diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/andthen 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/andthen
--- 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/andthen	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/andthen	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+define	set_andthen
+	set var $thp=0
+	set var $thp=(struct kgdb_and_then_struct *)&kgdb_data[0]
+	set var $at_size = (sizeof kgdb_data)/(sizeof *$thp)
+	set var $at_oc=kgdb_and_then_count
+	set var $at_cc=$at_oc
+define andthen_next
+	set var $at_cc=$arg0
+define andthen
+	andthen_set_edge
+	if ($at_cc >= $at_oc)
+		printf "Outside window.  Window size is %d\n",($at_oc-$at_low)
+	else
+		printf "%d: ",$at_cc
+		output *($thp+($at_cc++ % $at_size ))
+		printf "\n"
+	end
+define andthen_set_edge
+	set var $at_oc=kgdb_and_then_count
+	set var $at_low = $at_oc - $at_size
+	if ($at_low < 0 )
+		set var $at_low = 0
+	end
+	if (( $at_cc > $at_oc) || ($at_cc < $at_low))
+		printf "Count outside of window, setting count to "
+		if ($at_cc >= $at_oc)
+			set var $at_cc = $at_oc
+		else
+			set var $at_cc = $at_low
+		end
+		printf "%d\n",$at_cc
+	end
+define beforethat
+	andthen_set_edge
+	if ($at_cc <= $at_low)
+		printf "Outside window.  Window size is %d\n",($at_oc-$at_low)
+	else
+		printf "%d: ",$at_cc-1
+		output *($thp+(--$at_cc % $at_size ))
+		printf "\n"
+	end
+document andthen_next
+	andthen_next <count>
+	.	sets the number of the event to display next. If this event
+	.	is not in the event pool, either andthen or beforethat will
+	.	correct it to the nearest event pool edge.  The event pool
+	.	ends at the last event recorded and begins <number of events>
+	.	prior to that.  If beforethat is used next, it will display
+	.	event <count> -1.
+	andthen commands are: set_andthen, andthen_next, andthen and beforethat
+document andthen
+	andthen
+.	displays the next event in the list.  <set_andthen> sets up to display
+.	the oldest saved event first.
+.	<count> (optional) count of the event to display.
+.	note the number of events saved is specified at configure time.
+.	if events are saved between calls to andthen the index will change
+.	but the displayed event will be the next one (unless the event buffer
+.	is overrun).
+.	andthen commands are: set_andthen, andthen_next, andthen and beforethat
+document set_andthen
+	set_andthen
+.	sets up to use the <andthen> and <beforethat> commands.
+.		if you have defined your own struct, use the above and
+.		then enter the following:
+.		p $thp=(struct kgdb_and_then_structX *)&kgdb_data[0]
+.		where <kgdb_and_then_structX> is the name of your structure.
+.	andthen commands are: set_andthen, andthen_next, andthen and beforethat
+document beforethat
+	beforethat
+.	displays the next prior event in the list. <set_andthen> sets up to
+.	display the last occuring event first.
+.	note the number of events saved is specified at configure time.
+.	if events are saved between calls to beforethat the index will change
+.	but the displayed event will be the next one (unless the event buffer
+.	is overrun).
+.	andthen commands are: set_andthen, andthen_next, andthen and beforethat
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/debug-nmi.txt 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/debug-nmi.txt
--- 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/debug-nmi.txt	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/debug-nmi.txt	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Subject: Debugging with NMI
+Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 11:28:31 -0500
+From: David Grothe <dave@gcom.com>
+Organization: Gcom, Inc
+To: David Grothe <dave@gcom.com>
+Kernel hackers:
+Maybe this is old hat, but it is new to me --
+On an ISA bus machine, if you short out the A1 and B1 pins of an ISA
+slot you will generate an NMI to the CPU.  This interrupts even a
+machine that is hung in a loop with interrupts disabled.  Used in
+conjunction with kgdb <
+ftp://ftp.gcom.com/pub/linux/src/kgdb-2.3.35/kgdb-2.3.35.tgz > you can
+gain debugger control of a machine that is hung in the kernel!  Even
+without kgdb the kernel will print a stack trace so you can find out
+where it was hung.
+The A1/B1 pins are directly opposite one another and the farthest pins
+towards the bracket end of the ISA bus socket.  You can stick a paper
+clip or multi-meter probe between them to short them out.
+I had a spare ISA bus to PC104 bus adapter around.  The PC104 end of the
+board consists of two rows of wire wrap pins.  So I wired a push button
+between the A1/B1 pins and now have an ISA board that I can stick into
+any ISA bus slot for debugger entry.
+Microsoft has a circuit diagram of a PCI card at
+http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev/DEBUGGING/DMPSW.HTM.  If you want to
+build one you will have to mail them and ask for the PAL equations.
+Nobody makes one comercially.
+your machine catches fire, it is your problem, not mine.]
+-- Dave (the kgdb guy)
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdb-globals.txt 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdb-globals.txt
--- 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdb-globals.txt	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdb-globals.txt	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+Sender: akale@veritas.com
+Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 19:26:35 +0530
+From: "Amit S. Kale" <akale@veritas.com>
+Organization: Veritas Software (India)
+To: Dave Grothe <dave@gcom.com>, linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu
+CC: David Milburn <dmilburn@wirespeed.com>,
+        "Edouard G. Parmelan" <Edouard.Parmelan@quadratec.fr>,
+        ezannoni@cygnus.com, Keith Owens <kaos@ocs.com.au>
+Subject: Re: Module debugging using kgdb
+Dave Grothe wrote:
+> Amit:
+> There is a 2.4.0 version of kgdb on our ftp site:
+> ftp://ftp.gcom.com/pub/linux/src/kgdb.  I mirrored your version of gdb
+> and loadmodule.sh there.
+> Have a look at the README file and see if I go it right.  If not, send
+> me some corrections and I will update it.
+> Does your version of gdb solve the global variable problem?
+Thanks to Elena Zanoni, gdb (developement version) can now calculate
+correctly addresses  of dynamically loaded object files. I have not been
+following gdb developement for sometime and am not sure when symbol
+address calculation fix is going to appear in a gdb stable version.
+Elena, any idea when the fix will make it to a prebuilt gdb from a
+redhat release?
+For the time being I have built a gdb developement version. It can be
+used for module debugging with loadmodule.sh script.
+The problem with calculating of module addresses with previous versions
+of gdb was as follows:
+gdb did not use base address of a section while calculating address of
+a symbol in the section in an object file loaded via 'add-symbol-file'.
+It used address of .text segment instead. Due to this addresses of
+symbols in .data, .bss etc. (e.g. global variables) were calculated incorrectly.
+Above mentioned fix allow gdb to use base address of a segment while
+calculating address of a symbol in it. It adds a parameter '-s' to
+'add-symbol-file' command for specifying base address of a segment.
+loadmodule.sh script works as follows.
+1. Copy a module file to target machine.
+2. Load the module on the target machine using insmod with -m parameter.
+insmod produces a module load map which contains base addresses of all
+sections in the module and addresses of symbols in the module file.
+3. Find all sections and their base addresses in the module from
+the module map.
+4. Generate a script that loads the module file. The script uses
+'add-symbol-file' and specifies address of text segment followed by
+addresses of all segments in the module.
+Here is an example gdb script produced by loadmodule.sh script.
+add-symbol-file foo 0xd082c060 -s .text.lock 0xd08cbfb5
+-s .fixup 0xd08cfbdf -s .rodata 0xd08cfde0 -s __ex_table 0xd08e3b38
+-s .data 0xd08e3d00 -s .bss 0xd08ec8c0 -s __ksymtab 0xd08ee838
+With this command gdb can calculate addresses of symbols in ANY segment
+in a module file.
+Amit Kale
+Veritas Software ( http://www.veritas.com )
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit
--- 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+shell echo -e "\003" >/dev/ttyS0
+set remotebaud 38400
+target remote /dev/ttyS0
+define si
+printf "EAX=%08x EBX=%08x ECX=%08x EDX=%08x\n", $eax, $ebx, $ecx, $edx
+printf "ESI=%08x EDI=%08x EBP=%08x ESP=%08x\n", $esi, $edi, $ebp, $esp
+x/i $eip
+define ni
+printf "EAX=%08x EBX=%08x ECX=%08x EDX=%08x\n", $eax, $ebx, $ecx, $edx
+printf "ESI=%08x EDI=%08x EBP=%08x ESP=%08x\n", $esi, $edi, $ebp, $esp
+x/i $eip
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit-modules 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit-modules
--- 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit-modules	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit-modules	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# Usefull GDB user-command to debug Linux Kernel Modules with gdbstub.
+# This don't work for Linux-2.0 or older.
+# Author Edouard G. Parmelan <Edouard.Parmelan@quadratec.fr>
+# Fri Apr 30 20:33:29 CEST 1999
+#   First public release.
+#   Major cleanup after experiment Linux-2.0 kernel without success.
+#   Symbols of a module are not in the correct order, I can't explain
+#   why :(
+# Fri Mar 19 15:41:40 CET 1999
+#   Initial version.
+# Thu Jan  6 16:29:03 CST 2000
+#   A little fixing by Dave Grothe <dave@gcom.com>
+# Mon Jun 19 09:33:13 CDT 2000
+#   Alignment changes from Edouard Parmelan
+# The basic idea is to find where insmod load the module and inform
+# GDB to load the symbol table of the module with the GDB command
+# ``add-symbol-file <object> <address>''.
+# The Linux kernel holds the list of all loaded modules in module_list,
+# this list end with &kernel_module (exactly with module->next == NULL,
+# but the last module is not a real module).
+# Insmod allocates the struct module before the object file.  Since
+# Linux-2.1, this structure contain his size.  The real address of
+# the object file is then (char*)module + module->size_of_struct.
+# You can use three user functions ``mod-list'', ``mod-print-symbols''
+# and ``add-module-symbols''.
+# mod-list list all loaded modules with the format:
+#    <module-address> <module-name>
+# As soon as you have found the address of your module, you can
+# print its exported symbols (mod-print-symbols) or inform GDB to add
+# symbols from your module file (mod-add-symbols).
+# The argument that you give to mod-print-symbols or mod-add-symbols
+# is the <module-address> from the mod-list command.
+# When using the mod-add-symbols command you must also give the full
+# pathname of the modules object code file.
+# The command mod-add-lis is an example of how to make this easier.
+# You can edit this macro to contain the path name of your own
+# favorite module and then use it as a shorthand to load it.  You
+# still need the module-address, however.
+# The internal function ``mod-validate'' set the GDB variable $mod
+# as a ``struct module*'' if the kernel known the module otherwise
+# $mod is set to NULL.  This ensure to not add symbols for a wrong
+# address.
+# Have a nice hacking day !
+define mod-list
+    set $mod = (struct module*)module_list
+    # the last module is the kernel, ignore it
+    while $mod != &kernel_module
+    	printf "%p\t%s\n", (long)$mod, ($mod)->name
+	set $mod = $mod->next
+    end
+document mod-list
+List all modules in the form: <module-address> <module-name>
+Use the <module-address> as the argument for the other
+mod-commands: mod-print-symbols, mod-add-symbols.
+define mod-validate
+    set $mod = (struct module*)module_list
+    while ($mod != $arg0) && ($mod != &kernel_module)
+    	set $mod = $mod->next
+    end
+    if $mod == &kernel_module
+	set $mod = 0
+    	printf "%p is not a module\n", $arg0
+    end
+document mod-validate
+mod-validate <module-address>
+Internal user-command used to validate the module parameter.
+If <module> is a real loaded module, set $mod to it otherwise set $mod to 0.
+define mod-print-symbols
+    mod-validate $arg0
+    if $mod != 0
+	set $i = 0
+	while $i < $mod->nsyms
+	    set $sym = $mod->syms[$i]
+	    printf "%p\t%s\n", $sym->value, $sym->name
+	    set $i = $i + 1
+	end
+    end
+document mod-print-symbols
+mod-print-symbols <module-address>
+Print all exported symbols of the module.  see mod-list
+define mod-add-symbols-align
+    mod-validate $arg0
+    if $mod != 0
+	set $mod_base = ($mod->size_of_struct + (long)$mod)
+	if ($arg2 != 0) && (($mod_base & ($arg2 - 1)) != 0)
+	    set $mod_base = ($mod_base | ($arg2 - 1)) + 1
+	end
+	add-symbol-file $arg1 $mod_base
+    end
+document mod-add-symbols-align
+mod-add-symbols-align <module-address> <object file path name> <align>
+Load the symbols table of the module from the object file where
+first section aligment is <align>.
+To retreive alignment, use `objdump -h <object file path name>'.
+define mod-add-symbols
+    mod-add-symbols-align $arg0 $arg1 sizeof(long)
+document mod-add-symbols
+mod-add-symbols <module-address> <object file path name>
+Load the symbols table of the module from the object file.
+Default alignment is 4.  See mod-add-symbols-align.
+define mod-add-lis
+    mod-add-symbols-align $arg0 /usr/src/LiS/streams.o 16
+document mod-add-lis
+mod-add-lis <module-address>
+Does mod-add-symbols <module-address> /usr/src/LiS/streams.o
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit.hw 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit.hw
--- 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit.hw	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit.hw	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#Using ia-32 hardware breakpoints.
+#4 hardware breakpoints are available in ia-32 processors. These breakpoints
+#do not need code modification. They are set using debug registers.
+#Each hardware breakpoint can be of one of the
+#three types: execution, write, access.
+#1. An Execution breakpoint is triggered when code at the breakpoint address is
+#2. A write breakpoint ( aka watchpoints ) is triggered when memory location
+#at the breakpoint address is written.
+#3. An access breakpoint is triggered when memory location at the breakpoint
+#address is either read or written.
+#As hardware breakpoints are available in limited number, use software
+#breakpoints ( br command in gdb ) instead of execution hardware breakpoints.
+#Length of an access or a write breakpoint defines length of the datatype to
+#be watched. Length is 1 for char, 2 short , 3 int.
+#For placing execution, write and access breakpoints, use commands
+#hwebrk, hwwbrk, hwabrk
+#To remove a breakpoint use hwrmbrk command.
+#These commands take following types of arguments. For arguments associated
+#with each command, use help command.
+#1. breakpointno: 0 to 3
+#2. length: 1 to 3
+#3. address: Memory location in hex ( without 0x ) e.g c015e9bc
+#Use the command exinfo to find which hardware breakpoint occured.
+#hwebrk breakpointno address
+define hwebrk
+	maintenance packet Y$arg0,0,0,$arg1
+document hwebrk
+	hwebrk <breakpointno> <address>
+	Places a hardware execution breakpoint
+	<breakpointno> = 0 - 3
+	<address> = Hex digits without leading "0x".
+#hwwbrk breakpointno length address
+define hwwbrk
+	maintenance packet Y$arg0,1,$arg1,$arg2
+document hwwbrk
+	hwwbrk <breakpointno> <length> <address>
+	Places a hardware write breakpoint
+	<breakpointno> = 0 - 3
+	<length> = 1 (1 byte), 2 (2 byte), 3 (4 byte)
+	<address> = Hex digits without leading "0x".
+#hwabrk breakpointno length address
+define hwabrk
+	maintenance packet Y$arg0,1,$arg1,$arg2
+document hwabrk
+	hwabrk <breakpointno> <length> <address>
+	Places a hardware access breakpoint
+	<breakpointno> = 0 - 3
+	<length> = 1 (1 byte), 2 (2 byte), 3 (4 byte)
+	<address> = Hex digits without leading "0x".
+#hwrmbrk breakpointno
+define hwrmbrk
+	maintenance packet y$arg0
+document hwrmbrk
+	hwrmbrk <breakpointno>
+	<breakpointno> = 0 - 3
+	Removes a hardware breakpoint
+define reboot
+        maintenance packet r
+define exinfo
+	maintenance packet qE
+document exinfo
+	exinfo
+	Gives information about a breakpoint.
+define get_th
+	p $th=(struct thread_info *)((int)$esp & ~8191)
+document get_th
+	get_tu
+	Gets and prints the current thread_info pointer, Defines th to be it.
+define get_cu
+	p $cu=((struct thread_info *)((int)$esp & ~8191))->task
+document get_cu
+	get_cu
+	Gets and print the "current" value.  Defines $cu to be it.
+define int_off
+	set var $flags=$eflags
+	set $eflags=$eflags&~0x200
+	end
+define int_on
+	set var $eflags|=$flags&0x200
+	end
+document int_off
+	saves the current interrupt state and clears the processor interrupt
+	flag.  Use int_on to restore the saved flag.
+document int_on
+	Restores the interrupt flag saved by int_off.
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/kgdb.txt 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/kgdb.txt
--- 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/kgdb.txt	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/kgdb.txt	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+Last edit: <20030806.1637.12>
+This file has information specific to the i386 kgdb option.  Other
+platforms with the kgdb option may behave in a similar fashion.
+New features:
+This version was made against the 2.6.0-test2 kernel. We have made the
+following changes:
+- The getthread() code in the stub calls find_task_by_pid().  It fails
+  if we are early in the bring up such that the pid arrays have yet to
+  be allocated.  We have added a line to kernel/pid.c to make
+  "kgdb_pid_init_done" true once the arrays are allocated.  This way the
+  getthread() code knows not to call.  This is only used by the thread
+  debugging stuff and threads will not yet exist at this point in the
+  boot.
+- For some reason, gdb was not asking for a new thread list when the
+  "info thread" command was given.  We changed to the newer version of
+  the thread info command and gdb now seems to ask when needed.  Result,
+  we now get all threads in the thread list.
+- We now respond to the ThreadExtraInfo request from gdb with the thread
+  name from task_struct .comm.  This then appears in the thread list.
+  Thoughts on additional options for this are welcome.  Things such as
+  "has BKL" and "Preempted" come to mind.  I think we could have a flag
+  word that could enable different bits of info here.
+- We now honor, sort of, the C and S commands.  These are continue and
+  single set after delivering a signal.  We ignore the signal and do the
+  requested action.  This only happens when we told gdb that a signal
+  was the reason for entry, which is only done on memory faults.  The
+  result is that you can now continue into the Oops.
+- We changed the -g to -gdwarf-2.  This seems to be the same as -ggdb,
+  but it is more exact on what language to use.
+- We added two dwarf2 include files and a bit of code at the end of
+  entry.S.  This does not yet work, so it is disabled.  Still we want to
+  keep track of the code and "maybe" someone out there can fix it.
+- Randy Dunlap sent some fix ups for this file which are now merged.
+- Hugh Dickins sent a fix to a bit of code in traps.c that prevents a
+  compiler warning if CONFIG_KGDB is off (now who would do that :).
+- Andrew Morton sent a fix for the serial driver which is now merged.
+- Andrew also sent a change to the stub around the cpu managment code
+  which is also merged.
+- Andrew also sent a patch to make "f" as well as "g" work as SysRq
+  commands to enter kgdb, merged.
+- If CONFIG_KGDB and CONFIG_DEBUG_SPINLOCKS are both set we added a
+  "who" field to the spinlock data struct.  This is filled with
+  "current" when ever the spinlock suceeds.  Useful if you want to know
+  who has the lock.
+_ And last, but not least, we fixed the "get_cu" macro to properly get
+  the current value of "current".
+New features:
+We are starting to align with the sourceforge version, at least in
+commands.  To this end, the boot command string to start kgdb at
+boot time has been changed from "kgdb" to "gdb".
+Andrew Morton sent a couple of patches which are now included as follows:
+1.) We now return a flag to the interrupt handler.
+2.) We no longer use smp_num_cpus (a conflict with the lock meter).
+3.) And from William Lee Irwin III <wli@holomorphy.com> code to make
+    sure high-mem is set up before we attempt to register our interrupt
+    handler.
+We now include asm/kgdb.h from config.h so you will most likely never
+have to include it.  It also 'NULLS' the kgdb macros you might have in
+your code when CONFIG_KGDB is not defined.  This allows you to just
+turn off CONFIG_KGDB to turn off all the kgdb_ts() calls and such.
+This include is conditioned on the machine being an x86 so as to not
+mess with other archs.
+This is currently the version for the 2.4.18 (and beyond?) kernel.
+We have several new "features" beginning with this version:
+1.) Kgdb now syncs the "other" CPUs with a cross-CPU NMI.  No more
+    waiting and it will pull that guy out of an IRQ off spin lock :)
+2.) We doctored up the code that tells where a task is waiting and
+    included it so that the "info thread" command will show a bit more
+    than "schedule()".  Try it...
+3.) Added the ability to call a function from gdb.  All the standard gdb
+    issues apply, i.e. if you hit a breakpoint in the function, you are
+    not allowed to call another (gdb limitation, not kgdb).  To help
+    this capability we added a memory allocation function.  Gdb does not
+    return this memory (it is used for strings that you pass to that function
+    you are calling from gdb) so we fixed up a way to allow you to
+    manually return the memory (see below).
+4.) Kgdb time stamps (kgdb_ts()) are enhanced to expand what was the
+    interrupt flag to now also include the preemption count and the
+    "in_interrupt" info.  The flag is now called "with_pif" to indicate
+    the order, preempt_count, in_interrupt, flag.  The preempt_count is
+    shifted left by 4 bits so you can read the count in hex by dropping
+    the low order digit.  In_interrupt is in bit 1, and the flag is in
+    bit 0.
+5.) The command: "p kgdb_info" is now expanded and prints something
+    like:
+(gdb) p kgdb_info
+$2 = {used_malloc = 0, called_from = 0xc0107506, entry_tsc = 67468627259,
+  errcode = 0, vector = 3, print_debug_info = 0, hold_on_sstep = 1,
+  cpus_waiting = {{task = 0xc027a000, pid = 32768, hold = 0,
+      regs = 0xc027bf84}, {task = 0x0, pid = 0, hold = 0, regs = 0x0}}}
+    Things to note here: a.) used_malloc is the amount of memory that
+    has been malloc'ed to do calls from gdb.  You can reclaim this
+    memory like this: "p kgdb_info.used_malloc=0" Cool, huh?  b.)
+    cpus_waiting is now "sized" by the number of CPUs you enter at
+    configure time in the kgdb configure section.  This is NOT used
+    anywhere else in the system, but it is "nice" here.  c.)  The task's
+    "pid" is now in the structure.  This is the pid you will need to use
+    to decode to the thread id to get gdb to look at that thread.
+    Remember that the "info thread" command prints a list of threads
+    wherein it numbers each thread with its reference number followed
+    by the thread's pid.  Note that the per-CPU idle threads actually
+    have pids of 0 (yes, there is more than one pid 0 in an SMP system).
+    To avoid confusion, kgdb numbers these threads with numbers beyond
+    the MAX_PID.  That is why you see 32768 and above.
+6.) A subtle change, we now provide the complete register set for tasks
+    that are active on the other CPUs.  This allows better trace back on
+    those tasks.
+    And, let's mention what we could not fix.  Back-trace from all but the
+    thread that we trapped will, most likely, have a bogus entry in it.
+    The problem is that gdb does not recognize the entry code for
+    functions that use "current" near (at all?) the entry.  The compiler
+    is putting the "current" decode as the first two instructions of the
+    function where gdb expects to find %ebp changing code.  Back trace
+    also has trouble with interrupt frames.  I am talking with Daniel
+    Jacobowitz about some way to fix this, but don't hold your breath.
+Major enhancement with this version is the ability to hold one or more
+CPUs in an SMP system while allowing the others to continue.  Also, by
+default only the current CPU is enabled on single-step commands (please
+note that gdb issues single-step commands at times other than when you
+use the si command).
+Another change is to collect some useful information in
+a global structure called "kgdb_info".  You should be able to just:
+p kgdb_info
+although I have seen cases where the first time this is done gdb just
+prints the first member but prints the whole structure if you then enter
+CR (carriage return or enter).  This also works:
+p *&kgdb_info
+Here is a sample:
+(gdb) p kgdb_info
+$4 = {called_from = 0xc010732c, entry_tsc = 32804123790856, errcode = 0,
+  vector = 3, print_debug_info = 0}
+"Called_from" is the return address from the current entry into kgdb.
+Sometimes it is useful to know why you are in kgdb, for example, was
+it an NMI or a real breakpoint?  The simple way to interrogate this
+return address is:
+l *0xc010732c
+which will print the surrounding few lines of source code.
+"Entry_tsc" is the CPU TSC on entry to kgdb (useful to compare to the
+kgdb_ts entries).
+"errcode" and "vector" are other entry parameters which may be helpful on
+some traps.
+"print_debug_info" is the internal debugging kgdb print enable flag.  Yes,
+you can modify it.
+In SMP systems kgdb_info also includes the "cpus_waiting" structure and
+(gdb) p kgdb_info
+$7 = {called_from = 0xc0112739, entry_tsc = 1034936624074, errcode = 0,
+  vector = 2, print_debug_info = 0, hold_on_sstep = 1, cpus_waiting = {{
+      task = 0x0, hold = 0, regs = 0x0}, {task = 0xc71b8000, hold = 0,
+      regs = 0xc71b9f70}, {task = 0x0, hold = 0, regs = 0x0}, {task = 0x0,
+      hold = 0, regs = 0x0}, {task = 0x0, hold = 0, regs = 0x0}, {task = 0x0,
+      hold = 0, regs = 0x0}, {task = 0x0, hold = 0, regs = 0x0}, {task = 0x0,
+      hold = 0, regs = 0x0}}}
+"Cpus_waiting" has an entry for each CPU other than the current one that
+has been stopped.  Each entry contains the task_struct address for that
+CPU, the address of the regs for that task and a hold flag.  All these
+have the proper typing so that, for example:
+p *kgdb_info.cpus_waiting[1].regs
+will print the registers for CPU 1.
