ static int ufshcd_devfreq_scale(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned long freq,
-	ufshcd_clock_scaling_unprepare(hba, ret, scale_up);
+	ufshcd_clock_scaling_unprepare(hba, ret);
 	return ret;
@@ -1548,7 +1563,7 @@ static int ufshcd_devfreq_target(struct device *dev,
 	if (!ret)
 		hba->clk_scaling.target_freq = *freq;
-	trace_ufshcd_profile_clk_scaling(dev_name(hba->dev),
+	trace_ufshcd_profile_clk_scaling(hba,
 		(scale_up ? "up" : "down"),
 		ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), start)), ret);
@@ -1720,6 +1735,8 @@ static ssize_t ufshcd_clkscale_enable_store(struct device *dev,
 		struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
 	struct ufs_hba *hba = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	struct ufs_clk_info *clki;
+	unsigned long freq;
 	u32 value;
 	int err = 0;
@@ -1743,14 +1760,25 @@ static ssize_t ufshcd_clkscale_enable_store(struct device *dev,
 	if (value) {
-	} else {
-		ufshcd_suspend_clkscaling(hba);
-		err = ufshcd_devfreq_scale(hba, ULONG_MAX, true);
-		if (err)
-			dev_err(hba->dev, "%s: failed to scale clocks up %d\n",
-					__func__, err);
+		goto out_rel;
+	clki = list_first_entry(&hba->clk_list_head, struct ufs_clk_info, list);
+	freq = clki->max_freq;
+	ufshcd_suspend_clkscaling(hba);
+	if (!ufshcd_is_devfreq_scaling_required(hba, freq, true))
+		goto out_rel;
+	err = ufshcd_devfreq_scale(hba, freq, true);
+	if (err)
+		dev_err(hba->dev, "%s: failed to scale clocks up %d\n",
+				__func__, err);
+	else
+		hba->clk_scaling.target_freq = freq;
@@ -1783,6 +1811,10 @@ static void ufshcd_init_clk_scaling(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	if (!hba->clk_scaling.min_gear)
 		hba->clk_scaling.min_gear = UFS_HS_G1;
+	if (!hba->clk_scaling.wb_gear)
+		/* Use intermediate gear speed HS_G3 as the default wb_gear */
+		hba->clk_scaling.wb_gear = UFS_HS_G3;
@@ -1881,7 +1913,7 @@ void ufshcd_hold(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	case REQ_CLKS_OFF:
 		if (cancel_delayed_work(&hba->clk_gating.gate_work)) {
 			hba->clk_gating.state = CLKS_ON;
-			trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(dev_name(hba->dev),
+			trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(hba,
@@ -1893,7 +1925,7 @@ void ufshcd_hold(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	case CLKS_OFF:
 		hba->clk_gating.state = REQ_CLKS_ON;
-		trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(dev_name(hba->dev),
+		trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(hba,
@@ -1933,7 +1965,7 @@ static void ufshcd_gate_work(struct work_struct *work)
 		if (hba->clk_gating.is_suspended ||
 		    hba->clk_gating.state != REQ_CLKS_OFF) {
 			hba->clk_gating.state = CLKS_ON;
-			trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(dev_name(hba->dev),
+			trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(hba,
@@ -1955,7 +1987,7 @@ static void ufshcd_gate_work(struct work_struct *work)
 			hba->clk_gating.state = CLKS_ON;
 			dev_err(hba->dev, "%s: hibern8 enter failed %d\n",
 					__func__, ret);
-			trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(dev_name(hba->dev),
+			trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(hba,
@@ -1980,7 +2012,7 @@ static void ufshcd_gate_work(struct work_struct *work)
 	if (hba->clk_gating.state == REQ_CLKS_OFF) {
 		hba->clk_gating.state = CLKS_OFF;
-		trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(dev_name(hba->dev),
+		trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(hba,
@@ -2006,7 +2038,7 @@ static void __ufshcd_release(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	hba->clk_gating.state = REQ_CLKS_OFF;
-	trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(dev_name(hba->dev), hba->clk_gating.state);
+	trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(hba, hba->clk_gating.state);
@@ -2120,8 +2152,6 @@ static void ufshcd_init_clk_gating(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&hba->clk_gating.gate_work, ufshcd_gate_work);
 	INIT_WORK(&hba->clk_gating.ungate_work, ufshcd_ungate_work);
-	spin_lock_init(&hba->clk_gating.lock);
 	hba->clk_gating.clk_gating_workq = alloc_ordered_workqueue(
 		"ufs_clk_gating_%d", WQ_MEM_RECLAIM | WQ_HIGHPRI,
@@ -3106,8 +3136,13 @@ ufshcd_dev_cmd_completion(struct ufs_hba *hba, struct ufshcd_lrb *lrbp)
 		u8 response = lrbp->ucd_rsp_ptr->header.response;
-		if (response == 0)
+		if (response == 0) {
 			err = ufshcd_copy_query_response(hba, lrbp);
+		} else {
+			err = -EINVAL;
+			dev_err(hba->dev, "%s: unexpected response in Query RSP: %x\n",
+					__func__, response);
+		}
@@ -4002,7 +4037,7 @@ static int ufshcd_dme_link_startup(struct ufs_hba *hba)
  * Return: 0 on success, non-zero value on failure.
-static int ufshcd_dme_reset(struct ufs_hba *hba)
+int ufshcd_dme_reset(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	struct uic_command uic_cmd = {
 		.command = UIC_CMD_DME_RESET,
@@ -4016,6 +4051,7 @@ static int ufshcd_dme_reset(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	return ret;
 int ufshcd_dme_configure_adapt(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 			       int agreed_gear,
@@ -4041,7 +4077,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ufshcd_dme_configure_adapt);
  * Return: 0 on success, non-zero value on failure.
-static int ufshcd_dme_enable(struct ufs_hba *hba)
+int ufshcd_dme_enable(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	struct uic_command uic_cmd = {
 		.command = UIC_CMD_DME_ENABLE,
@@ -4055,6 +4091,7 @@ static int ufshcd_dme_enable(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	return ret;
 static inline void ufshcd_add_delay_before_dme_cmd(struct ufs_hba *hba)
@@ -4419,7 +4456,7 @@ int ufshcd_uic_hibern8_enter(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	ufshcd_vops_hibern8_notify(hba, UIC_CMD_DME_HIBER_ENTER, PRE_CHANGE);
 	ret = ufshcd_uic_pwr_ctrl(hba, &uic_cmd);
-	trace_ufshcd_profile_hibern8(dev_name(hba->dev), "enter",
+	trace_ufshcd_profile_hibern8(hba, "enter",
 			     ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), start)), ret);
 	if (ret)
@@ -4444,7 +4481,7 @@ int ufshcd_uic_hibern8_exit(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	ufshcd_vops_hibern8_notify(hba, UIC_CMD_DME_HIBER_EXIT, PRE_CHANGE);
 	ret = ufshcd_uic_pwr_ctrl(hba, &uic_cmd);
-	trace_ufshcd_profile_hibern8(dev_name(hba->dev), "exit",
+	trace_ufshcd_profile_hibern8(hba, "exit",
 			     ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), start)), ret);
 	if (ret) {
@@ -5805,7 +5842,7 @@ static int ufshcd_enable_auto_bkops(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	hba->auto_bkops_enabled = true;
-	trace_ufshcd_auto_bkops_state(dev_name(hba->dev), "Enabled");
+	trace_ufshcd_auto_bkops_state(hba, "Enabled");
 	/* No need of URGENT_BKOPS exception from the device */
 	err = ufshcd_disable_ee(hba, MASK_EE_URGENT_BKOPS);
@@ -5856,7 +5893,7 @@ static int ufshcd_disable_auto_bkops(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	hba->auto_bkops_enabled = false;
-	trace_ufshcd_auto_bkops_state(dev_name(hba->dev), "Disabled");
+	trace_ufshcd_auto_bkops_state(hba, "Disabled");
 	hba->is_urgent_bkops_lvl_checked = false;
 	return err;
@@ -5976,24 +6013,6 @@ static void ufshcd_bkops_exception_event_handler(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 				__func__, err);
-static void ufshcd_temp_exception_event_handler(struct ufs_hba *hba, u16 status)
-	u32 value;
-	if (ufshcd_query_attr_retry(hba, UPIU_QUERY_OPCODE_READ_ATTR,
-				QUERY_ATTR_IDN_CASE_ROUGH_TEMP, 0, 0, &value))
-		return;
-	dev_info(hba->dev, "exception Tcase %d\n", value - 80);
-	ufs_hwmon_notify_event(hba, status & MASK_EE_URGENT_TEMP);
-	/*
-	 * A placeholder for the platform vendors to add whatever additional
-	 * steps required
-	 */
 static int __ufshcd_wb_toggle(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool set, enum flag_idn idn)
 	u8 index;
@@ -6208,13 +6227,18 @@ static void ufshcd_exception_event_handler(struct work_struct *work)
-	trace_ufshcd_exception_event(dev_name(hba->dev), status);
+	trace_ufshcd_exception_event(hba, status);
 	if (status & hba->ee_drv_mask & MASK_EE_URGENT_BKOPS)
 	if (status & hba->ee_drv_mask & MASK_EE_URGENT_TEMP)
-		ufshcd_temp_exception_event_handler(hba, status);
+		ufs_hwmon_notify_event(hba, status & MASK_EE_URGENT_TEMP);
+	if (status & hba->ee_drv_mask & MASK_EE_HEALTH_CRITICAL) {
+		hba->critical_health_count++;
+		sysfs_notify(&hba->dev->kobj, NULL, "critical_health");
+	}
 	ufs_debugfs_exception_event(hba, status);
@@ -7667,7 +7691,7 @@ static void ufshcd_process_probe_result(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 		hba->ufshcd_state = UFSHCD_STATE_OPERATIONAL;
 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(hba->host->host_lock, flags);
-	trace_ufshcd_init(dev_name(hba->dev), ret,
+	trace_ufshcd_init(hba, ret,
 			  ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), probe_start)),
 			  hba->curr_dev_pwr_mode, hba->uic_link_state);
@@ -8308,6 +8332,11 @@ static int ufs_get_device_desc(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	ufshcd_temp_notif_probe(hba, desc_buf);
+	if (dev_info->wspecversion >= 0x410) {
+		hba->critical_health_count = 0;
+		ufshcd_enable_ee(hba, MASK_EE_HEALTH_CRITICAL);
+	}
 	ufs_init_rtc(hba, desc_buf);
@@ -9160,15 +9189,15 @@ static int ufshcd_setup_clocks(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool on)
 			if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(clki->clk) && clki->enabled)
-	} else if (!ret && on) {
+	} else if (!ret && on && hba->clk_gating.is_initialized) {
 		scoped_guard(spinlock_irqsave, &hba->clk_gating.lock)
 			hba->clk_gating.state = CLKS_ON;
-		trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(dev_name(hba->dev),
+		trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(hba,
 	if (clk_state_changed)
-		trace_ufshcd_profile_clk_gating(dev_name(hba->dev),
+		trace_ufshcd_profile_clk_gating(hba,
 			(on ? "on" : "off"),
 			ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), start)), ret);
 	return ret;
@@ -9868,7 +9897,7 @@ static int ufshcd_wl_runtime_suspend(struct device *dev)
 	if (ret)
 		dev_err(&sdev->sdev_gendev, "%s failed: %d\n", __func__, ret);
-	trace_ufshcd_wl_runtime_suspend(dev_name(dev), ret,
+	trace_ufshcd_wl_runtime_suspend(hba, ret,
 		ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), start)),
 		hba->curr_dev_pwr_mode, hba->uic_link_state);
@@ -9888,7 +9917,7 @@ static int ufshcd_wl_runtime_resume(struct device *dev)
 	if (ret)
 		dev_err(&sdev->sdev_gendev, "%s failed: %d\n", __func__, ret);
-	trace_ufshcd_wl_runtime_resume(dev_name(dev), ret,
+	trace_ufshcd_wl_runtime_resume(hba, ret,
 		ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), start)),
 		hba->curr_dev_pwr_mode, hba->uic_link_state);
@@ -9920,7 +9949,7 @@ static int ufshcd_wl_suspend(struct device *dev)
 	if (!ret)
 		hba->is_sys_suspended = true;
-	trace_ufshcd_wl_suspend(dev_name(dev), ret,
+	trace_ufshcd_wl_suspend(hba, ret,
 		ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), start)),
 		hba->curr_dev_pwr_mode, hba->uic_link_state);
@@ -9943,7 +9972,7 @@ static int ufshcd_wl_resume(struct device *dev)
 	if (ret)
 		dev_err(&sdev->sdev_gendev, "%s failed: %d\n", __func__, ret);
-	trace_ufshcd_wl_resume(dev_name(dev), ret,
+	trace_ufshcd_wl_resume(hba, ret,
 		ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), start)),
 		hba->curr_dev_pwr_mode, hba->uic_link_state);
 	if (!ret)
@@ -9981,7 +10010,7 @@ static int ufshcd_suspend(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	if (ufshcd_is_clkgating_allowed(hba)) {
 		hba->clk_gating.state = CLKS_OFF;
-		trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(dev_name(hba->dev),
+		trace_ufshcd_clk_gating(hba,
@@ -10054,7 +10083,7 @@ int ufshcd_system_suspend(struct device *dev)
 	ret = ufshcd_suspend(hba);
-	trace_ufshcd_system_suspend(dev_name(hba->dev), ret,
+	trace_ufshcd_system_suspend(hba, ret,
 		ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), start)),
 		hba->curr_dev_pwr_mode, hba->uic_link_state);
 	return ret;
@@ -10082,7 +10111,7 @@ int ufshcd_system_resume(struct device *dev)
 	ret = ufshcd_resume(hba);
-	trace_ufshcd_system_resume(dev_name(hba->dev), ret,
+	trace_ufshcd_system_resume(hba, ret,
 		ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), start)),
 		hba->curr_dev_pwr_mode, hba->uic_link_state);
@@ -10108,7 +10137,7 @@ int ufshcd_runtime_suspend(struct device *dev)
 	ret = ufshcd_suspend(hba);
-	trace_ufshcd_runtime_suspend(dev_name(hba->dev), ret,
+	trace_ufshcd_runtime_suspend(hba, ret,
 		ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), start)),
 		hba->curr_dev_pwr_mode, hba->uic_link_state);
 	return ret;
@@ -10135,7 +10164,7 @@ int ufshcd_runtime_resume(struct device *dev)
 	ret = ufshcd_resume(hba);
-	trace_ufshcd_runtime_resume(dev_name(hba->dev), ret,
+	trace_ufshcd_runtime_resume(hba, ret,
 		ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), start)),
 		hba->curr_dev_pwr_mode, hba->uic_link_state);
 	return ret;
@@ -10246,16 +10275,6 @@ int ufshcd_system_thaw(struct device *dev)
 #endif /* CONFIG_PM_SLEEP  */
- * ufshcd_dealloc_host - deallocate Host Bus Adapter (HBA)
- * @hba: pointer to Host Bus Adapter (HBA)
- */
-void ufshcd_dealloc_host(struct ufs_hba *hba)
-	scsi_host_put(hba->host);
  * ufshcd_set_dma_mask - Set dma mask based on the controller
  *			 addressing capability
@@ -10274,12 +10293,26 @@ static int ufshcd_set_dma_mask(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	return dma_set_mask_and_coherent(hba->dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32));
+ * ufshcd_devres_release - devres cleanup handler, invoked during release of
+ *			   hba->dev
+ * @host: pointer to SCSI host
+ */
+static void ufshcd_devres_release(void *host)
+	scsi_host_put(host);
  * ufshcd_alloc_host - allocate Host Bus Adapter (HBA)
  * @dev: pointer to device handle
  * @hba_handle: driver private handle
  * Return: 0 on success, non-zero value on failure.
+ *
+ * NOTE: There is no corresponding ufshcd_dealloc_host() because this function
+ * keeps track of its allocations using devres and deallocates everything on
+ * device removal automatically.
 int ufshcd_alloc_host(struct device *dev, struct ufs_hba **hba_handle)
@@ -10301,6 +10334,13 @@ int ufshcd_alloc_host(struct device *dev, struct ufs_hba **hba_handle)
 		err = -ENOMEM;
 		goto out_error;
+	err = devm_add_action_or_reset(dev, ufshcd_devres_release,
+				       host);
+	if (err)
+		return dev_err_probe(dev, err,
+				     "failed to add ufshcd dealloc action\n");
 	host->nr_maps = HCTX_TYPE_POLL + 1;
 	hba = shost_priv(host);
 	hba->host = host;
@@ -10429,6 +10469,12 @@ int ufshcd_init(struct ufs_hba *hba, void __iomem *mmio_base, unsigned int irq)
 	hba->irq = irq;
 	hba->vps = &ufs_hba_vps;
+	/*
+	 * Initialize clk_gating.lock early since it is being used in
+	 * ufshcd_setup_clocks()
+	 */
+	spin_lock_init(&hba->clk_gating.lock);
 	err = ufshcd_hba_init(hba);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_error;
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/host/Kconfig b/drivers/ufs/host/Kconfig
index 580c8d0bd8bb..191fbd799ec5 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/host/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/ufs/host/Kconfig
@@ -142,3 +142,15 @@ config SCSI_UFS_SPRD
 	  Select this if you have UFS controller on Unisoc chipset.
 	  If unsure, say N.
+	tristate "Rockchip UFS host controller driver"
+	help
+	  This selects the Rockchip specific additions to UFSHCD platform driver.
+	  UFS host on Rockchip needs some vendor specific configuration before
+	  accessing the hardware which includes PHY configuration and vendor
+	  specific registers.
+	  Select this if you have UFS controller on Rockchip chipset.
+	  If unsure, say N.
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/host/Makefile b/drivers/ufs/host/Makefile
index 4573aead02eb..2f97feb5db3f 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/host/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/ufs/host/Makefile
@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_UFSHCD_PLATFORM) += ufshcd-pltfrm.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_UFS_HISI) += ufs-hisi.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_UFS_MEDIATEK) += ufs-mediatek.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_UFS_RENESAS) += ufs-renesas.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_UFS_ROCKCHIP) += ufs-rockchip.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_UFS_SPRD) += ufs-sprd.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_UFS_TI_J721E) += ti-j721e-ufs.o
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-exynos.c b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-exynos.c
index 13dd5dfc03eb..cab40d0cf1d5 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-exynos.c
+++ b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-exynos.c
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ static int exynosauto_ufs_pre_pwr_change(struct exynos_ufs *ufs,
 static int exynosauto_ufs_post_pwr_change(struct exynos_ufs *ufs,
-					  struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *pwr)
+					  const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *pwr)
 	struct ufs_hba *hba = ufs->hba;
 	u32 enabled_vh;
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ static int exynos7_ufs_pre_pwr_change(struct exynos_ufs *ufs,
 static int exynos7_ufs_post_pwr_change(struct exynos_ufs *ufs,
-						struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *pwr)
+				       const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *pwr)
 	struct ufs_hba *hba = ufs->hba;
 	int lanes = max_t(u32, pwr->lane_rx, pwr->lane_tx);
@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ static u32 exynos_ufs_get_hs_gear(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 static int exynos_ufs_pre_pwr_mode(struct ufs_hba *hba,
-				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
+				const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
 				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_req_params)
 	struct exynos_ufs *ufs = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ static int exynos_ufs_pre_pwr_mode(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 #define PWR_MODE_STR_LEN	64
 static int exynos_ufs_post_pwr_mode(struct ufs_hba *hba,
-				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *pwr_req)
+				const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *pwr_req)
 	struct exynos_ufs *ufs = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
 	struct phy *generic_phy = ufs->phy;
@@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@ static int exynos_ufs_link_startup_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 static int exynos_ufs_pwr_change_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 				enum ufs_notify_change_status status,
-				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
+				const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
 				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_req_params)
 	int ret = 0;
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-exynos.h b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-exynos.h
index 9670dc138d1e..aac517276189 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-exynos.h
+++ b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-exynos.h
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ struct exynos_ufs_drv_data {
 	int (*pre_pwr_change)(struct exynos_ufs *ufs,
 				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *pwr);
 	int (*post_pwr_change)(struct exynos_ufs *ufs,
-				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *pwr);
+			       const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *pwr);
 	int (*pre_hce_enable)(struct exynos_ufs *ufs);
 	int (*post_hce_enable)(struct exynos_ufs *ufs);
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-hisi.c b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-hisi.c
index 6e6569de74d8..6f2e6bf31225 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-hisi.c
+++ b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-hisi.c
@@ -361,9 +361,9 @@ static void ufs_hisi_pwr_change_pre_change(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 static int ufs_hisi_pwr_change_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
-				       enum ufs_notify_change_status status,
-				       struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
-				       struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_req_params)
+				enum ufs_notify_change_status status,
+				const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
+				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_req_params)
 	struct ufs_host_params host_params;
 	int ret = 0;
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-mediatek.c b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-mediatek.c
index 135cd78109e2..182f58d0c9db 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-mediatek.c
+++ b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-mediatek.c
@@ -1081,8 +1081,8 @@ static bool ufs_mtk_pmc_via_fastauto(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 static int ufs_mtk_pre_pwr_change(struct ufs_hba *hba,
-				  struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
-				  struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_req_params)
+				const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
+				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_req_params)
 	struct ufs_mtk_host *host = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
 	struct ufs_host_params host_params;
@@ -1134,9 +1134,9 @@ static int ufs_mtk_pre_pwr_change(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 static int ufs_mtk_pwr_change_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
-				     enum ufs_notify_change_status stage,
-				     struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
-				     struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_req_params)
+				enum ufs_notify_change_status stage,
+				const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
+				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_req_params)
 	int ret = 0;
@@ -1643,6 +1643,7 @@ static void ufs_mtk_clk_scale(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool scale_up)
 static int ufs_mtk_clk_scale_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool scale_up,
+				    unsigned long target_freq,
 				    enum ufs_notify_change_status status)
 	if (!ufshcd_is_clkscaling_supported(hba))
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-qcom.c b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-qcom.c
index 23b9f6efa047..d03a07402223 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-qcom.c
+++ b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-qcom.c
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
 #include <linux/platform_device.h>
 #include <linux/reset-controller.h>
 #include <linux/time.h>
+#include <linux/unaligned.h>
+#include <linux/units.h>
 #include <soc/qcom/ice.h>
@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ static const struct __ufs_qcom_bw_table {
 static void ufs_qcom_get_default_testbus_cfg(struct ufs_qcom_host *host);
-static int ufs_qcom_set_core_clk_ctrl(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool is_scale_up);
+static int ufs_qcom_set_core_clk_ctrl(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned long freq);
 static struct ufs_qcom_host *rcdev_to_ufs_host(struct reset_controller_dev *rcd)
@@ -105,6 +107,26 @@ static struct ufs_qcom_host *rcdev_to_ufs_host(struct reset_controller_dev *rcd)
+ * ufs_qcom_config_ice_allocator() - ICE core allocator configuration
+ *
+ * @host: pointer to qcom specific variant structure.
+ */
+static void ufs_qcom_config_ice_allocator(struct ufs_qcom_host *host)
+	struct ufs_hba *hba = host->hba;
+	static const uint8_t val[4] = { NUM_RX_R1W0, NUM_TX_R0W1, NUM_RX_R1W1, NUM_TX_R1W1 };
+	u32 config;
+	if (!(host->caps & UFS_QCOM_CAP_ICE_CONFIG) ||
+			!(host->hba->caps & UFSHCD_CAP_CRYPTO))
+		return;
+	config = get_unaligned_le32(val);
+	ufshcd_writel(hba, config, REG_UFS_MEM_ICE_NUM_CORE);
 static inline void ufs_qcom_ice_enable(struct ufs_qcom_host *host)
@@ -248,6 +270,11 @@ static inline int ufs_qcom_ice_suspend(struct ufs_qcom_host *host)
 	return 0;
+static void ufs_qcom_config_ice_allocator(struct ufs_qcom_host *host)
 static void ufs_qcom_disable_lane_clks(struct ufs_qcom_host *host)
@@ -496,6 +523,7 @@ static int ufs_qcom_hce_enable_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 		err = ufs_qcom_check_hibern8(hba);
+		ufs_qcom_config_ice_allocator(host);
 		dev_err(hba->dev, "%s: invalid status %d\n", __func__, status);
@@ -509,16 +537,10 @@ static int ufs_qcom_hce_enable_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
  * ufs_qcom_cfg_timers - Configure ufs qcom cfg timers
  * @hba: host controller instance
- * @gear: Current operating gear
- * @hs: current power mode
- * @rate: current operating rate (A or B)
- * @update_link_startup_timer: indicate if link_start ongoing
  * @is_pre_scale_up: flag to check if pre scale up condition.
  * Return: zero for success and non-zero in case of a failure.
