%% Generated by msharpe on 2022/01/20
    [2022/01/20 (msharpe)  Font definitions for LY1/minebgaramond.]

%ebgaramond must be reduced by factor .93 to match xheight of newtxmath

\edef\ntxmath@scaled{s*[\strip@pt\@tempdima]}}% locally, not globally


%   ----  regular  ----

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-Regular-tlf-sc-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-Regular-tlf-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-Italic-tlf-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-Italic-tlf-sc-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-Italic-tlf-swash-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-Regular-tlf-swash-ly1

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/regular/scit

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/regular/it

%   ----  semibold  ----

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-SemiBold-tlf-sc-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-SemiBold-tlf-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-sc-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-swash-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-SemiBold-tlf-swash-ly1

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/semibold/scit

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/semibold/it

%   ----  bold  ----

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-Bold-tlf-sc-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-Bold-tlf-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-BoldItalic-tlf-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-BoldItalic-tlf-swash-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-Bold-tlf-swash-ly1

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/bold/scit

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/bold/it

%   ----  medium  ----

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-Medium-tlf-sc-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-Medium-tlf-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-MediumItalic-tlf-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-MediumItalic-tlf-sc-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-MediumItalic-tlf-swash-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-Medium-tlf-swash-ly1

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/medium/scit

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/medium/it

%   ----  extrabold  ----

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-ExtraBold-tlf-sc-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-ExtraBold-tlf-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-sc-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-swash-ly1

      <-> \ntxmath@scaled EBGaramond-ExtraBold-tlf-swash-ly1

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/extrabold/scit

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/extrabold/it

%  Extra 'ssub' rules to map the standard NFSS codes to our fancy names

%   m --> regular

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/regular/scsl

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/regular/sc

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/regular/n

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/regular/it

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/regular/sw

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/regular/sl

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/regular/scit

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/regular/nw

%   sb --> semibold

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/semibold/scsl

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/semibold/sc

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/semibold/n

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/semibold/it

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/semibold/sw

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/semibold/sl

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/semibold/scit

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/semibold/nw

%   b --> bold

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/bold/scsl

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/bold/sc

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/bold/n

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/bold/it

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/bold/sw

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/bold/sl

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/bold/scit

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/bold/nw

%   eb --> extrabold

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/extrabold/scsl

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/extrabold/sc

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/extrabold/n

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/extrabold/it

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/extrabold/sw

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/extrabold/sl

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/extrabold/scit

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/extrabold/nw

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/b/n

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/b/sc

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/b/scsl

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/b/it

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/b/sw

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/b/sl

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/b/scit

      <-> ssub * minebgaramond/b/nw
