{{Header}} {{Title|title= Recommended VirtualBox Version for use with {{project_name_long}} }} {{#seo: |description=This wiki page provides information on the recommended version of VirtualBox for use with {{project_name_short}}, along with installation instructions. |image=Recommendedvboxversion1231231234.png }}
was built and tested with VirtualBox version {{VirtualBox_Version}}. Newer VirtualBox versions not listed on the [[VirtualBox|stable version of {{project_name_short}} for VirtuallBox]], [[VirtualBox_Testers_Only_Version|testers-only version of {{project_name_short}} for VirtuallBox]] or otherwise in [[Stay Tuned|{{project_name_short}} News]] are untested by {{project_name_short}} developers. This can cause issues such as instability (VirtualBox VMs [https://forums.whonix.org/t/whonix-virtualbox-failed-to-start-ns-error-failure-0x80004005-the-vm-session-was-aborted/11471 not starting], VMs suddenly closing, host freezing, VM black screen). It is advised to wait until newer versions of VirtualBox are recommended for use with {{project_name_short}}.
{{Stable project version based on Debian codename}}
. Perhaps the VirtualBox host software is available (even as a Debian package) from the virtualbox.org repository, but VirtualBox guest additions are not available as a Debian package. Using an older version of VirtualBox guest additions (like the pre-installed ones) might lead to broken functionality such as an inability to resize the VM or general instability. [https://forums.whonix.org/t/virtualbox-guest-additions/8998/3 Installation of VirtualBox guest additions from ISO might also cause issues.]
] [https://forums.whonix.org/t/missing-dependencies-on-buster-for-virtualbox-6-1-6/9634/7 stating] that creating a backport from the Debian sid
VirtualBox source package is not possible.
* [https://forums.whonix.org/t/installing-virtualbox-on-debian-10-debian-buster-buster-backports-fasttrack/7716 Installing VirtualBox on Debian 10 / Debian buster / buster-backports / fasttrack]
* Call for help:
** https://twitter.com/Whonix/status/1268525273852661765
** https://www.facebook.com/Whonix/posts/3899452270096999
* [[Dev/VirtualBox#VirtualBox_Installation_Challenges|VirtualBox Integration]]
* [https://forums.whonix.org/t/challenges-upgrading-virtualbox-to-6-1-12-on-debian-buster-installation-from-upstream-virtualbox-org-apt-repository/9984 Challenges Installing VirtualBox]
| type = notice
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Recommended VirtualBox version.
* [[VirtualBox|{{project_name_short}} VirtualBox Stable Version]]: '''{{VirtualBox_Version}}'''
* [[VirtualBox_Testers_Only_Version|{{project_name_short}} VirtualBox Testers Only Version]]: '''{{VirtualBox_Version_Testers_Only}}'''
Recommendation might change from time to time. It is recommended to check in case of issues and re-install.
{{VirtualBox Host Software Installation
= Latest VirtualBox Version =
How to find out what the latest VirtualBox version is?
The latest version of VirtualBox can be seen on [https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads], [https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/News virtualbox.org/wiki/News] and [https://www.virtualbox.org/pipermail/vbox-announce/ VirtualBox announcements newsletter archive].
Alternatively the version number can be seen on the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VirtualBox VirtualBox Wikipedia page], although there might be times when Wikipedia is outdated.
The user could also consider to [https://www.virtualbox.org/mailman/listinfo/vbox-announce subscribe to the VirtualBox announcements newsletter].
= See Also =
* [[VirtualBox|Stable {{project_name_short}} Version for VirtualBox]]
* [[VirtualBox_Testers_Only_Version|{{project_name_short}} for VirtualBox - Testers Only Version]]
* [[VirtualBox/Other_Versions|Install Newer Versions of VirtualBox]]
* [[VirtualBox/Guest_Additions|VirtualBox Guest Additions and Shared Folders]]
* [[VirtualBox/Troubleshooting|VirtualBox Troubleshooting]]
= Footnotes =