+"Hold_on_sstep" is a new feature with this version and comes up set or
+true.  What this means is that whenever kgdb is asked to single-step all
+other CPUs are held (i.e. not allowed to execute).  The flag applies to
+all but the current CPU and, again, can be changed:
+p kgdb_info.hold_on_sstep=0
+restores the old behavior of letting all CPUs run during single-stepping.
+Likewise, each CPU has a "hold" flag, which if set, locks that CPU out
+of execution.  Note that this has some risk in cases where the CPUs need
+to communicate with each other.  If kgdb finds no CPU available on exit,
+it will push a message thru gdb and stay in kgdb.  Note that it is legal
+to hold the current CPU as long as at least one CPU can execute.
+This version implements an event queue.  Events are signaled by calling
+a function in the kgdb stub and may be examined from gdb.  See EVENTS
+below for details.  This version also tightens up the interrupt and SMP
+handling to not allow interrupts on the way to kgdb from a breakpoint
+trap.  It is fine to allow these interrupts for user code, but not
+system debugging.
+This version of the kgdb package was developed and tested on
+kernel version 2.4.16.  It will not install on any earlier kernels.
+It is possible that it will continue to work on later versions
+of 2.4 and then versions of 2.5 (I hope).
+Debugging Setup
+Designate one machine as the "development" machine.  This is the
+machine on which you run your compiles and which has your source
+code for the kernel.  Designate a second machine as the "target"
+machine.  This is the machine that will run your experimental
+The two machines will be connected together via a serial line out
+one or the other of the COM ports of the PC.  You will need the
+appropriate modem eliminator (null modem) cable(s) for this.
+Decide on which tty port you want the machines to communicate, then
+connect them up back-to-back using the null modem cable.  COM1 is
+/dev/ttyS0 and COM2 is /dev/ttyS1. You should test this connection
+with the two machines prior to trying to debug a kernel.  Once you
+have it working, on the TARGET machine, enter:
+setserial /dev/ttyS0 (or what ever tty you are using)
+and record the port address and the IRQ number.
+On the DEVELOPMENT machine you need to apply the patch for the kgdb
+hooks.  You have probably already done that if you are reading this
+On your DEVELOPMENT machine, go to your kernel source directory and do
+"make Xconfig" where X is one of "x", "menu", or "".  If you are
+configuring in the standard serial driver, it must not be a module.
+Either yes or no is ok, but making the serial driver a module means it
+will initialize after kgdb has set up the UART interrupt code and may
+cause a failure of the control-C option discussed below.  The configure
+question for the serial driver is under the "Character devices" heading
+and is:
+"Standard/generic (8250/16550 and compatible UARTs) serial support"
+Go down to the kernel debugging menu item and open it up.  Enable the
+kernel kgdb stub code by selecting that item.  You can also choose to
+turn on the "-ggdb -O1" compile options.  The -ggdb causes the compiler
+to put more debug info (like local symbols) in the object file.  On the
+i386 -g and -ggdb are the same so this option just reduces to "O1".  The
+-O1 reduces the optimization level.  This may be helpful in some cases,
+be aware, however, that this may also mask the problem you are looking
+The baud rate.  Default is 115200.  What ever you choose be sure that
+the host machine is set to the same speed.  I recommend the default.
+The port.  This is the I/O address of the serial UART that you should
+have gotten using setserial as described above.  The standard COM1 port
+(3f8) using IRQ 4 is default.  COM2 is 2f8 which by convention uses IRQ
+The port IRQ (see above).
+Stack overflow test.  This option makes a minor change in the trap,
+system call and interrupt code to detect stack overflow and transfer
+control to kgdb if it happens.  (Some platforms have this in the
+baseline code, but the i386 does not.)
+You can also configure the system to recognize the boot option
+"console=kgdb" which if given will cause all console output during
+booting to be put thru gdb as well as other consoles.  This option
+requires that gdb and kgdb be connected prior to sending console output
+so, if they are not, a breakpoint is executed to force the connection.
+This will happen before any kernel output (it is going thru gdb, right),
+and will stall the boot until the connection is made.
+You can also configure in a patch to SysRq to enable the kGdb SysRq.
+This request generates a breakpoint.  Since the serial port IRQ line is
+set up after any serial drivers, it is possible that this command will
+work when the control-C will not.
+Save and exit the Xconfig program.  Then do "make clean" , "make dep"
+and "make bzImage" (or whatever target you want to make).  This gets the
+kernel compiled with the "-g" option set -- necessary for debugging.
+You have just built the kernel on your DEVELOPMENT machine that you
+intend to run on your TARGET machine.
+To install this new kernel, use the following installation procedure.
+Remember, you are on the DEVELOPMENT machine patching the kernel source
+for the kernel that you intend to run on the TARGET machine.
+Copy this kernel to your target machine using your usual procedures.  I
+usually arrange to copy development:
+/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage to /vmlinuz on the TARGET machine
+via a LAN based NFS access.  That is, I run the cp command on the target
+and copy from the development machine via the LAN.  Run Lilo (see "man
+lilo" for details on how to set this up) on the new kernel on the target
+machine so that it will boot!  Then boot the kernel on the target
+On the DEVELOPMENT machine, create a file called .gdbinit in the
+directory /usr/src/linux.  An example .gdbinit file looks like this:
+shell echo -e "\003" >/dev/ttyS0
+set remotebaud 38400 (or what ever speed you have chosen)
+target remote /dev/ttyS0
+Change the "echo" and "target" definition so that it specifies the tty
+port that you intend to use.  Change the "remotebaud" definition to
+match the data rate that you are going to use for the com line.
+You are now ready to try it out.
+Boot your target machine with "kgdb" in the boot command i.e. something
+lilo> test kgdb
+or if you also want console output thru gdb:
+lilo> test kgdb console=kgdb
+You should see the lilo message saying it has loaded the kernel and then
+all output stops.  The kgdb stub is trying to connect with gdb.  Start
+gdb something like this:
+On your DEVELOPMENT machine, cd /usr/src/linux and enter "gdb vmlinux".
+When gdb gets the symbols loaded it will read your .gdbinit file and, if
+everything is working correctly, you should see gdb print out a few
+lines indicating that a breakpoint has been taken.  It will actually
+show a line of code in the target kernel inside the kgdb activation
+The gdb interaction should look something like this:
+    linux-dev:/usr/src/linux# gdb vmlinux
+    GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it
+     under certain conditions; type "show copying" to see the conditions.
+    There is absolutely no warranty for GDB; type "show warranty" for details.
+    GDB 4.15.1 (i486-slackware-linux),
+    Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc...
+    breakpoint () at i386-stub.c:750
+    750     }
+    (gdb)
+You can now use whatever gdb commands you like to set breakpoints.
+Enter "continue" to start your target machine executing again.  At this
+point the target system will run at full speed until it encounters
+your breakpoint or gets a segment violation in the kernel, or whatever.
+If you have the kgdb console enabled when you continue, gdb will print
+out all the console messages.
+The above example caused a breakpoint relatively early in the boot
+process.  For the i386 kgdb it is possible to code a break instruction
+as the first C-language point in init/main.c, i.e. as the first instruction
+in start_kernel().  This could be done as follows:
+#include <asm/kgdb.h>
+	 breakpoint();
+This breakpoint() is really a function that sets up the breakpoint and
+single-step hardware trap cells and then executes a breakpoint.  Any
+early hard coded breakpoint will need to use this function.  Once the
+trap cells are set up they need not be set again, but doing it again
+does not hurt anything, so you don't need to be concerned about which
+breakpoint is hit first.  Once the trap cells are set up (and the kernel
+sets them up in due course even if breakpoint() is never called) the
+will generate an inline breakpoint.  This may be more useful as it stops
+the processor at the instruction instead of in a function a step removed
+from the location of interest.  In either case <asm/kgdb.h> must be
+included to define both breakpoint() and BREAKPOINT.
+Triggering kgdbstub at other times
+Often you don't need to enter the debugger until much later in the boot
+or even after the machine has been running for some time.  Once the
+kernel is booted and interrupts are on, you can force the system to
+enter the debugger by sending a control-C to the debug port. This is
+what the first line of the recommended .gdbinit file does.  This allows
+you to start gdb any time after the system is up as well as when the
+system is already at a breakpoint.  (In the case where the system is
+already at a breakpoint the control-C is not needed, however, it will
+be ignored by the target so no harm is done.  Also note the the echo
+command assumes that the port speed is already set.  This will be true
+once gdb has connected, but it is best to set the port speed before you
+run gdb.)
+Another simple way to do this is to put the following file in you ~/bin
+echo  -e "\003"  > /dev/ttyS0
+Here, the ttyS0 should be replaced with what ever port you are using.
+The "\003" is control-C.  Once you are connected with gdb, you can enter
+control-C at the command prompt.
+An alternative way to get control to the debugger is to enable the kGdb
+SysRq command.  Then you would enter Alt-SysRq-g (all three keys at the
+same time, but push them down in the order given).  To refresh your
+memory of the available SysRq commands try Alt-SysRq-=.  Actually any
+undefined command could replace the "=", but I like to KNOW that what I
+am pushing will never be defined.
+Debugging hints
+You can break into the target machine at any time from the development
+machine by typing ^C (see above paragraph).  If the target machine has
+interrupts enabled this will stop it in the kernel and enter the
+There is unfortunately no way of breaking into the kernel if it is
+in a loop with interrupts disabled, so if this happens to you then
+you need to place exploratory breakpoints or printk's into the kernel
+to find out where it is looping.  The exploratory breakpoints can be
+entered either thru gdb or hard coded into the source.  This is very
+handy if you do something like:
+if (<it hurts>) BREAKPOINT;
+There is a copy of an e-mail in the Documentation/i386/kgdb/ directory
+(debug-nmi.txt) which describes how to create an NMI on an ISA bus
+machine using a paper clip.  I have a sophisticated version of this made
+by wiring a push button switch into a PC104/ISA bus adapter card.  The
+adapter card nicely furnishes wire wrap pins for all the ISA bus
+When you are done debugging the kernel on the target machine it is a
+good idea to leave it in a running state.  This makes reboots faster,
+bypassing the fsck.  So do a gdb "continue" as the last gdb command if
+this is possible.  To terminate gdb itself on the development machine
+and leave the target machine running, first clear all breakpoints and
+continue, then type ^Z to suspend gdb and then kill it with "kill %1" or
+something similar.
+If gdbstub Does Not Work
+If it doesn't work, you will have to troubleshoot it.  Do the easy
+things first like double checking your cabling and data rates.  You
+might try some non-kernel based programs to see if the back-to-back
+connection works properly.  Just something simple like cat /etc/hosts
+>/dev/ttyS0 on one machine and cat /dev/ttyS0 on the other will tell you
+if you can send data from one machine to the other.  Make sure it works
+in both directions.  There is no point in tearing out your hair in the
+kernel if the line doesn't work.
+All of the real action takes place in the file
+/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/kernel/kgdb_stub.c.  That is the code on the target
+machine that interacts with gdb on the development machine.  In gdb you can
+turn on a debug switch with the following command:
+	set remotedebug
+This will print out the protocol messages that gdb is exchanging with
+the target machine.
+Another place to look is /usr/src/arch/i386/lib/kgdb_serial.c. This is
+the code that talks to the serial port on the target side.  There might
+be a problem there.  In particular there is a section of this code that
+tests the UART which will tell you what UART you have if you define
+"PRNT" (just remove "_off" from the #define PRNT_off).  To view this
+report you will need to boot the system without any beakpoints.  This
+allows the kernel to run to the point where it calls kgdb to set up
+interrupts.  At this time kgdb will test the UART and print out the type
+it finds.  (You need to wait so that the printks are actually being
+printed.  Early in the boot they are cached, waiting for the console to
+be enabled.  Also, if kgdb is entered thru a breakpoint it is possible
+to cause a dead lock by calling printk when the console is locked.  The
+stub thus avoids doing printks from breakpoints, especially in the
+serial code.)  At this time, if the UART fails to do the expected thing,
+kgdb will print out (using printk) information on what failed.  (These
+messages will be buried in all the other boot up messages.  Look for
+lines that start with "gdb_hook_interrupt:".  You may want to use dmesg
+once the system is up to view the log.  If this fails or if you still
+don't connect, review your answers for the port address.  Use:
+setserial /dev/ttyS0
+to get the current port and IRQ information.  This command will also
+tell you what the system found for the UART type. The stub recognizes
+the following UART types:
+16450, 16550, and 16550A
+If you are really desperate you can use printk debugging in the
+kgdbstub code in the target kernel until you get it working.  In particular,
+there is a global variable in /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/kernel/kgdb_stub.c
+named "remote_debug".  Compile your kernel with this set to 1, rather
+than 0 and the debug stub will print out lots of stuff as it does
+what it does.  Likewise there are debug printks in the kgdb_serial.c
+code that can be turned on with simple changes in the macro defines.
+Debugging Loadable Modules
+This technique comes courtesy of Edouard Parmelan
+When you run gdb, enter the command
+source gdbinit-modules
+This will read in a file of gdb macros that was installed in your
+kernel source directory when kgdb was installed.  This file implements
+the following commands:
+    Lists the loaded modules in the form <module-address> <module-name>
+mod-print-symbols <module-address>
+    Prints all the symbols in the indicated module.
+mod-add-symbols <module-address> <object-file-path-name>
+    Loads the symbols from the object file and associates them
+    with the indicated module.
+After you have loaded the module that you want to debug, use the command
+mod-list to find the <module-address> of your module.  Then use that
+address in the mod-add-symbols command to load your module's symbols.
+From that point onward you can debug your module as if it were a part
+of the kernel.
+The file gdbinit-modules also contains a command named mod-add-lis as
+an example of how to construct a command of your own to load your
+favorite module.  The idea is to "can" the pathname of the module
+in the command so you don't have to type so much.
+Each process in a target machine is seen as a gdb thread. gdb thread
+related commands (info threads, thread n) can be used.
+ia-32 hardware breakpoints
+kgdb stub contains support for hardware breakpoints using debugging features
+of ia-32(x86) processors. These breakpoints do not need code modification.
+They use debugging registers. 4 hardware breakpoints are available in ia-32
+Each hardware breakpoint can be of one of the following three types.
+1. Execution breakpoint - An Execution breakpoint is triggered when code
+	at the breakpoint address is executed.
+	As limited number of hardware breakpoints are available, it is
+	advisable to use software breakpoints ( break command ) instead
+	of execution hardware breakpoints, unless modification of code
+	is to be avoided.
+2. Write breakpoint - A write breakpoint is triggered when memory
+	location at the breakpoint address is written.
+	A write or can be placed for data of variable length. Length of
+	a write breakpoint indicates length of the datatype to be
+	watched. Length is 1 for 1 byte data , 2 for 2 byte data, 3 for
+	4 byte data.
+3. Access breakpoint - An access breakpoint is triggered when memory
+	location at the breakpoint address is either read or written.
+	Access breakpoints also have lengths similar to write breakpoints.
+IO breakpoints in ia-32 are not supported.
+Since gdb stub at present does not use the protocol used by gdb for hardware
+breakpoints, hardware breakpoints are accessed through gdb macros. gdb macros
+for hardware breakpoints are described below.
+hwebrk	- Places an execution breakpoint
+	hwebrk breakpointno address
+hwwbrk	- Places a write breakpoint
+	hwwbrk breakpointno length address
+hwabrk	- Places an access breakpoint
+	hwabrk breakpointno length address
+hwrmbrk	- Removes a breakpoint
+	hwrmbrk breakpointno
+exinfo	- Tells whether a software or hardware breakpoint has occurred.
+	Prints number of the hardware breakpoint if a hardware breakpoint has
+	occurred.
+Arguments required by these commands are as follows
+breakpointno	- 0 to 3
+length		- 1 to 3
+address		- Memory location in hex digits ( without 0x ) e.g c015e9bc
+SMP support
+When a breakpoint occurs or user issues a break ( Ctrl + C ) to gdb
+client, all the processors are forced to enter the debugger. Current
+thread corresponds to the thread running on the processor where
+breakpoint occurred.  Threads running on other processor(s) appear
+similar to other non-running threads in the 'info threads' output.
+Within the kgdb stub there is a structure "waiting_cpus" in which kgdb
+records the values of "current" and "regs" for each CPU other than the
+one that hit the breakpoint.  "current" is a pointer to the task
+structure for the task that CPU is running, while "regs" points to the
+saved registers for the task.  This structure can be examined with the
+gdb "p" command.
+ia-32 hardware debugging registers on all processors are set to same
+values.  Hence any hardware breakpoints may occur on any processor.
+gdb troubleshooting
+1. gdb hangs
+Kill it. restart gdb. Connect to target machine.
+2. gdb cannot connect to target machine (after killing a gdb and
+restarting another) If the target machine was not inside debugger when
+you killed gdb, gdb cannot connect because the target machine won't
+respond.  In this case echo "Ctrl+C"(ASCII 3) to the serial line.
+e.g. echo -e "\003" > /dev/ttyS1
+This forces that target machine into the debugger, after which you
+can connect.
+3. gdb cannot connect even after echoing Ctrl+C into serial line
+Try changing serial line settings min to 1 and time to 0
+e.g. stty min 1 time 0 < /dev/ttyS1
+Try echoing again
+Check serial line speed and set it to correct value if required
+e.g. stty ispeed 115200 ospeed 115200 < /dev/ttyS1
+Ever want to know the order of things happening?  Which CPU did what and
+when?  How did the spinlock get the way it is?  Then events are for
+you.  Events are defined by calls to an event collection interface and
+saved for later examination.  In this case, kgdb events are saved by a
+very fast bit of code in kgdb which is fully SMP and interrupt protected
+and they are examined by using gdb to display them.  Kgdb keeps only
+the last N events, where N must be a power of two and is defined at
+configure time.
+Events are signaled to kgdb by calling:
+For each call kgdb records each call in an array along with other info.
+Here is the array definition:
+struct kgdb_and_then_struct {
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+	int	on_cpu;
+	long long at_time;
+	int  	from_ln;
+	char	* in_src;
+	void	*from;
+        int     with_if;
+	int	data0;
+	int	data1;
+For SMP machines the CPU is recorded, for all machines the TSC is
+recorded (gets a time stamp) as well as the line number and source file
+the call was made from.  The address of the (from), the "if" (interrupt
+flag) and the two data items are also recorded.  The macro kgdb_ts casts
+the types to int, so you can put any 32-bit values here.  There is a
+configure option to select the number of events you want to keep.  A
+nice number might be 128, but you can keep up to 1024 if you want.  The
+number must be a power of two.  An "andthen" macro library is provided
+for gdb to help you look at these events.  It is also possible to define
+a different structure for the event storage and cast the data to this
+structure.  For example the following structure is defined in kgdb:
+struct kgdb_and_then_struct2 {
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+	int	on_cpu;
+	long long at_time;
+	int  	from_ln;
+	char	* in_src;
+	void	*from;
+        int     with_if;
+	struct task_struct *t1;
+	struct task_struct *t2;
+If you use this for display, the data elements will be displayed as
+pointers to task_struct entries.  You may want to define your own
+structure to use in casting.  You should only change the last two items
+and you must keep the structure size the same.  Kgdb will handle these
+as 32-bit ints, but within that constraint you can define a structure to
+cast to any 32-bit quantity.  This need only be available to gdb and is
+only used for casting in the display code.
+Final Items
+I picked up this code from Amit S. Kale and enhanced it.
+If you make some really cool modification to this stuff, or if you
+fix a bug, please let me know.
+George Anzinger
+Amit S. Kale
+(First kgdb by David Grothe <dave@gcom.com>)
+(modified by Tigran Aivazian <tigran@sco.com>)
+    Putting gdbstub into the kernel config menu.
+(modified by Scott Foehner <sfoehner@engr.sgi.com>)
+    Hooks for entering gdbstub at boot time.
+(modified by Amit S. Kale <akale@veritas.com>)
+    Threads, ia-32 hw debugging, mp support, console support,
+    nmi watchdog handling.
+(modified by George Anzinger <george@mvista.com>)
+    Extended threads to include the idle threads.
+    Enhancements to allow breakpoint() at first C code.
+    Use of module_init() and __setup() to automate the configure.
+    Enhanced the cpu "collection" code to work in early bring-up.
+    Added ability to call functions from gdb
+    Print info thread stuff without going back to schedule()
+    Now collect the "other" cpus with an IPI/ NMI.
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/loadmodule.sh 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/loadmodule.sh
--- 100-netpoll/Documentation/i386/kgdb/loadmodule.sh	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/Documentation/i386/kgdb/loadmodule.sh	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# This script loads a module on a target machine and generates a gdb script.
+# source generated gdb script to load the module file at appropriate addresses
+# in gdb.
+# Usage:
+# Loading the module on target machine and generating gdb script)
+#	[foo]$ loadmodule.sh <modulename>
+# Loading the module file into gdb
+#	(gdb) source <gdbscriptpath>
+# Modify following variables according to your setup.
+#	TESTMACHINE - Name of the target machine
+#	GDBSCRIPTS - The directory where a gdb script will be generated
+# Author: Amit S. Kale (akale@veritas.com).
+# If you run into problems, please check files pointed to by following
+# variables.
+#	ERRFILE - /tmp/<modulename>.errs contains stderr output of insmod
+#	MAPFILE - /tmp/<modulename>.map contains stdout output of insmod
+#	GDBSCRIPT - $GDBSCRIPTS/load<modulename> gdb script.
+if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then {
+	echo Usage: $0 modulefile
+	exit
+} ; fi
+} fi
+function findaddr() {
+	local ADDR=0x$(echo "$SEGMENTS" | \
+		grep "$1" | sed 's/^[^ ]*[ ]*[^ ]*[ ]*//' | \
+		sed 's/[ ]*[^ ]*$//')
+	echo $ADDR
+function checkerrs() {
+	if [ "`cat $ERRFILE`" != "" ] ; then {
+		cat $ERRFILE
+		exit
+	} fi
+#load the module
+echo Loading module $MODULEFILE
+rsh -l root $TESTMACHINE  /sbin/insmod -m ./`basename $MODULEFILE` \
+SEGMENTS=`head -n 11 $MAPFILE | tail -n 10`
+TEXTADDR=$(findaddr "\\.text[^.]")
+SEGADDRS=`echo "$SEGMENTS" | awk '//{
+	if ($1 != ".text" && $1 != ".this" &&
+	    $1 != ".kstrtab" && $1 != ".kmodtab") {
+		print " -s " $1 " 0x" $3 " "
+	}
+echo Generating script $GDBSCRIPT
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/MAINTAINERS 101-kgdb/MAINTAINERS
--- 100-netpoll/MAINTAINERS	2004-03-11 14:33:30.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/MAINTAINERS	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -1186,6 +1186,12 @@ W:	http://sf.net/projects/kernel-janitor
 W:	http://developer.osdl.org/rddunlap/kj-patches/
 S:	Maintained
+P:	George Anzinger
+M:	george@mvista.com
+L:	linux-net@vger.kernel.org
+S:	Supported
 P:	Neil Brown
 M:	neilb@cse.unsw.edu.au
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/arch/i386/Kconfig 101-kgdb/arch/i386/Kconfig
--- 100-netpoll/arch/i386/Kconfig	2004-03-11 14:33:34.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/arch/i386/Kconfig	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -1305,14 +1305,195 @@ config DEBUG_SPINLOCK_SLEEP
 	  If you say Y here, various routines which may sleep will become very
 	  noisy if they are called with a spinlock held.	
+config KGDB
+	bool "Include kgdb kernel debugger"
+	depends on DEBUG_KERNEL
+	help
+	  If you say Y here, the system will be compiled with the debug
+	  option (-g) and a debugging stub will be included in the
+	  kernel.  This stub communicates with gdb on another (host)
+	  computer via a serial port.  The host computer should have
+	  access to the kernel binary file (vmlinux) and a serial port
+	  that is connected to the target machine.  Gdb can be made to
+	  configure the serial port or you can use stty and setserial to
+	  do this. See the 'target' command in gdb. This option also
+	  configures in the ability to request a breakpoint early in the
+	  boot process.  To request the breakpoint just include 'kgdb'
+	  as a boot option when booting the target machine.  The system
+	  will then break as soon as it looks at the boot options.  This
+	  option also installs a breakpoint in panic and sends any
+	  kernel faults to the debugger. For more information see the
+	  Documentation/i386/kgdb.txt file.
+	depends on KGDB
+    	prompt "Debug serial port BAUD"
+	default KGDB_115200BAUD
+	help
+	  Gdb and the kernel stub need to agree on the baud rate to be
+	  used.  Some systems (x86 family at this writing) allow this to
+	  be configured.
