% If you don't know how to handle a .tex file, do this :
% This is documentation file for textoolspro ( tex tools for the
% programmer ).
% latex textoolspro.tex
% xdvi textoolspro.dvi
% See dvips man page if you want it in postscript
% I don't supply postscripts because they're usually huge.

\title{Documentation and examples of gentabtex.py 1.2 }
\author{ Manuel Gutierrez Algaba \\ carmonense@andaluciajunta.es
\\ http://algaba.sdf-eu.org/gentab.cgi}
\date{ April 2004- January 2006}
\section{Copyright issues}
gentabtex.py and its documentation  are copyrighted by Manuel
Gutierrez Algaba 1999 and you are free 
to  use, modify , copy and distribute it under the 
condition that
you include this notice ad in it.

This package requires python to work. \verb|www.python.org|
High layer tables rendering engine written in python. If :
\item{Your tables are huge and sparse and you need to put very few values in it, or 
you must put all except some.}
\item{You experience some difficulty in balancing the load, that is, the ammount of data  of each column and test the 
width of each column until you get a desirable result. You don't want narrow columns with full of data while some others are too empty and hold very few data. }
\item{You find a bit messy the notation of \LaTeX\ when dealing with tables}
Then this package might be for you. 
First of all you won't ever need to write tables in \LaTeX\ again. You write a python programm that
writes \LaTeX\ code. You place a layer between your tables and \LaTeX. 

\section{Examples and usage}
In my opinion the best way to learn is to see examples and experience yourself. 
All examples taken from the end of the very same gentabtex.py. 
\subsection{First example, no real advantage!: python and spanish !!!}
Let's start with a rather simple example. Let's see a broken table, a table with so huge 
paragraphs that they get out the paper. 

colores & buen gusto & coche & gallumbos & fruta\\
rojo & es dificil conseguir algo que no sobresalte y 
quede bien & implica conduccion agresiva &  & tomate\\
azul & los pantalones, camisas, color discreto
 donde los haya & es un color que como tal rara vez se da, es mas
 corriente en los nortes &  & alga\\
verde & si no es fuerte o amerillento & no esta de moda &  & melon\\
amarillo & hortero en la mayoria de las ocasiones & es el 
color que mejor se ve &  & melon\\
Ok, this is not the best way of writing a table, and you can use paragraph of 
fixed size and many other things. 
But anyway, it's rendered thus:
colores & buen gusto & coche & gallumbos & fruta\\
rojo & es dificil conseguir algo que no sobresalte y 
quede bien & implica conduccion agresiva &  & tomate\\
azul & los pantalones, camisas, color discreto
 donde los haya & es un color que como tal rara vez se da, es mas
 corriente en los nortes &  & alga\\
verde & si no es fuerte o amerillento & no esta de moda &  & melon\\
amarillo & hortero en la mayoria de las ocasiones & es el 
color que mejor se ve &  & melon\\
That table can be generated using gentabtex (see the end of the code of gentabtex.py)
    g = gentabtex().en("rojo").en("azul").en("verde").en("amarillo"). \
cab(["colores", "buen gusto", "coche", "gallumbos", "fruta"]).otraen(1). \
en(["es dificil conseguir algo que no sobresalte y quede bien",
    "los pantalones, camisas, color discreto donde los haya",
    "si no es fuerte o amerillento",
    "hortero en la mayoria de las ocasiones"]).otraen(2).\
    en(["implica conduccion agresiva",
        "es un color que como tal rara vez se da, es mas corriente en los nortes",
        "no esta de moda",
        "es el color que mejor se ve"]).\
equis("ultimacolumna", ["tomate", "alga", "melon", "melon"]).\

    print g
You can identify each element of the python programm with the latter table, you don't really 
need to know python or spanish (yes, the instructions are writen spanish).

Basically, that code it says that the heading (cab) is composed of ``colores'', ``buen gusto'', \ldots.
Moreover, the pairs \verb|otraen(1)| and \verb|en(...)| ( anotherin(number) and in(...) )
say what to put in each \emph{column}, lastly, you place with \verb|equis| something
in the last column (\verb|ultimacolumna|).
Besides, you have to sync the table so it's internally rendered and then you can get it
using \verb|print g|.

Till now, no gain. Just some strange python code and even more strange in Spanish !

