
1. Author, Copyright and License
2. Bug reports, corrections
3. Package contents

1. Author, Copyright and License
Author:    Dirk Krause
Copyright: Copyright (C) 2007 Dirk Krause
License:   Gnu Free Documentation License
           see the file fdl.txt in this directory for license terms.

2. Bug reports, corrections

Please use the web form
to submit bug reports and suggestions.

English is not my native language, so the english versions of the tutorial
and the examples may need corrections in spelling, grammar and style.
Volunteers are welcome, please use the web form as described above
for suggestions.

3. Package contents

This package contains a tutorial and examples how to create PDF forms
using pdflatex with the hyperref and insdljs packages. The files
de/forms.pdf and en/forms.pdf are the german and english version of the
tutorial, the de/examples and en/examples directories contain the
LaTeX sources for the example forms.

We have three forms:
- ex00... is a form to request keys for employees.
  This form is developed step-by-step:
  ex0001: The initial version, contains all the form elements but looks ugly.
  ex0002: Form elements aligned in a table.
  ex0003: Equal widths for form elements, space between elements added.
  ex0004: Equal y-position for form elements and labels.
  ex0005: Form element border color changed.
  ex0006: Document level JavaScript added, processing Doc/Open event.
  ex0007: German umlauts corrected in the german version.
          \usepackage[...]{inputenc} is not longer used.
  ex0008: Processing WillPrint and DidPrint events (showing a message box).
  ex0009: Processing WillPrint and DidPrint events (color and font changes).
  ex0010: Processing form element events (validation).
  ex0011: Final version, the choice list is now editable (combo box style).

- ex0101  is a form to request software licenses and installations.
          This example shows how to initialize a choice list using
	  JavaScript variables.

- ex0201  is an interactive application for investment calculations.
          This example shows how to respond to a button click event.