These are the cinematics in Descent3, converted to standard MPEG1 format.
Drop these into /where/you/installed/Descent3/movies/, and install the 1.4.0b
(or later) patch, and the Linux version of D3 will play these instead of the
original movies. These are of less quality, but take less disk space than the
originals (if you don't like keeping the CD-ROMs handy), and will play better
on slower systems that struggle with the higher quality codec.

If you are a cheater, you can watch these movies with just about any MPEG
player. But you should wait until you get to see them in-game for full effect.

intro.mpg  - The intro cinematic before the main menu.
level1.mpg - Cinematic that plays before you start level 1 / training mission.
level5.mpg - Cinematic that plays before you begin level 5.
end.mpg    - Cinematic that plays at the end of the game.

These are used with the Mercenary expansion pack. They are not needed if you
don't have the expansion pack, and honestly, aren't particularly important
even if you do. They also go into the movies/ directory.

mi.mpg     - Intro cinematic when you start the Mercenary missions.
me.mpg     - Ending cinematic at the end of the missions. All 10 seconds of it.

Total play time of all these mpegs: approximately 15 minutes, 25 seconds.

--ryan. (