Date: 20-MAR-1989 17:19:34 GMT From: PHYOKANE@CS8700.UCG.IE To: abbottp@ASTON.AC.UK Subject: file dvijep_p sender: hea"" <> /*-->dvipp8*/ /**********************************************************************/ /******************************* dvipp8 *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ #include "dvihead.h" /*********************************************************************** ***********************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************/ /************************ Device Definitions ************************/ /**********************************************************************/ /* All output-device-specific definitions go here. This section must be changed when modifying a dvi driver for use on a new device */ #undef HPJETPLUS #define HPJETPLUS 1 /* conditional compilation flag */ #define VERSION_NO "2.10" /* DVI driver version number */ #define DEVICE_ID "Hewlett Packard Laserjet+ laser printer" /* this string is printed at runtime */ #define OUTFILE_EXT "jep" #define BYTE_SIZE 8 /* output file byte size */ #undef STDRES #define STDRES 1 /* to get standard font resolution */ #define MAXLINE 4096 /* maximum input file line size */ /* it is needed only in special() */ #define MAXPAGEFONTS 16 /* silly limit on fonts/page */ #define FIRSTPRINTERFONT 16 /* Lowest font number used */ #define LASTPRINTERFONT 31 /* Highest font number used */ #define XDPI 300 /* horizontal dots/inch */ #define XPSIZE 9 /* horizontal paper size in inches */ #define XSIZE (((XDPI*XPSIZE+2*HOST_WORD_SIZE-1)/\ (2*HOST_WORD_SIZE))*(2*HOST_WORD_SIZE)) /* number of horizontal dots; */ /* MUST BE multiple of */ /* 2*HOST_WORD_SIZE */ #define YDPI 300 /* vertical dots/inch */ #define YPSIZE 11 /* vertical paper size in inches */ #define YSIZE 4096 /* number of vertical dots */ #define XORIGIN 60 /* measured pixel coordinates of */ #define YORIGIN 15 /* page origin (should be at (0,0) */ /*********************************************************************** Define some useful shorthand macros for all required LaserJet Plus commands. With the exception of the CREATEFONT and DOWNLOADCHAR macros, which require extra data, NO escape sequences appear anywhere else in the text. The LaserJet Plus allows coordinates in dots as well as the decipoints supported by the regular LaserJet. Dot coordinates are more convenient, so we use them exclusively. The Plus puts the page origin in the upper- left corner, while we have it in the lower-left corner, so MOVEY adjusts the coordinate accordingly. With 7-bit fonts, only characters 33..127 are printable, and with 8-bit fonts, 33..127 and 160..255 are printable. Since TeX assumes characters 0..255 are available, but 0..127 are used most often, we remap character numbers in 0..32 to 191..223, and 128..159 to 224..255, and use 8-bit fonts. The macros conceal the remapping. This means that 191..255 are not available for downloading to: these characters are handles by raster graphics. Whenever possible, escape sequences are combined and 0 parameters omitted, in order to compress the output. ***********************************************************************/ /* Begin raster graphics .. {transfer raster graphics} .. end raster graphics */ #define BEGIN_RASTER_GRAPHICS OUTS("\033*t300R\033*r1A") /* CREATE_FONT must be followed by a 26-byte font header (see readfont) */ #define CREATE_FONT OUTS("\033\051s26W") #define DELETE_ALL_FONTS OUTS("\033*c1F") #define SELECT_ROMAN8 /* DOWNLOAD_CHARACTER is not a complete specification---it must be followed by two-byte values of xoff, yoff, width, height, deltax */ #define DOWNLOAD_CHARACTER(nbytes) OUTF("\033\050s%dW",(nbytes)+16) /* End raster graphics */ #define END_RASTER_GRAPHICS OUTS("\033*rB") /* Map characters */ #define MAP_CHAR(c)\ (((c) < 33) ? ((c) + 191) :\ (((c) < 128) ? (c) :\ (((c) < 160) ? ((c) + 96) : (c)))) #define BAD_CHAR(c) ((c) > 255) /* Move absolute to (x,y), page origin in lower left corner */ #define MOVETO(x,y) OUTF2("\033*p%dx%dY",(x),YSIZE-(y)) /* Move absolute to (x,current y), page origin in lower left corner */ #define MOVEX(x) OUTF("\033*p%dX",(x)) /* Move absolute to (current x,y), page origin in lower left corner */ #define MOVEY(y) OUTF("\033*p%dY",YSIZE-(y)) /* Output TeX character number with mapping to HP LaserJet Plus number */ #define OUT_CHAR(c) OUTC(MAP_CHAR(c)) /* Output a 16-bit