==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/home/alhp/workspace/chroot/root] -> [build_10d11ae7-269d-48bc-8119-1468a7ca3dca]...done
==> Making package: libinsane 1.0.10-2.1 (Sun Dec 15 11:58:36 2024)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Cloning libinsane git repo...
Cloning into bare repository '/home/alhp/workspace/build/x86-64-v4/libinsane-1.0.10-2/libinsane'...
==> Validating source files with b2sums...
    libinsane ... Passed
==> Making package: libinsane 1.0.10-2.1 (Sun Dec 15 10:58:40 2024)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: harfbuzz will be installed before its freetype2 dependency

Package (54)              New Version              Net Change

extra/aom                 3.11.0-1                   8.84 MiB
extra/avahi               1:0.8+r194+g3f79789-2      1.88 MiB
extra/cairo               1.18.2-2                   1.57 MiB
extra/dav1d               1.5.0-1                    1.74 MiB
extra/fontconfig          2:2.15.0-2                 1.10 MiB
extra/freetype2           2.13.3-1                   1.62 MiB
extra/gd                  2.3.3-8                    0.65 MiB
extra/giflib              5.2.2-1                    0.27 MiB
extra/graphite            1:1.3.14-4                 0.20 MiB
extra/harfbuzz            10.1.0-1                   4.11 MiB
extra/hicolor-icon-theme  0.18-1                     0.05 MiB
extra/jbigkit             2.1-8                      0.16 MiB
extra/lcms2               2.16-1                     0.67 MiB
extra/libavif             1.1.1-2                    0.46 MiB
extra/libdaemon           0.14-6                     0.06 MiB
extra/libde265            1.0.15-3                   0.77 MiB
extra/libexif             0.6.24-3                   2.64 MiB
extra/libgphoto2          2.5.31-3                   6.10 MiB
extra/libheif             1.19.5-1                   1.65 MiB
extra/libice              1.1.2-1                    0.36 MiB
extra/libieee1284         0.2.11-17                  0.12 MiB
extra/libjpeg-turbo       3.0.4-1                    2.31 MiB
core/libnl                3.11.0-1                   2.08 MiB
core/libpcap              1.10.5-2                   0.63 MiB
extra/libpng              1.6.44-1                   0.57 MiB
extra/libsm               1.2.5-1                    0.26 MiB
extra/libtiff             4.7.0-1                    1.78 MiB
extra/libwebp             1.4.0-3                    1.15 MiB
extra/libx11              1.8.10-1                   9.78 MiB
extra/libxau              1.0.12-1                   0.02 MiB
extra/libxcb              1.17.0-1                   3.87 MiB
extra/libxdmcp            1.1.5-1                    0.13 MiB
extra/libxext             1.3.6-1                    0.30 MiB
extra/libxpm              3.5.17-2                   0.16 MiB
extra/libxrender          0.9.12-1                   0.09 MiB
extra/libxt               1.3.1-1                    2.02 MiB
extra/libyuv              r2426+464c51a03-1          1.82 MiB
extra/lm_sensors          1:3.6.0.r41.g31d1f125-3    0.46 MiB
core/lzo                  2.10-5                     0.38 MiB
extra/net-snmp            5.9.4-5                    8.53 MiB
core/nspr                 4.36-1                     0.71 MiB
core/nss                  3.107-1                    5.10 MiB
extra/openjpeg2           2.5.3-1                   13.87 MiB
core/pciutils             3.13.0-2                   0.37 MiB
extra/pixman              0.44.2-1                   0.70 MiB
extra/poppler             24.11.0-2                  5.89 MiB
extra/poppler-glib        24.11.0-2                  3.09 MiB
extra/rav1e               0.7.1-1                    7.52 MiB
extra/svt-av1             2.2.1-1                    5.17 MiB
extra/v4l-utils           1.28.1-1                  11.07 MiB
extra/x265                4.0-1                     19.42 MiB
extra/xcb-proto           1.17.0-2                   1.02 MiB
extra/xorgproto           2024.1-2                   1.46 MiB
extra/sane                1.3.1-1                   18.50 MiB

Total Installed Size:  165.26 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
checking keyring...
checking package integrity...
loading package files...
checking for file conflicts...
:: Processing package changes...
installing libpng...
installing graphite...
Optional dependencies for graphite
    graphite-docs: Documentation
installing harfbuzz...
Optional dependencies for harfbuzz
    harfbuzz-utils: utilities
installing freetype2...
installing fontconfig...
Creating fontconfig configuration...
Rebuilding fontconfig cache...
installing xcb-proto...
installing xorgproto...
installing libxdmcp...
installing libxau...
installing libxcb...
installing libx11...
installing libxext...
installing libxrender...
installing lzo...
installing pixman...
installing cairo...
installing libieee1284...
Optional dependencies for libieee1284
    python: for python module
installing libnl...
installing libpcap...
installing lm_sensors...
Optional dependencies for lm_sensors
    rrdtool: for logging with sensord
    perl: for sensor detection and configuration convert [installed]
installing pciutils...
Optional dependencies for pciutils
    which: for update-pciids [installed]
    grep: for update-pciids [installed]
    curl: for update-pciids [installed]
installing net-snmp...
Optional dependencies for net-snmp
    perl-term-readkey: for snmpcheck application
    perl-tk: for snmpcheck and tkmib applications
    python: for the python modules
installing hicolor-icon-theme...
installing libjpeg-turbo...
Optional dependencies for libjpeg-turbo
    java-runtime>11: for TurboJPEG Java wrapper
installing v4l-utils...
Optional dependencies for v4l-utils
    qt5-base: for qv4l2 and qvidcap
    alsa-lib: for qv4l2
    libbpf: for ir-keytable
installing libdaemon...
installing avahi...
Optional dependencies for avahi
    gtk3: avahi-discover, avahi-discover-standalone, bshell, bssh, bvnc
    libevent: libevent bindings [installed]
    nss-mdns: NSS support for mDNS
    python-dbus: avahi-bookmarks, avahi-discover
    python-gobject: avahi-bookmarks, avahi-discover
    python-twisted: avahi-bookmarks
    qt5-base: qt5 bindings
installing libice...
installing libsm...
installing libxt...
installing libxpm...
installing giflib...
installing jbigkit...
installing libtiff...
Optional dependencies for libtiff
    freeglut: for using tiffgt
installing libwebp...
installing aom...
installing dav1d...
Optional dependencies for dav1d
    dav1d-doc: HTML documentation
installing rav1e...
installing svt-av1...
installing libyuv...
installing libavif...
installing libde265...
Optional dependencies for libde265
    ffmpeg: for sherlock265
    qt5-base: for sherlock265
    sdl: dec265 YUV overlay output
installing x265...
installing libheif...
Optional dependencies for libheif
    libjpeg-turbo: for heif-convert and heif-enc [installed]
    libpng: for heif-convert and heif-enc [installed]
    dav1d: dav1d encoder [installed]
    ffmpeg: hardware decode
    rav1e: rav1e encoder [installed]
    svt-av1: svt-av1 encoder [installed]
installing gd...
Optional dependencies for gd
    perl: bdftogd script [installed]
installing libexif...
installing libgphoto2...
installing lcms2...
installing openjpeg2...
installing nspr...
installing nss...
installing poppler...
Optional dependencies for poppler
    poppler-data: highly recommended encoding data to display PDF documents with certain encodings and characters
installing poppler-glib...
installing sane...
Optional dependencies for sane
    sane-airscan: for scanners working in driverless mode
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/9) Creating system user accounts...
Creating group 'avahi' with GID 972.
Creating user 'avahi' (Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon) with UID 972 and GID 972.
Creating group 'saned' with GID 971.
Creating user 'saned' (SANE daemon user) with UID 971 and GID 971.
(2/9) Reloading system manager configuration...
  Skipped: Current root is not booted.
(3/9) Updating udev hardware database...
(4/9) Reloading device manager configuration...
  Skipped: Device manager is not running.
(5/9) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(6/9) Updating fontconfig configuration...
(7/9) Reloading system bus configuration...
  Skipped: Current root is not booted.
(8/9) Warn about old perl modules
(9/9) Updating fontconfig cache...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
resolving dependencies...
:: There are 10 providers available for ttf-font:
:: Repository extra
   1) gnu-free-fonts  2) noto-fonts  3) ttf-bitstream-vera  4) ttf-croscore  5) ttf-dejavu  6) ttf-droid  7) ttf-ibm-plex  8) ttf-input  9) ttf-input-nerd  10) ttf-liberation