-static int ufs_qcom_cfg_timers(struct ufs_hba *hba, u32 gear,
-			       u32 hs, u32 rate, bool update_link_startup_timer,
-			       bool is_pre_scale_up)
+static int ufs_qcom_cfg_timers(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool is_pre_scale_up)
 	struct ufs_qcom_host *host = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
 	struct ufs_clk_info *clki;
@@ -534,11 +556,6 @@ static int ufs_qcom_cfg_timers(struct ufs_hba *hba, u32 gear,
 	if (host->hw_ver.major < 4 && !ufshcd_is_intr_aggr_allowed(hba))
 		return 0;
-	if (gear == 0) {
-		dev_err(hba->dev, "%s: invalid gear = %d\n", __func__, gear);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
 	list_for_each_entry(clki, &hba->clk_list_head, list) {
 		if (!strcmp(clki->name, "core_clk")) {
 			if (is_pre_scale_up)
@@ -574,14 +591,13 @@ static int ufs_qcom_link_startup_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 	switch (status) {
 	case PRE_CHANGE:
-		if (ufs_qcom_cfg_timers(hba, UFS_PWM_G1, SLOWAUTO_MODE,
-					0, true, false)) {
+		if (ufs_qcom_cfg_timers(hba, false)) {
 			dev_err(hba->dev, "%s: ufs_qcom_cfg_timers() failed\n",
 			return -EINVAL;
-		err = ufs_qcom_set_core_clk_ctrl(hba, true);
+		err = ufs_qcom_set_core_clk_ctrl(hba, ULONG_MAX);
 		if (err)
 			dev_err(hba->dev, "cfg core clk ctrl failed\n");
@@ -780,7 +796,7 @@ static int ufs_qcom_icc_update_bw(struct ufs_qcom_host *host)
 static int ufs_qcom_pwr_change_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 				enum ufs_notify_change_status status,
-				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
+				const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
 				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_req_params)
 	struct ufs_qcom_host *host = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
@@ -831,9 +847,7 @@ static int ufs_qcom_pwr_change_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
-		if (ufs_qcom_cfg_timers(hba, dev_req_params->gear_rx,
-					dev_req_params->pwr_rx,
-					dev_req_params->hs_rate, false, false)) {
+		if (ufs_qcom_cfg_timers(hba, false)) {
 			dev_err(hba->dev, "%s: ufs_qcom_cfg_timers() failed\n",
@@ -989,6 +1003,14 @@ static void ufs_qcom_set_host_params(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	host_params->hs_tx_gear = host_params->hs_rx_gear = ufs_qcom_get_hs_gear(hba);
+static void ufs_qcom_set_host_caps(struct ufs_hba *hba)
+	struct ufs_qcom_host *host = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
+	if (host->hw_ver.major >= 0x5)
+		host->caps |= UFS_QCOM_CAP_ICE_CONFIG;
 static void ufs_qcom_set_caps(struct ufs_hba *hba)
@@ -997,6 +1019,8 @@ static void ufs_qcom_set_caps(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	hba->caps |= UFSHCD_CAP_WB_EN;
+	ufs_qcom_set_host_caps(hba);
@@ -1292,7 +1316,7 @@ static int ufs_qcom_set_clk_40ns_cycles(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 	return ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB(PA_VS_CORE_CLK_40NS_CYCLES), reg);
-static int ufs_qcom_set_core_clk_ctrl(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool is_scale_up)
+static int ufs_qcom_set_core_clk_ctrl(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned long freq)
 	struct ufs_qcom_host *host = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
 	struct list_head *head = &hba->clk_list_head;
@@ -1306,10 +1330,11 @@ static int ufs_qcom_set_core_clk_ctrl(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool is_scale_up)
 		    !strcmp(clki->name, "core_clk_unipro")) {
 			if (!clki->max_freq)
 				cycles_in_1us = 150; /* default for backwards compatibility */
-			else if (is_scale_up)
-				cycles_in_1us = ceil(clki->max_freq, (1000 * 1000));
+			else if (freq == ULONG_MAX)
+				cycles_in_1us = ceil(clki->max_freq, HZ_PER_MHZ);
-				cycles_in_1us = ceil(clk_get_rate(clki->clk), (1000 * 1000));
+				cycles_in_1us = ceil(freq, HZ_PER_MHZ);
@@ -1346,20 +1371,17 @@ static int ufs_qcom_set_core_clk_ctrl(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool is_scale_up)
 	return ufs_qcom_set_clk_40ns_cycles(hba, cycles_in_1us);
-static int ufs_qcom_clk_scale_up_pre_change(struct ufs_hba *hba)
+static int ufs_qcom_clk_scale_up_pre_change(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned long freq)
-	struct ufs_qcom_host *host = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
-	struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *attr = &host->dev_req_params;
 	int ret;
-	ret = ufs_qcom_cfg_timers(hba, attr->gear_rx, attr->pwr_rx,
-				  attr->hs_rate, false, true);
+	ret = ufs_qcom_cfg_timers(hba, true);
 	if (ret) {
 		dev_err(hba->dev, "%s ufs cfg timer failed\n", __func__);
 		return ret;
 	/* set unipro core clock attributes and clear clock divider */
-	return ufs_qcom_set_core_clk_ctrl(hba, true);
+	return ufs_qcom_set_core_clk_ctrl(hba, freq);
 static int ufs_qcom_clk_scale_up_post_change(struct ufs_hba *hba)
@@ -1388,14 +1410,15 @@ static int ufs_qcom_clk_scale_down_pre_change(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	return err;
-static int ufs_qcom_clk_scale_down_post_change(struct ufs_hba *hba)
+static int ufs_qcom_clk_scale_down_post_change(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned long freq)
 	/* set unipro core clock attributes and clear clock divider */
-	return ufs_qcom_set_core_clk_ctrl(hba, false);
+	return ufs_qcom_set_core_clk_ctrl(hba, freq);
-static int ufs_qcom_clk_scale_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
-		bool scale_up, enum ufs_notify_change_status status)
+static int ufs_qcom_clk_scale_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba, bool scale_up,
+				     unsigned long target_freq,
+				     enum ufs_notify_change_status status)
 	struct ufs_qcom_host *host = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
 	int err;
@@ -1409,7 +1432,7 @@ static int ufs_qcom_clk_scale_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 		if (err)
 			return err;
 		if (scale_up)
-			err = ufs_qcom_clk_scale_up_pre_change(hba);
+			err = ufs_qcom_clk_scale_up_pre_change(hba, target_freq);
 			err = ufs_qcom_clk_scale_down_pre_change(hba);
@@ -1421,7 +1444,7 @@ static int ufs_qcom_clk_scale_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 		if (scale_up)
 			err = ufs_qcom_clk_scale_up_post_change(hba);
-			err = ufs_qcom_clk_scale_down_post_change(hba);
+			err = ufs_qcom_clk_scale_down_post_change(hba, target_freq);
 		if (err) {
@@ -1855,6 +1878,36 @@ static int ufs_qcom_config_esi(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 	return ret;
+static u32 ufs_qcom_freq_to_gear_speed(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned long freq)
+	u32 gear = 0;
+	switch (freq) {
+	case 403000000:
+		gear = UFS_HS_G5;
+		break;
+	case 300000000:
+		gear = UFS_HS_G4;
+		break;
+	case 201500000:
+		gear = UFS_HS_G3;
+		break;
+	case 150000000:
+	case 100000000:
+		gear = UFS_HS_G2;
+		break;
+	case 75000000:
+	case 37500000:
+		gear = UFS_HS_G1;
+		break;
+	default:
+		dev_err(hba->dev, "%s: Unsupported clock freq : %lu\n", __func__, freq);
+		break;
+	}
+	return gear;
  * struct ufs_hba_qcom_vops - UFS QCOM specific variant operations
@@ -1883,6 +1936,7 @@ static const struct ufs_hba_variant_ops ufs_hba_qcom_vops = {
 	.op_runtime_config	= ufs_qcom_op_runtime_config,
 	.get_outstanding_cqs	= ufs_qcom_get_outstanding_cqs,
 	.config_esi		= ufs_qcom_config_esi,
+	.freq_to_gear_speed	= ufs_qcom_freq_to_gear_speed,
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-qcom.h b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-qcom.h
index 919f53682beb..d0e6ec9128e7 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-qcom.h
+++ b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-qcom.h
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ enum {
 	UFS_AH8_CFG				= 0xFC,
 	REG_UFS_CFG3				= 0x271C,
@@ -110,6 +113,9 @@ enum {
 /* bit definition for UFS_UFS_TEST_BUS_CTRL_n */
 #define TEST_BUS_SUB_SEL_MASK	GENMASK(4, 0)  /* All XXX_SEL fields are 5 bits wide */
+/* bit definition for UFS Shared ICE config */
@@ -135,6 +141,37 @@ enum {
 #define UNIPRO_CORE_CLK_FREQ_201_5_MHZ         202
 #define UNIPRO_CORE_CLK_FREQ_403_MHZ           403
+/* ICE allocator type to share AES engines among TX stream and RX stream */
+ * Number of cores allocated for RX stream when Read data block received and
+ * Write data block is not in progress
+ */
+#define NUM_RX_R1W0 28
+ * Number of cores allocated for TX stream when Device asked to send write
+ * data block and Read data block is not in progress
+ */
+#define NUM_TX_R0W1 28
+ * Number of cores allocated for RX stream when Read data block received and
+ * Write data block is in progress
+ * OR
+ * Device asked to send write data block and Read data block is in progress
+ */
+#define NUM_RX_R1W1 15
+ * Number of cores allocated for TX stream (UFS write) when Read data block
+ * received and Write data block is in progress
+ * OR
+ * Device asked to send write data block and Read data block is in progress
+ */
+#define NUM_TX_R1W1 13
 static inline void
 ufs_qcom_get_controller_revision(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 				 u8 *major, u16 *minor, u16 *step)
@@ -196,7 +233,7 @@ struct ufs_qcom_host {
 	struct qcom_ice *ice;
+	u32 caps;
 	void __iomem *dev_ref_clk_ctrl_mmio;
 	bool is_dev_ref_clk_enabled;
 	struct ufs_hw_version hw_ver;
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-rockchip.c b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-rockchip.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8754085dd0cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-rockchip.c
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+ * Rockchip UFS Host Controller driver
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2025 Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ */
+#include <linux/clk.h>
+#include <linux/gpio.h>
+#include <linux/mfd/syscon.h>
+#include <linux/of.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/pm_domain.h>
+#include <linux/pm_wakeup.h>
+#include <linux/regmap.h>
+#include <linux/reset.h>
+#include <ufs/ufshcd.h>
+#include <ufs/unipro.h>
+#include "ufshcd-pltfrm.h"
+#include "ufs-rockchip.h"
+static int ufs_rockchip_hce_enable_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
+					 enum ufs_notify_change_status status)
+	int err = 0;
+	if (status == POST_CHANGE) {
+		err = ufshcd_dme_reset(hba);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+		err = ufshcd_dme_enable(hba);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+		return ufshcd_vops_phy_initialization(hba);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static void ufs_rockchip_set_pm_lvl(struct ufs_hba *hba)
+	hba->rpm_lvl = UFS_PM_LVL_5;
+	hba->spm_lvl = UFS_PM_LVL_5;
+static int ufs_rockchip_rk3576_phy_init(struct ufs_hba *hba)
+	struct ufs_rockchip_host *host = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
+	ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(PA_LOCAL_TX_LCC_ENABLE, 0x0), 0x0);
+	/* enable the mphy DME_SET cfg */
+	ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(MPHY_CFG, 0x0), MPHY_CFG_ENABLE);
+	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+		/* Configuration M - TX */
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_TX_CLK_PRD, SEL_TX_LANE0 + i), 0x06);
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_TX_CLK_PRD_EN, SEL_TX_LANE0 + i), 0x02);
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_TX_LINERESET_VALUE, SEL_TX_LANE0 + i), 0x44);
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_TX_LINERESET_PVALUE1, SEL_TX_LANE0 + i), 0xe6);
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_TX_LINERESET_PVALUE2, SEL_TX_LANE0 + i), 0x07);
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_TX_TASE_VALUE, SEL_TX_LANE0 + i), 0x93);
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_TX_BASE_NVALUE, SEL_TX_LANE0 + i), 0xc9);
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_TX_POWER_SAVING_CTRL, SEL_TX_LANE0 + i), 0x00);
+		/* Configuration M - RX */
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_RX_CLK_PRD, SEL_RX_LANE0 + i), 0x06);
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_RX_CLK_PRD_EN, SEL_RX_LANE0 + i), 0x00);
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_RX_LINERESET_VALUE, SEL_RX_LANE0 + i), 0x58);
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_RX_LINERESET_PVALUE1, SEL_RX_LANE0 + i), 0x8c);
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_RX_LINERESET_PVALUE2, SEL_RX_LANE0 + i), 0x02);
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_RX_LINERESET_OPTION, SEL_RX_LANE0 + i), 0xf6);
+		ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(VND_RX_POWER_SAVING_CTRL, SEL_RX_LANE0 + i), 0x69);
+	}
+	/* disable the mphy DME_SET cfg */
+	ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(MPHY_CFG, 0x0), MPHY_CFG_DISABLE);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x80, CMN_REG23);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0xB5, TRSV0_REG14);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0xB5, TRSV1_REG14);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x03, TRSV0_REG15);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x03, TRSV1_REG15);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x38, TRSV0_REG08);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x38, TRSV1_REG08);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x50, TRSV0_REG29);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x50, TRSV1_REG29);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x80, TRSV0_REG2E);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x80, TRSV1_REG2E);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x18, TRSV0_REG3C);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x18, TRSV1_REG3C);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x03, TRSV0_REG16);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x03, TRSV1_REG16);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x20, TRSV0_REG17);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x20, TRSV1_REG17);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0xC0, TRSV0_REG18);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0xC0, TRSV1_REG18);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x03, CMN_REG25);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x03, TRSV0_REG3D);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x03, TRSV1_REG3D);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0xC0, CMN_REG23);
+	udelay(1);
+	ufs_sys_writel(host->mphy_base, 0x00, CMN_REG23);
+	usleep_range(200, 250);
+	/* start link up */
+	ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(MIB_T_DBG_CPORT_TX_ENDIAN, 0), 0x0);
+	ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(MIB_T_DBG_CPORT_RX_ENDIAN, 0), 0x0);
+	ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(N_DEVICEID, 0), 0x0);
+	ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(N_DEVICEID_VALID, 0), 0x1);
+	ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(T_PEERDEVICEID, 0), 0x1);
+	ufshcd_dme_set(hba, UIC_ARG_MIB_SEL(T_CONNECTIONSTATE, 0), 0x1);
+	return 0;
+static int ufs_rockchip_common_init(struct ufs_hba *hba)
+	struct device *dev = hba->dev;
+	struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev);
+	struct ufs_rockchip_host *host;
+	int err;
+	host = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*host), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!host)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	host->ufs_sys_ctrl = devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname(pdev, "hci_grf");
+	if (IS_ERR(host->ufs_sys_ctrl))
+		return dev_err_probe(dev, PTR_ERR(host->ufs_sys_ctrl),
+				"Failed to map HCI system control registers\n");
+	host->ufs_phy_ctrl = devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname(pdev, "mphy_grf");
+	if (IS_ERR(host->ufs_phy_ctrl))
+		return dev_err_probe(dev, PTR_ERR(host->ufs_phy_ctrl),
+				"Failed to map mphy system control registers\n");
+	host->mphy_base = devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname(pdev, "mphy");
+	if (IS_ERR(host->mphy_base))
+		return dev_err_probe(dev, PTR_ERR(host->mphy_base),
+				"Failed to map mphy base registers\n");
+	host->rst = devm_reset_control_array_get_exclusive(dev);
+	if (IS_ERR(host->rst))
+		return dev_err_probe(dev, PTR_ERR(host->rst),
+				"failed to get reset control\n");
+	reset_control_assert(host->rst);
+	udelay(1);
+	reset_control_deassert(host->rst);
+	host->ref_out_clk = devm_clk_get_enabled(dev, "ref_out");
+	if (IS_ERR(host->ref_out_clk))
+		return dev_err_probe(dev, PTR_ERR(host->ref_out_clk),
+				"ref_out clock unavailable\n");
+	host->rst_gpio = devm_gpiod_get(dev, "reset", GPIOD_OUT_LOW);
+	if (IS_ERR(host->rst_gpio))
+		return dev_err_probe(dev, PTR_ERR(host->rst_gpio),
+				"failed to get reset gpio\n");
+	err = devm_clk_bulk_get_all_enabled(dev, &host->clks);
+	if (err < 0)
+		return dev_err_probe(dev, err, "failed to enable clocks\n");
+	host->hba = hba;
+	ufshcd_set_variant(hba, host);
+	return 0;
+static int ufs_rockchip_rk3576_init(struct ufs_hba *hba)
+	struct device *dev = hba->dev;
+	int ret;
+	/* Enable BKOPS when suspend */
+	/* Enable putting device into deep sleep */
+	hba->caps |= UFSHCD_CAP_DEEPSLEEP;
+	/* Enable devfreq of UFS */
+	hba->caps |= UFSHCD_CAP_CLK_SCALING;
+	/* Enable WriteBooster */
+	hba->caps |= UFSHCD_CAP_WB_EN;
+	/* Set the default desired pm level in case no users set via sysfs */
+	ufs_rockchip_set_pm_lvl(hba);
+	ret = ufs_rockchip_common_init(hba);
+	if (ret)
+		return dev_err_probe(dev, ret, "ufs common init fail\n");
+	return 0;
+static int ufs_rockchip_device_reset(struct ufs_hba *hba)
+	struct ufs_rockchip_host *host = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
+	gpiod_set_value_cansleep(host->rst_gpio, 1);
+	usleep_range(20, 25);
+	gpiod_set_value_cansleep(host->rst_gpio, 0);
+	usleep_range(20, 25);
+	return 0;
+static const struct ufs_hba_variant_ops ufs_hba_rk3576_vops = {
+	.name = "rk3576",
+	.init = ufs_rockchip_rk3576_init,
+	.device_reset = ufs_rockchip_device_reset,
+	.hce_enable_notify = ufs_rockchip_hce_enable_notify,
+	.phy_initialization = ufs_rockchip_rk3576_phy_init,
+static const struct of_device_id ufs_rockchip_of_match[] = {
+	{ .compatible = "rockchip,rk3576-ufshc", .data = &ufs_hba_rk3576_vops },
+	{ },
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, ufs_rockchip_of_match);
+static int ufs_rockchip_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
+	const struct ufs_hba_variant_ops *vops;
+	int err;
+	vops = device_get_match_data(dev);
+	if (!vops)
+		return dev_err_probe(dev, -ENODATA, "ufs_hba_variant_ops not defined.\n");
+	err = ufshcd_pltfrm_init(pdev, vops);
+	if (err)
+		return dev_err_probe(dev, err, "ufshcd_pltfrm_init failed\n");
+	return 0;
+static void ufs_rockchip_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	ufshcd_pltfrm_remove(pdev);
+#ifdef CONFIG_PM
+static int ufs_rockchip_runtime_suspend(struct device *dev)
+	struct ufs_hba *hba = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	struct ufs_rockchip_host *host = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
+	clk_disable_unprepare(host->ref_out_clk);
+	/* Do not power down the genpd if rpm_lvl is less than level 5 */
+	dev_pm_genpd_rpm_always_on(dev, hba->rpm_lvl < UFS_PM_LVL_5);
+	return ufshcd_runtime_suspend(dev);
+static int ufs_rockchip_runtime_resume(struct device *dev)
+	struct ufs_hba *hba = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	struct ufs_rockchip_host *host = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
+	int err;
+	err = clk_prepare_enable(host->ref_out_clk);
+	if (err) {
+		dev_err(hba->dev, "failed to enable ref_out clock %d\n", err);
+		return err;
+	}
+	reset_control_assert(host->rst);
+	udelay(1);
+	reset_control_deassert(host->rst);
+	return ufshcd_runtime_resume(dev);
+static int ufs_rockchip_system_suspend(struct device *dev)
+	struct ufs_hba *hba = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	struct ufs_rockchip_host *host = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
+	int err;
+	/*
+	 * If spm_lvl is less than level 5, it means we need to keep the host
+	 * controller in powered-on state. So device_set_awake_path() is
+	 * calling pm core to notify the genpd provider to meet this requirement
+	 */
+	if (hba->spm_lvl < UFS_PM_LVL_5)
+		device_set_awake_path(dev);
+	err = ufshcd_system_suspend(dev);
+	if (err) {
+		dev_err(hba->dev, "UFSHCD system suspend failed %d\n", err);
+		return err;
+	}
+	clk_disable_unprepare(host->ref_out_clk);
+	return 0;
+static int ufs_rockchip_system_resume(struct device *dev)
+	struct ufs_hba *hba = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	struct ufs_rockchip_host *host = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
+	int err;
+	err = clk_prepare_enable(host->ref_out_clk);
+	if (err) {
+		dev_err(hba->dev, "failed to enable ref_out clock %d\n", err);
+		return err;
+	}
+	return ufshcd_system_resume(dev);
+static const struct dev_pm_ops ufs_rockchip_pm_ops = {
+	SET_SYSTEM_SLEEP_PM_OPS(ufs_rockchip_system_suspend, ufs_rockchip_system_resume)
+	SET_RUNTIME_PM_OPS(ufs_rockchip_runtime_suspend, ufs_rockchip_runtime_resume, NULL)
+	.prepare	 = ufshcd_suspend_prepare,
+	.complete	 = ufshcd_resume_complete,
+static struct platform_driver ufs_rockchip_pltform = {
+	.probe = ufs_rockchip_probe,
+	.remove = ufs_rockchip_remove,
+	.driver = {
+		.name = "ufshcd-rockchip",
+		.pm = &ufs_rockchip_pm_ops,
+		.of_match_table = ufs_rockchip_of_match,
+	},
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Rockchip UFS Host Driver");
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-rockchip.h b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-rockchip.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3ba6fb9f73ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-rockchip.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
+ * Rockchip UFS Host Controller driver
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2025 Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ */
+#ifndef _UFS_ROCKCHIP_H_
+#define _UFS_ROCKCHIP_H_
+#define SEL_TX_LANE0 0x0
+#define SEL_TX_LANE1 0x1
+#define SEL_TX_LANE2 0x2
+#define SEL_TX_LANE3 0x3
+#define SEL_RX_LANE0 0x4
+#define SEL_RX_LANE1 0x5
+#define SEL_RX_LANE2 0x6
+#define SEL_RX_LANE3 0x7
+#define VND_TX_CLK_PRD                  0xAA
+#define VND_TX_CLK_PRD_EN               0xA9
+#define VND_TX_LINERESET_PVALUE2        0xAB
+#define VND_TX_LINERESET_PVALUE1        0xAC
+#define VND_TX_LINERESET_VALUE          0xAD
+#define VND_TX_BASE_NVALUE              0x93
+#define VND_TX_TASE_VALUE               0x94
+#define VND_TX_POWER_SAVING_CTRL        0x7F
+#define VND_RX_CLK_PRD                  0x12
+#define VND_RX_CLK_PRD_EN               0x11
+#define VND_RX_LINERESET_PVALUE2        0x1B
+#define VND_RX_LINERESET_PVALUE1        0x1C
+#define VND_RX_LINERESET_VALUE          0x1D
+#define VND_RX_LINERESET_OPTION         0x25
+#define VND_RX_POWER_SAVING_CTRL        0x2F
+#define VND_RX_SAVE_DET_CTRL            0x1E
+#define CMN_REG23                       0x8C
+#define CMN_REG25                       0x94
+#define TRSV0_REG08                     0xE0
+#define TRSV1_REG08                     0x220
+#define TRSV0_REG14                     0x110
+#define TRSV1_REG14                     0x250
+#define TRSV0_REG15                     0x134
+#define TRSV1_REG15                     0x274
+#define TRSV0_REG16                     0x128
+#define TRSV1_REG16                     0x268
+#define TRSV0_REG17                     0x12C
+#define TRSV1_REG17                     0x26c
+#define TRSV0_REG18                     0x120
+#define TRSV1_REG18                     0x260
+#define TRSV0_REG29                     0x164
+#define TRSV1_REG29                     0x2A4
+#define TRSV0_REG2E                     0x178
+#define TRSV1_REG2E                     0x2B8
+#define TRSV0_REG3C                     0x1B0
+#define TRSV1_REG3C                     0x2F0
+#define TRSV0_REG3D                     0x1B4
+#define TRSV1_REG3D                     0x2F4
+#define MPHY_CFG                        0x200
+#define MPHY_CFG_ENABLE                 0x40
+#define MPHY_CFG_DISABLE                0x0
+#define MIB_T_DBG_CPORT_TX_ENDIAN       0xc022
+#define MIB_T_DBG_CPORT_RX_ENDIAN       0xc023
+struct ufs_rockchip_host {
+	struct ufs_hba *hba;
+	void __iomem *ufs_phy_ctrl;
+	void __iomem *ufs_sys_ctrl;
+	void __iomem *mphy_base;
+	struct gpio_desc *rst_gpio;
+	struct reset_control *rst;
+	struct clk *ref_out_clk;
+	struct clk_bulk_data *clks;
+	uint64_t caps;
+#define ufs_sys_writel(base, val, reg)                                    \
+	writel((val), (base) + (reg))
+#define ufs_sys_readl(base, reg) readl((base) + (reg))
+#define ufs_sys_set_bits(base, mask, reg)                                 \
+	ufs_sys_writel(                                                   \
+		(base), ((mask) | (ufs_sys_readl((base), (reg)))), (reg))
+#define ufs_sys_ctrl_clr_bits(base, mask, reg)                                 \
+	ufs_sys_writel((base),                                            \
+			    ((~(mask)) & (ufs_sys_readl((base), (reg)))), \
+			    (reg))
+#endif /* _UFS_ROCKCHIP_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-sprd.c b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-sprd.c
index b1d532363f9d..65bd8fb96b99 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-sprd.c
+++ b/drivers/ufs/host/ufs-sprd.c
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ static int ufs_sprd_common_init(struct ufs_hba *hba)
 static int sprd_ufs_pwr_change_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
-				      enum ufs_notify_change_status status,
-				      struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
-				      struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_req_params)
+				enum ufs_notify_change_status status,
+				const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
+				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_req_params)
 	struct ufs_sprd_host *host = ufshcd_get_variant(hba);
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/host/ufshcd-pci.c b/drivers/ufs/host/ufshcd-pci.c
index ea39c5d5b8cf..996387906aa1 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/host/ufshcd-pci.c
+++ b/drivers/ufs/host/ufshcd-pci.c
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ static int ufs_intel_set_lanes(struct ufs_hba *hba, u32 lanes)
 static int ufs_intel_lkf_pwr_change_notify(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 				enum ufs_notify_change_status status,
-				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
+				const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_max_params,
 				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *dev_req_params)
 	int err = 0;
@@ -562,7 +562,6 @@ static void ufshcd_pci_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev)
-	ufshcd_dealloc_host(hba);
@@ -605,7 +604,6 @@ ufshcd_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *id)
 	err = ufshcd_init(hba, mmio_base, pdev->irq);
 	if (err) {
 		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Initialization failed\n");
-		ufshcd_dealloc_host(hba);
 		return err;
diff --git a/drivers/ufs/host/ufshcd-pltfrm.c b/drivers/ufs/host/ufshcd-pltfrm.c
index 505572d4fa87..ffe5d1d2b215 100644
--- a/drivers/ufs/host/ufshcd-pltfrm.c
+++ b/drivers/ufs/host/ufshcd-pltfrm.c
@@ -465,21 +465,17 @@ int ufshcd_pltfrm_init(struct platform_device *pdev,
 	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
 	mmio_base = devm_platform_ioremap_resource(pdev, 0);
-	if (IS_ERR(mmio_base)) {
-		err = PTR_ERR(mmio_base);
-		goto out;
-	}
+	if (IS_ERR(mmio_base))
+		return PTR_ERR(mmio_base);
 	irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);
-	if (irq < 0) {
-		err = irq;
-		goto out;
-	}
+	if (irq < 0)
+		return irq;
 	err = ufshcd_alloc_host(dev, &hba);
 	if (err) {
 		dev_err(dev, "Allocation failed\n");
-		goto out;
+		return err;
 	hba->vops = vops;
@@ -488,13 +484,13 @@ int ufshcd_pltfrm_init(struct platform_device *pdev,
 	if (err) {
 		dev_err(dev, "%s: clock parse failed %d\n",
 				__func__, err);
-		goto dealloc_host;
+		return err;
 	err = ufshcd_parse_regulator_info(hba);
 	if (err) {
 		dev_err(dev, "%s: regulator init failed %d\n",
 				__func__, err);
-		goto dealloc_host;
+		return err;
@@ -502,25 +498,20 @@ int ufshcd_pltfrm_init(struct platform_device *pdev,
 	err = ufshcd_parse_operating_points(hba);
 	if (err) {
 		dev_err(dev, "%s: OPP parse failed %d\n", __func__, err);
-		goto dealloc_host;
+		return err;
 	err = ufshcd_init(hba, mmio_base, irq);
 	if (err) {
 		dev_err_probe(dev, err, "Initialization failed with error %d\n",
-		goto dealloc_host;
+		return err;
 	return 0;
-	ufshcd_dealloc_host(hba);
-	return err;
@@ -534,7 +525,6 @@ void ufshcd_pltfrm_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
-	ufshcd_dealloc_host(hba);
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/function/f_mass_storage.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/function/f_mass_storage.c
index 2eae8fc2e0db..94d478b6bcd3 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/function/f_mass_storage.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/function/f_mass_storage.c
@@ -2142,8 +2142,8 @@ static int do_scsi_command(struct fsg_common *common)
 	 * of Posix locks.
