%% example.tex
%% Part of the tolkienfonts package
%% Copyright 2010 Ariel Barton
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% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
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% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Ariel Barton.
% This work consists of all the files listed in Appendix F of the file
% `tolkienfontsdoc.pdf'.
% Date: 2010/08/29







% Sample text taken from the Quenya TV tropes page at
% http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Qu/HomePage


alatulya \href{http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TVTropes}{tv

\textbf{mana sin?} celeng\"e sina parma rincaiva nyarien quentar n\'a.
comyalm\"e i y\'avi\"e quentaiva, tultalm\"e y\'avirya, ar antalmet len
matien tenna penquanta.

\href{http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Trope}{quentanwi} nar
intyar yar mo ye tec\"e lerta ista istaina nauva cendass\"e. ec\"e
quentanwin uar \'ucalim\"e}, ar l\'a Sacalme \'ucalima sarm\"e. sis
hirien quentanwi ar tyalien tainen Nalme, l\'a anta ten yaiw\"e.

pan yestalma palant\'irenen n\'e, i celeng\"e estaina ``tv
tro\Orthmode{pE}s'' (palant\'iro quentanwi). ter l\'umi, ollelm\"e
p\'elala ex\"e quentan\'omi. quentanwi palur palant\'ir pella. e\"ant\"e
nyaruvalm\"e lintav\"e}. pan rimb\"e quentar nevir apanta coivi\"e,
ear ilquass\"e}.

Nalm\"e \textbf{ol\"e} amba lehta.
ThereIsNoSuchThingAsNotability}{ualm\"e \'uvi\"e qui nati nar valdi\"e},
ar ua maur\"e attengwien. qui sarmelya ua hosta quentar yar camtas
hestuvas ar firuvas. tenna t\'a, hiruvalyes

i quetta ``tro\Orthmode{pE}rvi\Orthmode{llE}'' lass\"eo ingass\"e coluva le
n\'omenna yass\"e hostalm\"e quetien pa nati.

\'a autal ar tyaluval!

