{{Header}} {{hide_all_banners}} {{Title| title=Install {{project_name_long}} inside Debian }} {{#seo: |description={{project_name_short}} can be installed on top of an existing Debian installation. |image=Download-debian.jpg }} [[File:Download-debian.jpg|thumb]] {{intro| An existing Debian version {{Stable project version based on Debian version short}} (codename: {{Stable project version based on Debian codename}}) installation can be converted into [[About|{{project_name_short}}]] by installing a {{project_name_short}} deb package. This procedure is also called [[Distribution_Morphing|distro-morphing]]. }} = Introduction = There are different options to install {{project_name_short}}. Two options. Choose one. * '''A)''' (Easier) '''Download:''' Use the [[ISO]] or a different installation option from the [[Download]] page. In that case, you can stop reading this wiki page.; or * '''B)''' (Advanced) '''Distribution morphing method:''' See below. = Distribution Morphing Introduction = To increase the chances of success, it is best to start with a minimal Debian installation either, * '''A)''' Debian {{gui}} (Xfce); or * '''B)''' Debian {{cli}} and then install a {{project_name_short}} meta package as documented below. It is easiest to set the Linux user account name to user during the installation of Debian {{Stable project version based on Debian codename}}. Debian Live sessions: Distribution morphing a Debian Live ISO is unnecessary and [[unsupported]]. Use Kicksecure [[ISO]] instead. Debian Live ISO (live session) is unnecessary and [[unsupported]]. Reasons: * All changes will be lost on reboot. * We already offer a live Kicksecure [[ISO]]. * None of the [[security-misc]] kernel hardening options will be enabled, and they can't be enabled, because that would require a reboot which will discard everything. * permission-hardener doesn't expect anything under /usr to be read-only. Use Kicksecure [[ISO]] instead. = User Account Information = There are some specifics about distro-morphing which the user should be aware. During distro-morphing: * '''No creation of usable accounts for the user:''' Neither Linux user account user nor sysmaint will be created. https://github.com/Kicksecure/dist-base-files/blob/master/debian/dist-base-files.postinst The user can continue to use their already existing user account(s). * '''No password changes:''' No passwords for any already existing user accounts will be modified. The user can continue to use their already existing passwords. This means passwords for [[Full Disk Encryption]] (pre-boot authentication), sudo, su, [[Login]], etc. will remain the same. * '''No root account locking:''' The password of the root account will not be locked. The user can manually [[Root#Disable_Root_Account|Disable Root Account]] for better security. * '''Autologin:''' {{project_name_short}} package usability-misc will set up auto-login for user user for LightDM, {{project_name_short}}'s default login manager at time of writing. Auto login can be disabled by the user by following the documentation for [[Desktop#Disable_Autologin|Disable Autologin]] = Prerequisites = {{Prerequisites}} = Installation = == Add the {{project_name_short}} Repository == {{Project-APT-Repository-Add}} == Install the {{project_name_short}} Package == '''1.''' Pick a {{project_name_short}} package. {{Tab |type=controller |content= {{Tab |title= ===GUI version=== |type=section |image= |addToClass=info-box |active=true |content= Installs the Xfce graphical desktop environment and default applications. This is useful if Debian was installed without a graphical desktop environment and the {{project_name_short}} graphical desktop environment (Xfce) is desired. {{Tab |type=controller |content= {{Tab |title= ====For host operating systems==== |type=section |addToClass=info-box |active=true |content= {{Install Package|package= kicksecure-xfce-host }} }} {{Tab |title= ====For Qubes users==== |addToClass=info-box |content= {{Install Package|package= kicksecure-qubes-gui }} }} {{Tab |title= ====For any other VMs (not Qubes)==== |addToClass=info-box |content= {{Install Package|package= kicksecure-xfce-vm }} }} }} }} {{Tab |title= ===CLI version=== |image= |addToClass=info-box |content= Command line interface (CLI) version only. This does not modify the graphical desktop environment. This package provides better kernel hardening, improved entropy, and [[About#Hardening_by_Default|other security features]]. {{Tab |type=controller |content= {{Tab |title= ====For host operating systems==== |type=section |addToClass=info-box |active=true |content= {{Install Package|package= kicksecure-cli-host }} }} {{Tab |title= ====For Qubes users==== |content= {{Install Package|package= kicksecure-qubes-cli }} }} {{Tab |title= ====For any other VMs (not Qubes)==== |content= {{Install Package|package= kicksecure-cli-vm }} }} }} }} }} '''2.''' Troubleshooting. (Optional.) Only in case of issues, see footnote. If apt returns an error about console-common when trying to install the Kicksecure package, install console-common first: sudo apt install console-common Then try installing the Kicksecure package again. Meta package installation has been completed. Please proceed with the post-installation steps below. Otherwise proceed to next step. '''3.''' Next. == Post-Installation == {{Box|text= '''1.''' Enable the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/derivative.list {{project_name_short}} APT repository. Can be done using the [[Project-APT-Repository|{{project_name_short}} repository tool]]. Two options. Choose one. Either using, * '''A)''' CLI: {{CodeSelect|inline=true|code= sudo repository-dist --enable --repository stable }}, or * '''B)''' GUI: Start MenuSystemDerivative Repositorychoose either "stable", "stable-proposed-updates" , "Testers" or "Developers" repository See the tool's wiki page for more detailed documentation if needed. '''2.''' Disable the extrepo {{project_name_short_lowercase}} APT repository. Only needed in case the user has chosen the extrepo signing key adding method above. This is to avoid a duplicate {{project_name_short}} repository. {{CodeSelect|lang=bash|code= sudo extrepo disable {{project_name_short_lowercase}} }} '''3.''' Check APT sources. Check if some APT sources in /etc/apt/sources.list should be kept. Move the original /etc/apt/sources.list file out of the way (or delete it) because it is replaced by {{project_name_short}}'s /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list. {{CodeSelect|lang=bash|code= sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list ~/ }} '''4.''' Create an empty /etc/apt/sources.list file. {{CodeSelect|lang=bash|code= sudo touch /etc/apt/sources.list }} '''5.''' ''Optional:'' Set the onionized Debian repositories. If onion repository sources are preferred, follow these {{whonix_wiki |wikipage=Onionizing_Repositories#Onionize_debian.list |text=Debian onion repositories instructions. }}. '''6.''' Done. The {{project_name_short}} installation is complete. }} = Footnotes = {{reflist|close=1}} {{Footer}} [[Category:Documentation]]