-	case RELEASE:
-	case RESERVE:
+	case RELEASE_6:
+	case RESERVE_6:
diff --git a/drivers/usb/storage/debug.c b/drivers/usb/storage/debug.c
index 576be66ad962..dda610f689b7 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/storage/debug.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/storage/debug.c
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ void usb_stor_show_command(const struct us_data *us, struct scsi_cmnd *srb)
 	case INQUIRY: what = "INQUIRY"; break;
 	case MODE_SELECT: what = "MODE_SELECT"; break;
-	case RESERVE: what = "RESERVE"; break;
-	case RELEASE: what = "RELEASE"; break;
+	case RESERVE_6: what = "RESERVE"; break;
+	case RELEASE_6: what = "RELEASE"; break;
 	case COPY: what = "COPY"; break;
 	case ERASE: what = "ERASE"; break;
 	case MODE_SENSE: what = "MODE_SENSE"; break;
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/alloc_background.c b/fs/bcachefs/alloc_background.c
index fc2ef33b67b3..3ea809990ef1 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/alloc_background.c
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/alloc_background.c
@@ -1803,7 +1803,6 @@ struct discard_buckets_state {
 	u64		open;
 	u64		need_journal_commit;
 	u64		discarded;
-	u64		need_journal_commit_this_dev;
 static int bch2_discard_one_bucket(struct btree_trans *trans,
@@ -1827,11 +1826,11 @@ static int bch2_discard_one_bucket(struct btree_trans *trans,
 		goto out;
-	if (bch2_bucket_needs_journal_commit(&c->buckets_waiting_for_journal,
-			c->journal.flushed_seq_ondisk,
-			pos.inode, pos.offset)) {
-		s->need_journal_commit++;
-		s->need_journal_commit_this_dev++;
+	u64 seq_ready = bch2_bucket_journal_seq_ready(&c->buckets_waiting_for_journal,
+						      pos.inode, pos.offset);
+	if (seq_ready > c->journal.flushed_seq_ondisk) {
+		if (seq_ready > c->journal.flushing_seq)
+			s->need_journal_commit++;
 		goto out;
@@ -1865,23 +1864,24 @@ static int bch2_discard_one_bucket(struct btree_trans *trans,
 		discard_locked = true;
-	if (!bkey_eq(*discard_pos_done, iter.pos) &&
-	    ca->mi.discard && !c->opts.nochanges) {
-		/*
-		 * This works without any other locks because this is the only
-		 * thread that removes items from the need_discard tree
-		 */
-		bch2_trans_unlock_long(trans);
-		blkdev_issue_discard(ca->disk_sb.bdev,
-				     k.k->p.offset * ca->mi.bucket_size,
-				     ca->mi.bucket_size,
-				     GFP_KERNEL);
-		*discard_pos_done = iter.pos;
+	if (!bkey_eq(*discard_pos_done, iter.pos)) {
+		*discard_pos_done = iter.pos;
-		ret = bch2_trans_relock_notrace(trans);
-		if (ret)
-			goto out;
+		if (ca->mi.discard && !c->opts.nochanges) {
+			/*
+			 * This works without any other locks because this is the only
+			 * thread that removes items from the need_discard tree
+			 */
+			bch2_trans_unlock_long(trans);
+			blkdev_issue_discard(ca->disk_sb.bdev,
+					     k.k->p.offset * ca->mi.bucket_size,
+					     ca->mi.bucket_size,
+					     GFP_KERNEL);
+			ret = bch2_trans_relock_notrace(trans);
+			if (ret)
+				goto out;
+		}
 	SET_BCH_ALLOC_V4_NEED_DISCARD(&a->v, false);
@@ -1929,6 +1929,9 @@ static void bch2_do_discards_work(struct work_struct *work)
 				   POS(ca->dev_idx, U64_MAX), 0, k,
 			bch2_discard_one_bucket(trans, ca, &iter, &discard_pos_done, &s, false)));
+	if (s.need_journal_commit > dev_buckets_available(ca, BCH_WATERMARK_normal))
+		bch2_journal_flush_async(&c->journal, NULL);
 	trace_discard_buckets(c, s.seen, s.open, s.need_journal_commit, s.discarded,
@@ -2024,7 +2027,7 @@ static void bch2_do_discards_fast_work(struct work_struct *work)
-	trace_discard_buckets(c, s.seen, s.open, s.need_journal_commit, s.discarded, bch2_err_str(ret));
+	trace_discard_buckets_fast(c, s.seen, s.open, s.need_journal_commit, s.discarded, bch2_err_str(ret));
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/alloc_foreground.c b/fs/bcachefs/alloc_foreground.c
index 6df41c331a52..5a781fb4c794 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/alloc_foreground.c
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/alloc_foreground.c
@@ -205,8 +205,12 @@ static inline bool may_alloc_bucket(struct bch_fs *c,
 		return false;
-	if (bch2_bucket_needs_journal_commit(&c->buckets_waiting_for_journal,
-			c->journal.flushed_seq_ondisk, bucket.inode, bucket.offset)) {
+	u64 journal_seq_ready =
+		bch2_bucket_journal_seq_ready(&c->buckets_waiting_for_journal,
+					      bucket.inode, bucket.offset);
+	if (journal_seq_ready > c->journal.flushed_seq_ondisk) {
+		if (journal_seq_ready > c->journal.flushing_seq)
+			s->need_journal_commit++;
 		return false;
@@ -570,7 +574,7 @@ static struct open_bucket *bch2_bucket_alloc_trans(struct btree_trans *trans,
 		? bch2_bucket_alloc_freelist(trans, ca, watermark, &s, cl)
 		: bch2_bucket_alloc_early(trans, ca, watermark, &s, cl);
-	if (s.skipped_need_journal_commit * 2 > avail)
+	if (s.need_journal_commit * 2 > avail)
 		bch2_journal_flush_async(&c->journal, NULL);
 	if (!ob && s.btree_bitmap != BTREE_BITMAP_ANY) {
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/alloc_types.h b/fs/bcachefs/alloc_types.h
index 9bbb28e90b93..4aa8ee026cb8 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/alloc_types.h
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/alloc_types.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ struct bucket_alloc_state {
 	u64	buckets_seen;
 	u64	skipped_open;
 	u64	skipped_need_journal_commit;
+	u64	need_journal_commit;
 	u64	skipped_nocow;
 	u64	skipped_nouse;
 	u64	skipped_mi_btree_bitmap;
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/btree_key_cache.c b/fs/bcachefs/btree_key_cache.c
index c378b97ebeca..1821f40c161a 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/btree_key_cache.c
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/btree_key_cache.c
@@ -748,7 +748,6 @@ void bch2_fs_btree_key_cache_exit(struct btree_key_cache *bc)
-				rcu_read_lock();
 			for (i = 0; i < tbl->size; i++)
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/buckets_waiting_for_journal.c b/fs/bcachefs/buckets_waiting_for_journal.c
index f9fb150eda70..c8a488e6b7b8 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/buckets_waiting_for_journal.c
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/buckets_waiting_for_journal.c
@@ -22,23 +22,21 @@ static void bucket_table_init(struct buckets_waiting_for_journal_table *t, size_
 	memset(t->d, 0, sizeof(t->d[0]) << t->bits);
-bool bch2_bucket_needs_journal_commit(struct buckets_waiting_for_journal *b,
-				      u64 flushed_seq,
-				      unsigned dev, u64 bucket)
+u64 bch2_bucket_journal_seq_ready(struct buckets_waiting_for_journal *b,
+				  unsigned dev, u64 bucket)
 	struct buckets_waiting_for_journal_table *t;
 	u64 dev_bucket = (u64) dev << 56 | bucket;
-	bool ret = false;
-	unsigned i;
+	u64 ret = 0;
 	t = b->t;
-	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(t->hash_seeds); i++) {
+	for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(t->hash_seeds); i++) {
 		struct bucket_hashed *h = bucket_hash(t, i, dev_bucket);
 		if (h->dev_bucket == dev_bucket) {
-			ret = h->journal_seq > flushed_seq;
+			ret = h->journal_seq;
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/buckets_waiting_for_journal.h b/fs/bcachefs/buckets_waiting_for_journal.h
index d2ae19cbe18c..365619ca44c8 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/buckets_waiting_for_journal.h
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/buckets_waiting_for_journal.h
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 #include "buckets_waiting_for_journal_types.h"
-bool bch2_bucket_needs_journal_commit(struct buckets_waiting_for_journal *,
-				      u64, unsigned, u64);
+u64 bch2_bucket_journal_seq_ready(struct buckets_waiting_for_journal *,
+				  unsigned, u64);
 int bch2_set_bucket_needs_journal_commit(struct buckets_waiting_for_journal *,
 					 u64, unsigned, u64, u64);
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/inode.h b/fs/bcachefs/inode.h
index d2e134528f0e..428b9be6af34 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/inode.h
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/inode.h
@@ -285,12 +285,14 @@ void bch2_inode_opts_get(struct bch_io_opts *, struct bch_fs *,
 			 struct bch_inode_unpacked *);
 int bch2_inum_opts_get(struct btree_trans*, subvol_inum, struct bch_io_opts *);
+#include "rebalance.h"
 static inline struct bch_extent_rebalance
 bch2_inode_rebalance_opts_get(struct bch_fs *c, struct bch_inode_unpacked *inode)
 	struct bch_io_opts io_opts;
 	bch2_inode_opts_get(&io_opts, c, inode);
-	return io_opts_to_rebalance_opts(&io_opts);
+	return io_opts_to_rebalance_opts(c, &io_opts);
 int bch2_inode_rm_snapshot(struct btree_trans *, u64, u32);
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/journal.c b/fs/bcachefs/journal.c
index cb2c3722f674..24c294d4634e 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/journal.c
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/journal.c
@@ -319,6 +319,16 @@ void bch2_journal_halt(struct journal *j)
+void bch2_journal_halt_locked(struct journal *j)
+	lockdep_assert_held(&j->lock);
+	__journal_entry_close(j, JOURNAL_ENTRY_ERROR_VAL, true);
+	if (!j->err_seq)
+		j->err_seq = journal_cur_seq(j);
+	journal_wake(j);
 static bool journal_entry_want_write(struct journal *j)
 	bool ret = !journal_entry_is_open(j) ||
@@ -381,9 +391,12 @@ static int journal_entry_open(struct journal *j)
 	if (nr_unwritten_journal_entries(j) == ARRAY_SIZE(j->buf))
 		return JOURNAL_ERR_max_in_flight;
-	if (bch2_fs_fatal_err_on(journal_cur_seq(j) >= JOURNAL_SEQ_MAX,
-				 c, "cannot start: journal seq overflow"))
+	if (journal_cur_seq(j) >= JOURNAL_SEQ_MAX) {
+		bch_err(c, "cannot start: journal seq overflow");
+		if (bch2_fs_emergency_read_only_locked(c))
+			bch_err(c, "fatal error - emergency read only");
 		return JOURNAL_ERR_insufficient_devices; /* -EROFS */
+	}
@@ -783,6 +796,7 @@ int bch2_journal_flush_seq_async(struct journal *j, u64 seq,
 	buf->must_flush = true;
+	j->flushing_seq = max(j->flushing_seq, seq);
 	if (parent && !closure_wait(&buf->wait, parent))
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/journal.h b/fs/bcachefs/journal.h
index dccddd5420ad..107f7f901cd9 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/journal.h
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/journal.h
@@ -409,6 +409,7 @@ bool bch2_journal_noflush_seq(struct journal *, u64, u64);
 int bch2_journal_meta(struct journal *);
 void bch2_journal_halt(struct journal *);
+void bch2_journal_halt_locked(struct journal *);
 static inline int bch2_journal_error(struct journal *j)
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/journal_types.h b/fs/bcachefs/journal_types.h
index 3ba433a48eb8..a198a81d7478 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/journal_types.h
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/journal_types.h
@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ struct journal {
 	/* seq, last_seq from the most recent journal entry successfully written */
 	u64			seq_ondisk;
 	u64			flushed_seq_ondisk;
+	u64			flushing_seq;
 	u64			last_seq_ondisk;
 	u64			err_seq;
 	u64			last_empty_seq;
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/opts.h b/fs/bcachefs/opts.h
index a182b5d454ba..9d397fc2a1f0 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/opts.h
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/opts.h
@@ -659,18 +659,4 @@ static inline void bch2_io_opts_fixups(struct bch_io_opts *opts)
 struct bch_io_opts bch2_opts_to_inode_opts(struct bch_opts);
 bool bch2_opt_is_inode_opt(enum bch_opt_id);
-/* rebalance opts: */
-static inline struct bch_extent_rebalance io_opts_to_rebalance_opts(struct bch_io_opts *opts)
-	return (struct bch_extent_rebalance) {
-		.type = BIT(BCH_EXTENT_ENTRY_rebalance),
-#define x(_name)							\
-		._name = opts->_name,					\
-		._name##_from_inode = opts->_name##_from_inode,
-#undef x
-	};
 #endif /* _BCACHEFS_OPTS_H */
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/rebalance.c b/fs/bcachefs/rebalance.c
index 4adc74cd3f70..d0a1f5cd5c2b 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/rebalance.c
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/rebalance.c
@@ -121,12 +121,10 @@ u64 bch2_bkey_sectors_need_rebalance(struct bch_fs *c, struct bkey_s_c k)
-	if (opts->background_target &&
-	    bch2_target_accepts_data(c, BCH_DATA_user, opts->background_target)) {
+	if (opts->background_target)
 		bkey_for_each_ptr_decode(k.k, ptrs, p, entry)
 			if (!p.ptr.cached && !bch2_dev_in_target(c, p.ptr.dev, opts->background_target))
 				sectors += p.crc.compressed_size;
-	}
 	return sectors;
@@ -140,7 +138,7 @@ static bool bch2_bkey_rebalance_needs_update(struct bch_fs *c, struct bch_io_opt
 	const struct bch_extent_rebalance *old = bch2_bkey_rebalance_opts(k);
 	if (k.k->type == KEY_TYPE_reflink_v || bch2_bkey_ptrs_need_rebalance(c, opts, k)) {
-		struct bch_extent_rebalance new = io_opts_to_rebalance_opts(opts);
+		struct bch_extent_rebalance new = io_opts_to_rebalance_opts(c, opts);
 		return old == NULL || memcmp(old, &new, sizeof(new));
 	} else {
 		return old != NULL;
@@ -163,7 +161,7 @@ int bch2_bkey_set_needs_rebalance(struct bch_fs *c, struct bch_io_opts *opts,
 			k.k->u64s += sizeof(*old) / sizeof(u64);
-		*old = io_opts_to_rebalance_opts(opts);
+		*old = io_opts_to_rebalance_opts(c, opts);
 	} else {
 		if (old)
 			extent_entry_drop(k, (union bch_extent_entry *) old);
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/rebalance.h b/fs/bcachefs/rebalance.h
index 0a0821ab895d..62a3859d3823 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/rebalance.h
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/rebalance.h
@@ -4,8 +4,28 @@
 #include "compress.h"
 #include "disk_groups.h"
+#include "opts.h"
 #include "rebalance_types.h"
+static inline struct bch_extent_rebalance io_opts_to_rebalance_opts(struct bch_fs *c,
+								    struct bch_io_opts *opts)
+	struct bch_extent_rebalance r = {
+		.type = BIT(BCH_EXTENT_ENTRY_rebalance),
+#define x(_name)							\
+		._name = opts->_name,					\
+		._name##_from_inode = opts->_name##_from_inode,
+#undef x
+	};
+	if (r.background_target &&
+	    !bch2_target_accepts_data(c, BCH_DATA_user, r.background_target))
+		r.background_target = 0;
+	return r;
 u64 bch2_bkey_sectors_need_rebalance(struct bch_fs *, struct bkey_s_c);
 int bch2_bkey_set_needs_rebalance(struct bch_fs *, struct bch_io_opts *, struct bkey_i *);
 int bch2_get_update_rebalance_opts(struct btree_trans *,
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/subvolume.c b/fs/bcachefs/subvolume.c
index e3d0475232e5..b7b96283c316 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/subvolume.c
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/subvolume.c
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ static int __bch2_subvolume_delete(struct btree_trans *trans, u32 subvolid)
 		bch2_bkey_get_iter_typed(trans, &snapshot_iter,
 				BTREE_ID_snapshots, POS(0, snapid),
 				0, snapshot);
-	ret = bkey_err(subvol);
+	ret = bkey_err(snapshot);
 	bch2_fs_inconsistent_on(bch2_err_matches(ret, ENOENT), trans->c,
 				"missing snapshot %u", snapid);
 	if (ret)
@@ -440,6 +440,11 @@ static int __bch2_subvolume_delete(struct btree_trans *trans, u32 subvolid)
 		bch2_bkey_get_iter_typed(trans, &snapshot_tree_iter,
 				BTREE_ID_snapshot_trees, POS(0, treeid),
 				0, snapshot_tree);
+	ret = bkey_err(snapshot_tree);
+	bch2_fs_inconsistent_on(bch2_err_matches(ret, ENOENT), trans->c,
+				"missing snapshot tree %u", treeid);
+	if (ret)
+		goto err;
 	if (le32_to_cpu(snapshot_tree.v->master_subvol) == subvolid) {
 		struct bkey_i_snapshot_tree *snapshot_tree_mut =
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/super.c b/fs/bcachefs/super.c
index d97ea7bd1171..6d97d412fed9 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/super.c
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/super.c
@@ -411,6 +411,17 @@ bool bch2_fs_emergency_read_only(struct bch_fs *c)
 	return ret;
+bool bch2_fs_emergency_read_only_locked(struct bch_fs *c)
+	bool ret = !test_and_set_bit(BCH_FS_emergency_ro, &c->flags);
+	bch2_journal_halt_locked(&c->journal);
+	bch2_fs_read_only_async(c);
+	wake_up(&bch2_read_only_wait);
+	return ret;
 static int bch2_fs_read_write_late(struct bch_fs *c)
 	int ret;
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/super.h b/fs/bcachefs/super.h
index fa6d52216510..04f8287eff5c 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/super.h
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/super.h
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ int bch2_dev_resize(struct bch_fs *, struct bch_dev *, u64);
 struct bch_dev *bch2_dev_lookup(struct bch_fs *, const char *);
 bool bch2_fs_emergency_read_only(struct bch_fs *);
+bool bch2_fs_emergency_read_only_locked(struct bch_fs *);
 void bch2_fs_read_only(struct bch_fs *);
 int bch2_fs_read_write(struct bch_fs *);
diff --git a/fs/bcachefs/trace.h b/fs/bcachefs/trace.h
index 56a5a7fbc0fd..c1b51009edf6 100644
--- a/fs/bcachefs/trace.h
+++ b/fs/bcachefs/trace.h
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ DEFINE_EVENT(fs_str, bucket_alloc_fail,
 	TP_ARGS(c, str)
 	TP_PROTO(struct bch_fs *c, u64 seen, u64 open,
 		 u64 need_journal_commit, u64 discarded, const char *err),
 	TP_ARGS(c, seen, open, need_journal_commit, discarded, err),
@@ -759,6 +759,18 @@ TRACE_EVENT(discard_buckets,
+DEFINE_EVENT(discard_buckets_class, discard_buckets,
+	TP_PROTO(struct bch_fs *c, u64 seen, u64 open,
+		 u64 need_journal_commit, u64 discarded, const char *err),
+	TP_ARGS(c, seen, open, need_journal_commit, discarded, err)
+DEFINE_EVENT(discard_buckets_class, discard_buckets_fast,
+	TP_PROTO(struct bch_fs *c, u64 seen, u64 open,
+		 u64 need_journal_commit, u64 discarded, const char *err),
+	TP_ARGS(c, seen, open, need_journal_commit, discarded, err)
 	TP_PROTO(struct bch_fs *c, unsigned dev, u64 bucket, u32 sectors),
 	TP_ARGS(c, dev, bucket, sectors),
diff --git a/fs/btrfs/ctree.c b/fs/btrfs/ctree.c
index 92071ca0655f..3dc5a35dd19b 100644
--- a/fs/btrfs/ctree.c
+++ b/fs/btrfs/ctree.c
@@ -1496,6 +1496,7 @@ read_block_for_search(struct btrfs_root *root, struct btrfs_path *p,
 		if (!p->skip_locking) {
 			btrfs_unlock_up_safe(p, parent_level + 1);
+			btrfs_maybe_reset_lockdep_class(root, tmp);
 			tmp_locked = true;
@@ -1539,6 +1540,7 @@ read_block_for_search(struct btrfs_root *root, struct btrfs_path *p,
 	if (!p->skip_locking) {
 		ASSERT(ret == -EAGAIN);
+		btrfs_maybe_reset_lockdep_class(root, tmp);
 		tmp_locked = true;
diff --git a/fs/btrfs/ordered-data.c b/fs/btrfs/ordered-data.c
index 30eceaf829a7..4aca7475fd82 100644
--- a/fs/btrfs/ordered-data.c
+++ b/fs/btrfs/ordered-data.c
@@ -1229,6 +1229,18 @@ struct btrfs_ordered_extent *btrfs_split_ordered_extent(
 	if (WARN_ON_ONCE(len >= ordered->num_bytes))
 		return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
+	/*
+	 * If our ordered extent had an error there's no point in continuing.
+	 * The error may have come from a transaction abort done either by this
+	 * task or some other concurrent task, and the transaction abort path
+	 * iterates over all existing ordered extents and sets the flag
+	 */
+	if (unlikely(flags & (1U << BTRFS_ORDERED_IOERR))) {
+		const int fs_error = BTRFS_FS_ERROR(fs_info);
+		return fs_error ? ERR_PTR(fs_error) : ERR_PTR(-EIO);
+	}
 	/* We cannot split partially completed ordered extents. */
 	if (ordered->bytes_left) {
diff --git a/fs/btrfs/qgroup.c b/fs/btrfs/qgroup.c
index b90fabe302e6..f9d3766c809b 100644
--- a/fs/btrfs/qgroup.c
+++ b/fs/btrfs/qgroup.c
@@ -1880,11 +1880,7 @@ int btrfs_qgroup_cleanup_dropped_subvolume(struct btrfs_fs_info *fs_info, u64 su
 	 * Commit current transaction to make sure all the rfer/excl numbers
 	 * get updated.
-	trans = btrfs_start_transaction(fs_info->quota_root, 0);
-	if (IS_ERR(trans))
-		return PTR_ERR(trans);
-	ret = btrfs_commit_transaction(trans);
+	ret = btrfs_commit_current_transaction(fs_info->quota_root);
 	if (ret < 0)
 		return ret;
@@ -1897,8 +1893,11 @@ int btrfs_qgroup_cleanup_dropped_subvolume(struct btrfs_fs_info *fs_info, u64 su
 	 * It's squota and the subvolume still has numbers needed for future
 	 * accounting, in this case we can not delete it.  Just skip it.
+	 *
+	 * Or the qgroup is already removed by a qgroup rescan. For both cases we're
+	 * safe to ignore them.
-	if (ret == -EBUSY)
+	if (ret == -EBUSY || ret == -ENOENT)
 		ret = 0;
 	return ret;
diff --git a/fs/btrfs/transaction.c b/fs/btrfs/transaction.c
index 15312013f2a3..aca83a98b75a 100644
--- a/fs/btrfs/transaction.c
+++ b/fs/btrfs/transaction.c
@@ -274,8 +274,10 @@ static noinline int join_transaction(struct btrfs_fs_info *fs_info,
 	cur_trans = fs_info->running_transaction;
 	if (cur_trans) {
 		if (TRANS_ABORTED(cur_trans)) {
+			const int abort_error = cur_trans->aborted;
-			return cur_trans->aborted;
+			return abort_error;
 		if (btrfs_blocked_trans_types[cur_trans->state] & type) {
diff --git a/fs/dcache.c b/fs/dcache.c
index 9cc0d47da321..e3634916ffb9 100644
--- a/fs/dcache.c
+++ b/fs/dcache.c
@@ -1700,7 +1700,7 @@ static struct dentry *__d_alloc(struct super_block *sb, const struct qstr *name)
 	smp_store_release(&dentry->d_name.name, dname); /* ^^^ */
 	dentry->d_flags = 0;
-	lockref_init(&dentry->d_lockref, 1);
+	lockref_init(&dentry->d_lockref);
 	seqcount_spinlock_init(&dentry->d_seq, &dentry->d_lock);
 	dentry->d_inode = NULL;
 	dentry->d_parent = dentry;
@@ -2966,11 +2966,11 @@ static int __d_unalias(struct dentry *dentry, struct dentry *alias)
 		goto out_err;
 	m2 = &alias->d_parent->d_inode->i_rwsem;
-	if (alias->d_op->d_unalias_trylock &&
+	if (alias->d_op && alias->d_op->d_unalias_trylock &&
 		goto out_err;
 	__d_move(alias, dentry, false);
-	if (alias->d_op->d_unalias_unlock)
+	if (alias->d_op && alias->d_op->d_unalias_unlock)
 	ret = 0;
diff --git a/fs/erofs/zdata.c b/fs/erofs/zdata.c
index 29f8963bb523..d771e06db738 100644
--- a/fs/erofs/zdata.c
+++ b/fs/erofs/zdata.c
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ static int z_erofs_register_pcluster(struct z_erofs_frontend *fe)
 	if (IS_ERR(pcl))
 		return PTR_ERR(pcl);
-	lockref_init(&pcl->lockref, 1); /* one ref for this request */
+	lockref_init(&pcl->lockref); /* one ref for this request */
 	pcl->algorithmformat = map->m_algorithmformat;
 	pcl->length = 0;
 	pcl->partial = true;
diff --git a/fs/file_table.c b/fs/file_table.c
index f0291a66f9db..5c00dc38558d 100644
--- a/fs/file_table.c
+++ b/fs/file_table.c
@@ -194,6 +194,11 @@ static int init_file(struct file *f, int flags, const struct cred *cred)
 	 * refcount bumps we should reinitialize the reused file first.
 	file_ref_init(&f->f_ref, 1);
+	/*
+	 * Disable permission and pre-content events for all files by default.
+	 * They may be enabled later by file_set_fsnotify_mode_from_watchers().
+	 */
+	file_set_fsnotify_mode(f, FMODE_NONOTIFY_PERM);
 	return 0;
@@ -375,7 +380,13 @@ struct file *alloc_file_pseudo(struct inode *inode, struct vfsmount *mnt,
 	if (IS_ERR(file)) {
+		return file;
+	/*
+	 * Disable all fsnotify events for pseudo files by default.
+	 * They may be enabled by caller with file_set_fsnotify_mode().
+	 */
+	file_set_fsnotify_mode(file, FMODE_NONOTIFY);
 	return file;
@@ -400,6 +411,11 @@ struct file *alloc_file_pseudo_noaccount(struct inode *inode,
 		return file;
 	file_init_path(file, &path, fops);
+	/*
+	 * Disable all fsnotify events for pseudo files by default.
+	 * They may be enabled by caller with file_set_fsnotify_mode().
+	 */
+	file_set_fsnotify_mode(file, FMODE_NONOTIFY);
 	return file;
diff --git a/fs/gfs2/glock.c b/fs/gfs2/glock.c
index 8c4c1f871a88..65c07aa95718 100644
--- a/fs/gfs2/glock.c
+++ b/fs/gfs2/glock.c
@@ -1201,8 +1201,8 @@ int gfs2_glock_get(struct gfs2_sbd *sdp, u64 number,
 	if (glops->go_instantiate)
 		gl->gl_flags |= BIT(GLF_INSTANTIATE_NEEDED);
 	gl->gl_name = name;
+	lockref_init(&gl->gl_lockref);
 	lockdep_set_subclass(&gl->gl_lockref.lock, glops->go_subclass);
-	gl->gl_lockref.count = 1;
 	gl->gl_state = LM_ST_UNLOCKED;
 	gl->gl_target = LM_ST_UNLOCKED;
 	gl->gl_demote_state = LM_ST_EXCLUSIVE;
diff --git a/fs/gfs2/main.c b/fs/gfs2/main.c
index 04cadc02e5a6..0727f60ad028 100644
--- a/fs/gfs2/main.c
+++ b/fs/gfs2/main.c
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ static void gfs2_init_glock_once(void *foo)
 	struct gfs2_glock *gl = foo;
-	spin_lock_init(&gl->gl_lockref.lock);
diff --git a/fs/gfs2/quota.c b/fs/gfs2/quota.c
index 58bc5013ca49..2298e06797ac 100644
--- a/fs/gfs2/quota.c
+++ b/fs/gfs2/quota.c
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ static struct gfs2_quota_data *qd_alloc(unsigned hash, struct gfs2_sbd *sdp, str
 		return NULL;
 	qd->qd_sbd = sdp;
-	lockref_init(&qd->qd_lockref, 0);
+	lockref_init(&qd->qd_lockref);
 	qd->qd_id = qid;
 	qd->qd_slot = -1;
@@ -297,7 +297,6 @@ static int qd_get(struct gfs2_sbd *sdp, struct kqid qid,
 	*qdp = qd = gfs2_qd_search_bucket(hash, sdp, qid);
 	if (qd == NULL) {
-		new_qd->qd_lockref.count++;
 		*qdp = new_qd;
 		list_add(&new_qd->qd_list, &sdp->sd_quota_list);
 		hlist_bl_add_head_rcu(&new_qd->qd_hlist, &qd_hash_table[hash]);
@@ -1450,6 +1449,7 @@ int gfs2_quota_init(struct gfs2_sbd *sdp)
 			if (qd == NULL)
 				goto fail_brelse;
+			qd->qd_lockref.count = 0;
 			set_bit(QDF_CHANGE, &qd->qd_flags);
 			qd->qd_change = qc_change;
 			qd->qd_slot = slot;
diff --git a/fs/namespace.c b/fs/namespace.c
index a3ed3f2980cb..8f1000f9f3df 100644
--- a/fs/namespace.c
+++ b/fs/namespace.c
@@ -5087,30 +5087,29 @@ static int statmount_mnt_opts(struct kstatmount *s, struct seq_file *seq)
 	struct vfsmount *mnt = s->mnt;
 	struct super_block *sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
+	size_t start = seq->count;
 	int err;
-	if (sb->s_op->show_options) {
-		size_t start = seq->count;
-		err = security_sb_show_options(seq, sb);
-		if (err)
-			return err;
+	err = security_sb_show_options(seq, sb);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	if (sb->s_op->show_options) {
 		err = sb->s_op->show_options(seq, mnt->mnt_root);
 		if (err)
 			return err;
+	}
-		if (unlikely(seq_has_overflowed(seq)))
-			return -EAGAIN;
+	if (unlikely(seq_has_overflowed(seq)))
+		return -EAGAIN;
-		if (seq->count == start)
-			return 0;
+	if (seq->count == start)
+		return 0;
-		/* skip leading comma */
-		memmove(seq->buf + start, seq->buf + start + 1,
-			seq->count - start - 1);
-		seq->count--;
-	}
+	/* skip leading comma */
+	memmove(seq->buf + start, seq->buf + start + 1,
+		seq->count - start - 1);
+	seq->count--;
 	return 0;
@@ -5191,39 +5190,45 @@ static int statmount_string(struct kstatmount *s, u64 flag)
 	size_t kbufsize;
 	struct seq_file *seq = &s->seq;
 	struct statmount *sm = &s->sm;
-	u32 start = seq->count;
+	u32 start, *offp;
+	/* Reserve an empty string at the beginning for any unset offsets */
+	if (!seq->count)
+		seq_putc(seq, 0);
+	start = seq->count;
 	switch (flag) {
-		sm->fs_type = start;
+		offp = &sm->fs_type;
 		ret = statmount_fs_type(s, seq);
-		sm->mnt_root = start;
+		offp = &sm->mnt_root;
 		ret = statmount_mnt_root(s, seq);
-		sm->mnt_point = start;
+		offp = &sm->mnt_point;
 		ret = statmount_mnt_point(s, seq);
-		sm->mnt_opts = start;
+		offp = &sm->mnt_opts;
 		ret = statmount_mnt_opts(s, seq);
-		sm->opt_array = start;
+		offp = &sm->opt_array;
 		ret = statmount_opt_array(s, seq);
-		sm->opt_sec_array = start;
+		offp = &sm->opt_sec_array;
 		ret = statmount_opt_sec_array(s, seq);
-		sm->fs_subtype = start;
+		offp = &sm->fs_subtype;
 		statmount_fs_subtype(s, seq);
-		sm->sb_source = start;
+		offp = &sm->sb_source;
 		ret = statmount_sb_source(s, seq);
@@ -5251,6 +5256,7 @@ static int statmount_string(struct kstatmount *s, u64 flag)
 	seq->buf[seq->count++] = '\0';
 	sm->mask |= flag;
+	*offp = start;
 	return 0;
diff --git a/fs/notify/fsnotify.c b/fs/notify/fsnotify.c
index 8ee495a58d0a..fae1b6d397ea 100644
--- a/fs/notify/fsnotify.c
+++ b/fs/notify/fsnotify.c
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(fsnotify);
  * Later, fsnotify permission hooks do not check if there are permission event
  * watches, but that there were permission event watches at open time.
