# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 MY_PV=$(ver_cut 1-2) DESCRIPTION="NVIDIA Ray Tracing Engine" HOMEPAGE="https://developer.nvidia.com/optix" SRC_URI="!headers-only? ( NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-${PV}-linux64-x86_64.sh )" S="${WORKDIR}" HEADER_INTERNAL_FILES=" optix_7_device_impl.h optix_7_device_impl_exception.h optix_7_device_impl_transformations.h " HEADER_FILES=" optix.h optix_7_device.h optix_7_host.h optix_7_types.h optix_denoiser_tiling.h optix_device.h optix_function_table.h optix_function_table_definition.h optix_host.h optix_stack_size.h optix_stubs.h optix_types.h " for i in ${HEADER_INTERNAL_FILES}; do SRC_URI+=" headers-only? ( https://developer.download.nvidia.com/redist/optix/v${MY_PV}/internal/${i} -> ${P}-internal-${i} )" done for i in ${HEADER_FILES}; do SRC_URI+=" headers-only? ( https://developer.download.nvidia.com/redist/optix/v${MY_PV}/${i} -> ${P}-${i} )" done unset i LICENSE="NVIDIA-SDK" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm64" RESTRICT="bindist mirror !headers-only? ( fetch )" IUSE="+headers-only" RDEPEND=">=x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-510" pkg_nofetch() { einfo "Please download ${A} from:" einfo " ${HOMEPAGE}" einfo "and move it to your distfiles directory." } src_unpack() { local i if use headers-only; then mkdir -p "${S}/include/internal" || die for i in ${HEADER_INTERNAL_FILES}; do cp "${DISTDIR}/${P}-internal-${i}" "${S}/include/internal/${i}" || die done for i in ${HEADER_FILES}; do cp "${DISTDIR}/${P}-${i}" "${S}/include/${i}" || die done else tail -n +223 "${DISTDIR}"/${A} | tar -zx -f - assert "unpacking ${A} failed" fi } src_install() { insinto /opt/${PN} doins -r include if use !headers-only; then DOCS=( doc/OptiX_{API_Reference,Programming_Guide}_${PV}.pdf ) einstalldocs fi }