Enter a number (default=1): 
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (65)                         New Version     Net Change

extra/clang                          18.1.8-4        210.72 MiB
extra/compiler-rt                    18.1.8-1         40.51 MiB
core/debuginfod                      0.192-2           0.38 MiB
extra/docbook-xml                    4.5-10            1.96 MiB
extra/docbook-xsl                    1.79.2-9         26.32 MiB
extra/fmt                            11.0.2-1          3.31 MiB
extra/fribidi                        1.0.16-1          0.24 MiB
extra/gdk-pixbuf2                    2.42.12-2         2.99 MiB
extra/ghostscript                    10.04.0-1        42.78 MiB
core/glib2-docs                      2.82.4-1         65.98 MiB
extra/gnu-free-fonts                 20120503-8        6.65 MiB
extra/gobject-introspection-runtime  1.82.0-1          0.15 MiB
extra/graphviz                       12.1.2-1         10.55 MiB
extra/gsfonts                        20200910-4        3.11 MiB
extra/gtk-doc                        1.34.0-1          2.63 MiB
extra/gts                      0.66 MiB
extra/ijs                            0.35-6            0.12 MiB
extra/jbig2dec                       0.20-1            0.15 MiB
extra/libcups                        2:2.4.11-1        0.77 MiB
extra/libdatrie                      0.2.13-4          0.48 MiB
core/libedit                         20240517_3.1-1    0.27 MiB
extra/libgirepository                1.82.0-1          1.52 MiB
extra/libidn                         1.42-1            0.77 MiB
core/libmicrohttpd                   1.0.1-1           0.59 MiB
extra/libpaper                       2.2.5-1           0.14 MiB
extra/librsvg                        2:2.59.2-1       11.29 MiB
extra/libthai                        0.1.29-3          1.22 MiB
extra/libxft                         2.3.8-2           0.13 MiB
extra/libxslt                        1.1.42-1          0.75 MiB
extra/llvm-libs                      18.1.8-4        128.31 MiB
core/mpdecimal                       4.0.0-2           0.32 MiB
extra/netpbm                         10.86.43-1        6.97 MiB
extra/ninja                          1.12.1-1          0.38 MiB
extra/pango                          1:1.54.0-1        2.29 MiB
extra/perl-error                     0.17029-7         0.04 MiB
extra/perl-mailtools                 2.21-9            0.10 MiB
extra/perl-timedate                  2.33-7            0.08 MiB
extra/poppler-data                   0.4.12-2         12.34 MiB
core/python                          3.12.7-1         70.07 MiB
extra/python-autocommand             2.2.2-6           0.08 MiB
extra/python-jaraco.collections      5.0.1-1           0.10 MiB
extra/python-jaraco.context          5.3.0-1           0.04 MiB
extra/python-jaraco.functools        4.0.2-1           0.07 MiB
extra/python-jaraco.text             4.0.0-1           0.08 MiB
extra/python-lxml                    5.3.0-1           5.02 MiB
extra/python-mako                    1.3.6-1           0.95 MiB
extra/python-markdown                3.7-1             0.99 MiB
extra/python-markupsafe              2.1.5-2           0.08 MiB
extra/python-more-itertools          10.3.0-1          0.63 MiB
extra/python-packaging               24.2-1            0.66 MiB
extra/python-platformdirs            4.3.6-1           0.24 MiB
extra/python-pygments                2.18.0-1         14.10 MiB
extra/python-setuptools              1:75.2.0-2        7.99 MiB
extra/python-tqdm                    4.67.1-1          0.60 MiB
extra/python-wheel                   0.45.0-1          0.28 MiB
extra/shared-mime-info               2.4-1             4.55 MiB
extra/spdlog                         1.15.0-1          0.66 MiB
extra/cunit                          2.1.3-4           0.39 MiB
extra/doxygen                        1.12.0-3         18.27 MiB
extra/git                            2.47.1-1         28.29 MiB
core/glib2-devel                     2.82.4-1          1.19 MiB
extra/gobject-introspection          1.82.0-1          2.92 MiB
extra/meson                          1.6.0-4          12.87 MiB
extra/vala                           0.56.17-1        14.37 MiB
extra/valgrind                       3.24.0-1         72.20 MiB

Total Installed Size:  845.65 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
checking keyring...
checking package integrity...
loading package files...
checking for file conflicts...
:: Processing package changes...
installing libedit...
installing llvm-libs...
installing compiler-rt...
installing clang...
Optional dependencies for clang
    openmp: OpenMP support in clang with -fopenmp
    python: for scan-view and git-clang-format [pending]
    llvm: referenced by some clang headers
installing fmt...
installing spdlog...
installing doxygen...
Optional dependencies for doxygen
    graphviz: for caller/callee graph generation [pending]
    qt6-base: for doxywizard
    texlive-fontsrecommended: for generating LaTeX, Postscript and PDF output
    texlive-fontutils: for generating LaTeX, Postscript and PDF output
    texlive-latexextra: for generating LaTeX, Postscript and PDF output
    texlive-plaingeneric: for generating LaTeX, Postscript and PDF output
installing perl-error...
installing perl-timedate...
installing perl-mailtools...
installing git...
Optional dependencies for git
    tk: gitk and git gui
    openssh: ssh transport and crypto
    perl-libwww: git svn
    perl-term-readkey: git svn and interactive.singlekey setting
    perl-io-socket-ssl: git send-email TLS support
    perl-authen-sasl: git send-email TLS support
    perl-mediawiki-api: git mediawiki support
    perl-datetime-format-iso8601: git mediawiki support
    perl-lwp-protocol-https: git mediawiki https support
    perl-cgi: gitweb (web interface) support
    python: git svn & git p4 [pending]
    subversion: git svn
    org.freedesktop.secrets: keyring credential helper
    libsecret: libsecret credential helper [installed]
installing mpdecimal...
installing python...
Optional dependencies for python
    python-setuptools: for building Python packages using tooling that is usually bundled with Python [pending]
    python-pip: for installing Python packages using tooling that is usually bundled with Python
    python-pipx: for installing Python software not packaged on Arch Linux
    sqlite: for a default database integration [installed]
    xz: for lzma [installed]
    tk: for tkinter
installing python-packaging...
installing glib2-devel...
installing libgirepository...
installing gobject-introspection-runtime...
installing python-markupsafe...
installing python-mako...
Optional dependencies for python-mako
    python-babel: for i18n features
    python-beaker: for caching support
    python-dogpile.cache: for caching support
    python-pygments: for syntax highlighting [pending]
    python-pytest: for testing utilities
installing python-markdown...
Optional dependencies for python-markdown
    python-yaml: parse Python in YAML metadata
installing python-more-itertools...
installing python-jaraco.functools...
installing python-jaraco.context...
installing python-autocommand...
installing python-jaraco.text...
Optional dependencies for python-jaraco.text
    python-inflect: for show-newlines script
installing python-jaraco.collections...
installing python-platformdirs...
installing python-wheel...
Optional dependencies for python-wheel
    python-keyring: for wheel.signatures
    python-xdg: for wheel.signatures
    python-setuptools: for legacy bdist_wheel subcommand [pending]
installing python-setuptools...
installing gobject-introspection...
installing ninja...
installing python-tqdm...
Optional dependencies for python-tqdm
    python-requests: telegram
installing meson...
installing shared-mime-info...
installing gdk-pixbuf2...
Optional dependencies for gdk-pixbuf2
    libwmf: Load .wmf and .apm
    libopenraw: Load .dng, .cr2, .crw, .nef, .orf, .pef, .arw, .erf, .mrw, and .raf
    libavif: Load .avif [installed]
    libheif: Load .heif, .heic, and .avif [installed]
    libjxl: Load .jxl
    librsvg: Load .svg, .svgz, and .svg.gz [pending]
    webp-pixbuf-loader: Load .webp
installing fribidi...
installing libdatrie...
installing libthai...
installing libxft...
installing pango...
installing librsvg...
installing libcups...
installing jbig2dec...
installing libpaper...
installing ijs...
installing libidn...
installing poppler-data...
installing ghostscript...
Optional dependencies for ghostscript
    gtk3: needed for gsx
installing netpbm...
installing gts...
installing gsfonts...
installing graphviz...
Optional dependencies for graphviz
    mono: sharp bindings
    guile: guile bindings [installed]
    lua: lua bindings
    perl: perl bindings [installed]
    python: python bindings [installed]
    r: r bindings
    tcl: tcl bindings
    qt6-base: gvedit
    xterm: vimdot
installing docbook-xml...
installing libxslt...
Optional dependencies for libxslt
    python: Python bindings [installed]
installing docbook-xsl...
installing glib2-docs...
installing python-lxml...
Optional dependencies for python-lxml
    python-beautifulsoup4: support for beautifulsoup parser to parse not well formed HTML
    python-cssselect: support for cssselect
    python-html5lib: support for html5lib parser
    python-lxml-docs: offline docs
    python-lxml-html-clean: enable htmlclean feature
installing python-pygments...
installing gtk-doc...
Optional dependencies for gtk-doc
    dblatex: PDF support
installing gnu-free-fonts...
installing vala...
installing cunit...
installing libmicrohttpd...
installing debuginfod...
Optional dependencies for debuginfod
    elfutils=0.192: for translations
installing valgrind...
Optional dependencies for valgrind
    lib32-glibc: 32-bit ABI support [installed]
    python: cg_* scripts [installed]
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/9) Creating system user accounts...
Creating group 'git' with GID 970.
Creating user 'git' (git daemon user) with UID 970 and GID 970.
(2/9) Reloading system manager configuration...
  Skipped: Current root is not booted.
(3/9) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(4/9) Updating the MIME type database...
(5/9) Updating fontconfig configuration...
(6/9) Warn about old perl modules
(7/9) Updating fontconfig cache...
(8/9) Probing GDK-Pixbuf loader modules...
(9/9) Updating the info directory file...
==> Retrieving sources...
==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Creating working copy of libinsane git repo...
Cloning into 'libinsane'...
Switched to a new branch 'makepkg'
==> Starting build()...
+ exec meson setup --prefix /usr --libexecdir lib --sbindir bin --buildtype plain --auto-features enabled --wrap-mode nodownload -D b_pie=true -D python.bytecompile=1 libinsane build
The Meson build system
Version: 1.6.0
Source dir: /startdir/src/libinsane
Build dir: /startdir/src/build
Build type: native build
Project name: libinsane-global
Project version: 1.0.10
C compiler for the host machine: cc (gcc 14.2.1 "cc (GCC) 14.2.1 20240910")
C linker for the host machine: cc ld.bfd 2.43.0
Host machine cpu family: x86_64
Host machine cpu: x86_64