-void file_set_fsnotify_mode(struct file *file)
+void file_set_fsnotify_mode_from_watchers(struct file *file)
 	struct dentry *dentry = file->f_path.dentry, *parent;
 	struct super_block *sb = dentry->d_sb;
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ void file_set_fsnotify_mode(struct file *file)
 	if (likely(!fsnotify_sb_has_priority_watchers(sb,
-		file->f_mode |= FMODE_NONOTIFY_PERM;
+		file_set_fsnotify_mode(file, FMODE_NONOTIFY_PERM);
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ void file_set_fsnotify_mode(struct file *file)
 	if ((!d_is_dir(dentry) && !d_is_reg(dentry)) ||
+		file_set_fsnotify_mode(file, FMODE_NONOTIFY | FMODE_NONOTIFY_PERM);
@@ -686,19 +686,25 @@ void file_set_fsnotify_mode(struct file *file)
 	mnt_mask = READ_ONCE(real_mount(file->f_path.mnt)->mnt_fsnotify_mask);
 	if (unlikely(fsnotify_object_watched(d_inode(dentry), mnt_mask,
+		/* Enable pre-content events */
+		file_set_fsnotify_mode(file, 0);
+	}
 	/* Is parent watching for pre-content events on this file? */
 	if (dentry->d_flags & DCACHE_FSNOTIFY_PARENT_WATCHED) {
 		parent = dget_parent(dentry);
 		p_mask = fsnotify_inode_watches_children(d_inode(parent));
+			/* Enable pre-content events */
+			file_set_fsnotify_mode(file, 0);
+		}
 	/* Nobody watching for pre-content events from this file */
+	file_set_fsnotify_mode(file, FMODE_NONOTIFY | FMODE_NONOTIFY_PERM);
diff --git a/fs/open.c b/fs/open.c
index 932e5a6de63b..1be20de9f283 100644
--- a/fs/open.c
+++ b/fs/open.c
@@ -905,7 +905,8 @@ static int do_dentry_open(struct file *f,
 	f->f_sb_err = file_sample_sb_err(f);
 	if (unlikely(f->f_flags & O_PATH)) {
+		f->f_mode = FMODE_PATH | FMODE_OPENED;
+		file_set_fsnotify_mode(f, FMODE_NONOTIFY);
 		f->f_op = &empty_fops;
 		return 0;
@@ -935,10 +936,10 @@ static int do_dentry_open(struct file *f,
 	 * Set FMODE_NONOTIFY_* bits according to existing permission watches.
-	 * If FMODE_NONOTIFY was already set for an fanotify fd, this doesn't
-	 * change anything.
+	 * If FMODE_NONOTIFY mode was already set for an fanotify fd or for a
+	 * pseudo file, this call will not change the mode.
-	file_set_fsnotify_mode(f);
+	file_set_fsnotify_mode_from_watchers(f);
 	error = fsnotify_open_perm(f);
 	if (error)
 		goto cleanup_all;
@@ -1122,7 +1123,7 @@ struct file *dentry_open_nonotify(const struct path *path, int flags,
 	if (!IS_ERR(f)) {
 		int error;
-		f->f_mode |= FMODE_NONOTIFY;
+		file_set_fsnotify_mode(f, FMODE_NONOTIFY);
 		error = vfs_open(path, f);
 		if (error) {
diff --git a/fs/pidfs.c b/fs/pidfs.c
index 049352f973de..63f9699ebac3 100644
--- a/fs/pidfs.c
+++ b/fs/pidfs.c
@@ -287,7 +287,6 @@ static bool pidfs_ioctl_valid(unsigned int cmd)
 	switch (cmd) {
@@ -300,6 +299,17 @@ static bool pidfs_ioctl_valid(unsigned int cmd)
 		return true;
+	/* Extensible ioctls require some more careful checks. */
+	switch (_IOC_NR(cmd)) {
+		/*
+		 * Try to prevent performing a pidfd ioctl when someone
+		 * erronously mistook the file descriptor for a pidfd.
+		 * This is not perfect but will catch most cases.
+		 */
+		return (_IOC_TYPE(cmd) == _IOC_TYPE(PIDFD_GET_INFO));
+	}
 	return false;
diff --git a/fs/pipe.c b/fs/pipe.c
index 94b59045ab44..ce1af7592780 100644
--- a/fs/pipe.c
+++ b/fs/pipe.c
@@ -960,6 +960,12 @@ int create_pipe_files(struct file **res, int flags)
 	res[1] = f;
 	stream_open(inode, res[0]);
 	stream_open(inode, res[1]);
+	/*
+	 * Disable permission and pre-content events, but enable legacy
+	 * inotify events for legacy users.
+	 */
+	file_set_fsnotify_mode(res[0], FMODE_NONOTIFY_PERM);
+	file_set_fsnotify_mode(res[1], FMODE_NONOTIFY_PERM);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/fs/smb/client/cifsglob.h b/fs/smb/client/cifsglob.h
index a68434ad744a..ac1f890a0d54 100644
--- a/fs/smb/client/cifsglob.h
+++ b/fs/smb/client/cifsglob.h
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ struct smb_version_operations {
 	int (*handle_cancelled_mid)(struct mid_q_entry *, struct TCP_Server_Info *);
 	void (*downgrade_oplock)(struct TCP_Server_Info *server,
 				 struct cifsInodeInfo *cinode, __u32 oplock,
-				 unsigned int epoch, bool *purge_cache);
+				 __u16 epoch, bool *purge_cache);
 	/* process transaction2 response */
 	bool (*check_trans2)(struct mid_q_entry *, struct TCP_Server_Info *,
 			     char *, int);
@@ -552,12 +552,12 @@ struct smb_version_operations {
 	/* if we can do cache read operations */
 	bool (*is_read_op)(__u32);
 	/* set oplock level for the inode */
-	void (*set_oplock_level)(struct cifsInodeInfo *, __u32, unsigned int,
-				 bool *);
+	void (*set_oplock_level)(struct cifsInodeInfo *cinode, __u32 oplock, __u16 epoch,
+				 bool *purge_cache);
 	/* create lease context buffer for CREATE request */
 	char * (*create_lease_buf)(u8 *lease_key, u8 oplock);
 	/* parse lease context buffer and return oplock/epoch info */
-	__u8 (*parse_lease_buf)(void *buf, unsigned int *epoch, char *lkey);
+	__u8 (*parse_lease_buf)(void *buf, __u16 *epoch, char *lkey);
 	ssize_t (*copychunk_range)(const unsigned int,
 			struct cifsFileInfo *src_file,
 			struct cifsFileInfo *target_file,
@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ struct cifs_fid {
 	__u8 create_guid[16];
 	__u32 access;
 	struct cifs_pending_open *pending_open;
-	unsigned int epoch;
+	__u16 epoch;
 	__u64 mid;
 #endif /* CIFS_DEBUG2 */
@@ -1480,7 +1480,7 @@ struct cifsFileInfo {
 	bool oplock_break_cancelled:1;
 	bool status_file_deleted:1; /* file has been deleted */
 	bool offload:1; /* offload final part of _put to a wq */
-	unsigned int oplock_epoch; /* epoch from the lease break */
+	__u16 oplock_epoch; /* epoch from the lease break */
 	__u32 oplock_level; /* oplock/lease level from the lease break */
 	int count;
 	spinlock_t file_info_lock; /* protects four flag/count fields above */
@@ -1577,7 +1577,7 @@ struct cifsInodeInfo {
 	spinlock_t	open_file_lock;	/* protects openFileList */
 	__u32 cifsAttrs; /* e.g. DOS archive bit, sparse, compressed, system */
 	unsigned int oplock;		/* oplock/lease level we have */
-	unsigned int epoch;		/* used to track lease state changes */
+	__u16 epoch;		/* used to track lease state changes */
 #define CIFS_INODE_PENDING_OPLOCK_BREAK   (0) /* oplock break in progress */
 #define CIFS_INODE_PENDING_WRITERS	  (1) /* Writes in progress */
 #define CIFS_INODE_FLAG_UNUSED		  (2) /* Unused flag */
diff --git a/fs/smb/client/dfs.c b/fs/smb/client/dfs.c
index dad521336b5e..f65a8a90ba27 100644
--- a/fs/smb/client/dfs.c
+++ b/fs/smb/client/dfs.c
@@ -150,25 +150,27 @@ static int __dfs_referral_walk(struct dfs_ref_walk *rw)
 			if (rc)
-			if (tgt.flags & DFSREF_STORAGE_SERVER) {
-				rc = cifs_mount_get_tcon(mnt_ctx);
-				if (!rc)
-					rc = cifs_is_path_remote(mnt_ctx);
+			rc = cifs_mount_get_tcon(mnt_ctx);
+			if (rc) {
+				if (tgt.server_type == DFS_TYPE_LINK &&
+				    DFS_INTERLINK(tgt.flags))
+					rc = -EREMOTE;
+			} else {
+				rc = cifs_is_path_remote(mnt_ctx);
 				if (!rc) {
-				if (rc != -EREMOTE)
-					continue;
-			rc = ref_walk_advance(rw);
-			if (!rc) {
-				rc = setup_dfs_ref(&tgt, rw);
-				if (rc)
-					break;
-				ref_walk_mark_end(rw);
-				goto again;
+			if (rc == -EREMOTE) {
+				rc = ref_walk_advance(rw);
+				if (!rc) {
+					rc = setup_dfs_ref(&tgt, rw);
+					if (rc)
+						break;
+					ref_walk_mark_end(rw);
+					goto again;
+				}
 	} while (rc && ref_walk_descend(rw));
diff --git a/fs/smb/client/dfs.h b/fs/smb/client/dfs.h
index ed4cd7cf1ec6..e60f0a24a8a1 100644
--- a/fs/smb/client/dfs.h
+++ b/fs/smb/client/dfs.h
@@ -188,4 +188,11 @@ static inline void dfs_put_root_smb_sessions(struct list_head *head)
+static inline const char *dfs_ses_refpath(struct cifs_ses *ses)
+	const char *path = ses->server->leaf_fullpath;
+	return path ? path + 1 : ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
 #endif /* _CIFS_DFS_H */
diff --git a/fs/smb/client/dfs_cache.c b/fs/smb/client/dfs_cache.c
index 5022bb1f122a..4dada26d56b5 100644
--- a/fs/smb/client/dfs_cache.c
+++ b/fs/smb/client/dfs_cache.c
@@ -1136,33 +1136,19 @@ static bool is_ses_good(struct cifs_ses *ses)
 	return ret;
-static char *get_ses_refpath(struct cifs_ses *ses)
-	struct TCP_Server_Info *server = ses->server;
-	char *path = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
-	if (server->leaf_fullpath) {
-		path = kstrdup(server->leaf_fullpath + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
-		if (!path)
-			path = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	}
-	return path;
 /* Refresh dfs referral of @ses */
 static void refresh_ses_referral(struct cifs_ses *ses)
 	struct cache_entry *ce;
 	unsigned int xid;
-	char *path;
+	const char *path;
 	int rc = 0;
 	xid = get_xid();
-	path = get_ses_refpath(ses);
+	path = dfs_ses_refpath(ses);
 	if (IS_ERR(path)) {
 		rc = PTR_ERR(path);
-		path = NULL;
 		goto out;
@@ -1181,7 +1167,6 @@ static void refresh_ses_referral(struct cifs_ses *ses)
-	kfree(path);
 static int __refresh_tcon_referral(struct cifs_tcon *tcon,
@@ -1231,19 +1216,18 @@ static void refresh_tcon_referral(struct cifs_tcon *tcon, bool force_refresh)
 	struct dfs_info3_param *refs = NULL;
 	struct cache_entry *ce;
 	struct cifs_ses *ses;
-	unsigned int xid;
 	bool needs_refresh;
-	char *path;
+	const char *path;
+	unsigned int xid;
 	int numrefs = 0;
 	int rc = 0;
 	xid = get_xid();
 	ses = tcon->ses;
-	path = get_ses_refpath(ses);
+	path = dfs_ses_refpath(ses);
 	if (IS_ERR(path)) {
 		rc = PTR_ERR(path);
-		path = NULL;
 		goto out;
@@ -1271,7 +1255,6 @@ static void refresh_tcon_referral(struct cifs_tcon *tcon, bool force_refresh)
-	kfree(path);
 	free_dfs_info_array(refs, numrefs);
diff --git a/fs/smb/client/smb1ops.c b/fs/smb/client/smb1ops.c
index 9756b876a75e..d6e2fb669c40 100644
--- a/fs/smb/client/smb1ops.c
+++ b/fs/smb/client/smb1ops.c
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ coalesce_t2(char *second_buf, struct smb_hdr *target_hdr)
 static void
 cifs_downgrade_oplock(struct TCP_Server_Info *server,
 		      struct cifsInodeInfo *cinode, __u32 oplock,
-		      unsigned int epoch, bool *purge_cache)
+		      __u16 epoch, bool *purge_cache)
 	cifs_set_oplock_level(cinode, oplock);
diff --git a/fs/smb/client/smb2ops.c b/fs/smb/client/smb2ops.c
index 77309217dab4..ec36bed54b0b 100644
--- a/fs/smb/client/smb2ops.c
+++ b/fs/smb/client/smb2ops.c
@@ -3904,22 +3904,22 @@ static long smb3_fallocate(struct file *file, struct cifs_tcon *tcon, int mode,
 static void
 smb2_downgrade_oplock(struct TCP_Server_Info *server,
 		      struct cifsInodeInfo *cinode, __u32 oplock,
-		      unsigned int epoch, bool *purge_cache)
+		      __u16 epoch, bool *purge_cache)
 	server->ops->set_oplock_level(cinode, oplock, 0, NULL);
 static void
 smb21_set_oplock_level(struct cifsInodeInfo *cinode, __u32 oplock,
-		       unsigned int epoch, bool *purge_cache);
+		       __u16 epoch, bool *purge_cache);
 static void
 smb3_downgrade_oplock(struct TCP_Server_Info *server,
 		       struct cifsInodeInfo *cinode, __u32 oplock,
-		       unsigned int epoch, bool *purge_cache)
+		       __u16 epoch, bool *purge_cache)
 	unsigned int old_state = cinode->oplock;
-	unsigned int old_epoch = cinode->epoch;
+	__u16 old_epoch = cinode->epoch;
 	unsigned int new_state;
 	if (epoch > old_epoch) {
@@ -3939,7 +3939,7 @@ smb3_downgrade_oplock(struct TCP_Server_Info *server,
 static void
 smb2_set_oplock_level(struct cifsInodeInfo *cinode, __u32 oplock,
-		      unsigned int epoch, bool *purge_cache)
+		      __u16 epoch, bool *purge_cache)
 	oplock &= 0xFF;
 	cinode->lease_granted = false;
@@ -3963,7 +3963,7 @@ smb2_set_oplock_level(struct cifsInodeInfo *cinode, __u32 oplock,
 static void
 smb21_set_oplock_level(struct cifsInodeInfo *cinode, __u32 oplock,
-		       unsigned int epoch, bool *purge_cache)
+		       __u16 epoch, bool *purge_cache)
 	char message[5] = {0};
 	unsigned int new_oplock = 0;
@@ -4000,7 +4000,7 @@ smb21_set_oplock_level(struct cifsInodeInfo *cinode, __u32 oplock,
 static void
 smb3_set_oplock_level(struct cifsInodeInfo *cinode, __u32 oplock,
-		      unsigned int epoch, bool *purge_cache)
+		      __u16 epoch, bool *purge_cache)
 	unsigned int old_oplock = cinode->oplock;
@@ -4114,7 +4114,7 @@ smb3_create_lease_buf(u8 *lease_key, u8 oplock)
 static __u8
-smb2_parse_lease_buf(void *buf, unsigned int *epoch, char *lease_key)
+smb2_parse_lease_buf(void *buf, __u16 *epoch, char *lease_key)
 	struct create_lease *lc = (struct create_lease *)buf;
@@ -4125,7 +4125,7 @@ smb2_parse_lease_buf(void *buf, unsigned int *epoch, char *lease_key)
 static __u8
-smb3_parse_lease_buf(void *buf, unsigned int *epoch, char *lease_key)
+smb3_parse_lease_buf(void *buf, __u16 *epoch, char *lease_key)
 	struct create_lease_v2 *lc = (struct create_lease_v2 *)buf;
diff --git a/fs/smb/client/smb2pdu.c b/fs/smb/client/smb2pdu.c
index 40ad9e79437a..ed7812247ebc 100644
--- a/fs/smb/client/smb2pdu.c
+++ b/fs/smb/client/smb2pdu.c
@@ -2169,7 +2169,7 @@ SMB2_tcon(const unsigned int xid, struct cifs_ses *ses, const char *tree,
 	if (rsp && rsp->hdr.Status == STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME)
-		cifs_tcon_dbg(VFS, "BAD_NETWORK_NAME: %s\n", tree);
+		cifs_dbg(VFS | ONCE, "BAD_NETWORK_NAME: %s\n", tree);
 	goto tcon_exit;
@@ -2329,7 +2329,7 @@ parse_posix_ctxt(struct create_context *cc, struct smb2_file_all_info *info,
 int smb2_parse_contexts(struct TCP_Server_Info *server,
 			struct kvec *rsp_iov,
-			unsigned int *epoch,
+			__u16 *epoch,
 			char *lease_key, __u8 *oplock,
 			struct smb2_file_all_info *buf,
 			struct create_posix_rsp *posix)
diff --git a/fs/smb/client/smb2proto.h b/fs/smb/client/smb2proto.h
index 2336dfb23f36..4662c7e2d259 100644
--- a/fs/smb/client/smb2proto.h
+++ b/fs/smb/client/smb2proto.h
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ extern enum securityEnum smb2_select_sectype(struct TCP_Server_Info *,
 					enum securityEnum);
 int smb2_parse_contexts(struct TCP_Server_Info *server,
 			struct kvec *rsp_iov,
-			unsigned int *epoch,
+			__u16 *epoch,
 			char *lease_key, __u8 *oplock,
 			struct smb2_file_all_info *buf,
 			struct create_posix_rsp *posix);
diff --git a/fs/stat.c b/fs/stat.c
index 2c0e111a098a..f13308bfdc98 100644
--- a/fs/stat.c
+++ b/fs/stat.c
@@ -281,6 +281,8 @@ static int vfs_statx_path(struct path *path, int flags, struct kstat *stat,
 			  u32 request_mask)
 	int error = vfs_getattr(path, stat, request_mask, flags);
+	if (error)
+		return error;
 	if (request_mask & STATX_MNT_ID_UNIQUE) {
 		stat->mnt_id = real_mount(path->mnt)->mnt_id_unique;
@@ -302,7 +304,7 @@ static int vfs_statx_path(struct path *path, int flags, struct kstat *stat,
 	if (S_ISBLK(stat->mode))
 		bdev_statx(path, stat, request_mask);
-	return error;
+	return 0;
 static int vfs_statx_fd(int fd, int flags, struct kstat *stat,
diff --git a/fs/vboxsf/super.c b/fs/vboxsf/super.c
index e95b8a48d8a0..1d94bb784108 100644
--- a/fs/vboxsf/super.c
+++ b/fs/vboxsf/super.c
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
 #define VBOXSF_SUPER_MAGIC 0x786f4256 /* 'VBox' little endian */
-static const unsigned char VBSF_MOUNT_SIGNATURE[4] = "\000\377\376\375";
+static const unsigned char VBSF_MOUNT_SIGNATURE[4] = { '\000', '\377', '\376',
+						       '\375' };
 static int follow_symlinks;
 module_param(follow_symlinks, int, 0444);
diff --git a/fs/xfs/libxfs/xfs_bmap.c b/fs/xfs/libxfs/xfs_bmap.c
index 40ad22fb808b..0ef19f1469ec 100644
--- a/fs/xfs/libxfs/xfs_bmap.c
+++ b/fs/xfs/libxfs/xfs_bmap.c
@@ -3563,12 +3563,12 @@ xfs_bmap_btalloc_at_eof(
 	int			error;
-	 * If there are already extents in the file, try an exact EOF block
-	 * allocation to extend the file as a contiguous extent. If that fails,
-	 * or it's the first allocation in a file, just try for a stripe aligned
-	 * allocation.
+	 * If there are already extents in the file, and xfs_bmap_adjacent() has
+	 * given a better blkno, try an exact EOF block allocation to extend the
+	 * file as a contiguous extent. If that fails, or it's the first
+	 * allocation in a file, just try for a stripe aligned allocation.
-	if (ap->offset) {
+	if (ap->eof) {
 		xfs_extlen_t	nextminlen = 0;
@@ -3736,7 +3736,8 @@ xfs_bmap_btalloc_best_length(
 	int			error;
 	ap->blkno = XFS_INO_TO_FSB(args->mp, ap->ip->i_ino);
-	xfs_bmap_adjacent(ap);
+	if (!xfs_bmap_adjacent(ap))
+		ap->eof = false;
 	 * Search for an allocation group with a single extent large enough for
diff --git a/fs/xfs/xfs_buf.c b/fs/xfs/xfs_buf.c
index d1d4a0a22e13..15bb790359f8 100644
--- a/fs/xfs/xfs_buf.c
+++ b/fs/xfs/xfs_buf.c
@@ -41,8 +41,7 @@ struct kmem_cache *xfs_buf_cache;
  * xfs_buf_rele:
  *	b_lock
- *	  pag_buf_lock
- *	    lru_lock
+ *	  lru_lock
  * xfs_buftarg_drain_rele
  *	lru_lock
@@ -220,23 +219,25 @@ _xfs_buf_alloc(
-	spin_lock_init(&bp->b_lock);
+	/*
+	 * A new buffer is held and locked by the owner.  This ensures that the
+	 * buffer is owned by the caller and racing RCU lookups right after
+	 * inserting into the hash table are safe (and will have to wait for
+	 * the unlock to do anything non-trivial).
+	 */
 	bp->b_hold = 1;
+	sema_init(&bp->b_sema, 0); /* held, no waiters */
+	spin_lock_init(&bp->b_lock);
 	atomic_set(&bp->b_lru_ref, 1);
-	sema_init(&bp->b_sema, 0); /* held, no waiters */
 	bp->b_target = target;
 	bp->b_mount = target->bt_mount;
 	bp->b_flags = flags;
-	/*
-	 * Set length and io_length to the same value initially.
-	 * I/O routines should use io_length, which will be the same in
-	 * most cases but may be reset (e.g. XFS recovery).
-	 */
 	error = xfs_buf_get_maps(bp, nmaps);
 	if (error)  {
 		kmem_cache_free(xfs_buf_cache, bp);
@@ -502,7 +503,6 @@ int
 	struct xfs_buf_cache	*bch)
-	spin_lock_init(&bch->bc_lock);
 	return rhashtable_init(&bch->bc_hash, &xfs_buf_hash_params);
@@ -652,17 +652,20 @@ xfs_buf_find_insert(
 	if (error)
 		goto out_free_buf;
-	spin_lock(&bch->bc_lock);
+	/* The new buffer keeps the perag reference until it is freed. */
+	new_bp->b_pag = pag;
+	rcu_read_lock();
 	bp = rhashtable_lookup_get_insert_fast(&bch->bc_hash,
 			&new_bp->b_rhash_head, xfs_buf_hash_params);
 	if (IS_ERR(bp)) {
+		rcu_read_unlock();
 		error = PTR_ERR(bp);
-		spin_unlock(&bch->bc_lock);
 		goto out_free_buf;
 	if (bp && xfs_buf_try_hold(bp)) {
 		/* found an existing buffer */
-		spin_unlock(&bch->bc_lock);
+		rcu_read_unlock();
 		error = xfs_buf_find_lock(bp, flags);
 		if (error)
@@ -670,10 +673,8 @@ xfs_buf_find_insert(
 			*bpp = bp;
 		goto out_free_buf;
+	rcu_read_unlock();
-	/* The new buffer keeps the perag reference until it is freed. */
-	new_bp->b_pag = pag;
-	spin_unlock(&bch->bc_lock);
 	*bpp = new_bp;
 	return 0;
@@ -1090,7 +1091,6 @@ xfs_buf_rele_cached(
 	/* we are asked to drop the last reference */
-	spin_lock(&bch->bc_lock);
 	if (!(bp->b_flags & XBF_STALE) && atomic_read(&bp->b_lru_ref)) {
@@ -1102,7 +1102,6 @@ xfs_buf_rele_cached(
 			bp->b_state &= ~XFS_BSTATE_DISPOSE;
-		spin_unlock(&bch->bc_lock);
 	} else {
@@ -1120,7 +1119,6 @@ xfs_buf_rele_cached(
 		ASSERT(!(bp->b_flags & _XBF_DELWRI_Q));
 		rhashtable_remove_fast(&bch->bc_hash, &bp->b_rhash_head,
-		spin_unlock(&bch->bc_lock);
 		if (pag)
 		freebuf = true;
diff --git a/fs/xfs/xfs_buf.h b/fs/xfs/xfs_buf.h
index 7e73663c5d4a..3b4ed42e11c0 100644
--- a/fs/xfs/xfs_buf.h
+++ b/fs/xfs/xfs_buf.h
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ typedef unsigned int xfs_buf_flags_t;
 #define XFS_BSTATE_IN_FLIGHT	 (1 << 1)	/* I/O in flight */
 struct xfs_buf_cache {
-	spinlock_t		bc_lock;
 	struct rhashtable	bc_hash;
diff --git a/fs/xfs/xfs_exchrange.c b/fs/xfs/xfs_exchrange.c
index f340a2015c4c..0b41bdfecdfb 100644
--- a/fs/xfs/xfs_exchrange.c
+++ b/fs/xfs/xfs_exchrange.c
@@ -329,22 +329,6 @@ xfs_exchrange_mappings(
  * successfully but before locks are dropped.
-/* Verify that we have security clearance to perform this operation. */
-static int
-	struct xfs_exchrange	*fxr)
-	int			ret;
-	ret = remap_verify_area(fxr->file1, fxr->file1_offset, fxr->length,
-			true);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	return remap_verify_area(fxr->file2, fxr->file2_offset, fxr->length,
-			true);
  * Performs necessary checks before doing a range exchange, having stabilized
  * mutable inode attributes via i_rwsem.
@@ -355,11 +339,13 @@ xfs_exchange_range_checks(
 	unsigned int		alloc_unit)
 	struct inode		*inode1 = file_inode(fxr->file1);
+	loff_t			size1 = i_size_read(inode1);
 	struct inode		*inode2 = file_inode(fxr->file2);
+	loff_t			size2 = i_size_read(inode2);
 	uint64_t		allocmask = alloc_unit - 1;
 	int64_t			test_len;
 	uint64_t		blen;
-	loff_t			size1, size2, tmp;
+	loff_t			tmp;
 	int			error;
 	/* Don't touch certain kinds of inodes */
@@ -368,24 +354,25 @@ xfs_exchange_range_checks(
 	if (IS_SWAPFILE(inode1) || IS_SWAPFILE(inode2))
 		return -ETXTBSY;
-	size1 = i_size_read(inode1);
-	size2 = i_size_read(inode2);
 	/* Ranges cannot start after EOF. */
 	if (fxr->file1_offset > size1 || fxr->file2_offset > size2)
 		return -EINVAL;
-	/*
-	 * If the caller said to exchange to EOF, we set the length of the
-	 * request large enough to cover everything to the end of both files.
-	 */
 	if (fxr->flags & XFS_EXCHANGE_RANGE_TO_EOF) {
+		/*
+		 * If the caller said to exchange to EOF, we set the length of
+		 * the request large enough to cover everything to the end of
+		 * both files.
+		 */
 		fxr->length = max_t(int64_t, size1 - fxr->file1_offset,
 					     size2 - fxr->file2_offset);
-		error = xfs_exchange_range_verify_area(fxr);
-		if (error)
-			return error;
+	} else {
+		/*
+		 * Otherwise we require both ranges to end within EOF.
+		 */
+		if (fxr->file1_offset + fxr->length > size1 ||
+		    fxr->file2_offset + fxr->length > size2)
+			return -EINVAL;
@@ -401,15 +388,6 @@ xfs_exchange_range_checks(
 	    check_add_overflow(fxr->file2_offset, fxr->length, &tmp))
 		return -EINVAL;
-	/*
-	 * We require both ranges to end within EOF, unless we're exchanging
-	 * to EOF.
