{{Header}} {{#seo: |description=Technical Design and Conception of {{project_name_long}} |image=Magic-cube-378543640.jpg }} [[File:Magic-cube-378543640.jpg|thumb]] {{intro| Technical Design and Conception of {{project_name_short}} }} = Technical Design =
* [[systemcheck|systemcheck]] * [[SSL|SSL]] * [[Dev/About Computer (In)Security]] * [[Dev/VirtualBox|VirtualBox]] * [[Dev/Entropy]] * [[Security Reviews and Feedback|Security Reviews and Feedback, Press, Media]] * [[Dev/Expected Build Warnings]] * [[Dev/Relationship With Upstream]] * [[Dev/About Infrastructure]] * [[Trust|Trusting {{project_name_short}}]] * [[Verified Boot]] (Secure Boot) * [[Dev/Stateless|Factory Reset, Stateless Systems, Reproducible Systems, Verifiable Systems, Clear Linux, NixOS, Fedora Silverblue]] * [[Dev/bootstrappable_builds|bootstrappable builds]] * [[Dev/Automatic Updates|Automatic Updates (APT) - to Use or Not Use Them]] * [[Dev/APT|APT Signing Key Folders]] * [[Dev/Automatic Updates|Package Manager Graphical]] * [[Dev/Automatic Updates|One Click Update Script - Simplified, Assisted Updates]] * [[Dev/About Debian Packaging|About Debian Packaging]] ** [[Dev/About Debian Packaging#Analyzing Dependency Chains|Analyzing Dependency Chains]] ** [[Dev/About Debian Packaging#Recommends vs Depends|Recommends: vs Depends (--no-install-recommends)]] ** [[Dev/About Debian Packaging#Files in Home Folder|ought to avoid writing into linux user /home folder]] ** [[Dev/About Debian Packaging#Files in /etc/skel|Files in /etc/skel]] ** [[Dev/About_Debian_Packaging#Modifying_Default_Configuration_of_Third_Party_Packages|Modifying Default Configuration of Third Party Packages]] * [[Dev/Versioning Format Conventions|Versioning Format Conventions for packages developed under the {{project_name_short}} hat]] * [[Stable Version User Experience]] * [[Dev/maintainability|maintainability]] * [[Privacy|Privacy Goals and Non-Goals]] * [[Dev/coding_style|Coding Style]] * [[Dev/RAM_Wipe|RAM Wipe, cryptsetup suspend]] * [[Dev/nonfree|non-freedom, proprietary, closed source firmware, CPU microcode and drivers]] * [[Dev/filesystem|filesystem ext4, btrfs, zfs]] * [[Dev/image_formats|image formats: .iso, .img, .raw]]

= Future Technical Design =
* [[Security Roadmap]] * [[Dev/Permanent Takedown Attack Defender|Permanent Takedown Attack Defender, proposal to defend a permanent takedown threat]] * [[Dev/project-news|Project / Emergency News]] * [https://phabricator.whonix.org/T140 apt revoker] * [[Dev/remount-secure]] - Secure Mount Options * [[Dev/reviewer|Proposal: Base Distribution Developers = Derivative Developers]] * [[Dev/confidential_computing|Confidential Computing, Secure Cloud, Encrypted RAM, Remote Attestation]]
= General Developer Pages =
* [[Dev/Developer_Portal|Developer Portal]] * [[Dev/image_creation|Development of System Image Creation and Bootstrapping Tools]] * [[Dev/git|Git branches]] * [[Dev/repository|Debian APT Repository on the Blockchain?]] * [[Dev/APT Repository|APT Repository ({{project_name_short}} Debian Package Maintenance) (.deb), reprepro]] * [[Hosting a Mirror|Hosting a {{project_name_short}} Mirror]] * [[Dev/APT_Pinning|Why we should avoid APT Pinning / preferences / backports by default]] * [[BackupScript|{{project_clearnet}} backup script, to make a backup of most {{project_clearnet}} content]] * [[Dev/Split_GPG|Qubes Split GPG]] * [[Dev/Firewall_Refactoring|Firewall Refactoring]] * [[Dev/Firejail|Firejail]] * [[Dev/Special Keys|Host Keys in various Virtualizers / special keys]] * [[Dev/Ledger_Hardware_Wallet|Ledger Hardware Wallet Development Notes]] * [[AEM]] - anti evil maid * [[Mobile_Operating_System_Comparison|Mobile Operating System Comparison]] * [[Non_Anonymous_Onion_Encryption_and_NAT_Traversal|Non Anonymous NAT Traversal]] * [[Dev/Licensing]] * [[Dev/bash|bash script security, proper whitespace handling, use of end of options parameter]] * [[Dev/certification|certification / audit]] ** [https://forums.whonix.org/t/run-openscap-security-test/9080 OpenSCAP] ** [https://forums.whonix.org/t/lynis-security-auditing-tool-for-unix-based-systems/7633 lynis] ** [https://forums.whonix.org/t/harbian-audit-hardened-debian-gnu-linux-distro-auditing/8513 harbian-audit - Hardened Debian GNU/Linux distro auditing] * Windows 10 Issues collection ** https://forums.whonix.org/t/gateway-startup-error-not-syncing-no-working-init-found/9481/11 * [[Dev/Warrant Canary Draft|Warrant Canary Draft]] * [[Dev/VirusForget|VirusForget - deactivate malware after reboot from non-root compromise]] * [[Boot Clock Randomization]] * [[Dev/user-sysmaint-split|user-sysmaint-split - Role-Based Boot Modes (user versus sysmaint) for Enhanced Security]] * [[Dev/boot|Boot Process Related Development Notes]] * [[Dev/Open_Source_Business_Models|Open Source Business Models]] * [[Donation systray]] * [[systemd|systemd dependency cycles]] * [[seccomp]] * [[Dev/audio|audio, ALSA, PulseAudio, PipeWire]] * [[Dev/Debian]] * [[Dev/secureblue|Comparison of secureblue with Kicksecure and Development Notes]] archived: * [[Dev/Password_Manager|Comparing Password Managers, finding out best choice as default installed one]] * [[Dev/grsecurity|grsecurity]] * [[Dev/yubikey]] * [[Dev/Astra Linux]] * [[Dev/GNOME]] * [[Dev/KDE]] * [[Dev/openSUSE]]