+config KGDB_9600BAUD
+	bool "9600"
+config KGDB_19200BAUD
+	bool "19200"
+config KGDB_38400BAUD
+	bool "38400"
+config KGDB_57600BAUD
+	bool "57600"
+config KGDB_115200BAUD
+	bool "115200"
+config KGDB_PORT
+	hex "hex I/O port address of the debug serial port"
+	depends on KGDB
+	default  3f8
+	help
+	  Some systems (x86 family at this writing) allow the port
+	  address to be configured.  The number entered is assumed to be
+	  hex, don't put 0x in front of it.  The standard address are:
+	  COM1 3f8 , irq 4 and COM2 2f8 irq 3.  Setserial /dev/ttySx
+	  will tell you what you have.  It is good to test the serial
+	  connection with a live system before trying to debug.
+config KGDB_IRQ
+	int "IRQ of the debug serial port"
+	depends on KGDB
+	default 4
+	help
+	  This is the irq for the debug port.  If everything is working
+	  correctly and the kernel has interrupts on a control C to the
+	  port should cause a break into the kernel debug stub.
+config DEBUG_INFO
+	bool
+	depends on KGDB
+	default y
+config KGDB_MORE
+	bool "Add any additional compile options"
+	depends on KGDB
+	default n
+	help
+	  Saying yes here turns on the ability to enter additional
+	  compile options.
+	depends on KGDB_MORE
+	string "Additional compile arguments"
+	default "-O1"
+	help
+	  This option allows you enter additional compile options for
+	  the whole kernel compile.  Each platform will have a default
+	  that seems right for it.  For example on PPC "-ggdb -O1", and
+	  for i386 "-O1".  Note that by configuring KGDB "-g" is already
+	  turned on.  In addition, on i386 platforms
+	  "-fomit-frame-pointer" is deleted from the standard compile
+	  options.
+config NO_KGDB_CPUS
+	int "Number of CPUs"
+	depends on KGDB && SMP
+	default NR_CPUS
+	help
+	  This option sets the number of cpus for kgdb ONLY.  It is used
+	  to prune some internal structures so they look "nice" when
+	  displayed with gdb.  This is to overcome possibly larger
+	  numbers that may have been entered above.  Enter the real
+	  number to get nice clean kgdb_info displays.
+config KGDB_TS
+	bool "Enable kgdb time stamp macros?"
+	depends on KGDB
+	default n
+	help
+	  Kgdb event macros allow you to instrument your code with calls
+	  to the kgdb event recording function.  The event log may be
+	  examined with gdb at a break point.  Turning on this
+	  capability also allows you to choose how many events to
+	  keep. Kgdb always keeps the lastest events.
+	depends on KGDB_TS
+	prompt "Max number of time stamps to save?"
+	default KGDB_TS_128
+config KGDB_TS_64
+	bool "64"
+config KGDB_TS_128
+	bool "128"
+config KGDB_TS_256
+	bool "256"
+config KGDB_TS_512
+	bool "512"
+config KGDB_TS_1024
+	bool "1024"
+	bool "Turn on kernel stack overflow testing?"
+	depends on KGDB
+	default n
+	help
+	  This option enables code in the front line interrupt handlers
+	  to check for kernel stack overflow on interrupts and system
+	  calls.  This is part of the kgdb code on x86 systems.
+	bool "Enable serial console thru kgdb port"
+	depends on KGDB
+	default n
+	help
+	  This option enables the command line "console=kgdb" option.
+	  When the system is booted with this option in the command line
+	  all kernel printk output is sent to gdb (as well as to other
+	  consoles).  For this to work gdb must be connected.  For this
+	  reason, this command line option will generate a breakpoint if
+	  gdb has not yet connected.  After the gdb continue command is
+	  given all pent up console output will be printed by gdb on the
+	  host machine.  Neither this option, nor KGDB require the
+	  serial driver to be configured.
+config KGDB_SYSRQ
+	bool "Turn on SysRq 'G' command to do a break?"
+	depends on KGDB
+	default y
+	help
+	  This option includes an option in the SysRq code that allows
+	  you to enter SysRq G which generates a breakpoint to the KGDB
+	  stub.  This will work if the keyboard is alive and can
+	  interrupt the system.  Because of constraints on when the
+	  serial port interrupt can be enabled, this code may allow you
+	  to interrupt the system before the serial port control C is
+	  available.  Just say yes here.
 	bool "Compile the kernel with frame pointers"
+	default KGDB
 	  If you say Y here the resulting kernel image will be slightly larger
 	  and slower, but it will give very useful debugging information.
 	  If you don't debug the kernel, you can say N, but we may not be able
 	  to solve problems without frame pointers.
+	bool
+	depends on KGDB_SYSRQ
+	default y
 	depends on X86_LOCAL_APIC || X86_VOYAGER
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/arch/i386/Makefile 101-kgdb/arch/i386/Makefile
--- 100-netpoll/arch/i386/Makefile	2004-03-11 14:33:34.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/arch/i386/Makefile	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -97,6 +97,9 @@ mcore-$(CONFIG_X86_ES7000)	:= mach-es700
 # default subarch .h files
 mflags-y += -Iinclude/asm-i386/mach-default
+mflags-$(CONFIG_KGDB) += -gdwarf-2
+mflags-$(CONFIG_KGDB_MORE) += $(shell echo $(CONFIG_KGDB_OPTIONS) | sed -e 's/"//g')
 head-y := arch/i386/kernel/head.o arch/i386/kernel/init_task.o
 libs-y 					+= arch/i386/lib/
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/arch/i386/kernel/Makefile 101-kgdb/arch/i386/kernel/Makefile
--- 100-netpoll/arch/i386/kernel/Makefile	2004-03-11 14:33:35.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/arch/i386/kernel/Makefile	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ obj-y				+= timers/
 obj-$(CONFIG_ACPI_BOOT)		+= acpi/
 obj-$(CONFIG_X86_BIOS_REBOOT)	+= reboot.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_MCA)		+= mca.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_KGDB)		+= kgdb_stub.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_X86_MSR)		+= msr.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_X86_CPUID)		+= cpuid.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_MICROCODE)		+= microcode.o
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/arch/i386/kernel/entry.S 101-kgdb/arch/i386/kernel/entry.S
--- 100-netpoll/arch/i386/kernel/entry.S	2004-03-11 14:33:36.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/arch/i386/kernel/entry.S	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -48,6 +48,18 @@
 #include <asm/smp.h>
 #include <asm/page.h>
 #include "irq_vectors.h"
+        /* We do not recover from a stack overflow, but at least
+         * we know it happened and should be able to track it down.
+         */
+        testl $7680,%esp;    \
+        jnz   10f;            \
+        call  stack_overflow; \
 #define nr_syscalls ((syscall_table_size)/4)
@@ -100,7 +112,8 @@ TSS_ESP0_OFFSET = (4 - 0x200)
 	pushl %ebx; \
 	movl $(__USER_DS), %edx; \
 	movl %edx, %ds; \
-	movl %edx, %es;
+	movl %edx, %es; \
 	popl %ebx;	\
@@ -300,6 +313,19 @@ syscall_exit:
 	testw $_TIF_ALLWORK_MASK, %cx	# current->work
 	jne syscall_exit_work
+	movl EFLAGS(%esp), %eax		# mix EFLAGS and CS
+	movb CS(%esp), %al
+	testl $(VM_MASK | 3), %eax
+	jz resume_kernelX		# returning to kernel or vm86-space
+	cmpl $0,TI_PRE_COUNT(%ebx)	# non-zero preempt_count ?
+	jz resume_kernelX
+        int $3
 	# perform work that needs to be done immediately before resumption
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/arch/i386/kernel/kgdb_stub.c 101-kgdb/arch/i386/kernel/kgdb_stub.c
--- 100-netpoll/arch/i386/kernel/kgdb_stub.c	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/arch/i386/kernel/kgdb_stub.c	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,2333 @@
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+ * later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2000 VERITAS Software Corporation.
+ *
+ */
+ *  Header: remcom.c,v 1.34 91/03/09 12:29:49 glenne Exp $
+ *
+ *  Module name: remcom.c $
+ *  Revision: 1.34 $
+ *  Date: 91/03/09 12:29:49 $
+ *  Contributor:     Lake Stevens Instrument Division$
+ *
+ *  Description:     low level support for gdb debugger. $
+ *
+ *  Considerations:  only works on target hardware $
+ *
+ *  Written by:	     Glenn Engel $
+ *  Updated by:	     David Grothe <dave@gcom.com>
+ *  ModuleState:     Experimental $
+ *
+ *  NOTES:	     See Below $
+ *
+ *  Modified for 386 by Jim Kingdon, Cygnus Support.
+ *  Compatibility with 2.1.xx kernel by David Grothe <dave@gcom.com>
+ *
+ *  Changes to allow auto initilization.  All that is needed is that it
+ *  be linked with the kernel and a break point (int 3) be executed.
+ *  The header file <asm/kgdb.h> defines BREAKPOINT to allow one to do
+ *  this. It should also be possible, once the interrupt system is up, to
+ *  call putDebugChar("+").  Once this is done, the remote debugger should
+ *  get our attention by sending a ^C in a packet. George Anzinger
+ *  <george@mvista.com>
+ *  Integrated into 2.2.5 kernel by Tigran Aivazian <tigran@sco.com>
+ *  Added thread support, support for multiple processors,
+ *	support for ia-32(x86) hardware debugging.
+ *	Amit S. Kale ( akale@veritas.com )
+ *
+ *
+ *  To enable debugger support, two things need to happen.  One, a
+ *  call to set_debug_traps() is necessary in order to allow any breakpoints
+ *  or error conditions to be properly intercepted and reported to gdb.
+ *  Two, a breakpoint needs to be generated to begin communication.  This
+ *  is most easily accomplished by a call to breakpoint().  Breakpoint()
+ *  simulates a breakpoint by executing an int 3.
+ *
+ *************
+ *
+ *    The following gdb commands are supported:
+ *
+ * command	    function				   Return value
+ *
+ *    g		    return the value of the CPU registers  hex data or ENN
+ *    G		    set the value of the CPU registers	   OK or ENN
+ *
+ *    mAA..AA,LLLL  Read LLLL bytes at address AA..AA	   hex data or ENN
+ *    MAA..AA,LLLL: Write LLLL bytes at address AA.AA	   OK or ENN
+ *
+ *    c		    Resume at current address		   SNN	 ( signal NN)
+ *    cAA..AA	    Continue at address AA..AA		   SNN
+ *
+ *    s		    Step one instruction		   SNN
+ *    sAA..AA	    Step one instruction from AA..AA	   SNN
+ *
+ *    k		    kill
+ *
+ *    ?		    What was the last sigval ?		   SNN	 (signal NN)
+ *
+ * All commands and responses are sent with a packet which includes a
+ * checksum.  A packet consists of
+ *
+ * $<packet info>#<checksum>.
+ *
+ * where
+ * <packet info> :: <characters representing the command or response>
+ * <checksum>	 :: < two hex digits computed as modulo 256 sum of <packetinfo>>
+ *
+ * When a packet is received, it is first acknowledged with either '+' or '-'.
+ * '+' indicates a successful transfer.	 '-' indicates a failed transfer.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * Host:		  Reply:
+ * $m0,10#2a		   +$00010203040506070809101112131415#42
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#define KGDB_VERSION "<20030915.1651.33>"
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <asm/string.h>		/* for strcpy */
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <asm/vm86.h>
+#include <asm/system.h>
+#include <asm/ptrace.h>		/* for linux pt_regs struct */
+#include <asm/kgdb_local.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <asm/atomic.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#include <linux/irq.h>
+#include <asm/desc.h>
+ *
+ * external low-level support routines
+ */
+typedef void (*Function) (void);	/* pointer to a function */
+/* Thread reference */
+typedef unsigned char threadref[8];
+extern void putDebugChar(int);	/* write a single character	 */
+extern int getDebugChar(void);	/* read and return a single char */
+/* BUFMAX defines the maximum number of characters in inbound/outbound buffers*/
+/* at least NUMREGBYTES*2 are needed for register packets */
+/* Longer buffer is needed to list all threads */
+#define BUFMAX 400
+char *kgdb_version = KGDB_VERSION;
+/*  debug >  0 prints ill-formed commands in valid packets & checksum errors */
+int debug_regs = 0;		/* set to non-zero to print registers */
+/* filled in by an external module */
+char *gdb_module_offsets;
+static const char hexchars[] = "0123456789abcdef";
+/* Number of bytes of registers.  */
+#define NUMREGBYTES 64
+ * Note that this register image is in a different order than
+ * the register image that Linux produces at interrupt time.
+ *
+ * Linux's register image is defined by struct pt_regs in ptrace.h.
+ * Just why GDB uses a different order is a historical mystery.
+ */
+enum regnames { _EAX,		/* 0 */
+	_ECX,			/* 1 */
+	_EDX,			/* 2 */
+	_EBX,			/* 3 */
+	_ESP,			/* 4 */
+	_EBP,			/* 5 */
+	_ESI,			/* 6 */
+	_EDI,			/* 7 */
+	_PC /* 8 also known as eip */ ,
+	_PS /* 9 also known as eflags */ ,
+	_CS,			/* 10 */
+	_SS,			/* 11 */
+	_DS,			/* 12 */
+	_ES,			/* 13 */
+	_FS,			/* 14 */
+	_GS			/* 15 */
+/***************************  ASSEMBLY CODE MACROS *************************/
+ * Put the error code here just in case the user cares.
+ * Likewise, the vector number here (since GDB only gets the signal
+ * number through the usual means, and that's not very specific).
+ * The called_from is the return address so he can tell how we entered kgdb.
+ * This will allow him to seperate out the various possible entries.
+ */
+#define REMOTE_DEBUG 0		/* set != to turn on printing (also available in info) */
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+void smp_send_nmi_allbutself(void);
+#define IF_SMP(x) x
+#undef MAX_NO_CPUS
+#define hold_init hold_on_sstep: 1,
+#define MAX_CPU_MASK (unsigned long)((1LL << MAX_NO_CPUS) - 1LL)
+#define NUM_CPUS num_online_cpus()
+#define IF_SMP(x)
+#define hold_init
+#undef MAX_NO_CPUS
+#define MAX_NO_CPUS 1
+#define NUM_CPUS 1
+#define NOCPU (struct task_struct *)0xbad1fbad
+/* *INDENT-OFF*	 */
+struct kgdb_info {
+	int used_malloc;
+	void *called_from;
+	long long entry_tsc;
+	int errcode;
+	int vector;
+	int print_debug_info;
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+	int hold_on_sstep;
+	struct {
+		volatile struct task_struct *task;
+		int pid;
+		int hold;
+		struct pt_regs *regs;
+	} cpus_waiting[MAX_NO_CPUS];
+} kgdb_info = {hold_init print_debug_info:REMOTE_DEBUG, vector:-1};
+/* *INDENT-ON*	*/
+#define used_m kgdb_info.used_malloc
+ * This is little area we set aside to contain the stack we
+ * need to build to allow gdb to call functions.  We use one
+ * per cpu to avoid locking issues.  We will do all this work
+ * with interrupts off so that should take care of the protection
+ * issues.
+ */
+#define LOOKASIDE_SIZE 200	/* should be more than enough */
+#define MALLOC_MAX   200	/* Max malloc size */
+struct {
+	unsigned int esp;
+	int array[LOOKASIDE_SIZE];
+} fn_call_lookaside[MAX_NO_CPUS];
+static int trap_cpu;
+static unsigned int OLD_esp;
+#define END_OF_LOOKASIDE  &fn_call_lookaside[trap_cpu].array[LOOKASIDE_SIZE]
+#define IF_BIT 0x200
+#define TF_BIT 0x100
+#define MALLOC_ROUND 8-1
+static char malloc_array[MALLOC_MAX];
+IF_SMP(static void to_gdb(const char *mess));
+void *
+malloc(int size)
+	if (size <= (MALLOC_MAX - used_m)) {
+		int old_used = used_m;
+		used_m += ((size + MALLOC_ROUND) & (~MALLOC_ROUND));
+		return &malloc_array[old_used];
+	} else {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+ * Gdb calls functions by pushing agruments, including a return address
+ * on the stack and the adjusting EIP to point to the function.	 The
+ * whole assumption in GDB is that we are on a different stack than the
+ * one the "user" i.e. code that hit the break point, is on.  This, of
+ * course is not true in the kernel.  Thus various dodges are needed to
+ * do the call without directly messing with EIP (which we can not change
+ * as it is just a location and not a register.	 To adjust it would then
+ * require that we move every thing below EIP up or down as needed.  This
+ * will not work as we may well have stack relative pointer on the stack
+ * (such as the pointer to regs, for example).
+ * So here is what we do:
+ * We detect gdb attempting to store into the stack area and instead, store
+ * into the fn_call_lookaside.array at the same relative location as if it
+ * were the area ESP pointed at.  We also trap ESP modifications
+ * and uses these to adjust fn_call_lookaside.esp.  On entry
+ * fn_call_lookaside.esp will be set to point at the last entry in
+ * fn_call_lookaside.array.  This allows us to check if it has changed, and
+ * if so, on exit, we add the registers we will use to do the move and a
+ * trap/ interrupt return exit sequence.  We then adjust the eflags in the
+ * regs array (remember we now have a copy in the fn_call_lookaside.array) to
+ * kill the interrupt bit, AND we change EIP to point at our set up stub.
+ * As part of the register set up we preset the registers to point at the
+ * begining and end of the fn_call_lookaside.array, so all the stub needs to
+ * do is move words from the array to the stack until ESP= the desired value
+ * then do the rti.  This will then transfer to the desired function with
+ * all the correct registers.  Nifty huh?
+ */
+extern asmlinkage void fn_call_stub(void);
+extern asmlinkage void fn_rtn_stub(void);
+/*					   *INDENT-OFF*	 */
+	"movl %eax,%esp\n\t"
+	"fn_call_stub:\n\t"
+	"1:\n\t"
+	"addl $-4,%ebx\n\t"
+	"movl (%ebx), %eax\n\t"
+	"pushl %eax\n\t"
+	"cmpl %esp,%ecx\n\t"
+	"jne  1b\n\t"
+	"popl %eax\n\t"
+	"popl %ebx\n\t"
+	"popl %ecx\n\t"
+	"iret \n\t");
+/*					     *INDENT-ON*  */
+#define gdb_i386vector	kgdb_info.vector
+#define gdb_i386errcode kgdb_info.errcode
+#define waiting_cpus	kgdb_info.cpus_waiting
+#define remote_debug	kgdb_info.print_debug_info
+#define hold_cpu(cpu)	kgdb_info.cpus_waiting[cpu].hold
+/* gdb locks */
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+static int in_kgdb_called;
+static spinlock_t waitlocks[MAX_NO_CPUS] =
+    {[0 ... MAX_NO_CPUS - 1] = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED };
+ * The following array has the thread pointer of each of the "other"
+ * cpus.  We make it global so it can be seen by gdb.
+ */
+volatile int in_kgdb_entry_log[MAX_NO_CPUS];
+volatile struct pt_regs *in_kgdb_here_log[MAX_NO_CPUS];
+static spinlock_t continuelocks[MAX_NO_CPUS];
+spinlock_t kgdb_spinlock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+/* waiters on our spinlock plus us */
+static atomic_t spinlock_waiters = ATOMIC_INIT(1);
+static int spinlock_count = 0;
+static int spinlock_cpu = 0;
+ * Note we use nested spin locks to account for the case where a break
+ * point is encountered when calling a function by user direction from
+ * kgdb. Also there is the memory exception recursion to account for.
+ * Well, yes, but this lets other cpus thru too.  Lets add a
+ * cpu id to the lock.
+ */
+#define KGDB_SPIN_LOCK(x) if( spinlock_count == 0 || \
+			      spinlock_cpu != smp_processor_id()){\
+				      atomic_inc(&spinlock_waiters); \
+				      while (! spin_trylock(x)) {\
+					    in_kgdb(&regs);\
+				      }\
+				      atomic_dec(&spinlock_waiters); \
+				      spinlock_count = 1; \
+				      spinlock_cpu = smp_processor_id(); \
+			  }else{  \
+				      spinlock_count++; \
+			  }
+#define KGDB_SPIN_UNLOCK(x) if( --spinlock_count == 0) spin_unlock(x)
+unsigned kgdb_spinlock = 0;
+#define KGDB_SPIN_LOCK(x) --*x
+#define KGDB_SPIN_UNLOCK(x) ++*x
+hex(char ch)
+	if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'f'))
+		return (ch - 'a' + 10);
+	if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9'))
+		return (ch - '0');
+	if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'F'))
+		return (ch - 'A' + 10);
+	return (-1);
+/* scan for the sequence $<data>#<checksum>	*/
+getpacket(char *buffer)
+	unsigned char checksum;
+	unsigned char xmitcsum;
+	int i;
+	int count;
+	char ch;
+	do {
+		/* wait around for the start character, ignore all other characters */
+		while ((ch = (getDebugChar() & 0x7f)) != '$') ;
+		checksum = 0;
+		xmitcsum = -1;
+		count = 0;
+		/* now, read until a # or end of buffer is found */
+		while (count < BUFMAX) {
+			ch = getDebugChar() & 0x7f;
+			if (ch == '#')
+				break;
+			checksum = checksum + ch;
+			buffer[count] = ch;
+			count = count + 1;
+		}
+		buffer[count] = 0;
+		if (ch == '#') {
+			xmitcsum = hex(getDebugChar() & 0x7f) << 4;
+			xmitcsum += hex(getDebugChar() & 0x7f);
+			if ((remote_debug) && (checksum != xmitcsum)) {
+				printk
+				    ("bad checksum.	My count = 0x%x, sent=0x%x. buf=%s\n",
+				     checksum, xmitcsum, buffer);
+			}
+			if (checksum != xmitcsum)
+				putDebugChar('-');	/* failed checksum */
+			else {
+				putDebugChar('+');	/* successful transfer */
+				/* if a sequence char is present, reply the sequence ID */
+				if (buffer[2] == ':') {
+					putDebugChar(buffer[0]);
+					putDebugChar(buffer[1]);
+					/* remove sequence chars from buffer */
+					count = strlen(buffer);
+					for (i = 3; i <= count; i++)
+						buffer[i - 3] = buffer[i];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} while (checksum != xmitcsum);
+	if (remote_debug)
+		printk("R:%s\n", buffer);
+/* send the packet in buffer.  */
+putpacket(char *buffer)
+	unsigned char checksum;
+	int count;
+	char ch;
+	/*  $<packet info>#<checksum>. */
+	do {
+		if (remote_debug)
+			printk("T:%s\n", buffer);
+		putDebugChar('$');
+		checksum = 0;
+		count = 0;
+		while ((ch = buffer[count])) {
+			putDebugChar(ch);
+			checksum += ch;
+			count += 1;
+		}
+		putDebugChar('#');
+		putDebugChar(hexchars[checksum >> 4]);
+		putDebugChar(hexchars[checksum % 16]);
+	} while ((getDebugChar() & 0x7f) != '+');
+static char remcomInBuffer[BUFMAX];
+static char remcomOutBuffer[BUFMAX];
+static short error;
+debug_error(char *format, char *parm)
+	if (remote_debug)
+		printk(format, parm);
+static void
+print_regs(struct pt_regs *regs)
+	printk("EAX=%08lx ", regs->eax);
+	printk("EBX=%08lx ", regs->ebx);
+	printk("ECX=%08lx ", regs->ecx);
+	printk("EDX=%08lx ", regs->edx);
+	printk("\n");
+	printk("ESI=%08lx ", regs->esi);
+	printk("EDI=%08lx ", regs->edi);
+	printk("EBP=%08lx ", regs->ebp);
+	printk("ESP=%08lx ", (long) &regs->esp);
+	printk("\n");
+	printk(" DS=%08x ", regs->xds);
+	printk(" ES=%08x ", regs->xes);
+	printk(" SS=%08x ", __KERNEL_DS);
+	printk(" FL=%08lx ", regs->eflags);
+	printk("\n");
+	printk(" CS=%08x ", regs->xcs);
+	printk(" IP=%08lx ", regs->eip);
+#if 0
+	printk(" FS=%08x ", regs->fs);
+	printk(" GS=%08x ", regs->gs);
+	printk("\n");
+}				/* print_regs */
+#define NEW_esp fn_call_lookaside[trap_cpu].esp
+static void
+regs_to_gdb_regs(int *gdb_regs, struct pt_regs *regs)
+	gdb_regs[_EAX] = regs->eax;
+	gdb_regs[_EBX] = regs->ebx;
+	gdb_regs[_ECX] = regs->ecx;
+	gdb_regs[_EDX] = regs->edx;
+	gdb_regs[_ESI] = regs->esi;
+	gdb_regs[_EDI] = regs->edi;
+	gdb_regs[_EBP] = regs->ebp;
+	gdb_regs[_DS] = regs->xds;
+	gdb_regs[_ES] = regs->xes;
+	gdb_regs[_PS] = regs->eflags;
+	gdb_regs[_CS] = regs->xcs;
+	gdb_regs[_PC] = regs->eip;
+	/* Note, as we are a debugging the kernel, we will always
+	 * trap in kernel code, this means no priviledge change,
+	 * and so the pt_regs structure is not completely valid.  In a non
+	 * privilege change trap, only EFLAGS, CS and EIP are put on the stack,
+	 * SS and ESP are not stacked, this means that the last 2 elements of
+	 * pt_regs is not valid (they would normally refer to the user stack)
+	 * also, using regs+1 is no good because you end up will a value that is
+	 * 2 longs (8) too high.  This used to cause stepping over functions
+	 * to fail, so my fix is to use the address of regs->esp, which
+	 * should point at the end of the stack frame.	Note I have ignored
+	 * completely exceptions that cause an error code to be stacked, such
+	 * as double fault.  Stuart Hughes, Zentropix.