-	 */
-	if (!(fxr->flags & XFS_EXCHANGE_RANGE_TO_EOF) &&
-	    (fxr->file1_offset + fxr->length > size1 ||
-	     fxr->file2_offset + fxr->length > size2))
-		return -EINVAL;
 	 * Make sure we don't hit any file size limits.  If we hit any size
 	 * limits such that test_length was adjusted, we abort the whole
@@ -747,6 +725,7 @@ xfs_exchange_range(
 	struct inode		*inode1 = file_inode(fxr->file1);
 	struct inode		*inode2 = file_inode(fxr->file2);
+	loff_t			check_len = fxr->length;
 	int			ret;
@@ -779,14 +758,18 @@ xfs_exchange_range(
 		return -EBADF;
-	 * If we're not exchanging to EOF, we can check the areas before
-	 * stabilizing both files' i_size.
+	 * If we're exchanging to EOF we can't calculate the length until taking
+	 * the iolock.  Pass a 0 length to remap_verify_area similar to the
+	 * FICLONE and FICLONERANGE ioctls that support cloning to EOF as well.
-	if (!(fxr->flags & XFS_EXCHANGE_RANGE_TO_EOF)) {
-		ret = xfs_exchange_range_verify_area(fxr);
-		if (ret)
-			return ret;
-	}
+	if (fxr->flags & XFS_EXCHANGE_RANGE_TO_EOF)
+		check_len = 0;
+	ret = remap_verify_area(fxr->file1, fxr->file1_offset, check_len, true);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	ret = remap_verify_area(fxr->file2, fxr->file2_offset, check_len, true);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
 	/* Update cmtime if the fd/inode don't forbid it. */
 	if (!(fxr->file1->f_mode & FMODE_NOCMTIME) && !IS_NOCMTIME(inode1))
diff --git a/fs/xfs/xfs_inode.c b/fs/xfs/xfs_inode.c
index c95fe1b1de4e..b1f9f156ec88 100644
--- a/fs/xfs/xfs_inode.c
+++ b/fs/xfs/xfs_inode.c
@@ -1404,8 +1404,11 @@ xfs_inactive(
 		goto out;
 	/* Try to clean out the cow blocks if there are any. */
-	if (xfs_inode_has_cow_data(ip))
-		xfs_reflink_cancel_cow_range(ip, 0, NULLFILEOFF, true);
+	if (xfs_inode_has_cow_data(ip)) {
+		error = xfs_reflink_cancel_cow_range(ip, 0, NULLFILEOFF, true);
+		if (error)
+			goto out;
+	}
 	if (VFS_I(ip)->i_nlink != 0) {
diff --git a/fs/xfs/xfs_iomap.c b/fs/xfs/xfs_iomap.c
index 50fa3ef89f6c..d61460309a78 100644
--- a/fs/xfs/xfs_iomap.c
+++ b/fs/xfs/xfs_iomap.c
@@ -976,10 +976,8 @@ xfs_dax_write_iomap_end(
 	if (!xfs_is_cow_inode(ip))
 		return 0;
-	if (!written) {
-		xfs_reflink_cancel_cow_range(ip, pos, length, true);
-		return 0;
-	}
+	if (!written)
+		return xfs_reflink_cancel_cow_range(ip, pos, length, true);
 	return xfs_reflink_end_cow(ip, pos, written);
diff --git a/include/asm-generic/vmlinux.lds.h b/include/asm-generic/vmlinux.lds.h
index 54504013c749..02a4adb4a999 100644
--- a/include/asm-generic/vmlinux.lds.h
+++ b/include/asm-generic/vmlinux.lds.h
@@ -1038,6 +1038,7 @@ defined(CONFIG_AUTOFDO_CLANG) || defined(CONFIG_PROPELLER_CLANG)
 	*(.discard)							\
 	*(.discard.*)							\
 	*(.export_symbol)						\
+	*(.no_trim_symbol)						\
 	*(.modinfo)							\
 	/* ld.bfd warns about .gnu.version* even when not emitted */	\
 	*(.gnu.version*)						\
diff --git a/include/drm/drm_print.h b/include/drm/drm_print.h
index f77fe1531cf8..9732f514566d 100644
--- a/include/drm/drm_print.h
+++ b/include/drm/drm_print.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include <linux/dynamic_debug.h>
 #include <drm/drm.h>
+#include <drm/drm_device.h>
 struct debugfs_regset32;
 struct drm_device;
diff --git a/include/linux/compiler.h b/include/linux/compiler.h
index b087de2f3e94..200fd3c5bc70 100644
--- a/include/linux/compiler.h
+++ b/include/linux/compiler.h
@@ -191,6 +191,25 @@ void ftrace_likely_update(struct ftrace_likely_data *f, int val,
 	__v;								\
+#ifdef __CHECKER__
+#define __BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO_MSG(e, msg) (0)
+#else /* __CHECKER__ */
+#define __BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO_MSG(e, msg) ((int)sizeof(struct {_Static_assert(!(e), msg);}))
+#endif /* __CHECKER__ */
+/* &a[0] degrades to a pointer: a different type from an array */
+#define __is_array(a)		(!__same_type((a), &(a)[0]))
+#define __must_be_array(a)	__BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO_MSG(!__is_array(a), \
+							"must be array")
+#define __is_byte_array(a)	(__is_array(a) && sizeof((a)[0]) == 1)
+#define __must_be_byte_array(a)	__BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO_MSG(!__is_byte_array(a), \
+							"must be byte array")
+/* Require C Strings (i.e. NUL-terminated) lack the "nonstring" attribute. */
+#define __must_be_cstr(p) \
+	__BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO_MSG(__annotated(p, nonstring), "must be cstr (NUL-terminated)")
 #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
@@ -231,19 +250,6 @@ static inline void *offset_to_ptr(const int *off)
 #define __ADDRESSABLE_ASM_STR(sym) __stringify(__ADDRESSABLE_ASM(sym))
-#ifdef __CHECKER__
-#define __BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO_MSG(e, msg) (0)
-#else /* __CHECKER__ */
-#define __BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO_MSG(e, msg) ((int)sizeof(struct {_Static_assert(!(e), msg);}))
-#endif /* __CHECKER__ */
-/* &a[0] degrades to a pointer: a different type from an array */
-#define __must_be_array(a)	__BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO_MSG(__same_type((a), &(a)[0]), "must be array")
-/* Require C Strings (i.e. NUL-terminated) lack the "nonstring" attribute. */
-#define __must_be_cstr(p) \
-	__BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO_MSG(__annotated(p, nonstring), "must be cstr (NUL-terminated)")
  * This returns a constant expression while determining if an argument is
  * a constant expression, most importantly without evaluating the argument.
diff --git a/include/linux/fs.h b/include/linux/fs.h
index be3ad155ec9f..2c3b2f8a621f 100644
--- a/include/linux/fs.h
+++ b/include/linux/fs.h
@@ -222,7 +222,6 @@ typedef int (dio_iodone_t)(struct kiocb *iocb, loff_t offset,
 #define FMODE_FSNOTIFY_HSM(mode)	0
  * Attribute flags.  These should be or-ed together to figure out what
  * has been changed!
@@ -791,6 +790,19 @@ struct inode {
 static inline void inode_set_cached_link(struct inode *inode, char *link, int linklen)
+	int testlen;
+	/*
+	 * TODO: patch it into a debug-only check if relevant macros show up.
+	 * In the meantime, since we are suffering strlen even on production kernels
+	 * to find the right length, do a fixup if the wrong value got passed.
+	 */
+	testlen = strlen(link);
+	if (testlen != linklen) {
+		WARN_ONCE(1, "bad length passed for symlink [%s] (got %d, expected %d)",
+			  link, linklen, testlen);
+		linklen = testlen;
+	}
 	inode->i_link = link;
 	inode->i_linklen = linklen;
 	inode->i_opflags |= IOP_CACHED_LINK;
@@ -3140,6 +3152,12 @@ static inline void exe_file_allow_write_access(struct file *exe_file)
+static inline void file_set_fsnotify_mode(struct file *file, fmode_t mode)
+	file->f_mode &= ~FMODE_FSNOTIFY_MASK;
+	file->f_mode |= mode;
 static inline bool inode_is_open_for_write(const struct inode *inode)
 	return atomic_read(&inode->i_writecount) > 0;
diff --git a/include/linux/fsnotify.h b/include/linux/fsnotify.h
index 1a9ef8f6784d..6a33288bd6a1 100644
--- a/include/linux/fsnotify.h
+++ b/include/linux/fsnotify.h
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ static inline int fsnotify_file(struct file *file, __u32 mask)
-void file_set_fsnotify_mode(struct file *file);
+void file_set_fsnotify_mode_from_watchers(struct file *file);
  * fsnotify_file_area_perm - permission hook before access to file range
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ static inline int fsnotify_open_perm(struct file *file)
-static inline void file_set_fsnotify_mode(struct file *file)
+static inline void file_set_fsnotify_mode_from_watchers(struct file *file)
diff --git a/include/linux/hrtimer_defs.h b/include/linux/hrtimer_defs.h
index c3b4b7ed7c16..84a5045f80f3 100644
--- a/include/linux/hrtimer_defs.h
+++ b/include/linux/hrtimer_defs.h
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ struct hrtimer_cpu_base {
 	ktime_t				softirq_expires_next;
 	struct hrtimer			*softirq_next_timer;
 	struct hrtimer_clock_base	clock_base[HRTIMER_MAX_CLOCK_BASES];
+	call_single_data_t		csd;
 } ____cacheline_aligned;
diff --git a/include/linux/i2c.h b/include/linux/i2c.h
index c31fd1dba3bd..2b2af24d2a43 100644
--- a/include/linux/i2c.h
+++ b/include/linux/i2c.h
@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ enum i2c_driver_flags {
  * @id_table: List of I2C devices supported by this driver
  * @detect: Callback for device detection
  * @address_list: The I2C addresses to probe (for detect)
+ * @clients: List of detected clients we created (for i2c-core use only)
  * @flags: A bitmask of flags defined in &enum i2c_driver_flags
  * The driver.owner field should be set to the module owner of this driver.
@@ -298,6 +299,7 @@ struct i2c_driver {
 	/* Device detection callback for automatic device creation */
 	int (*detect)(struct i2c_client *client, struct i2c_board_info *info);
 	const unsigned short *address_list;
+	struct list_head clients;
 	u32 flags;
@@ -313,6 +315,8 @@ struct i2c_driver {
  * @dev: Driver model device node for the slave.
  * @init_irq: IRQ that was set at initialization
  * @irq: indicates the IRQ generated by this device (if any)
+ * @detected: member of an i2c_driver.clients list or i2c-core's
+ *	userspace_devices list
  * @slave_cb: Callback when I2C slave mode of an adapter is used. The adapter
  *	calls it to pass on slave events to the slave driver.
  * @devres_group_id: id of the devres group that will be created for resources
@@ -332,8 +336,6 @@ struct i2c_client {
 #define I2C_CLIENT_SLAVE	0x20	/* we are the slave */
 #define I2C_CLIENT_HOST_NOTIFY	0x40	/* We want to use I2C host notify */
 #define I2C_CLIENT_WAKE		0x80	/* for board_info; true iff can wake */
-#define I2C_CLIENT_AUTO		0x100	/* client was auto-detected */
-#define I2C_CLIENT_USER		0x200	/* client was userspace-created */
 #define I2C_CLIENT_SCCB		0x9000	/* Use Omnivision SCCB protocol */
 					/* Must match I2C_M_STOP|IGNORE_NAK */
@@ -345,6 +347,7 @@ struct i2c_client {
 	struct device dev;		/* the device structure		*/
 	int init_irq;			/* irq set at initialization	*/
 	int irq;			/* irq issued by device		*/
+	struct list_head detected;
 	i2c_slave_cb_t slave_cb;	/* callback for slave mode	*/
@@ -751,6 +754,9 @@ struct i2c_adapter {
 	char name[48];
 	struct completion dev_released;
+	struct mutex userspace_clients_lock;
+	struct list_head userspace_clients;
 	struct i2c_bus_recovery_info *bus_recovery_info;
 	const struct i2c_adapter_quirks *quirks;
diff --git a/include/linux/jiffies.h b/include/linux/jiffies.h
index ed945f42e064..0ea8c9887429 100644
--- a/include/linux/jiffies.h
+++ b/include/linux/jiffies.h
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ static __always_inline unsigned long msecs_to_jiffies(const unsigned int m)
  * Return: jiffies value
-#define secs_to_jiffies(_secs) ((_secs) * HZ)
+#define secs_to_jiffies(_secs) (unsigned long)((_secs) * HZ)
 extern unsigned long __usecs_to_jiffies(const unsigned int u);
 #if !(USEC_PER_SEC % HZ)
diff --git a/include/linux/kvm_host.h b/include/linux/kvm_host.h
index 3cb9a32a6330..f34f4cfaa513 100644
--- a/include/linux/kvm_host.h
+++ b/include/linux/kvm_host.h
@@ -1615,7 +1615,6 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_should_kick(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
 bool kvm_arch_dy_runnable(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
 bool kvm_arch_dy_has_pending_interrupt(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
 bool kvm_arch_vcpu_preempted_in_kernel(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu);
-int kvm_arch_post_init_vm(struct kvm *kvm);
 void kvm_arch_pre_destroy_vm(struct kvm *kvm);
 void kvm_arch_create_vm_debugfs(struct kvm *kvm);
diff --git a/include/linux/lockref.h b/include/linux/lockref.h
index c39f119659ba..676721ee878d 100644
--- a/include/linux/lockref.h
+++ b/include/linux/lockref.h
@@ -37,12 +37,13 @@ struct lockref {
  * lockref_init - Initialize a lockref
  * @lockref: pointer to lockref structure
- * @count: initial count
+ *
+ * Initializes @lockref->count to 1.
-static inline void lockref_init(struct lockref *lockref, unsigned int count)
+static inline void lockref_init(struct lockref *lockref)
-	lockref->count = count;
+	lockref->count = 1;
 void lockref_get(struct lockref *lockref);
diff --git a/include/linux/module.h b/include/linux/module.h
index 23792d5d7b74..30e5b19bafa9 100644
--- a/include/linux/module.h
+++ b/include/linux/module.h
@@ -306,7 +306,10 @@ extern int modules_disabled; /* for sysctl */
 /* Get/put a kernel symbol (calls must be symmetric) */
 void *__symbol_get(const char *symbol);
 void *__symbol_get_gpl(const char *symbol);
-#define symbol_get(x) ((typeof(&x))(__symbol_get(__stringify(x))))
+#define symbol_get(x)	({ \
+	static const char __notrim[] \
+		__used __section(".no_trim_symbol") = __stringify(x); \
+	(typeof(&x))(__symbol_get(__stringify(x))); })
 /* modules using other modules: kdb wants to see this. */
 struct module_use {
diff --git a/include/linux/netdevice.h b/include/linux/netdevice.h
index 2a59034a5fa2..03bb584c62cf 100644
--- a/include/linux/netdevice.h
+++ b/include/linux/netdevice.h
@@ -2904,9 +2904,9 @@ struct pcpu_sw_netstats {
 struct pcpu_dstats {
 	u64_stats_t		rx_packets;
 	u64_stats_t		rx_bytes;
-	u64_stats_t		rx_drops;
 	u64_stats_t		tx_packets;
 	u64_stats_t		tx_bytes;
+	u64_stats_t		rx_drops;
 	u64_stats_t		tx_drops;
 	struct u64_stats_sync	syncp;
 } __aligned(8 * sizeof(u64));
diff --git a/include/linux/pm_domain.h b/include/linux/pm_domain.h
index 1aab31370065..d56a78af4af1 100644
--- a/include/linux/pm_domain.h
+++ b/include/linux/pm_domain.h
@@ -261,6 +261,7 @@ struct generic_pm_domain_data {
 	unsigned int rpm_pstate;
 	unsigned int opp_token;
 	bool hw_mode;
+	bool rpm_always_on;
 	void *data;
@@ -293,6 +294,7 @@ ktime_t dev_pm_genpd_get_next_hrtimer(struct device *dev);
 void dev_pm_genpd_synced_poweroff(struct device *dev);
 int dev_pm_genpd_set_hwmode(struct device *dev, bool enable);
 bool dev_pm_genpd_get_hwmode(struct device *dev);
+int dev_pm_genpd_rpm_always_on(struct device *dev, bool on);
 extern struct dev_power_governor simple_qos_governor;
 extern struct dev_power_governor pm_domain_always_on_gov;
@@ -376,6 +378,11 @@ static inline bool dev_pm_genpd_get_hwmode(struct device *dev)
 	return false;
+static inline int dev_pm_genpd_rpm_always_on(struct device *dev, bool on)
+	return -EOPNOTSUPP;
 #define simple_qos_governor		(*(struct dev_power_governor *)(NULL))
 #define pm_domain_always_on_gov		(*(struct dev_power_governor *)(NULL))
diff --git a/include/linux/string.h b/include/linux/string.h
index 86d5d352068b..f8e21e80942f 100644
--- a/include/linux/string.h
+++ b/include/linux/string.h
@@ -414,7 +414,8 @@ void memcpy_and_pad(void *dest, size_t dest_len, const void *src, size_t count,
  * must be discoverable by the compiler.
 #define strtomem_pad(dest, src, pad)	do {				\
-	const size_t _dest_len = __builtin_object_size(dest, 1);	\
+	const size_t _dest_len = __must_be_byte_array(dest) +		\
+				 ARRAY_SIZE(dest);			\
 	const size_t _src_len = __builtin_object_size(src, 1);		\
 	BUILD_BUG_ON(!__builtin_constant_p(_dest_len) ||		\
@@ -437,7 +438,8 @@ void memcpy_and_pad(void *dest, size_t dest_len, const void *src, size_t count,
  * must be discoverable by the compiler.
 #define strtomem(dest, src)	do {					\
-	const size_t _dest_len = __builtin_object_size(dest, 1);	\
+	const size_t _dest_len = __must_be_byte_array(dest) +		\
+				 ARRAY_SIZE(dest);			\
 	const size_t _src_len = __builtin_object_size(src, 1);		\
 	BUILD_BUG_ON(!__builtin_constant_p(_dest_len) ||		\
@@ -456,7 +458,8 @@ void memcpy_and_pad(void *dest, size_t dest_len, const void *src, size_t count,
  * Note that sizes of @dest and @src must be known at compile-time.
 #define memtostr(dest, src)	do {					\
-	const size_t _dest_len = __builtin_object_size(dest, 1);	\
+	const size_t _dest_len = __must_be_byte_array(dest) +		\
+				 ARRAY_SIZE(dest);			\
 	const size_t _src_len = __builtin_object_size(src, 1);		\
 	const size_t _src_chars = strnlen(src, _src_len);		\
 	const size_t _copy_len = min(_dest_len - 1, _src_chars);	\
@@ -481,7 +484,8 @@ void memcpy_and_pad(void *dest, size_t dest_len, const void *src, size_t count,
  * Note that sizes of @dest and @src must be known at compile-time.
 #define memtostr_pad(dest, src)		do {				\
-	const size_t _dest_len = __builtin_object_size(dest, 1);	\
+	const size_t _dest_len = __must_be_byte_array(dest) +		\
+				 ARRAY_SIZE(dest);			\
 	const size_t _src_len = __builtin_object_size(src, 1);		\
 	const size_t _src_chars = strnlen(src, _src_len);		\
 	const size_t _copy_len = min(_dest_len - 1, _src_chars);	\
diff --git a/include/net/sch_generic.h b/include/net/sch_generic.h
index d635c5b47eba..d48c657191cd 100644
--- a/include/net/sch_generic.h
+++ b/include/net/sch_generic.h
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ static inline int qdisc_enqueue(struct sk_buff *skb, struct Qdisc *sch,
 static inline void _bstats_update(struct gnet_stats_basic_sync *bstats,
-				  __u64 bytes, __u32 packets)
+				  __u64 bytes, __u64 packets)
 	u64_stats_add(&bstats->bytes, bytes);
diff --git a/include/scsi/libiscsi_tcp.h b/include/scsi/libiscsi_tcp.h
index 7c8ba9d7378b..ef53d4bea28a 100644
--- a/include/scsi/libiscsi_tcp.h
+++ b/include/scsi/libiscsi_tcp.h
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 struct iscsi_tcp_conn;
 struct iscsi_segment;
 struct sk_buff;
-struct ahash_request;
 typedef int iscsi_segment_done_fn_t(struct iscsi_tcp_conn *,
 				    struct iscsi_segment *);
@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ struct iscsi_segment {
 	unsigned int		total_size;
 	unsigned int		total_copied;
-	struct ahash_request	*hash;
+	u32			*crcp;
 	unsigned char		padbuf[ISCSI_PAD_LEN];
 	unsigned char		recv_digest[ISCSI_DIGEST_SIZE];
 	unsigned char		digest[ISCSI_DIGEST_SIZE];
@@ -61,8 +60,8 @@ struct iscsi_tcp_conn {
 						 * stop to terminate */
 	/* control data */
 	struct iscsi_tcp_recv	in;		/* TCP receive context */
-	/* CRC32C (Rx) LLD should set this is they do not offload */
-	struct ahash_request	*rx_hash;
+	/* CRC32C (Rx) LLD should set this if they do not offload */
+	u32			*rx_crcp;
 struct iscsi_tcp_task {
@@ -99,18 +98,15 @@ extern void iscsi_tcp_segment_unmap(struct iscsi_segment *segment);
 extern void iscsi_segment_init_linear(struct iscsi_segment *segment,
 				      void *data, size_t size,
-				      iscsi_segment_done_fn_t *done,
-				      struct ahash_request *hash);
+				      iscsi_segment_done_fn_t *done, u32 *crcp);
 extern int
 iscsi_segment_seek_sg(struct iscsi_segment *segment,
 		      struct scatterlist *sg_list, unsigned int sg_count,
 		      unsigned int offset, size_t size,
-		      iscsi_segment_done_fn_t *done,
-		      struct ahash_request *hash);
+		      iscsi_segment_done_fn_t *done, u32 *crcp);
 /* digest helpers */
-extern void iscsi_tcp_dgst_header(struct ahash_request *hash, const void *hdr,
-				  size_t hdrlen,
+extern void iscsi_tcp_dgst_header(const void *hdr, size_t hdrlen,
 				  unsigned char digest[ISCSI_DIGEST_SIZE]);
 extern struct iscsi_cls_conn *
 iscsi_tcp_conn_setup(struct iscsi_cls_session *cls_session, int dd_data_size,
diff --git a/include/scsi/scsi_device.h b/include/scsi/scsi_device.h
index 7acd0ec82bb0..68dd49947d04 100644
--- a/include/scsi/scsi_device.h
+++ b/include/scsi/scsi_device.h
@@ -247,6 +247,9 @@ struct scsi_device {
 	unsigned int queue_stopped;	/* request queue is quiesced */
 	bool offline_already;		/* Device offline message logged */
+	unsigned int ua_new_media_ctr;	/* Counter for New Media UNIT ATTENTIONs */
+	unsigned int ua_por_ctr;	/* Counter for Power On / Reset UAs */
 	atomic_t disk_events_disable_depth; /* disable depth for disk events */
 	DECLARE_BITMAP(supported_events, SDEV_EVT_MAXBITS); /* supported events */
@@ -684,6 +687,12 @@ static inline int scsi_device_busy(struct scsi_device *sdev)
 	return sbitmap_weight(&sdev->budget_map);
+/* Macros to access the UNIT ATTENTION counters */
+#define scsi_get_ua_new_media_ctr(sdev) \
+	((const unsigned int)(sdev->ua_new_media_ctr))
+#define scsi_get_ua_por_ctr(sdev) \
+	((const unsigned int)(sdev->ua_por_ctr))
 	MODULE_ALIAS("scsi:t-" __stringify(type) "*")
 #define SCSI_DEVICE_MODALIAS_FMT "scsi:t-0x%02x"
diff --git a/include/scsi/scsi_proto.h b/include/scsi/scsi_proto.h
index 70e1262b2e20..aeca37816506 100644
--- a/include/scsi/scsi_proto.h
+++ b/include/scsi/scsi_proto.h
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 #define INQUIRY               0x12
 #define MODE_SELECT           0x15
-#define RESERVE               0x16
-#define RELEASE               0x17
+#define RESERVE_6             0x16
+#define RELEASE_6             0x17
 #define COPY                  0x18
 #define ERASE                 0x19
 #define MODE_SENSE            0x1a
diff --git a/include/soc/rockchip/rockchip_sip.h b/include/soc/rockchip/rockchip_sip.h
index c46a9ae2a2ab..501ad1fedb20 100644
--- a/include/soc/rockchip/rockchip_sip.h
+++ b/include/soc/rockchip/rockchip_sip.h
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
+#define ROCKCHIP_SIP_SUSPEND_MODE		0x82000003
 #define ROCKCHIP_SIP_DRAM_FREQ			0x82000008
diff --git a/include/trace/events/rxrpc.h b/include/trace/events/rxrpc.h
index 2f119d18a061..cad50d91077e 100644
--- a/include/trace/events/rxrpc.h
+++ b/include/trace/events/rxrpc.h
@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@
 	EM(rxrpc_conn_get_conn_input,		"GET inp-conn") \
 	EM(rxrpc_conn_get_idle,			"GET idle    ") \
 	EM(rxrpc_conn_get_poke_abort,		"GET pk-abort") \
+	EM(rxrpc_conn_get_poke_secured,		"GET secured ") \
 	EM(rxrpc_conn_get_poke_timer,		"GET poke    ") \
 	EM(rxrpc_conn_get_service_conn,		"GET svc-conn") \
 	EM(rxrpc_conn_new_client,		"NEW client  ") \
diff --git a/include/trace/events/scsi.h b/include/trace/events/scsi.h
index 05f1945ed204..bf6cc98d9122 100644
--- a/include/trace/events/scsi.h
+++ b/include/trace/events/scsi.h
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 		scsi_opcode_name(INQUIRY),			\
 		scsi_opcode_name(RECOVER_BUFFERED_DATA),	\
 		scsi_opcode_name(MODE_SELECT),			\
-		scsi_opcode_name(RESERVE),			\
-		scsi_opcode_name(RELEASE),			\
+		scsi_opcode_name(RESERVE_6),			\
+		scsi_opcode_name(RELEASE_6),			\
 		scsi_opcode_name(COPY),				\
 		scsi_opcode_name(ERASE),			\
 		scsi_opcode_name(MODE_SENSE),			\
diff --git a/include/trace/events/target.h b/include/trace/events/target.h
index a13cbf2b3405..7e2e20ba26f1 100644
--- a/include/trace/events/target.h
+++ b/include/trace/events/target.h
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
 		scsi_opcode_name(INQUIRY),			\
 		scsi_opcode_name(RECOVER_BUFFERED_DATA),	\
 		scsi_opcode_name(MODE_SELECT),			\
-		scsi_opcode_name(RESERVE),			\
-		scsi_opcode_name(RELEASE),			\
+		scsi_opcode_name(RESERVE_6),			\
+		scsi_opcode_name(RELEASE_6),			\
 		scsi_opcode_name(COPY),				\
 		scsi_opcode_name(ERASE),			\
 		scsi_opcode_name(MODE_SENSE),			\
diff --git a/include/uapi/drm/amdgpu_drm.h b/include/uapi/drm/amdgpu_drm.h
index efe5de6ce208..aaa4f3bc688b 100644
--- a/include/uapi/drm/amdgpu_drm.h
+++ b/include/uapi/drm/amdgpu_drm.h
@@ -411,13 +411,20 @@ struct drm_amdgpu_gem_userptr {
 /* GFX12 and later: */
-/* These are DCC recompression setting for memory management: */
+/* These are DCC recompression settings for memory management: */
 #define AMDGPU_TILING_GFX12_DCC_MAX_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_MASK	0x3 /* 0:64B, 1:128B, 2:256B */
+/* When clearing the buffer or moving it from VRAM to GTT, don't compress and set DCC metadata
+ * to uncompressed. Set when parts of an allocation bypass DCC and read raw data. */
+/* bit gap */
 /* Set/Get helpers for tiling flags. */
 #define AMDGPU_TILING_SET(field, value) \
diff --git a/include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h b/include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 513da47aa5ab..000000000000
--- a/include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- */
-#include <linux/types.h>
- * Structure and definitions for all CXL Flash ioctls
- */
-#define CXLFLASH_WWID_LEN		16
- * Structure and flag definitions CXL Flash superpipe ioctls
- */
-struct dk_cxlflash_hdr {
-	__u16 version;			/* Version data */
-	__u16 rsvd[3];			/* Reserved for future use */
-	__u64 flags;			/* Input flags */
-	__u64 return_flags;		/* Returned flags */
- * Return flag definitions available to all superpipe ioctls
- *
- * Similar to the input flags, these are grown from the bottom-up with the
- * intention that ioctl-specific return flag definitions would grow from the
- * top-down, allowing the two sets to co-exist. While not required/enforced
- * at this time, this provides future flexibility.
- */
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_ALL_PORTS_ACTIVE	0x0000000000000001ULL
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD	0x0000000000000002ULL
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_CONTEXT_SQ_CMD_MODE	0x0000000000000004ULL
- * General Notes:
- * -------------
- * The 'context_id' field of all ioctl structures contains the context
- * identifier for a context in the lower 32-bits (upper 32-bits are not
- * to be used when identifying a context to the AFU). That said, the value
- * in its entirety (all 64-bits) is to be treated as an opaque cookie and
- * should be presented as such when issuing ioctls.
