*alternate.txt* Alternate Plugin Sat May 13 15:35:38 CDT 2006 Author: Michael Sharpe <feline@irendi.com> Copyright: (c) 2000-2006 Michael Sharpe We grant permission to use, copy modify, distribute, and sell this software for any purpose without fee, provided that the above copyright notice and this text are not removed. We make no guarantee about the suitability of this software for any purpose and we are not liable for any damages resulting from its use. Further, we are under no obligation to maintain or extend this software. It is provided on an "as is" basis without any expressed or implied warranty. ============================================================================== 1. Contents *AS* *AV* *AT* *AN* *IH* *IHS* *IHV* *IHT* *IHN* *alternate* 1. Contents...........................: |alternate| 2. Purpose............................: |alternate-purpose| 3. Commands...........................: |alternate-commands| 4. Configuration......................: |alternate-config| 5. Installation.......................: |alternate-installation| 6. Bugs/Enhancements..................: |alternate-support| 7. Acknowledgments....................: |alternate-acknowledgments| ============================================================================== 2. Purpose *alternate-purpose* The purpose of a.vim is to allow quick and easy switching between source files and corresponding header files. Many languages (C, C++, ada, ocaml, lex/yacc) have the concept of source/header files or the like. It is quite common during development or review to need to edit both files together. This plugin attempts to simplify that process. There are commands which while editing a source file allow for the quick switching to the corresponding header and vice versa. The only difference between the commands is how the switch occurs. More recent functionality allow the switching to a file under the cursor too. In the following sections the commands, configuration and installation procedures are described. ============================================================================== 3. Commands *alternate-commands* There are 4 commands provided by this plugin. They are :A switches to the header file corresponding to the source file in the current buffer (or vice versa). :AS similar to :A except the current buffer is split horizontally such that the source file is on one split and the header is in the other. :AV similar to :AS except that the split is vertical :AT similar to :AS and :AV except a new tab is opened instead of a split :IH switches to the file under cursor (or the file specified with the command). This command uses the builtin a.vim search path support and the &path variable in conjunction. :IHS similar to :IH execpt the current buffer is split horizontally first :IHS similar to :IH execpt the current buffer is split vertically first :IHS similar to :IH execpt a new tab is created for the file being switched to :IHN switches to the next matching file for the original selection In all cases if the corresponding alternate file is already loaded that buffer is preferred. That is this plugin will never load the same file twice. Some maps are also provided for the IH command (mainly for example purposes) <Leader>ih - switches to the file under the cursor using the :IHS command <Leader>is - switches to the source file of the header file under the cursor using the :IHS command and the :A command <leader>ihn - switches to the next match in the sequence. ============================================================================== 4. Configuration *alternate-config* It is possible to configure three separate pieces of behaviour of this plugin. a) Extensions: Each language has different extensions for identifying the source and header files. Many languages support multiple different but related extensions. As such this plugin allow for the complete specification of how source and header files correspond to each other via extension maps. There are a number of maps built in. For example, the following variable setting g:alternateExtensions_CPP = "inc,h,H,HPP,hpp" indicates that any file with a .CPP exetension can have a corresponding file with any of the .inc, .h, .H, .HPP, .hpp extension. The inverse is not specified by this map though. Typically each extension will have a mapping. So there would exist maps for .h, .inc, .H, .HPP, .hpp too. Extension maps should be specified before loading this plugin. Some of the builtin extension maps are as follows, C and C++ g:alternateExtensions_h = "c,cpp,cxx,cc,CC" g:alternateExtensions_H' = "C,CPP,CXX,CC" g:alternateExtensions_cpp' = "h,hpp" g:alternateExtensions_CPP' = "H,HPP" g:alternateExtensions_c' = "h" g:alternateExtensions_C' = "H" g:alternateExtensions_cxx' = "h" Ada g:alternateExtensions_adb' = "ads" g:alternateExtensions_ads' = "adb" Lex/Yacc g:alternateExtensions_l' = "y,yacc,ypp" g:alternateExtensions_lex' = "yacc,y,ypp" g:alternateExtensions_lpp' = "ypp,y,yacc" g:alternateExtensions_y' = "l,lex,lpp" g:alternateExtensions_yacc' = "lex,l,lpp" g:alternateExtensions_ypp' = "lpp,l,lex" b) Search Paths: In many projects the location of the source files and the corresponding header files is not always the same directory. This plugin allows the search path it uses to locate source and header files to be configured. The search path is specified by setting the g:alternateSearchPath variable. The default setting is as follows, g:alternateSearchPath = 'sfr:../source,sfr:../src,sfr:../include,sfr:../inc' This indicates that the corresponding file will be searched for in ../source, ../src. ../include and ../inc all relative to the current file being switched from. The value of the g:alternateSearchPath variable is simply a comma separated list of prefixes and directories. The "sfr:" prefix indicates that the path is relative to the file. Other prefixes are "wdr:" which indicates that the directory is relative to the current working directory and "abs:" which indicates the path is absolute. If no prefix is specified "sfr:" is assumed. c) Regex Paths: Another type of prefix which can appear in the g:alternateSearchPath variable is that of "reg:". It is used to apply a regex to the path of the file in the buffer being switched from to locate the alternate file. E.g. 'reg:/inc/src/g/' will replace every instance of 'inc' with 'src' in the source file path. It is possible to use match variables so you could do something like: 'reg:|src/\([^/]*\)|inc/\1||' (see |substitute|, |help pattern| and |sub-replace-special| for more details. The exact syntax of a "reg:" specification is reg:<sep><pattern><sep><subst><sep><flag><sep> <sep> seperator character, we often use one of [/|%#] <pattern> is what you are looking for <subst> is the output pattern <flag> can be g for global replace or empty d) No Alternate Behaviour: When attempting to alternate/switch from a source/header to its corresponding file it is possible that the corresponding file does not exist. In this case this plugin will create the missing alternate file in the same directory as the current file. Some users find this behaviour irritating. This behaviour can be disabled by setting g:alternateNoDefaultAlternate to 1. When this variable is not 0 a message will be displayed indicating that no alternate file exists. ============================================================================== 5. Installation *alternate-installation* To install this plugin simply drop the a.vim file in to $VIMRUNTIME/plugin (global or local) or simply source the file from the vimrc file. Ensure that any configuration occurs before the plugin is loaded/sourced. ============================================================================== 6. Bugs/Enhancements *alternate-support* Whilst no formal support is provided for this plugin the author is always happy to receive bug reports and enhancement requests. Please email all such reports/requests to feline@irendi.com. ============================================================================== 7. Acknowledgments *alternate-acknowledgments* The author would like to thank everyone who has submitted bug reports and feature enhancement requests in the past. In particular Bindu Wavell provided much of the original code implementing the search path and regex functionality. vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help