+	 * original code: gdb_regs[_ESP] =  (int) (regs + 1) ;
+	 * this is now done on entry and moved to OLD_esp (as well as NEW_esp).
+	 */
+	gdb_regs[_ESP] = NEW_esp;
+	gdb_regs[_SS] = __KERNEL_DS;
+	gdb_regs[_FS] = 0xFFFF;
+	gdb_regs[_GS] = 0xFFFF;
+}				/* regs_to_gdb_regs */
+static void
+gdb_regs_to_regs(int *gdb_regs, struct pt_regs *regs)
+	regs->eax = gdb_regs[_EAX];
+	regs->ebx = gdb_regs[_EBX];
+	regs->ecx = gdb_regs[_ECX];
+	regs->edx = gdb_regs[_EDX];
+	regs->esi = gdb_regs[_ESI];
+	regs->edi = gdb_regs[_EDI];
+	regs->ebp = gdb_regs[_EBP];
+	regs->xds = gdb_regs[_DS];
+	regs->xes = gdb_regs[_ES];
+	regs->eflags = gdb_regs[_PS];
+	regs->xcs = gdb_regs[_CS];
+	regs->eip = gdb_regs[_PC];
+	NEW_esp = gdb_regs[_ESP];	/* keep the value */
+#if 0				/* can't change these */
+	regs->esp = gdb_regs[_ESP];
+	regs->xss = gdb_regs[_SS];
+	regs->fs = gdb_regs[_FS];
+	regs->gs = gdb_regs[_GS];
+}				/* gdb_regs_to_regs */
+extern void scheduling_functions_start_here(void);
+extern void scheduling_functions_end_here(void);
+#define first_sched	((unsigned long) scheduling_functions_start_here)
+#define last_sched	((unsigned long) scheduling_functions_end_here)
+int thread_list = 0;
+get_gdb_regs(struct task_struct *p, struct pt_regs *regs, int *gdb_regs)
+	unsigned long stack_page;
+	int count = 0;
+	IF_SMP(int i);
+	if (!p || p == current) {
+		regs_to_gdb_regs(gdb_regs, regs);
+		return;
+	}
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+	for (i = 0; i < MAX_NO_CPUS; i++) {
+		if (p == kgdb_info.cpus_waiting[i].task) {
+			regs_to_gdb_regs(gdb_regs,
+					 kgdb_info.cpus_waiting[i].regs);
+			gdb_regs[_ESP] =
+			    (int) &kgdb_info.cpus_waiting[i].regs->esp;
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	memset(gdb_regs, 0, NUMREGBYTES);
+	gdb_regs[_ESP] = p->thread.esp;
+	gdb_regs[_PC] = p->thread.eip;
+	gdb_regs[_EBP] = *(int *) gdb_regs[_ESP];
+	gdb_regs[_EDI] = *(int *) (gdb_regs[_ESP] + 4);
+	gdb_regs[_ESI] = *(int *) (gdb_regs[_ESP] + 8);
+ * This code is to give a more informative notion of where a process
+ * is waiting.	It is used only when the user asks for a thread info
+ * list.  If he then switches to the thread, s/he will find the task
+ * is in schedule, but a back trace should show the same info we come
+ * up with.  This code was shamelessly purloined from process.c.  It was
+ * then enhanced to provide more registers than simply the program
+ * counter.
+ */
+	if (!thread_list) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (p->state == TASK_RUNNING)
+		return;
+	stack_page = (unsigned long) p->thread_info;
+	if (gdb_regs[_ESP] < stack_page || gdb_regs[_ESP] > 8188 + stack_page)
+		return;
+	/* include/asm-i386/system.h:switch_to() pushes ebp last. */
+	do {
+		if (gdb_regs[_EBP] < stack_page ||
+		    gdb_regs[_EBP] > 8184 + stack_page)
+			return;
+		gdb_regs[_PC] = *(unsigned long *) (gdb_regs[_EBP] + 4);
+		gdb_regs[_ESP] = gdb_regs[_EBP] + 8;
+		gdb_regs[_EBP] = *(unsigned long *) gdb_regs[_EBP];
+		if (gdb_regs[_PC] < first_sched || gdb_regs[_PC] >= last_sched)
+			return;
+	} while (count++ < 16);
+	return;
+/* Indicate to caller of mem2hex or hex2mem that there has been an
+   error.  */
+static volatile int mem_err = 0;
+static volatile int mem_err_expected = 0;
+static volatile int mem_err_cnt = 0;
+static int garbage_loc = -1;
+get_char(char *addr)
+	return *addr;
+set_char(char *addr, int val, int may_fault)
+	/*
+	 * This code traps references to the area mapped to the kernel
+	 * stack as given by the regs and, instead, stores to the
+	 * fn_call_lookaside[cpu].array
+	 */
+	if (may_fault &&
+	    (unsigned int) addr < OLD_esp &&
+	    ((unsigned int) addr > (OLD_esp - (unsigned int) LOOKASIDE_SIZE))) {
+		addr = (char *) END_OF_LOOKASIDE - ((char *) OLD_esp - addr);
+	}
+	*addr = val;
+/* convert the memory pointed to by mem into hex, placing result in buf */
+/* return a pointer to the last char put in buf (null) */
+/* If MAY_FAULT is non-zero, then we should set mem_err in response to
+   a fault; if zero treat a fault like any other fault in the stub.  */
+char *
+mem2hex(char *mem, char *buf, int count, int may_fault)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ch;
+	if (may_fault) {
+		mem_err_expected = 1;
+		mem_err = 0;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+		/* printk("%lx = ", mem) ; */
+		ch = get_char(mem++);
+		/* printk("%02x\n", ch & 0xFF) ; */
+		if (may_fault && mem_err) {
+			if (remote_debug)
+				printk("Mem fault fetching from addr %lx\n",
+				       (long) (mem - 1));
+			*buf = 0;	/* truncate buffer */
+			return (buf);
+		}
+		*buf++ = hexchars[ch >> 4];
+		*buf++ = hexchars[ch % 16];
+	}
+	*buf = 0;
+	if (may_fault)
+		mem_err_expected = 0;
+	return (buf);
+/* convert the hex array pointed to by buf into binary to be placed in mem */
+/* return a pointer to the character AFTER the last byte written */
+/* NOTE: We use the may fault flag to also indicate if the write is to
+ * the registers (0) or "other" memory (!=0)
+ */
+char *
+hex2mem(char *buf, char *mem, int count, int may_fault)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ch;
+	if (may_fault) {
+		mem_err_expected = 1;
+		mem_err = 0;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+		ch = hex(*buf++) << 4;
+		ch = ch + hex(*buf++);
+		set_char(mem++, ch, may_fault);
+		if (may_fault && mem_err) {
+			if (remote_debug)
+				printk("Mem fault storing to addr %lx\n",
+				       (long) (mem - 1));
+			return (mem);
+		}
+	}
+	if (may_fault)
+		mem_err_expected = 0;
+	return (mem);
+hexToInt(char **ptr, int *intValue)
+	int numChars = 0;
+	int hexValue;
+	*intValue = 0;
+	while (**ptr) {
+		hexValue = hex(**ptr);
+		if (hexValue >= 0) {
+			*intValue = (*intValue << 4) | hexValue;
+			numChars++;
+		} else
+			break;
+		(*ptr)++;
+	}
+	return (numChars);
+#define stubhex(h) hex(h)
+#ifdef old_thread_list
+static int
+stub_unpack_int(char *buff, int fieldlength)
+	int nibble;
+	int retval = 0;
+	while (fieldlength) {
+		nibble = stubhex(*buff++);
+		retval |= nibble;
+		fieldlength--;
+		if (fieldlength)
+			retval = retval << 4;
+	}
+	return retval;
+static char *
+pack_hex_byte(char *pkt, int byte)
+	*pkt++ = hexchars[(byte >> 4) & 0xf];
+	*pkt++ = hexchars[(byte & 0xf)];
+	return pkt;
+#define BUF_THREAD_ID_SIZE 16
+static char *
+pack_threadid(char *pkt, threadref * id)
+	char *limit;
+	unsigned char *altid;
+	altid = (unsigned char *) id;
+	limit = pkt + BUF_THREAD_ID_SIZE;
+	while (pkt < limit)
+		pkt = pack_hex_byte(pkt, *altid++);
+	return pkt;
+#ifdef old_thread_list
+static char *
+unpack_byte(char *buf, int *value)
+	*value = stub_unpack_int(buf, 2);
+	return buf + 2;
+static char *
+unpack_threadid(char *inbuf, threadref * id)
+	char *altref;
+	char *limit = inbuf + BUF_THREAD_ID_SIZE;
+	int x, y;
+	altref = (char *) id;
+	while (inbuf < limit) {
+		x = stubhex(*inbuf++);
+		y = stubhex(*inbuf++);
+		*altref++ = (x << 4) | y;
+	}
+	return inbuf;
+int_to_threadref(threadref * id, int value)
+	unsigned char *scan;
+	scan = (unsigned char *) id;
+	{
+		int i = 4;
+		while (i--)
+			*scan++ = 0;
+	}
+	*scan++ = (value >> 24) & 0xff;
+	*scan++ = (value >> 16) & 0xff;
+	*scan++ = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
+	*scan++ = (value & 0xff);
+int_to_hex_v(unsigned char * id, int value)
+	unsigned char *start = id;
+	int shift;
+	int ch;
+	for (shift = 28; shift >= 0; shift -= 4) {
+		if ((ch = (value >> shift) & 0xf) || (id != start)) {
+			*id = hexchars[ch];
+			id++;
+		}
+	}
+	if (id == start)
+		*id++ = '0';
+	return id - start;
+#ifdef old_thread_list
+static int
+threadref_to_int(threadref * ref)
+	int i, value = 0;
+	unsigned char *scan;
+	scan = (char *) ref;
+	scan += 4;
+	i = 4;
+	while (i-- > 0)
+		value = (value << 8) | ((*scan++) & 0xff);
+	return value;
+static int
+cmp_str(char *s1, char *s2, int count)
+	while (count--) {
+		if (*s1++ != *s2++)
+			return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+#if 1				/* this is a hold over from 2.4 where O(1) was "sometimes" */
+extern struct task_struct *kgdb_get_idle(int cpu);
+#define idle_task(cpu) kgdb_get_idle(cpu)
+#define idle_task(cpu) init_tasks[cpu]
+extern int kgdb_pid_init_done;
+struct task_struct *
+getthread(int pid)
+	struct task_struct *thread;
+	if (pid >= PID_MAX && pid <= (PID_MAX + MAX_NO_CPUS)) {
+		return idle_task(pid - PID_MAX);
+	} else {
+		/*
+		 * find_task_by_pid is relatively safe all the time
+		 * Other pid functions require lock downs which imply
+		 * that we may be interrupting them (as we get here
+		 * in the middle of most any lock down).
+		 * Still we don't want to call until the table exists!
+		 */
+		if (kgdb_pid_init_done){
+			thread = find_task_by_pid(pid);
+			if (thread) {
+				return thread;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
+/* *INDENT-OFF*	 */
+struct hw_breakpoint {
+	unsigned enabled;
+	unsigned type;
+	unsigned len;
+	unsigned addr;
+} breakinfo[4] = { {enabled:0},
+		   {enabled:0},
+		   {enabled:0},
+		   {enabled:0}};
+/* *INDENT-ON*	*/
+unsigned hw_breakpoint_status;
+	int breakno;
+	int correctit;
+	int breakbit;
+	unsigned dr7;
+	asm volatile ("movl %%db7, %0\n":"=r" (dr7)
+		      :);
+	/* *INDENT-OFF*	 */
+	do {
+		unsigned addr0, addr1, addr2, addr3;
+		asm volatile ("movl %%db0, %0\n"
+			      "movl %%db1, %1\n"
+			      "movl %%db2, %2\n"
+			      "movl %%db3, %3\n"
+			      :"=r" (addr0), "=r"(addr1),
+			      "=r"(addr2), "=r"(addr3)
+			      :);
+	} while (0);
+	/* *INDENT-ON*	*/
+	correctit = 0;
+	for (breakno = 0; breakno < 3; breakno++) {
+		breakbit = 2 << (breakno << 1);
+		if (!(dr7 & breakbit) && breakinfo[breakno].enabled) {
+			correctit = 1;
+			dr7 |= breakbit;
+			dr7 &= ~(0xf0000 << (breakno << 2));
+			dr7 |= (((breakinfo[breakno].len << 2) |
+				 breakinfo[breakno].type) << 16) <<
+			    (breakno << 2);
+			switch (breakno) {
+			case 0:
+				asm volatile ("movl %0, %%dr0\n"::"r"
+					      (breakinfo[breakno].addr));
+				break;
+			case 1:
+				asm volatile ("movl %0, %%dr1\n"::"r"
+					      (breakinfo[breakno].addr));
+				break;
+			case 2:
+				asm volatile ("movl %0, %%dr2\n"::"r"
+					      (breakinfo[breakno].addr));
+				break;
+			case 3:
+				asm volatile ("movl %0, %%dr3\n"::"r"
+					      (breakinfo[breakno].addr));
+				break;
+			}
+		} else if ((dr7 & breakbit) && !breakinfo[breakno].enabled) {
+			correctit = 1;
+			dr7 &= ~breakbit;
+			dr7 &= ~(0xf0000 << (breakno << 2));
+		}
+	}
+	if (correctit) {
+		asm volatile ("movl %0, %%db7\n"::"r" (dr7));
+	}
+remove_hw_break(unsigned breakno)
+	if (!breakinfo[breakno].enabled) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	breakinfo[breakno].enabled = 0;
+	return 0;
+set_hw_break(unsigned breakno, unsigned type, unsigned len, unsigned addr)
+	if (breakinfo[breakno].enabled) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	breakinfo[breakno].enabled = 1;
+	breakinfo[breakno].type = type;
+	breakinfo[breakno].len = len;
+	breakinfo[breakno].addr = addr;
+	return 0;
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+static int in_kgdb_console = 0;
+in_kgdb(struct pt_regs *regs)
+	unsigned flags;
+	int cpu = smp_processor_id();
+	in_kgdb_called = 1;
+	if (!spin_is_locked(&kgdb_spinlock)) {
+		if (in_kgdb_here_log[cpu] ||	/* we are holding this cpu */
+		    in_kgdb_console) {	/* or we are doing slow i/o */
+			return 1;
+		}
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* As I see it the only reason not to let all cpus spin on
+	 * the same spin_lock is to allow selected ones to proceed.
+	 * This would be a good thing, so we leave it this way.
+	 * Maybe someday....  Done !
+	 * in_kgdb() is called from an NMI so we don't pretend
+	 * to have any resources, like printk() for example.
+	 */
+	kgdb_local_irq_save(flags);	/* only local here, to avoid hanging */
+	/*
+	 * log arival of this cpu
+	 * The NMI keeps on ticking.  Protect against recurring more
+	 * than once, and ignor the cpu that has the kgdb lock
+	 */
+	in_kgdb_entry_log[cpu]++;
+	in_kgdb_here_log[cpu] = regs;
+	if (cpu == spinlock_cpu || waiting_cpus[cpu].task) {
+		goto exit_in_kgdb;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * For protection of the initilization of the spin locks by kgdb
+	 * it locks the kgdb spinlock before it gets the wait locks set
+	 * up.	We wait here for the wait lock to be taken.  If the
+	 * kgdb lock goes away first??	Well, it could be a slow exit
+	 * sequence where the wait lock is removed prior to the kgdb lock
+	 * so if kgdb gets unlocked, we just exit.
+	 */
+	while (spin_is_locked(&kgdb_spinlock) &&
+	       !spin_is_locked(waitlocks + cpu)) ;
+	if (!spin_is_locked(&kgdb_spinlock)) {
+		goto exit_in_kgdb;
+	}
+	waiting_cpus[cpu].task = current;
+	waiting_cpus[cpu].pid = (current->pid) ? : (PID_MAX + cpu);
+	waiting_cpus[cpu].regs = regs;
+	spin_unlock_wait(waitlocks + cpu);
+	/*
+	 * log departure of this cpu
+	 */
+	waiting_cpus[cpu].task = 0;
+	waiting_cpus[cpu].pid = 0;
+	waiting_cpus[cpu].regs = 0;
+	correct_hw_break();
+      exit_in_kgdb:
+	in_kgdb_here_log[cpu] = 0;
+	kgdb_local_irq_restore(flags);
+	return 1;
+	/*
+	   spin_unlock(continuelocks + smp_processor_id());
+	 */
+smp__in_kgdb(struct pt_regs regs)
+	ack_APIC_irq();
+	in_kgdb(&regs);
+in_kgdb(struct pt_regs *regs)
+	return (kgdb_spinlock);
+printexceptioninfo(int exceptionNo, int errorcode, char *buffer)
+	unsigned dr6;
+	int i;
+	switch (exceptionNo) {
+	case 1:		/* debug exception */
+		break;
+	case 3:		/* breakpoint */
+		sprintf(buffer, "Software breakpoint");
+		return;
+	default:
+		sprintf(buffer, "Details not available");
+		return;
+	}
+	asm volatile ("movl %%db6, %0\n":"=r" (dr6)
+		      :);
+	if (dr6 & 0x4000) {
+		sprintf(buffer, "Single step");
+		return;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+		if (dr6 & (1 << i)) {
+			sprintf(buffer, "Hardware breakpoint %d", i);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	sprintf(buffer, "Unknown trap");
+	return;
+ * This function does all command procesing for interfacing to gdb.
+ *
+ * NOTE:  The INT nn instruction leaves the state of the interrupt
+ *	  enable flag UNCHANGED.  That means that when this routine
+ *	  is entered via a breakpoint (INT 3) instruction from code
+ *	  that has interrupts enabled, then interrupts will STILL BE
+ *	  enabled when this routine is entered.	 The first thing that
+ *	  we do here is disable interrupts so as to prevent recursive
+ *	  entries and bothersome serial interrupts while we are
+ *	  trying to run the serial port in polled mode.
+ *
+ * For kernel version 2.1.xx the kgdb_cli() actually gets a spin lock so
+ * it is always necessary to do a restore_flags before returning
+ * so as to let go of that lock.
+ */
+kgdb_handle_exception(int exceptionVector,
+		      int signo, int err_code, struct pt_regs *linux_regs)
+	struct task_struct *usethread = NULL;
+	struct task_struct *thread_list_start = 0, *thread = NULL;
+	int addr, length;
+	int breakno, breaktype;
+	char *ptr;
+	int newPC;
+	threadref thref;
+	int threadid;
+	int thread_min = PID_MAX + MAX_NO_CPUS;
+#ifdef old_thread_list
+	int maxthreads;
+	int nothreads;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	int gdb_regs[NUMREGBYTES / 4];
+	int dr6;
+	IF_SMP(int entry_state = 0);	/* 0, ok, 1, no nmi, 2 sync failed */
+#define NO_NMI 1
+#define NO_SYNC 2
+#define	regs	(*linux_regs)
+	/*
+	 * If the entry is not from the kernel then return to the Linux
+	 * trap handler and let it process the interrupt normally.
+	 */
+	if ((linux_regs->eflags & VM_MASK) || (3 & linux_regs->xcs)) {
+		printk("ignoring non-kernel exception\n");
+		print_regs(&regs);
+		return (0);
+	}
+	kgdb_local_irq_save(flags);
+	/* Get kgdb spinlock */
+	KGDB_SPIN_LOCK(&kgdb_spinlock);
+	rdtscll(kgdb_info.entry_tsc);
+	/*
+	 * We depend on this spinlock and the NMI watch dog to control the
+	 * other cpus.	They will arrive at "in_kgdb()" as a result of the
+	 * NMI and will wait there for the following spin locks to be
+	 * released.
+	 */
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+#if 0
+	if (cpu_callout_map & ~MAX_CPU_MASK) {
+		printk("kgdb : too many cpus, possibly not mapped"
+		       " in contiguous space, change MAX_NO_CPUS"
+		       " in kgdb_stub and make new kernel.\n"
+		       " cpu_callout_map is %lx\n", cpu_callout_map);
+		goto exit_just_unlock;
+	}
+	if (spinlock_count == 1) {
+		int time, end_time, dum;
+		int i;
+		int cpu_logged_in[MAX_NO_CPUS] = {[0 ... MAX_NO_CPUS - 1] = (0)
+		};
+		if (remote_debug) {
+			printk("kgdb : cpu %d entry, syncing others\n",
+			       smp_processor_id());
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i < MAX_NO_CPUS; i++) {
+			/*
+			 * Use trylock as we may already hold the lock if
+			 * we are holding the cpu.  Net result is all
+			 * locked.
+			 */
+			spin_trylock(&waitlocks[i]);
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i < MAX_NO_CPUS; i++)
+			cpu_logged_in[i] = 0;
+		/*
+		 * Wait for their arrival.  We know the watch dog is active if
+		 * in_kgdb() has ever been called, as it is always called on a
+		 * watchdog tick.
+		 */
+		rdtsc(dum, time);
+		end_time = time + 2;	/* Note: we use the High order bits! */
+		i = 1;
+		if (num_online_cpus() > 1) {
+			int me_in_kgdb = in_kgdb_entry_log[smp_processor_id()];
+			smp_send_nmi_allbutself();
+			while (i < num_online_cpus() && time != end_time) {
+				int j;
+				for (j = 0; j < MAX_NO_CPUS; j++) {
+					if (waiting_cpus[j].task &&
+					    !cpu_logged_in[j]) {
+						i++;
+						cpu_logged_in[j] = 1;
+						if (remote_debug) {
+							printk
+							    ("kgdb : cpu %d arrived at kgdb\n",
+							     j);
+						}
+						break;
+					} else if (!waiting_cpus[j].task &&
+						   !cpu_online(j)) {
+						waiting_cpus[j].task = NOCPU;
+						cpu_logged_in[j] = 1;
+						waiting_cpus[j].hold = 1;
+						break;
+					}
+					if (!waiting_cpus[j].task &&
+					    in_kgdb_here_log[j]) {
+						int wait = 100000;
+						while (wait--) ;
+						if (!waiting_cpus[j].task &&
+						    in_kgdb_here_log[j]) {
+							printk
+							    ("kgdb : cpu %d stall"
+							     " in in_kgdb\n",
+							     j);
+							i++;
+							cpu_logged_in[j] = 1;
+							waiting_cpus[j].task =
+							    (struct task_struct
+							     *) 1;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (in_kgdb_entry_log[smp_processor_id()] >
+				    (me_in_kgdb + 10)) {
+					break;
+				}
+				rdtsc(dum, time);
+			}
+			if (i < num_online_cpus()) {
+				printk
+				    ("kgdb : time out, proceeding without sync\n");
+#if 0
+				printk("kgdb : Waiting_cpus: 0 = %d, 1 = %d\n",
+				       waiting_cpus[0].task != 0,
+				       waiting_cpus[1].task != 0);
+				printk("kgdb : Cpu_logged in: 0 = %d, 1 = %d\n",
+				       cpu_logged_in[0], cpu_logged_in[1]);
+				printk
+				    ("kgdb : in_kgdb_here_log in: 0 = %d, 1 = %d\n",
+				     in_kgdb_here_log[0] != 0,
+				     in_kgdb_here_log[1] != 0);
+				entry_state = NO_SYNC;
+			} else {
+#if 0
+				int ent =
+				    in_kgdb_entry_log[smp_processor_id()] -
+				    me_in_kgdb;
+				printk("kgdb : sync after %d entries\n", ent);
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (remote_debug) {
+				printk
+				    ("kgdb : %d cpus, but watchdog not active\n"
+				     "proceeding without locking down other cpus\n",
+				     num_online_cpus());
+				entry_state = NO_NMI;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (remote_debug) {
+		unsigned long *lp = (unsigned long *) &linux_regs;
+		printk("handle_exception(exceptionVector=%d, "
+		       "signo=%d, err_code=%d, linux_regs=%p)\n",
+		       exceptionVector, signo, err_code, linux_regs);
+		if (debug_regs) {
+			print_regs(&regs);
+			printk("Stk: %8lx %8lx %8lx %8lx"
+			       "  %8lx %8lx %8lx %8lx\n",
+			       lp[0], lp[1], lp[2], lp[3],
+			       lp[4], lp[5], lp[6], lp[7]);
+			printk("     %8lx %8lx %8lx %8lx"
+			       "  %8lx %8lx %8lx %8lx\n",
+			       lp[8], lp[9], lp[10], lp[11],
+			       lp[12], lp[13], lp[14], lp[15]);
+			printk("     %8lx %8lx %8lx %8lx  "
+			       "%8lx %8lx %8lx %8lx\n",
+			       lp[16], lp[17], lp[18], lp[19],
+			       lp[20], lp[21], lp[22], lp[23]);
+			printk("     %8lx %8lx %8lx %8lx  "
+			       "%8lx %8lx %8lx %8lx\n",
+			       lp[24], lp[25], lp[26], lp[27],
+			       lp[28], lp[29], lp[30], lp[31]);
+		}
+	}
+	/* Disable hardware debugging while we are in kgdb */
+	/* Get the debug register status register */
+/*				       *INDENT-OFF*  */
+      __asm__("movl %0,%%db7"
+	      :	/* no output */
+	      :"r"(0));
+	asm volatile ("movl %%db6, %0\n"
+		      :"=r" (hw_breakpoint_status)
+		      :);
+/*				       *INDENT-ON*  */
+	switch (exceptionVector) {
+	case 0:		/* divide error */
+	case 1:		/* debug exception */
+	case 2:		/* NMI */
+	case 3:		/* breakpoint */
+	case 4:		/* overflow */
+	case 5:		/* bounds check */
+	case 6:		/* invalid opcode */
+	case 7:		/* device not available */
+	case 8:		/* double fault (errcode) */
+	case 10:		/* invalid TSS (errcode) */
+	case 12:		/* stack fault (errcode) */
+	case 16:		/* floating point error */
+	case 17:		/* alignment check (errcode) */
+	default:		/* any undocumented */
+		break;
+	case 11:		/* segment not present (errcode) */
+	case 13:		/* general protection (errcode) */
+	case 14:		/* page fault (special errcode) */
+	case 19:		/* cache flush denied */
+		if (mem_err_expected) {
+			/*
+			 * This fault occured because of the
+			 * get_char or set_char routines.  These
+			 * two routines use either eax of edx to
+			 * indirectly reference the location in
+			 * memory that they are working with.
