$Id: README,v 2.1 94/07/22 07:00:10 ramsdell Exp $ SchemeWEB---Simple support for literate programming in Lisp. SchemeWEB is a Unix filter that allows you to generate both Lisp and LaTeX code from one source file. The generated LaTeX code formats Lisp programs in typewriter font obeying the spacing in the source file. Comments can include arbitrary LaTeX commands. SchemeWEB was originally developed for the Scheme dialect of Lisp, but it can easily be used with most other dialects. Version 2.1 implements several improvements over the version 1.2 which was released in 1990. * The LaTeX source generated from a SchemeWEB file no longer requires the use of a style option, such as the astyped option required by the previous version. The output is similar to that produced by c2latex. * By default, Lisp source generated from a SchemeWEB file includes all comments. As a result, the filter can translate the Lisp source generated from a SchemeWEB file directly into LaTeX source. * The filter can translate the Lisp source generated from a SchemeWEB file into the original SchemeWEB file. As a result of these changes, a SchemeWEB file can be stored and distributed as a standard Lisp file by tangling the SchemeWEB file. For the purposes of editing comments, the SchemeWEB file can be recovered by untangling the Lisp file. LaTeX documentation can be generated from both the Lisp file or the SchemeWEB file. Version 2.1 patches version 2.0 so it now correctly formats strings which span more than one line of text. Installation: 1) Create the executable by typing: make 2) Install the executable and the manual page by typing: make install By default the makefile will install the executable in $(prefix)/bin and the manual page in $(prefix)/man/man1, where prefix=/usr/local. You can change the prefix by typing: make prefix=<Your path> install You can also change the installation targets by editing the makefile. 3) You can modify the reader used by your Lisp system's standard LOAD so that it can read SchemeWEB files directly. To make this change, follow the model given in "reader.sw", a reader of SchemeWEB source for the R4RS dialect of Scheme. A formatted version of the manual page follows. ----------------------------------------------------------------- sweb(1) USER COMMANDS sweb(1) NAME sweb - Simple support for literate programming in Lisp. SYNOPSIS sweb [-stuvwx] [input_file [output_file]] DESCRIPTION A SchemeWEB file is a Lisp source file which contains code sections and comment sections, but each section is identi- fied in a novel way. A code section begins with a line whose first character is a left parenthesis. It continues until a line is found which contains the parenthesis that matches the one which started the code section. The remain- ing lines of text in the source file are treated as com- ments. Several operations involving SchemeWEB files are provided by the sweb program. The -t option translates a SchemeWEB file into a standard Lisp file. It simply adds an initial semicolon to comment lines that lack them, and passes code sections through unchanged. This process is called tangling the SchemeWEB file. The -w option translates a SchemeWEB file into a LaTeX source file. Text is added to code sections so that LaTeX will print the code verbatim. Comment sections are passed through unchanged except that if the first character of a line is a semicolon, it is excised. This makes it possible to process a SchemeWEB file which has been tangled. This process is called weaving the SchemeWEB file. This is the default action of sweb. The -x option weaves a SchemeWEB file as above, except the LaTeX source produced inhibits page breaks in code sections. The -u option translates a Lisp file which has been produced from a SchemeWEB file back into a SchemeWEB file. It simply removes the first semicolon in every line that starts with one as its first character. This process is called untan- gling a sweb produced Lisp file. The -s option tangles a SchemeWEB file and strips all com- ments from the file. The -v option prints version information. A SchemeWEB file can be stored and distributed as a standard Lisp file by tangling the SchemeWEB file. For the purposes of editing comments, the SchemeWEB file can be recovered by untangling the Lisp file. LaTeX documentation can be generated from both the Lisp file or the SchemeWEB file. SchemeWEB was originally developed for the Scheme dialect of Lisp; however, it became obvious that no changes were required to support most other dialects. SchemeWEB's name reflects its heritage.