Executing subproject libinsane 

libinsane| Project name: libinsane
libinsane| Project version: 1.0.10
libinsane| C compiler for the host machine: cc (gcc 14.2.1 "cc (GCC) 14.2.1 20240910")
libinsane| C linker for the host machine: cc ld.bfd 2.43.0
libinsane| Message: Target OS: Unix-like
libinsane| Run-time dependency threads found: YES
libinsane| Found pkg-config: YES (/usr/bin/pkg-config) 2.3.0
libinsane| Run-time dependency sane-backends found: YES 1.3.1
libinsane| Found git repository at /startdir/src/libinsane
libinsane| Program doxygen found: YES (/usr/bin/doxygen)
libinsane| libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/meson.build:8: WARNING: Project targets '>=0.37.1' but uses feature introduced in '0.50.0': install arg in configure_file.
libinsane| Configuring doxygen.conf using configuration
libinsane| Run-time dependency cunit found: YES 2.1-3
libinsane| Program valgrind found: YES (/usr/bin/valgrind)
libinsane| Build targets in project: 29
libinsane| WARNING: Project specifies a minimum meson_version '>=0.37.1' but uses features which were added in newer versions:
libinsane| * 0.50.0: {'install arg in configure_file'}
libinsane| Subproject libinsane finished.

Executing subproject libinsane-gobject 

libinsane-gobject| Project name: libinsane-gobject
libinsane-gobject| Project version: 1.0.10
libinsane-gobject| C compiler for the host machine: cc (gcc 14.2.1 "cc (GCC) 14.2.1 20240910")
libinsane-gobject| C linker for the host machine: cc ld.bfd 2.43.0
libinsane-gobject| Run-time dependency gobject-2.0 found: YES 2.82.4
libinsane-gobject| Build-time dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.82.4
libinsane-gobject| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
libinsane-gobject| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.82.4 (cached)
libinsane-gobject| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
libinsane-gobject| Run-time dependency gobject-introspection-1.0 found: YES 1.82.0
libinsane-gobject| Dependency gobject-introspection-1.0 found: YES 1.82.0 (cached)
libinsane-gobject| Program /usr/bin/g-ir-scanner found: YES (/usr/bin/g-ir-scanner)
libinsane-gobject| Dependency gobject-introspection-1.0 found: YES 1.82.0 (cached)
libinsane-gobject| Program /usr/bin/g-ir-compiler found: YES (/usr/bin/g-ir-compiler)
libinsane-gobject| Program vapigen found: YES (/usr/bin/vapigen)
libinsane-gobject| Program gtkdoc-scan found: YES (/usr/bin/gtkdoc-scan)
libinsane-gobject| Program gtkdoc-scangobj found: YES (/usr/bin/gtkdoc-scangobj)
libinsane-gobject| Program gtkdoc-mkdb found: YES (/usr/bin/gtkdoc-mkdb)
libinsane-gobject| Program gtkdoc-mkhtml found: YES (/usr/bin/gtkdoc-mkhtml)
libinsane-gobject| Program gtkdoc-fixxref found: YES (/usr/bin/gtkdoc-fixxref)
libinsane-gobject| Build targets in project: 37
libinsane-gobject| Subproject libinsane-gobject finished.

Build targets in project: 37

libinsane-global 1.0.10

    libinsane         : YES 2 warnings
    libinsane-gobject : YES

  User defined options
    auto_features     : enabled
    b_pie             : true
    buildtype         : plain
    libexecdir        : lib
    prefix            : /usr
    python.bytecompile: 1
    sbindir           : bin
    wrap_mode         : nodownload

Found ninja-1.12.1 at /usr/bin/ninja

Generating targets:   0%|          | 0/37 eta ?