+			 * For a page fault, when we return the
+			 * instruction will be retried, so we
+			 * have to make sure that these
+			 * registers point to valid memory.
+			 */
+			mem_err = 1;	/* set mem error flag */
+			mem_err_expected = 0;
+			mem_err_cnt++;	/* helps in debugging */
+			/* make valid address */
+			regs.eax = (long) &garbage_loc;
+			/* make valid address */
+			regs.edx = (long) &garbage_loc;
+			if (remote_debug)
+				printk("Return after memory error: "
+				       "mem_err_cnt=%d\n", mem_err_cnt);
+			if (debug_regs)
+				print_regs(&regs);
+			goto exit_kgdb;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	if (remote_debug)
+		printk("kgdb : entered kgdb on cpu %d\n", smp_processor_id());
+	gdb_i386vector = exceptionVector;
+	gdb_i386errcode = err_code;
+	kgdb_info.called_from = __builtin_return_address(0);
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+	/*
+	 * OK, we can now communicate, lets tell gdb about the sync.
+	 * but only if we had a problem.
+	 */
+	switch (entry_state) {
+	case NO_NMI:
+		to_gdb("NMI not active, other cpus not stopped\n");
+		break;
+	case NO_SYNC:
+		to_gdb("Some cpus not stopped, see 'kgdb_info' for details\n");
+	default:;
+	}
+ * Set up the gdb function call area.
+ */
+	trap_cpu = smp_processor_id();
+	OLD_esp = NEW_esp = (int) (&linux_regs->esp);
+      IF_SMP(once_again:)
+	    /* reply to host that an exception has occurred */
+	    remcomOutBuffer[0] = 'S';
+	remcomOutBuffer[1] = hexchars[signo >> 4];
+	remcomOutBuffer[2] = hexchars[signo % 16];
+	remcomOutBuffer[3] = 0;
+	putpacket(remcomOutBuffer);
+	while (1 == 1) {
+		error = 0;
+		remcomOutBuffer[0] = 0;
+		getpacket(remcomInBuffer);
+		switch (remcomInBuffer[0]) {
+		case '?':
+			remcomOutBuffer[0] = 'S';
+			remcomOutBuffer[1] = hexchars[signo >> 4];
+			remcomOutBuffer[2] = hexchars[signo % 16];
+			remcomOutBuffer[3] = 0;
+			break;
+		case 'd':
+			remote_debug = !(remote_debug);	/* toggle debug flag */
+			printk("Remote debug %s\n",
+			       remote_debug ? "on" : "off");
+			break;
+		case 'g':	/* return the value of the CPU registers */
+			get_gdb_regs(usethread, &regs, gdb_regs);
+			mem2hex((char *) gdb_regs,
+				remcomOutBuffer, NUMREGBYTES, 0);
+			break;
+		case 'G':	/* set the value of the CPU registers - return OK */
+			hex2mem(&remcomInBuffer[1],
+				(char *) gdb_regs, NUMREGBYTES, 0);
+			if (!usethread || usethread == current) {
+				gdb_regs_to_regs(gdb_regs, &regs);
+				strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "OK");
+			} else {
+				strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "E00");
+			}
+			break;
+		case 'P':{	/* set the value of a single CPU register -
+				   return OK */
+				/*
+				 * For some reason, gdb wants to talk about psudo
+				 * registers (greater than 15).	 These may have
+				 * meaning for ptrace, but for us it is safe to
+				 * ignor them.	We do this by dumping them into
+				 * _GS which we also ignor, but do have memory for.
+				 */
+				int regno;
+				ptr = &remcomInBuffer[1];
+				regs_to_gdb_regs(gdb_regs, &regs);
+				if ((!usethread || usethread == current) &&
+				    hexToInt(&ptr, &regno) &&
+				    *ptr++ == '=' && (regno >= 0)) {
+					regno =
+					    (regno >= NUMREGS ? _GS : regno);
+					hex2mem(ptr, (char *) &gdb_regs[regno],
+						4, 0);
+					gdb_regs_to_regs(gdb_regs, &regs);
+					strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "OK");
+					break;
+				}
+				strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "E01");
+				break;
+			}
+			/* mAA..AA,LLLL	 Read LLLL bytes at address AA..AA */
+		case 'm':
+			/* TRY TO READ %x,%x.  IF SUCCEED, SET PTR = 0 */
+			ptr = &remcomInBuffer[1];
+			if (hexToInt(&ptr, &addr) &&
+			    (*(ptr++) == ',') && (hexToInt(&ptr, &length))) {
+				ptr = 0;
+				/*
+				 * hex doubles the byte count
+				 */
+				if (length > (BUFMAX / 2))
+					length = BUFMAX / 2;
+				mem2hex((char *) addr,
+					remcomOutBuffer, length, 1);
+				if (mem_err) {
+					strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "E03");
+					debug_error("memory fault\n", NULL);
+				}
+			}
+			if (ptr) {
+				strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "E01");
+				debug_error
+				    ("malformed read memory command: %s\n",
+				     remcomInBuffer);
+			}
+			break;
+			/* MAA..AA,LLLL:
+			   Write LLLL bytes at address AA.AA return OK */
+		case 'M':
+			/* TRY TO READ '%x,%x:'.  IF SUCCEED, SET PTR = 0 */
+			ptr = &remcomInBuffer[1];
+			if (hexToInt(&ptr, &addr) &&
+			    (*(ptr++) == ',') &&
+			    (hexToInt(&ptr, &length)) && (*(ptr++) == ':')) {
+				hex2mem(ptr, (char *) addr, length, 1);
+				if (mem_err) {
+					strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "E03");
+					debug_error("memory fault\n", NULL);
+				} else {
+					strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "OK");
+				}
+				ptr = 0;
+			}
+			if (ptr) {
+				strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "E02");
+				debug_error
+				    ("malformed write memory command: %s\n",
+				     remcomInBuffer);
+			}
+			break;
+		case 'S':
+			remcomInBuffer[0] = 's';
+		case 'C':
+			/* Csig;AA..AA where ;AA..AA is optional
+			 * continue with signal
+			 * Since signals are meaning less to us, delete that
+			 * part and then fall into the 'c' code.
+			 */
+			ptr = &remcomInBuffer[1];
+			length = 2;
+			while (*ptr && *ptr != ';') {
+				length++;
+				ptr++;
+			}
+			if (*ptr) {
+				do {
+					ptr++;
+					*(ptr - length++) = *ptr;
+				} while (*ptr);
+			} else {
+				remcomInBuffer[1] = 0;
+			}
+			/* cAA..AA  Continue at address AA..AA(optional) */
+			/* sAA..AA  Step one instruction from AA..AA(optional) */
+			/* D	    detach, reply OK and then continue */
+		case 'c':
+		case 's':
+		case 'D':
+			/* try to read optional parameter,
+			   pc unchanged if no parm */
+			ptr = &remcomInBuffer[1];
+			if (hexToInt(&ptr, &addr)) {
+				if (remote_debug)
+					printk("Changing EIP to 0x%x\n", addr);
+				regs.eip = addr;
+			}
+			newPC = regs.eip;
+			/* clear the trace bit */
+			regs.eflags &= 0xfffffeff;
+			/* set the trace bit if we're stepping */
+			if (remcomInBuffer[0] == 's')
+				regs.eflags |= 0x100;
+			/* detach is a friendly version of continue. Note that
+			   debugging is still enabled (e.g hit control C)
+			 */
+			if (remcomInBuffer[0] == 'D') {
+				strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "OK");
+				putpacket(remcomOutBuffer);
+			}
+			if (remote_debug) {
+				printk("Resuming execution\n");
+				print_regs(&regs);
+			}
+			asm volatile ("movl %%db6, %0\n":"=r" (dr6)
+				      :);
+			if (!(dr6 & 0x4000)) {
+				for (breakno = 0; breakno < 4; ++breakno) {
+					if (dr6 & (1 << breakno) &&
+					    (breakinfo[breakno].type == 0)) {
+						/* Set restore flag */
+						regs.eflags |= 0x10000;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			correct_hw_break();
+			asm volatile ("movl %0, %%db6\n"::"r" (0));
+			goto exit_kgdb;
+			/* kill the program */
+		case 'k':	/* do nothing */
+			break;
+			/* query */
+		case 'q':
+			nothreads = 0;
+			switch (remcomInBuffer[1]) {
+			case 'f':
+				threadid = 1;
+				thread_list = 2;
+				thread_list_start = (usethread ? : current);
+			case 's':
+				if (!cmp_str(&remcomInBuffer[2],
+					     "ThreadInfo", 10))
+					break;
+				remcomOutBuffer[nothreads++] = 'm';
+				for (; threadid < PID_MAX + MAX_NO_CPUS;
+				     threadid++) {
+					thread = getthread(threadid);
+					if (thread) {
+						nothreads += int_to_hex_v(
+							&remcomOutBuffer[
+								nothreads],
+							threadid);
+						if (thread_min > threadid)
+							thread_min = threadid;
+						remcomOutBuffer[
+							nothreads] = ',';
+						nothreads++;
+						if (nothreads > BUFMAX - 10)
+							break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (remcomOutBuffer[nothreads - 1] == 'm') {
+					remcomOutBuffer[nothreads - 1] = 'l';
+				} else {
+					nothreads--;
+				}
+				remcomOutBuffer[nothreads] = 0;
+				break;
+#ifdef old_thread_list /* Old thread info request */
+			case 'L':
+				/* List threads */
+				thread_list = 2;
+				thread_list_start = (usethread ? : current);
+				unpack_byte(remcomInBuffer + 3, &maxthreads);
+				unpack_threadid(remcomInBuffer + 5, &thref);
+				do {
+					int buf_thread_limit =
+					    (BUFMAX - 22) / BUF_THREAD_ID_SIZE;
+					if (maxthreads > buf_thread_limit) {
+						maxthreads = buf_thread_limit;
+					}
+				} while (0);
+				remcomOutBuffer[0] = 'q';
+				remcomOutBuffer[1] = 'M';
+				remcomOutBuffer[4] = '0';
+				pack_threadid(remcomOutBuffer + 5, &thref);
+				threadid = threadref_to_int(&thref);
+				for (nothreads = 0;
+				     nothreads < maxthreads &&
+				     threadid < PID_MAX + MAX_NO_CPUS;
+				     threadid++) {
+					thread = getthread(threadid);
+					if (thread) {
+						int_to_threadref(&thref,
+								 threadid);
+						pack_threadid(remcomOutBuffer +
+							      21 +
+							      nothreads * 16,
+							      &thref);
+						nothreads++;
+						if (thread_min > threadid)
+							thread_min = threadid;
+					}
+				}
+				if (threadid == PID_MAX + MAX_NO_CPUS) {
+					remcomOutBuffer[4] = '1';
+				}
+				pack_hex_byte(remcomOutBuffer + 2, nothreads);
+				remcomOutBuffer[21 + nothreads * 16] = '\0';
+				break;
+			case 'C':
+				/* Current thread id */
+				remcomOutBuffer[0] = 'Q';
+				remcomOutBuffer[1] = 'C';
+				threadid = current->pid;
+				if (!threadid) {
+					/*
+					 * idle thread
+					 */
+					for (threadid = PID_MAX;
+					     threadid < PID_MAX + MAX_NO_CPUS;
+					     threadid++) {
+						if (current ==
+						    idle_task(threadid -
+							      PID_MAX))
+							break;
+					}
+				}
+				int_to_threadref(&thref, threadid);
+				pack_threadid(remcomOutBuffer + 2, &thref);
+				remcomOutBuffer[18] = '\0';
+				break;
+			case 'E':
+				/* Print exception info */
+				printexceptioninfo(exceptionVector,
+						   err_code, remcomOutBuffer);
+				break;
+			case 'T':{
+				char * nptr;
+				/* Thread extra info */
+				if (!cmp_str(&remcomInBuffer[2],
+					    "hreadExtraInfo,", 15)) {
+					break;
+				}
+				ptr = &remcomInBuffer[17];
+				hexToInt(&ptr, &threadid);
+				thread = getthread(threadid);
+				nptr = &thread->comm[0];
+				length = 0;
+				ptr = &remcomOutBuffer[0];
+				do {
+					length++;
+					ptr = pack_hex_byte(ptr, *nptr++);
+				 } while (*nptr && length < 16);
+				/*
+				 * would like that 16 to be the size of
+				 * task_struct.comm but don't know the
+				 * syntax..
+				 */
+				*ptr = 0;
+			}
+			}
+			break;
+			/* task related */
+		case 'H':
+			switch (remcomInBuffer[1]) {
+			case 'g':
+				ptr = &remcomInBuffer[2];
+				hexToInt(&ptr, &threadid);
+				thread = getthread(threadid);
+				if (!thread) {
+					remcomOutBuffer[0] = 'E';
+					remcomOutBuffer[1] = '\0';
+					break;
+				}
+				/*
+				 * Just in case I forget what this is all about,
+				 * the "thread info" command to gdb causes it
+				 * to ask for a thread list.  It then switches
+				 * to each thread and asks for the registers.
+				 * For this (and only this) usage, we want to
+				 * fudge the registers of tasks not on the run
+				 * list (i.e. waiting) to show the routine that
+				 * called schedule. Also, gdb, is a minimalist
+				 * in that if the current thread is the last
+				 * it will not re-read the info when done.
+				 * This means that in this case we must show
+				 * the real registers. So here is how we do it:
+				 * Each entry we keep track of the min
+				 * thread in the list (the last that gdb will)
+				 * get info for.  We also keep track of the
+				 * starting thread.
+				 * "thread_list" is cleared when switching back
+				 * to the min thread if it is was current, or
+				 * if it was not current, thread_list is set
+				 * to 1.  When the switch to current comes,
+				 * if thread_list is 1, clear it, else do
+				 * nothing.
+				 */
+				usethread = thread;
+				if ((thread_list == 1) &&
+				    (thread == thread_list_start)) {
+					thread_list = 0;
+				}
+				if (thread_list && (threadid == thread_min)) {
+					if (thread == thread_list_start) {
+						thread_list = 0;
+					} else {
+						thread_list = 1;
+					}
+				}
+				/* follow through */
+			case 'c':
+				remcomOutBuffer[0] = 'O';
+				remcomOutBuffer[1] = 'K';
+				remcomOutBuffer[2] = '\0';
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+			/* Query thread status */
+		case 'T':
+			ptr = &remcomInBuffer[1];
+			hexToInt(&ptr, &threadid);
+			thread = getthread(threadid);
+			if (thread) {
+				remcomOutBuffer[0] = 'O';
+				remcomOutBuffer[1] = 'K';
+				remcomOutBuffer[2] = '\0';
+				if (thread_min > threadid)
+					thread_min = threadid;
+			} else {
+				remcomOutBuffer[0] = 'E';
+				remcomOutBuffer[1] = '\0';
+			}
+			break;
+		case 'Y': /* set up a hardware breakpoint */
+			ptr = &remcomInBuffer[1];
+			hexToInt(&ptr, &breakno);
+			ptr++;
+			hexToInt(&ptr, &breaktype);
+			ptr++;
+			hexToInt(&ptr, &length);
+			ptr++;
+			hexToInt(&ptr, &addr);
+			if (set_hw_break(breakno & 0x3,
+					 breaktype & 0x3,
+					 length & 0x3, addr) == 0) {
+				strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "OK");
+			} else {
+				strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "ERROR");
+			}
+			break;
+			/* Remove hardware breakpoint */
+		case 'y':
+			ptr = &remcomInBuffer[1];
+			hexToInt(&ptr, &breakno);
+			if (remove_hw_break(breakno & 0x3) == 0) {
+				strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "OK");
+			} else {
+				strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "ERROR");
+			}
+			break;
+		case 'r':	/* reboot */
+			strcpy(remcomOutBuffer, "OK");
+			putpacket(remcomOutBuffer);
+			/*to_gdb("Rebooting\n"); */
+			/* triplefault	 no return from here */
+			{
+				static long no_idt[2];
+				__asm__ __volatile__("lidt %0"::"m"(no_idt[0]));
+			}
+		}		/* switch */
+		/* reply to the request */
+		putpacket(remcomOutBuffer);
+	}			/* while(1==1) */
+	/*
+	 *  reached by goto only.
+	 */
+      exit_kgdb:
+	/*
+	 * Here is where we set up to trap a gdb function call.	 NEW_esp
+	 * will be changed if we are trying to do this.	 We handle both
+	 * adding and subtracting, thus allowing gdb to put grung on
+	 * the stack which it removes later.
+	 */
+	if (NEW_esp != OLD_esp) {
+		int *ptr = END_OF_LOOKASIDE;
+		if (NEW_esp < OLD_esp)
+			ptr -= (OLD_esp - NEW_esp) / sizeof (int);
+		*--ptr = linux_regs->eflags;
+		*--ptr = linux_regs->xcs;
+		*--ptr = linux_regs->eip;
+		*--ptr = linux_regs->ecx;
+		*--ptr = linux_regs->ebx;
+		*--ptr = linux_regs->eax;
+		linux_regs->ecx = NEW_esp - (sizeof (int) * 6);
+		linux_regs->ebx = (unsigned int) END_OF_LOOKASIDE;
+		if (NEW_esp < OLD_esp) {
+			linux_regs->eip = (unsigned int) fn_call_stub;
+		} else {
+			linux_regs->eip = (unsigned int) fn_rtn_stub;
+			linux_regs->eax = NEW_esp;
+		}
+		linux_regs->eflags &= ~(IF_BIT | TF_BIT);
+	}
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+	/*
+	 * Release gdb wait locks
+	 * Sanity check time.  Must have at least one cpu to run.  Also single
+	 * step must not be done if the current cpu is on hold.
+	 */
+	if (spinlock_count == 1) {
+		int ss_hold = (regs.eflags & 0x100) && kgdb_info.hold_on_sstep;
+		int cpu_avail = 0;
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; i < MAX_NO_CPUS; i++) {
+			if (!cpu_online(i))
+				break;
+			if (!hold_cpu(i)) {
+				cpu_avail = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		/*
+		 * Early in the bring up there will be NO cpus on line...
+		 */
+		if (!cpu_avail && !cpus_empty(cpu_online_map)) {
+			to_gdb("No cpus unblocked, see 'kgdb_info.hold_cpu'\n");
+			goto once_again;
+		}
+		if (hold_cpu(smp_processor_id()) && (regs.eflags & 0x100)) {
+			to_gdb
+			    ("Current cpu must be unblocked to single step\n");
+			goto once_again;
+		}
+		if (!(ss_hold)) {
+			int i;
+			for (i = 0; i < MAX_NO_CPUS; i++) {
+				if (!hold_cpu(i)) {
+					spin_unlock(&waitlocks[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			spin_unlock(&waitlocks[smp_processor_id()]);
+		}
+		/* Release kgdb spinlock */
+		KGDB_SPIN_UNLOCK(&kgdb_spinlock);
+		/*
+		 * If this cpu is on hold, this is where we
+		 * do it.  Note, the NMI will pull us out of here,
+		 * but will return as the above lock is not held.
+		 * We will stay here till another cpu releases the lock for us.
+		 */
+		spin_unlock_wait(waitlocks + smp_processor_id());
+		kgdb_local_irq_restore(flags);
+		return (0);
+	}
+#if 0
+	/* Release kgdb spinlock */
+	KGDB_SPIN_UNLOCK(&kgdb_spinlock);
+	kgdb_local_irq_restore(flags);
+	return (0);
+/* this function is used to set up exception handlers for tracing and
+ * breakpoints.
+ * This function is not needed as the above line does all that is needed.
+ * We leave it for backward compatitability...
+ */
+	/*
+	 * linux_debug_hook is defined in traps.c.  We store a pointer
+	 * to our own exception handler into it.
+	 * But really folks, every hear of labeled common, an old Fortran
+	 * concept.  Lots of folks can reference it and it is define if
+	 * anyone does.	 Only one can initialize it at link time.  We do
+	 * this with the hook.	See the statement above.  No need for any
+	 * executable code and it is ready as soon as the kernel is
+	 * loaded.  Very desirable in kernel debugging.
+	 linux_debug_hook = handle_exception ;
+	 */
+	/* In case GDB is started before us, ack any packets (presumably
+	   "$?#xx") sitting there.
+	   putDebugChar ('+');
+	   initialized = 1;
+	 */
+/* This function will generate a breakpoint exception.	It is used at the
+   beginning of a program to sync up with a debugger and can be used
+   otherwise as a quick means to stop program execution and "break" into
+   the debugger. */
+/* But really, just use the BREAKPOINT macro.  We will handle the int stuff
+ */
+#ifdef later
+ * possibly we should not go thru the traps.c code at all?  Someday.
+ */
+do_kgdb_int3(struct pt_regs *regs, long error_code)
+	kgdb_handle_exception(3, 5, error_code, regs);
+	return;
+#undef regs
+asmlinkage void
+bad_sys_call_exit(int stuff)
+	struct pt_regs *regs = (struct pt_regs *) &stuff;
+	printk("Sys call %d return with %x preempt_count\n",
+	       (int) regs->orig_eax, preempt_count());
+#include <asm/kgdb.h>
+asmlinkage void
+	printk("Kernel stack overflow, looping forever\n");
+	while (1) {
+	}
+#if defined(CONFIG_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_KGDB_CONSOLE)
+char gdbconbuf[BUFMAX];
+static void
+kgdb_gdb_message(const char *s, unsigned count)
+	int i;
+	int wcount;
+	char *bufptr;
+	/*
+	 * This takes care of NMI while spining out chars to gdb
+	 */
+	IF_SMP(in_kgdb_console = 1);
+	gdbconbuf[0] = 'O';
+	bufptr = gdbconbuf + 1;
+	while (count > 0) {
+		if ((count << 1) > (BUFMAX - 2)) {
+			wcount = (BUFMAX - 2) >> 1;
+		} else {
+			wcount = count;
+		}
+		count -= wcount;
+		for (i = 0; i < wcount; i++) {
+			bufptr = pack_hex_byte(bufptr, s[i]);
+		}
+		*bufptr = '\0';
+		s += wcount;
+		putpacket(gdbconbuf);
+	}
+	IF_SMP(in_kgdb_console = 0);
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+static void
+to_gdb(const char *s)
+	int count = 0;
+	while (s[count] && (count++ < BUFMAX)) ;
+	kgdb_gdb_message(s, count);
+#include <linux/console.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <asm/semaphore.h>
+kgdb_console_write(struct console *co, const char *s, unsigned count)
+	if (gdb_i386vector == -1) {
+		/*
+		 * We have not yet talked to gdb.  What to do...
+		 * lets break, on continue we can do the write.
+		 * But first tell him whats up. Uh, well no can do,
+		 * as this IS the console.  Oh well...
+		 * We do need to wait or the messages will be lost.
+		 * Other option would be to tell the above code to
+		 * ignore this breakpoint and do an auto return,
+		 * but that might confuse gdb.	Also this happens
+		 * early enough in boot up that we don't have the traps
+		 * set up yet, so...
+		 */
+		breakpoint();
+	}
+	kgdb_gdb_message(s, count);
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Serial KGDB driver
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+static struct console kgdbcons = {
+	name:"kgdb",
+	write:kgdb_console_write,
+	device:kgdb_console_device,
+	index:-1,
+ * The trick here is that this file gets linked before printk.o
+ * That means we get to peer at the console info in the command
+ * line before it does.	 If we are up, we register, otherwise,
+ * do nothing.	By returning 0, we allow printk to look also.
+ */
+static int kgdb_console_enabled;
+int __init
+kgdb_console_init(char *str)
+	if ((strncmp(str, "kgdb", 4) == 0) || (strncmp(str, "gdb", 3) == 0)) {
+		register_console(&kgdbcons);
+		kgdb_console_enabled = 1;
+	}
+	return 0;		/* let others look at the string */
+__setup("console=", kgdb_console_init);
+static kdev_t kgdb_console_device(struct console *c);
+/* This stuff sort of works, but it knocks out telnet devices
+ * we are leaving it here in case we (or you) find time to figure it out
+ * better..
