The TeX Live Launcher is an easy way to give Windows users access to
a TeX Live installation on a network as if it were a local


- On first startup, the launcher does the user configuration which
  would otherwise have been done during a local installation.

- the menu items and buttons within the launcher replace the several
  Start menu items normally created during a local installation.

- Easy customization with an ini file, e.g. incorporating additional

See the manual for placement of tlaunch.exe and tlaunch.ini, and for
customizing the ini file.

The launcher is already part of TeX Live. The 2017 installer has an
option to make the installation launcher-based.

A script tlaunchmode is included which can convert a classic
installation into a launcher-based one and back. The manual has a
section on this script.

The file contains as an example a more elaborate
configuration, based on the installation at the Rijksuniversiteit