Writing build.ninja:   0%|          | 0/161 eta ?
ninja: Entering directory `/startdir/src/build'
[1/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_clean_dev_descs.p/main.c.o
[2/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_all_opts_on_all_sources.p/main.c.o
[3/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_sane.p/main.c.o
[4/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_all_opts_on_all_sources.p/tests_normalizer_all_opts_on_all_sources.c.o
[5/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_clean_dev_descs.p/tests_normalizer_clean_dev_descs.c.o
[6/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_multiplexer.p/main.c.o
[7/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_multiplexer.p/tests_multiplexer.c.o
[8/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_bmp2raw.p/main.c.o
[9/128] Generating subprojects/libinsane/src/version.h with a custom command
[10/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/bmp/bmp_parser.p/bmp_parser.c.o
[11/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/examples/lis_scan.p/lis_scan.c.o
[12/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_sane.p/tests_sane.c.o
[13/128] Generating GObject enum file subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/enums.h (wrapped by meson to capture output)
[14/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_min_one_source.p/main.c.o
[15/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_min_one_source.p/tests_normalizer_min_one_source.c.o
[16/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_opt_aliases.p/main.c.o
[17/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_bmp2raw.p/tests_normalizer_bmp2raw.c.o
[18/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_raw24.p/main.c.o
[19/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_resolution.p/main.c.o
[20/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/error.c.o
[21/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_opt_aliases.p/tests_normalizer_opt_aliases.c.o
[22/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/bmp.c.o
[23/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_resolution.p/tests_normalizer_resolution.c.o
[24/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/basewrapper.c.o
[25/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/bases_dumb.c.o
[26/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/multiplexer.c.o
[27/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/normalizers_all_opts_on_all_sources.c.o
[28/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/normalizers_min_one_source.c.o
[29/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_raw24.p/tests_normalizer_raw24.c.o
[30/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/log.c.o
[31/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/normalizers_clean_dev_descs.c.o
[32/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/normalizers_bmp2raw.c.o
[33/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/normalizers_raw24.c.o
[34/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/normalizers_opt_aliases.c.o
[35/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/normalizers_resolution.c.o
[36/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/safebet.c.o
[37/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/str2impls.c.o
[38/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/normalizers_source_types.c.o
[39/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/normalizers_safe_defaults.c.o
[40/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/normalizers_source_names.c.o
[41/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/util.c.o
[42/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/normalizers_source_nodes.c.o
[43/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/workarounds_check_capabilities.c.o
[44/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/workarounds_invalid_page_size.c.o
[45/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/workarounds_lamp.c.o
[46/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/workarounds_one_page_flatbed.c.o
[47/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/workarounds_cache.c.o
[48/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/workarounds_hide_source_auto.c.o
[49/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/workarounds_opt_names.c.o
[50/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/workarounds_opt_values.c.o
[51/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/workarounds_dedicated_thread.c.o
[52/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/workarounds_dedicated_process_pack.c.o
[53/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/bases_sane.c.o
[54/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/workarounds_dedicated_process_protocol.c.o
[55/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_safe_defaults.p/main.c.o
[56/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/workarounds_dedicated_process_worker.c.o
[57/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/workarounds_dedicated_process_master.c.o
[58/128] Generating GObject enum file subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/enums.c (wrapped by meson to capture output)
[59/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_names.p/main.c.o
[60/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_names.p/tests_normalizer_source_names.c.o
[61/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_safe_defaults.p/tests_normalizer_safe_defaults.c.o
[62/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_nodes.p/main.c.o
[63/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/libinsane_gobject.so.1.0.10.p/error.c.o
[64/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/libinsane_gobject.so.1.0.10.p/device_descriptor.c.o
[65/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/libinsane_gobject.so.1.0.10.p/log.c.o
[66/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/libinsane_gobject.so.1.0.10.p/scan_parameters.c.o
[67/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/libinsane_gobject.so.1.0.10.p/option_descriptor.c.o
[68/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_types.p/tests_normalizer_source_types.c.o
[69/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_nodes.p/tests_normalizer_source_nodes.c.o
[70/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_types.p/main.c.o
[71/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_cache.p/main.c.o
[72/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_check_capabilities.p/main.c.o
[73/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_dedicated_thread.p/main.c.o
[74/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_cache.p/tests_workaround_cache.c.o
[75/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_check_capabilities.p/tests_workaround_check_capabilities.c.o
[76/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_dedicated_thread.p/tests_workaround_dedicated_thread.c.o
[77/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_hide_source_auto.p/main.c.o
[78/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_invalid_page_size.p/tests_workaround_invalid_page_size.c.o
[79/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_invalid_page_size.p/main.c.o
[80/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_lamp.p/main.c.o
[81/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_one_page_flatbed.p/main.c.o
[82/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_opt_names.p/main.c.o
[83/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_lamp.p/tests_workaround_lamp.c.o
[84/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_hide_source_auto.p/tests_workaround_hide_source_auto.c.o
[85/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_one_page_flatbed.p/tests_workaround_one_page_flatbed.c.o
[86/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/libinsane_gobject.so.1.0.10.p/scan_session.c.o
[87/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_opt_values.p/main.c.o
[88/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/libinsane_gobject.so.1.0.10.p/meson-generated_.._enums.c.o
[89/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_opt_values.p/tests_workaround_opt_values.c.o
[90/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_opt_names.p/tests_workaround_opt_names.c.o
[91/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_dedicated_process.p/main.c.o
[92/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/libinsane_gobject.so.1.0.10.p/item.c.o
[93/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/libinsane_gobject.so.1.0.10.p/libinsane-api.c.o
[94/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_dedicated_process_pack.p/main.c.o
[95/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_dedicated_process.p/tests_workaround_dedicated_process.c.o
[96/128] Compiling C object subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_dedicated_process_pack.p/tests_workaround_dedicated_process_pack.c.o
[97/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/bmp/bmp_parser
[98/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10
[99/128] Generating symbol file subprojects/libinsane/src/libinsane.so.1.0.10.p/libinsane.so.1.0.10.symbols
[100/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_all_opts_on_all_sources
[101/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_min_one_source
[102/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_clean_dev_descs
[103/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/examples/lis_scan
[104/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_multiplexer
[105/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_opt_aliases
[106/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_names
[107/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_resolution
[108/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_nodes
[109/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_safe_defaults
[110/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_raw24
[111/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_types
[112/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_sane
[113/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_hide_source_auto
[114/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_invalid_page_size
[115/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_check_capabilities
[116/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_dedicated_thread
[117/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/libinsane_gobject.so.1.0.10
[118/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_lamp
[119/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_opt_names
[120/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_cache
[121/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_bmp2raw
[122/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_one_page_flatbed
[123/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_opt_values
[124/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_dedicated_process
[125/128] Linking target subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_dedicated_process_pack
[126/128] Generating subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/Libinsane-1.0.gir with a custom command (wrapped by meson to set env)
[127/128] Generating subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/Libinsane-1.0.typelib with a custom command
[128/128] Generating subprojects/libinsane-gobject/src/libinsane.vapi with a custom command
INFO: autodetecting backend as ninja
INFO: calculating backend command to run: /usr/bin/ninja -C /startdir/src/build
ninja: Entering directory `/startdir/src/build'
[1/1] Generating subprojects/libinsane/doc/doc with a custom command
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         To avoid this warning please remove this line from your configuration file or upgrade it using "doxygen -u"
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         To avoid this warning please remove this line from your configuration file or upgrade it using "doxygen -u"
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         To avoid this warning please remove this line from your configuration file or upgrade it using "doxygen -u"
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         To avoid this warning please remove this line from your configuration file or upgrade it using "doxygen -u"
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         To avoid this warning please remove this line from your configuration file or upgrade it using "doxygen -u"
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Doxygen version used: 1.12.0
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Searching for files to exclude
Searching INPUT for files to process...
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Reading and parsing tag files
Parsing files
Preprocessing /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/capi.h...
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Preprocessing /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/constants.h...
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Parsing file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/multiplexer.h...
Preprocessing /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/normalizers.h...
Parsing file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/normalizers.h...
Preprocessing /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/safebet.h...
Parsing file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/safebet.h...
Preprocessing /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/sane.h...
Parsing file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/sane.h...
Preprocessing /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/str2impls.h...
Parsing file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/str2impls.h...
Preprocessing /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/twain.h...
Parsing file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/twain.h...
Preprocessing /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/util.h...
Parsing file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/util.h...
Preprocessing /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/wia_ll.h...
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Parsing file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/workarounds.dox...
Building macro definition list...
Building group list...
Building directory list...
Building namespace list...
Building file list...
Building class list...
Building concept list...
Computing nesting relations for classes...
Associating documentation with classes...
Associating documentation with concepts...
Associating documentation with modules...
Building example list...
Searching for enumerations...
Searching for documented typedefs...
Searching for members imported via using declarations...
Searching for included using directives...
Searching for documented variables...
Building interface member list...
Building member list...
Searching for friends...
Searching for documented defines...
Computing class inheritance relations...
Computing class usage relations...
Flushing cached template relations that have become invalid...
Computing class relations...
Add enum values to enums...
Searching for member function documentation...
Creating members for template instances...
Building page list...
Search for main page...
Computing page relations...
Determining the scope of groups...
Computing module relations...
Sorting lists...
Determining which enums are documented
Computing member relations...
Building full member lists recursively...
Adding members to member groups.
Computing member references...
Inheriting documentation...
Generating disk names...
Adding source references...
Adding xrefitems...
Sorting member lists...
Setting anonymous enum type...
Computing dependencies between directories...
Generating citations page...
Counting members...
Counting data structures...
Resolving user defined references...
Finding anchors and sections in the documentation...
Transferring function references...
Combining using relations...
Adding members to index pages...
Correcting members for VHDL...
Computing tooltip texts...
Generating style sheet...
Generating search indices...
Generating example documentation...
Generating file sources...
Generating code for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/capi.h...
Generating code for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/constants.h...
Generating code for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/dumb.h...
Generating code for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/error.h...
Generating code for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/log.h...
Generating code for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/multiplexer.h...
Generating code for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/normalizers.h...
Generating code for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/safebet.h...
Generating code for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/sane.h...
Generating code for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/str2impls.h...
Generating code for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/twain.h...
Generating code for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/util.h...
Generating code for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/wia_ll.h...
Generating code for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/workarounds.h...
Generating file documentation...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/api_multiplexer.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/behavior_normalizations.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/dev_rules.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/gobject_introspection_api.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/howto_c.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/howto_general.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/howto_python.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/index.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/install.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/introduction.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/logging.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/normalized_api.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/packaging.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/safebet.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/scan_apis.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/structure.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/tickets.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/workarounds.dox...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/capi.h...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/constants.h...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/dumb.h...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/error.h...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/log.h...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/multiplexer.h...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/normalizers.h...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsa/startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/howto_c.dox:10: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'subprojects/libinsane/examples' for \ref command
/startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/howto_c.dox:10: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'subprojects/libinsane/examples' for \ref command
/startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/howto_python.dox:56: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'subprojects/libinsane-gobject/examples' for \ref command
/startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/howto_python.dox:56: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'subprojects/libinsane-gobject/examples' for \ref command
/startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/normalized_api.dox:57: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'quickstart' for \ref command
/startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/normalized_api.dox:57: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'quickstart' for \ref command
/startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/scan_apis.dox:40: warning: ignoring \startuml command because PLANTUML_JAR_PATH is not set
/startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/scan_apis.dox:134: warning: ignoring \startuml command because PLANTUML_JAR_PATH is not set
/startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/scan_apis.dox:40: warning: ignoring \startuml command because PLANTUML_JAR_PATH is not set
/startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc/scan_apis.dox:134: warning: ignoring \startuml command because PLANTUML_JAR_PATH is not set
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/sane.h...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/str2impls.h...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/twain.h...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/util.h...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/wia_ll.h...
Generating docs for file /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane/workarounds.h...
Generating page documentation...
Generating docs for page api_multiplexer...
Generating docs for page behavior_normalizations...
Generating docs for page dev_rules...
Generating docs for page gobject_introspection_api...
Generating docs for page howto_c...
Generating docs for page howto_general...
Generating docs for page howto_python...
Generating docs for page install...
Generating docs for page introduction...
Generating docs for page logging...
Generating docs for page normalized_api...
Generating docs for page packaging...
Generating docs for page safebet...
Generating docs for page scan_apis...
Generating docs for page structure...
Generating docs for page tickets...
Generating docs for page workarounds...
Generating docs for page todo...
Generating group documentation...
Generating class documentation...
Generating docs for compound lis_api...
Generating docs for compound lis_device_descriptor...
Generating docs for compound lis_dumb_read...
Generating docs for compound lis_item...
Generating docs for compound lis_log_callbacks...
Generating docs for compound lis_option_descriptor...
Generating docs for compound lis_scan_parameters...
Generating docs for compound lis_scan_session...
Generating docs for compound lis_value...
Generating docs for compound lis_value_list...
Generating docs for compound lis_value_range...
Generating concept documentation...
Generating module documentation...
Generating namespace documentation...
Generating graph info page...
Generating directory documentation...
Generating dependency graph for directory /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/doc
Generating dependency graph for directory /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include
Generating dependency graph for directory /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane
Generating dependency graph for directory /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects/libinsane/include/libinsane
Generating dependency graph for directory /startdir/src/libinsane/subprojects
Generating index page...
Generating main page...
Generating page index...
Generating topic index...
Generating module index...
Generating module member index...
Generating namespace index...
Generating namespace member index...
Generating concept index...
Generating annotated compound index...
Generating alphabetical compound index...
Generating hierarchical class index...
Generating graphical class hierarchy...
Generating member index...
Generating file index...
Generating file member index...
Generating example index...
finalizing index lists...
writing tag file...
Running plantuml with JAVA...
Running dot...
Generating dot graphs using 13 parallel threads...
Running dot for graph 1/43
Running dot for graph 2/43
Running dot for graph 3/43
Running dot for graph 4/43
Running dot for graph 5/43
Running dot for graph 6/43
Running dot for graph 7/43
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Running dot for graph 9/43
Running dot for graph 10/43
Running dot for graph 11/43
Running dot for graph 12/43
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Running dot for graph 14/43
Running dot for graph 15/43
Running dot for graph 16/43
Running dot for graph 17/43
Running dot for graph 18/43
Running dot for graph 19/43
Running dot for graph 20/43
Running dot for graph 21/43
Running dot for graph 22/43
Running dot for graph 23/43
Running dot for graph 24/43
Running dot for graph 25/43
Running dot for graph 26/43
Running dot for graph 27/43
Running dot for graph 28/43
Running dot for graph 29/43
Running dot for graph 30/43
Running dot for graph 31/43
Running dot for graph 32/43
Running dot for graph 33/43
Running dot for graph 34/43
Running dot for graph 35/43
Running dot for graph 36/43
Running dot for graph 37/43
Running dot for graph 38/43
Running dot for graph 39/43
Running dot for graph 40/43
Running dot for graph 41/43
Running dot for graph 42/43
Running dot for graph 43/43
Patching output file 1/40
Patching output file 2/40
Patching output file 3/40
Patching output file 4/40
Patching output file 5/40
Patching output file 6/40
Patching output file 7/40
Patching output file 8/40
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Patching output file 19/40
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Patching output file 24/40
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Patching output file 26/40
Patching output file 27/40
Patching output file 28/40
Patching output file 29/40
Patching output file 30/40
Patching output file 31/40
Patching output file 32/40
Patching output file 33/40
Patching output file 34/40
Patching output file 35/40
Patching output file 36/40
Patching output file 37/40
Patching output file 38/40
Patching output file 39/40
Patching output file 40/40
type lookup cache used 280/65536 hits=983 misses=294
symbol lookup cache used 438/65536 hits=1081 misses=438
INFO: autodetecting backend as ninja
INFO: calculating backend command to run: /usr/bin/ninja -C /startdir/src/build subprojects/libinsane/doc/doc_out
==> Starting check()...
ninja: Entering directory `/startdir/src/build'
[1/5] Generating subprojects/libinsane/src/version.h with a custom command
 1/24 tests_sane                               OK               0.16s
 2/24 tests_normalizer_safe_defaults           FAIL             1.65s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=180 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_safe_defaults
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: opt_mode
  Test: opt_defaults ...
==2641== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2641== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2641== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2641== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_safe_defaults
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2641== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2641==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2641==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2641==    by 0x109302: tests_opt_init (tests_normalizer_safe_defaults.c:124)
==2641==    by 0x1093FD: tests_opt_defaults (tests_normalizer_safe_defaults.c:164)
==2641==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2641==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2641==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2641==    by 0x1090E9: main (main.c:56)
==2641== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2641== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2641== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2641==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2641==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2641== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2641==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2641==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2641== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2641== probably kill your program.
==2641== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2641==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2641==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2641==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2641==    by 0x109302: tests_opt_init (tests_normalizer_safe_defaults.c:124)
==2641==    by 0x1093FD: tests_opt_defaults (tests_normalizer_safe_defaults.c:164)
==2641==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2641==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2641==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2641==    by 0x1090E9: main (main.c:56)
==2641== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2641==     in use at exit: 74,528 bytes in 13 blocks
==2641==   total heap usage: 13 allocs, 0 frees, 74,528 bytes allocated
==2641== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 12 of 13
==2641==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2641==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2641==    by 0x109302: tests_opt_init (tests_normalizer_safe_defaults.c:124)
==2641==    by 0x1093FD: tests_opt_defaults (tests_normalizer_safe_defaults.c:164)
==2641==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2641==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2641==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2641==    by 0x1090E9: main (main.c:56)
==2641== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2641==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2641==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2641==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2641==    still reachable: 74,128 bytes in 12 blocks
==2641==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2641== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2641== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2641== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2641== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

