LOST: 'Single-pass Graph Streaming Analytics with Apache Flink'
OK: (0) 'Analyzing Github Social Interactions with Graphs'
OK: (109M) 'Gradoop: Scalable Graph Analytics with Apache Flink'
OK: (114M) 'Real-time scalable graph analytics'
OK: (136M) 'Modeling a Philosophical Inquiry: from MySQL to a graph database'
OK: (146M) 'Arabesque: A Distributed Graph Mining Platform'
OK: (14M) 'ClusterShell'
OK: (14M) 'Scylla, a Cassandra-compatible NoSQL database at 2 million requests/s'
OK: (15M) 'Extracting Data from your Open Source Communities'
OK: (15M) 'Taxi trip analysis (DEBS grand-challenge) with Apache Geode (incubating)'
OK: (16M) 'Reproducible and User-Controlled Package Management in HPC with GNU Guix'
OK: (50M) 'Parallel Inception'
OK: (56M) 'FlinkML: Large Scale machine learning for Apache Flink'
OK: (57M) 'Big Data meets Fast Data: an scalable hybrid real-time transactional and analytics solution '
OK: (63M) 'Apache Bigtop'
OK: (63M) 'ORCA: Query Optimization as a Service'
OK: (67M) 'Streaming Architecture: Why Flow Instead of State?'
OK: (67M) 'Timely dataflow in Rust'
OK: (69M) 'XALT: Tracking User Jobs and Environments on a Supercomputer'
OK: (70M) 'MADlib: Distributed In-Database Machine Learning for Fun and Profit'
OK: (70M) 'The openCypher Project'
OK: (70M) 'Using Hadoop as a SQL Data Warehouse'
OK: (73M) 'hanythingondemand: easily creating on-the-fly Hadoop clusters (and more) on HPC systems'
OK: (75M) 'OpenHPC: Community Building Blocks for HPC Systems'
OK: (83M) 'Automating Big Data Benchmarking for Different Architectures'
OK: (84M) 'Apache Flink: streaming done right'
OK: (92M) 'Benchmarking graph databases with gMark'
OK: (98M) 'Multi-host containerised HPC cluster'