binary number in two bytes */ #define OUT16(n) {OUTC((n)>>8); OUTC((n));} /* Eject a page from the printer--this is the last command on each page */ #define PAGEEJECT OUTC('\f') /* Reset printer at job start. <ESC>E is global reset which clears everything but permanent fonts, which we do not use. <ESC>&l0E resets left margin to 0. <ESC>&a0L resets top margin to 0. Without these, default margins are supplied which lie inside page. Unfortunately, these do not permit negative values, so we have to further correct the origin with (XORIGIN, YORIGIN) defined above; these bias (lmargin, tmargin) set in dviinit(). */ #define RESET_PRINTER OUTS("\033E\033&lE\033&aL") #define RESET_PRINTER_END /* OUTS("\033E") */ /* Move relative by (delx,dely) from current point */ #define RMOVETO(delx,dely) {\ if ((delx) == 0)\ RMOVEY(dely)\ else if ((dely) == 0)\ RMOVEX(delx)\ else\ OUTF2("\033*p%c%dx%c%dY",\ ((delx) > 0 ? '+' : '-'),ABS(delx),\ ((dely) < 0 ? '+' : '-'),ABS(dely));\ } /* Move relative to (delx+currentx,currenty), page origin in lower left corner */ #define RMOVEX(delx) {\ if ((delx) > 0)\ OUTF("\033*p+%dX",(delx));\ else if ((delx) < 0)\ OUTF("\033*p%dX",(delx));\ } /* Move relative to (currentx,dely+currenty), page origin in lower left corner */ #define RMOVEY(dely) {\ if ((dely) > 0)\ OUTF("\033*p%dY",-(dely));\ else if ((dely) < 0)\ OUTF("\033*p+%dY",-(dely));\ } /* Round a POSITIVE floating-point value to the nearest integer */ #define ROUND(x) ((int)(x + 0.5)) /* Output a new rule at TeX position (x,y). The device coordinates will be changed on completion. The rule origin is the TeX convention of the lower-left corner, while the LaserJet Plus uses the upper-left corner. */ #define RULE(x,y,width,height) {\ MOVETO(x,(y)+height-1);\ OUTF2("\033*c%da%dbP",width,height);\ } /* Set rule of same size as previous one at TeX position (x,y). The device coordinates will be changed on completion. */ #define RULE2(x,y) {\ MOVETO(x,(y)+rule_height-1);\ OUTS("\033*cP");\ } /* Set the character in preparation for a DOWNLOAD_CHARACTER */ #define SET_CHAR_CODE(ch)\ OUTF("\033*c%dE",MAP_CHAR(ch)); /* Set the number of copies of the current page (issue just before PAGEEJECT) */ #define SETCOPIES(n) OUTF("\033&l%dX",MAX(1,MIN(n,99))) /* Set the font number in preparation for a CREATE_FONT */ #define SET_FONT_ID(fontnumber) OUTF("\033*c%dd4F",(fontnumber)); #define SET_CURRENT_FONT(fontnumber) OUTF("\033\050%dX",fontnumber); #define TRANSFER_RASTER_GRAPHICS(nbytes) OUTF("\033*b%dW",(nbytes)); #define UNDEFINED_FONT 65535 /* fonts are numbered 0,1,2,... */ /* In order to handle the MAXPAGEFONTS restriction, we keep a set of the fonts in use, accessing them with these two functions. If a later printer model increases MAXFONTS beyond 32, we can transparently change to another representation, but for now, we use an efficient bit set implementation. */ UNSIGN32 page_members; /* the bit set for current page */ #define ADD_MEMBER(set,member) {set |= (1 << (member));} #define IS_MEMBER(set,member) (set & (1 << (member))) #define EMPTY_SET(set) {set = 0L;} /* BIGCHAR() is used in setchar() and setstr(). BIGCHAR() is TRUE if the character is too big to send as a downloaded font, or if more than MAXPAGEFONTS have been used on this page, and the required font's font_number is not in the page_members set, or if more the font is not in the first MAXFONTS fonts. */ #define BIGCHAR(t) (((t->wp > (COORDINATE)size_limit) ||\ (t->hp > (COORDINATE)size_limit)) || (fontptr->font_number >= MAXFONTS) ||\ (t->istoobig)) #include "main.h" void checkchldd(); #include "abortrun.h" #include "actfact.h" #include "alldone.h" /*-->bopact*/ /**********************************************************************/ /******************************* bopact *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void bopact() /* beginning of page action */ { page_fonts = 0; /* no fonts used on this page yet */ EMPTY_SET(page_members); rule_height = -1; /* reset last rule parameters */ rule_width = -1; str_ycp = -1; /* reset string y coordinate */ } #include "chargf.h" #include "charpk.h" #include "charpxl.h" void makefont1(); /*-->checkchldd*/ /**********************************************************************/ /**************************** checkchldd ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void checkchldd(c) register BYTE c; { register struct char_entry *tcharptr; /* temporary char_entry pointer */ if (fontptr->font_number == UNDEFINED_FONT) (void)makefont1(); tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]); if ((BIGCHAR(tcharptr)) || (BAD_CHAR(c))) { /* we shall need to send a graphics bitmap */ tcharptr->isloaded = FALSE; } else { if (tcharptr->isloaded == FALSE) { fontptr->used_chars++; tcharptr->isloaded = TRUE; } } } #include "checkpage.h" #include "clrrow.h" #include "dbgopen.h" /*-->devinit*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** devinit *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void devinit(argc,argv) /* initialize device */ int argc; char *argv[]; { RESET_PRINTER; /* printer reset */ DELETE_ALL_FONTS; /* delete all downloaded fonts */ font_count = 0; /* no font numbers are assigned yet */ pf = -1; } /*-->devterm*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** devterm *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void devterm() /* terminate device */ { RESET_PRINTER_END; /* printer reset */ } #include "dvifile_p.h" #include "dviinit.h" #include "dviterm.h" /*-->eopact*/ /**********************************************************************/ /******************************* eopact *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void eopact() /* end of page action */ { if (copies > 1) SETCOPIES(copies); PAGEEJECT; } #include "f20open.h" #include "fatal.h" /*-->fillrect*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** fillrect ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void fillrect(x,y,width,height) COORDINATE x,y,width,height; /* lower left corner, size */ /*********************************************************************** With the page origin (0,0) at the lower-left corner, draw a filled rectangle at (x,y). For most TeX uses, rules are uncommon, and little optimization is possible. However, for the LaTeX Bezier option, curves are simulated by many small rules (typically 2 x 2) separated by positioning commands. By remembering the size of the last rule set, we can test for the occurrence of repeated rules of the same size, and reduce the output by omitting the rule sizes. The last rule parameters are reset by the begin-page action in prtpage(), so they do not carry across pages. It is not possible to use relative, instead of absolute, moves in these sequences, without stacking rules for the whole page, because each rule is separated in the DVI file by push, pop, and positioning commands, making for an uncertain correspondence between internal (xcp,ycp) pixel page coordinates and external device coordinates. The last string y coordinate, str_ycp, must be reset here to force any later setstring() to reissue new absolute positioning commands. ***********************************************************************/ { str_ycp = -1; /* invalidate string y coordinate */ if ((height != rule_height) || (width != rule_width)) { RULE(x,y,width,height); rule_width = width; /* save current rule parameters */ rule_height = height; } else /* same size rule again */ RULE2(x,y); } #include "findpost.h" #include "fixpos.h" #include "fontfile.h" #include "fontsub.h" #include "getbytes.h" #include "getfntdf.h" #include "getpgtab.h" #include "inch.h" #include "initglob.h" /*-->loadbmap*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** loadbmap ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void loadbmap(c) /* load big character as raster bitmap */ register BYTE c; { register struct char_entry *tcharptr; /* temporary char_entry pointer */ void (*charyy)(); /* subterfuge to get around PCC-20 bug */ if (fontptr != pfontptr) (void)openfont(fontptr->n); if (fontfp == (FILE *)NULL) /* do nothing if no font file */ return; tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]); moveto(hh - tcharptr->xoffp,YSIZE-vv+tcharptr->yoffp); MOVETO(xcp,ycp); BEGIN_RASTER_GRAPHICS; /* Bug fix: PCC-20 otherwise jumps to charxx instead of *charxx */ charyy = fontptr->charxx; (void)(*charyy)(c,outraster); /* load rasters into device */ END_RASTER_GRAPHICS; str_ycp = -1; /* invalidate string y coordinate */ } /*-->loadchar*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** loadchar ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void loadchar(c,pc) register BYTE c; BYTE pc; { void (*charyy)(); /* subterfuge to get around PCC-20 bug */ register struct char_entry *tcharptr; /* temporary