 3/24 tests_normalizer_source_nodes            FAIL             1.69s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MALLOC_PERTURB_=78 MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_nodes
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: Normalizer_source_nodes
  Test: tests_source_nodes() ...
==2647== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2647== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2647== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2647== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_nodes
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2647== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2647==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2647==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2647==    by 0x109932: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_source_nodes.c:59)
==2647==    by 0x109932: tests_source_nodes (tests_normalizer_source_nodes.c:91)
==2647==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2647==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2647==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2647==    by 0x1090C9: main (main.c:56)
==2647== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2647== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2647== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2647==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2647==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2647== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2647==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2647==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2647== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2647== probably kill your program.
==2647== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2647==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2647==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2647==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2647==    by 0x109932: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_source_nodes.c:59)
==2647==    by 0x109932: tests_source_nodes (tests_normalizer_source_nodes.c:91)
==2647==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2647==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2647==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2647==    by 0x1090C9: main (main.c:56)
==2647== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2647==     in use at exit: 74,460 bytes in 11 blocks
==2647==   total heap usage: 11 allocs, 0 frees, 74,460 bytes allocated
==2647== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 10 of 11
==2647==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2647==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2647==    by 0x109932: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_source_nodes.c:59)
==2647==    by 0x109932: tests_source_nodes (tests_normalizer_source_nodes.c:91)
==2647==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2647==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2647==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2647==    by 0x1090C9: main (main.c:56)
==2647== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2647==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2647==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2647==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2647==    still reachable: 74,060 bytes in 10 blocks
==2647==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2647== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2647== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2647== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2647== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

 4/24 tests_normalizer_source_names            FAIL             1.72s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=163 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_names
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: normalizer_source_names
  Test: tests_source_names() ...
==2644== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2644== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2644== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2644== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_names
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2644== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2644==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2644==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2644==    by 0x1092D4: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_source_names.c:58)
==2644==    by 0x1092D4: tests_source_names (tests_normalizer_source_names.c:92)
==2644==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2644==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2644==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2644==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2644== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2644== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2644== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2644==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2644==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2644== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2644==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2644==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2644== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2644== probably kill your program.
==2644== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2644==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2644==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2644==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2644==    by 0x1092D4: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_source_names.c:58)
==2644==    by 0x1092D4: tests_source_names (tests_normalizer_source_names.c:92)
==2644==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2644==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2644==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2644==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2644== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2644==     in use at exit: 74,325 bytes in 7 blocks
==2644==   total heap usage: 7 allocs, 0 frees, 74,325 bytes allocated
==2644== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 6 of 7
==2644==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2644==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2644==    by 0x1092D4: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_source_names.c:58)
==2644==    by 0x1092D4: tests_source_names (tests_normalizer_source_names.c:92)
==2644==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2644==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2644==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2644==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2644== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2644==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2644==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2644==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2644==    still reachable: 73,925 bytes in 6 blocks
==2644==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2644== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2644== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2644== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2644== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

 5/24 tests_normalizer_bmp2raw                 FAIL             1.75s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=225 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_bmp2raw
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: Normalizer_bmp2raw
  Test: tests_bmp2raw_24() ...
==2624== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2624== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2624== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2624== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_bmp2raw
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2624== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2624==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2624==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2624==    by 0x109362: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_bmp2raw.c:27)
==2624==    by 0x109362: tests_bmp2raw_24 (tests_normalizer_bmp2raw.c:115)
==2624==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2624==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2624==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2624==    by 0x109129: main (main.c:56)
==2624== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2624== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2624== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2624==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2624==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2624== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2624==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2624==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2624== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2624== probably kill your program.
==2624== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2624==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2624==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2624==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2624==    by 0x109362: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_bmp2raw.c:27)
==2624==    by 0x109362: tests_bmp2raw_24 (tests_normalizer_bmp2raw.c:115)
==2624==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2624==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2624==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2624==    by 0x109129: main (main.c:56)
==2624== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2624==     in use at exit: 74,685 bytes in 17 blocks
==2624==   total heap usage: 17 allocs, 0 frees, 74,685 bytes allocated
==2624== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 16 of 17
==2624==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2624==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2624==    by 0x109362: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_bmp2raw.c:27)
==2624==    by 0x109362: tests_bmp2raw_24 (tests_normalizer_bmp2raw.c:115)
==2624==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2624==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2624==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2624==    by 0x109129: main (main.c:56)
==2624== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2624==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2624==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2624==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2624==    still reachable: 74,285 bytes in 16 blocks
==2624==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2624== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2624== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2624== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2624== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

 6/24 tests_normalizer_opt_aliases             FAIL             1.76s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=209 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_opt_aliases
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: opt_mode
  Test: tests_alias_xres() ...
==2632== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2632== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2632== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2632== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_opt_aliases
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2632== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2632==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2632==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2632==    by 0x109300: tests_alias_xres (tests_normalizer_opt_aliases.c:72)
==2632==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2632==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2632==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2632==    by 0x1090AD: main (main.c:56)
==2632== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2632== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2632== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2632==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2632==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2632== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2632==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2632==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2632== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2632== probably kill your program.
==2632== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2632==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2632==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2632==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2632==    by 0x109300: tests_alias_xres (tests_normalizer_opt_aliases.c:72)
==2632==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2632==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2632==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2632==    by 0x1090AD: main (main.c:56)
==2632== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2632==     in use at exit: 74,377 bytes in 9 blocks
==2632==   total heap usage: 9 allocs, 0 frees, 74,377 bytes allocated
==2632== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 8 of 9
==2632==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2632==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2632==    by 0x109300: tests_alias_xres (tests_normalizer_opt_aliases.c:72)
==2632==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2632==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2632==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2632==    by 0x1090AD: main (main.c:56)
==2632== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2632==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2632==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2632==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2632==    still reachable: 73,977 bytes in 8 blocks
==2632==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2632== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2632== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2632== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2632== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

 7/24 tests_normalizer_source_types            FAIL             1.62s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=109 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_types
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: Normalizer_source_types
  Test: tests_source_types() ...
==2665== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2665== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2665== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2665== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_source_types
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2665== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2665==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2665==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2665==    by 0x1092D2: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_source_types.c:52)
==2665==    by 0x1092D2: tests_source_types (tests_normalizer_source_types.c:88)
==2665==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2665==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2665==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2665==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2665== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2665== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2665== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2665==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2665==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2665== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2665==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2665==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2665== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2665== probably kill your program.
==2665== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2665==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2665==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2665==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2665==    by 0x1092D2: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_source_types.c:52)
==2665==    by 0x1092D2: tests_source_types (tests_normalizer_source_types.c:88)
==2665==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2665==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2665==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2665==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2665== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2665==     in use at exit: 74,325 bytes in 7 blocks
==2665==   total heap usage: 7 allocs, 0 frees, 74,325 bytes allocated
==2665== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 6 of 7
==2665==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2665==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2665==    by 0x1092D2: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_source_types.c:52)
==2665==    by 0x1092D2: tests_source_types (tests_normalizer_source_types.c:88)
==2665==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2665==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2665==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2665==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2665== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2665==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2665==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2665==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2665==    still reachable: 73,925 bytes in 6 blocks
==2665==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2665== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2665== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2665== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2665== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

