title	ZEROM - C function to zero memory
Zero a block of memory with a fast BLT instruction.

Usage:	(void)zerom(array,length);
	search	$mdefs
	twoseg	$text
	entry	zerom

define	array	<-1(p)>		;n-th arg always at -n(fp)
define	length	<-2(p)>		;and here we have fp=p for speed

zerom:	skipg	length
	 jrst	done		;exit if length <= 0
	hrl	1,array		;[array,,]
	hlr	1,1		;[array,,array]
	hrrz	2,1		;[0,,array]
	setzm	0(2)		;array[0] = 0
	add	2,length	;[0,,array+length]
	addi	1,1		;[array,,array+1] = BLT control word
	blt	1,-1(2)		;clear the array up to array+length-1
	popj	p,		;return to caller