Fourier-GUTenberg distribution, Michel Bovani 1 VERSIONS 2 LICENCE 3 INSTALLATION 4 USAGE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 VERSION This version number is 2.4 (2024-09-08) NEW in version 2.4 • Note that only the fourier-orns package and fonts have been updated. • New \leftblackhand and \rightblackhand commands • New \aldinesmallup and \aldinesmallrevert commands • For unicode engines users only (see the documentation) new \grappe, \rightgrappe and \leftgrappe commands. NEW in version 2.3 * there is a new \caution command (dangerous bend). * Chars selection now use the \texorpdfstring command and the \TakeFourierOrnament command have been replaced by \FourierOrns. * chars in the type1 fonts are now in place of digits or letters like in the OTF font. NEW in version 2.2 : * fourier-orns have now a noOTF option in order to use it with type1 PostScript fonts and luaTeX/XeTeX engines. * chars in the OTF fonts are now slotted in place of digits or letters. * fourier calls fournier-orns with the noOTF option. * the \pertenthousand fourier composite char, which have been dropped by the new latex, is back. NEW in version 2.1: * in fourier-orns.sty, the otf versions of the font are now searched by file name rather than by font name in order xelatex to find them easily. Thanks to Marcel Krüger and Norbert Preining for pointing this out. * in fourier-orns.sty, the \danger command is now also defined in the otf context. * in fourier.sty there is now a warning message to suggest the use of fourier-otf.sty when xelatex or lualatex are used. Thanks to Daniel Flipo for suggesting this. NEW in version 2.0: * In expert modes (need you buy the expert utopia pfb fonts): - Possibility is provided to use superior letters of the commercial utopia font - Slanted small caps * New ornaments - Six oldpilcrow variants - \leafNW, \leafSE and \leafSW - The \danger command is now deprecated and replaced by \warning - Opentype versions of the ornament fonts are provided and can be used with lualatex or xelatex (thanks to Daniel Flipo) NEW in version 1.4.1: * no more gap in long arrows symbols * two new symbols: \decosix and \starredbullet * Bernard Gaulle's Makefile come back. NEW in version 1.4 (2005-1-1): * The widespace option works again (was broken in 1.3) * Bold versions of FML encoded fonts (essentially greek and latin letters). Thanks to Timur Mukhamedjanov who designed a first version that was already pretty good. The \boldmath command and the bm package seem to be correctly supported. * Variants of varpi and partialdiff symbols (closer to the cm design). The commands are \varvarpi and \varpartialdiff. * New amssymb-like symbols (\leftleftarrows, \rightrightarrows, \square, \blacksquare, \curvearrowleft, \curvearrowright, \subsetneqq). * Ornaments are now provided by the fourier-orns package, which is required by fourier, but may be called separately. * New ornaments symbols. The commands are \decothreeleft \decothreeright \decofourleft \decofourright, \floweroneleft, \floweroneright, \lefthand, \righthand, \bomb. * No more gap between the square root and its overbar. Thanks to Hans Hagen and Sebastian Sturm who find that (it was an italic correction problem). * \rmdefaut redefinition made before calling fontenc (in order to allow fourier usage even if cork-encoded cm aren't insalled). Thanks to Robin Fairbanks who pointed that out. * Capital greek letters are now mathord (instead of mathalpha). Thanks to Yvon Henel who reported that. * Metrics improved in math... (I hope!). Thanks to all who reported metrics features. I do my best to do correction, but it is a long way... * The \widehat and \widetilde symbols are no longer intercepted by amssymb. (Thanks to Peter Harmand for his help). NEW in version 1.3 (2004-03-12). * There is now an UNIX makefile. Many thanks to Bernard Gaulle who made it. * Bug corrected in the ornaments font (the Poscript name didn't match * There is a new symbol in the ornament font. NEW in version 1.2 (LaTeX Companion 2) 2004-03-02 * Bug corrected in Thanks to Walter Schmidt for pointing this out. * The titling fonts are now named putrd8a.pfb, futrd8r.tfm, futrd8t.tfm, futrd8t.vf, according to the Karl Berry scheme. Thanks to Dr Peter Schenzel for pointing this out. * The commands \dblbrackleft and \dblbrackright are deprecated and replaced by \llbracket and \rrbracket. * It is now possible to call amsmath after fourier. Collaboration