= Website Developer Pages =
* [[Dev/mediawiki|MediaWiki Developer Notes]] * [[Dev/website|Website Enhancements Planning]] * [[Dev/wiki|Wiki Editor Documentation]] * [[Dev/wiki_todo|Wiki Editor Todo]] * [[Dev/Documentation Guidelines|Documentation Guidelines]] * [[Dev/Documentation Markup Format Converters|Documentation Markup Format Converters]] * [[Dev/OpenPGP Signed Website|OpenPGP Signed Website]] * [[Transparency|guidelines for advertising on {{project_clearnet}}]] * [[Transparency#Affiliate_Policy|Affiliate Conditions (VPN etc.)]] * [https://archive.readme.io/docs/creating-a-snapshot web.archive.org snapshot using command line interface (CLI)] * [[Privacy Policy Technical Details|Privacy Policy Technical Details of the {{project_name_short}} Website]] * [[Dev/SSL Certificate Pinning|Technical Design Documentation about SSL Certificate Pinning]]

{{Anchor|Download}} = Download / Installation - Developer Pages =
* [[Download_Security|Download Security]] * [[Software_Signature_Verification_Usability_Issues_and_Proposed_Solutions|Software Verification (OpenPGP / gpg) Usability Issues / Secure Downloader to Download {{project_name_short}} Images]]

= Other Related =
* [[Documentation|Documentation]] * [[Dev/Build Documentation|Build Documentation, How to build {{project_name_short}} from Source Code, How to update {{project_name_short}} from Source Code]] * [https://github.com/{{project_name_short}}/derivative-maker {{project_name_short}} Source Code] * [https://github.com/{{project_name_short}}/developer-meta-files/blob/master/usr/bin/dm-prepare-release {{project_name_short}} Developer Meta Files, Scripts for managing the {{project_name_short}} GNU/Linux Distribution] * [[Dev/Maintenance|Maintenance, The Tor Project (TPO) apt repository package mirroring to whonix.org repository, Tor Browser hardcoded version file]] * [[Dev/Redistribution#Pre_Building|Redistribution Pre Building]] (Only required if you want to redistribute (official) {{project_name_short}} release builds.) * [[Dev/Redistribution#Post_Building|Redistribution Post Building]] (Only required if you want to redistribute (official) {{project_name_short}} release builds.) * Network Manager nmcli https://github.com/pop-os/pop/issues/2904

= Other Unrelated =
* [[Credits#License|Citation, backup of website content license grants]] * [[Edge|Edge Security Model (Android Wallet)]]

= Just Listing =
* [https://github.com/{{project_name_short}}/derivative-maker/blob/master/COPYING AGPL-3+]
= TODO = * https://forums.whonix.org/tag/status_open_issue_todo * https://packages.debian.org/{{Stable project version based on Debian codename}}/tiger * https://packages.debian.org/{{Stable project version based on Debian codename}}/tiger-otheros [[Category:Design]] {{Footer}}