 8/24 tests_normalizer_resolution              FAIL             1.77s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=240 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_resolution
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: opt_mode
  Test: tests_resolution_integer_range() ...
==2638== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2638== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2638== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2638== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_resolution
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2638== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2638==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2638==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2638==    by 0x10935C: tests_resolution_integer_range (tests_normalizer_resolution.c:49)
==2638==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2638==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2638==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2638==    by 0x109109: main (main.c:56)
==2638== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2638== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2638== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2638==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2638==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2638== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2638==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2638==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2638== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2638== probably kill your program.
==2638== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2638==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2638==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2638==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2638==    by 0x10935C: tests_resolution_integer_range (tests_normalizer_resolution.c:49)
==2638==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2638==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2638==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2638==    by 0x109109: main (main.c:56)
==2638== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2638==     in use at exit: 74,649 bytes in 15 blocks
==2638==   total heap usage: 15 allocs, 0 frees, 74,649 bytes allocated
==2638== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 14 of 15
==2638==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2638==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2638==    by 0x10935C: tests_resolution_integer_range (tests_normalizer_resolution.c:49)
==2638==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2638==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2638==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2638==    by 0x109109: main (main.c:56)
==2638== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2638==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2638==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2638==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2638==    still reachable: 74,249 bytes in 14 blocks
==2638==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2638== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2638== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2638== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2638== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

 9/24 tests_multiplexer                        FAIL             1.79s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MALLOC_PERTURB_=46 MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_multiplexer
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

==2621== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2621== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2621== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2621== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_multiplexer
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2621== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2621==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2621==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2621==    by 0x109363: tests_multiplexer_init (tests_multiplexer.c:22)
==2621==    by 0x48A2034: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:859)
==2621==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2621==    by 0x109133: main (main.c:56)
==2621== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2621== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2621== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2621==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2621==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2621== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2621==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2621==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2621== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2621== probably kill your program.
==2621== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2621==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2621==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2621==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2621==    by 0x109363: tests_multiplexer_init (tests_multiplexer.c:22)
==2621==    by 0x48A2034: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:859)
==2621==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2621==    by 0x109133: main (main.c:56)
==2621== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2621==     in use at exit: 74,637 bytes in 17 blocks
==2621==   total heap usage: 17 allocs, 0 frees, 74,637 bytes allocated
==2621== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 16 of 17
==2621==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2621==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2621==    by 0x109363: tests_multiplexer_init (tests_multiplexer.c:22)
==2621==    by 0x48A2034: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:859)
==2621==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2621==    by 0x109133: main (main.c:56)
==2621== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2621==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2621==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2621==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2621==    still reachable: 74,237 bytes in 16 blocks
==2621==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2621== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2621== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2621== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2621== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

10/24 tests_normalizer_all_opts_on_all_sources FAIL             1.79s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=250 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_all_opts_on_all_sources
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: normalizer_all_opts_on_all_souces
  Test: tests_sources_have_opts() ...
==2622== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2622== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2622== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2622== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_all_opts_on_all_sources
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2622== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2622==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2622==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2622==    by 0x1092F0: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_all_opts_on_all_sources.c:74)
==2622==    by 0x1092F0: tests_sources_have_opts (tests_normalizer_all_opts_on_all_sources.c:114)
==2622==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2622==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2622==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2622==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2622== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2622== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2622== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2622==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2622==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2622== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2622==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2622==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2622== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2622== probably kill your program.
==2622== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2622==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2622==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2622==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2622==    by 0x1092F0: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_all_opts_on_all_sources.c:74)
==2622==    by 0x1092F0: tests_sources_have_opts (tests_normalizer_all_opts_on_all_sources.c:114)
==2622==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2622==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2622==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2622==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2622== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2622==     in use at exit: 74,340 bytes in 7 blocks
==2622==   total heap usage: 7 allocs, 0 frees, 74,340 bytes allocated
==2622== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 6 of 7
==2622==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2622==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2622==    by 0x1092F0: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_all_opts_on_all_sources.c:74)
==2622==    by 0x1092F0: tests_sources_have_opts (tests_normalizer_all_opts_on_all_sources.c:114)
==2622==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2622==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2622==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2622==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2622== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2622==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2622==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2622==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2622==    still reachable: 73,940 bytes in 6 blocks
==2622==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2622== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2622== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2622== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2622== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

11/24 tests_normalizer_raw24                   FAIL             1.79s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=184 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_raw24
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: Normalizer_raw24
  Test: tests_unpack8() ...passed
  Test: tests_unpack1() ...
==2635== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2635== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2635== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2635== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_raw24
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x8 0x7F 0x6 0x48 0xC1 0xE1 0x8
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2635== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x4871eb2.
==2635==    at 0x4871EB2: unpack_1_to_24 (raw24.c:256)
==2635==    by 0x109559: tests_unpack1 (tests_normalizer_raw24.c:86)
==2635==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2635==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2635==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2635==    by 0x109109: main (main.c:56)
==2635== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2635== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2635== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2635==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2635==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2635== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2635==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2635==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2635== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2635== probably kill your program.
==2635== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2635==  Illegal opcode at address 0x4871EB2
==2635==    at 0x4871EB2: unpack_1_to_24 (raw24.c:256)
==2635==    by 0x109559: tests_unpack1 (tests_normalizer_raw24.c:86)
==2635==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2635==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2635==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2635==    by 0x109109: main (main.c:56)
==2635== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2635==     in use at exit: 74,168 bytes in 14 blocks
==2635==   total heap usage: 14 allocs, 0 frees, 74,168 bytes allocated
==2635== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2635==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2635==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2635==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2635==    still reachable: 74,168 bytes in 14 blocks
==2635==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2635== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2635== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2635== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2635== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

12/24 tests_normalizer_clean_dev_descs         FAIL             1.80s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=183 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_clean_dev_descs
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: normalizer_clean_dev_descs
  Test: tests_clean_underscores() ...
==2626== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2626== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2626== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2626== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_clean_dev_descs
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2626== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2626==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2626==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2626==    by 0x109310: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_clean_dev_descs.c:26)
==2626==    by 0x109310: tests_clean_underscores (tests_normalizer_clean_dev_descs.c:55)
==2626==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2626==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2626==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2626==    by 0x1090C9: main (main.c:56)
==2626== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2626== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2626== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2626==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2626==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2626== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2626==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2626==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2626== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2626== probably kill your program.
==2626== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2626==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2626==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2626==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2626==    by 0x109310: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_clean_dev_descs.c:26)
==2626==    by 0x109310: tests_clean_underscores (tests_normalizer_clean_dev_descs.c:55)
==2626==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2626==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2626==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2626==    by 0x1090C9: main (main.c:56)
==2626== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2626==     in use at exit: 74,494 bytes in 11 blocks
==2626==   total heap usage: 11 allocs, 0 frees, 74,494 bytes allocated
==2626== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 10 of 11
==2626==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2626==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2626==    by 0x109310: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_clean_dev_descs.c:26)
==2626==    by 0x109310: tests_clean_underscores (tests_normalizer_clean_dev_descs.c:55)
==2626==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2626==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2626==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2626==    by 0x1090C9: main (main.c:56)
==2626== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2626==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2626==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2626==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2626==    still reachable: 74,094 bytes in 10 blocks
==2626==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2626== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2626== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2626== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2626== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

13/24 tests_normalizer_min_one_source          FAIL             2.09s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=192 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_min_one_source
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: min_one_source
  Test: tests_src_default_source() ...
==2628== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2628== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2628== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2628== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_normalizer_min_one_source
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2628== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2628==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2628==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2628==    by 0x1092C0: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_min_one_source.c:50)
==2628==    by 0x1092C0: tests_src_default_source (tests_normalizer_min_one_source.c:81)
==2628==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2628==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2628==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2628==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2628== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2628== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2628== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2628==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2628==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2628== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2628==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2628==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2628== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2628== probably kill your program.
==2628== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2628==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2628==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2628==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2628==    by 0x1092C0: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_min_one_source.c:50)
==2628==    by 0x1092C0: tests_src_default_source (tests_normalizer_min_one_source.c:81)
==2628==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2628==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2628==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2628==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2628== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2628==     in use at exit: 74,322 bytes in 7 blocks
==2628==   total heap usage: 7 allocs, 0 frees, 74,322 bytes allocated
==2628== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 6 of 7
==2628==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2628==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2628==    by 0x1092C0: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_normalizer_min_one_source.c:50)
==2628==    by 0x1092C0: tests_src_default_source (tests_normalizer_min_one_source.c:81)
==2628==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2628==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2628==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2628==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2628== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2628==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2628==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2628==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2628==    still reachable: 73,922 bytes in 6 blocks
==2628==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2628== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2628== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2628== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2628== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