char_entry pointer */ COORDINATE nbytes; /* number of bytes per row */ float temp; INT16 ntemp; if ((c < FIRSTPXLCHAR) || (LASTPXLCHAR < c)) /* check character range */ return; tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]); if (!VISIBLE(tcharptr)) return; /* do nothing for invisible fonts */ if (fontptr != pfontptr) openfont(fontptr->n); if (fontfp == (FILE *)NULL) /* do nothing if no font file */ return; (void)clearerr(plotfp); tcharptr->isloaded = TRUE; SET_CHAR_CODE(pc); /* Number of bytes in bitmap, possibly reduced because of LaserJet Plus */ /* limits. Large characters really need to be handled as bitmaps */ /* instead of as downloaded characters. */ nbytes = ((tcharptr->wp) + 7) >> 3; /* wp div 8 */ DOWNLOAD_CHARACTER(MIN(16,nbytes)*MIN(255,(tcharptr->hp))); OUTC(4); /* 4 0 14 1 is fixed sequence */ OUTC(0); OUTC(14); OUTC(1); OUTC(0); /* orientation = 0 ==> portrait */ OUTC(0); /* Apologies for the temporary variables; the Sun OS 3.2 cc could not compile the original expressions. */ ntemp = MIN(-(tcharptr->xoffp),127); ntemp = MAX(-128,ntemp); OUT16(ntemp); ntemp = MIN(tcharptr->yoffp,127); ntemp = MAX(-128,ntemp); OUT16(ntemp); ntemp = MIN(128,tcharptr->wp); OUT16(ntemp); ntemp = MIN(255,tcharptr->hp); OUT16(ntemp); temp = (float)(tcharptr->tfmw); temp = temp*conv; ntemp = ROUND(temp); OUT16(4*ntemp); /* delta x to nearest dot */ /* Bug fix: PCC-20 otherwise jumps to charxx instead of *charxx */ charyy = fontptr->charxx; (void)(*charyy)(c,outrow); /* output rasters */ if (DISKFULL(plotfp)) (void)fatal("loadchar(): Output error -- disk storage probably full"); } /*-->makefont1*/ /**********************************************************************/ /***************************** makefont1 *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void makefont1() { register UNSIGN16 the_char; /* loop index */ INT16 j; /* loop index */ /* parameters of largest cell */ COORDINATE cell_above; /* dots above baseline */ COORDINATE cell_below; /* dots below baseline */ COORDINATE char_below; /* dots below baseline */ COORDINATE cell_height; /* total height */ COORDINATE cell_left; /* dots left of character cell */ COORDINATE cell_width; /* total width */ COORDINATE cell_baseline; /* in 0..(cell_height-1) */ /******************************************************************* Each LaserJet Plus font must be assigned a unique number in 0..32767, and only 32 fonts can be active at one time. We keep a table of font pointers for this purpose and store the corresponding table index in font_number. Each time a new font is encountered, we increment font_count and store it in that font's font_number. TeX produces a unique font number as well, and TeX82 only uses values in the range 0..255. The DVI file supports 32-bit font numbers, so it is better to generate our own, because someday other programs may produce DVI files too. If fonts are freed dynamically, the table entry must be invalidated and a command sent to the printer to delete that font. At present, font freeing happens only in dviterm() at the close of processing of a single DVI file. A subsequent DVI file processed will result in the invocation of devinit() which resets font_count to 0. It is not possible to avoid downloading some fonts for subsequent files, because we have no control over what order they are printed in, and each output file must therefore be regarded as independent. In order to deal with the limit of MAXFONTS active fonts in the LaserJet Plus, we have two choices. The first and best and most difficult, is to entirely discard the matching of TeX fonts with LaserJet Plus fonts---new characters would simply be assigned to the next available entry in the current open font. The second choice is less satisfactory---when MAXFONTS fonts have been downloaded, we delete the last of them and reset the isloaded flags for all the characters in that font. The Plus also allows deletion of individual characters, so in the first case, we could delete little-used characters to make room in the font tables on the device; we do not use that approach here. One problem is that font metrics must be assigned which match the largest character in the font, so individual character deletion and later re-use of the vacated slot is not in general possible. A second problem is the bizarre behavior of the LaserJet Plus in response to a font deletion--the current