\subsection{Second example, two advantages }
Now, let's see other example taken from gentabtex.py.\\
Let's see the four lines:
    g. lamatrizdispersa. calculapesos()
    g.repartepesos(8, 0.3)
    g. daaspectautoma()
    print g
Once matrix have been synced, we can calculate weights (\verb|calculapesos|) on 
the sparse matrix (\verb|lamatrizdispersa|) and we require it to give us an ``automatic aspect'' (\verb|daaspectautoma|, literally ``give automatic aspect''), with only that
we get:\\

colores & buen gusto & coche & gallumbos & fruta\\
rojo & es dificil conseguir algo que no sobresalte y quede bien & implica conduccion agresiva &  & tomate\\
azul & los pantalones, camisas, color discreto donde los haya & es un color que como tal rara vez se da, es mas corriente en los nortes &  & alga\\
verde & si no es fuerte o amerillento & no esta de moda &  & melon\\
amarillo & hortero en la mayoria de las ocasiones & es el color que mejor se ve &  & melon\\
Which is a \emph{huge} improvement, because:
\item{You have only specified the total width of the table \verb|repartepesos(8, 0.3)|,
\emph{that's 8 cm width} with a minimum column width of 0.3 cm. }
\item{If you have to resize the width, because you use package \verb|multicolumn|, for 
example, you don't have to worry about your tables, just specify the new width, and they' ll get the best }
\item{If you modify your table, and add a lot of info into one column, your table will
balance itself, so no column will hang full of data while the others are almost empty}
Still some words would require a bigger column width, perhaps using 0.5 instead of 0.3, or 
splitting ``gallumbos'' in ``gallum- bos'' would help. 

\subsection{Third example. Using crosses}
Some tables are like this:\\
0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6\\
Recorrer carpetas/Ejecutar archivo & x & x & x & x &  & \\
Listar carpeta/Leer datos & x & x & x & x & x & \\
Atributos de lectura & x & x & x & x & x & \\
Atributos extendidos de lectura & x & x & x & x & x & \\
Crear archivos/Escribir datos & x & x &  &  &  & x\\
Crear carpetas/Anexar datos & x & x &  &  &  & x\\
Atributos de escritura & x & x &  &  &  & x\\
Atributos extendidos de escritura & x & x &  &  & x & \\
Eliminar subcarpetas y archivos & x &  &  &  &  & \\
Eliminar & x & x &  &  &  & \\
Permisos de lectura & x & x & x & x & x & x\\
Cambiar permisos & x &  &  &  &  & \\
Tomar posesión & x & x &  &  &  & \\
Sincronizar & x & x & x & x & x & x\\
1 control total
2 modificar
3 leer y ejecutar
4 listar el contenido de la carpeta
5 lectura
6 escribir
That's full of crosses, and while it's no problem to do it manually, it's a bit 
dull and error prone when the number of crosses increases. 

Look at the code:

0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6\\
Recorrer carpetas/Ejecutar archivo & x & x & x & x &  & \\
Listar carpeta/Leer datos & x & x & x & x & x & \\
Atributos de lectura & x & x & x & x & x & \\
Atributos extendidos de lectura & x & x & x & x & x & \\
Crear archivos/Escribir datos & x & x &  &  &  & x\\
Crear carpetas/Anexar datos & x & x &  &  &  & x\\
Atributos de escritura & x & x &  &  &  & x\\
Atributos extendidos de escritura & x & x &  &  & x & \\
Eliminar subcarpetas y archivos & x &  &  &  &  & \\
Eliminar & x & x &  &  &  & \\
Permisos de lectura & x & x & x & x & x & x\\
Cambiar permisos & x &  &  &  &  & \\
Tomar posesión & x & x &  &  &  & \\
Sincronizar & x & x & x & x & x & x\\

Just imagine dozen columns !