14/24 tests_workaround_cache                   FAIL             0.74s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=72 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_cache
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: cache
  Test: list_options ...
==2726== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2726== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2726== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2726== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_cache
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2726== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2726==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2726==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2726==    by 0x109343: tests_cache_init (tests_workaround_cache.c:75)
==2726==    by 0x109487: test_cache_list_options (tests_workaround_cache.c:126)
==2726==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2726==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2726==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2726==    by 0x109109: main (main.c:56)
==2726== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2726== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2726== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2726==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2726==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2726== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2726==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2726==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2726== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2726== probably kill your program.
==2726== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2726==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2726==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2726==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2726==    by 0x109343: tests_cache_init (tests_workaround_cache.c:75)
==2726==    by 0x109487: test_cache_list_options (tests_workaround_cache.c:126)
==2726==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2726==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2726==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2726==    by 0x109109: main (main.c:56)
==2726== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2726==     in use at exit: 74,541 bytes in 15 blocks
==2726==   total heap usage: 15 allocs, 0 frees, 74,541 bytes allocated
==2726== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 14 of 15
==2726==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2726==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2726==    by 0x109343: tests_cache_init (tests_workaround_cache.c:75)
==2726==    by 0x109487: test_cache_list_options (tests_workaround_cache.c:126)
==2726==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2726==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2726==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2726==    by 0x109109: main (main.c:56)
==2726== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2726==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2726==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2726==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2726==    still reachable: 74,141 bytes in 14 blocks
==2726==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2726== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2726== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2726== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2726== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

15/24 tests_workaround_check_capabilities      FAIL             0.72s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=18 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_check_capabilities
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: check_capabilities
  Test: inactive ...
==2728== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2728== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2728== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2728== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_check_capabilities
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2728== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2728==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2728==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2728==    by 0x109303: tests_init (tests_workaround_check_capabilities.c:98)
==2728==    by 0x10940B: tests_inactive (tests_workaround_check_capabilities.c:152)
==2728==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2728==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2728==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2728==    by 0x1090C9: main (main.c:56)
==2728== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2728== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2728== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2728==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2728==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2728== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2728==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2728==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2728== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2728== probably kill your program.
==2728== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2728==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2728==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2728==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2728==    by 0x109303: tests_init (tests_workaround_check_capabilities.c:98)
==2728==    by 0x10940B: tests_inactive (tests_workaround_check_capabilities.c:152)
==2728==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2728==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2728==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2728==    by 0x1090C9: main (main.c:56)
==2728== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2728==     in use at exit: 74,427 bytes in 11 blocks
==2728==   total heap usage: 11 allocs, 0 frees, 74,427 bytes allocated
==2728== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 10 of 11
==2728==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2728==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2728==    by 0x109303: tests_init (tests_workaround_check_capabilities.c:98)
==2728==    by 0x10940B: tests_inactive (tests_workaround_check_capabilities.c:152)
==2728==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2728==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2728==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2728==    by 0x1090C9: main (main.c:56)
==2728== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2728==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2728==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2728==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2728==    still reachable: 74,027 bytes in 10 blocks
==2728==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2728== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2728== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2728== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2728== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

16/24 tests_workaround_dedicated_thread        FAIL             0.83s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=231 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_dedicated_thread
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: Workaround dedicated thread
  Test: tests_dedicated_thread() ...
==2732== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2732== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2732== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2732== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_dedicated_thread
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2732== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2732==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2732==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2732==    by 0x1092BE: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_dedicated_thread.c:53)
==2732==    by 0x1092BE: tests_dedicated_thread (tests_workaround_dedicated_thread.c:112)
==2732==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2732==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2732==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2732==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2732== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2732== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2732== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2732==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2732==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2732== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2732==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2732==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2732== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2732== probably kill your program.
==2732== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2732==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2732==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2732==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2732==    by 0x1092BE: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_dedicated_thread.c:53)
==2732==    by 0x1092BE: tests_dedicated_thread (tests_workaround_dedicated_thread.c:112)
==2732==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2732==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2732==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2732==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2732== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2732==     in use at exit: 74,333 bytes in 7 blocks
==2732==   total heap usage: 7 allocs, 0 frees, 74,333 bytes allocated
==2732== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 6 of 7
==2732==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2732==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2732==    by 0x1092BE: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_dedicated_thread.c:53)
==2732==    by 0x1092BE: tests_dedicated_thread (tests_workaround_dedicated_thread.c:112)
==2732==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2732==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2732==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2732==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2732== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2732==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2732==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2732==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2732==    still reachable: 73,933 bytes in 6 blocks
==2732==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2732== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2732== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2732== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2732== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

17/24 tests_workaround_lamp                    FAIL             0.79s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=194 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_lamp
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: Workaround_lamp
  Test: tests_lamp_on_off() ...
==2739== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2739== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2739== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2739== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_lamp
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2739== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2739==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2739==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2739==    by 0x1094EB: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_lamp.c:63)
==2739==    by 0x1094EB: tests_lamp_on_off (tests_workaround_lamp.c:124)
==2739==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2739==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2739==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2739==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2739== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2739== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2739== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2739==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2739==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2739== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2739==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2739==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2739== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2739== probably kill your program.
==2739== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2739==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2739==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2739==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2739==    by 0x1094EB: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_lamp.c:63)
==2739==    by 0x1094EB: tests_lamp_on_off (tests_workaround_lamp.c:124)
==2739==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2739==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2739==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2739==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2739== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2739==     in use at exit: 74,316 bytes in 7 blocks
==2739==   total heap usage: 7 allocs, 0 frees, 74,316 bytes allocated
==2739== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 6 of 7
==2739==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2739==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2739==    by 0x1094EB: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_lamp.c:63)
==2739==    by 0x1094EB: tests_lamp_on_off (tests_workaround_lamp.c:124)
==2739==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2739==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2739==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2739==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2739== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2739==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2739==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2739==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2739==    still reachable: 73,916 bytes in 6 blocks
==2739==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2739== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2739== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2739== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2739== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

18/24 tests_workaround_opt_names               FAIL             0.78s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=153 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_opt_names
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: opt_names
  Test: tests_opt_names() ...
==2741== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2741== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2741== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2741== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_opt_names
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2741== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2741==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2741==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2741==    by 0x10966E: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_opt_names.c:79)
==2741==    by 0x10966E: tests_opt_names (tests_workaround_opt_names.c:117)
==2741==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2741==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2741==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2741==    by 0x1090AD: main (main.c:56)
==2741== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2741== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2741== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2741==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2741==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2741== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2741==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2741==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2741== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2741== probably kill your program.
==2741== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2741==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2741==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2741==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2741==    by 0x10966E: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_opt_names.c:79)
==2741==    by 0x10966E: tests_opt_names (tests_workaround_opt_names.c:117)
==2741==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2741==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2741==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2741==    by 0x1090AD: main (main.c:56)
==2741== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2741==     in use at exit: 74,378 bytes in 9 blocks
==2741==   total heap usage: 9 allocs, 0 frees, 74,378 bytes allocated
==2741== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 8 of 9
==2741==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2741==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2741==    by 0x10966E: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_opt_names.c:79)
==2741==    by 0x10966E: tests_opt_names (tests_workaround_opt_names.c:117)
==2741==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2741==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2741==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2741==    by 0x1090AD: main (main.c:56)
==2741== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2741==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2741==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2741==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2741==    still reachable: 73,978 bytes in 8 blocks
==2741==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2741== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2741== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2741== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2741== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

19/24 tests_workaround_invalid_page_size       FAIL             0.80s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=93 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_invalid_page_size
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: Workaround_invalid_page_size
  Test: tests_ips_on_off() ...
==2737== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2737== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2737== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2737== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_invalid_page_size
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2737== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2737==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2737==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2737==    by 0x1092F3: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_invalid_page_size.c:31)
==2737==    by 0x1092F3: tests_ips_on_off (tests_workaround_invalid_page_size.c:77)
==2737==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2737==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2737==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2737==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2737== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2737== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2737== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2737==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2737==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2737== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2737==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2737==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2737== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2737== probably kill your program.
==2737== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2737==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2737==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2737==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2737==    by 0x1092F3: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_invalid_page_size.c:31)
==2737==    by 0x1092F3: tests_ips_on_off (tests_workaround_invalid_page_size.c:77)
==2737==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2737==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2737==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2737==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2737== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2737==     in use at exit: 74,328 bytes in 7 blocks
==2737==   total heap usage: 7 allocs, 0 frees, 74,328 bytes allocated
==2737== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 6 of 7
==2737==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2737==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2737==    by 0x1092F3: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_invalid_page_size.c:31)
==2737==    by 0x1092F3: tests_ips_on_off (tests_workaround_invalid_page_size.c:77)
==2737==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2737==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2737==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2737==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2737== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2737==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2737==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2737==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2737==    still reachable: 73,928 bytes in 6 blocks
==2737==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2737== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2737== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2737== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2737== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