page is printed, and the all text following the delete font command will appear on the next page. There is a silly restriction that only MAXPAGEFONTS fonts can be used on a single page, where MAXPAGEFONTS < MAXFONTS. We handle this by keeping a count, page_fonts, of the number of fonts in use on the current page, and whenever a font is requested whose font_number (0,1,...) reaches or exceeds MAXPAGEFONTS, then setchar() and setstr() will not download the character as a font character, but instead will set it as a raster bitmap, in the same fashion that large characters are handled. We handle the font deletion misfeature by just not using it. If a document requires more than MAXFONTS fonts, then the characters for those additional fonts are sent as raster bitmaps, instead of downloaded characters. These two actions completely remove any limitation on the size or number of fonts in the LaserJet Plus. As an optimization to reduce the effort of font table searching, each time a font is requested which has already been loaded, we move that font to the front of font_table[]; the least popular fonts will therefore be the ones that get deleted. The least recently used priority mechanism is widely used in operating systems for buffer management; the overhead of list rearrangement here is acceptable, because font changing occurs relatively infrequently, compared to character setting. <------wp------> ^ ................ | ................ | ................ | ................ | ................ | ................ | ................ hp ................ | ................ | ................ | ................ | .....o.......... <-- character reference point (xcp,ycp) at "o" | ................ ^ | ................ | | ................ |--- (hp - yoffp - 1) | ................ | v +............... v <-- (xcorner,ycorner) at "+" <---> | | xoffp (negative if (xcp,ycp) left of bitmap) The LaserJet Plus font mechanism requires the declaration of cell height, width, and baseline in the CreateFont command. Experiments show that these must be large enough to incorporate the maximum extent above and below the baseline of any characters in the font. The metric correspondences are as follows: ----- ------------- TeX LaserJet Plus ----- ------------- xoffp -(left offset) yoffp top offset max(yoffp) + 1 cell baseline max(wp) cell width max(yoffp) + max(hp-yoff,yoff-hp) + 1 cell height *******************************************************************/ for (j = 0; j < (INT16)font_count; ++j) if (font_table[j] == fontptr) /* then font already known */ { for (; j > 0; --j) /* LRU: move find to front */ font_table[j] = font_table[j-1]; font_table[0] = fontptr; return; /* nothing more to do */ } if (font_count >= MAXFONTS) /* then no more fonts can be downloaded */ { /* set up so BIGCHAR() recognizes the font as not downloadable and sends bitmaps instead */ fontptr->font_number = font_count; for (the_char = FIRSTPXLCHAR; the_char <= LASTPXLCHAR; ++the_char) { fontptr->ch[the_char].isloaded = FALSE; fontptr->ch[the_char].istoobig = TRUE; } return; } /* new font */ fontptr->font_number = font_count; font_table[font_count] = fontptr; font_count++; /* count the next font */ fontptr->used_chars = 0; fontptr->assigned_chars = 0; cell_above = 0; cell_below = 0; cell_left = 0; cell_width = 0; for (the_char = FIRSTPXLCHAR; the_char <= LASTPXLCHAR; ++the_char) { char_below = fontptr->ch[the_char].yoffp - fontptr->ch[the_char].hp; char_below = ABS(char_below); cell_height = 1 + fontptr->ch[the_char].yoffp + char_below; fontptr->ch[the_char].isloaded = FALSE; fontptr->ch[the_char].lj_char = -1; fontptr->ch[the_char].lj_font = -1; fontptr->ch[the_char].istoobig = (BOOLEAN)( !IN(-128,-fontptr->ch[the_char].xoffp,127) || !IN(-128, fontptr->ch[the_char].yoffp,127) || !IN(1,fontptr->ch[the_char].wp,255) || !IN(1,cell_height,255)); } } /*-->makefont*/ /**********************************************************************/ /***************************** makefont *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void makefont(pptr,n_slots) struct printer_font *pptr; int n_slots; { register UNSIGN16 the_char; /* loop index */ register the_slot; INT16 j; /* loop index */ /* parameters of largest cell */ COORDINATE cell_above; /* dots above baseline */ COORDINATE cell_below; /* dots below baseline */ COORDINATE char_below; /* dots below baseline */ COORDINATE cell_height; /* total height */ COORDINATE cell_left; /* dots left of character cell */ COORDINATE cell_width; /* total width */ COORDINATE cell_baseline; /* in 0..