/* -*-C-*- readpxl.h */
/****************************** readpxl *******************************/

readpxl()	/* return 0 on success, EOF on failure */
    UNSIGN32 checksum;
    register struct char_entry *tcharptr;/* temporary char_entry pointer */
    register UNSIGN16 the_char;		/* loop index */

#if    OS_VAXVMS
    /* VMS binary files are stored with NUL padding to the next 512 byte
    multiple.  We therefore search backwards to the last non-NULL byte
    to the find real end-of-file, then move back 20 bytes from that. */
    FSEEK(fontfp,0L,2);		/* seek to end-of-file */
    while (FSEEK(fontfp,-1L,1) == 0)
        the_char = (UNSIGN16)fgetc(fontfp);
	if (the_char)
	  break;		/* exit leaving pointer PAST last non-NUL */
    if (FSEEK(fontfp,-20L,1))	/* 20 bytes before last non-NUL for checksum */
    if (FSEEK(fontfp,-20L,2))	/* 20 bytes before end-of-file for checksum */
	(void)warning("readpxl():  FSEEK() failed--PXL font file may be empty");

    checksum = nosignex(fontfp,(BYTE)4);
    if ((fontptr->c != 0L) && (checksum != 0L) && (fontptr->c != checksum))
	"readpxl():  font [%s] has checksum = 10#%010lu [16#%08lx] [8#%011lo] \
different from DVI checksum = 10#%010lu [16#%08lx] [8#%011lo].  \
TeX preloaded .fmt file is probably out-of-date with respect to new fonts.",
	    fontptr->name, fontptr->c, fontptr->c, fontptr->c,
	    checksum, checksum, checksum);
    fontptr->magnification = nosignex(fontfp,(BYTE)4);
    fontptr->designsize = nosignex(fontfp,(BYTE)4);
    if (FSEEK(fontfp, (long)(nosignex(fontfp,(BYTE)4) << 2), 0))
	"readpxl():  FSEEK() did not find PXL font file character directory");

    for (the_char = FIRSTPXLCHAR; the_char <= LASTPXLCHAR; the_char++)
	tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[the_char]);
	tcharptr->wp = (COORDINATE)nosignex(fontfp,(BYTE)2);
	tcharptr->hp = (COORDINATE)nosignex(fontfp,(BYTE)2);
	tcharptr->xoffp = (COORDINATE)signex(fontfp,(BYTE)2);
	tcharptr->yoffp = (COORDINATE)signex(fontfp,(BYTE)2);

	/* convert (32-bit) word pointer to byte pointer */
	tcharptr->fontrp = (long)(nosignex(fontfp,(BYTE)4) << 2);

	tcharptr->tfmw = (UNSIGN32)(((float)nosignex(fontfp,(BYTE)4) *
	    (float)fontptr->s) / (float)(1L<<20));
	tcharptr->pxlw = (UNSIGN16)PIXROUND((INT32)(tcharptr->tfmw), conv);
	tcharptr->refcount = 0;			/* character unused */
	tcharptr->rasters = (UNSIGN32*)NULL;	/* no raster description */