But if you can choose the columns by their properties, like gentabtex.py does, 

    g2 = gentabtex().en(["Recorrer carpetas/Ejecutar archivo",
      "Listar carpeta/Leer datos",
      "Atributos de lectura", "Atributos extendidos de lectura",
      "Crear archivos/Escribir datos", "Crear carpetas/Anexar datos",
      "Atributos de escritura", "Atributos extendidos de escritura",
      "Eliminar subcarpetas y archivos", "Eliminar",
      "Permisos de lectura", "Cambiar permisos",
      "Tomar posesión", "Sincronizar"]).\
cab([0,1,2,3,4,5,6]). \
equis(1, "toda").equis(2, "todamenos", [('c', 'subcarpeta'),
                                        ('c', 'Cambiar permisos')]).\
 equis("todafila", [('c', 'Permisos de lectura'),
                    ('c', 'Sincronizar')]).\
 equis(3, "desdehasta", (('c',"Recorrer"),('c', "extendidos"))).\
  equis(4, "desdehasta", (('c',"Recorrer"),('c', "extendidos"))).\
 equis(5, "desdehasta", (('c',"Listar"),('c', "extendidos"))).\
 equis(5, "en", [('c',"extendidos de escritura")]).\
 equis(6, "desdehasta", (('c',"Crear archivos"),('c', "Atributos de escritura"))).\
1 control total
2 modificar
3 leer y ejecutar
4 listar el contenido de la carpeta
5 lectura
6 escribir

Let's see, the commands:
\item{The first \verb|en|, \verb|en(["Recorrer carpetas/Ejecut"...])| populates 
the first column}
\item{The \verb|cab([0,1,2...])| populates the heading}
\item{Now, let's see the first \verb|equis| (equis is the spanish word for cross ),
\verb|equis(1,"toda")| says that all (toda) the second column will be marked}
\item{The second equis
.equis(2, "todamenos", [('c', 'subcarpeta'),
 ('c', 'Cambiar permisos')]).\
says that the \emph{third} column will be marked except (menos) those rows that 
contain either ``subcarpeta'' or ``Cambiar permisos''}
\item{The equis 
 equis("todafila", [('c', 'Permisos de lectura'),
 ('c', 'Sincronizar')]).\
says that all the row (fila) which contains ``Permisos de lectura'' or ``Sincronizar''
will be marked.}
\item{The equis  
equis(3, "desdehasta", 
(('c',"Recorrer"),('c', "extendidos"))).\
says that in the \emph{fourth} row it will be marked those cells, starting from top,
from (desde) any row containing ``Recorrer'' to (hasta) any row containing ``extendidos''
and no more will be marked, with this instruction. That's the program starts in row 1,
and compares if column 0 has ``Recorrer'' if not it continues, when it reaches to such
column 0 storing ``Recorrer'' it marks in that row and in the 4th column, and it 
continues marking row by row at 4th column till it reaches to a row which column 0 is ``extendidos''
then stops marking. }
\item{ Finally the 
 equis(5, "en", [('c',
"extendidos de escritura")]).\
places a mark (cross) into all the cells whose column is the 5th and whose row has at column0
a text containing ``extendidos de escritura''.
\subsection{Filling row by row}
Finally, we'll see how to write a table row by row, with the advantage of self-balancing
of columns:

Protocolo & Velocidad nominal & Frecuencia base & Capacidad exigible al cable & Categoría de cable requerida\\
100Base-T4 & 100 Mbps & 12.5 MHz & 12.5 MHz & Cat-3\\
802.12 (VG) & 100 Mbps & 15 MHz & 15 MHz & Cat-3\\
100Base-TX & 100 Mbps & 31.25 MHz & 80 MHz & Cat-5\\
FDDI  (*) & 100 Mbps & 31.25 MHz & 80 MHz & Cat-5\\
ATM  (**) & 155 Mbps & 77.5 MHz & 100 MHz & Cat-5\\

which is achieved with:
    tabcabtec = gentabtex().cab(["Protocolo", "Velocidad nominal",
      "Frecuencia base", "Capacidad exigible al cable",
 "Categoría de cable requerida"]).\
    fil([ "10Base-T", "10 Mbps", "10 MHz", "10 MHz", "Cat-3"]).\
    fil(["100Base-T4", "100 Mbps", "12.5 MHz", "12.5 MHz", "Cat-3"]).\
    fil(["802.12 (VG)", "100 Mbps", "15 MHz", "15 MHz", "Cat-3"]).\
    fil(["100Base-TX", "100 Mbps", "31.25 MHz", "80 MHz", "Cat-5"]).\
    fil(["FDDI  (*)", "100 Mbps", "31.25 MHz", "80 MHz", "Cat-5"]).\
    fil(["ATM  (**)", "155 Mbps", "77.5 MHz", "100 MHz", "Cat-5"]).\
    sync().calculapesos().repartepesos(6, 0.5). daaspectautoma()
    print tabcabtec

I think it's self explainatory. 