20/24 tests_workaround_hide_source_auto        FAIL             0.82s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=27 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_hide_source_auto
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: workaround_hide_source_auto
  Test: tests_hide_source_auto() ...
==2735== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2735== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2735== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2735== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_hide_source_auto
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2735== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2735==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2735==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2735==    by 0x1092D4: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_hide_source_auto.c:58)
==2735==    by 0x1092D4: tests_hide_source_auto (tests_workaround_hide_source_auto.c:97)
==2735==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2735==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2735==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2735==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2735== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2735== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2735== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2735==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2735==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2735== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2735==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2735==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2735== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2735== probably kill your program.
==2735== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2735==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2735==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2735==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2735==    by 0x1092D4: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_hide_source_auto.c:58)
==2735==    by 0x1092D4: tests_hide_source_auto (tests_workaround_hide_source_auto.c:97)
==2735==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2735==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2735==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2735==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2735== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2735==     in use at exit: 74,333 bytes in 7 blocks
==2735==   total heap usage: 7 allocs, 0 frees, 74,333 bytes allocated
==2735== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 6 of 7
==2735==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2735==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2735==    by 0x1092D4: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_hide_source_auto.c:58)
==2735==    by 0x1092D4: tests_hide_source_auto (tests_workaround_hide_source_auto.c:97)
==2735==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2735==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2735==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2735==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2735== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2735==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2735==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2735==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2735==    still reachable: 73,933 bytes in 6 blocks
==2735==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2735== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2735== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2735== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2735== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

21/24 tests_workaround_dedicated_process       FAIL             0.78s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MALLOC_PERTURB_=82 MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_dedicated_process
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: Workaround dedicated process
  Test: tests_dedicated_process_scan() ...
==2747== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2747== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2747== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2747== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_dedicated_process
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2747== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2747==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2747==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2747==    by 0x1092C2: tests_process_init (tests_workaround_dedicated_process.c:75)
==2747==    by 0x1093AB: tests_dedicated_process_scan (tests_workaround_dedicated_process.c:237)
==2747==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2747==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2747==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2747==    by 0x1090AD: main (main.c:56)
==2747== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2747== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2747== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2747==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2747==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2747== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2747==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2747==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2747== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2747== probably kill your program.
==2747== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2747==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2747==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2747==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2747==    by 0x1092C2: tests_process_init (tests_workaround_dedicated_process.c:75)
==2747==    by 0x1093AB: tests_dedicated_process_scan (tests_workaround_dedicated_process.c:237)
==2747==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2747==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2747==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2747==    by 0x1090AD: main (main.c:56)
==2747== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2747==     in use at exit: 74,419 bytes in 9 blocks
==2747==   total heap usage: 9 allocs, 0 frees, 74,419 bytes allocated
==2747== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 8 of 9
==2747==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2747==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2747==    by 0x1092C2: tests_process_init (tests_workaround_dedicated_process.c:75)
==2747==    by 0x1093AB: tests_dedicated_process_scan (tests_workaround_dedicated_process.c:237)
==2747==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2747==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2747==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2747==    by 0x1090AD: main (main.c:56)
==2747== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2747==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2747==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2747==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2747==    still reachable: 74,019 bytes in 8 blocks
==2747==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2747== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2747== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2747== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2747== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

22/24 tests_workaround_one_page_flatbed        FAIL             0.80s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=255 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_one_page_flatbed
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: Workaround_one_page_flatbed
  Test: tests_one_page_flatbed() ...
==2740== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2740== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2740== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2740== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_one_page_flatbed
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2740== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2740==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2740==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2740==    by 0x1092DF: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_one_page_flatbed.c:58)
==2740==    by 0x1092DF: tests_one (tests_workaround_one_page_flatbed.c:145)
==2740==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2740==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2740==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2740==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2740== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2740== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2740== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2740==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2740==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2740== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2740==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2740==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2740== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2740== probably kill your program.
==2740== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2740==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2740==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2740==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2740==    by 0x1092DF: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_one_page_flatbed.c:58)
==2740==    by 0x1092DF: tests_one (tests_workaround_one_page_flatbed.c:145)
==2740==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2740==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2740==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2740==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2740== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2740==     in use at exit: 74,333 bytes in 7 blocks
==2740==   total heap usage: 7 allocs, 0 frees, 74,333 bytes allocated
==2740== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 6 of 7
==2740==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2740==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2740==    by 0x1092DF: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_one_page_flatbed.c:58)
==2740==    by 0x1092DF: tests_one (tests_workaround_one_page_flatbed.c:145)
==2740==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2740==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2740==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2740==    by 0x10908A: main (main.c:56)
==2740== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2740==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2740==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2740==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2740==    still reachable: 73,933 bytes in 6 blocks
==2740==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2740== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2740== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2740== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2740== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

23/24 tests_workaround_opt_values              FAIL             0.79s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
>>> MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=170 MESON_TEST_ITERATION=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 /usr/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=10 /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_opt_values
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ✀  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: opt_values
  Test: test_opt_values_constraint() ...
==2744== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2744== Copyright (C) 2002-2024, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2744== Using Valgrind-3.24.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2744== Command: /startdir/src/build/subprojects/libinsane/tests/tests_workaround_opt_values
vex amd64->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0x62 0xF1 0x7F 0x28 0x7F 0x0 0xC5 0xF9 0x6F 0x5
vex amd64->IR:   REX=0 REX.W=0 REX.R=0 REX.X=0 REX.B=0
vex amd64->IR:   VEX=0 VEX.L=0 VEX.nVVVV=0x0 ESC=NONE
vex amd64->IR:   PFX.66=0 PFX.F2=0 PFX.F3=0
==2744== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x48614f5.
==2744==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2744==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2744==    by 0x10986E: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_opt_values.c:53)
==2744==    by 0x10986E: tests_opt_values_constraint (tests_workaround_opt_values.c:82)
==2744==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2744==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2744==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2744==    by 0x1090AD: main (main.c:56)
==2744== Your program just tried to execute an instruction that Valgrind
==2744== did not recognise.  There are two possible reasons for this.
==2744== 1. Your program has a bug and erroneously jumped to a non-code
==2744==    location.  If you are running Memcheck and you just saw a
==2744==    warning about a bad jump, it's probably your program's fault.
==2744== 2. The instruction is legitimate but Valgrind doesn't handle it,
==2744==    i.e. it's Valgrind's fault.  If you think this is the case or
==2744==    you are not sure, please let us know and we'll try to fix it.
==2744== Either way, Valgrind will now raise a SIGILL signal which will
==2744== probably kill your program.
==2744== Process terminating with default action of signal 4 (SIGILL)
==2744==  Illegal opcode at address 0x48614F5
==2744==    at 0x48614F5: UnknownInlinedFun (string_fortified.h:29)
==2744==    by 0x48614F5: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:350)
==2744==    by 0x10986E: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_opt_values.c:53)
==2744==    by 0x10986E: tests_opt_values_constraint (tests_workaround_opt_values.c:82)
==2744==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2744==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2744==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2744==    by 0x1090AD: main (main.c:56)
==2744== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2744==     in use at exit: 74,394 bytes in 9 blocks
==2744==   total heap usage: 9 allocs, 0 frees, 74,394 bytes allocated
==2744== 400 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 8 of 9
==2744==    at 0x484BC13: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1675)
==2744==    by 0x48614E6: lis_api_dumb (dumb.c:349)
==2744==    by 0x10986E: UnknownInlinedFun (tests_workaround_opt_values.c:53)
==2744==    by 0x10986E: tests_opt_values_constraint (tests_workaround_opt_values.c:82)
==2744==    by 0x48A1DED: run_single_test.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:991)
==2744==    by 0x48A2147: run_single_suite.constprop.0 (TestRun.c:876)
==2744==    by 0x48A3237: CU_run_all_tests (TestRun.c:367)
==2744==    by 0x1090AD: main (main.c:56)
==2744== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2744==    definitely lost: 400 bytes in 1 blocks
==2744==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2744==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2744==    still reachable: 73,994 bytes in 8 blocks
==2744==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2744== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==2744== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==2744== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2744== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

24/24 tests_workaround_dedicated_process_pack  OK               0.83s

Summary of Failures:

 2/24 tests_normalizer_safe_defaults           FAIL             1.65s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
 3/24 tests_normalizer_source_nodes            FAIL             1.69s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
 4/24 tests_normalizer_source_names            FAIL             1.72s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
 5/24 tests_normalizer_bmp2raw                 FAIL             1.75s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
 6/24 tests_normalizer_opt_aliases             FAIL             1.76s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
 7/24 tests_normalizer_source_types            FAIL             1.62s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
 8/24 tests_normalizer_resolution              FAIL             1.77s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
 9/24 tests_multiplexer                        FAIL             1.79s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
10/24 tests_normalizer_all_opts_on_all_sources FAIL             1.79s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
11/24 tests_normalizer_raw24                   FAIL             1.79s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
12/24 tests_normalizer_clean_dev_descs         FAIL             1.80s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
13/24 tests_normalizer_min_one_source          FAIL             2.09s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
14/24 tests_workaround_cache                   FAIL             0.74s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
15/24 tests_workaround_check_capabilities      FAIL             0.72s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
16/24 tests_workaround_dedicated_thread        FAIL             0.83s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
17/24 tests_workaround_lamp                    FAIL             0.79s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
18/24 tests_workaround_opt_names               FAIL             0.78s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
19/24 tests_workaround_invalid_page_size       FAIL             0.80s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
20/24 tests_workaround_hide_source_auto        FAIL             0.82s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
21/24 tests_workaround_dedicated_process       FAIL             0.78s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
22/24 tests_workaround_one_page_flatbed        FAIL             0.80s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL
23/24 tests_workaround_opt_values              FAIL             0.79s   killed by signal 4 SIGILL

Ok:                 2   
Expected Fail:      0   
Fail:               22  
Unexpected Pass:    0   
Skipped:            0   
Timeout:            0   

Full log written to /startdir/src/build/meson-logs/testlog.txt
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check().
==> ERROR: Build failed, check /home/alhp/workspace/chroot/build_10d11ae7-269d-48bc-8119-1468a7ca3dca/build