+ */
+ * We need a real char device as well for when the console is opened for user
+ * space activities.
+ */
+static int
+kgdb_consdev_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+	return 0;
+static ssize_t
+kgdb_consdev_write(struct file *file, const char *buf,
+		   size_t count, loff_t * ppos)
+	int size, ret = 0;
+	static char kbuf[128];
+	static DECLARE_MUTEX(sem);
+	/* We are not reentrant... */
+	if (down_interruptible(&sem))
+		return -ERESTARTSYS;
+	while (count > 0) {
+		/* need to copy the data from user space */
+		size = count;
+		if (size > sizeof (kbuf))
+			size = sizeof (kbuf);
+		if (copy_from_user(kbuf, buf, size)) {
+			ret = -EFAULT;
+			break;;
+		}
+		kgdb_console_write(&kgdbcons, kbuf, size);
+		count -= size;
+		ret += size;
+		buf += size;
+	}
+	up(&sem);
+	return ret;
+struct file_operations kgdb_consdev_fops = {
+	open:kgdb_consdev_open,
+	write:kgdb_consdev_write
+static kdev_t
+kgdb_console_device(struct console *c)
+	return MKDEV(TTYAUX_MAJOR, 1);
+ * This routine gets called from the serial stub in the i386/lib
+ * This is so it is done late in bring up (just before the console open).
+ */
+	if (kgdb_console_enabled) {
+		char *cptr = cdevname(MKDEV(TTYAUX_MAJOR, 1));
+		char *cp = cptr;
+		while (*cptr && *cptr != '(')
+			cptr++;
+		*cptr = 0;
+		unregister_chrdev(TTYAUX_MAJOR, cp);
+		register_chrdev(TTYAUX_MAJOR, "kgdb", &kgdb_consdev_fops);
+	}
+#include <asm/msr.h>		/* time stamp code */
+#include <asm/hardirq.h>	/* in_interrupt */
+#ifdef CONFIG_KGDB_TS_64
+#define DATA_POINTS 64
+#ifdef CONFIG_KGDB_TS_128
+#define DATA_POINTS 128
+#ifdef CONFIG_KGDB_TS_256
+#define DATA_POINTS 256
+#ifdef CONFIG_KGDB_TS_512
+#define DATA_POINTS 512
+#ifdef CONFIG_KGDB_TS_1024
+#define DATA_POINTS 1024
+#ifndef DATA_POINTS
+#define DATA_POINTS 128		/* must be a power of two */
+#error "CONFIG_KGDB_TS_COUNT must be a power of 2"
+struct kgdb_and_then_struct {
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+	int on_cpu;
+	struct task_struct *task;
+	long long at_time;
+	int from_ln;
+	char *in_src;
+	void *from;
+	int *with_shpf;
+	int data0;
+	int data1;
+struct kgdb_and_then_struct2 {
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+	int on_cpu;
+	struct task_struct *task;
+	long long at_time;
+	int from_ln;
+	char *in_src;
+	void *from;
+	int *with_shpf;
+	struct task_struct *t1;
+	struct task_struct *t2;
+struct kgdb_and_then_struct kgdb_data[DATA_POINTS];
+struct kgdb_and_then_struct *kgdb_and_then = &kgdb_data[0];
+int kgdb_and_then_count;
+kgdb_tstamp(int line, char *source, int data0, int data1)
+	static spinlock_t ts_spin = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+	int flags;
+	kgdb_local_irq_save(flags);
+	spin_lock(&ts_spin);
+	rdtscll(kgdb_and_then->at_time);
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+	kgdb_and_then->on_cpu = smp_processor_id();
+	kgdb_and_then->task = current;
+	kgdb_and_then->from_ln = line;
+	kgdb_and_then->in_src = source;
+	kgdb_and_then->from = __builtin_return_address(0);
+	kgdb_and_then->with_shpf = (int *) (((flags & IF_BIT) >> 9) |
+					    (preempt_count() << 8));
+	kgdb_and_then->data0 = data0;
+	kgdb_and_then->data1 = data1;
+	kgdb_and_then = &kgdb_data[++kgdb_and_then_count & INDEX_MASK];
+	spin_unlock(&ts_spin);
+	kgdb_local_irq_restore(flags);
+	return;
+typedef int gdb_debug_hook(int exceptionVector,
+			   int signo, int err_code, struct pt_regs *linux_regs);
+gdb_debug_hook *linux_debug_hook = &kgdb_handle_exception;	/* histerical reasons... */
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/arch/i386/kernel/nmi.c 101-kgdb/arch/i386/kernel/nmi.c
--- 100-netpoll/arch/i386/kernel/nmi.c	2004-03-11 14:33:36.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/arch/i386/kernel/nmi.c	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -31,7 +31,16 @@
 #include <asm/mpspec.h>
 #include <asm/nmi.h>
+#include <asm/kgdb.h>
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+unsigned int nmi_watchdog = NMI_IO_APIC;
+unsigned int nmi_watchdog = NMI_LOCAL_APIC;
 unsigned int nmi_watchdog = NMI_NONE;
 static unsigned int nmi_hz = HZ;
 unsigned int nmi_perfctr_msr;	/* the MSR to reset in NMI handler */
 extern void show_registers(struct pt_regs *regs);
@@ -408,6 +417,9 @@ void touch_nmi_watchdog (void)
 	for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
 		alert_counter[i] = 0;
+int tune_watchdog = 5*HZ;
 void nmi_watchdog_tick (struct pt_regs * regs)
@@ -421,12 +433,24 @@ void nmi_watchdog_tick (struct pt_regs *
 	sum = irq_stat[cpu].apic_timer_irqs;
+ 	if (! in_kgdb(regs) && last_irq_sums[cpu] == sum ) {
 	if (last_irq_sums[cpu] == sum) {
 		 * Ayiee, looks like this CPU is stuck ...
 		 * wait a few IRQs (5 seconds) before doing the oops ...
+                if (alert_counter[cpu] == tune_watchdog) {
+                        kgdb_handle_exception(2, SIGPWR, 0, regs);
+                        last_irq_sums[cpu] = sum;
+                        alert_counter[cpu] = 0;
+                }
 		if (alert_counter[cpu] == 5*nmi_hz) {
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/arch/i386/kernel/smp.c 101-kgdb/arch/i386/kernel/smp.c
--- 100-netpoll/arch/i386/kernel/smp.c	2004-03-11 14:33:36.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/arch/i386/kernel/smp.c	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -466,7 +466,17 @@ void flush_tlb_all(void)
 	on_each_cpu(do_flush_tlb_all, 0, 1, 1);
+ * By using the NMI code instead of a vector we just sneak thru the
+ * word generator coming out with just what we want.  AND it does
+ * not matter if clustered_apic_mode is set or not.
+ */
+void smp_send_nmi_allbutself(void)
+	send_IPI_allbutself(APIC_DM_NMI);
  * this function sends a 'reschedule' IPI to another CPU.
  * it goes straight through and wastes no time serializing
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/arch/i386/kernel/traps.c 101-kgdb/arch/i386/kernel/traps.c
--- 100-netpoll/arch/i386/kernel/traps.c	2004-03-11 14:33:37.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/arch/i386/kernel/traps.c	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -91,6 +91,42 @@ asmlinkage void alignment_check(void);
 asmlinkage void spurious_interrupt_bug(void);
 asmlinkage void machine_check(void);
+extern void sysenter_entry(void);
+#include <asm/kgdb.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+extern void int3(void);
+extern void debug(void);
+void set_intr_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr);
+static void set_intr_usr_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr);
+ * Should be able to call this breakpoint() very early in
+ * bring up.  Just hard code the call where needed.
+ * The breakpoint() code is here because set_?_gate() functions
+ * are local (static) to trap.c.  They need be done only once,
+ * but it does not hurt to do them over.
+ */
+void breakpoint(void)
+        set_intr_usr_gate(3,&int3); /* disable ints on trap */
+	set_intr_gate(1,&debug);
+	set_intr_gate(14,&page_fault);
+        BREAKPOINT;
+#define	CHK_REMOTE_DEBUG(trapnr,signr,error_code,regs,after)		\
+    {									\
+	if (!user_mode(regs)  ) \
+	{								\
+		kgdb_handle_exception(trapnr, signr, error_code, regs);	\
+		after;							\
+	} else if ((trapnr == 3) && (regs->eflags &0x200)) local_irq_enable(); \
+    }
+#define	CHK_REMOTE_DEBUG(trapnr,signr,error_code,regs,after)
 static int kstack_depth_to_print = 24;
 void show_trace(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long * stack)
@@ -276,6 +312,15 @@ void die(const char * str, struct pt_reg
 	if (nl)
+	/* This is about the only place we want to go to kgdb even if in
+	 * user mode.  But we must go in via a trap so within kgdb we will
+	 * always be in kernel mode.
+	 */
+	if (user_mode(regs))
@@ -345,6 +390,7 @@ static inline void do_trap(int trapnr, i
 #define DO_ERROR(trapnr, signr, str, name) \
 asmlinkage void do_##name(struct pt_regs * regs, long error_code) \
 { \
+	CHK_REMOTE_DEBUG(trapnr,signr,error_code,regs,)\
 	do_trap(trapnr, signr, str, 0, regs, error_code, NULL); \
@@ -362,7 +408,9 @@ asmlinkage void do_##name(struct pt_regs
 #define DO_VM86_ERROR(trapnr, signr, str, name) \
 asmlinkage void do_##name(struct pt_regs * regs, long error_code) \
 { \
+	CHK_REMOTE_DEBUG(trapnr, signr, error_code,regs, return)\
 	do_trap(trapnr, signr, str, 1, regs, error_code, NULL); \
+	return; \
 #define DO_VM86_ERROR_INFO(trapnr, signr, str, name, sicode, siaddr) \
@@ -409,8 +457,10 @@ gp_in_vm86:
-	if (!fixup_exception(regs))
+	if (!fixup_exception(regs)){
+ 		CHK_REMOTE_DEBUG(13,SIGSEGV,error_code,regs,)
 		die("general protection fault", regs, error_code);
+	}
 static void mem_parity_error(unsigned char reason, struct pt_regs * regs)
@@ -572,8 +622,18 @@ asmlinkage void do_debug(struct pt_regs 
 		 * allowing programs to debug themselves without the ptrace()
 		 * interface.
+		/*
+		 * I think this is the only "real" case of a TF in the kernel
+		 * that really belongs to user space.  Others are
+		 * "Ours all ours!"
+		 */
+		if (((regs->xcs & 3) == 0) && ((void *)regs->eip == sysenter_entry))
+			goto clear_TF_reenable;
 		if ((regs->xcs & 3) == 0)
 			goto clear_TF_reenable;
 		if ((tsk->ptrace & (PT_DTRACE|PT_PTRACED)) == PT_DTRACE)
 			goto clear_TF;
@@ -585,6 +645,17 @@ asmlinkage void do_debug(struct pt_regs 
 	info.si_errno = 0;
 	info.si_code = TRAP_BRKPT;
+        /*
+	 * If this is a kernel mode trap, we need to reset db7 to allow us
+	 * to continue sanely ALSO skip the signal delivery
+         */
+	if ((regs->xcs & 3) == 0)
+		goto clear_dr7;
+        /* if not kernel, allow ints but only if they were on */
+       if ( regs->eflags & 0x200) local_irq_enable();
 	/* If this is a kernel mode trap, save the user PC on entry to 
 	 * the kernel, that's what the debugger can make sense of.
@@ -599,6 +670,7 @@ clear_dr7:
 	__asm__("movl %0,%%db7"
 		: /* no output */
 		: "r" (0));
+	CHK_REMOTE_DEBUG(1,SIGTRAP,error_code,regs,)
@@ -847,6 +919,12 @@ static void __init set_call_gate(void *a
+void set_intr_usr_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr)
+	_set_gate(idt_table+n,14,3,addr,__KERNEL_CS);
 static void __init set_task_gate(unsigned int n, unsigned int gdt_entry)
@@ -869,7 +947,11 @@ void __init trap_init(void)
+#ifndef CONFIG_KGDB
 	set_system_gate(3,&int3);	/* int3-5 can be called from all */
+	set_intr_usr_gate(3,&int3);	/* int3-5 can be called from all */
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/arch/i386/lib/Makefile 101-kgdb/arch/i386/lib/Makefile
--- 100-netpoll/arch/i386/lib/Makefile	2003-06-19 14:41:15.000000000 -0700
+++ 101-kgdb/arch/i386/lib/Makefile	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -9,4 +9,5 @@ lib-y = checksum.o delay.o \
 lib-$(CONFIG_X86_USE_3DNOW) += mmx.o
 lib-$(CONFIG_HAVE_DEC_LOCK) += dec_and_lock.o
+lib-$(CONFIG_KGDB) += kgdb_serial.o
 lib-$(CONFIG_DEBUG_IOVIRT)  += iodebug.o
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/arch/i386/lib/kgdb_serial.c 101-kgdb/arch/i386/lib/kgdb_serial.c
--- 100-netpoll/arch/i386/lib/kgdb_serial.c	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/arch/i386/lib/kgdb_serial.c	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+ * Serial interface GDB stub
+ *
+ * Written (hacked together) by David Grothe (dave@gcom.com)
+ * Modified to allow invokation early in boot see also
+ * kgdb.h for instructions by George Anzinger(george@mvista.com)
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/signal.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/timer.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/tty.h>
+#include <linux/tty_flip.h>
+#include <linux/serial.h>
+#include <linux/serial_reg.h>
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/major.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/fcntl.h>
+#include <linux/ptrace.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/highmem.h>
+#include <asm/system.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/segment.h>
+#include <asm/bitops.h>
+#include <asm/system.h>
+#include <asm/kgdb_local.h>
+extern void kgdb_console_finit(void);
+#define PRNT_off
+#ifdef PRNT
+#define dbprintk(s) printk s
+#define dbprintk(s)
+#define TEST_INTERRUPT_off
+#define intprintk(s) printk s
+#define intprintk(s)
+#define IRQ_T(info) ((info->flags & ASYNC_SHARE_IRQ) ? SA_SHIRQ : SA_INTERRUPT)
+#define	GDB_BUF_SIZE	512	/* power of 2, please */
+static char gdb_buf[GDB_BUF_SIZE];
+static int gdb_buf_in_inx;
+static atomic_t gdb_buf_in_cnt;
+static int gdb_buf_out_inx;
+struct async_struct *gdb_async_info;
+static int gdb_async_irq;
+#define outb_px(a,b) outb_p(b,a)
+static void program_uart(struct async_struct *info);
+static void write_char(struct async_struct *info, int chr);
+ * Get a byte from the hardware data buffer and return it
+ */
+static int
+read_data_bfr(struct async_struct *info)
+	char it = inb_p(info->port + UART_LSR);
+	if (it & UART_LSR_DR)
+		return (inb_p(info->port + UART_RX));
+	/*
+	 * If we have a framing error assume somebody messed with
+	 * our uart.  Reprogram it and send '-' both ways...
+	 */
+	if (it & 0xc) {
+		program_uart(info);
+		write_char(info, '-');
+		return ('-');
+	}
+	return (-1);
+}				/* read_data_bfr */
+ * Get a char if available, return -1 if nothing available.
+ * Empty the receive buffer first, then look at the interface hardware.
+ * Locking here is a bit of a problem.	We MUST not lock out communication
+ * if we are trying to talk to gdb about a kgdb entry.	ON the other hand
+ * we can loose chars in the console pass thru if we don't lock.  It is also
+ * possible that we could hold the lock or be waiting for it when kgdb
+ * NEEDS to talk.  Since kgdb locks down the world, it does not need locks.
+ * We do, of course have possible issues with interrupting a uart operation,
+ * but we will just depend on the uart status to help keep that straight.
+ */
+static spinlock_t uart_interrupt_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+extern spinlock_t kgdb_spinlock;
+static int
+read_char(struct async_struct *info)
+	int chr;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	local_irq_save(flags);
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+	if (!spin_is_locked(&kgdb_spinlock)) {
+		spin_lock(&uart_interrupt_lock);
+	}
+	if (atomic_read(&gdb_buf_in_cnt) != 0) {	/* intr routine has q'd chars */
+		chr = gdb_buf[gdb_buf_out_inx++];
+		gdb_buf_out_inx &= (GDB_BUF_SIZE - 1);
+		atomic_dec(&gdb_buf_in_cnt);
+	} else {
+		chr = read_data_bfr(info);
+	}
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+	if (!spin_is_locked(&kgdb_spinlock)) {
+		spin_unlock(&uart_interrupt_lock);
+	}
+	local_irq_restore(flags);
+	return (chr);
+ * Wait until the interface can accept a char, then write it.
+ */
+static void
+write_char(struct async_struct *info, int chr)
+	while (!(inb_p(info->port + UART_LSR) & UART_LSR_THRE)) ;
+	outb_p(chr, info->port + UART_TX);
+}				/* write_char */
+ * Mostly we don't need a spinlock, but since the console goes
+ * thru here with interrutps on, well, we need to catch those
+ * chars.
+ */
+ * This is the receiver interrupt routine for the GDB stub.
+ * It will receive a limited number of characters of input
+ * from the gdb  host machine and save them up in a buffer.
+ *
+ * When the gdb stub routine getDebugChar() is called it
+ * draws characters out of the buffer until it is empty and
+ * then reads directly from the serial port.
+ *
+ * We do not attempt to write chars from the interrupt routine
+ * since the stubs do all of that via putDebugChar() which
+ * writes one byte after waiting for the interface to become
+ * ready.
+ *
+ * The debug stubs like to run with interrupts disabled since,
+ * after all, they run as a consequence of a breakpoint in
+ * the kernel.
+ *
+ * Perhaps someone who knows more about the tty driver than I
+ * care to learn can make this work for any low level serial
+ * driver.
+ */
+static irqreturn_t
+gdb_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
+	struct async_struct *info;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	info = gdb_async_info;
+	if (!info || !info->tty || irq != gdb_async_irq)
+		return IRQ_NONE;
+	local_irq_save(flags);
+	spin_lock(&uart_interrupt_lock);
+	do {
+		int chr = read_data_bfr(info);
+		intprintk(("Debug char on int: %x hex\n", chr));
+		if (chr < 0)
+			continue;
+		if (chr == 3) {	/* Ctrl-C means remote interrupt */
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (atomic_read(&gdb_buf_in_cnt) >= GDB_BUF_SIZE) {
+			/* buffer overflow tosses early char */
+			read_char(info);
+		}
+		gdb_buf[gdb_buf_in_inx++] = chr;
+		gdb_buf_in_inx &= (GDB_BUF_SIZE - 1);
+	} while (inb_p(info->port + UART_IIR) & UART_IIR_RDI);
+	spin_unlock(&uart_interrupt_lock);
+	local_irq_restore(flags);
+	return IRQ_HANDLED;
+}				/* gdb_interrupt */
+ * Just a NULL routine for testing.
+ */
+}				/* gdb_null */
+/* These structure are filled in with values defined in asm/kgdb_local.h
+ */
+static struct serial_state state = SB_STATE;
+static struct async_struct local_info = SB_INFO;
+static int ok_to_enable_ints = 0;
+static void kgdb_enable_ints_now(void);
+extern char *kgdb_version;
+ * Hook an IRQ for KGDB.
+ *
+ * This routine is called from putDebugChar, below.
+ */
+static int ints_disabled = 1;
+gdb_hook_interrupt(struct async_struct *info, int verb)
+	struct serial_state *state = info->state;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	int port;
+	int scratch, scratch2;
+	/* The above fails if memory managment is not set up yet.
+	 * Rather than fail the set up, just keep track of the fact
+	 * and pick up the interrupt thing later.
+	 */
+	gdb_async_info = info;
+	port = gdb_async_info->port;
+	gdb_async_irq = state->irq;
+	if (verb) {
+		printk("kgdb %s : port =%x, IRQ=%d, divisor =%d\n",
+		       kgdb_version,
+		       port,
+		       gdb_async_irq, gdb_async_info->state->custom_divisor);
+	}
+	local_irq_save(flags);
+	/* Existance test */
+	/* Should not need all this, but just in case.... */
+	scratch = inb_p(port + UART_IER);
+	outb_px(port + UART_IER, 0);
+	outb_px(0xff, 0x080);
+	scratch2 = inb_p(port + UART_IER);
+	outb_px(port + UART_IER, scratch);
+	if (scratch2) {
+		printk
+		    ("gdb_hook_interrupt: Could not clear IER, not a UART!\n");
+		local_irq_restore(flags);
+		return 1;	/* We failed; there's nothing here */
+	}
+	scratch2 = inb_p(port + UART_LCR);
+	outb_px(port + UART_LCR, 0xBF);	/* set up for StarTech test */
+	outb_px(port + UART_EFR, 0);	/* EFR is the same as FCR */
+	outb_px(port + UART_LCR, 0);
+	outb_px(port + UART_FCR, UART_FCR_ENABLE_FIFO);
+	scratch = inb_p(port + UART_IIR) >> 6;
+	if (scratch == 1) {
+		printk("gdb_hook_interrupt: Undefined UART type!"
+		       "  Not a UART! \n");
+		local_irq_restore(flags);
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		dbprintk(("gdb_hook_interrupt: UART type "
+			  "is %d where 0=16450, 2=16550 3=16550A\n", scratch));
+	}
+	scratch = inb_p(port + UART_MCR);
+	outb_px(port + UART_MCR, UART_MCR_LOOP | scratch);
+	outb_px(port + UART_MCR, UART_MCR_LOOP | 0x0A);
+	scratch2 = inb_p(port + UART_MSR) & 0xF0;
+	outb_px(port + UART_MCR, scratch);
+	if (scratch2 != 0x90) {
+		printk("gdb_hook_interrupt: "
+		       "Loop back test failed! Not a UART!\n");
+		local_irq_restore(flags);
+		return scratch2 + 1000;	/* force 0 to fail */
+	}
+#endif				/* test existance */
+	program_uart(info);
+	local_irq_restore(flags);
+	return (0);
+}				/* gdb_hook_interrupt */
+static void
+program_uart(struct async_struct *info)
+	int port = info->port;
+	(void) inb_p(port + UART_RX);
+	outb_px(port + UART_IER, 0);
+	(void) inb_p(port + UART_RX);	/* serial driver comments say */
+	(void) inb_p(port + UART_IIR);	/* this clears the interrupt regs */
+	(void) inb_p(port + UART_MSR);
+	outb_px(port + UART_LCR, UART_LCR_WLEN8 | UART_LCR_DLAB);
+	outb_px(port + UART_DLL, info->state->custom_divisor & 0xff);	/* LS */
+	outb_px(port + UART_DLM, info->state->custom_divisor >> 8);	/* MS  */
+	outb_px(port + UART_MCR, info->MCR);
+	outb_px(port + UART_LCR, UART_LCR_WLEN8);	/* reset DLAB */
+	outb_px(port + UART_FCR, UART_FCR_ENABLE_FIFO | UART_FCR_TRIGGER_1);	/* set fcr */
+	if (!ints_disabled) {
+		intprintk(("KGDB: Sending %d to port %x offset %d\n",
+			   gdb_async_info->IER,
+			   (int) gdb_async_info->port, UART_IER));
+		outb_px(gdb_async_info->port + UART_IER, gdb_async_info->IER);
+	}
+	return;
+ * getDebugChar
+ *
+ * This is a GDB stub routine.	It waits for a character from the
+ * serial interface and then returns it.  If there is no serial
+ * interface connection then it returns a bogus value which will
+ * almost certainly cause the system to hang.  In the
+ */
+int kgdb_in_isr = 0;
+int kgdb_in_lsr = 0;
+extern spinlock_t kgdb_spinlock;
+/* Caller takes needed protections */
+	volatile int chr, dum, time, end_time;
+	dbprintk(("getDebugChar(port %x): ", gdb_async_info->port));
+	if (gdb_async_info == NULL) {
+		gdb_hook_interrupt(&local_info, 0);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * This trick says if we wait a very long time and get
+	 * no char, return the -1 and let the upper level deal
+	 * with it.
+	 */
+	rdtsc(dum, time);
+	end_time = time + 2;
+	while (((chr = read_char(gdb_async_info)) == -1) &&
+	       (end_time - time) > 0) {
+		rdtsc(dum, time);
+	};
+	/*
+	 * This covers our butts if some other code messes with
+	 * our uart, hay, it happens :o)
+	 */
+	if (chr == -1)
+		program_uart(gdb_async_info);
+	dbprintk(("%c\n", chr > ' ' && chr < 0x7F ? chr : ' '));
+	return (chr);
+}				/* getDebugChar */
+static int count = 3;
+static spinlock_t one_at_atime = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+static int __init
+	if (gdb_async_info == NULL) {
+		gdb_hook_interrupt(&local_info, 1);
+	}
+	ok_to_enable_ints = 1;
+	kgdb_enable_ints_now();
+	kgdb_console_finit();
+	return 0;
+#ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_8250
+void shutdown_for_kgdb(struct async_struct *gdb_async_info);
+static inline int kgdb_mem_init_done(void)
+	return highmem_start_page != NULL;
+static inline int kgdb_mem_init_done(void)
+	return max_mapnr != 0;
+static void
+	if (!spin_trylock(&one_at_atime))
+		return;
+	if (!ints_disabled)
+		goto exit;
+	if (kgdb_mem_init_done() &&
+			ints_disabled) {	/* don't try till mem init */
+#ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_8250
+		/*
+		 * The ifdef here allows the system to be configured
+		 * without the serial driver.
