{{Header}} {{hide_all_banners}} {{Title| title={{project_name_long}} for KVM with Xfce }}{{#seo: |description={{project_name_short}} for KVM with Xfce Desktop Environment |image=Download-kvm.jpg }} {{Contributor| |status=stable |about=About this {{PAGENAME}} Page |difficulty=medium |contributor=[https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/users/hulahoop HulaHoop] |support=[[KVM/Support|Community support only!]] }} [[File:Download-kvm.jpg|<code>unofficial logo re-design for the [https://www.linux-kvm.org KVM] virtualizer</code>|thumb]] {{intro| This is the KVM flavor of the {{project_name_short}} project - a hardened and security centric version of Debian optimized for virtualized environments and <u>clearnet usage</u>. }} {{Community_Support|scope=page}} = Introduction = Much of the warnings and use case instructions from the {{project_name_short}} edition, such as running the OS [[KVM#Command_Line_Interface_.28CLI.29|headlessly]] or using [[KVM#Shared_Folders|shared folders]], are applicable. For more details about {{project_name_short}}, check [[About|{{project_name_short}}]] [[About|pages]]. Support tickets should be forwarded to the [https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/c/kvm KVM subforum]. = Build from Scratch = Advanced users are encouraged to [[Dev/Build_Documentation|build]] {{project_name_short}} images for high security assurance. = Download {{project_name_short}} = <!-- Extra terms of service notice because KVM has no VM import dialog which could present TOS. --> {{tos}} '''{{free}}''' {{Tab |type=controller |addToClass=clear-float |content= {{Tab |active=true |title= == GUI == |image=[[File:Clipart-gui.svg|alt=Symbol representing GUI]] |content= {{#widget:Icon_Bullet_List |addClass=minimal margin-bottom-20 |fontSize=17px |item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,{{project_name_short}} with Xfce {{Gui}}. |item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,This version of {{project_name_short}} is designed to run inside KVM. }} <!-- End #widget:Icon_Bullet_List --> {{#widget:Download_Button |text=Download {{project_name_short}} Xfce for KVM (FREE!) |url=/download/libvirt/{{Version_KVM}}/{{project_name_short}}-Xfce-{{Version_KVM}}.Intel_AMD64.qcow2.libvirt.xz |os=kvm |modal=true }} <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Learn More" data-collapsetext="Show Less"> Optional: Digital signature verification. <div class="mw-collapsible-content"> <big>Version: <span style="color: green">{{VersionNew}}</span></big> {{always_verify_signatures_reminder}} {{DownloadTableUnified |url={{mirror}} |project={{project_name_short}} |flavor=Xfce |flavor_case_sensitive=Xfce |after_slash=libvirt |extension=Intel_AMD64.qcow2.libvirt.xz |version={{Version_KVM}} |appendix= |signing={{signing_key_main}} |signify={{signing_key_main_signify}} }} {{Anchor|Verify the {{project_name_short}} Images}} * [[Verify_the_images_using_Linux|Verify the {{project_name_short}} KVM images]] </div> </div> }} <!-- End tab GUI --> {{Tab |title= == CLI == |image=[[File:Utilities-terminal.png|alt=Symbol representing CLI|50px]] |content= {{GoogleOff|nosnippet=1|content= {{#widget:Icon_Bullet_List |addClass=minimal |fontSize=17px |item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,{{project_name_short}} with {{cli}}. |item=fa-solid fa-info cs-blue,This version of {{project_name_short}} is designed to run inside KVM. |item=fa-solid fa-exclamation-circle cs-red,{{project_name_short}} with CLI is a version suited for advanced users -- those who want {{project_name_short}} without a {{gui}}. }} <!-- End #widget:Icon_Bullet_List --> {{#widget:Download_Button |text=Download {{project_name_short}} CLI for KVM (FREE!) |url=/download/libvirt/{{Version_KVM}}/{{project_name_short}}-CLI-{{Version_KVM}}.Intel_AMD64.qcow2.libvirt.xz |os=kvm |modal=true }} <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Learn More" data-collapsetext="Show Less"> Optional: Digital signature verification. <div class="mw-collapsible-content"> <big>Version: <span style="color: green">{{VersionNew}}</span></big> {{always_verify_signatures_reminder}} {{DownloadTableUnified |url={{mirror}} |project={{project_name_short}} |flavor=Xfce |flavor_case_sensitive=Xfce |after_slash=libvirt |extension=Intel_AMD64.qcow2.libvirt.xz |version={{Version_KVM}} |appendix= |signing={{signing_key_main}} |signify={{signing_key_main_signify}} }} {{Anchor|Verify the {{project_name_short}} Images}} * [[Verify_the_images_using_Linux|Verify the {{project_name_short}} KVM images]] </div> </div> }} <!-- End GoogleOff --> }} <!-- End tab CLI --> }} <!-- End Tab Controller --> {{mbox |icon=fa-solid fa-exclamation cs-red |addToClass=cs-yellow-light |text= '''Note:''' Save your download to your usual <code>~/Downloads</code> folder. }} = Decompress = Use {{Code2|tar}} to decompress the archive. {{CodeSelect|code= tar -xvf Kicksecure*.libvirt.xz }} Do not use {{Code2|unxz}}! Extract the images using {{Code2|tar}}. = Importing {{project_name_short}} VM Template = The supplied XML files serve as a description for libvirt and define the properties of a {{project_name_short}} VM and the networking it should have. {{Box|text= '''1.''' {{project_name_short}} works with the network named ''default'' out of the box. '''2.''' Import the {{project_name_short}} image. {{CodeSelect|code= virsh -c qemu:///system define Kicksecure*.xml }} }} = Moving the {{project_name_short}} Image File = The XML files are configured to point to the default storage location of <code>/var/lib/libvirt/images</code>. The following steps move the images there so the machines can boot. <u>Note:</u> Changing the default location may cause conflicts with SELinux, which will prevent the machines from booting. It is recommended to move the image file instead of copying it. {{CodeSelect|code= sudo mv Kicksecure*.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/Kicksecure.qcow2 }} {{Anchor|sparse files}} = Footnotes = {{reflist|close=1}} {{Footer}} [[Category:Documentation]]