(cell_height-1) */ cell_above = 0; cell_below = 0; cell_left = 0; cell_width = 0; for (the_slot = 0; the_slot < n_slots; ++the_slot) { fontptr = pptr->char_slots[the_slot].tex_font; the_char = pptr->char_slots[the_slot].tex_char; char_below = fontptr->ch[the_char].yoffp - fontptr->ch[the_char].hp; char_below = ABS(char_below); cell_height = 1 + fontptr->ch[the_char].yoffp + char_below; fontptr->ch[the_char].istoobig = (BOOLEAN)( !IN(-128,-fontptr->ch[the_char].xoffp,127) || !IN(-128, fontptr->ch[the_char].yoffp,127) || !IN(1,fontptr->ch[the_char].wp,255) || !IN(1,cell_height,255)); cell_above = MAX(cell_above,fontptr->ch[the_char].yoffp); cell_below = MAX(cell_below,char_below); cell_left = MAX(cell_left,-fontptr->ch[the_char].xoffp); cell_width = MAX(cell_width,fontptr->ch[the_char].wp); } cell_baseline = cell_above + 1; cell_height = (cell_above + cell_below) + 1; if ((cell_width > 255) || (cell_height > 255)) { /* don't worry, big characters are handled specially later */ cell_height = MIN(cell_height,255); cell_width = MIN(cell_width,255); } cell_width = MAX(1,cell_width); SET_FONT_ID(pf); CREATE_FONT; OUTC(0); OUTC(26); /* descriptor length */ OUTC(0); /* always 0 */ OUTC(1); /* 8-bit font (for more than 95 characters) */ OUT16(0); /* always 0 */ OUT16(cell_baseline); /* baseline position (in 0..cell_height-1)*/ OUT16(cell_width); /* cell width */ OUT16(cell_height); /* cell height */ OUTC(0); /* orientation = 0 ==> portrait */ OUTC(1); /* spacing = 1 ==> proportional */ OUT16(0); /* symbol set (arbitrary) */ OUT16(2); /* pitch (arbitrary in 2..1260) */ OUT16(cell_height); /* font height (arbitrary in 0..10922) */ OUT16(0); /* always 0 */ OUTC(0); /* always 0 */ OUTC(0); /* style = 0 ==> upright */ OUTC(0); /* stroke weight = 0 ==> normal */ OUTC(0); /* typeface = 0 (arbitrary) */ } #include "movedown.h" #include "moveover.h" #include "moveto.h" /*-->newfont*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** newfont *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void newfont() { /******************************************************************* Creating fonts immediately (usually at postamble read time, before any pages have been printed), would exhaust the LaserJet Plus font supply in a document with more than 32 fonts, requiring many fonts to be sent as bitmaps, instead of as downloaded characters. If only a few pages were selected for printing, it is unlikely that more than 32 would actually be needed. With character bitmaps, the output file is much larger than when downloaded characters are used, and there is a likelihood of raising printer error code 21 (page too complex to process), at least on the LaserJet Plus, which has rather limited internal memory (about 512Kb). The HPLJ Series II can have up to 4.5Mb of memory, and possibly would eliminate this error condition. Instead, we simply mark the font as currently undefined. When it is first referenced, setfont() will call makefont() to actually create it in the printer. *******************************************************************/ fontptr->font_number = UNDEFINED_FONT; } #include "nosignex.h" #include "openfont.h" #include "option.h" /*-->outraster*/ /**********************************************************************/ /***************************** outraster ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void outraster(c,yoff)/* print single raster line in bitmap graphics mode */ BYTE c; /* current character value */ UNSIGN16 yoff; /* offset from top row (0,1,...,hp-1) */ { UNSIGN16 bytes_per_row; /* number of raster bytes to copy */ register UNSIGN16 k; /* loop index */ register UNSIGN32 *p; /* pointer into img_row[] */ struct char_entry *tcharptr;/* temporary char_entry pointer */ register BYTE the_byte; /* unpacked raster byte */ tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]);/* assume check for valid c has been done */ bytes_per_row = (UNSIGN16)((tcharptr->wp) + 7) >> 3; /* wp div 8 */ p = img_row; /* we step pointer p along img_row[] */ TRANSFER_RASTER_GRAPHICS(bytes_per_row); for (k = bytes_per_row; k > 0; ++p) { the_byte = (BYTE)((*p) >> 24); OUTC(the_byte); if ((--k) <= 0) break; the_byte = (BYTE)((*p) >> 16); OUTC(the_byte); if ((--k) <= 