+		 * Don't make it a module, however, it will steal the port
+		 */
+		shutdown_for_kgdb(gdb_async_info);
+		ints_disabled = request_irq(gdb_async_info->state->irq,
+					    gdb_interrupt,
+					    IRQ_T(gdb_async_info),
+					    "KGDB-stub", NULL);
+		intprintk(("KGDB: request_irq returned %d\n", ints_disabled));
+	}
+	if (!ints_disabled) {
+		intprintk(("KGDB: Sending %d to port %x offset %d\n",
+			   gdb_async_info->IER,
+			   (int) gdb_async_info->port, UART_IER));
+		outb_px(gdb_async_info->port + UART_IER, gdb_async_info->IER);
+	}
+      exit:
+	spin_unlock(&one_at_atime);
+ * putDebugChar
+ *
+ * This is a GDB stub routine.	It waits until the interface is ready
+ * to transmit a char and then sends it.  If there is no serial
+ * interface connection then it simply returns to its caller, having
+ * pretended to send the char.	Caller takes needed protections.
+ */
+putDebugChar(int chr)
+	dbprintk(("putDebugChar(port %x): chr=%02x '%c', ints_on=%d\n",
+		  gdb_async_info->port,
+		  chr,
+		  chr > ' ' && chr < 0x7F ? chr : ' ', ints_disabled ? 0 : 1));
+	if (gdb_async_info == NULL) {
+		gdb_hook_interrupt(&local_info, 0);
+	}
+	write_char(gdb_async_info, chr);	/* this routine will wait */
+	count = (chr == '#') ? 0 : count + 1;
+	if ((count == 2)) {	/* try to enable after */
+		if (ints_disabled & ok_to_enable_ints)
+			kgdb_enable_ints_now();	/* try to enable after */
+		/* We do this a lot because, well we really want to get these
+		 * interrupts.	The serial driver will clear these bits when it
+		 * initializes the chip.  Every thing else it does is ok,
+		 * but this.
+		 */
+		if (!ints_disabled) {
+			outb_px(gdb_async_info->port + UART_IER,
+				gdb_async_info->IER);
+		}
+	}
+}				/* putDebugChar */
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/arch/i386/mm/fault.c 101-kgdb/arch/i386/mm/fault.c
--- 100-netpoll/arch/i386/mm/fault.c	2003-12-26 12:28:13.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/arch/i386/mm/fault.c	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -403,6 +403,12 @@ no_context:
  * Oops. The kernel tried to access some bad page. We'll have to
  * terminate things with extreme prejudice.
+        if (!user_mode(regs)){
+                kgdb_handle_exception(14,SIGBUS, error_code, regs);
+                return;
+        }
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/head.S 101-kgdb/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/head.S
--- 100-netpoll/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/head.S	2002-12-09 18:46:24.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/head.S	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include <linux/linkage.h>
 #include <asm/segment.h>
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.c 101-kgdb/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.c
--- 100-netpoll/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.c	2003-10-01 11:47:39.000000000 -0700
+++ 101-kgdb/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.c	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
  * High loaded stuff by Hans Lermen & Werner Almesberger, Feb. 1996
 #include "miscsetup.h"
 #include <asm/io.h>
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/drivers/char/keyboard.c 101-kgdb/drivers/char/keyboard.c
--- 100-netpoll/drivers/char/keyboard.c	2004-02-18 14:56:54.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/drivers/char/keyboard.c	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -1066,6 +1066,9 @@ void kbd_keycode(unsigned int keycode, i
 	if (sysrq_down && down && !rep) {
 		handle_sysrq(kbd_sysrq_xlate[keycode], regs, tty);
+                sysrq_down = 0;        /* in case we miss the "up" event */
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/drivers/char/sysrq.c 101-kgdb/drivers/char/sysrq.c
--- 100-netpoll/drivers/char/sysrq.c	2004-02-04 16:24:01.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/drivers/char/sysrq.c	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -35,6 +35,25 @@
 #include <linux/spinlock.h>
 #include <asm/ptrace.h>
+#define  GDB_OP &kgdb_op
+static void kgdb_sysrq(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs, struct tty_struct *tty)
+	printk("kgdb sysrq\n");
+	breakpoint();
+static struct sysrq_key_op kgdb_op = {
+	.handler	= kgdb_sysrq,
+	.help_msg	= "kGdb|Fgdb",
+	.action_msg	= "Debug breakpoint\n",
+#define  GDB_OP NULL
 extern void reset_vc(unsigned int);
@@ -238,8 +257,8 @@ static struct sysrq_key_op *sysrq_key_ta
 /* c */ NULL,
 /* d */	NULL,
 /* e */	&sysrq_term_op,
-/* f */	NULL,
-/* g */	NULL,
+/* f */	GDB_OP,
+/* g */	GDB_OP,
 /* h */	NULL,
 /* i */	&sysrq_kill_op,
 /* j */	NULL,
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/drivers/serial/8250.c 101-kgdb/drivers/serial/8250.c
--- 100-netpoll/drivers/serial/8250.c	2004-03-11 14:34:54.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/drivers/serial/8250.c	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ receive_chars(struct uart_8250_port *up,
 		if (unlikely(tty->flip.count >= TTY_FLIPBUF_SIZE)) {
 			tty->flip.work.func((void *)tty);
 			if (tty->flip.count >= TTY_FLIPBUF_SIZE)
-				return; // if TTY_DONT_FLIP is set
+				return;	/* if TTY_DONT_FLIP is set */
 		ch = serial_inp(up, UART_RX);
 		*tty->flip.char_buf_ptr = ch;
@@ -1194,12 +1194,21 @@ static void serial8250_break_ctl(struct 
 	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&up->port.lock, flags);
+static int kgdb_irq = -1;
 static int serial8250_startup(struct uart_port *port)
 	struct uart_8250_port *up = (struct uart_8250_port *)port;
 	unsigned long flags;
 	int retval;
+	if (up->port.irq == kgdb_irq)
+		return -EBUSY;
 	up->capabilities = uart_config[up->port.type].flags;
 	if (up->port.type == PORT_16C950) {
@@ -1865,6 +1874,10 @@ static void __init serial8250_register_p
 	for (i = 0; i < UART_NR; i++) {
 		struct uart_8250_port *up = &serial8250_ports[i];
+		if (up->port.irq == kgdb_irq)
+			up->port.kgdb = 1;
 		up->port.line = i;
 		up->port.ops = &serial8250_pops;
@@ -2144,6 +2157,31 @@ void serial8250_resume_port(int line)
 	uart_resume_port(&serial8250_reg, &serial8250_ports[line].port);
+ * Find all the ports using the given irq and shut them down.
+ * Result should be that the irq will be released.
+ */
+void shutdown_for_kgdb(struct async_struct * info)
+        int irq = info->state->irq;
+        struct uart_8250_port *up;
+	int ttyS;
+	kgdb_irq = irq;			/* save for later init */
+	for (ttyS = 0; ttyS < UART_NR; ttyS++){
+		up =  &serial8250_ports[ttyS];
+		if (up->port.irq == irq && (irq_lists + irq)->head) {
+#ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_SPINLOCK   /* ugly business... */
+			if(up->port.lock.magic != SPINLOCK_MAGIC)
+				spin_lock_init(&up->port.lock);
+			serial8250_shutdown(&up->port);
+		}
+        }
+#endif	/* CONFIG_KGDB */
 static int __init serial8250_init(void)
 	int ret, i;
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/drivers/serial/serial_core.c 101-kgdb/drivers/serial/serial_core.c
--- 100-netpoll/drivers/serial/serial_core.c	2004-03-11 14:34:56.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/drivers/serial/serial_core.c	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -1985,6 +1985,11 @@ uart_configure_port(struct uart_driver *
 	unsigned int flags;
+	if (port->kgdb)
+		return;
 	 * If there isn't a port here, don't do anything further.
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/include/asm-i386/bugs.h 101-kgdb/include/asm-i386/bugs.h
--- 100-netpoll/include/asm-i386/bugs.h	2003-10-01 11:47:09.000000000 -0700
+++ 101-kgdb/include/asm-i386/bugs.h	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
  *  include/asm-i386/bugs.h
- *  Copyright (C) 1994  Linus Torvalds
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994	Linus Torvalds
  *  Cyrix stuff, June 1998 by:
  *	- Rafael R. Reilova (moved everything from head.S),
- *        <rreilova@ececs.uc.edu>
+ *	  <rreilova@ececs.uc.edu>
  *	- Channing Corn (tests & fixes),
  *	- Andrew D. Balsa (code cleanup).
@@ -25,7 +25,20 @@
 #include <asm/processor.h>
 #include <asm/i387.h>
 #include <asm/msr.h>
+ * Provied the command line "gdb" initial break
+ */
+int __init kgdb_initial_break(char * str)
+	if (*str == '\0'){
+		breakpoint();
+		return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
 static int __init no_halt(char *s)
 	boot_cpu_data.hlt_works_ok = 0;
@@ -140,7 +153,7 @@ static void __init check_popad(void)
 	  : "ecx", "edi" );
 	/* If this fails, it means that any user program may lock the CPU hard. Too bad. */
 	if (res != 12345678) printk( "Buggy.\n" );
-		        else printk( "OK.\n" );
+			else printk( "OK.\n" );
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/include/asm-i386/kgdb.h 101-kgdb/include/asm-i386/kgdb.h
--- 100-netpoll/include/asm-i386/kgdb.h	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/include/asm-i386/kgdb.h	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#ifndef __KGDB
+#define __KGDB
+ * This file should not include ANY others.  This makes it usable
+ * most anywhere without the fear of include order or inclusion.
+ * Make it so!
+ *
+ * This file may be included all the time.  It is only active if
+ * CONFIG_KGDB is defined, otherwise it stubs out all the macros
+ * and entry points.
+ */
+#if defined(CONFIG_KGDB) && !defined(__ASSEMBLY__)
+extern void breakpoint(void);
+#define INIT_KGDB_INTS kgdb_enable_ints()
+#define BREAKPOINT   asm("   int $3")
+ * GDB debug stub (or any debug stub) can point the 'linux_debug_hook'
+ * pointer to its routine and it will be entered as the first thing
+ * when a trap occurs.
+ *
+ * Return values are, at present, undefined.
+ *
+ * The debug hook routine does not necessarily return to its caller.
+ * It has the register image and thus may choose to resume execution
+ * anywhere it pleases.
+ */
+struct pt_regs;
+extern int kgdb_handle_exception(int trapno,
+				 int signo, int err_code, struct pt_regs *regs);
+extern int in_kgdb(struct pt_regs *regs);
+void kgdb_tstamp(int line, char *source, int data0, int data1);
+ * This is the time stamp function.  The macro adds the source info and
+ * does a cast on the data to allow most any 32-bit value.
+ */
+#define kgdb_ts(data0,data1) kgdb_tstamp(__LINE__,__FILE__,(int)data0,(int)data1)
+#define kgdb_ts(data0,data1)
+#else				/* CONFIG_KGDB  && ! __ASSEMBLY__ ,stubs follow... */
+#define kgdb_ts(data0,data1)
+#define in_kgdb
+#define kgdb_handle_exception
+#define breakpoint
+#endif				/* __KGDB */
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/include/asm-i386/kgdb_local.h 101-kgdb/include/asm-i386/kgdb_local.h
--- 100-netpoll/include/asm-i386/kgdb_local.h	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/include/asm-i386/kgdb_local.h	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#ifndef __KGDB_LOCAL
+#define ___KGDB_LOCAL
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/serial.h>
+#include <linux/serialP.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#include <asm/msr.h>
+#include <asm/kgdb.h>
+#define PORT 0x3f8
+#undef PORT
+#define IRQ 4
+#undef IRQ
+#define SB_CLOCK 1843200
+#define SB_BASE (SB_CLOCK/16)
+#define SB_BAUD9600 SB_BASE/9600
+#define SB_BAUD192  SB_BASE/19200
+#define SB_BAUD384  SB_BASE/38400
+#define SB_BAUD576  SB_BASE/57600
+#define SB_BAUD1152 SB_BASE/115200
+#ifdef CONFIG_KGDB_9600BAUD
+#define SB_BAUD SB_BAUD9600
+#ifdef CONFIG_KGDB_19200BAUD
+#define SB_BAUD SB_BAUD192
+#ifdef CONFIG_KGDB_38400BAUD
+#define SB_BAUD SB_BAUD384
+#ifdef CONFIG_KGDB_57600BAUD
+#define SB_BAUD SB_BAUD576
+#ifdef CONFIG_KGDB_115200BAUD
+#define SB_BAUD SB_BAUD1152
+#ifndef SB_BAUD
+#define SB_BAUD SB_BAUD1152	/* Start with this if not given */
+#ifndef CONFIG_X86_TSC
+#undef rdtsc
+#define rdtsc(a,b) if (a++ > 10000){a = 0; b++;}
+#undef rdtscll
+#define rdtscll(s) s++
+#ifdef _raw_read_unlock		/* must use a name that is "define"ed, not an inline */
+#undef spin_lock
+#undef spin_trylock
+#undef spin_unlock
+#define spin_lock	 _raw_spin_lock
+#define spin_trylock	 _raw_spin_trylock
+#define spin_unlock	 _raw_spin_unlock
+#undef spin_unlock_wait
+#define spin_unlock_wait(x)  do { cpu_relax(); barrier();} \
+                                     while(spin_is_locked(x))
+#define SB_IER 1
+#define FLAGS 0
+#define SB_STATE { \
+     magic: SSTATE_MAGIC, \
+     baud_base: SB_BASE,  \
+     port:      PORT,     \
+     irq:       IRQ,      \
+     flags:     FLAGS,    \
+     custom_divisor:SB_BAUD}
+#define SB_INFO  { \
+      magic: SERIAL_MAGIC, \
+      port:  PORT,0,FLAGS, \
+      state: &state,       \
+      tty:   (struct tty_struct *)&state, \
+      IER:   SB_IER,       \
+      MCR:   SB_MCR}
+extern void putDebugChar(int);
+/* RTAI support needs us to really stop/start interrupts */
+#define kgdb_sti() __asm__ __volatile__("sti": : :"memory")
+#define kgdb_cli() __asm__ __volatile__("cli": : :"memory")
+#define kgdb_local_save_flags(x) __asm__ __volatile__(\
+                                   "pushfl ; popl %0":"=g" (x): /* no input */)
+#define kgdb_local_irq_restore(x) __asm__ __volatile__(\
+                                   "pushl %0 ; popfl": \
+                                     /* no output */ :"g" (x):"memory", "cc")
+#define kgdb_local_irq_save(x) kgdb_local_save_flags(x); kgdb_cli()
+extern void shutdown_for_kgdb(struct async_struct *info);
+#define INIT_KDEBUG putDebugChar("+");
+#endif				/* __KGDB_LOCAL */
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/include/linux/config.h 101-kgdb/include/linux/config.h
--- 100-netpoll/include/linux/config.h	2002-12-09 18:46:24.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/include/linux/config.h	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -2,5 +2,8 @@
 #define _LINUX_CONFIG_H
 #include <linux/autoconf.h>
+#if defined(__i386__) && !defined(IN_BOOTLOADER)
+#include <asm/kgdb.h>
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/include/linux/dwarf2-lang.h 101-kgdb/include/linux/dwarf2-lang.h
--- 100-netpoll/include/linux/dwarf2-lang.h	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/include/linux/dwarf2-lang.h	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#ifndef DWARF2_LANG
+#define DWARF2_LANG
+#include <linux/dwarf2.h>
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ * version.
+ */
+ * This file defines macros that allow generation of DWARF debug records
+ * for asm files.  This file is platform independent.  Register numbers
+ * (which are about the only thing that is platform dependent) are to be
+ * supplied by a platform defined file.
+ */
+#define DWARF_preamble()	.section	.debug_frame,"",@progbits
+ * This macro starts a debug frame section.  The debug_frame describes
+ * where to find the registers that the enclosing function saved on
+ * entry.
+ *
+ * ORD is use by the label generator and should be the same as what is
+ * passed to CFI_postamble.
+ *
+ * pc,	pc register gdb ordinal.
+ *
+ * code_align this is the factor used to define locations or regions
+ * where the given definitions apply.  If you use labels to define these
+ * this should be 1.
+ *
+ * data_align this is the factor used to define register offsets.  If
+ * you use struct offset, this should be the size of the register in
+ * bytes or the negative of that.  This is how it is used: you will
+ * define a register as the reference register, say the stack pointer,
+ * then you will say where a register is located relative to this
+ * reference registers value, say 40 for register 3 (the gdb register
+ * number).  The <40> will be multiplied by <data_align> to define the
+ * byte offset of the given register (3, in this example).  So if your
+ * <40> is the byte offset and the reference register points at the
+ * begining, you would want 1 for the data_offset.  If <40> was the 40th
+ * 4-byte element in that structure you would want 4.  And if your
+ * reference register points at the end of the structure you would want
+ * a negative data_align value(and you would have to do other math as
+ * well).
+ */
+#define CFI_preamble(ORD, pc, code_align, data_align)	\
+.section	.debug_frame,"",@progbits ;		\
+frame/**/_/**/ORD:						\
+	.long end/**/_/**/ORD-start/**/_/**/ORD;			\
+start/**/_/**/ORD:						\
+	.long	DW_CIE_ID;				\
+	.byte	DW_CIE_VERSION;			\
+	.byte 0	 ;				\
+	.uleb128 code_align;				\
+	.sleb128 data_align;				\
+	.byte pc;
+ * After the above macro and prior to the CFI_postamble, you need to
+ * define the initial state.  This starts with defining the reference
+ * register and, usually the pc.  Here are some helper macros:
+ */
+#define CFA_define_reference(reg, offset)	\
+	.byte DW_CFA_def_cfa;			\
+	.uleb128 reg;				\
+	.uleb128 (offset);
+#define CFA_define_offset(reg, offset)		\
+	.byte (DW_CFA_offset + reg);		\
+	.uleb128 (offset);
+#define CFI_postamble(ORD)			\
+	.align 4;				\
+ * So now your code pushs stuff on the stack, you need a new location
+ * and the rules for what to do.  This starts a running description of
+ * the call frame.  You need to describe what changes with respect to
+ * the call registers as the location of the pc moves through the code.
+ * The following builds an FDE (fram descriptor entry?).  Like the
+ * above, it has a preamble and a postamble.  It also is tied to the CFI
+ * above.
+ * The first entry after the preamble must be the location in the code
+ * that the call frame is being described for.
+ */
+#define FDE_preamble(ORD, fde_no, initial_address, length)	\
+	.long FDE_end/**/_/**/fde_no-FDE_start/**/_/**/fde_no;		\
+FDE_start/**/_/**/fde_no:						\
+	.long frame/**/_/**/ORD;					\
+	.long initial_address;					\
+	.long length;
+#define FDE_postamble(fde_no)			\
+	.align 4;				\
+ * That done, you can now add registers, subtract registers, move the
+ * reference and even change the reference.  You can also define a new
+ * area of code the info applies to.  For discontinuous bits you should
+ * start a new FDE.  You may have as many as you like.
+ */
+ * To advance the address by <bytes>
+ */
+#define FDE_advance(bytes)			\
+	.byte DW_CFA_advance_loc4		\
+	.long bytes
+ * With the above you can define all the register locations.  But
+ * suppose the reference register moves... Takes the new offset NOT an
+ * increment.  This is how esp is tracked if it is not saved.
+ */
+#define CFA_define_cfa_offset(offset) \
+	.byte $DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset; \
+	.uleb128 (offset);
+ * Or suppose you want to use a different reference register...
+ */
+#define CFA_define_cfa_register(reg)		\
+	.byte DW_CFA_def_cfa_register;		\
+	.uleb128 reg;
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/include/linux/dwarf2.h 101-kgdb/include/linux/dwarf2.h
--- 100-netpoll/include/linux/dwarf2.h	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/include/linux/dwarf2.h	2004-03-12 11:06:23.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+/* Declarations and definitions of codes relating to the DWARF2 symbolic
+   debugging information format.
+   Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
+   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   Written by Gary Funck (gary@intrepid.com) The Ada Joint Program
+   Office (AJPO), Florida State Unviversity and Silicon Graphics Inc.
+   provided support for this effort -- June 21, 1995.
+   Derived from the DWARF 1 implementation written by Ron Guilmette
+   (rfg@netcom.com), November 1990.
+   This file is part of GCC.
+   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+   Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+   version.
+   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+   License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+   Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+   02111-1307, USA.  */
+/* This file is derived from the DWARF specification (a public document)
+   Revision 2.0.0 (July 27, 1993) developed by the UNIX International
+   Programming Languages Special Interest Group (UI/PLSIG) and distributed
+   by UNIX International.  Copies of this specification are available from
+   UNIX International, 20 Waterview Boulevard, Parsippany, NJ, 07054.