- */
- * ------------------------
- * Read/write access permissions are specified via the O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY,
- * and O_RDWR flags defined in the fcntl.h header file.
- *
- * A valid adapter file descriptor (fd >= 0) is only returned on the initial
- * attach (successful) of a context. When a context is shared(reused), the user
- * is expected to already 'know' the adapter file descriptor associated with the
- * context.
- */
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH_REUSE_CONTEXT	0x8000000000000000ULL
-struct dk_cxlflash_attach {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 num_interrupts;		/* Requested number of interrupts */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Returned context */
-	__u64 mmio_size;		/* Returned size of MMIO area */
-	__u64 block_size;		/* Returned block size, in bytes */
-	__u64 adap_fd;			/* Returned adapter file descriptor */
-	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA on the device */
-	__u64 max_xfer;			/* Returned max transfer size, blocks */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_detach {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Context to detach */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_udirect {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Context to own physical resources */
-	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Returned resource handle */
-	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA on the device */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Context to own virtual resources */
-	__u64 lun_size;			/* Requested size, in 4K blocks */
-	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Returned resource handle */
-	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA of LUN */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_release {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Context owning resources */
-	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Resource handle to release */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_resize {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Context owning resources */
-	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Resource handle of LUN to resize */
-	__u64 req_size;			/* New requested size, in 4K blocks */
-	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA of LUN */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_clone {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 context_id_src;		/* Context to clone from */
-	__u64 context_id_dst;		/* Context to clone to */
-	__u64 adap_fd_src;		/* Source context adapter fd */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY_HINT_SENSE	0x8000000000000000ULL
-struct dk_cxlflash_verify {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Context owning resources to verify */
-	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Resource handle of LUN */
-	__u64 hint;			/* Reasons for verify */
-	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA of device */
-	__u8 sense_data[DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY_SENSE_LEN]; /* SCSI sense data */
-	__u8 pad[6];			/* Pad to next 8-byte boundary */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_recover_afu {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 reason;			/* Reason for recovery request */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Context to recover / updated ID */
-	__u64 mmio_size;		/* Returned size of MMIO area */
-	__u64 adap_fd;			/* Returned adapter file descriptor */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_manage_lun {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;			/* Common fields */
-	__u8 wwid[DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN];	/* Page83 WWID, NAA-6 */
-	__u64 reserved[8];				/* Rsvd, future use */
-union cxlflash_ioctls {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_attach attach;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_detach detach;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_udirect udirect;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual uvirtual;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_release release;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_resize resize;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_clone clone;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_verify verify;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_recover_afu recover_afu;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_manage_lun manage_lun;
-#define MAX_CXLFLASH_IOCTL_SZ	(sizeof(union cxlflash_ioctls))
-#define CXL_MAGIC 0xCA
-#define CXL_IOWR(_n, _s)	_IOWR(CXL_MAGIC, _n, struct _s)
- * CXL Flash superpipe ioctls start at base of the reserved CXL_MAGIC
- * region (0x80) and grow upwards.
- */
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH		CXL_IOWR(0x80, dk_cxlflash_attach)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_USER_DIRECT		CXL_IOWR(0x81, dk_cxlflash_udirect)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_RELEASE		CXL_IOWR(0x82, dk_cxlflash_release)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_DETACH		CXL_IOWR(0x83, dk_cxlflash_detach)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY		CXL_IOWR(0x84, dk_cxlflash_verify)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_RECOVER_AFU		CXL_IOWR(0x85, dk_cxlflash_recover_afu)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN		CXL_IOWR(0x86, dk_cxlflash_manage_lun)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_USER_VIRTUAL	CXL_IOWR(0x87, dk_cxlflash_uvirtual)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_RESIZE		CXL_IOWR(0x88, dk_cxlflash_resize)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_CLONE		CXL_IOWR(0x89, dk_cxlflash_clone)
- * Structure and flag definitions CXL Flash host ioctls
- */
-struct ht_cxlflash_hdr {
-	__u16 version;		/* Version data */
-	__u16 subcmd;		/* Sub-command */
-	__u16 rsvd[2];		/* Reserved for future use */
-	__u64 flags;		/* Input flags */
-	__u64 return_flags;	/* Returned flags */
- * Input flag definitions available to all host ioctls
- *
- * These are grown from the bottom-up with the intention that ioctl-specific
- * input flag definitions would grow from the top-down, allowing the two sets
- * to co-exist. While not required/enforced at this time, this provides future
- * flexibility.
- */
-#define HT_CXLFLASH_HOST_READ				0x0000000000000000ULL
-#define HT_CXLFLASH_HOST_WRITE				0x0000000000000001ULL
-struct ht_cxlflash_lun_provision {
-	struct ht_cxlflash_hdr hdr; /* Common fields */
-	__u16 port;		    /* Target port for provision request */
-	__u16 reserved16[3];	    /* Reserved for future use */
-	__u64 size;		    /* Size of LUN (4K blocks) */
-	__u64 lun_id;		    /* SCSI LUN ID */
-	__u8 wwid[CXLFLASH_WWID_LEN];/* Page83 WWID, NAA-6 */
-	__u64 max_num_luns;	    /* Maximum number of LUNs provisioned */
-	__u64 cur_num_luns;	    /* Current number of LUNs provisioned */
-	__u64 max_cap_port;	    /* Total capacity for port (4K blocks) */
-	__u64 cur_cap_port;	    /* Current capacity for port (4K blocks) */
-	__u64 reserved[8];	    /* Reserved for future use */
-#define	HT_CXLFLASH_AFU_DEBUG_MAX_DATA_LEN		262144	/* 256K */
-struct ht_cxlflash_afu_debug {
-	struct ht_cxlflash_hdr hdr; /* Common fields */
-	__u8 reserved8[4];	    /* Reserved for future use */
-	__u8 afu_subcmd[HT_CXLFLASH_AFU_DEBUG_SUBCMD_LEN]; /* AFU subcommand,
-							    * (pass through)
-							    */
-	__u64 data_ea;		    /* Data buffer effective address */
-	__u32 data_len;		    /* Data buffer length */
-	__u32 reserved32;	    /* Reserved for future use */
-	__u64 reserved[8];	    /* Reserved for future use */
-union cxlflash_ht_ioctls {
-	struct ht_cxlflash_lun_provision lun_provision;
-	struct ht_cxlflash_afu_debug afu_debug;
-#define MAX_HT_CXLFLASH_IOCTL_SZ	(sizeof(union cxlflash_ht_ioctls))
- * CXL Flash host ioctls start at the top of the reserved CXL_MAGIC
- * region (0xBF) and grow downwards.
- */
-#define HT_CXLFLASH_LUN_PROVISION CXL_IOWR(0xBF, ht_cxlflash_lun_provision)
-#define HT_CXLFLASH_AFU_DEBUG	  CXL_IOWR(0xBE, ht_cxlflash_afu_debug)
-#endif /* ifndef _CXLFLASH_IOCTL_H */
diff --git a/include/ufs/ufs.h b/include/ufs/ufs.h
index 89672ad8c3bb..8a24ed59ec46 100644
--- a/include/ufs/ufs.h
+++ b/include/ufs/ufs.h
@@ -385,8 +385,8 @@ enum {
 /* Possible values for dExtendedUFSFeaturesSupport */
 enum {
@@ -419,6 +419,7 @@ enum {
diff --git a/include/ufs/ufshcd.h b/include/ufs/ufshcd.h
index 650ff238cd74..e3909cc691b2 100644
--- a/include/ufs/ufshcd.h
+++ b/include/ufs/ufshcd.h
@@ -336,6 +336,7 @@ struct ufs_pwr_mode_info {
  * @get_outstanding_cqs: called to get outstanding completion queues
  * @config_esi: called to config Event Specific Interrupt
  * @config_scsi_dev: called to configure SCSI device parameters
+ * @freq_to_gear_speed: called to map clock frequency to the max supported gear speed
 struct ufs_hba_variant_ops {
 	const char *name;
@@ -344,8 +345,8 @@ struct ufs_hba_variant_ops {
 	void    (*exit)(struct ufs_hba *);
 	u32	(*get_ufs_hci_version)(struct ufs_hba *);
 	int	(*set_dma_mask)(struct ufs_hba *);
-	int	(*clk_scale_notify)(struct ufs_hba *, bool,
-				    enum ufs_notify_change_status);
+	int	(*clk_scale_notify)(struct ufs_hba *, bool, unsigned long,
+				enum ufs_notify_change_status);
 	int	(*setup_clocks)(struct ufs_hba *, bool,
 				enum ufs_notify_change_status);
 	int	(*hce_enable_notify)(struct ufs_hba *,
@@ -353,9 +354,9 @@ struct ufs_hba_variant_ops {
 	int	(*link_startup_notify)(struct ufs_hba *,
 				       enum ufs_notify_change_status);
 	int	(*pwr_change_notify)(struct ufs_hba *,
-				enum ufs_notify_change_status status,
-				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *desired_pwr_mode,
-				struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *final_params);
+			enum ufs_notify_change_status status,
+			const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *desired_pwr_mode,
+			struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *final_params);
 	void	(*setup_xfer_req)(struct ufs_hba *hba, int tag,
 				  bool is_scsi_cmd);
 	void	(*setup_task_mgmt)(struct ufs_hba *, int, u8);
@@ -384,6 +385,7 @@ struct ufs_hba_variant_ops {
 				       unsigned long *ocqs);
 	int	(*config_esi)(struct ufs_hba *hba);
 	void	(*config_scsi_dev)(struct scsi_device *sdev);
+	u32	(*freq_to_gear_speed)(struct ufs_hba *hba, unsigned long freq);
 /* clock gating state  */
@@ -448,6 +450,8 @@ struct ufs_clk_gating {
  * one keeps track of previous power mode.
  * @target_freq: frequency requested by devfreq framework
  * @min_gear: lowest HS gear to scale down to
+ * @wb_gear: enable Write Booster when HS gear scales above or equal to it, else
+ *		disable Write Booster
  * @is_enabled: tracks if scaling is currently enabled or not, controlled by
  *		clkscale_enable sysfs node
  * @is_allowed: tracks if scaling is currently allowed or not, used to block
@@ -471,6 +475,7 @@ struct ufs_clk_scaling {
 	struct ufs_pa_layer_attr saved_pwr_info;
 	unsigned long target_freq;
 	u32 min_gear;
+	u32 wb_gear;
 	bool is_enabled;
 	bool is_allowed;
 	bool is_initialized;
@@ -962,6 +967,7 @@ enum ufshcd_mcq_opr {
  * @ufs_rtc_update_work: A work for UFS RTC periodic update
  * @pm_qos_req: PM QoS request handle
  * @pm_qos_enabled: flag to check if pm qos is enabled
+ * @critical_health_count: count of critical health exceptions
 struct ufs_hba {
 	void __iomem *mmio_base;
@@ -1130,6 +1136,8 @@ struct ufs_hba {
 	struct delayed_work ufs_rtc_update_work;
 	struct pm_qos_request pm_qos_req;
 	bool pm_qos_enabled;
+	int critical_health_count;
@@ -1309,7 +1317,6 @@ static inline void ufshcd_rmwl(struct ufs_hba *hba, u32 mask, u32 val, u32 reg)
 void ufshcd_enable_irq(struct ufs_hba *hba);
 void ufshcd_disable_irq(struct ufs_hba *hba);
 int ufshcd_alloc_host(struct device *, struct ufs_hba **);
-void ufshcd_dealloc_host(struct ufs_hba *);
 int ufshcd_hba_enable(struct ufs_hba *hba);
 int ufshcd_init(struct ufs_hba *, void __iomem *, unsigned int);
 int ufshcd_link_recovery(struct ufs_hba *hba);
@@ -1369,6 +1376,8 @@ extern int ufshcd_system_thaw(struct device *dev);
 extern int ufshcd_system_restore(struct device *dev);
+extern int ufshcd_dme_reset(struct ufs_hba *hba);
+extern int ufshcd_dme_enable(struct ufs_hba *hba);
 extern int ufshcd_dme_configure_adapt(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 				      int agreed_gear,
 				      int adapt_val);
@@ -1426,7 +1435,7 @@ static inline int ufshcd_dme_peer_get(struct ufs_hba *hba,
 	return ufshcd_dme_get_attr(hba, attr_sel, mib_val, DME_PEER);
-static inline bool ufshcd_is_hs_mode(struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *pwr_info)
+static inline bool ufshcd_is_hs_mode(const struct ufs_pa_layer_attr *pwr_info)
 	return (pwr_info->pwr_rx == FAST_MODE ||
 		pwr_info->pwr_rx == FASTAUTO_MODE) &&
diff --git a/io_uring/futex.c b/io_uring/futex.c
index 3159a2b7eeca..43e2143255f5 100644
--- a/io_uring/futex.c
+++ b/io_uring/futex.c
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ int io_futex_wait(struct io_kiocb *req, unsigned int issue_flags)
 		hlist_add_head(&req->hash_node, &ctx->futex_list);
 		io_ring_submit_unlock(ctx, issue_flags);
-		futex_queue(&ifd->q, hb);
+		futex_queue(&ifd->q, hb, NULL);
diff --git a/kernel/futex/core.c b/kernel/futex/core.c
index ebdd76b4ecbb..3db8567f5a44 100644
--- a/kernel/futex/core.c
+++ b/kernel/futex/core.c
@@ -532,7 +532,8 @@ void futex_q_unlock(struct futex_hash_bucket *hb)
-void __futex_queue(struct futex_q *q, struct futex_hash_bucket *hb)
+void __futex_queue(struct futex_q *q, struct futex_hash_bucket *hb,
+		   struct task_struct *task)
 	int prio;
@@ -548,7 +549,7 @@ void __futex_queue(struct futex_q *q, struct futex_hash_bucket *hb)
 	plist_node_init(&q->list, prio);
 	plist_add(&q->list, &hb->chain);
-	q->task = current;
+	q->task = task;
diff --git a/kernel/futex/futex.h b/kernel/futex/futex.h
index 99b32e728c4a..6b2f4c7eb720 100644
--- a/kernel/futex/futex.h
+++ b/kernel/futex/futex.h
@@ -285,13 +285,15 @@ static inline int futex_get_value_locked(u32 *dest, u32 __user *from)
 extern void __futex_unqueue(struct futex_q *q);
-extern void __futex_queue(struct futex_q *q, struct futex_hash_bucket *hb);
+extern void __futex_queue(struct futex_q *q, struct futex_hash_bucket *hb,
+				struct task_struct *task);
 extern int futex_unqueue(struct futex_q *q);
  * futex_queue() - Enqueue the futex_q on the futex_hash_bucket
  * @q:	The futex_q to enqueue
  * @hb:	The destination hash bucket
+ * @task: Task queueing this futex
  * The hb->lock must be held by the caller, and is released here. A call to
  * futex_queue() is typically paired with exactly one call to futex_unqueue().  The
@@ -299,11 +301,14 @@ extern int futex_unqueue(struct futex_q *q);
  * or nothing if the unqueue is done as part of the wake process and the unqueue
  * state is implicit in the state of woken task (see futex_wait_requeue_pi() for
  * an example).
+ *
+ * Note that @task may be NULL, for async usage of futexes.
-static inline void futex_queue(struct futex_q *q, struct futex_hash_bucket *hb)
+static inline void futex_queue(struct futex_q *q, struct futex_hash_bucket *hb,
+			       struct task_struct *task)
-	__futex_queue(q, hb);
+	__futex_queue(q, hb, task);
diff --git a/kernel/futex/pi.c b/kernel/futex/pi.c
index daea650b16f5..7a941845f7ee 100644
--- a/kernel/futex/pi.c
+++ b/kernel/futex/pi.c
@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ int futex_lock_pi(u32 __user *uaddr, unsigned int flags, ktime_t *time, int tryl
 	 * Only actually queue now that the atomic ops are done:
-	__futex_queue(&q, hb);
+	__futex_queue(&q, hb, current);
 	if (trylock) {
 		ret = rt_mutex_futex_trylock(&q.pi_state->pi_mutex);
diff --git a/kernel/futex/waitwake.c b/kernel/futex/waitwake.c
index eb86a7ade06a..25877d4f2f8f 100644
--- a/kernel/futex/waitwake.c
+++ b/kernel/futex/waitwake.c
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ void futex_wait_queue(struct futex_hash_bucket *hb, struct futex_q *q,
 	 * access to the hash list and forcing another memory barrier.
-	futex_queue(q, hb);
+	futex_queue(q, hb, current);
 	/* Arm the timer */
 	if (timeout)
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ int futex_wait_multiple_setup(struct futex_vector *vs, int count, int *woken)
 			 * next futex. Queue each futex at this moment so hb can
 			 * be unlocked.
-			futex_queue(q, hb);
+			futex_queue(q, hb, current);
diff --git a/kernel/kthread.c b/kernel/kthread.c
index 4005b13ebd7f..5dc5b0d7238e 100644
--- a/kernel/kthread.c
+++ b/kernel/kthread.c
@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ int kthread_affine_preferred(struct task_struct *p, const struct cpumask *mask)
 	struct kthread *kthread = to_kthread(p);
 	cpumask_var_t affinity;
 	unsigned long flags;
-	int ret;
+	int ret = 0;
 	if (!wait_task_inactive(p, TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE) || kthread->started) {
@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ int kthread_affine_preferred(struct task_struct *p, const struct cpumask *mask)
-	return 0;
+	return ret;
diff --git a/kernel/sched/debug.c b/kernel/sched/debug.c
index fd7e85220715..ef047add7f9e 100644
--- a/kernel/sched/debug.c
+++ b/kernel/sched/debug.c
@@ -1262,6 +1262,8 @@ void proc_sched_show_task(struct task_struct *p, struct pid_namespace *ns,
 	if (task_has_dl_policy(p)) {
+	} else if (fair_policy(p->policy)) {
+		P(se.slice);
 	__PS("ext.enabled", task_on_scx(p));
diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c
index ce2e94ccad0c..1c0ef435a7aa 100644
--- a/kernel/sched/fair.c
+++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c
@@ -5385,6 +5385,15 @@ static __always_inline void return_cfs_rq_runtime(struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq);
 static void set_delayed(struct sched_entity *se)
 	se->sched_delayed = 1;
+	/*
+	 * Delayed se of cfs_rq have no tasks queued on them.
+	 * Do not adjust h_nr_runnable since dequeue_entities()
+	 * will account it for blocked tasks.
+	 */
+	if (!entity_is_task(se))
+		return;
 	for_each_sched_entity(se) {
 		struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq = cfs_rq_of(se);
@@ -5397,6 +5406,16 @@ static void set_delayed(struct sched_entity *se)
 static void clear_delayed(struct sched_entity *se)
 	se->sched_delayed = 0;
+	/*
+	 * Delayed se of cfs_rq have no tasks queued on them.
+	 * Do not adjust h_nr_runnable since a dequeue has
+	 * already accounted for it or an enqueue of a task
+	 * below it will account for it in enqueue_task_fair().
+	 */
+	if (!entity_is_task(se))
+		return;
 	for_each_sched_entity(se) {
 		struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq = cfs_rq_of(se);
diff --git a/kernel/seccomp.c b/kernel/seccomp.c
index f59381c4a2ff..7bbb408431eb 100644
--- a/kernel/seccomp.c
+++ b/kernel/seccomp.c
@@ -749,6 +749,15 @@ static bool seccomp_is_const_allow(struct sock_fprog_kern *fprog,
 	if (WARN_ON_ONCE(!fprog))
 		return false;
+	/* Our single exception to filtering. */
+#ifdef __NR_uretprobe
+	if (sd->arch == SECCOMP_ARCH_NATIVE)
+		if (sd->nr == __NR_uretprobe)
+			return true;
 	for (pc = 0; pc < fprog->len; pc++) {
 		struct sock_filter *insn = &fprog->filter[pc];
 		u16 code = insn->code;
@@ -1023,6 +1032,9 @@ static inline void seccomp_log(unsigned long syscall, long signr, u32 action,
 static const int mode1_syscalls[] = {
 	__NR_seccomp_read, __NR_seccomp_write, __NR_seccomp_exit, __NR_seccomp_sigreturn,
+#ifdef __NR_uretprobe
+	__NR_uretprobe,
 	-1, /* negative terminated */
diff --git a/kernel/time/clocksource.c b/kernel/time/clocksource.c
index 7304d7cf47f2..2a7802ec480c 100644
--- a/kernel/time/clocksource.c
+++ b/kernel/time/clocksource.c
@@ -373,16 +373,18 @@ void clocksource_verify_percpu(struct clocksource *cs)
-	preempt_disable();
+	migrate_disable();
 	if (cpumask_empty(&cpus_chosen)) {
-		preempt_enable();
+		migrate_enable();
 		pr_warn("Not enough CPUs to check clocksource '%s'.\n", cs->name);
 	testcpu = smp_processor_id();
-	pr_warn("Checking clocksource %s synchronization from CPU %d to CPUs %*pbl.\n", cs->name, testcpu, cpumask_pr_args(&cpus_chosen));
+	pr_info("Checking clocksource %s synchronization from CPU %d to CPUs %*pbl.\n",
+		cs->name, testcpu, cpumask_pr_args(&cpus_chosen));
+	preempt_disable();
 	for_each_cpu(cpu, &cpus_chosen) {
 		if (cpu == testcpu)
@@ -402,6 +404,7 @@ void clocksource_verify_percpu(struct clocksource *cs)
 			cs_nsec_min = cs_nsec;
+	migrate_enable();
 	if (!cpumask_empty(&cpus_ahead))
 		pr_warn("        CPUs %*pbl ahead of CPU %d for clocksource %s.\n",
diff --git a/kernel/time/hrtimer.c b/kernel/time/hrtimer.c
index f6d8df94045c..deb1aa32814e 100644
--- a/kernel/time/hrtimer.c
+++ b/kernel/time/hrtimer.c
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@
+static void retrigger_next_event(void *arg);
  * The timer bases:
@@ -111,7 +113,8 @@ DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct hrtimer_cpu_base, hrtimer_bases) =
 			.clockid = CLOCK_TAI,
 			.get_time = &ktime_get_clocktai,
-	}
+	},
+	.csd = CSD_INIT(retrigger_next_event, NULL)
 static const int hrtimer_clock_to_base_table[MAX_CLOCKS] = {
@@ -124,6 +127,14 @@ static const int hrtimer_clock_to_base_table[MAX_CLOCKS] = {
+static inline bool hrtimer_base_is_online(struct hrtimer_cpu_base *base)
+		return true;
+	else
+		return likely(base->online);
  * Functions and macros which are different for UP/SMP systems are kept in a
  * single place
@@ -145,11 +156,6 @@ static struct hrtimer_cpu_base migration_cpu_base = {
 #define migration_base	migration_cpu_base.clock_base[0]
-static inline bool is_migration_base(struct hrtimer_clock_base *base)
-	return base == &migration_base;
  * We are using hashed locking: holding per_cpu(hrtimer_bases)[n].lock
  * means that all timers which are tied to this base via timer->base are
@@ -183,27 +189,54 @@ struct hrtimer_clock_base *lock_hrtimer_base(const struct hrtimer *timer,
- * We do not migrate the timer when it is expiring before the next
- * event on the target cpu. When high resolution is enabled, we cannot
- * reprogram the target cpu hardware and we would cause it to fire
- * late. To keep it simple, we handle the high resolution enabled and
- * disabled case similar.
+ * Check if the elected target is suitable considering its next
+ * event and the hotplug state of the current CPU.
+ *
+ * If the elected target is remote and its next event is after the timer
+ * to queue, then a remote reprogram is necessary. However there is no
+ * guarantee the IPI handling the operation would arrive in time to meet
+ * the high resolution deadline. In this case the local CPU becomes a
+ * preferred target, unless it is offline.
+ *
+ * High and low resolution modes are handled the same way for simplicity.
  * Called with cpu_base->lock of target cpu held.
-static int
-hrtimer_check_target(struct hrtimer *timer, struct hrtimer_clock_base *new_base)
+static bool hrtimer_suitable_target(struct hrtimer *timer, struct hrtimer_clock_base *new_base,
+				    struct hrtimer_cpu_base *new_cpu_base,
+				    struct hrtimer_cpu_base *this_cpu_base)
 	ktime_t expires;
+	/*
+	 * The local CPU clockevent can be reprogrammed. Also get_target_base()
+	 * guarantees it is online.
+	 */
+	if (new_cpu_base == this_cpu_base)
+		return true;
+	/*
+	 * The offline local CPU can't be the default target if the
+	 * next remote target event is after this timer. Keep the
+	 * elected new base. An IPI will we issued to reprogram
+	 * it as a last resort.
+	 */
+	if (!hrtimer_base_is_online(this_cpu_base))
+		return true;
 	expires = ktime_sub(hrtimer_get_expires(timer), new_base->offset);
-	return expires < new_base->cpu_base->expires_next;
+	return expires >= new_base->cpu_base->expires_next;
-static inline
-struct hrtimer_cpu_base *get_target_base(struct hrtimer_cpu_base *base,
-					 int pinned)
+static inline struct hrtimer_cpu_base *get_target_base(struct hrtimer_cpu_base *base, int pinned)
+	if (!hrtimer_base_is_online(base)) {
+		int cpu = cpumask_any_and(cpu_online_mask, housekeeping_cpumask(HK_TYPE_TIMER));
+		return &per_cpu(hrtimer_bases, cpu);
+	}
 #if defined(CONFIG_SMP) && defined(CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON)
 	if (static_branch_likely(&timers_migration_enabled) && !pinned)
 		return &per_cpu(hrtimer_bases, get_nohz_timer_target());
@@ -254,8 +287,8 @@ switch_hrtimer_base(struct hrtimer *timer, struct hrtimer_clock_base *base,
-		if (new_cpu_base != this_cpu_base &&
-		    hrtimer_check_target(timer, new_base)) {
+		if (!hrtimer_suitable_target(timer, new_base, new_cpu_base,
+					     this_cpu_base)) {
 			new_cpu_base = this_cpu_base;
@@ -264,8 +297,7 @@ switch_hrtimer_base(struct hrtimer *timer, struct hrtimer_clock_base *base,
 		WRITE_ONCE(timer->base, new_base);
 	} else {
-		if (new_cpu_base != this_cpu_base &&
-		    hrtimer_check_target(timer, new_base)) {
+		if (!hrtimer_suitable_target(timer, new_base,  new_cpu_base, this_cpu_base)) {
 			new_cpu_base = this_cpu_base;
 			goto again;
@@ -275,11 +307,6 @@ switch_hrtimer_base(struct hrtimer *timer, struct hrtimer_clock_base *base,
 #else /* CONFIG_SMP */
-static inline bool is_migration_base(struct hrtimer_clock_base *base)
-	return false;
 static inline struct hrtimer_clock_base *
 lock_hrtimer_base(const struct hrtimer *timer, unsigned long *flags)
@@ -716,8 +743,6 @@ static inline int hrtimer_is_hres_enabled(void)
 	return hrtimer_hres_enabled;
-static void retrigger_next_event(void *arg);
  * Switch to high resolution mode
@@ -1205,6 +1230,7 @@ static int __hrtimer_start_range_ns(struct hrtimer *timer, ktime_t tim,
 				    u64 delta_ns, const enum hrtimer_mode mode,
 				    struct hrtimer_clock_base *base)
+	struct hrtimer_cpu_base *this_cpu_base = this_cpu_ptr(&hrtimer_bases);
 	struct hrtimer_clock_base *new_base;
 	bool force_local, first;
@@ -1216,9 +1242,15 @@ static int __hrtimer_start_range_ns(struct hrtimer *timer, ktime_t tim,
 	 * and enforce reprogramming after it is queued no matter whether
 	 * it is the new first expiring timer again or not.
-	force_local = base->cpu_base == this_cpu_ptr(&hrtimer_bases);
+	force_local = base->cpu_base == this_cpu_base;
 	force_local &= base->cpu_base->next_timer == timer;
+	/*
+	 * Don't force local queuing if this enqueue happens on a unplugged
+	 * CPU after hrtimer_cpu_dying() has been invoked.
+	 */
+	force_local &= this_cpu_base->online;
 	 * Remove an active timer from the queue. In case it is not queued
 	 * on the current CPU, make sure that remove_hrtimer() updates the
@@ -1248,8 +1280,27 @@ static int __hrtimer_start_range_ns(struct hrtimer *timer, ktime_t tim,
 	first = enqueue_hrtimer(timer, new_base, mode);
-	if (!force_local)
-		return first;
+	if (!force_local) {
+		/*
+		 * If the current CPU base is online, then the timer is
+		 * never queued on a remote CPU if it would be the first
+		 * expiring timer there.
+		 */
+		if (hrtimer_base_is_online(this_cpu_base))
+			return first;
+		/*
+		 * Timer was enqueued remote because the current base is
+		 * already offline. If the timer is the first to expire,
+		 * kick the remote CPU to reprogram the clock event.