0) break; the_byte = (BYTE)((*p) >> 8); OUTC(the_byte); if ((--k) <= 0) break; the_byte = (BYTE)(*p); OUTC(the_byte); if ((--k) <= 0) break; } } /*-->outrow*/ /**********************************************************************/ /******************************* outrow *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void outrow(c,yoff) /* copy img_row[] into rasters[] if allocated, else no-op */ BYTE c; /* current character value */ UNSIGN16 yoff; /* offset from top row (0,1,...,hp-1) */ { UNSIGN16 bytes_per_row; /* number of raster bytes to copy */ register UNSIGN16 k; /* loop index */ register UNSIGN32 *p; /* pointer into img_row[] */ struct char_entry *tcharptr;/* temporary char_entry pointer */ register BYTE the_byte; /* unpacked raster byte */ if (yoff > 255) /* LaserJet Plus cannot handle big characters */ return; tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]);/* assume check for valid c has been done */ bytes_per_row = (UNSIGN16)((tcharptr->wp) + 7) >> 3; /* wp div 8 */ bytes_per_row = MIN(16,bytes_per_row); /* limited to 128 bits/row */ p = img_row; /* we step pointer p along img_row[] */ for (k = bytes_per_row; k > 0; ++p) { the_byte = (BYTE)((*p) >> 24); OUTC(the_byte); if ((--k) <= 0) break; the_byte = (BYTE)((*p) >> 16); OUTC(the_byte); if ((--k) <= 0) break; the_byte = (BYTE)((*p) >> 8); OUTC(the_byte); if ((--k) <= 0) break; the_byte = (BYTE)(*p); OUTC(the_byte); if ((--k) <= 0) break; } } #include "prtpage_p.h" #include "readfont.h" #include "readgf.h" #include "readpk.h" #include "readpost.h" #include "readpxl.h" #include "reldfont.h" #include "rulepxl.h" /*-->setchar*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** setchar *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void setchar(c, update_h) register BYTE c; register BOOLEAN update_h; { register struct char_entry *tcharptr; /* temporary char_entry pointer */ /* ONPAGE() is used here and in setstr(). */ #define ONPAGE(t) (((hh - t->xoffp + t->pxlw) <= XSIZE) \ && (hh >= 0)\ && (vv <= YSIZE)\ && (vv >= 0)) if (DBGOPT(DBG_SET_TEXT)) { (void)fprintf(stderr,"setchar('"); if (isprint(c)) (void)putc(c,stderr); else (void)fprintf(stderr,"\\%03o",(int)c); (void)fprintf(stderr,"'<%d>) (hh,vv) = (%ld,%ld) font name <%s>", (int)c, (long)hh, (long)vv, fontptr->n); NEWLINE(stderr); } tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]); moveto(hh,(COORDINATE)(YSIZE-vv)); if (ONPAGE(tcharptr)) { /* character fits entirely on page */ if (tcharptr->lj_font != pf) { (void)setfont(tcharptr->lj_font); } if (VISIBLE(tcharptr)) { if ((BIGCHAR(tcharptr)) || (BAD_CHAR(c))) loadbmap(c); else { if (ycp != str_ycp) { MOVETO(xcp,ycp); str_ycp = ycp; } else MOVEX(xcp); c = tcharptr->lj_char; OUT_CHAR(c); } } } else if (DBGOPT(DBG_OFF_PAGE) && !quiet) { /* character is off page -- discard it */ (void)fprintf(stderr, "setchar(): Char %c [10#%3d 8#%03o 16#%02x] off page.", isprint(c) ? c : '?',c,c,c); NEWLINE(stderr); } if (update_h) { h += (INT32)tcharptr->tfmw; hh += (COORDINATE)tcharptr->pxlw; hh = fixpos(hh-lmargin,h,conv) + lmargin; } } #include "setfntnm.h" /*-->setfont*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** setfont *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void setfont(font) { pf = font; SET_CURRENT_FONT(pf); } #include "setrule.h" /*-->setstr*/ /**********************************************************************/ /******************************* setstr *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void setstr(c) register BYTE c; { register struct char_entry *tcharptr; /* temporary char_entry pointer */ register BOOLEAN inside; COORDINATE hh_last; /* hh before call to fixpos() */ register UNSIGN16 k; /* loop index */ UNSIGN16 nstr; /* number of characters in str[] */ BYTE str[MAXSTR+1]; /* string accumulator */ BOOLEAN truncated; /* off-page string truncation flag */ /******************************************************************* Set a sequence of characters in SETC_000 .. SETC_127 with a minimal number of LaserJet Plus commands. These sequences tend to occur in long clumps in a DVI file, and setting them together whenever possible substantially decreases the overhead and the size of the output file. A sequence can be set as a single string if * TeX and LaserJet Plus coordinates of each character agree (may not be true, since device coordinates are in multiples of 1/4 pixel; violation