+   This file also now contains definitions from the DWARF 3 specification.  */
+/* This file is shared between GCC and GDB, and should not contain
+   prototypes.	*/
+#ifndef _ELF_DWARF2_H
+#define _ELF_DWARF2_H
+/* Structure found in the .debug_line section.	*/
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+typedef struct
+  unsigned char li_length	   [4];
+  unsigned char li_version	   [2];
+  unsigned char li_prologue_length [4];
+  unsigned char li_min_insn_length [1];
+  unsigned char li_default_is_stmt [1];
+  unsigned char li_line_base	   [1];
+  unsigned char li_line_range	   [1];
+  unsigned char li_opcode_base	   [1];
+typedef struct
+  unsigned long  li_length;
+  unsigned short li_version;
+  unsigned int	 li_prologue_length;
+  unsigned char  li_min_insn_length;
+  unsigned char  li_default_is_stmt;
+  int		 li_line_base;
+  unsigned char  li_line_range;
+  unsigned char  li_opcode_base;
+/* Structure found in .debug_pubnames section.	*/
+typedef struct
+  unsigned char pn_length  [4];
+  unsigned char pn_version [2];
+  unsigned char pn_offset  [4];
+  unsigned char pn_size    [4];
+typedef struct
+  unsigned long  pn_length;
+  unsigned short pn_version;
+  unsigned long  pn_offset;
+  unsigned long  pn_size;
+/* Structure found in .debug_info section.  */
+typedef struct
+  unsigned char  cu_length	  [4];
+  unsigned char  cu_version	  [2];
+  unsigned char  cu_abbrev_offset [4];
+  unsigned char  cu_pointer_size  [1];
+typedef struct
+  unsigned long  cu_length;
+  unsigned short cu_version;
+  unsigned long  cu_abbrev_offset;
+  unsigned char  cu_pointer_size;
+typedef struct
+  unsigned char  ar_length	 [4];
+  unsigned char  ar_version	 [2];
+  unsigned char  ar_info_offset  [4];
+  unsigned char  ar_pointer_size [1];
+  unsigned char  ar_segment_size [1];
+typedef struct
+  unsigned long  ar_length;
+  unsigned short ar_version;
+  unsigned long  ar_info_offset;
+  unsigned char  ar_pointer_size;
+  unsigned char  ar_segment_size;
+#define ENUM(name) enum name {
+#define IF_NOT_ASM(a) a
+#define COMMA ,
+#define ENUM(name)
+#define IF_NOT_ASM(a)
+#define COMMA
+/* Tag names and codes.  */
+    DW_TAG_padding = 0x00 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_array_type = 0x01 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_class_type = 0x02 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_entry_point = 0x03 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_enumeration_type = 0x04 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_formal_parameter = 0x05 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_imported_declaration = 0x08 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_label = 0x0a COMMA
+    DW_TAG_lexical_block = 0x0b COMMA
+    DW_TAG_member = 0x0d COMMA
+    DW_TAG_pointer_type = 0x0f COMMA
+    DW_TAG_reference_type = 0x10 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_compile_unit = 0x11 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_string_type = 0x12 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_structure_type = 0x13 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_subroutine_type = 0x15 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_typedef = 0x16 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_union_type = 0x17 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters = 0x18 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_variant = 0x19 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_common_block = 0x1a COMMA
+    DW_TAG_common_inclusion = 0x1b COMMA
+    DW_TAG_inheritance = 0x1c COMMA
+    DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine = 0x1d COMMA
+    DW_TAG_module = 0x1e COMMA
+    DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type = 0x1f COMMA
+    DW_TAG_set_type = 0x20 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_subrange_type = 0x21 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_with_stmt = 0x22 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_access_declaration = 0x23 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_base_type = 0x24 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_catch_block = 0x25 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_const_type = 0x26 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_constant = 0x27 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_enumerator = 0x28 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_file_type = 0x29 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_friend = 0x2a COMMA
+    DW_TAG_namelist = 0x2b COMMA
+    DW_TAG_namelist_item = 0x2c COMMA
+    DW_TAG_packed_type = 0x2d COMMA
+    DW_TAG_subprogram = 0x2e COMMA
+    DW_TAG_template_type_param = 0x2f COMMA
+    DW_TAG_template_value_param = 0x30 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_thrown_type = 0x31 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_try_block = 0x32 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_variant_part = 0x33 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_variable = 0x34 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_volatile_type = 0x35 COMMA
+    /* DWARF 3.  */
+    DW_TAG_dwarf_procedure = 0x36 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_restrict_type = 0x37 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_interface_type = 0x38 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_namespace = 0x39 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_imported_module = 0x3a COMMA
+    DW_TAG_unspecified_type = 0x3b COMMA
+    DW_TAG_partial_unit = 0x3c COMMA
+    DW_TAG_imported_unit = 0x3d COMMA
+    /* SGI/MIPS Extensions.  */
+    DW_TAG_MIPS_loop = 0x4081 COMMA
+    /* GNU extensions.	*/
+    DW_TAG_format_label = 0x4101 COMMA	/* For FORTRAN 77 and Fortran 90.  */
+    DW_TAG_function_template = 0x4102 COMMA	/* For C++.  */
+    DW_TAG_class_template = 0x4103 COMMA	/* For C++.  */
+    DW_TAG_GNU_BINCL = 0x4104 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_GNU_EINCL = 0x4105 COMMA
+    /* Extensions for UPC.  See: http://upc.gwu.edu/~upc.  */
+    DW_TAG_upc_shared_type = 0x8765 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_upc_strict_type = 0x8766 COMMA
+    DW_TAG_upc_relaxed_type = 0x8767
+#define DW_TAG_lo_user	0x4080
+#define DW_TAG_hi_user	0xffff
+/* Flag that tells whether entry has a child or not.  */
+#define DW_children_no	 0
+#define	DW_children_yes  1
+/* Form names and codes.  */
+    DW_FORM_addr = 0x01 COMMA
+    DW_FORM_block2 = 0x03 COMMA
+    DW_FORM_block4 = 0x04 COMMA
+    DW_FORM_data2 = 0x05 COMMA
+    DW_FORM_data4 = 0x06 COMMA
+    DW_FORM_data8 = 0x07 COMMA
+    DW_FORM_string = 0x08 COMMA
+    DW_FORM_block = 0x09 COMMA
+    DW_FORM_block1 = 0x0a COMMA
+    DW_FORM_data1 = 0x0b COMMA
+    DW_FORM_flag = 0x0c COMMA
+    DW_FORM_sdata = 0x0d COMMA
+    DW_FORM_strp = 0x0e COMMA
+    DW_FORM_udata = 0x0f COMMA
+    DW_FORM_ref_addr = 0x10 COMMA
+    DW_FORM_ref1 = 0x11 COMMA
+    DW_FORM_ref2 = 0x12 COMMA
+    DW_FORM_ref4 = 0x13 COMMA
+    DW_FORM_ref8 = 0x14 COMMA
+    DW_FORM_ref_udata = 0x15 COMMA
+    DW_FORM_indirect = 0x16
+/* Attribute names and codes.  */
+    DW_AT_sibling = 0x01 COMMA
+    DW_AT_location = 0x02 COMMA
+    DW_AT_name = 0x03 COMMA
+    DW_AT_ordering = 0x09 COMMA
+    DW_AT_subscr_data = 0x0a COMMA
+    DW_AT_byte_size = 0x0b COMMA
+    DW_AT_bit_offset = 0x0c COMMA
+    DW_AT_bit_size = 0x0d COMMA
+    DW_AT_element_list = 0x0f COMMA
+    DW_AT_stmt_list = 0x10 COMMA
+    DW_AT_low_pc = 0x11 COMMA
+    DW_AT_high_pc = 0x12 COMMA
+    DW_AT_language = 0x13 COMMA
+    DW_AT_member = 0x14 COMMA
+    DW_AT_discr = 0x15 COMMA
+    DW_AT_discr_value = 0x16 COMMA
+    DW_AT_visibility = 0x17 COMMA
+    DW_AT_import = 0x18 COMMA
+    DW_AT_string_length = 0x19 COMMA
+    DW_AT_common_reference = 0x1a COMMA
+    DW_AT_comp_dir = 0x1b COMMA
+    DW_AT_const_value = 0x1c COMMA
+    DW_AT_containing_type = 0x1d COMMA
+    DW_AT_default_value = 0x1e COMMA
+    DW_AT_inline = 0x20 COMMA
+    DW_AT_is_optional = 0x21 COMMA
+    DW_AT_lower_bound = 0x22 COMMA
+    DW_AT_producer = 0x25 COMMA
+    DW_AT_prototyped = 0x27 COMMA
+    DW_AT_return_addr = 0x2a COMMA
+    DW_AT_start_scope = 0x2c COMMA
+    DW_AT_stride_size = 0x2e COMMA
+    DW_AT_upper_bound = 0x2f COMMA
+    DW_AT_abstract_origin = 0x31 COMMA
+    DW_AT_accessibility = 0x32 COMMA
+    DW_AT_address_class = 0x33 COMMA
+    DW_AT_artificial = 0x34 COMMA
+    DW_AT_base_types = 0x35 COMMA
+    DW_AT_calling_convention = 0x36 COMMA
+    DW_AT_count = 0x37 COMMA
+    DW_AT_data_member_location = 0x38 COMMA
+    DW_AT_decl_column = 0x39 COMMA
+    DW_AT_decl_file = 0x3a COMMA
+    DW_AT_decl_line = 0x3b COMMA
+    DW_AT_declaration = 0x3c COMMA
+    DW_AT_discr_list = 0x3d COMMA
+    DW_AT_encoding = 0x3e COMMA
+    DW_AT_external = 0x3f COMMA
+    DW_AT_frame_base = 0x40 COMMA
+    DW_AT_friend = 0x41 COMMA
+    DW_AT_identifier_case = 0x42 COMMA
+    DW_AT_macro_info = 0x43 COMMA
+    DW_AT_namelist_items = 0x44 COMMA
+    DW_AT_priority = 0x45 COMMA
+    DW_AT_segment = 0x46 COMMA
+    DW_AT_specification = 0x47 COMMA
+    DW_AT_static_link = 0x48 COMMA
+    DW_AT_type = 0x49 COMMA
+    DW_AT_use_location = 0x4a COMMA
+    DW_AT_variable_parameter = 0x4b COMMA
+    DW_AT_virtuality = 0x4c COMMA
+    DW_AT_vtable_elem_location = 0x4d COMMA
+    /* DWARF 3 values.	*/
+    DW_AT_allocated	= 0x4e COMMA
+    DW_AT_associated	= 0x4f COMMA
+    DW_AT_data_location = 0x50 COMMA
+    DW_AT_stride	= 0x51 COMMA
+    DW_AT_entry_pc	= 0x52 COMMA
+    DW_AT_use_UTF8	= 0x53 COMMA
+    DW_AT_extension	= 0x54 COMMA
+    DW_AT_ranges	= 0x55 COMMA
+    DW_AT_trampoline	= 0x56 COMMA
+    DW_AT_call_column	= 0x57 COMMA
+    DW_AT_call_file	= 0x58 COMMA
+    DW_AT_call_line	= 0x59 COMMA
+    /* SGI/MIPS extensions.  */
+    DW_AT_MIPS_fde = 0x2001 COMMA
+    DW_AT_MIPS_loop_begin = 0x2002 COMMA
+    DW_AT_MIPS_tail_loop_begin = 0x2003 COMMA
+    DW_AT_MIPS_epilog_begin = 0x2004 COMMA
+    DW_AT_MIPS_loop_unroll_factor = 0x2005 COMMA
+    DW_AT_MIPS_software_pipeline_depth = 0x2006 COMMA
+    DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name = 0x2007 COMMA
+    DW_AT_MIPS_stride = 0x2008 COMMA
+    DW_AT_MIPS_abstract_name = 0x2009 COMMA
+    DW_AT_MIPS_clone_origin = 0x200a COMMA
+    DW_AT_MIPS_has_inlines = 0x200b COMMA
+    /* GNU extensions.	*/
+    DW_AT_sf_names   = 0x2101 COMMA
+    DW_AT_src_info   = 0x2102 COMMA
+    DW_AT_mac_info   = 0x2103 COMMA
+    DW_AT_src_coords = 0x2104 COMMA
+    DW_AT_body_begin = 0x2105 COMMA
+    DW_AT_body_end   = 0x2106 COMMA
+    DW_AT_GNU_vector = 0x2107 COMMA
+    /* VMS extensions.	*/
+    DW_AT_VMS_rtnbeg_pd_address = 0x2201 COMMA
+    /* UPC extension.  */
+    DW_AT_upc_threads_scaled = 0x3210
+#define DW_AT_lo_user	0x2000	/* Implementation-defined range start.	*/
+#define DW_AT_hi_user	0x3ff0	/* Implementation-defined range end.  */
+/* Location atom names and codes.  */
+    DW_OP_addr = 0x03 COMMA
+    DW_OP_deref = 0x06 COMMA
+    DW_OP_const1u = 0x08 COMMA
+    DW_OP_const1s = 0x09 COMMA
+    DW_OP_const2u = 0x0a COMMA
+    DW_OP_const2s = 0x0b COMMA
+    DW_OP_const4u = 0x0c COMMA
+    DW_OP_const4s = 0x0d COMMA
+    DW_OP_const8u = 0x0e COMMA
+    DW_OP_const8s = 0x0f COMMA
+    DW_OP_constu = 0x10 COMMA
+    DW_OP_consts = 0x11 COMMA
+    DW_OP_dup = 0x12 COMMA
+    DW_OP_drop = 0x13 COMMA
+    DW_OP_over = 0x14 COMMA
+    DW_OP_pick = 0x15 COMMA
+    DW_OP_swap = 0x16 COMMA
+    DW_OP_rot = 0x17 COMMA
+    DW_OP_xderef = 0x18 COMMA
+    DW_OP_abs = 0x19 COMMA
+    DW_OP_and = 0x1a COMMA
+    DW_OP_div = 0x1b COMMA
+    DW_OP_minus = 0x1c COMMA
+    DW_OP_mod = 0x1d COMMA
+    DW_OP_mul = 0x1e COMMA
+    DW_OP_neg = 0x1f COMMA
+    DW_OP_not = 0x20 COMMA
+    DW_OP_or = 0x21 COMMA
+    DW_OP_plus = 0x22 COMMA
+    DW_OP_plus_uconst = 0x23 COMMA
+    DW_OP_shl = 0x24 COMMA
+    DW_OP_shr = 0x25 COMMA
+    DW_OP_shra = 0x26 COMMA
+    DW_OP_xor = 0x27 COMMA
+    DW_OP_bra = 0x28 COMMA
+    DW_OP_eq = 0x29 COMMA
+    DW_OP_ge = 0x2a COMMA
+    DW_OP_gt = 0x2b COMMA
+    DW_OP_le = 0x2c COMMA
+    DW_OP_lt = 0x2d COMMA
+    DW_OP_ne = 0x2e COMMA
+    DW_OP_skip = 0x2f COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit0 = 0x30 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit1 = 0x31 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit2 = 0x32 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit3 = 0x33 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit4 = 0x34 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit5 = 0x35 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit6 = 0x36 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit7 = 0x37 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit8 = 0x38 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit9 = 0x39 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit10 = 0x3a COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit11 = 0x3b COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit12 = 0x3c COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit13 = 0x3d COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit14 = 0x3e COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit15 = 0x3f COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit16 = 0x40 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit17 = 0x41 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit18 = 0x42 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit19 = 0x43 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit20 = 0x44 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit21 = 0x45 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit22 = 0x46 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit23 = 0x47 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit24 = 0x48 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit25 = 0x49 COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit26 = 0x4a COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit27 = 0x4b COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit28 = 0x4c COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit29 = 0x4d COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit30 = 0x4e COMMA
+    DW_OP_lit31 = 0x4f COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg0 = 0x50 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg1 = 0x51 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg2 = 0x52 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg3 = 0x53 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg4 = 0x54 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg5 = 0x55 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg6 = 0x56 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg7 = 0x57 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg8 = 0x58 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg9 = 0x59 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg10 = 0x5a COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg11 = 0x5b COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg12 = 0x5c COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg13 = 0x5d COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg14 = 0x5e COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg15 = 0x5f COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg16 = 0x60 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg17 = 0x61 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg18 = 0x62 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg19 = 0x63 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg20 = 0x64 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg21 = 0x65 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg22 = 0x66 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg23 = 0x67 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg24 = 0x68 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg25 = 0x69 COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg26 = 0x6a COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg27 = 0x6b COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg28 = 0x6c COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg29 = 0x6d COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg30 = 0x6e COMMA
+    DW_OP_reg31 = 0x6f COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg0 = 0x70 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg1 = 0x71 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg2 = 0x72 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg3 = 0x73 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg4 = 0x74 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg5 = 0x75 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg6 = 0x76 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg7 = 0x77 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg8 = 0x78 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg9 = 0x79 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg10 = 0x7a COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg11 = 0x7b COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg12 = 0x7c COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg13 = 0x7d COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg14 = 0x7e COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg15 = 0x7f COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg16 = 0x80 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg17 = 0x81 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg18 = 0x82 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg19 = 0x83 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg20 = 0x84 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg21 = 0x85 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg22 = 0x86 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg23 = 0x87 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg24 = 0x88 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg25 = 0x89 COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg26 = 0x8a COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg27 = 0x8b COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg28 = 0x8c COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg29 = 0x8d COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg30 = 0x8e COMMA
+    DW_OP_breg31 = 0x8f COMMA
+    DW_OP_regx = 0x90 COMMA
+    DW_OP_fbreg = 0x91 COMMA
+    DW_OP_bregx = 0x92 COMMA
+    DW_OP_piece = 0x93 COMMA
+    DW_OP_deref_size = 0x94 COMMA
+    DW_OP_xderef_size = 0x95 COMMA
+    DW_OP_nop = 0x96 COMMA
+    /* DWARF 3 extensions.  */
+    DW_OP_push_object_address = 0x97 COMMA
+    DW_OP_call2 = 0x98 COMMA
+    DW_OP_call4 = 0x99 COMMA
+    DW_OP_call_ref = 0x9a COMMA
+    /* GNU extensions.	*/
+    DW_OP_GNU_push_tls_address = 0xe0
+#define DW_OP_lo_user	0xe0	/* Implementation-defined range start.	*/
+#define DW_OP_hi_user	0xff	/* Implementation-defined range end.  */
+/* Type encodings.  */
+    DW_ATE_void = 0x0 COMMA
+    DW_ATE_address = 0x1 COMMA
+    DW_ATE_boolean = 0x2 COMMA
+    DW_ATE_complex_float = 0x3 COMMA
+    DW_ATE_float = 0x4 COMMA
+    DW_ATE_signed = 0x5 COMMA
+    DW_ATE_signed_char = 0x6 COMMA
+    DW_ATE_unsigned = 0x7 COMMA
+    DW_ATE_unsigned_char = 0x8 COMMA
+    /* DWARF 3.  */
+    DW_ATE_imaginary_float = 0x9
+#define	DW_ATE_lo_user 0x80
+#define	DW_ATE_hi_user 0xff
+/* Array ordering names and codes.  */
+    DW_ORD_row_major = 0 COMMA
+    DW_ORD_col_major = 1
+/* Access attribute.  */
+    DW_ACCESS_public = 1 COMMA
+    DW_ACCESS_protected = 2 COMMA
+    DW_ACCESS_private = 3
+/* Visibility.	*/
+    DW_VIS_local = 1 COMMA
+    DW_VIS_exported = 2 COMMA
+    DW_VIS_qualified = 3
+/* Virtuality.	*/
+    DW_VIRTUALITY_virtual = 1 COMMA
+    DW_VIRTUALITY_pure_virtual = 2
+/* Case sensitivity.  */
+    DW_ID_case_sensitive = 0 COMMA
+    DW_ID_up_case = 1 COMMA
+    DW_ID_down_case = 2 COMMA
+    DW_ID_case_insensitive = 3
+/* Calling convention.	*/
+    DW_CC_normal = 0x1 COMMA
+    DW_CC_program = 0x2 COMMA
+    DW_CC_nocall = 0x3
+#define DW_CC_lo_user 0x40
+#define DW_CC_hi_user 0xff
+/* Inline attribute.  */
+    DW_INL_not_inlined = 0 COMMA
+    DW_INL_inlined = 1 COMMA
+    DW_INL_declared_not_inlined = 2 COMMA
+    DW_INL_declared_inlined = 3
+/* Discriminant lists.	*/
+    DW_DSC_label = 0 COMMA
+    DW_DSC_range = 1
+/* Line number opcodes.  */
+    DW_LNS_extended_op = 0 COMMA
+    DW_LNS_copy = 1 COMMA
+    DW_LNS_advance_pc = 2 COMMA
+    DW_LNS_advance_line = 3 COMMA
+    DW_LNS_set_file = 4 COMMA
+    DW_LNS_set_column = 5 COMMA
+    DW_LNS_negate_stmt = 6 COMMA
+    DW_LNS_set_basic_block = 7 COMMA
+    DW_LNS_const_add_pc = 8 COMMA
+    DW_LNS_fixed_advance_pc = 9 COMMA
+    /* DWARF 3.  */
+    DW_LNS_set_prologue_end = 10 COMMA
+    DW_LNS_set_epilogue_begin = 11 COMMA
+    DW_LNS_set_isa = 12
+/* Line number extended opcodes.  */
+    DW_LNE_end_sequence = 1 COMMA
+    DW_LNE_set_address = 2 COMMA
+    DW_LNE_define_file = 3
+/* Call frame information.  */
+    DW_CFA_advance_loc = 0x40 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_offset = 0x80 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_restore = 0xc0 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_nop = 0x00 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_set_loc = 0x01 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_advance_loc1 = 0x02 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_advance_loc2 = 0x03 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_advance_loc4 = 0x04 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_offset_extended = 0x05 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_restore_extended = 0x06 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_undefined = 0x07 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_same_value = 0x08 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_register = 0x09 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_remember_state = 0x0a COMMA
+    DW_CFA_restore_state = 0x0b COMMA
+    DW_CFA_def_cfa = 0x0c COMMA
+    DW_CFA_def_cfa_register = 0x0d COMMA
+    DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset = 0x0e COMMA
+    /* DWARF 3.  */
+    DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression = 0x0f COMMA
+    DW_CFA_expression = 0x10 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf = 0x11 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf = 0x12 COMMA
+    DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf = 0x13 COMMA
+    /* SGI/MIPS specific.  */
+    DW_CFA_MIPS_advance_loc8 = 0x1d COMMA
+    /* GNU extensions.	*/
+    DW_CFA_GNU_window_save = 0x2d COMMA
+    DW_CFA_GNU_args_size = 0x2e COMMA
+    DW_CFA_GNU_negative_offset_extended = 0x2f
+#define DW_CIE_ID	  0xffffffff
+#define DW_CIE_VERSION	  1
+#define DW_CFA_extended   0
+#define DW_CFA_lo_user	  0x1c
+#define DW_CFA_hi_user	  0x3f
+#define DW_CHILDREN_no		     0x00
+#define DW_CHILDREN_yes		     0x01
+#define DW_ADDR_none		0
+/* Source language names and codes.  */
+    DW_LANG_C89 = 0x0001 COMMA
+    DW_LANG_C = 0x0002 COMMA
+    DW_LANG_Ada83 = 0x0003 COMMA
+    DW_LANG_C_plus_plus = 0x0004 COMMA
+    DW_LANG_Cobol74 = 0x0005 COMMA
+    DW_LANG_Cobol85 = 0x0006 COMMA
+    DW_LANG_Fortran77 = 0x0007 COMMA
+    DW_LANG_Fortran90 = 0x0008 COMMA
+    DW_LANG_Pascal83 = 0x0009 COMMA
+    DW_LANG_Modula2 = 0x000a COMMA
+    DW_LANG_Java = 0x000b COMMA
+    /* DWARF 3.  */
+    DW_LANG_C99 = 0x000c COMMA
+    DW_LANG_Ada95 = 0x000d COMMA
+    DW_LANG_Fortran95 = 0x000e COMMA
+    /* MIPS.  */
+    DW_LANG_Mips_Assembler = 0x8001 COMMA
+    /* UPC.  */
+    DW_LANG_Upc = 0x8765
+#define DW_LANG_lo_user 0x8000	/* Implementation-defined range start.	*/
+#define DW_LANG_hi_user 0xffff	/* Implementation-defined range start.	*/
+/* Names and codes for macro information.  */
+    DW_MACINFO_define = 1 COMMA
+    DW_MACINFO_undef = 2 COMMA
+    DW_MACINFO_start_file = 3 COMMA
+    DW_MACINFO_end_file = 4 COMMA
+    DW_MACINFO_vendor_ext = 255
+/* @@@ For use with GNU frame unwind information.  */
+#define DW_EH_PE_absptr		0x00
+#define DW_EH_PE_omit		0xff
+#define DW_EH_PE_uleb128	0x01
+#define DW_EH_PE_udata2		0x02
+#define DW_EH_PE_udata4		0x03
+#define DW_EH_PE_udata8		0x04
+#define DW_EH_PE_sleb128	0x09
+#define DW_EH_PE_sdata2		0x0A
+#define DW_EH_PE_sdata4		0x0B
+#define DW_EH_PE_sdata8		0x0C
+#define DW_EH_PE_signed		0x08
+#define DW_EH_PE_pcrel		0x10
+#define DW_EH_PE_textrel	0x20
+#define DW_EH_PE_datarel	0x30
+#define DW_EH_PE_funcrel	0x40
+#define DW_EH_PE_aligned	0x50
+#define DW_EH_PE_indirect	0x80
+#endif /* _ELF_DWARF2_H */
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/include/linux/serial_core.h 101-kgdb/include/linux/serial_core.h
--- 100-netpoll/include/linux/serial_core.h	2004-03-11 14:35:34.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/include/linux/serial_core.h	2004-03-12 11:06:24.000000000 -0800
@@ -160,7 +160,9 @@ struct uart_port {
 	unsigned char		x_char;			/* xon/xoff char */
 	unsigned char		regshift;		/* reg offset shift */
 	unsigned char		iotype;			/* io access style */
+	int			kgdb;			/* in use by kgdb */
 #define UPIO_PORT		(0)
 #define UPIO_HUB6		(1)
 #define UPIO_MEM		(2)
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/include/linux/spinlock.h 101-kgdb/include/linux/spinlock.h
--- 100-netpoll/include/linux/spinlock.h	2003-07-02 14:45:00.000000000 -0700
+++ 101-kgdb/include/linux/spinlock.h	2004-03-12 11:06:24.000000000 -0800
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
 #include <asm/processor.h>	/* for cpu relax */
 #include <asm/system.h>
+#include <asm/current.h>
+#define SET_WHO(x, him) (x)->who = him;
+#define SET_WHO(x, him)
  * Must define these before including other files, inline functions need them
@@ -55,6 +61,9 @@ typedef struct {
 	const char *module;
 	char *owner;
 	int oline;
+	struct task_struct *who;
 } spinlock_t;
 #define SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED (spinlock_t) { SPINLOCK_MAGIC, 0, 10, __FILE__ , NULL, 0}
@@ -66,6 +75,7 @@ typedef struct {
 		(x)->module = __FILE__; \
 		(x)->owner = NULL; \
 		(x)->oline = 0; \
+                SET_WHO(x, NULL) \
 	} while (0)
 #define CHECK_LOCK(x) \
@@ -88,6 +98,7 @@ typedef struct {
 		(x)->lock = 1; \
 		(x)->owner = __FILE__; \
 		(x)->oline = __LINE__; \
+                SET_WHO(x, current)       \
 	} while (0)
 /* without debugging, spin_is_locked on UP always says
@@ -118,6 +129,7 @@ typedef struct {
 		(x)->lock = 1; \
 		(x)->owner = __FILE__; \
 		(x)->oline = __LINE__; \
+                SET_WHO(x, current)       \
 		1; \
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/kernel/pid.c 101-kgdb/kernel/pid.c
--- 100-netpoll/kernel/pid.c	2004-03-11 14:35:38.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/kernel/pid.c	2004-03-12 11:06:24.000000000 -0800
@@ -268,6 +268,9 @@ void switch_exec_pids(task_t *leader, ta
  * machine.  From a minimum of 16 slots up to 4096 slots at one gigabyte or
  * more.
+int kgdb_pid_init_done; /* so we don't call prior to... */
 void __init pidhash_init(void)
 	int i, j, pidhash_size;
@@ -289,6 +292,9 @@ void __init pidhash_init(void)
 		for (j = 0; j < pidhash_size; j++)
+	kgdb_pid_init_done++;
 void __init pidmap_init(void)
diff -purN -X /home/mbligh/.diff.exclude 100-netpoll/kernel/sched.c 101-kgdb/kernel/sched.c
--- 100-netpoll/kernel/sched.c	2004-03-11 14:35:38.000000000 -0800
+++ 101-kgdb/kernel/sched.c	2004-03-12 11:06:24.000000000 -0800
@@ -2015,6 +2015,13 @@ out_unlock:
+#if defined( CONFIG_KGDB)
+struct task_struct * kgdb_get_idle(int this_cpu)
+        return cpu_rq(this_cpu)->idle;
 #ifndef __alpha__