+		 */
+		if (first) {
+			struct hrtimer_cpu_base *new_cpu_base = new_base->cpu_base;
+			smp_call_function_single_async(new_cpu_base->cpu, &new_cpu_base->csd);
+		}
+		return 0;
+	}
 	 * Timer was forced to stay on the current CPU to avoid
@@ -1370,6 +1421,18 @@ static void hrtimer_sync_wait_running(struct hrtimer_cpu_base *cpu_base,
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+static __always_inline bool is_migration_base(struct hrtimer_clock_base *base)
+	return base == &migration_base;
+static __always_inline bool is_migration_base(struct hrtimer_clock_base *base)
+	return false;
  * This function is called on PREEMPT_RT kernels when the fast path
  * deletion of a timer failed because the timer callback function was
diff --git a/kernel/time/timer_migration.c b/kernel/time/timer_migration.c
index 9cb9b6584ea1..2f6330831f08 100644
--- a/kernel/time/timer_migration.c
+++ b/kernel/time/timer_migration.c
@@ -1675,6 +1675,9 @@ static int tmigr_setup_groups(unsigned int cpu, unsigned int node)
 	} while (i < tmigr_hierarchy_levels);
+	/* Assert single root */
+	WARN_ON_ONCE(!err && !group->parent && !list_is_singular(&tmigr_level_list[top]));
 	while (i > 0) {
 		group = stack[--i];
@@ -1716,7 +1719,12 @@ static int tmigr_setup_groups(unsigned int cpu, unsigned int node)
 		WARN_ON_ONCE(top == 0);
 		lvllist = &tmigr_level_list[top];
-		if (group->num_children == 1 && list_is_singular(lvllist)) {
+		/*
+		 * Newly created root level should have accounted the upcoming
+		 * CPU's child group and pre-accounted the old root.
+		 */
+		if (group->num_children == 2 && list_is_singular(lvllist)) {
 			 * The target CPU must never do the prepare work, except
 			 * on early boot when the boot CPU is the target. Otherwise
diff --git a/kernel/trace/trace_functions_graph.c b/kernel/trace/trace_functions_graph.c
index 54d850997c0a..136c750b0b4d 100644
--- a/kernel/trace/trace_functions_graph.c
+++ b/kernel/trace/trace_functions_graph.c
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ int trace_graph_entry(struct ftrace_graph_ent *trace,
 	 * returning from the function.
 	if (ftrace_graph_notrace_addr(trace->func)) {
-		*task_var |= TRACE_GRAPH_NOTRACE_BIT;
+		*task_var |= TRACE_GRAPH_NOTRACE;
 		 * Need to return 1 to have the return called
 		 * that will clear the NOTRACE bit.
diff --git a/lib/stackinit_kunit.c b/lib/stackinit_kunit.c
index fbe910c9c825..135322592faf 100644
--- a/lib/stackinit_kunit.c
+++ b/lib/stackinit_kunit.c
@@ -75,8 +75,10 @@ static bool stackinit_range_contains(char *haystack_start, size_t haystack_size,
 #ifdef CONFIG_M68K
 #define FILL_SIZE_STRING		8
+#define FILL_SIZE_ARRAY			2
 #define FILL_SIZE_STRING		16
+#define FILL_SIZE_ARRAY			8
 #define INIT_CLONE_SCALAR		/**/
@@ -345,11 +347,11 @@ union test_small_start {
 	short three;
 	unsigned long four;
 	struct big_struct {
-		unsigned long array[8];
+		unsigned long array[FILL_SIZE_ARRAY];
 	} big;
-/* Mismatched sizes, with one and two being small */
+/* Mismatched sizes, with three and four being small */
 union test_small_end {
 	short one;
 	unsigned long two;
diff --git a/net/core/dev.c b/net/core/dev.c
index c0021cbd28fc..b91658e8aedb 100644
--- a/net/core/dev.c
+++ b/net/core/dev.c
@@ -11286,6 +11286,20 @@ struct rtnl_link_stats64 *dev_get_stats(struct net_device *dev,
 	const struct net_device_ops *ops = dev->netdev_ops;
 	const struct net_device_core_stats __percpu *p;
+	/*
+	 * IPv{4,6} and udp tunnels share common stat helpers and use
+	 * different stat type (NETDEV_PCPU_STAT_TSTATS vs
+	 * NETDEV_PCPU_STAT_DSTATS). Ensure the accounting is consistent.
+	 */
+	BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct pcpu_sw_netstats, rx_bytes) !=
+		     offsetof(struct pcpu_dstats, rx_bytes));
+	BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct pcpu_sw_netstats, rx_packets) !=
+		     offsetof(struct pcpu_dstats, rx_packets));
+	BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct pcpu_sw_netstats, tx_bytes) !=
+		     offsetof(struct pcpu_dstats, tx_bytes));
+	BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct pcpu_sw_netstats, tx_packets) !=
+		     offsetof(struct pcpu_dstats, tx_packets));
 	if (ops->ndo_get_stats64) {
 		memset(storage, 0, sizeof(*storage));
 		ops->ndo_get_stats64(dev, storage);
diff --git a/net/ethtool/ioctl.c b/net/ethtool/ioctl.c
index 34bee42e1247..7609ce2b2c5e 100644
--- a/net/ethtool/ioctl.c
+++ b/net/ethtool/ioctl.c
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ static noinline_for_stack int ethtool_set_rxnfc(struct net_device *dev,
 		return rc;
 	/* Nonzero ring with RSS only makes sense if NIC adds them together */
-	if (cmd == ETHTOOL_SRXCLSRLINS && info.flow_type & FLOW_RSS &&
+	if (cmd == ETHTOOL_SRXCLSRLINS && info.fs.flow_type & FLOW_RSS &&
 	    !ops->cap_rss_rxnfc_adds &&
 		return -EINVAL;
diff --git a/net/ethtool/rss.c b/net/ethtool/rss.c
index 7cb106b590ab..58df9ad02ce8 100644
--- a/net/ethtool/rss.c
+++ b/net/ethtool/rss.c
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ rss_prepare_ctx(const struct rss_req_info *request, struct net_device *dev,
 	u32 total_size, indir_bytes;
 	u8 *rss_config;
+	data->no_key_fields = !dev->ethtool_ops->rxfh_per_ctx_key;
 	ctx = xa_load(&dev->ethtool->rss_ctx, request->rss_context);
 	if (!ctx)
 		return -ENOENT;
@@ -153,7 +155,6 @@ rss_prepare_data(const struct ethnl_req_info *req_base,
 		if (!ops->cap_rss_ctx_supported && !ops->create_rxfh_context)
 			return -EOPNOTSUPP;
-		data->no_key_fields = !ops->rxfh_per_ctx_key;
 		return rss_prepare_ctx(request, dev, data, info);
diff --git a/net/ipv4/udp.c b/net/ipv4/udp.c
index c472c9a57cf6..a9bb9ce5438e 100644
--- a/net/ipv4/udp.c
+++ b/net/ipv4/udp.c
@@ -1141,9 +1141,9 @@ static int udp_send_skb(struct sk_buff *skb, struct flowi4 *fl4,
 		const int hlen = skb_network_header_len(skb) +
 				 sizeof(struct udphdr);
-		if (hlen + cork->gso_size > cork->fragsize) {
+		if (hlen + min(datalen, cork->gso_size) > cork->fragsize) {
-			return -EINVAL;
+			return -EMSGSIZE;
 		if (datalen > cork->gso_size * UDP_MAX_SEGMENTS) {
diff --git a/net/ipv6/ioam6_iptunnel.c b/net/ipv6/ioam6_iptunnel.c
index 28e5a89dc255..2c383c12a431 100644
--- a/net/ipv6/ioam6_iptunnel.c
+++ b/net/ipv6/ioam6_iptunnel.c
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ static int ioam6_do_encap(struct net *net, struct sk_buff *skb,
 static int ioam6_output(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
-	struct dst_entry *dst = skb_dst(skb), *cache_dst;
+	struct dst_entry *dst = skb_dst(skb), *cache_dst = NULL;
 	struct in6_addr orig_daddr;
 	struct ioam6_lwt *ilwt;
 	int err = -EINVAL;
@@ -407,13 +407,15 @@ static int ioam6_output(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
 		cache_dst = ip6_route_output(net, NULL, &fl6);
 		if (cache_dst->error) {
 			err = cache_dst->error;
-			dst_release(cache_dst);
 			goto drop;
-		local_bh_disable();
-		dst_cache_set_ip6(&ilwt->cache, cache_dst, &fl6.saddr);
-		local_bh_enable();
+		/* cache only if we don't create a dst reference loop */
+		if (dst->lwtstate != cache_dst->lwtstate) {
+			local_bh_disable();
+			dst_cache_set_ip6(&ilwt->cache, cache_dst, &fl6.saddr);
+			local_bh_enable();
+		}
 		err = skb_cow_head(skb, LL_RESERVED_SPACE(cache_dst->dev));
 		if (unlikely(err))
@@ -426,8 +428,10 @@ static int ioam6_output(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
 		return dst_output(net, sk, skb);
+	dst_release(cache_dst);
 	return dst->lwtstate->orig_output(net, sk, skb);
+	dst_release(cache_dst);
 	return err;
diff --git a/net/ipv6/rpl_iptunnel.c b/net/ipv6/rpl_iptunnel.c
index 7ba22d2f2bfe..0ac4283acdf2 100644
--- a/net/ipv6/rpl_iptunnel.c
+++ b/net/ipv6/rpl_iptunnel.c
@@ -232,13 +232,15 @@ static int rpl_output(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
 		dst = ip6_route_output(net, NULL, &fl6);
 		if (dst->error) {
 			err = dst->error;
-			dst_release(dst);
 			goto drop;
-		local_bh_disable();
-		dst_cache_set_ip6(&rlwt->cache, dst, &fl6.saddr);
-		local_bh_enable();
+		/* cache only if we don't create a dst reference loop */
+		if (orig_dst->lwtstate != dst->lwtstate) {
+			local_bh_disable();
+			dst_cache_set_ip6(&rlwt->cache, dst, &fl6.saddr);
+			local_bh_enable();
+		}
 		err = skb_cow_head(skb, LL_RESERVED_SPACE(dst->dev));
 		if (unlikely(err))
@@ -251,6 +253,7 @@ static int rpl_output(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
 	return dst_output(net, sk, skb);
+	dst_release(dst);
 	return err;
@@ -269,8 +272,10 @@ static int rpl_input(struct sk_buff *skb)
 	err = rpl_do_srh(skb, rlwt, dst);
-	if (unlikely(err))
+	if (unlikely(err)) {
+		dst_release(dst);
 		goto drop;
+	}
 	if (!dst) {
diff --git a/net/ipv6/seg6_iptunnel.c b/net/ipv6/seg6_iptunnel.c
index 4bf937bfc263..33833b2064c0 100644
--- a/net/ipv6/seg6_iptunnel.c
+++ b/net/ipv6/seg6_iptunnel.c
@@ -482,8 +482,10 @@ static int seg6_input_core(struct net *net, struct sock *sk,
 	err = seg6_do_srh(skb, dst);
-	if (unlikely(err))
+	if (unlikely(err)) {
+		dst_release(dst);
 		goto drop;
+	}
 	if (!dst) {
@@ -571,13 +573,15 @@ static int seg6_output_core(struct net *net, struct sock *sk,
 		dst = ip6_route_output(net, NULL, &fl6);
 		if (dst->error) {
 			err = dst->error;
-			dst_release(dst);
 			goto drop;
-		local_bh_disable();
-		dst_cache_set_ip6(&slwt->cache, dst, &fl6.saddr);
-		local_bh_enable();
+		/* cache only if we don't create a dst reference loop */
+		if (orig_dst->lwtstate != dst->lwtstate) {
+			local_bh_disable();
+			dst_cache_set_ip6(&slwt->cache, dst, &fl6.saddr);
+			local_bh_enable();
+		}
 		err = skb_cow_head(skb, LL_RESERVED_SPACE(dst->dev));
 		if (unlikely(err))
@@ -593,6 +597,7 @@ static int seg6_output_core(struct net *net, struct sock *sk,
 	return dst_output(net, sk, skb);
+	dst_release(dst);
 	return err;
diff --git a/net/ipv6/udp.c b/net/ipv6/udp.c
index 6671daa67f4f..c6ea438b5c75 100644
--- a/net/ipv6/udp.c
+++ b/net/ipv6/udp.c
@@ -1389,9 +1389,9 @@ static int udp_v6_send_skb(struct sk_buff *skb, struct flowi6 *fl6,
 		const int hlen = skb_network_header_len(skb) +
 				 sizeof(struct udphdr);
-		if (hlen + cork->gso_size > cork->fragsize) {
+		if (hlen + min(datalen, cork->gso_size) > cork->fragsize) {
-			return -EINVAL;
+			return -EMSGSIZE;
 		if (datalen > cork->gso_size * UDP_MAX_SEGMENTS) {
diff --git a/net/rose/af_rose.c b/net/rose/af_rose.c
index 72c65d938a15..a4a668b88a8f 100644
--- a/net/rose/af_rose.c
+++ b/net/rose/af_rose.c
@@ -701,11 +701,9 @@ static int rose_bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *uaddr, int addr_len)
 	struct net_device *dev;
 	ax25_address *source;
 	ax25_uid_assoc *user;
+	int err = -EINVAL;
 	int n;
-	if (!sock_flag(sk, SOCK_ZAPPED))
-		return -EINVAL;
 	if (addr_len != sizeof(struct sockaddr_rose) && addr_len != sizeof(struct full_sockaddr_rose))
 		return -EINVAL;
@@ -718,8 +716,15 @@ static int rose_bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *uaddr, int addr_len)
 	if ((unsigned int) addr->srose_ndigis > ROSE_MAX_DIGIS)
 		return -EINVAL;
-	if ((dev = rose_dev_get(&addr->srose_addr)) == NULL)
+	lock_sock(sk);
+	if (!sock_flag(sk, SOCK_ZAPPED))
+		goto out_release;
+	dev = rose_dev_get(&addr->srose_addr);
+	if (!dev)
+		goto out_release;
 	source = &addr->srose_call;
@@ -730,7 +735,8 @@ static int rose_bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *uaddr, int addr_len)
 	} else {
 		if (ax25_uid_policy && !capable(CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE)) {
-			return -EACCES;
+			err = -EACCES;
+			goto out_release;
 		rose->source_call   = *source;
@@ -753,8 +759,10 @@ static int rose_bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *uaddr, int addr_len)
 	sock_reset_flag(sk, SOCK_ZAPPED);
-	return 0;
+	err = 0;
+	release_sock(sk);
+	return err;
 static int rose_connect(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *uaddr, int addr_len, int flags)
diff --git a/net/rxrpc/ar-internal.h b/net/rxrpc/ar-internal.h
index 718193df9d2e..f251845fe532 100644
--- a/net/rxrpc/ar-internal.h
+++ b/net/rxrpc/ar-internal.h
@@ -582,6 +582,7 @@ enum rxrpc_call_flag {
 	RXRPC_CALL_EXCLUSIVE,		/* The call uses a once-only connection */
 	RXRPC_CALL_RX_IS_IDLE,		/* recvmsg() is idle - send an ACK */
 	RXRPC_CALL_RECVMSG_READ_ALL,	/* recvmsg() read all of the received data */
+	RXRPC_CALL_CONN_CHALLENGING,	/* The connection is being challenged */
@@ -602,7 +603,6 @@ enum rxrpc_call_state {
 	RXRPC_CALL_CLIENT_AWAIT_REPLY,	/* - client awaiting reply */
 	RXRPC_CALL_CLIENT_RECV_REPLY,	/* - client receiving reply phase */
 	RXRPC_CALL_SERVER_PREALLOC,	/* - service preallocation */
-	RXRPC_CALL_SERVER_SECURING,	/* - server securing request connection */
 	RXRPC_CALL_SERVER_RECV_REQUEST,	/* - server receiving request */
 	RXRPC_CALL_SERVER_ACK_REQUEST,	/* - server pending ACK of request */
 	RXRPC_CALL_SERVER_SEND_REPLY,	/* - server sending reply */
diff --git a/net/rxrpc/call_object.c b/net/rxrpc/call_object.c
index 5a543c3f6fb0..c4c8b46a68c6 100644
--- a/net/rxrpc/call_object.c
+++ b/net/rxrpc/call_object.c
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ const char *const rxrpc_call_states[NR__RXRPC_CALL_STATES] = {
@@ -453,17 +452,16 @@ void rxrpc_incoming_call(struct rxrpc_sock *rx,
 	call->cong_tstamp	= skb->tstamp;
 	__set_bit(RXRPC_CALL_EXPOSED, &call->flags);
-	rxrpc_set_call_state(call, RXRPC_CALL_SERVER_SECURING);
+	rxrpc_set_call_state(call, RXRPC_CALL_SERVER_RECV_REQUEST);
 	switch (conn->state) {
-		rxrpc_set_call_state(call, RXRPC_CALL_SERVER_SECURING);
+		__set_bit(RXRPC_CALL_CONN_CHALLENGING, &call->flags);
-		rxrpc_set_call_state(call, RXRPC_CALL_SERVER_RECV_REQUEST);
diff --git a/net/rxrpc/conn_event.c b/net/rxrpc/conn_event.c
index 713e04394ceb..4d9c5e21ba78 100644
--- a/net/rxrpc/conn_event.c
+++ b/net/rxrpc/conn_event.c
@@ -228,10 +228,8 @@ static void rxrpc_abort_calls(struct rxrpc_connection *conn)
 static void rxrpc_call_is_secure(struct rxrpc_call *call)
-	if (call && __rxrpc_call_state(call) == RXRPC_CALL_SERVER_SECURING) {
-		rxrpc_set_call_state(call, RXRPC_CALL_SERVER_RECV_REQUEST);
+	if (call && __test_and_clear_bit(RXRPC_CALL_CONN_CHALLENGING, &call->flags))
-	}
@@ -272,6 +270,7 @@ static int rxrpc_process_event(struct rxrpc_connection *conn,
 			 * we've already received the packet, put it on the
 			 * front of the queue.
+			sp->conn = rxrpc_get_connection(conn, rxrpc_conn_get_poke_secured);
 			rxrpc_get_skb(skb, rxrpc_skb_get_conn_secured);
 			skb_queue_head(&conn->local->rx_queue, skb);
@@ -437,14 +436,16 @@ void rxrpc_input_conn_event(struct rxrpc_connection *conn, struct sk_buff *skb)
 	if (test_and_clear_bit(RXRPC_CONN_EV_ABORT_CALLS, &conn->events))
-	switch (skb->mark) {
-		if (conn->state != RXRPC_CONN_SERVICE)
-			break;
+	if (skb) {
+		switch (skb->mark) {
+			if (conn->state != RXRPC_CONN_SERVICE)
+				break;
-		for (loop = 0; loop < RXRPC_MAXCALLS; loop++)
-			rxrpc_call_is_secure(conn->channels[loop].call);
-		break;
+			for (loop = 0; loop < RXRPC_MAXCALLS; loop++)
+				rxrpc_call_is_secure(conn->channels[loop].call);
+			break;
+		}
 	/* Process delayed ACKs whose time has come. */
diff --git a/net/rxrpc/conn_object.c b/net/rxrpc/conn_object.c
index 7eba4d7d9a38..2f1fd1e2e7e4 100644
--- a/net/rxrpc/conn_object.c
+++ b/net/rxrpc/conn_object.c
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ struct rxrpc_connection *rxrpc_alloc_connection(struct rxrpc_net *rxnet,
 		INIT_WORK(&conn->destructor, rxrpc_clean_up_connection);
+		INIT_LIST_HEAD(&conn->attend_link);
diff --git a/net/rxrpc/input.c b/net/rxrpc/input.c
index 4974b5accafa..9047ba13bd31 100644
--- a/net/rxrpc/input.c
+++ b/net/rxrpc/input.c
@@ -448,11 +448,19 @@ static void rxrpc_input_queue_data(struct rxrpc_call *call, struct sk_buff *skb,
 	struct rxrpc_skb_priv *sp = rxrpc_skb(skb);
 	bool last = sp->hdr.flags & RXRPC_LAST_PACKET;
-	skb_queue_tail(&call->recvmsg_queue, skb);
+	spin_lock_irq(&call->recvmsg_queue.lock);
+	__skb_queue_tail(&call->recvmsg_queue, skb);
 	rxrpc_input_update_ack_window(call, window, wtop);
 	trace_rxrpc_receive(call, last ? why + 1 : why, sp->hdr.serial, sp->hdr.seq);
 	if (last)
+		/* Change the state inside the lock so that recvmsg syncs
+		 * correctly with it and using sendmsg() to send a reply
+		 * doesn't race.
+		 */
 		rxrpc_end_rx_phase(call, sp->hdr.serial);
+	spin_unlock_irq(&call->recvmsg_queue.lock);
@@ -657,7 +665,7 @@ static bool rxrpc_input_split_jumbo(struct rxrpc_call *call, struct sk_buff *skb
 		rxrpc_propose_delay_ACK(call, sp->hdr.serial,
-	if (notify) {
+	if (notify && !test_bit(RXRPC_CALL_CONN_CHALLENGING, &call->flags)) {
 		trace_rxrpc_notify_socket(call->debug_id, sp->hdr.serial);
diff --git a/net/rxrpc/sendmsg.c b/net/rxrpc/sendmsg.c
index 0e8da909d4f2..584397aba4a0 100644
--- a/net/rxrpc/sendmsg.c
+++ b/net/rxrpc/sendmsg.c
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ int rxrpc_do_sendmsg(struct rxrpc_sock *rx, struct msghdr *msg, size_t len)
 	} else {
 		switch (rxrpc_call_state(call)) {
 			if (p.command == RXRPC_CMD_SEND_ABORT)
diff --git a/net/sched/sch_fifo.c b/net/sched/sch_fifo.c
index b50b2c2cc09b..e6bfd39ff339 100644
--- a/net/sched/sch_fifo.c
+++ b/net/sched/sch_fifo.c
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ static int pfifo_tail_enqueue(struct sk_buff *skb, struct Qdisc *sch,
 	unsigned int prev_backlog;
+	if (unlikely(READ_ONCE(sch->limit) == 0))
+		return qdisc_drop(skb, sch, to_free);
 	if (likely(sch->q.qlen < READ_ONCE(sch->limit)))
 		return qdisc_enqueue_tail(skb, sch);
diff --git a/net/sched/sch_netem.c b/net/sched/sch_netem.c
index 71ec9986ed37..fdd79d3ccd8c 100644
--- a/net/sched/sch_netem.c
+++ b/net/sched/sch_netem.c
@@ -749,9 +749,9 @@ static struct sk_buff *netem_dequeue(struct Qdisc *sch)
 				if (err != NET_XMIT_SUCCESS) {
 					if (net_xmit_drop_count(err))
-					qdisc_tree_reduce_backlog(sch, 1, pkt_len);
 					sch->qstats.backlog -= pkt_len;
+					qdisc_tree_reduce_backlog(sch, 1, pkt_len);
 				goto tfifo_dequeue;
diff --git a/net/socket.c b/net/socket.c
index 262a28b59c7f..28bae5a94234 100644
--- a/net/socket.c
+++ b/net/socket.c
@@ -479,6 +479,11 @@ struct file *sock_alloc_file(struct socket *sock, int flags, const char *dname)
 	sock->file = file;
 	file->private_data = sock;
 	stream_open(SOCK_INODE(sock), file);
+	/*
+	 * Disable permission and pre-content events, but enable legacy
+	 * inotify events for legacy users.
+	 */
+	file_set_fsnotify_mode(file, FMODE_NONOTIFY_PERM);
 	return file;
diff --git a/rust/Makefile b/rust/Makefile
index 8fcfd60447bc..ea3849eb78f6 100644
--- a/rust/Makefile
+++ b/rust/Makefile
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ rusttestlib-kernel: private rustc_target_flags = --extern ffi \
     --extern bindings --extern uapi
 rusttestlib-kernel: $(src)/kernel/lib.rs \
     rusttestlib-bindings rusttestlib-uapi rusttestlib-build_error \
-    $(obj)/libmacros.so $(obj)/bindings.o FORCE
+    $(obj)/$(libmacros_name) $(obj)/bindings.o FORCE
 	+$(call if_changed,rustc_test_library)
 rusttestlib-bindings: private rustc_target_flags = --extern ffi
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ bindgen_skip_c_flags := -mno-fp-ret-in-387 -mpreferred-stack-boundary=% \
 	-fzero-call-used-regs=% -fno-stack-clash-protection \
 	-fno-inline-functions-called-once -fsanitize=bounds-strict \
 	-fstrict-flex-arrays=% -fmin-function-alignment=% \
+	-fzero-init-padding-bits=% \
 	--param=% --param asan-%
 # Derived from `scripts/Makefile.clang`.
@@ -331,7 +332,7 @@ $(obj)/bindings/bindings_helpers_generated.rs: private bindgen_target_extra = ;
 $(obj)/bindings/bindings_helpers_generated.rs: $(src)/helpers/helpers.c FORCE
 	$(call if_changed_dep,bindgen)
-rust_exports = $(NM) -p --defined-only $(1) | awk '$$2~/(T|R|D|B)/ && $$3!~/__cfi/ { printf $(2),$$3 }'
+rust_exports = $(NM) -p --defined-only $(1) | awk '$$2~/(T|R|D|B)/ && $$3!~/__cfi/ && $$3!~/__odr_asan/ { printf $(2),$$3 }'
 quiet_cmd_exports = EXPORTS $@
       cmd_exports = \
diff --git a/rust/kernel/init.rs b/rust/kernel/init.rs
index 3f9236c1c9d5..7fd1ea8265a5 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/init.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/init.rs
@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ pub unsafe trait PinInit<T: ?Sized, E = Infallible>: Sized {
     /// use kernel::{types::Opaque, init::pin_init_from_closure};
     /// #[repr(C)]
     /// struct RawFoo([u8; 16]);
-    /// extern {
+    /// extern "C" {
     ///     fn init_foo(_: *mut RawFoo);
     /// }
diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.extrawarn b/scripts/Makefile.extrawarn
index eb719f6d8d53..dc081cf46d21 100644
--- a/scripts/Makefile.extrawarn
+++ b/scripts/Makefile.extrawarn
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ KBUILD_CFLAGS-$(CONFIG_CC_NO_ARRAY_BOUNDS) += -Wno-array-bounds
 # The kernel builds with '-std=gnu11' so use of GNU extensions is acceptable.
 KBUILD_CFLAGS += -Wno-gnu
+# Clang checks for overflow/truncation with '%p', while GCC does not:
+# https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=111219
+KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(call cc-disable-warning, format-overflow-non-kprintf)
+KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(call cc-disable-warning, format-truncation-non-kprintf)
 # gcc inanely warns about local variables called 'main'
@@ -105,11 +110,6 @@ KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(call cc-disable-warning, packed-not-aligned)
 KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(call cc-disable-warning, format-overflow)
 KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(call cc-disable-warning, format-truncation)
-# Clang checks for overflow/truncation with '%p', while GCC does not:
-# https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=111219
-KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(call cc-disable-warning, format-overflow-non-kprintf)
-KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(call cc-disable-warning, format-truncation-non-kprintf)
 KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(call cc-disable-warning, stringop-truncation)
@@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(call cc-disable-warning, pointer-to-enum-cast)
 KBUILD_CFLAGS += -Wno-tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare
 KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(call cc-disable-warning, unaligned-access)
 KBUILD_CFLAGS += -Wno-enum-compare-conditional
-KBUILD_CFLAGS += -Wno-enum-enum-conversion
@@ -157,6 +156,10 @@ KBUILD_CFLAGS += -Wno-missing-field-initializers
 KBUILD_CFLAGS += -Wno-type-limits
 KBUILD_CFLAGS += -Wno-shift-negative-value
+KBUILD_CFLAGS += -Wno-enum-enum-conversion
 KBUILD_CFLAGS += -Wno-maybe-uninitialized
diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.lib b/scripts/Makefile.lib
index ad55ef201aac..cad20f0e66ee 100644
--- a/scripts/Makefile.lib
+++ b/scripts/Makefile.lib
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ endef
 # These are shared by some Makefile.* files.
-# Run $(LD) here to covert LLVM IR to ELF in the following cases:
+# Run $(LD) here to convert LLVM IR to ELF in the following cases:
 #  - when this object needs objtool processing, as objtool cannot process LLVM IR
 #  - when this is a single-object module, as modpost cannot process LLVM IR
 cmd_ld_single = $(if $(objtool-enabled)$(is-single-obj-m), ; $(LD) $(ld_flags) -r -o $(tmp-target) $@; mv $(tmp-target) $@)
diff --git a/scripts/generate_rust_target.rs b/scripts/generate_rust_target.rs
index 0d00ac3723b5..4fd6b6ab3e32 100644
--- a/scripts/generate_rust_target.rs
+++ b/scripts/generate_rust_target.rs
@@ -165,6 +165,18 @@ fn has(&self, option: &str) -> bool {
         let option = "CONFIG_".to_owned() + option;
+    /// Is the rustc version at least `major.minor.patch`?