of this requirement can be detected if fixpos() changes hh, or if ycp != str_ycp), AND * each character is in the same font (this will always be true in a sequence from a DVI file), AND [this needs looking at in PP8 version] * each character fits within the page boundaries, AND * each character definition is already loaded, AND * each character is from a visible font, AND * each character bitmap extent is smaller than the size_limit (which is used to enable discarding large characters after each use in order to conserve virtual memory storage on the output device). Whenever any of these conditions does not hold, any string already output is terminated, and a new one begun. Two output optimizations are implemented here. First, up to MAXSTR (in practice more than enough) characters are collected in str[], and any that require downloading are handled. Then the entire string is set at once, subject to the above limitations. Second, by recording the vertical page coordinate, ycp, in the global variable str_ycp (reset in prtpage() at begin-page processing), it is possible to avoid outputting y coordinates unnecessarily, since a single line of text will generally result in many calls to this function. *******************************************************************/ #define BEGINSTRING {inside = TRUE;\ if (ycp != str_ycp)\ {\ MOVETO(xcp,ycp);\ str_ycp = ycp;\ }\ else\ MOVEX(xcp);} #define ENDSTRING {inside = FALSE;} #define OFF_PAGE (-1) /* off-page coordinate value */ tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]); if (tcharptr->lj_font != pf) /* output new font selection */ { (void)setfont(tcharptr->lj_font); } inside = FALSE; truncated = FALSE; nstr = 0; while ((SETC_000 <= c) && (c <= SETC_127) && (nstr < MAXSTR)) { /* loop over character sequence */ str[nstr++] = c; /* save string character */ c = (BYTE)nosignex(dvifp,(BYTE)1); } /* put back character which terminated the loop */ (void)UNGETC((int)(c),dvifp); if (DBGOPT(DBG_SET_TEXT)) { (void)fprintf(stderr,"setstr(\""); for (k = 0; k < nstr; ++k) { c = str[k]; if (isprint(c)) (void)putc(c,stderr); else (void)fprintf(stderr,"\\%03o",(int)c); } (void)fprintf(stderr,"\") (hh,vv) = (%ld,%ld) font name <%s>", (long)hh, (long)vv, fontptr->n); NEWLINE(stderr); } for (k = 0; k < nstr; ++k) { /* loop over character sequence */ c = str[k]; tcharptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]); moveto(hh,YSIZE-vv); if (ONPAGE(tcharptr) && VISIBLE(tcharptr)) { /* character fits entirely on page and is visible */ /* We must check first for a big character. The character */ /* may have been downloaded on a previous page, but if it is */ /* not in the page_members font set, we must send it again */ /* as a bitmap instead. */ if (BIGCHAR(tcharptr)) /* BAD_CHAR(c)) cannot be true here */ { if (inside) ENDSTRING; /* finish any open string */ loadbmap(c); } else if (tcharptr->lj_font != pf) { if (inside) ENDSTRING; } else { if (!inside) BEGINSTRING; c = tcharptr->lj_char; OUT_CHAR(c); } } else /* character does not fit on page -- output */ { /* current string and discard the character */ truncated = TRUE; if (inside) ENDSTRING; } /* update horizontal positions in TFM and pixel units */ h += (INT32)tcharptr->tfmw; hh += (COORDINATE)tcharptr->pxlw; hh_last = hh; hh = fixpos(hh-lmargin,h,conv) + lmargin; if (DBGOPT(DBG_POS_CHAR)) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "[%03o] xcp = %d\tycp = %d\thh = %d\thh_last = %d\n", c,xcp,ycp,hh,hh_last); } /* If fixpos() changed position, we need new string next time */ /* around. Actually, since the LaserJet Plus stores character */ /* widths in units of 1/4 dot, we could compute coordinates at */ /* four times the precision, but for now, we start a new string */ /* each time we have one or more dots of error. */ if ((hh != hh_last) && inside) ENDSTRING; } if (truncated && DBGOPT(DBG_OFF_PAGE) && !quiet) { (void)fprintf(stderr,"setstr(): Text ["); for (k = 0; k < nstr; ++k) (void)fprintf(stderr,isprint(str[k]) ? "%c" : "\\%03o",str[k]); (void)fprintf(stderr,"] truncated at page boundaries."); NEWLINE(stderr); } if (inside) /* finish last string */ ENDSTRING; } #include "signex.h" #include "skgfspec.h" #include "skipfont.h" #include "skpkspec.h" #include "special.h" #include "strchr.h" #include "strcm2.h" #include "strid2.h" #include "strrchr.h" #include "tctos.h" #include "usage.h" #include "warning.h"