{{Header}} {{hide_all_banners}} {{Title|
title={{project_name_long}} for KVM with Xfce
|description={{project_name_short}} for KVM with Xfce Desktop Environment
|about=About this {{PAGENAME}} Page
|contributor=[https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/users/hulahoop HulaHoop]
|support=[[KVM/Support|Community support only!]]
[[File:Download-kvm.jpg|<code>unofficial logo re-design for the [https://www.linux-kvm.org KVM] virtualizer</code>|thumb]]
This is the KVM flavor of the {{project_name_short}} project - a hardened and security centric version of Debian optimized for virtualized environments and <u>clearnet usage</u>.
= Introduction =
Much of the warnings and use case instructions from the {{project_name_short}} edition, such as running the OS [[KVM#Command_Line_Interface_.28CLI.29|headlessly]] or using [[KVM#Shared_Folders|shared folders]], are applicable.

For more details about {{project_name_short}}, check [[About|{{project_name_short}}]] [[About|pages]].

Support tickets should be forwarded to the [https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/c/kvm KVM subforum].

= Build from Scratch =

Advanced users are encouraged to [[Dev/Build_Documentation|build]] {{project_name_short}} images for high security assurance.

= Download {{project_name_short}} =
<!-- Extra terms of service notice because KVM has no VM import dialog which could present TOS. -->


|title= == GUI ==
|image=[[File:Clipart-gui.svg|alt=Symbol representing GUI]]

|addClass=minimal margin-bottom-20
|item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,{{project_name_short}} with Xfce {{Gui}}.
|item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,This version of {{project_name_short}} is designed to run inside KVM. 
}} <!-- End #widget:Icon_Bullet_List -->

 |text=Download {{project_name_short}} Xfce for KVM (FREE!)

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Learn More" data-collapsetext="Show Less">
Optional: Digital signature verification.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<big>Version: <span style="color: green">{{VersionNew}}</span></big>

{{Anchor|Verify the {{project_name_short}} Images}}

* [[Verify_the_images_using_Linux|Verify the {{project_name_short}} KVM images]]

}} <!-- End tab GUI -->
|title= == CLI ==
|image=[[File:Utilities-terminal.png|alt=Symbol representing CLI|50px]]

|item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,{{project_name_short}} with {{cli}}.
|item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,This version of {{project_name_short}} is designed to run inside KVM. 
|item=fa-solid fa-exclamation-circle cs-red,{{project_name_short}} with CLI is a version suited for advanced users -- those who want {{project_name_short}} without a {{gui}}.
}} <!-- End #widget:Icon_Bullet_List -->

 |text=Download {{project_name_short}} CLI for KVM (FREE!)

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Learn More" data-collapsetext="Show Less">
Optional: Digital signature verification.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<big>Version: <span style="color: green">{{VersionNew}}</span></big>

{{Anchor|Verify the {{project_name_short}} Images}}

* [[Verify_the_images_using_Linux|Verify the {{project_name_short}} KVM images]]

}} <!-- End GoogleOff -->
}} <!-- End tab CLI -->
}} <!-- End Tab Controller -->

|icon=fa-solid fa-exclamation cs-red
'''Note:''' Save your download to your usual <code>~/Downloads</code> folder.

= Decompress =

Use {{Code2|tar}} to decompress the archive.

tar -xvf Kicksecure*.libvirt.xz

Do not use {{Code2|unxz}}! Extract the images using {{Code2|tar}}.

= Importing {{project_name_short}} VM Template =

The supplied XML files serve as a description for libvirt and define the properties of a {{project_name_short}} VM and the networking it should have.
'''1.''' {{project_name_short}} works with the network named ''default'' out of the box.

'''2.''' Import the {{project_name_short}} image.

virsh -c qemu:///system define Kicksecure*.xml

= Moving the {{project_name_short}} Image File =

The XML files are configured to point to the default storage location of <code>/var/lib/libvirt/images</code>. The following steps move the images there so the machines can boot.

<u>Note:</u> Changing the default location may cause conflicts with SELinux, which will prevent the machines from booting.

It is recommended to move the image file instead of copying it.

sudo mv Kicksecure*.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/Kicksecure.qcow2

{{Anchor|sparse files}}

= Footnotes =

