#ifndef XCOMM
#define XCOMM #

XCOMM              Imake rules for those without X11R5
XCOMM        Copyright 1993 Rainer Klute, Dortmund University
XCOMM             <klute@irb.informatik.uni-dortmund.de>
XCOMM $Id: X11R5.rules,v 0.96 1993/05/04 15:18:45 klute Exp klute $

#ifdef CppScriptTarget
#undef CppScriptTarget

 * Translate XCOMM into pound sign with sed, rather than passing -DXCOMM=XCOMM
 * to cpp, because that trick does not work on all ANSI C preprocessors.
 * Also delete line numbers from the cpp output (-P is not portable, I guess).
#ifndef CppSedMagic
#define CppSedMagic sed -e '/^#  *[0-9][0-9]*  *.*$$/d' \
		    -e '/^XCOMM$$/s//#/' \
		    -e '/^XCOMM[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/s/^XCOMM/#/'
#endif /* CppSedMagic */

 * CppScriptTarget - generate rules to create a shell script by running the
 * input through cpp.  If the ExecableScripts configuration parameter is not
 * set, then make sure that the first line begins with a colon.
#ifndef CppScriptTarget
#if ExecableScripts		/* can use #! instead of colon */
#define CppScriptTarget(dst,src,defs,deplist)				@@\
dst::  src deplist							@@\
	$(RM) $@							@@\
	$(CPP) defs <src | CppSedMagic >$@				@@\
	chmod a+x $@
#define CppScriptTarget(dst,src,defs,deplist)				@@\
dst::  src deplist							@@\
	$(RM) $@							@@\
	echo \: >$@							@@\
	sed '1d' src | $(CPP) defs | CppSedMagic >>$@			@@\
	chmod a+x $@
#endif /* ExecableScripts */
#endif /* CppScriptTarget */

/* if [ -d ] or [ ! -d ] causes make to fail, define this as - */
#ifndef DirFailPrefix
#define DirFailPrefix

#ifndef MakeDir
#define MakeDir(dir) DirFailPrefix@if [ -d dir ]; then set +x; \	@@\
		else (set -x; $(MKDIRHIER) dir); fi

 * InstallNonExecFile - generate rules to install a data file
#ifndef InstallNonExecFile
#define	InstallNonExecFile(file,dest)					@@\
install:: file								@@\
	MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest)						@@\
#endif /* InstallNonExecFile */