+    fn rustc_version_atleast(&self, major: u32, minor: u32, patch: u32) -> bool {
+        let check_version = 100000 * major + 100 * minor + patch;
+        let actual_version = self
+            .0
+            .get("CONFIG_RUSTC_VERSION")
+            .unwrap()
+            .parse::<u32>()
+            .unwrap();
+        check_version <= actual_version
+    }
 fn main() {
@@ -182,6 +194,9 @@ fn main() {
     } else if cfg.has("X86_64") {
         ts.push("arch", "x86_64");
+        if cfg.rustc_version_atleast(1, 86, 0) {
+            ts.push("rustc-abi", "x86-softfloat");
+        }
@@ -215,6 +230,9 @@ fn main() {
             panic!("32-bit x86 only works under UML");
         ts.push("arch", "x86");
+        if cfg.rustc_version_atleast(1, 86, 0) {
+            ts.push("rustc-abi", "x86-softfloat");
+        }
diff --git a/scripts/mod/modpost.c b/scripts/mod/modpost.c
index e18ae7dc8140..36b28987a2f0 100644
--- a/scripts/mod/modpost.c
+++ b/scripts/mod/modpost.c
@@ -507,6 +507,9 @@ static int parse_elf(struct elf_info *info, const char *filename)
 			info->modinfo_len = sechdrs[i].sh_size;
 		} else if (!strcmp(secname, ".export_symbol")) {
 			info->export_symbol_secndx = i;
+		} else if (!strcmp(secname, ".no_trim_symbol")) {
+			info->no_trim_symbol = (void *)hdr + sechdrs[i].sh_offset;
+			info->no_trim_symbol_len = sechdrs[i].sh_size;
 		if (sechdrs[i].sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB) {
@@ -1566,6 +1569,14 @@ static void read_symbols(const char *modname)
 	/* strip trailing .o */
 	mod = new_module(modname, strlen(modname) - strlen(".o"));
+	/* save .no_trim_symbol section for later use */
+	if (info.no_trim_symbol_len) {
+		mod->no_trim_symbol = xmalloc(info.no_trim_symbol_len);
+		memcpy(mod->no_trim_symbol, info.no_trim_symbol,
+		       info.no_trim_symbol_len);
+		mod->no_trim_symbol_len = info.no_trim_symbol_len;
+	}
 	if (!mod->is_vmlinux) {
 		license = get_modinfo(&info, "license");
 		if (!license)
@@ -1728,6 +1739,28 @@ static void handle_white_list_exports(const char *white_list)
+ * Keep symbols recorded in the .no_trim_symbol section. This is necessary to
+ * prevent CONFIG_TRIM_UNUSED_KSYMS from dropping EXPORT_SYMBOL because
+ * symbol_get() relies on the symbol being present in the ksymtab for lookups.
+ */
+static void keep_no_trim_symbols(struct module *mod)
+	unsigned long size = mod->no_trim_symbol_len;
+	for (char *s = mod->no_trim_symbol; s; s = next_string(s , &size)) {
+		struct symbol *sym;
+		/*
+		 * If find_symbol() returns NULL, this symbol is not provided
+		 * by any module, and symbol_get() will fail.
+		 */
+		sym = find_symbol(s);
+		if (sym)
+			sym->used = true;
+	}
 static void check_modname_len(struct module *mod)
 	const char *mod_name;
@@ -2254,6 +2287,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	list_for_each_entry(mod, &modules, list) {
+		keep_no_trim_symbols(mod);
 		if (mod->dump_file || mod->is_vmlinux)
diff --git a/scripts/mod/modpost.h b/scripts/mod/modpost.h
index ffd0a52a606e..59366f456b76 100644
--- a/scripts/mod/modpost.h
+++ b/scripts/mod/modpost.h
@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ struct module_alias {
  * @dump_file: path to the .symvers file if loaded from a file
  * @aliases: list head for module_aliases
+ * @no_trim_symbol: .no_trim_symbol section data
+ * @no_trim_symbol_len: length of the .no_trim_symbol section
 struct module {
 	struct list_head list;
@@ -128,6 +130,8 @@ struct module {
 	// Actual imported namespaces
 	struct list_head imported_namespaces;
 	struct list_head aliases;
+	char *no_trim_symbol;
+	unsigned int no_trim_symbol_len;
 	char name[];
@@ -141,6 +145,8 @@ struct elf_info {
 	char         *strtab;
 	char	     *modinfo;
 	unsigned int modinfo_len;
+	char         *no_trim_symbol;
+	unsigned int no_trim_symbol_len;
 	/* support for 32bit section numbers */
diff --git a/scripts/module.lds.S b/scripts/module.lds.S
index c2f80f9141d4..450f1088d5fd 100644
--- a/scripts/module.lds.S
+++ b/scripts/module.lds.S
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ SECTIONS {
+		*(.no_trim_symbol)
 	__ksymtab		0 : ALIGN(8) { *(SORT(___ksymtab+*)) }
diff --git a/scripts/package/install-extmod-build b/scripts/package/install-extmod-build
index bb6e23c1174e..b724626ea0ca 100755
--- a/scripts/package/install-extmod-build
+++ b/scripts/package/install-extmod-build
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ if [ "${CC}" != "${HOSTCC}" ]; then
 	# Clear VPATH and srcroot because the source files reside in the output
 	# directory.
 	# shellcheck disable=SC2016 # $(MAKE), $(CC), and $(build) will be expanded by Make
-	"${MAKE}" run-command KBUILD_RUN_COMMAND='+$(MAKE) HOSTCC=$(CC) VPATH= srcroot=. $(build)='"${destdir}"/scripts
+	"${MAKE}" run-command KBUILD_RUN_COMMAND='+$(MAKE) HOSTCC="$(CC)" VPATH= srcroot=. $(build)='"${destdir}"/scripts
 	rm -f "${destdir}/scripts/Kbuild"
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
index ca8a7edff3dd..319aaa004c40 100755
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/drivers/net/hw/rss_ctx.py
@@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ def test_rss_queue_reconfigure(cfg, main_ctx=True):
             # this targets queue 4, which doesn't exist
             ntuple2 = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
+            defer(ethtool, f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple2}")
         except CmdExitFailure:
@@ -259,7 +260,13 @@ def test_rss_queue_reconfigure(cfg, main_ctx=True):
         # change the table to target queues 0 and 2
         ethtool(f"-X {cfg.ifname} {ctx_ref} weight 1 0 1 0")
         # ntuple rule therefore targets queues 1 and 3
-        ntuple2 = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
+        try:
+            ntuple2 = ethtool_create(cfg, "-N", flow)
+        except CmdExitFailure:
+            ksft_pr("Driver does not support rss + queue offset")
+            return
+        defer(ethtool, f"-N {cfg.ifname} delete {ntuple2}")
         # should replace existing filter
         ksft_eq(ntuple, ntuple2)
         _send_traffic_check(cfg, port, ctx_ref, { 'target': (1, 3),
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/filesystems/statmount/statmount_test.c b/tools/testing/selftests/filesystems/statmount/statmount_test.c
index 8eb6aa606a0d..f048042e53e9 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/filesystems/statmount/statmount_test.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/filesystems/statmount/statmount_test.c
@@ -26,13 +26,12 @@ static const char *const known_fs[] = {
 	"hfsplus", "hostfs", "hpfs", "hugetlbfs", "ibmasmfs", "iomem",
 	"ipathfs", "iso9660", "jffs2", "jfs", "minix", "mqueue", "msdos",
 	"nfs", "nfs4", "nfsd", "nilfs2", "nsfs", "ntfs", "ntfs3", "ocfs2",
-	"ocfs2_dlmfs", "ocxlflash", "omfs", "openpromfs", "overlay", "pipefs",
-	"proc", "pstore", "pvfs2", "qnx4", "qnx6", "ramfs",
-	"resctrl", "romfs", "rootfs", "rpc_pipefs", "s390_hypfs", "secretmem",
-	"securityfs", "selinuxfs", "smackfs", "smb3", "sockfs", "spufs",
-	"squashfs", "sysfs", "sysv", "tmpfs", "tracefs", "ubifs", "udf",
-	"ufs", "v7", "vboxsf", "vfat", "virtiofs", "vxfs", "xenfs", "xfs",
-	"zonefs", NULL };
+	"ocfs2_dlmfs", "omfs", "openpromfs", "overlay", "pipefs", "proc",
+	"pstore", "pvfs2", "qnx4", "qnx6", "ramfs", "resctrl", "romfs",
+	"rootfs", "rpc_pipefs", "s390_hypfs", "secretmem", "securityfs",
+	"selinuxfs", "smackfs", "smb3", "sockfs", "spufs", "squashfs", "sysfs",
+	"sysv", "tmpfs", "tracefs", "ubifs", "udf", "ufs", "v7", "vboxsf",
+	"vfat", "virtiofs", "vxfs", "xenfs", "xfs", "zonefs", NULL };
 static struct statmount *statmount_alloc(uint64_t mnt_id, uint64_t mask, unsigned int flags)
@@ -383,6 +382,10 @@ static void test_statmount_mnt_point(void)
+	if (!(sm->mask & STATMOUNT_MNT_POINT)) {
+		ksft_test_result_fail("missing STATMOUNT_MNT_POINT in mask\n");
+		return;
+	}
 	if (strcmp(sm->str + sm->mnt_point, "/") != 0) {
 		ksft_test_result_fail("unexpected mount point: '%s' != '/'\n",
 				      sm->str + sm->mnt_point);
@@ -408,6 +411,10 @@ static void test_statmount_mnt_root(void)
+	if (!(sm->mask & STATMOUNT_MNT_ROOT)) {
+		ksft_test_result_fail("missing STATMOUNT_MNT_ROOT in mask\n");
+		return;
+	}
 	mnt_root = sm->str + sm->mnt_root;
 	last_root = strrchr(mnt_root, '/');
 	if (last_root)
@@ -437,6 +444,10 @@ static void test_statmount_fs_type(void)
+	if (!(sm->mask & STATMOUNT_FS_TYPE)) {
+		ksft_test_result_fail("missing STATMOUNT_FS_TYPE in mask\n");
+		return;
+	}
 	fs_type = sm->str + sm->fs_type;
 	for (s = known_fs; s != NULL; s++) {
 		if (strcmp(fs_type, *s) == 0)
@@ -464,6 +475,11 @@ static void test_statmount_mnt_opts(void)
+	if (!(sm->mask & STATMOUNT_MNT_BASIC)) {
+		ksft_test_result_fail("missing STATMOUNT_MNT_BASIC in mask\n");
+		return;
+	}
 	while (getline(&line, &len, f_mountinfo) != -1) {
 		int i;
 		char *p, *p2;
@@ -514,7 +530,10 @@ static void test_statmount_mnt_opts(void)
 		if (p2)
 			*p2 = '\0';
-		statmount_opts = sm->str + sm->mnt_opts;
+		if (sm->mask & STATMOUNT_MNT_OPTS)
+			statmount_opts = sm->str + sm->mnt_opts;
+		else
+			statmount_opts = "";
 		if (strcmp(statmount_opts, p) != 0)
 				"unexpected mount options: '%s' != '%s'\n",
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/s390/cmma_test.c b/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/s390/cmma_test.c
index e32dd59703a0..85cc8c18d6e7 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/s390/cmma_test.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/s390/cmma_test.c
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ static void assert_no_pages_cmma_dirty(struct kvm_vm *vm)
-static void test_get_inital_dirty(void)
+static void test_get_initial_dirty(void)
 	struct kvm_vm *vm = create_vm_two_memslots();
 	struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu;
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ struct testdef {
 } testlist[] = {
 	{ "migration mode and dirty tracking", test_migration_mode },
 	{ "GET_CMMA_BITS: basic calls", test_get_cmma_basic },
-	{ "GET_CMMA_BITS: all pages are dirty initally", test_get_inital_dirty },
+	{ "GET_CMMA_BITS: all pages are dirty initially", test_get_initial_dirty },
 	{ "GET_CMMA_BITS: holes are skipped", test_get_skip_holes },
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/s390/ucontrol_test.c b/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/s390/ucontrol_test.c
index 135ee22856cf..d265b34c54be 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/s390/ucontrol_test.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/kvm/s390/ucontrol_test.c
@@ -88,10 +88,6 @@ asm("test_skey_asm:\n"
 	"	ahi	%r0,1\n"
 	"	st	%r1,0(%r5,%r6)\n"
-	"	iske	%r1,%r6\n"
-	"	ahi	%r0,1\n"
-	"	diag	0,0,0x44\n"
 	"	sske	%r1,%r6\n"
 	"	xgr	%r1,%r1\n"
 	"	iske	%r1,%r6\n"
@@ -459,10 +455,14 @@ TEST_F(uc_kvm, uc_no_user_region)
 	ASSERT_EQ(-1, ioctl(self->vm_fd, KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION, &region));
+	ASSERT_TRUE(errno == EEXIST || errno == EINVAL)
+		TH_LOG("errno %s (%i) not expected for ioctl KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION",
+		       strerror(errno), errno);
 	ASSERT_EQ(-1, ioctl(self->vm_fd, KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION2, &region2));
+	ASSERT_TRUE(errno == EEXIST || errno == EINVAL)
+		TH_LOG("errno %s (%i) not expected for ioctl KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION2",
+		       strerror(errno), errno);
 TEST_F(uc_kvm, uc_map_unmap)
@@ -596,7 +596,9 @@ TEST_F(uc_kvm, uc_skey)
 	ASSERT_EQ(true, uc_handle_exit(self));
 	ASSERT_EQ(1, sync_regs->gprs[0]);
-	/* ISKE */
+	/* SSKE + ISKE */
+	sync_regs->gprs[1] = skeyvalue;
+	run->kvm_dirty_regs |= KVM_SYNC_GPRS;
 	ASSERT_EQ(0, uc_run_once(self));
@@ -608,21 +610,11 @@ TEST_F(uc_kvm, uc_skey)
 	TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, sie_block->ictl & (ICTL_ISKE | ICTL_SSKE | ICTL_RRBE));
 	TEST_ASSERT_EQ(KVM_EXIT_S390_SIEIC, self->run->exit_reason);
 	TEST_ASSERT_EQ(ICPT_INST, sie_block->icptcode);
-	TEST_REQUIRE(sie_block->ipa != 0xb229);
+	TEST_REQUIRE(sie_block->ipa != 0xb22b);
-	/* ISKE contd. */
+	/* SSKE + ISKE contd. */
 	ASSERT_EQ(false, uc_handle_exit(self));
 	ASSERT_EQ(2, sync_regs->gprs[0]);
-	/* assert initial skey (ACC = 0, R & C = 1) */
-	ASSERT_EQ(0x06, sync_regs->gprs[1]);
-	uc_assert_diag44(self);
-	/* SSKE + ISKE */
-	sync_regs->gprs[1] = skeyvalue;
-	run->kvm_dirty_regs |= KVM_SYNC_GPRS;
-	ASSERT_EQ(0, uc_run_once(self));
-	ASSERT_EQ(false, uc_handle_exit(self));
-	ASSERT_EQ(3, sync_regs->gprs[0]);
 	ASSERT_EQ(skeyvalue, sync_regs->gprs[1]);
@@ -631,7 +623,7 @@ TEST_F(uc_kvm, uc_skey)
 	run->kvm_dirty_regs |= KVM_SYNC_GPRS;
 	ASSERT_EQ(0, uc_run_once(self));
 	ASSERT_EQ(false, uc_handle_exit(self));
-	ASSERT_EQ(4, sync_regs->gprs[0]);
+	ASSERT_EQ(3, sync_regs->gprs[0]);
 	/* assert R reset but rest of skey unchanged */
 	ASSERT_EQ(skeyvalue & 0xfa, sync_regs->gprs[1]);
 	ASSERT_EQ(0, sync_regs->gprs[1] & 0x04);
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/livepatch/functions.sh b/tools/testing/selftests/livepatch/functions.sh
index e5d06fb40233..15601402dee6 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/livepatch/functions.sh
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/livepatch/functions.sh
@@ -306,7 +306,8 @@ function check_result {
 	result=$(dmesg | awk -v last_dmesg="$LAST_DMESG" 'p; $0 == last_dmesg { p=1 }' | \
 		 grep -e 'livepatch:' -e 'test_klp' | \
 		 grep -v '\(tainting\|taints\) kernel' | \
-		 sed 's/^\[[ 0-9.]*\] //')
+		 sed 's/^\[[ 0-9.]*\] //' | \
+		 sed 's/^\[[ ]*[CT][0-9]*\] //')
 	if [[ "$expect" == "$result" ]] ; then
 		echo "ok"
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/mptcp_connect.c b/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/mptcp_connect.c
index 414addef9a45..d240d02fa443 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/mptcp_connect.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/mptcp/mptcp_connect.c
@@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@ int main_loop(void)
 		return ret;
 	if (cfg_truncate > 0) {
-		xdisconnect(fd);
+		shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR);
 	} else if (--cfg_repeat > 0) {
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/udpgso.c b/tools/testing/selftests/net/udpgso.c
index 3f2fca02fec5..36ff28af4b19 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/udpgso.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/udpgso.c
@@ -102,6 +102,19 @@ struct testcase testcases_v4[] = {
 		.gso_len = CONST_MSS_V4,
 		.r_num_mss = 1,
+	{
+		/* datalen <= MSS < gso_len: will fall back to no GSO */
+		.tlen = CONST_MSS_V4,
+		.gso_len = CONST_MSS_V4 + 1,
+		.r_num_mss = 0,
+		.r_len_last = CONST_MSS_V4,
+	},
+	{
+		/* MSS < datalen < gso_len: fail */
+		.tlen = CONST_MSS_V4 + 1,
+		.gso_len = CONST_MSS_V4 + 2,
+		.tfail = true,
+	},
 		/* send a single MSS + 1B */
 		.tlen = CONST_MSS_V4 + 1,
@@ -205,6 +218,19 @@ struct testcase testcases_v6[] = {
 		.gso_len = CONST_MSS_V6,
 		.r_num_mss = 1,
+	{
+		/* datalen <= MSS < gso_len: will fall back to no GSO */
+		.tlen = CONST_MSS_V6,
+		.gso_len = CONST_MSS_V6 + 1,
+		.r_num_mss = 0,
+		.r_len_last = CONST_MSS_V6,
+	},
+	{
+		/* MSS < datalen < gso_len: fail */
+		.tlen = CONST_MSS_V6 + 1,
+		.gso_len = CONST_MSS_V6 + 2,
+		.tfail = true
+	},
 		/* send a single MSS + 1B */
 		.tlen = CONST_MSS_V6 + 1,
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/seccomp/seccomp_bpf.c b/tools/testing/selftests/seccomp/seccomp_bpf.c
index 8c3a73461475..14ba51b52095 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/seccomp/seccomp_bpf.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/seccomp/seccomp_bpf.c
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
 #include <linux/kcmp.h>
 #include <sys/resource.h>
 #include <sys/capability.h>
+#include <linux/perf_event.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <sys/syscall.h>
@@ -68,6 +69,10 @@
 # define PR_SET_PTRACER 0x59616d61
+#ifndef noinline
+#define noinline __attribute__((noinline))
 #define PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS 38
 #define PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS 39
@@ -4888,6 +4893,200 @@ TEST(tsync_vs_dead_thread_leader)
 	EXPECT_EQ(0, status);
+noinline int probed(void)
+	return 1;
+static int parse_uint_from_file(const char *file, const char *fmt)
+	int err = -1, ret;
+	FILE *f;
+	f = fopen(file, "re");
+	if (f) {
+		err = fscanf(f, fmt, &ret);
+		fclose(f);
+	}
+	return err == 1 ? ret : err;
+static int determine_uprobe_perf_type(void)
+	const char *file = "/sys/bus/event_source/devices/uprobe/type";
+	return parse_uint_from_file(file, "%d\n");
+static int determine_uprobe_retprobe_bit(void)
+	const char *file = "/sys/bus/event_source/devices/uprobe/format/retprobe";
+	return parse_uint_from_file(file, "config:%d\n");
+static ssize_t get_uprobe_offset(const void *addr)
+	size_t start, base, end;
+	bool found = false;
+	char buf[256];
+	FILE *f;
+	f = fopen("/proc/self/maps", "r");
+	if (!f)
+		return -1;
+	while (fscanf(f, "%zx-%zx %s %zx %*[^\n]\n", &start, &end, buf, &base) == 4) {
+		if (buf[2] == 'x' && (uintptr_t)addr >= start && (uintptr_t)addr < end) {
+			found = true;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	fclose(f);
+	return found ? (uintptr_t)addr - start + base : -1;
+	int fd;
+	/*
+	 * All of the URETPROBE behaviors can be tested with either
+	 * uretprobe attached or not
+	 */
+	bool attach;
+	.attach = true,
+	.attach = false,
+	const size_t attr_sz = sizeof(struct perf_event_attr);
+	struct perf_event_attr attr;
+	ssize_t offset;
+	int type, bit;
+#ifndef __NR_uretprobe
+	SKIP(return, "__NR_uretprobe syscall not defined");
+	if (!variant->attach)
+		return;
+	memset(&attr, 0, attr_sz);
+	type = determine_uprobe_perf_type();
+	ASSERT_GE(type, 0);
+	bit = determine_uprobe_retprobe_bit();
+	ASSERT_GE(bit, 0);
+	offset = get_uprobe_offset(probed);
+	ASSERT_GE(offset, 0);
+	attr.config |= 1 << bit;
+	attr.size = attr_sz;
+	attr.type = type;
+	attr.config1 = ptr_to_u64("/proc/self/exe");
+	attr.config2 = offset;
+	self->fd = syscall(__NR_perf_event_open, &attr,
+			   getpid() /* pid */, -1 /* cpu */, -1 /* group_fd */,
+	/* we could call close(self->fd), but we'd need extra filter for
+	 * that and since we are calling _exit right away..
+	 */
+static int run_probed_with_filter(struct sock_fprog *prog)
+	if (prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1, 0, 0, 0) ||
+	    seccomp(SECCOMP_SET_MODE_FILTER, 0, prog)) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	probed();
+	return 0;
+TEST_F(URETPROBE, uretprobe_default_allow)
+	struct sock_filter filter[] = {
+	};
+	struct sock_fprog prog = {
+		.len = (unsigned short)ARRAY_SIZE(filter),
+		.filter = filter,
+	};
+	ASSERT_EQ(0, run_probed_with_filter(&prog));
+TEST_F(URETPROBE, uretprobe_default_block)
+	struct sock_filter filter[] = {
+			offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr)),
+		BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP|BPF_JEQ|BPF_K, __NR_exit_group, 1, 0),
+	};
+	struct sock_fprog prog = {
+		.len = (unsigned short)ARRAY_SIZE(filter),
+		.filter = filter,
+	};
+	ASSERT_EQ(0, run_probed_with_filter(&prog));
+TEST_F(URETPROBE, uretprobe_block_uretprobe_syscall)
+	struct sock_filter filter[] = {
+			offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr)),
+#ifdef __NR_uretprobe
+		BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP|BPF_JEQ|BPF_K, __NR_uretprobe, 0, 1),
+	};
+	struct sock_fprog prog = {
+		.len = (unsigned short)ARRAY_SIZE(filter),
+		.filter = filter,
+	};
+	ASSERT_EQ(0, run_probed_with_filter(&prog));
+TEST_F(URETPROBE, uretprobe_default_block_with_uretprobe_syscall)
+	struct sock_filter filter[] = {
+			offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr)),
+#ifdef __NR_uretprobe
+		BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP|BPF_JEQ|BPF_K, __NR_uretprobe, 2, 0),
+		BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP|BPF_JEQ|BPF_K, __NR_exit_group, 1, 0),
+	};
+	struct sock_fprog prog = {
+		.len = (unsigned short)ARRAY_SIZE(filter),
+		.filter = filter,
+	};
+	ASSERT_EQ(0, run_probed_with_filter(&prog));
  * TODO:
  * - expand NNP testing
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/tc-testing/tc-tests/infra/qdiscs.json b/tools/testing/selftests/tc-testing/tc-tests/infra/qdiscs.json
index d3dd65b05b5f..9044ac054167 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/tc-testing/tc-tests/infra/qdiscs.json
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/tc-testing/tc-tests/infra/qdiscs.json
@@ -94,5 +94,37 @@
             "$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY ingress",
             "$IP addr del dev $DUMMY"
-    }
+    },
+    {
+	"id": "a4b9",
+	"name": "Test class qlen notification",
+	"category": [
+	    "qdisc"
+	],
+	"plugins": {
+	    "requires": "nsPlugin"
+	},
+	"setup": [
+            "$IP link set dev $DUMMY up || true",
+            "$IP addr add dev $DUMMY || true",
+            "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY root handle 1: drr",
+            "$TC filter add dev $DUMMY parent 1: basic classid 1:1",
+            "$TC class add dev $DUMMY parent 1: classid 1:1 drr",
+            "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY parent 1:1 handle 2: netem",
+            "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY parent 2: handle 3: drr",
+            "$TC filter add dev $DUMMY parent 3: basic action drop",
+            "$TC class add dev $DUMMY parent 3: classid 3:1 drr",
+            "$TC class del dev $DUMMY classid 1:1",
+            "$TC class add dev $DUMMY parent 1: classid 1:1 drr"
+        ],
+        "cmdUnderTest": "ping -c1 -W0.01 -I $DUMMY",
+        "expExitCode": "1",
+        "verifyCmd": "$TC qdisc ls dev $DUMMY",
+        "matchPattern": "drr 1: root",
+        "matchCount": "1",
+        "teardown": [
+            "$TC qdisc del dev $DUMMY root handle 1: drr",
+            "$IP addr del dev $DUMMY"
+        ]
+   }
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/tc-testing/tc-tests/qdiscs/fifo.json b/tools/testing/selftests/tc-testing/tc-tests/qdiscs/fifo.json
index ae3d286a32b2..6f20d033670d 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/tc-testing/tc-tests/qdiscs/fifo.json
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/tc-testing/tc-tests/qdiscs/fifo.json
@@ -313,6 +313,29 @@
         "matchPattern": "qdisc bfifo 1: root",
         "matchCount": "0",
         "teardown": [
+	]
+    },
+    {
+        "id": "d774",
+        "name": "Check pfifo_head_drop qdisc enqueue behaviour when limit == 0",
+        "category": [
+            "qdisc",
+            "pfifo_head_drop"
+        ],
+        "plugins": {
+            "requires": "nsPlugin"
+        },
+        "setup": [
+            "$IP addr add dev $DUMMY || true",
+            "$TC qdisc add dev $DUMMY root handle 1: pfifo_head_drop limit 0",
+            "$IP link set dev $DUMMY up || true"
+        ],
+        "cmdUnderTest": "ping -c2 -W0.01 -I $DUMMY",
+        "expExitCode": "1",
+        "verifyCmd": "$TC -s qdisc show dev $DUMMY",
+        "matchPattern": "dropped 2",
+        "matchCount": "1",
+        "teardown": [
diff --git a/virt/kvm/kvm_main.c b/virt/kvm/kvm_main.c
index faf10671eed2..ba0327e2d0d3 100644
--- a/virt/kvm/kvm_main.c
+++ b/virt/kvm/kvm_main.c
@@ -1070,15 +1070,6 @@ static int kvm_create_vm_debugfs(struct kvm *kvm, const char *fdname)
 	return ret;
- * Called after the VM is otherwise initialized, but just before adding it to
- * the vm_list.
- */
-int __weak kvm_arch_post_init_vm(struct kvm *kvm)
-	return 0;
  * Called just after removing the VM from the vm_list, but before doing any
  * other destruction.
@@ -1199,10 +1190,6 @@ static struct kvm *kvm_create_vm(unsigned long type, const char *fdname)
 	if (r)
 		goto out_err_no_debugfs;
-	r = kvm_arch_post_init_vm(kvm);
-	if (r)
-		goto out_err;
 	list_add(&kvm->vm_list, &vm_list);
@@ -1212,8 +1199,6 @@ static struct kvm *kvm_create_vm(unsigned long type, const char *fdname)
 	return kvm;
-	kvm_destroy_vm_debugfs(kvm);
@@ -1971,7 +1956,15 @@ static int kvm_set_memory_region(struct kvm *kvm,
 		return -EINVAL;
 	if (mem->guest_phys_addr + mem->memory_size < mem->guest_phys_addr)
 		return -EINVAL;
-	if ((mem->memory_size >> PAGE_SHIFT) > KVM_MEM_MAX_NR_PAGES)
+	/*
+	 * The size of userspace-defined memory regions is restricted in order
+	 * to play nice with dirty bitmap operations, which are indexed with an
+	 * "unsigned int".  KVM's internal memory regions don't support dirty
+	 * logging, and so are exempt.
+	 */
+	if (id < KVM_USER_MEM_SLOTS &&
+	    (mem->memory_size >> PAGE_SHIFT) > KVM_MEM_MAX_NR_PAGES)
 		return -EINVAL;
 	slots = __kvm_memslots(kvm, as_id);