/* Take an error message log on stdin with lines of the form file(linenumber) : error message and display on stdout the error message followed by the offending source lines. Microsoft C uses this format for its messages. Usage: errshow <error_log_file >merged_source_and_error_file [28-Aug-86] */ /* This version works with Microsoft C Version 3.0 or later */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define MAXLINE 255 #define MAXFNAME 63 /* PC DOS has short names */ #define SUCCESS 0 #define FAILURE 1 char errmsg[MAXLINE]; char line[MAXLINE]; char fname[MAXFNAME] = ""; FILE *fp = (FILE *)NULL; int lno = 0; int errlno = 0; void cleanup(); void display(); int getfile(); void main() { while (fgets(errmsg,MAXLINE,stdin) != (char *)NULL) (void)display(); (void)cleanup(); } void cleanup() /* clean up and exit */ { if (fp != (FILE *)NULL) (void)fclose(fp); exit(0); } void display() /* display source line matching errmsg[] */ { char *p; if ((p = strchr(errmsg,'(')) == (char *)NULL) return; /* not an error message line */ *p++ = '\0'; /* clobber '('; p points now to line number */ if ((errlno = atoi(p)) <= 0) /* error line number in source file */ return; /* not an error message line */ if (getfile() != SUCCESS) return; if (lno > errlno) /* cannot happen */ { (void)printf("\n?Line number backed up: %s(%s\n",errmsg,p); rewind(fp); lno = 0; } while (lno < errlno) { if (fgets(line,MAXLINE,fp) == (char *)NULL) { (void)printf( "\n?Unexpected EOF before finding line: %s(%s\n", errmsg,p); return; } lno++; } (void)printf("\n%s(%s%7d:%s",errmsg,p,lno,line); } int getfile() /* return SUCCESS on success, FAILURE on error */ { if (strcmp(fname,errmsg) != 0) { if (fp != (FILE *)NULL) (void)fclose(fp); (void)strncpy(fname,errmsg,MAXFNAME); fname[MAXFNAME-1] = '\0'; if ((fp = fopen(fname,"r")) == (FILE *)NULL) { (void)printf("\n?Cannot open file [%s]\n",fname); return(FAILURE); } lno = 0; } return(SUCCESS); }