between the two packages had been improved (many thanks to Walter Schmidt). * There is a new option (widespace) which enlarge the default interword space of Utopia * There is a new ornament font with 15 new symbols. * The \eurologo is now in the ornament font (was in a wrong place in the TS1 encoding, shame on me). Thanks to Frank Mittelbach and Thierry Bouche for their help. * All character codes are now decimal number (no more clash with (n)german.sty). Thanks to Walter Schmidt for pointing this out. 2 LICENCE The licence of fourier-GUTenberg is lppl (latex public project licence). All the files of this distribution remain in directories wich name is "fourier". texmf/dvips/fourier texmf/fonts/tfm/public/fourier texmf/fonts/type1/public/fourier texmf/fonts/vf/public/fourier texmf/tex/latex/fourier BEWARE fourier uses utopia as his base font. Utopia has been gracefully donated by Adobe but his licence is more restrictive than LPPL (it is nocharge and freely distributable software, but it's *not* free software.) Four files are concerned by this licence : texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/utopia/putr8a.pfb texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/utopia/putri8a.pfb texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/utopia/putb8a.pfb texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/utopia/putbi8a.pfb And here is the licence of utopia % The following notice accompanied the Utopia font: % % Permission to use, reproduce, display and distribute the listed % typefaces is hereby granted, provided that the Adobe Copyright notice % appears in all whole and partial copies of the software and that the % following trademark symbol and attribution appear in all unmodified % copies of the software: % % Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated % Utopia (R) % Utopia is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated % % The Adobe typefaces (Type 1 font program, bitmaps and Adobe Font % Metric files) donated are: % % Utopia Regular % Utopia Italic % Utopia Bold % Utopia Bold Italic Note that Adobe sells two packages of fonts (utopia = 6 fonts, and utopia expert = 16 fonts) which are fully usable with fourier (see expert and oldstyle options below). 3 - INSTALLATION The texmf tree provides a standard TDS. You have to install all the "fourier" directories of the fourier texmf tree in one of yours texmf trees. If you don't still have the four utopia fonts (texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/utopia/), you have to install them too. If you have a licence for the commercial utopia packages, you have to rename the *.pfb files to suit the declarations in (or to modify this file). Mac fonts should be contverted to pfb format (with t1unmac, for instance). 4 - USAGE If you need more symbols ask me (I don't promise anything if you need a complete alphabet!) Usage : \usepackage[<options>]{fourier} Don't call \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} or \usepackage{textcomp} as they are already loaded by fourier. The options are * maths : sloped (default) and upright. With upright greek lowercases are upright and so are roman uppercases (a la french!). \otheralpha, \otherbeta, etc. can be used to switch to the other-sloped greek symbol. * text : -- poorman (default) the 4 standard fonts -- expert: expert full set (if you have the fonts!) with lining digits -- oldstyle: expert set with oldstyle text digits -- fulloldstyle: expert set with oldstye digits in text and in math. with the three last options the following commands are provided \sbseries \textsb semi-bold \blackseries \textblack extra-bold \titleshape \texttitle titling (caps only) \lining and \oldstyle allow you to change the style of digits (use them in a group). amsmath compatibility: full (I hope). amssymb : No need to call it if you only need: \mathbb (A..Z, 1, k) \leqslant\geqslant\vDash\intercal\blacktriangleleft\blacktriangleright \nleqslant\ngeqslant\nparallel\complement\hslash\nexists\varsubsetneq If you need others amssymb symbols please, call amssymb *before* fourier Other commands: A slanted parallel symbol (french poeple like it!) $\parallelslant$ $\nparallelslant$ More integrals $\iint,\iiint$ $\oiint,\oiiint,\slashint$ \[\iint,\iiint,\oiint,\oiiint,\slashint\] A special QED symbol for a false proof (of course you need it, don't you ?) $\thething$ XSwords symbols $\xswordsup$ $\xswordsdown$